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22138598 No.22138598 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it "How many" and not "What many"?

>> No.22138659


>> No.22138673

Older use of “how”. “How now?” also used to mean, “what’s this?” “How’s that?” also for “what’s that?”

>> No.22138807
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How now brown cow

>> No.22139568

Its not even a thing in just english its the same in German as well so it goes back to a more ancient root. Wie = How, Wie Viele = How Many.

>> No.22139577

"What many" today would be used as a form of emphasis not interrogation. Think about replacing many with "a lot". "What a lot of money you have". "What many teeth you have". "What" in this case would be showing the many quanitity is exceptional.

>> No.22139924 [DELETED] 


Same general reason why certain heterosexual (?) Unitedstatian men casually refer to one another as: "baby": custom.

Incidentally: does this have anything to do with "Eastcoasters" being unable able to pronounce "r's"?

>> No.22139930


Same general reason why certain heterosexual (?) Unitedstatian men casually refer to one another as: "baby": custom.

Incidentally: does this have anything to do with "Eastcoasters" being unable able to pronounce "r"?

>> No.22139974

Because language is arbitrary.

>> No.22139977

Same reason it isn't 'who many', that's not what the words mean and it makes no sense you dumb frogposter.

>> No.22140585

"many" is an ascribed quality to which you are asking the degree of, so you use "how" to ask for that degree, similarly to how you would ask "how red" or "how deep" something is.