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22131498 No.22131498 [Reply] [Original]

Is reading Donald Duck really that complicated?

>> No.22131502


>> No.22131503

why do europeans like donald duck so fucking much. as a amerinigger it weirded me out when i found this out.

>> No.22131520

That book is written by Americans thoughever.

>> No.22131571
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Netherlandish here, I like it because it was to us what The Simpsons was to americans, the coming (dutch version atleast) was heavily satirical with alot of adult humor interspersed. Making fun of alot of retarded ideas going around in society.
One that will forever stay funny to me was one where Donald became mayor and fed into the bullshit that "if you treat the prisoners well, they will stop being criminals!". It ended with the prisons being full, crimes rising due to people wanting to get into the prisons and Donald became victim to a coup.

Wish I could find that one again and translate it for /lit/'s reading pleasure, sadly i couldnt begin to remember what issue it was from + i dont have any of the comics anymore.

>> No.22131575

lol, as a kid I got the donald duck magazine every month

>> No.22131576

Based duck

>> No.22131580
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I've read that and I can find several mentions of it on google but no one gives the name.

>> No.22131789

Other people have been looking for it too? Man i hope it gets found again

>> No.22131814


As a matter of fact, almost all Donald Duck comics read by Euros were also written by Euros, most often a bunch of Italians but also some Danes and so on. About the only American creators were Don Rosa and Carl Barks but those were actually good

>> No.22131838

donald duck is an extremely human character, that’s why us europoors like him so much

>> No.22131845

It's no Nancy, that's for sure.

>> No.22131848

I love Nancy.

>> No.22131887


>> No.22132065

You’d be surprised. You are gonna want to tackle at least 10 hours of secondary study before you dive into Donald’s works.

>> No.22132085 [DELETED] 

>>And they are dancing, the board floor slamming under the platform shoes and the deejay grinning hideously over his begreebled console. Towering over them all is Goofy and he is dressed to the nines dancing, his giant feet lively and quick and now in doubletime and bowing to the ladies, huge and pale and sequinned, like an enormous roll of Lycra. He never sleeps, he says. He says disco’ll never die. He bows to the ladies and sashays backwards and throws back his head and laughs deep in his throat and he is a great favorite, Goofy. He swings his gloved hands and the ashen hills of his knuckles pass palely under the disco ball and he does the twist and takes possession of the dance floor and he mashed potatoes and makes a pass, two passes, bumping and hustling at once. His feet are light and nimble. He never sleeps. He says that disco will never die. He dances in the strobing lights and he is a great favorite. He never sleeps, Goofy. He is dancing, dancing. He says that disco will never die.

>> No.22132170

Oh, well at least that's not as bad as The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

>> No.22132265
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>the communist writers unironically assumed that all donald duck comics are written and drawn by walt disney himself

>> No.22132358

The square chickens represent the limitations of the rigid Inca culture that lead them to their doom.

>> No.22132554

I think the only Duck stories that were made by actual Americans were Don Rosa and Carl Barks, that anyone reads (Both are fucking GOAT tho). Most of the other ones are by Europeans themselves. I remember there was one or even two Vicar stories in almost every weekly issue, dude was fucking proficient. But he didn't write them himself if I remember correctly

>> No.22132561

oh that explains why there was so much football in those

>> No.22132583

but that is scrooge mcduck on the cover. i recently watched a 1951 donald duck short where donald unknowingly wins a numbers game with the prize being a new car. the nephew ducks decide to surprise him with the new car, but must trick him in accomplishing the surprise. uncle donald, realizing he has been tricked but not knowing about the surprise, gets revenge on the nephews and in doing so ruins the new car that was his prize. it was entertaining, but nothing i would consider worthy of deep inspection.
here is a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StVZPAjWhsk

>> No.22132596

The funny thing is that they publish all this shit and then if you dont have the same view of a donald duck cartoon they say you lack "media literacy"

because literacy to them means copying received opinions about media

>> No.22132613

This is a recurring story in the comics precisely because it's so deep. It's like the Old Testament in a nutshell. His resentment about not being rewarded causes him to sin and move further away from the reward he obsesses about.

>> No.22132623

fair enough, i believe it is a good lesson.

>> No.22132659

To be fair you need a very high IQ to appreciate Donald Duck. To understand the layers of meaning and the nuances of the Donaldian dialectic you have to be initiated into the movement through monthly rituals practiced over years from a young age.