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22138164 No.22138164 [Reply] [Original]

Been experiencing masdive writer's block
Even with something simple as notes on my project, how to kick it out? I get a literal headache when I try

>> No.22138181

Texture. Increase the resolution of what you've got until that leads to something else. Alternatively beat the body into submission -- work out, long walk, fast ect.

>> No.22138237

Have you tried cocaine?

>> No.22138254

Writer's block does not exist. It was made up by people who want to write for reasons other than liking to write to justify themselves when they get de-motivated.
If you like doing something and have fun doing it, you don't get "blocked" doing it. If you are getting "blocked" it's because you're working, i.e. doing something in function of something else. But every activity you do in function of something else at a certain point becomes fucking boring - which is why you end up hating your job even if it gives you money, most of the time.
So chances are, you just don't like writing that much, and you're writing because you want to be a writer rather than because you like making books.
Read the Lime Works from Thomas Bernhard to understand the difference.

>> No.22138263

In my experience it happens because there is something you are trying to avoid, something you need to confront, could be your project, could be your life.

I do love freckles.
The worthwhile is often difficult and not fun.

>> No.22138278

Just write. That's it. Trust yourself to write without having a plan. Start typing whatever. You might end up with something that's complete and utter dogshit, but there's definitely going to be something in there worth salvaging.

Don't think about writing. Write.

>> No.22138281

get drunk

>> No.22138386

The fact that something is difficult does not imply that it can't be fun. There are thousands of activities and games that are fun because they are difficult. Studying and writing are fun because they are difficult.
The worthwhile is difficult and fun, anon. χαλεπὰ τὰ καλά.

>> No.22138403

The thousands of hours I spent practicing guitar were not fun, at times I hated it and had to force myself to practice, but it was absolutely worthwhile and now there is little I enjoy as much as playing music because I can effortlessly do most anything I can think of, thought or emotion effortlessly becoming action and sound. By your logic most would never develop past being a toddler.

>> No.22138626

By my logic the work of practicing and exercising is not fun because it is something you do in function of something else, i.e. getting good at doing something you like doing, which is not the same thing as doing it.
Practicing to get good at doing something is not the same as doing something. You play the guitar and do boring exercises to get better at playing the guitar, in the same way in which you might do boring writing exercises to get better at writing. This is normal, and it is normal for this to be difficult and not always pleasant (although I am ready to bet that the "at times I hated it moment" where less than the pleasant ones, if you like playing the guitar).

Writing a book, in most cases, it's not practicing how to write a book, yet people complain about having "writer's block" and not knowing what to write about. Why do you feel the urge to write anyway if you have nothing to write about? And why is there not "painter's block" or "musician's block"? Why is this "block" thing only popular in literature and not in other arts - so popular, in fact, that it has its own dedicated phrase?
I can only explain this with the fact that in writing people don't go through the exercise phase at all, they just sit and think they can write a book because they know a language. Plus, despite being poor and irrelevant, being a writer is still somehow glamorized, which is why a lot of people embark on writing stuff without knowing how to do it.
It's as if I picked up a flute, which I have no idea how to play, made shitty sounds for one hour, then sat on my ass displeased with my sounds saying that I have "fluter's block" and went around asking "how do I get out of fluter's block?"

>> No.22138637

>not "painter's block" or "musician's block"?
There are and this is nothing new, artists of all sorts have been talking about losing the muse and creative constipation for centuries. Perhaps if you did more than just what is fun you would know this and not write a big long waffle of a post. You are having a fit over writing having a phrase just for it and ignoring the idea it represents, you have rotted your brain with memes and masturbation, but I am sure it was fun.

>> No.22138699

How come it doesn't effect journalists?
You never hear of an opinion or gossip columnist, or the sports writer, or the agony aunt, having to quit because they couldn't produce copy.
Maybe just think of writing as a job and it goes away

>> No.22138978

You are right that there is something like artists complaining about struggling to do art. What I ask is this: how do you justify the fact that the phrase “writer’s block” exists especially for writing and not for other arts? And also, what are the contexts in which this phrase is used more often? Who have you heard using the phrase "writer's block" more often?
It seems to me that, overall, you are being dishonest about the fact that the existence of the expression "writer's block", as well as the whole set of images and solidified expressions around it, like the "staring at blank page" do tell something about the way writing is perceived. These expressions tend to pop up mostly in an environment of people who are not putting in the hours and the hard work, because, I believe, the prerequisites to write a novel are very few (being able to write, which you learn as a toddler, instead of owning a guitar and knowing how it works, or even knowing how to draw). That is, they are mostly used by people who don't really want to write because they consider writing something fun.
If you don't like the word "fun", use "pleasant" or "valuable", or whatever you like best. I am not saying that writing should look like a kind of masturbatory pleasure, and you know this. Immediate pleasures leave you very quickly (food, sex, etc.), which is why I believe we go looking for more sophisticated forms of pleasure by developing a "taste” for something, and finding some pleasures superior to others. This is where we start doing difficult things in order to obtain long-lasting pleasant things. Maybe we don't agree on the fact that the valuable and the pleasant are the same, and that there is a degree and ladder on which you can put pleasures - but I fail to understand why someone should indulge in hours and hours of unpleasant activities, if not in view of something pleasant. But I think this was already clear, and the one having a fit about the use of the word “fun”, here, is you.

>> No.22139005
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>tfw can't write dialogue that is both casual and engaging at the same time, it just sounds phony and embarrassing to read
I want to kill myself. Why did God made me aut*stic?

>> No.22139008

>How come it doesn't effect journalists?
See >>22138237

>> No.22139877

We're in a reality where someone kisses that mole and yet antinatalism is a thing.

>> No.22140107
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Stop faggoting. The notion of writer's block is merely an illusion, for it is in reality the idealization of one's own idleness and a romanticized portrayal of the writing process. Writers possess a unique ability to glorify the supposed anguish they endure while crafting their work. Thus, it is perplexing how one can simultaneously wallow in self-pity and produce a stream of nonsensical drivel under the guise of being incapacitated by writer's block. As I said; stop faggoting.

>> No.22140869

Do you suffer from migraines or vertigo? I started getting them occasionally this year, especially after focusing hard. In my case it came from poor neck posture, Couple of neck practices helps a lot.

Practice writing/reading screenplays, You'll be forced to learn cinematic tact which's extremely important for a good dialogue, Most novelists are meh at dialogue desu

>> No.22142135
