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File: 131 KB, 1024x831, DCDCE6BA-A23D-4E0E-9E23-8CC2197F0737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22130074 No.22130074 [Reply] [Original]

Post-Modern Edition

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ

RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/Hdvw-ljjTI8

Previous thread: >>22122196

>> No.22130077

>Have the time to write
>Don't have the energy to think
What do

>> No.22130294
File: 668 KB, 1678x2048, FwR167qWYAEgHph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were to make a smomble plant that works as a mild adderall How would you refine it into a highly addictive drug and or how would you breed it to be as addicting and or strong as possible?

And what would it do?

>> No.22130340

What do you think is a better title for a story involving abortion, suicide, a generational curse, and Demonic Impregnation
Hell or Vicious?

>> No.22130343
File: 54 KB, 680x680, 2ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vicious Hell

>> No.22130348
File: 477 KB, 1736x2380, 1679670971557343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a good book on editing they recommend?

>> No.22130356

I could never fully tell if the person who makes these things was joking or not.
Maybe they were or are genuinely mentally ill.
Just a single-word title?
I guess Hell. But honestly, an old-school "Notes on the fate of such and such family" or something similar would probably be better in my opinion.
Calm down, agent smith.
First of all, what is a smomble?

>> No.22130381

Heh, not bad anon.

>Just a single-word title?
Yes. I was never into those click bait titles like "My family has sickening secrets. I don't know if i'll survive them,"
It does draw in readers, i'll admit that much but it also cheapens it into what I call "dime store fiction." That's what it feels like to me.

>> No.22130493

Man, I want new and independent authors to succeed but every time I give one of them a try, it's fucking garbage.

And then people get passive aggressive with me about why I don't read more indie stuff (typically theirs). I fucking hate people.

>> No.22130509

Those titles often become incredibly ridiculous. It’s only a matter of time before someone writes “While Walking My Dog, I Found a Button That Claimed to Kill My Dog, When I Pressed It My Dog Died”

>> No.22130518
File: 235 KB, 1200x1200, holy-bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22130533

My book is titled Eat My Shit

>> No.22130547

WalMart and Barnes & Noble are unlikely to carry a book with that title.

>> No.22130558

I still read trash but I stick with the authors who I think have promise. But I totally get how guilt tripping feels, it sucks. We all have limited time, I cant read everything.

>> No.22130562

Oh, you are writing for r/nosleep?

>> No.22130577

I remember when I found a picture of the op pic artist. Jesus Christ she's hideous. i thought she would be at least decent from how she makes fun of fat fucks but she's one herself.

>> No.22130595

fat people hate themselves. news at 11

>> No.22130606

Yeah, that's why I don't do them. It cheapens the story and characters.

For r/darktales and r/libraryofshadows. Nosleep doesn't take third person driven stories I think.. They have so many rules on that sub it's hard to keep up with it all.

>> No.22130654

Do you find it's even worth it to post to those subs?
Seems like they have very few readers.

>> No.22130687

I've had some of my stories get narrated from those subs so it's not like it's a complete let down.

>> No.22130735
File: 182 KB, 1920x1080, smile-girl-anime-blossom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, yes, I have written 2,000 words today. In fact, I wrote 3,500.

>> No.22130761

Do you write on your phone when you're outside?

>> No.22130837


>> No.22130881

I take walks just down the road to a creek, I've thought about sitting on the bridge and writing then.

>> No.22130887

Fair enough.
I don't live in a safe enough place for that.

>> No.22130893

>tfw you wrote not for money or fame but just to troll a genre.
>tfw you write characters so well people think they are real.
>tfw people get triggered by them and think you are trying to dab on real people.
Well that turned out better then expected.

>> No.22130894
File: 73 KB, 262x200, 1684065282284819.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bragging? To strangers on the internet?

>> No.22130903

I haven't been to these generals in about a year. Do you guys actually give writing advice yet or should I just write?

>> No.22130905


>> No.22130913

Both. You learn by doing but we are here to sometimes provide advice.

>> No.22130920
File: 165 KB, 749x571, 1682069816148267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else enjoy writing themselves into a corner? Feels like some of my best stuff comes out of that, because I have to use all of my brainpower to come up with a way out.

>> No.22130926

Creating your own problems then back patting yourself for solving them.
You must write flow of consciousness genre trash.

>> No.22130927

I feel like i should ague with you but you seem like a bit of a wanker.

>> No.22130936

They heard about us in the future and recreated us based on magazine clippings and church records. Events conspire to make everything fit the known data but the details are left to chance. That's why my hair looks like that.

>> No.22130943

What's there to argue about? You're trying to brag to strangers on the internet. You assume I've got any desire at all to argue argue with a braggart.

>> No.22130944

You say this as though there's anything wrong with being a pantser. Do you often have difficulty understanding anyone's way of thinking but you own? Your characters must be awfully shallow, if so.

>> No.22130952
File: 2.45 MB, 498x281, okfren.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just did. Twice.

>> No.22130967

Its the writing equivalent of some child playing with two action figures. Then they try to convince themself that one of the plastic men was able to overpower the other toy after he made one loose, because he just decided one became a bigger gigga nigga.

>> No.22130971

I don't know why you've assumed I'm writing some bottom-of-the-barrel action story. I'm sensing some projecting going on.

>> No.22130981

Stormy Daniels is surrounded by orcs in downtown Chicago and an ICBM is headed right for her. The sea level is rising and she's worried her boyfriend might be cheating on her. The orcs point their guns at her head as the missile, now visible in the sky approaches rapidly. Her boyfriend sends her a text message: "global warming is happening now! ps i'm cheating on u".

>> No.22130982

Ok then, I'll admit I'm used to encountering RR writers on here. I shall try to put aside my preconceptions if you elaborate on where your discovery writing led you that it required a miraculous master stroke to save it.

>> No.22130990

Bold of you to assume I give enough of a shit about you to give an entire rundown of my story. I see no reason to offer such a kindness to someone who goes around attacking people out of his own ignorance.

>> No.22130996

I wish they would hurry up and publish my book, I might be dead by the time they get around to it

>> No.22131010

nice larp.

>> No.22131031

It's crabslop.

>> No.22131059

So to be clear; (you) are making a claim of (you)r genius on an anonymous website, yet when challenged to produce evidence of (you)r claim you refuse?
Many such cases.

>> No.22131065

I attempted to relate to other writers in a thread designated for writers. It's no fault of mine that you interpreted this as a personal attack.

>> No.22131098

(you)r post isn't making much sense anon is this exchange even (you); >>22130920 => >>22130926

>> No.22131109

Yes. I fail to see how "a post that admits I wrote myself into a corner" is supposed to be "making a claim of my genius." I've never said anything that suggests I believe I'm some sort of writing savant. I simply enjoy the challenge of writing my way out of what seems to be a corner, and wondered if anyone else felt the same way about those situations.
I'm going to bed now, your insistence on being offended by an innocuous post is tiring me.

>> No.22131119
File: 434 KB, 407x383, 3483498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loving how this thread is turning into petty fights.

What fanasty world would you say you get the most inspiration from? Mines gotta be the elder scrolls

>> No.22131123

im gonna write a book. i have only read The Hobbit and catcher in the rye for school. otherwise I have just played RPGs like planescape torment, disco elysium, baldurs gate, etc.
Im gonna be the best writer. i will be good

>> No.22131126

I am a genius writer and I relate to the corner. Please someone save Stormy Daniels with some cliche or clever device >>22130981

>> No.22131166

Now here's a way to advertise your short stories you'd never think of


>> No.22131286
File: 1.85 MB, 1536x1024, 1685723528973685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't we all just get along?

>> No.22131393
File: 667 KB, 680x850, 1684573954424195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loving how this thread is turning into petty fights.

No it isn't. You're wrong. Also gay picture and I hate the elder scrolls. Pleb

>> No.22131636

Final fantasy

>> No.22131652
File: 28 KB, 488x396, 1686341496864465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Knock knock knock*

You have written something today right anon?
Okay just checkin.

>> No.22131742

I don't see a point anymore. Nobody reads my writing

>> No.22131747

Where do you publish?

>> No.22131751

Unironically Bakker. I like his take on all the Tolkien elements of fantasy.

>> No.22131754

Royal Road Amazon Twitter .

I'll need to branch out to AO3 and Wattpad

>> No.22131757

How do I write mindless filler text to fill pages?

>> No.22131759

It's 9:30 am, calm down. I've listened to an audiobook as I walked my dog.

>> No.22131763

WattPad has terrible discovery.
RoyalRoad and ScribbleHub are preferable to it.
Don't discount Reddit; there are several fiction-oriented subs.

>> No.22131769
File: 69 KB, 1022x731, its-all-so-tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people just come here to seethe.
Report them for "trollling outside of /b/" and ignore.

>> No.22131776

Oh yea I've advertised on reddit too.

>> No.22131800

I meant, publish your fiction there.

>> No.22131928
File: 47 KB, 488x396, 16863414968644652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay just checking.

>> No.22131944

Where do I make covers for my books? I dont' want to pay a pajeet $300 for an AI generated art piece.

>> No.22131982

Then make your own AI-generated cover.
Stable Diffusion is very functional, is free and open-source, and can be run locally on your computer.
It rarely generates a complete image in one shot, though.
You'll have to generate pieces of what you want, then use an image editor like Photoshop or GIMP to composite the final result.

>> No.22131993

Fantasy settings don't inspire me.

>> No.22132072

Yes, I do, when I have an epiphany otherwise I forget it after awhile.

>> No.22132074

>AI slop cover
How to get never read 101

>> No.22132090

Do you have an option that doesn't cost hundreds of dollars?
I mean, other than chalkboard drawings rejected from your mom's fridge.

>> No.22132099

Do you want me to draw a picture myself with no skills? Take a picture of my shit? What solution do you have?

>> No.22132117

Yet again I'm the only one who writes in the writing general. It's a hard life being an unparalleled genius and master of my craft surrounded by mediocre plebs on all sides.

>> No.22132130

pyw, poser

>> No.22132155

The only writing posted in the thread >>22130981

>> No.22132160

minimalist typography

>> No.22132168

Hardly an example of unparalleled genius.
Plus, anyone can crank out a paragraph.
Try writing an entire novel (or a million-word webnovel) first.

>> No.22132181

Jealous pleb trying to drag down his genius superiors, probably a communist. I am objectively the best writer in this thread.

>> No.22132202

What you wrote isn't even a story; it's more of a summary.
>i'm the best writer in this thread
Talk about riding high on a low hog.

>> No.22132218

Thanks for your messages, I appreciate all my fans.

>> No.22132261

What's a good retention rate for a completed novel from first chapter to the last?

>> No.22132350

You won't have any fans as long as you write summaries and not stories.
Since you have zero fans, then mathematically, you have infinite appreciation.

>> No.22132418

Stormy sighed and walked to Maine where she got a place on a small whaling vessel and then Moby Dick happened.

>> No.22132451

>only capable of summaries and bragging

>> No.22132488

now...we remember our god/gods as a once-in-a-lifetime visitor/visitors, for the most religion, this is the norm. they came and taught us things that we followed them as a guide because our mind and so on, you know about religion, right! but what if those weren't gods but they were a lifeform from a different plant, a different galaxy, even! and they used to visit us in the early period of humanity because they could, but now their planet/galaxy is got got, it's over for them lol, so they can't visit us, and we will become an advanced civilization and we will jump towards the sky and the space beyond, we will find things that we could not see before because of our technological inabilities, but now, we have the necessary equipment for that.

what do you think /wg/

>> No.22132498

>post story
>no one reads it
>query agents
>no one accepts it
>apply for jobs
>no one hires me
>spent morning crying and wishing I was dead

>> No.22132507
File: 27 KB, 334x475, thiaoouba-prophecy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like "The Thiaoobba Prophecy" by Michael Desmarquet.

>> No.22132514

Thanks, I can always rely on my most loyal fan for feedback. My story is actually better than Moby Dick because it's Moby Dick + other stuff.

>> No.22132516

Arby's is looking for team members.

>> No.22132517

now for the afternoon.

>> No.22132599
File: 54 KB, 470x720, 71512d74bcfd46aebc6998f97300cb39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first chapter of a military sci-fi story I've been thinking about writing. Let me know what you think of it, and if I should continue or not

>> No.22132624

fuck! what's the story? qrd

>> No.22132650


>> No.22132694

Sounds fun. Needs to be more focused on Peter though.for example
>Peter could never understand why people were so reluctant to collaborate.
Instead of saying that you could say something like
>Peter remembered when two soldiers , Abel and Joseph argued how to kill the enemy commander, yet, neither could ever agree on the method. Their inability to cooperate got them both killed.

>> No.22132787

Post it.

>> No.22132904

Your story is now the best story in the thread but not after this genius post has been posted. Nothing personal kid.
Peter’s hand shook. Not from the biting autumn cold, or fear of the upcoming offensive. His hands shook from excitement caused by meeting Sonic the Hedgehog. The trumpets sounded the attack, Sonic and Peter rushed forward but before Peter knew it a bullet hit Sonic in the skull. As excited as Peter felt moments before he now wanted nothing else but to be back home with Sonic on their ring farm in Alabama. With hedgehog brain matter covering his body he crawled forward under machine gun fire until he passed out. Laughter woke Peter from his peace under the corpses, robotnik goons stood around a large wooden cross with what looked to Peter like an animal nailed to it. When his eyes adjusted he saw it for what it was, the crucified body of Tails.

>> No.22132981

Absolutely ludo.

>> No.22133126
File: 634 KB, 674x1000, 1686429970535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Experiencing massive writer's block.
I have ideas or take references or musings to artwork I like (helps me gain inspiration alongside my own notes) yet I can't, feel like I have nothing. Tuned to a dead channel

What can I do now?

>> No.22133159


>> No.22133206

Once again, a summary, not a story.
There's no buildup to the tragedy, nor any reason why we should care about the characters.
And...it's video-game fan-fiction.
>His hands shook from excitement caused by
Worst prose since Gardner itself.

>> No.22133210

Do chores.
I find the change in focus, and the mindless nature of menial chores, tends to let my imagination run wild.
Plus, nothing soothes the spirit like a sparkling.clean house.

>> No.22133238

You don't understand the advanced literary techniques being deployed. The brilliant author in only a few words weaves a short engaging sequence on top of characters developed by the Sonic based literary tradition and a random anon. The build-up took years.
>doesn't appreciate Sonic, doesn't appreciate Gardner
What's left to appreciate in this world?

>> No.22133251
File: 396 KB, 500x500, tumblr_56a5d6e1675f4e60646f1970b1f263fe_d32e2d3c_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gardner itself.

>> No.22133547
File: 13 KB, 211x250, cranial-rectal-inversion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the weather like up your own ass?

>> No.22133585

Do you know how some books might be fairly long, but it seems like nothing at all happens in them? And other books feel like a second lifetime lived, but they're remarkably short in pagecount.

What the hell makes the difference so extreme

>> No.22133601
File: 139 KB, 1200x1873, techniques-of-the-selling-writer-dwight-v-swain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adherence to story structure.
A scene is goal, conflict, outcome (usually disaster).
Violating this basic tenet leads to a boring experience for the reader.

>> No.22133607

I liked this book as I was reading it, but I almost never go back to reference it like to reference The Art of Fiction

>> No.22133627

Do you think it can be overdone? Sometimes I feel like my writing is too dense. And that's after already being a Tolkien-esque for landscape description, so my prose isn't spartan, it's just bloody fucking dense. In most books I can skimread and understand everything, but for mine, if you aren't reading every single word you'll be lost. But when I read other books similar to my density, it's kind of exhausting and heavy.

Is density desirable? I feel like most published books are low information density, especially lately.

>> No.22133635

Royal Road has a bunch of trolls man. They threaten 0.5 stars or see a poll and immediately put they hate the shit.

Sheesh. what a ruthless website

>> No.22133658

I can't find the forum post on this topic, but threatening low reviews is a violation of the terms of service, and can be reported to RoyalRoad's moderators.

>> No.22133678

they don't do it on RR itself. They organize discord shit and review bomb. They're honestly worse than /wg/ in this regard.

>Reddit - Nobody reads your shit
>Royal Road - Everyone is completely cuthroat
>4chan - Doomposting
>Wattpad - Nobody can find you

Haven't tried scribblehub or a03 year. How are they?

>> No.22133682

>be at #40000+
>get 1 review
>jump to #20000
God damn. no wonder why people organize review bombs here. Good for the top stories on RR. They did it purely on their own merit.

>> No.22133706

Discord is so nefarious at this point it might be worth hiring a P.I. to expose review bomb shit. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.22133737

AO3 is great, if you write fanfiction. And even then your success is predicated upon the popularity of your fandom/ship.

Trannycord is a fetid sewer where shit congregates. Funny to think these people have even less of a life than I do. they don't just mob RR, they mob all the major websites in outrage brigades, scores of crybullies led by king rats, chasing the illusion of power. Just like twitter trannies.

>> No.22133864

RR is kinda stupid. Got one rating and I jumped 30k spots. That tells me the site circle jerks the same 1000 stories or so

>> No.22133917
File: 541 KB, 2560x1440, girl_smile_blush_phone_anime_girl_white_background_hd_anime_girl-2560x1440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, yes, I have written 2,000 words today. In fact, I wrote 4,000.

>> No.22133937

I've had a story brewing in my head for the past couple months and I really want to write it, but I've never seriously written anything in my life outside of essays for university.
What material would you recommend for me to start with?

>> No.22133948

There's literally a "resources & recommendations" pastebin listed in the OP.

>> No.22133956 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 800x720, cosmic-batman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na ATMAAAAAN!

>> No.22133983
File: 146 KB, 768x1280, 1684982516672548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why those youtube links are helpful for newbs, shame someone took them out of the OP.
Here you go anon:

>> No.22134068

I can only write random word salads. Now that there is some kind of plot happening again, I'm stuck.

>> No.22134161

I feel a pull to start writing. I need to start reading more critically before I start writing. I don't know where to start beyond that. Just start writing. It can all be destroyed. Just like a painter making throw away sketches.

>> No.22134182 [SPOILER] 

you write like Steven Moffat and Moffat is a stupid fucking idiot. he's also fat and ugly.
>because I have to use all of my brainpower to come up with a way out.
wanna bet on how full of plotholes your story is?

>> No.22134198

I don't know who the fuck that is.
>wanna bet on how full of plotholes your story is?
What sort of logic is that? I simply decided on a character having a certain trait, but that trait made something else I wanted to do later make no sense. Thus, I had to come up with a way for it to make sense. It would be full of plotholes if I DIDN'T do that.

>> No.22134205

>thinks he can fix plotholes and complete his story by going back and editing stuff eternally
whatever works for you. will probably never read it anyways

>> No.22134208

Anyone ever written an audio drama before?

>> No.22134210

Guilt by association, huh?
What a weak argument.

>> No.22134211

I didn't "go back and edit stuff" you illiterate amoeba. The thing it would make a plothole of was coming later in the story.
Also, even if I did go back and edit to get myself out of a corner, that's called fucking drafting. I fear for the quality of anything you write if you don't believe in such a concept.

>> No.22134294

Plotholes? I just want to write emotionally.

>> No.22134300

Pearls before swine. Any tips on how to write as if I'm even more up my ass?

>> No.22134318

Not my field of expertise.
But you could try post-modern authors like Chuck Palahniuk, Bret Easton Ellis, and Michel Houellebecq.
I found them all to be pretty insufferable.

>> No.22134326

Really, I want to be very evocative emotionally speaking on the reader. Extremely so. It requires a degree of honesty and massive skill to pull off. Any tips? Apply principles of poetry in my writing.

>> No.22134375


>> No.22134526

Would anyone be interested in a story about a hot nun with guns?

>> No.22134690

Some things are better done in visual media

>> No.22134703

While it may seem fresh it doesn't really too much, feels like something that would have happened in the 2000s of 90s.

Instead of sexy nuns Just explore writing about reilgion more. I love writing satanic horror and it works on the page

>> No.22134785

Welcome to rankings. People only care about what's immediately visible on top of the page and are too lazy to dig deeper. That's hardly something unique to RR

>> No.22135130
File: 15 KB, 419x370, 1628762215497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's getting up to the big scene in my book, maybe like next chapter and I'm nervous bros. I don't want to fuck it

>> No.22135206

I mean you can just edit it and poof read as many times as you'd like. So if you fuck it up you can just polish/rewrite it.

So you have nothing to fear really, just take your time and give it the love and care it should have

>> No.22135306
File: 9 KB, 128x128, 1628423381131.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1200 words down today

>> No.22135332

Wrote 528 words today

PS. Dear fan fic thread poster, get fucked.

>> No.22135353


>> No.22135365

I dunno someone made a thread about reading fanfic which got eventually deleted. He can't post through the ban now can he?

>> No.22135370
File: 251 KB, 876x1200, Roulette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has been 13 days since I last wrote.

>> No.22135863
File: 28 KB, 751x369, editorchad review.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry if i didn't answer your messages, i almost died in a car crash. anybody else need an editor?

>> No.22135904
File: 1.38 MB, 500x664, 1663895299846801.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, I wrote.

>> No.22135914
File: 594 KB, 1200x1200, 64652296_xZNJ5WFFrVIAFE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your bored then you can edit an old story of mine (Its a first draft so) its about 2 or 3 years old.


Its one of my favorites so I would like to see it get the love and care it should have.

>> No.22136018

Is my setting kind of stupid
>The setup
Its set in the modern world. Theres these powerful executives who meet every year. For the past 5 years they have kept a person with the ability to manipulate space/time/reality. This said person's powers work like a battery and there's is empty. The execs use what power the person has left to see into the future for business decision etc. During a specific meeting the superhuman's powers come back and it goes berserk. A phenomena begins where people on earth are kind of merged with an alternate universe version of themselves. The execs take advantage of this and set up a gameshow type deal where its a battle Royale between everyone on earth and who ever rises to the top gets to have their one wish granted.
>Minor details
Most of the alt universe vers of people have powers that are useful but not super powerful. The said people aren't merged into one but the alt versions appears either as a familiar or like a form they transform into. Every player has 99 people they have to kill and if one player kills another player's person they had to kill they get disqualified/killed.

>> No.22136049

Sounds perfect for RoyalRoad.
Can you keep it going for over a million words?

>> No.22136059

I was going to make it so that some opponents have weird conditions to defeat one another. I was gonna do a weird thing where theres 5 people who rise to the top after defeating their 99 opponents. While the last 5 fight it out. I was gonna add in weird anti violence extremist groups and such.

>> No.22136113

Anyone else entering RoyalRoad's community magazine? Entry is ending shortly.
I'm going to write a comedic litRPG about a NEET isekai'd/reincarnated as a dragon.

>> No.22136120

Aye, second part of my outline, out of five planned.

>> No.22136144
File: 86 KB, 1920x1280, 1686505801608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've recently begun tinkering with a comfy fantasy story centering around a diminutive group of humanoids living in an abandoned wizards greenhouse, exploring some kind of deist philosophy, but also just a comfy adventure playing with the tiny, borrowers/rats of NIMH type setting.
Is that extremely cliche?

>> No.22136163

Sure, but write it anyways.

>> No.22136175

A Midwest gas station at noon. There’s a couple cars, business is about medium
A bell attached to the door rings as JAMEY FINGERS enters
JAMEY looks around the store, picking up a $40 bag of beef jerky, before stopping in front of the donut display
JAMEY opens it and takes out a long John which he starts to eat
He finishes it then goes to get a fountain drink
He grabs the largest big gulp cup there is and fills it with coke
He then goes to the cashier to pay
"Hello these are things that I’m buying with real money"
The cashier smiles and rings up his $40 bag of jerky, his $6.50 128 oz coke, and 99¢ donut
Jamey sees the donut added to the bill
"That’ll be $47.50 sir"
"Whaaaattt theeeee fuuuckkk Why’d you charge me for a donut?"
The cashier looks confused
"Sir you ate a donut"
"What the fuck no I didn’t how would you know that"
"I saw you"
"So what the fuck we're just supposed to think jesus real cause Mary saw his wound holes?"
Jamey looks at the camera above the cashier
Jamey spins around and slaps himself three times before turning to the cashier with his hand held to his temples, his face is red.
Then he sees that next to his coke is a large tray of change
He pretends to hand his card to the cashier but horizontally ninja chops the drink and it spills all over the tray submerging the coins
"Oh fuck I made a mess! Shit I guess I gotta take all this money home to clean it"
The cashier is so confused
"You know so they aren’t sticky anymore? I can, I should take them home to clean"
The cashier is about to say something when Jamey reaches for the tray and says
"I would leave you my phone but I need it"
Jamey looks behind him and finds a very elderly senile woman
"Hey grandma what’s your address"
The old lady looks at him and tells him it’s 412 Tug Douglas Avenue
Jamey whips around and says "I LIVE ON 412 DUG TOUGLAS AVENUE IF YOU NEED ANYTHING I PROMISE ILL COME BACK" before running off with his jerky and change

>> No.22136232

Something being cliché doesn't matter. Just make sure you aren't copying exact story beats, and has some substance that makes it worthwhile. On the contrary, going out of your way to AVOID being cliché is going to make your story weird and difficult to get into. Tropes are tropes because they're proven to work, people like them. In the end, they're just another tool in your arsenal, and how you use them is what determines if it's good or bad.
If it helps, try to think of it like music. Your song sounding somewhat similar to another song doesn't mean it's bad. And if you tried to make a song that sounds unlike any song that has ever existed, chances are it's going to be garbage.

>> No.22136256

>greed was plain in her eyes
>auto correct is suggesting that I use playin
What in the fuck?

>> No.22136273

No more alcohol for you, Mr. Tarantino. I'm cutting you off.

>> No.22136337 [DELETED] 

>has autocorrect turned on
lmao retard. imagine being so cucked you let a program coded by streetshitting currymonkeys draw red scribbles all over your draft.

>> No.22136402

Pretty based idea honestly, though likely pisses people off since it's false ad writing to list it under another IP. Still I might try it....

>> No.22136450

>almost named a chapter birth of a nation
I'm glad I got enough sleep to catch that little issue before it became a niggle.

>> No.22136488 [DELETED] 

I made my first indie screenplay, what do you guys think?
Turn on subtitles

>> No.22136495
File: 1006 KB, 2560x1440, Bannierev2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made my first indie screenplay, what do you guys think?
Turn on subtitles
https://youtu.be/kxsbHSyQ4hc [Embed]

>> No.22136604
File: 513 KB, 491x840, fiction-blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone here writing literary fiction, or is it just SFF dweebs?

>> No.22136626

Wing wrote a Historical Fiction


>> No.22136631

People who dip into the thread to pitch a plot are of course almost always writing genre but I think the ratio is less skewed for the regulars.
For me it's quasi-literary fanfic tho

>> No.22136653

Rate my idea for a novel.
Basically, the Earth was created by a superintelligent omnipotent being, who also created humans and humanity. The humans lived in bliss and perfect harmony. But then, after a couple thousand years, the humans were constantly warring with each other and living in degeneracy, so the superintelligent omnipotent being disguises himself as a human and hows up on earth so he can stop all the war and degeneracy on earth and teach everyone the proper way to live as a human.
I think it's a pretty original idea. What do you think?

>> No.22136706

Will do.
It feels like a fun vehicle for a lighthearted fantasy romp. And my wife pointed out it dovetails nicely with my thoughts on Deism and optimistic absurdism/existentialism. A tiny, insignificant creature having an adventure that is grand only to him in a tiny microcosm world, and ultimately finding satisfaction in it really speaks to me. Maybe I can contrast it with a story about full sized life outside the wizards garden which collides with it at some point.

>> No.22136710
File: 36 KB, 625x468, yahweh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>superintelligent omnipotent being
sounds more like a retard lmao

>> No.22136755
File: 15 KB, 360x553, 5d00d40a469f758d33cfa8f0dfc78d2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just jesus and the bible.

And no it doesn't seem original

But i'd say go for it if you wanna write it, basic storys done right can be amazing reads

>> No.22136778


>> No.22136832

The Life Demonic with Steve Zazu

>> No.22136854

Just had a workshop with an absolute fucking bitch of a workshop mate. She was extremely condescending and rude and unconstructive. Legit seemed like she had something against me. She said the following things to one of my stories:
>"has writing like [my style] and about [my part of the country] been /done/?" (insinuating that I could no longer write like myself about my home)
>"who is going to publish this?"
>"y'know I used to write stuff like this too when I was much younger" (condescension)

This was one of those writer-only-speak-at-the-end workshops so I just had to listen to her useless, mean feedback

No one has ever been this directly condescending and actively rude about my writing before. She truly felt like a hater. I couldn't sleep for days because of how angry her unfair words made me. How do I deal with feedback from people that are legit just hating? How do I deal with her?

>> No.22136871 [DELETED] 

maybe your writing really is shit

>> No.22136873

Ask yourself if there’s actually any truth to what she’s saying and figure out if that’s what’s bothering you. If not, you start realizing women don’t think independently and only copy how they think men think, which is usually aggressive and reactive.

>> No.22136879

Base a character in one of your stories on her, then treat that character like shit.

>> No.22136893

I'm been thinking this for days and I do not believe her feedback holds any water. at the very least she has viewed my piece very unfairly. she didn't even try to see what it was trying to do. everyone else at least attempted to understand the piece and give it feedback in a useful direction. hers was just unfair and truly worthless. you can tell if someone is speaking from a good place but here it legit seemed she was coming at it in very bad faith.

honestly it just felt she had something against me. she was much kinder and gave more praise to pieces that were objectively more shit than my stuff.

>> No.22136904
File: 55 KB, 175x156, 83948384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes people aren't the best at giving crit at first try to ask her questions about how she feels and try to get a more indepth answer.

Also what she said she's very reasonble feedback she just said it in a rude way is all.

To put it in a nice way she said

"This idea doesn't feed original, I'm looking for something fresh and new"

The second one is

"I don't think its ready to be published or ready to be put though the pub process or self pub"

The 3rd one is:

"I feel your at a lower skill level then me"

She did say it in a very rude way yes but the crit she said was very vaild and helpful.

>> No.22136918

>>"y'know I used to write stuff like this too when I was much younger" (condescension)
Could be that this is a way to deal with her dislike of her own old writing. Projecting it onto you so she can tell herself how much she's grown since then.
Or it could be something else. I'm just making up a third-hand story. I don't think it pays to dwell on it, sometimes people say strange things for private reasons and all you can do is shrug.

>> No.22136920

post it, I'd like to see

>> No.22136928

Thank you for your calming response. It was valuable for me to read.

I agree that that kind of feedback, in and of itself, is valuable. And I definitely know my piece needs to be tweaked and rethought. This was a workshop, so I'm there with the attitude that "yes my piece isn't ready yet but I'd love to hear everyone else opinion". But I think she was deliberately condescending and rude to me and only me. She never said any of these things before

Thing is that she is a published author (a memoir) and she is well read so, going into the session, I was actually quite excited to hear her constructive feedback. I've always been okay with people not liking my work, but something about her feedback this time really hit

>> No.22137080

No but it is an underrated format.

>> No.22137149

Post your work or else you are the dweeb.

>> No.22137171
File: 84 KB, 700x700, tomato-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am writing lit fic, but it's more like speculative fiction. I haven't talked about the project in a while because I had to rewrite a lot. But I am sending the manuscript to a copyeditor next month. I think I am almost done this time.

>> No.22137466

>not just naming your chapters based on roman numerals

>> No.22137477

>too poor to pay attention

>> No.22137484

big black balls clap furiously

>> No.22137545

I have a friend who is almost exactly like the pic in OP. The guy will just start dm'ing me at 3 AM telling me I don't exist and I'm a bastard who deserves eternal torment. Then the next day he'll start talking about how much he loves oldschool punk rock like none of that happened.

>> No.22137792

A hot nun sounds cliche and pointlessly edgy, make it a nice old lady nun with guns and then it will be an interesting premise.

>> No.22137802 [DELETED] 
File: 170 KB, 2055x905, critique.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please review my travelogue

>> No.22137949
File: 137 KB, 396x335, 1686252803129015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most sentences start with "I"

>> No.22138070

Is it just me or are most novels about twice as long as they need to be? Why does a typical novel for adults need to be ~100k words long?

>> No.22138087

conditioning because all the wide mass appeal respected authors are like that(Dickens Tolstoy Dostoy)

>> No.22138097
File: 61 KB, 860x602, 6E124509-2576-459E-B9F7-C81F1D6BDAC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m afraid to write because it might suck

>> No.22138099

i want to write a really long meandering novel that ends arbitrarily and satisfies nobody but myself

>> No.22138105
File: 546 KB, 1160x1449, 1686545010008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22138129

i can't count on my finger how many times i've read this kind of story on syosetsu. so long as it doesn't devolve into a power wank go for it.

>> No.22138163

at last you truly see

>> No.22138226

>just toss my royal road story on kindle for fun
>Some random guy bought it
Oh fuck.

>> No.22138231
File: 414 KB, 500x500, tumblr_7bda31950a60be8c583beca61b1337b6_c17f2c67_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its ok Anon, You can do it. A first draft is never the final draft.

It will suck less and less with every edit and polish.

you can do it anon

>> No.22138243

The day you became a professional

>> No.22138261
File: 580 KB, 739x739, 1678506226765171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations Anon.

>> No.22138267

congratulations you made it to the top 0.05%

>> No.22138285

What's the title?

>> No.22138479

How do you write lore insights via dialogue without shitting out esoteric bullshit? I'm structuring a page right now and the conversation goes from rimjobs to the finality of death within half a page. Like it still "works" and flows okay but I'm worried people might consider the flood of A-to-B-to-C info a bit chaotic.

>> No.22138493

It would depend on your characters and how they talk and their relationship with one another.

But half a page is kinda too fast in my opinion. try to slow it down a little bit and try to devlope the characters along with you giving lore.

Pretty much just try to bring it up in a way the characters would while talking a rimjob to death can be a totally normal convo for some people (I know it is for me) but you want it natural so try to make it a little longer then half a page is possible

>> No.22138504

Good idea. My problem has alwaaays been making shit too short. Dialogue, observations, actions, whatever. I've no idea how to fix that aspect of myself but I know I need to.

>> No.22138644
File: 179 KB, 1200x1200, pngtree-flat-style-sapphire-crown-crown-clipart-png-image_5572372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bro? Think you dropped this.

>> No.22138688

I feel that it could have potential if you don't write stupid shit like literally every person on earth competing with each other over a wish or all powerful CEOs who can literally predict the future deciding to give free shit as a television show reward? I'm saying this from the standpoint that it doesn't sound to me like these personality overlaps from the parallel worlds are going to have any significance to your story or that you've really thought out why the superhuman goes kablam or why the execs even want to put up a gameshow. It sounds like some Balenciaga level shit. There's nothing wrong if it is, but that requires self-awareness on the writers part and you didn't sound like you were proposing a parody.
My advice is that it's natural for you to think of something cool that you'd want in a story and coming up with a setup and lead-up to the action, but I think that you also have to learn how to filter out what it is that you want to write about and how that affects your work and setup choices. Do you want to write a shounen? Is any of this meant to be serious? What parts of your 'cool' idea can you live without?
Some people hate planning, but pre-planning is a matter of due-diligence so that you can at the very least come up with a coherent setting.

>> No.22138802

Does this apply to other aspects of your life, or just writing?
My point is, the problem may not be related to writing.
>can't write
>posts coomer picture
You could lay off the cooming for a while & see if that helps.

>> No.22138865

>Does this apply to other aspects of your life, or just writing?
>My point is, the problem may not be related to writing.
Not them but I don't think this is black and white. I'm anxious in general, yet I only choke up when writing and not when programming—even though there are people who have this problem when programming.

>> No.22139006
File: 161 KB, 861x600, RRsloppa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to think that I do since I do put a lot of work and thought into the artistic value of my work because that's 70% of the reason for why I write. My work might not be the best and most popular thing, but if I can get a few people to really enjoy it and engage with it on a deeper level other than running their eyes from the text, then I left my mark.
Not to shit too hard on popular stuff, but I'm just so fucking tired of years on end of litrpg isekai reincarnation 'progression' powertrip sloppa as a reader that it became the entire antithesis as a writer.

>> No.22139244

That's what people want to read. I wrote a fantasy story not reincarnation or litrpg and it's ignored completely.

Writing to market is what sells.

>> No.22139300

Sure, if you want to sell online then appealing to as large of an audience as possible isn't a bad idea, but as a business major I won't say that it's literally the only viable strategy. Even within the top 50 rising stars or trending there's a few works that don't really fall into the sloppa formula. This could mean that they're trying to differentiate themselves or they had some sort of strategy to get people hooked on their story, but it does show that you could, in theory, get up there. Naturally marketing is a big thing when you are given a few seconds to present your story and having a good cover, synopsis, tags and genre will make or break you. Curiously on RR there's other factors like when you upload, how frequently you upload, whether you buy ads and whether you post a bunch in the forums. So it's not all black and white even if it's still like 80% black, 19% grey and 1% white.

>> No.22139379

So the biggest question is how to market a book. Tik tok seems to be the best method. Just a random unboxing of 3 books would have some people search things up.

>> No.22139405

I'm the knight of Valora faggot.

>> No.22139426

>Tik tok
That's for romance books

>> No.22139433

Short form videos are definitely up there when it comes to having algorithms share your shit. You could also try YouTube shorts, but generally just having a presence on multiple platforms will help even if you're just making posts about releasing a new book or when you drop a new chapter. A social media presence does come with managing public interactions but you shouldn't really have too many problems with that as long as you don't take criticism or shitposting too seriously.

>> No.22139458

Does anyone have experience making a website? Wondering what's the best to use?

>> No.22139540

Does anyone have a copy of the Speedball Testbook 25th Edition? There's a blackletter script about halfway through it, whose name starts with an M. I left my copy at home, am travelling, and can't for the life of me remember the name of the script, so I can't search for it. The S is 3 strokes long. No idea where else to ask.

>> No.22139543


>> No.22139556

That depends on what you want to get out of it.
If you want to have unprofessional artisanal fun, Web 1.0 style, then Neocities is nice. Learn HTML, make something ugly, get visits from fringe internet people.
If it's for your career then Wordpress is the standard choice. Dunno if it's the very best.

>> No.22139561

my business uses inmotion hosting. it's like $400 for 2 years. before we had our marketing/SEO people make a fancy site we used their built in web builder, which is perfectly serviceable. any hosting service probably has their own. if you don't want your own url you could always do a wordpress site

>> No.22139578

>if you don't want your own url you could always do a wordpress site
You can do both if you buy a domain name (about ten bucks a year) and hook it up to Wordpress

>> No.22139603

true. and that'd be much cheaper. if you're mainly using it for writing, and you don't need to use a bunch of data with a bunch of high quality pictures and all sorts of bells and whistles, that'd be the most economical. wordpress is simple to use, especially if you just want to keep things neat and clean and readable.

>> No.22139747
File: 51 KB, 686x525, 1678825260674853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't stop going back to edit shit I just wrote the day before
I'm never gonna fucking finish at this rate.

>> No.22139749

You'll have to edit it eventually, why not now?

>> No.22139752

It gets worse. After doing the edits and thinking you have a final product, you publish the book, then get your copy, you read the first few.chapters and freak out how shit it all is.

>> No.22139791
File: 456 KB, 1920x2160, NGMI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a backup plan in case writing doesn't work out?
If you do you're never going to make it. You have to throw yourself into this fully.

>> No.22139801

I've started writing recently just for shits and gigs. Some flash fiction and prologues for novel ideas, that kind of thing. It was pretty fun so I'd like to keep it going so I think I'm going to dive into some of the resources in the OP and give it a go. Are there any other resources the writers of /wg/ like to use to break into creative writing? Online videos or classes or podcasts, etc?

>> No.22139806

I have no backup plan. If I hit 25 without this working out I'll go back to considering suicide, but I won't, I'll just keep writing.

>> No.22139814

The average age of a debut novelist is like 36, why would you give up so early?
t. 30-year-old NGMI

>> No.22139826

Health problems, I live in constant pain and I've had reduced mobility causing me to be out of bed for about an hour a day if I'm walking, 3 or 4 hours if I am sitting down. I've been like this since I was 15, so I've never been able to really work a normal job and I dislike mooching off of my parents for the rest of my life. I applied for disability but was rejected because while they knew my spine has some slipped discs they don't know why that is causing so much pain and muscle spasms and weakness, so without a proper diagnosis the judge denied me.
I've seen about surgery twice, but both times the surgeon looked at me and said that they don't know if spinal fusion would even do anything, and then in 30 years they'd have to cut me open and do the same thing since I'm so young.

>> No.22139837

Writing is and will always just be a hobby

>> No.22139849

>so without a proper diagnosis the judge denied me
You should probably get a proper diagnosis then

>> No.22139853

Stop being fat and get a proper diagnosis

>> No.22139876

I've been going to doctors for years, I've had MRIs, EMGs, I've spoken with neurologists and surgeons, I've been on a dozen different drugs, I've been to physical therapy for three separate two month stretches, I've been to chiropractors, everyone can see that my L-4 and L-5 are pushed forward and pinches nerves. Yet, they keep saying that it shouldn't be as bad as it is, and despite my spine getting better, my pain hasn't, so they are confused and keep running in circles.
I am also 6'1 and 220, when I was 15 I was already 6 foot and 190, I was strong in my youth and despite my condition I've not turned into a landwhale.

>> No.22139900
File: 42 KB, 657x579, f161a8b4e03c1c27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bummer, man.

>> No.22139913

Ouch. Well whatever your aliment is, we on this frog forum can only wish you good luck

>> No.22139923

Your simple reply got a laugh out of me.
It is what it is, I already got past the part where I was seriously suicidal.
And I appreciate the well wishes.

>> No.22139975

Writing is my side job and passion project. I already have a full-time career that is not writing related. Heart goes out to anons with the guts to risk more than I have.

>> No.22140110


>> No.22140144

Different anon. "Snow crunched like bones beneath his malnourished frame. It fell thick on his auburn coat like a gem standing out in the ghostly white." A strong start, but you fumble it. The seconds sentence is boring. The structure is too similar to the first (use of simile: "like"), and the imagery is muddled. If snow is falling thick on his auburn coat, it might have been more effective to evoke a contrast that leverages color, rather than using a metaphor that calls to mind a single gem, which confuses the scene with an incongruous image. And how can the white fallen snow "stand out" against the white of the other snow all round? Would it not instead stand out against his "auburn coat"? And why is the wolf "auburn" during winter. Is it just the start of winter? Early snowfall? And I lied about the strong start. Leave out "beneath his malnourished frame." You don't need it. The sentence reads better without it. And if the creature's malnutrition is an important part of the story, you should be able to get it across without explicitly saying it. Reads like a furry fanfic.

>> No.22140478

Yay I got my first review on Royal Road!

>> No.22140511

Anon I understand this is /lit/ But I have no clue what you expected out of "First draft" Try not to be so consending next time that has that in the post.

Otherwise it would have been understandble.

>> No.22140514

I can't believe kindleanon made it.

>> No.22140571

>A very typical dungeon punk story.
>It’s however since this is a detective story in an atypical setting, which does require a certain level of attention to detail from the readers to carry over to the next chapter.
>It demands readers to do something.
>It demands attention. Oh, horror.
>That makes it hard to read.
>At least, for the web novel standards.
>If you don’t think of web novel standards, it is actually an excellent story, posted on the wrong platform.

I don't understand his review... What's dungeon punk?

>> No.22140601

Yes I wrote this short story today, please rate

The Saving of Theland

For centuries the land of Theland lived peacefully but until the day they were attacked. The Death Ones invaded and started to destroy everything. Their leader was the Death Master wore a black armor with a black cape and had a black axe and his face was a skull. He was cruel and had no mercy. Warrior Strongman noticed the battle and said that he must defeat the Death Master to protect his people. He grabbed a sword and started fighting the Death Ones. He reached the Death Master and said "you will pay for what you did" and the Death Master said "cash or credit? Hahaha" this angered Warrior Strongman. It showed him that Death Master didn't take it seriously and it was all a game to him. Warrior Strongman attacked with his sword but Death Master moved outway. Death Master then hit Warrior Strongman with his axe and it hurt him alot but not enough to die. Warrior Strongman was now even more angry and he started fighting with extra strength. He stabed the Death Master in the chest very hard and the Death Master screamed, "NOOOOOO!" and before he died he hits Warrior Strongman again. Warrior Strongman is bleeding losong a lot of blood, and he lays on the ground. "I will die but at least I saved Theland from evil" he thinked, and then he died.

>> No.22140762
File: 165 KB, 1024x773, 1686511645076779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop wasting effort on feeling superior, you smug piece of shit, and go finish your real work.

>> No.22140857


>> No.22140888
File: 439 KB, 640x480, 1681604735639476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a whim, I have decided to try putting the sci-fi setting/story stewing in my mind over the past few months into writing instead of just letting it dissapear. I've started an outline doc for stuff like plot/characters/history/tech/etc, but since I have virtually zero experience with writing fiction I thought it might make more sense to try cutting my teeth by just trying to write a bunch of smaller, unrelated short stories or scenes within the larger setting, just to get a feel for the characters/world and for writing in general.
Happy for any critisism, so tear me to shreds, if you please.

>> No.22140890

even assuming your story is dungeon punk, whatever that is, what would be a more appropriate platform for something like that other than rr?
>It demands attention. Oh, horror
you think he'd like that the author has enough respect to assume his readers aren't mouth breathing mongoloids
sorry bro, people are dumb, hope he gave you a good score

>> No.22141001


>> No.22141107

I miss when I had a job and commuted by bus, because I had all my good ideas and did all my writing on buses.

>> No.22141109

I'm not trying to feel superior or smug, nor am I wasting effort on something that is not my real work. The story is satire but I took writing it seriously. It is real work. Maybe I made a mistake in not explaining right away what I was going for, and having my opening line further play into the sarcasm, but I thought that if I did otherwise it would diminish any visceral reactions the post might elicit. What I was aiming at was to explore the naive and childlike quality of trollpastas such as Doom: Repercussions of Evil and The McDonald's Building. Those are masterfully made satires, but beyond just being sarcastic what really elevates them is how they read like they were written by children. Trying to write like that, as if you were a young child, I find to be an interesting exercise. It taps into some inner innocence in us.
Thank you, it's what I was aiming at.

>> No.22141117

I liked it.
Lines 11 and 110 (and a few others) are either missing or have too many words so you should proofread your text. Also you used "gnat" twice which is more a nitpick.
You should keep in mind that what you wrote is a good short story but not a good chapter for a novel. It's the perfect action clusterfuck, complete with explosions, evasive maneuvers and just the right amount of character interaction for people to care about the outcome. But it's too fast, too long and it will likely be very removed from what you'll end up writing as a whole, assuming that you're literally not going to have a fighter pilot dog-fighting for every single chapter of your story (might be cool though).
Since you haven't actually started writing your main story you should consider taking up an episodic format while you're at it. I don't know if you're capable of writing something that has 0 action and where you're literally not trying to direct a Michael Bay movie, but if you can then episodic would fit well.
Would this form a bad habit if you ever plan on writing an actual novel? Probably, but there's more formats out there besides just writing novels.

>> No.22141122

Is this sentence grammatically accurate?

>"Me finding that dog was like that."
or would it be better as:
>finding that dog was like that

>> No.22141168

the first has a certain folksy charm. depends on your mc's voice

>> No.22141187
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technically (and this is going to sound old fashioned) it would be "my finding that dog was like that", but that's an awkward example. someone in an old movie would probably say "My finding that coin was lucky" instead of "me finding that coin was lucky". pic relevant from the prentice-hall handbook for writers, second edition.

>> No.22141239
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Two thousand.

>> No.22141260

Oh, that is in Marietta Ohio. I've been to the hospital there. I just find it interesting to see something like that posted here.

>> No.22141283


New chapter of the Kill List. Pressing right along-- around 10k words in the last week. Feels pretty okay, man. New cover art, too. AI, of course!

>> No.22141290

I've got you on my list, right after I read all of K.K Wing's story I'll get to yours.

>> No.22141311

thanks anon!

>> No.22141349

I used it as an OP pic before, and I searched the pic because there's a seed and feed in my town (not Ohio). I like small town feels.

>> No.22141488

You have to be 18 to post here.
Now go enjoy your summer. It's not normal for kindergartners to work so hard.

>> No.22141494

I want to write a book called "The Myth of Fun" exposing how boring, mundane and not actually "fun" most things people think are fun. I also want to go into how corporately made media had given people a false impression of what fun is by constantly injecting them with fake hype and dopamine hits. Yes; this is inspired by DFW and Infinite Jest.

What do you guys think?

>> No.22141510

an idea is worth precisely nothing. how bout you tappa tappa tappa out a first chapter and we'll give some feedback

>> No.22141556

Do you want the rest of the PDF instead of waiting for RR crap? I did some rewrites.
Your story was great. Glad you're working on it again.

>> No.22141565

Nah, I'll wait for the RR stuff.
And I went back to the first chapter because I was interrupted before and I do think that the rewrite at the very start was good, doesn't go into action, but it does have a better hook and sets the tone by revealing that the explosion was really just something mundane.

>> No.22141752

I have a full-time career already.

>> No.22141766

Been trying to think of a title that evokes these three aspects but I cant come up with something
>1: futuristic rundown technology (holograms, abandoned virtual reality, etc.),
>2: a corrupt and destitute city following a financial crash
>3: bizarre residents the protagonist meets while working at a deli
best I could get was Below the Breadline, Silver Crash, and Tab Out, but I feel like all three of these titles fail to convey all the themes. Below the Breadline is catchy and deli related but sounds too antiquated. Lacks the urban techy feel. Not really sure what I was thinking with Silver Crash. Just wanted to do something with crash in it kind of like an economic crash. Tab Out is supposed to be like a play on words for tap out, which means giving up. tab is like a bar tap when youre buying drinks. I also think this is too far divorces from the three themes. not sure what else to do. Its been almost a year since I started working on this

>> No.22141955


>> No.22141991

Isn't that literally the movie Delicatessen?

>> No.22142036

Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it. You make alot of good point's which I'll try to keep in mind and incorporate in the future, the episodic format idea in particular. I'll definitely try writing some less action-heavy scenes/stories as well.

>> No.22142198

DEL-1 Press-1OFF
Sorry, not sorry.

>> No.22142443

Any exercises to generate ideas for scenes? I found one where you make a table with two headings of juxtaposing themes, and then underneath each one put whatever connotation comes to mind, and then picking one from each side and combining them into a scene. Anything like that? I want to plan my scenes more thoughtfully instead of just mindlessly putting stuff into a scene in the heat of the moment.

>> No.22142506

Finally hit 400 followers on RR.

>> No.22142521 [DELETED] 

Want actual critique and you’re not a dipshit?

disc ord.gg/CKJh QJ5w

>> No.22142545

Fuck didn't expect browsing /lit/ to remind me about my insanity as a young man. Legit thought like that throughout all my teen years and into my early 20s.
Still do to some extent though the fact that I've lived long past when I expected/predicted I would die dampens it a lot.

>> No.22142573
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My wife wants to write smutty fantasy roleplays with me but I haven't written anything but technical manuals since college. It's cowboy themed and also has vampire elements.

In short, what are your tips for writing something a girl who grew up in the fanfiction and roleplaying scene would like? I don't know what her expectations are and I think she just wants me to have all the answers from the beginning.

>> No.22142824

Anon, she probably just wants to share her hobby with you. I assume she's written smut before if she's that much into fanfic and RP, or at least heavily consumed it. It doesn't matter if you're shit at it, in fact that might even be better. Just follow her lead when you're not sure about things and enjoy spending time with her, it seems she does with you. If you really want to "prepare", ask her for specific stories she enjoyed reading and borrow elements from those.

>> No.22142846

Are you the guy who started his story with a knight doing paperwork?

>> No.22142911

It's pretty good, but a little too fast and action oriented for a first chapter. There's also slot of sci-fi terminology that makes it hard to follow what's going on. I'd suggest a slower introduction to the setting and characters as a opening, then this can be used as the second or third chapter.

>> No.22142953

Yes. It's rewritten. She still does paperwork, but I tried to change it up to satisfy both people that wanted to world build and her doing something

>> No.22142975

Alright /lit/izens, which one is better, the Sanderson videos or the Robert Olen Butler videos? I've watched most of the Sanderson videos and now I'm starting the Robert ones.

>> No.22142982

take her nasty ideas and push them a little further down kinky avenue
don't overthink it, as long as it seems to excite her it's good
sometimes make it rhyme
follow your cock

>> No.22143041

Sandersnoy is more tactical & directly actionable, Butler is more about getting into a mindset. I don't like Sanderson's writing but I find a lot of his core principles very useful to refer back to.

>> No.22143187

Thanks for the compliment on the Kill List. I'm definitely finding more confidence in it as the story continues. My only end worry is length-- I'm hoping the book finishes around 250-300 pages, give or take. At chapter 11, we're at 122 pages.

The aim is for a shorter, easier to finish, standalone fantasy novel to kickstart the world itself, as well as other novels, whether connected/in the same world or not.

>> No.22143253

I think the cover of a girl standing there isn't it. It should be a piece of paper with names crossed out. Since it's fantasy, just have it on parchment by candlelight

Or a knife cutting out a name

>> No.22143274

What counts as ripping off someone else's work? I have a bunch of inspirations from a variety if mediums but where is the line between homage and rip off?

>> No.22143282

That's not a bad idea at all. Yea, I went with a more pulpy thing just to get more readers on RR. Seems like they skew younger and like character-centric portraits. In the long run, if I get as far as publishing, I think it'll be a much more abstract cover, maybe with a list superseding the desert? We'll see.

>> No.22143302

Don't do it.


>> No.22143315

>Putting it negatively, the myth of eternal return states that a life which disappears once and for all, which does not return, is like a shadow, without weight, dead in advance, and whether it was horrible, beautiful, or sublime, its horror, sublimity, and beauty mean nothing. We need take no more note of it than of a war between two African kingdoms in the fourteenth century, a war that altered nothing in the destiny of the world, even if a hundred thousand blacks perished in excruciating torment.
>Will the war between two African kingdoms in the fourteenth century itself be altered if it recurs again and again, in eternal return?

>> No.22143554

Counter argument. The butterfly effect

>> No.22143595

Any good Hollywood writing books? George Saunders says that they're right about what makes good writing.

>> No.22143712
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>Think of some characters, give them their personality traits
>Make a vague idea for an antagonist(s)
>Make a setting
>Realize I am subconsciously copying a piece of media i recently consumed.
GOD FUCKING DAMN IT. How the fuck do i stop doing this. Should i just embrace it and make fan fiction with the serial numbers filed off or something.

>> No.22143954

Have you considered writing fan fiction with the serial numbers still on?

>> No.22144000

I'm surprised were not flooded by reddit writers

>> No.22144012

Would you be able to tell?

>> No.22144020

I've suffered so much rejection in my pursuits that I honestly cannot bring myself to even try anymore. Things that were once enjoyable hobbies now fill me with a sense of failure and hopelessness. I come up with ideas for a short story or something and immediately there's a voice of self doubt in the back on my mind that convinces me it's not even worth trying. Friends and family tell me that I'm talented and should keep trying, but I fear that they're just saying that because they are loved ones. It's gotten so bad that I've started entertaining the idea of suicide.

>> No.22144113

You have to be tough. I've written so good stuff and horrible stuff, and the horrible stuff is enough for some to try to convince me to quit. But you have to believe in the story you want to write to make it better.

>> No.22144138

I dont plan on it. I want to write something separate from other stuff not hang on the coat tails of someone else's work

>> No.22144150

If your brain is telling you to write fan fiction you might as well give in, if only for the practice. Maybe it'll help you get it out of your system.

>> No.22144176

Yes. This is a redditor. They tend to dream and enjoy thinking of being a writer more than getting shat on with their shit writing

>> No.22144188

Ha ha yeah I sure am glad nobody from 4chan thinks that way, we're such a practical bunch

>> No.22144211
File: 373 KB, 745x680, 1676064032519967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of trying to be "le good" and pretending I want to sell this shit or be recognized. From this day onward I will just fucking write and I wont even post it here for scrutiny, I'll let my audience on royal road speak for itself. I won't care. I'm doing this for the same reason I play video games, because it is fun.
See you never faggots, goodbye!

>> No.22144246

Are you willing to go Jaromir Hladík mode? No? Then you have some need for validation, like everybody else, and if you try to ignore it or stamp it out you just warp your self-perception
Might still be a good call to quit this place tho, I hope you do have fun

>> No.22144582

Hey is my writing any good?

>> No.22144596

Little rewrite on your opening.
>Hey, is my writing any good?

>> No.22144600

why cant you critique my excerpt?

>> No.22144610

I'd say that I did. The comma after 'Hey' should've been there. But I'm sure you can learn little things like this as you good writing. Remember to read your stuff outloud to see how it sounds.

>> No.22144730

I mean the excerpt I posted earlier, why are you being such a dick

>> No.22144737

I have no idea which excerpt is yours.
I thought that your post was a joke, not posting anything and then asking for critique.
Please link to your post.

>> No.22144764

Congratulations. What’s your story about? Also how long ago did you post it, and do you got any tips? I posted my a week ago and I barely got 7 followers though it’s understandable because I’m not really writing to that particular audience. I did just get a positive comment saying they loved my story which is pretty neat.

>> No.22145176

new thread when

>> No.22145186


Tried writing a story with more dialogue. Not sure if the prose comes across boring though.

>> No.22145539

Well, the Kill List has reached the top 2500 stories on RR. I feel good about that. It was unexpected, given it's not a litrpg or isekai.

>> No.22145563

Stop consuming so much media, and go live life.
Find something new to say, instead of regurgitating what other people have said.

>> No.22145571

Take your depressive whining to >>>/lit/wwoym/ .

>> No.22145583

>redditor thinking being anon is nifty keen
I can't wait for this stupid boycott to end.

>> No.22145585

Eat shit midwits

>> No.22145589

New thread >>22145582
May the new one be as free of seething as this one was. That was a nice change of pace.

>> No.22145599

Write full on hardcore Sci-fi instead.

>> No.22145764

wow thanks yahweh for sacrificing yourself to yahweh in order to save all the yahweh worshipers from yahweh. what a great god. it's amazing that the literal creator of the universe and everything has a chosen people - and they're right here on earth!. let me eat flesh and drink blood and ritually hack up all my sons genitals so that I can go to the happy cloud place and not the mean spicy one

>> No.22145887
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>> No.22146707
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