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File: 31 KB, 313x500, 41HQtDhie3L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22127971 No.22127971 [Reply] [Original]

The book that BLACK PILLED me

>> No.22128042
File: 495 KB, 1080x845, 53768623678854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is a real picture of me btw

>> No.22128046

>anon needs someone to spell it out for him that porn is detrimental
Yeah whatever

>> No.22128050
File: 33 KB, 569x426, 1346574063860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gooning to this thread

>> No.22128055

>Blacked his heckin minderino
Epic awesome bacon

>> No.22128061
File: 996 KB, 1100x661, -live goose reaction-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have ~2TBs of stored porn. I always try to delete it but then I remember that I have a lot of 4K and hard to fid vids, so I never do. It's the hoarder in me that wins over the coomer, really. I try to pick my favorites but that's pretty hard too. Should I just swiftly delete it all and just go to the hub and /gif/ when I need a quick nut?

>> No.22128064

having any porn saved on your device is extremely pathetic, 2TB is abysmal

>> No.22128065

Pull the plug. ANON, ANON, ANON!

>> No.22128071
File: 1.30 MB, 1558x991, 4K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But look at how good the quality is. I spent ages downloading them.

>> No.22128076
File: 119 KB, 1080x458, 1672789213881862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this problem but with data in general, not just porn, I have hundreds of gigs of games I never play and yet I cannot bring myself to delete them, I also have hundreds of gigabytes of 4chan images I've saved over the years. Books too, though I think those amount to a few dozen gigs.

>> No.22128079

She looks inbred. Yeah yeah, you know what‘s even more HD? Real life.

>> No.22128094

Anon i feel you, as another hoarder i also have time when i downloaded over a tb of porn and dojins. it is the ritual of letting go, of just pressing that damned format button that will free you. Trust me, click that format button.

>> No.22128100

Shit on /gif/ is beyond foul

>> No.22128114
File: 1020 KB, 1346x921, 4K-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I'm the same. I have TBs upon TBs of movies that I never watch. I always rewatch the same 50 or so favorites and ignore the rest unless I discover something new.
Yeah I bet (you) look like a god when pulling exaggerated o-faces in pornographic flicks...
>real life
Da how did I not think to use y real-life definitely big dick to fuck y definitely real gf since I am definitely not a friendless KHV Great thinking anon!

The point isn't that I need it to jerk off, it's that I've wasted too much effort to get them and I could ever find them again.
I know you're right but I also know that I'll never go on NoFap (last time I got a varicocele and the doc told e to jerk off at least once or twice a week) so what's the point when I'll just be watching the same vids in lower quality on porn sites a week from now?
I know, I just save the best webms. But the point is that if you really need to jerk off you ca fid something ad be doe i 2 minutes so I don't /need/ the stored porn. But I did spend so much time getting it ad I couldn't get it again.

>> No.22128126

I have nothing to do with this conversation, I just want to say I want to shove my face up her ass.

>> No.22128285

Besides Porn, how do i stop hoarding? I used to hoard movies, music, books. Now it's only books i tend to hoard these days since the first two I'm mostly done with. But how do we get rid of this oarding mentality? I am very interested in books but a part of me knows that I'll be relieved if that much data is gone somehow or trimmed..

>> No.22128291

It is you accumulating all the books you know your full potential would and could read. It is you holding a vision and not giving up on the hope that some day you will be that version of you and read all of those books.

>> No.22128296
File: 314 KB, 464x487, 1674746846647669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I even want to know

>> No.22128436

it's masturbating without cumming but you jerk your dick for like 2 hours straight

>> No.22128455
File: 311 KB, 777x500, 30 yo saver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twenty years before Your Brain On Porn, there was a book called Your Brain on TV, written by Robert Putnam. Everyone talks about it, but no one seems to have read it; I know this because they erroneous attribute to it ideas which Putnam only developed in a paper published several years later in a Swedish journal.

This is the reason people hoard Curry Potatoes, because it's so hard to find, and they're afraid they will lose it. I have never felt the need to store porn. It's freely available everywhere.

>> No.22128495

You should consider ending it because you have instilled a harmful habit and drive that occupies TBs of your mental apparatus and you cannot conceive of going without it and default to some image board or tube site as an alternative, which are just as harmful. You have no desire to be free. Your mind and word space have been polluted. The ivy has crept up on the tree and they have become one. It cannot be removed without killing the tree. The only option now is one final noble act of the will where you chop the entire rotten thing down.
The book isn't a black pill. The author was a weakling with an ugly wife and had no issue with masturbation or recreational sex. That's why he's dead. His book contains anecdotes and anecdotes from losers who just wanted to get laid or have a guilt complex because their hambeast wives caught them, or because they were coping with having erectile dysfunction. NPCs whose lives revolve around getting off. If you want the real blackpills it's much worse. Reading YBOP will actually make the porn habit worse by it having pro sexual metaphors and paraphrands which will influence your thoughts and behaviors accordingly.

>> No.22128504

i don't have 2tb but I do have around 900gb
i don't even watch them, I just downloaded a shit ton when I was horny
I don't want to delete them because I might want to watch it in the future

>> No.22128547

You go there once and I promise you you will feel worse about humanity. The amount of niggerworship porn on there makes me want to vomit. This entire website is awful for porn UNLESS you are already a sick mind, or you like yuri.

>> No.22128549

Crazy to think how stunted your intellectual development and brain chemistry is if you viewed porn at a young age, especially young boys. Really destroys lives, and all that lost innocence..
Pretty blackpilling I agree, although you still have to work with what you have anyways.

>> No.22128574

Yet another book that blames all the woes of a generation on a minor inconvinience using faulty reasoning and shaky research? It's funny how much people will vehemently try to filify porn rather than admit their brain chemistry simply isn't adjusted for the modern world, making them fall behind. Porn could vanish tomorrow and 90%+ of guys would still live lives as wasteful and meaningless as they do today.

Don't try to shift blame onto a scapegoat. It's not porn, it's you. Learn how to cope with your brain chemistry or find medication. Adderall, methylphenidate, all of them should work.

>> No.22128605

>pushing meds
Literally going backwards. Any dumbass that believes medication will solve any of their problems can never break free from Samsara. Also here’s your (you)

>> No.22128612

My guy here thinking about other man jacking off so much that he wrote a whole book about it, and someone else read it! LOL

>> No.22128617

Certainly, judging by the quality of your post you have no thought activity at all. I suppose you win!

>> No.22128724

Being and Having (?) by Erich Fromm. You can do it.

>> No.22128730

The real reason there's a push lately against porn (not only against the easy accessibility of it, but in general), is because it devaluates pussy. They cover it using arguments like trafficking and drugs, but they really mean that their pussy is worth less now than before OnlyFans or whatever.
Other reasons are cited in this thread, such as erectile dysfunction (again, can't get hard for their pussy). But what I really dislike is the hypocrisy of it, they say porn is bad, yet they post sexually charged photos and videos of themselves all the time. Hell, just take a walk and most girls are half naked.

>> No.22128739

Couldn't this book be called Your Brain On Sex? Do any of the researchers compare the brain activity of those who've jist had sex with those to watch porn? Maybe it's connected, or at least it explains most of the similarities.

>> No.22128747

cooming is reduced only once you are good at meditation. in the mean time the only solution is pragmatism. you fap between 15min/day and 15min/week and move on with your day not being infatuated with girls

>> No.22128749

>Do brain-melting drugs so you can be a more motivated laborer

>> No.22128774

>Read book
>Research consists of anecdotes of people on the internet going "yeah bro I stopped masturbating for 3 weeks and now I can talk to girls"
Disappointing read.

>> No.22128828

Zoomers invented edging

>> No.22128853

Whenever I do this I get a pain in my bladder and feel really uncomfortable. It subsides when I bust a nut and the pressure gets relieved, but the sensation is terribly unpleasant. Whenever I get the urge I'd rather visciously beat my dick for like 3 mins and move on with my life.

>> No.22128871

This. /gif/ is fucking disgusting, but so are tube sites today

>> No.22128887

>cooming is reduced only once you are good at meditation
elaborate. Does your sex drive decrease the better you get at meditating or what?

>> No.22128902

>The worst thing about /gif/ is niggerworship and not the rekt and animal rekt threads
Niggers live rent free in your head

>> No.22128904

And /thread

>> No.22128928

It is a black pill, exactly for the reason that >>22128549 pointed out. 12 year olds watching hardcore fast cut porn starring fake titted chicks getting screwed in the ass by two niggers at a time surely does something to the psyche.
Just as bad as TikTok Porn: fast cut, short term flicks of hardcore porn or at least the most beautiful women on the platform with huge asses and tits, covered behind layers of make up and 2 filters, being blasted at your brain every 10 seconds. Imagine what this is doing to children's view of reality.
Hell, even grown ass men get fucked by that, what chance does a 12 year old brain stand against this kind of extreme overstimulation and distorted of reality?

>> No.22128940

I don’t understand

>> No.22128946


>> No.22128955

A little girl in a woman’s body made this post.

>> No.22129169

What are some /lit/ AVNs?

>> No.22129192

Yes, let's not use artificial chemistry, instead we will struggle day by day by trying to painfuly morph our instincts and interests into something more societaly appropriate. Because mindfucking oneself with abstract philosophy or other copes for schizoid individuals is soooo much better and natural than medication. You are all bound by primitive instinct of fear against change. If you want to be noncomformist, be. But don't try to go back to society in a roundabout way.

>> No.22129220
File: 1.55 MB, 3024x3024, ChristForArms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 year olds watching hardcore fast cut porn starring fake titted chicks getting screwed in the ass by two niggers at a time surely does something to the psyche.

Ahaha what the fuck when I was 12 I was only watching dog/horse porn and lesbian bondage because i thought it was gay as fuck to look at another dude's dick. Wasn't until I was like 22 that I could even tolerate that shit, and it's still fucking gross.

> what chance does a 12 year old brain stand against this kind of extreme overstimulation and distorted of reality

lol, bro. Who gives a fuck? What? Are you "heavily invested in the world"? I've got nothing to lose and couldn't care less if this faggot house burns to the ground. What do you have to lose? A bunch of foolish fantasies and delusions? You still have hope for the future? Are you a child? Aahahhaa, fuck kids, they're literally just the aftershocks of the degeneracy of their parents.

>be you
>shot by revolver
>thinks the next round in the chamber will cure the first bullet hole
ahahaha enjoy

>> No.22129227

the difference is that women are inherently sexual perverts. Men don't like sex, men like the competition before and during sex and to see a girl orgasming due to their dicks, and for the atheists due to their tongues. Ie men love the competition and having a direct influence on the world. men dont love sex at all . It's only women who are hedonistic and sex cravings machines coasting thru life thanks to their orbiters.
Women don't want to to be respected and make love in the dark with their devoted provider. What women want is to be fucked raw by an Adonis they barely know who makes them squirt everywhere and fuck them until they can barely walk the day after.

Women want the convulsive orgasm where they lose consciousness to the point that they roll their eyes and lose their social self, getting in touch for the first time their true self, ie the sheer whoredom. You think they will get that by looking into the eyes of their generic subservient beta appliance fucking them in the missionary position?
Think again.

>> No.22129230
File: 511 KB, 1500x1941, sexual abuse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was like 20 years ago, and sure, I wasn't the most socially successful person, but I did well enough. Kids will be fine, literally 25% of kids get sexually abused, and they're usually not as good as the other kids, but they're fine.

>90% of retarded kids get sexually assaulted

The world has fine taste, I can't find fault in some connoisseurs of fucking retarded children. Change your perspective. Start to see this shit as a good thing. I'd rather have a bunch of drug-addict niggerloving whores than WASP useful idiots perpetuating the current status quo.

>> No.22129231

cringe ahahahaha poster

>> No.22129248
File: 23 KB, 500x500, Red-Del.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggot can't appreciate horse and dog cock
>faggot can't enjoy lesbian bondage
>faggot thinks vanilla sex is superior
wow, buddy. You might want to get your cock and balls chopped off. There's not much hope for you, you little gay boy.

The only excuses is that you have the intelligence of a farm animal, since only animals enjoy vanilla sex over enhanced sex.

>the people who enjoy straight sex more than enhanced sex
>poor people
>colored people
>feral animals
>the working class
>low-IQ religious people

compare this to

>people who enjoy the most fucked up sex imaginable
>intellectual elite

Really? You're just admitting to be born into the group of poor idiots with no more mental capacity than a feral animal? That's fucking pitiful. I'm glad that savages like you "cringe" at civilization, ahahah, you're unworthy of every benefits offered to you by the child-rapist elite.

>picture is literally you
>"technically an apple"
>markedly of inferior quality to the other apples

It's disgusting watching beasts like you cackle in your depravity, but what can be expected when fucking Dr. Dolittle is in charge of educating you fucking morlocks.

>> No.22129259
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>> No.22129270
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Yeah she's one of the hottest pornstars. Ass, tits, curves, face, the whole package. Shae she just did a few normal vids, tons of blacked, and just retired.
Yeah but all that wonderful 4K...
Same desu. I basically watch the same 4-10 vids when I jerk off two-three times per week, but I can't bring myself to delete the rest.
I've noticed. It's gone downhill for ~6-7 years now. Can't do anything without niggerdicks flying i your face.
I'm not infatuated with women, I just have periods where I'm really horny. Cumming and then 5 minutes later jerking off again with the cum still on my hands tier. Honestly, my problem is that I'm inconsistent with my taste.

>> No.22129275

This guy enjoys having his anus stretched

>> No.22129283
File: 46 KB, 640x619, WhitePillGang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pills now

>> No.22129308
File: 115 KB, 800x600, ProvingMyPoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the people who enjoy straight sex more than enhanced sex
>poor people
>colored people
>feral animals
>the working class
>low-IQ religious people

compare this to

>people who enjoy the most fucked up sex imaginable
>intellectual elite

Thank you for proving my point. Pic related. What the fuck are you doing on this board if you literally have the mental capacity of a disabled 9 year old? You just come here to LARP about "not being retarded"?

>> No.22129312

Do you wear diapers because of all the stretching you've done?
Could you poo out a basketball?

>> No.22130073
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not literature related

>> No.22130146


>> No.22130152

I quit porn and masturbation a week ago and I'm already noticing the benefits. I have so much more time and energy now, and I'm generally in a better mood.

>> No.22130154

You seriously can't be this retarded… mf you are trying to insinuate that by hold ANY moral or philosophical view point you some kind of npc, yet are pushing the narrative that because some socialist doctor told you that your common anxiety is somehow chronic, you should take drugs that literally conform you. Oh wait, you must be a doctor, I gotcha.

>> No.22130164

I have literally never stored or downloaded porn in my entire life and I cannot comprehend why someone ever would, all reasons given always seem pointless

>> No.22130165

You seem confused. People are on meds because they're trying to conform to a way of life that is clearly detrimental to mental health. It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a sick society. Taking meds for schizophrenia is one thing, but taking meds for things like anxiety and ADHD is just masking the underlying issues that could be solved by relatively simple lifestyle changes.

>> No.22130174

You didn't have to use that many words to simply convey that you lack imagination and empathy.

>> No.22130180

>he hasn't engineered an overcomplicated indexed search engine with multiple terrabytes of storage, a machine learning based tagging system, multiple API interfaces, a realtime web-scraper and funneled it all through multiple proxies in order to efficiently and automatically download and catalog all the furry porn that may disappear from the internet in a few years time
It's like you can't even think two steps ahead. Anyway I have been making sure that artists who throw a hissy fit and delete all their anthropomorphic smut are incapable of erasing it permanently. I will ALWAYS repost them. I will ALWAYS be sharing.

>> No.22130188

It seems to me like you people are just idiots trying to fill their lives with pointless shit

>> No.22130849

>Yeah but all that wonderful 4K...
Ending it doesn't mean deleting it, you ESL retard. I never said there was hope for you. Deleting will do nothing evidenced by the first three posts and your latest one. You'll always be a carnally minded coombrain now, never escaping. The words you use and write reflects and determines what you think.

>> No.22130856

>doesn't understand why someone would save porn
>you must lack imagination

Holy mackerel. I don't think I've seen such bold faced irony like this in all my years.

Can I have it?

>> No.22130857

Pretending they don't care, but they have to tell you they don't care so they appear cool and unbothered.

>> No.22130860

>Reddit spacing

>> No.22130863

1.porn is bad no matter what, even solo female, softcore, nudie mags, etc.
2. its gay to look at dicks, no matter the race
3. its still worse if its of a different race
4. normal people don't have fetishes and they never have. it has been normalized by the media for the zoomer generation. even millennials didnt really have it, at least in their youth.

>> No.22130878
File: 270 KB, 1200x1632, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normal people don't have fetishes and they never have

>> No.22130929

I'm not him but I agree, and no it's because you become good at controlling impulses.

>> No.22130930

you only prove my point

>> No.22131125


I had about 400gb of porn about ten years ago. Deleted it without a second thought after watching the original "porn is bad" TedTalk. Never watched porn since and did nofap for three months to "reset my brain" or whatever.

I absolutely accept it may well have been a placebo but my life took a dramatically positive turn after that decision. Literally made my social anxiety and depression disappear within weeks and I lost my virginity soon after. Had the drive to work out and engage in other hobbies more. I read a lot more, learned to draw and play the piano. In a happy, long term relationship now and never think about porn.

I would always encourage people to try noporn. You can always just watch porn again if it doesn't work after a couple of months. But you can't half-ass it, you need to go cold turkey and delete the porn too or you'll know in you brain that you haven't really sworn off the porn.

>> No.22131138


>> No.22131142

For the love of God, sauce!

>> No.22131154

Who that?

>> No.22131175
File: 1.11 MB, 1558x782, 4K-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mia Melano, Vixen scene with Johnny Sins.
Bree Daniels, Tushy scene with Mick Blue.
To have some faves in case they're scrubbed off the net, and to have the whole scene in the best quality. Pornsites chop the vids up.
I'm not doing NoFap after the last time. I'm just too horny too often, it doesn't result in any withered energy or whatnot in me. You've got a point in general though. I can get my orgasm from a looped 20s webm just the same.

>> No.22131187

why do you like to watch other people have sex?

>> No.22131209


>> No.22131217

Thanks for the sauce anon! :)
Would you be kind enough to tell me as to how may I be able to get the 4k files of them?

>> No.22131229
File: 768 KB, 1105x580, 4K-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like watching the woman get dominated and I self-insert as the guy. I don't like it when the male is ugly. I see it as a movie of sorts.
NP. I got them off RARBG and that's been closed down, so, yeah... It's why I' so hesitant to delete them all. I guess 1337x could have some.

>> No.22131233

What a relentlessly handsome man. Is this achievable?

>> No.22131268

The negative effects of porn are way over exaggerated. Its basically the same as any stimulating addicting media. Hell most of you guys probably endlessly refreshing 4chan

>> No.22131293
File: 788 KB, 2700x4300, 1674215140012680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find live-action porn where there's a male a bit grotesque, I don't have a problem with solo or lesbian stuff, but when a guy is involved it just feels... a bit weird I guess. Funnily enough I actually didn't have this problem when I was younger and first got into porn, it's something that developed as I've grown older. It's also only a problem with live-action stuff, 2D and 3D CG stuff with males isn't a problem for me, unless the guy it's an animation/game where the guy is voiced, giving the guy a voice is a massive turn-off, it's why I mostly stick to hentai manga/hentai illustrations and VNs/hentai games, since the former doesn't have voices and the latter rarely has male voices, but I usually stay away from animated hentai since those do often use male voices, the one exception to this is if the male is supposed to be young and/or very girly and is voiced by a female.

>> No.22131298

It's second best when you're too ugly to have sex yourself

>> No.22131310

>Holy mackerel.

>> No.22131319
File: 97 KB, 614x866, FyKDuYLacAAV_fV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 1TB of collected erotica, images, videos and games. All of it is niche and of the highest quality.
Being a coomer is only a "problem" if you're a loser to begin with.

>> No.22131416

>I have ~2TBs of stored porn. I always try to delete it but then I remember that I have a lot of 4K and hard to fid vids, so I never do. It's the hoarder in me that wins over the coomer, really. I try to pick my favorites but that's pretty hard too. Should I just swiftly delete it all and just go to the hub and /gif/ when I need a quick nut?
exactly me
deleting porn is a huge mistake and is ineffective

>> No.22131459

2 bucks say at least 600gbs of that is loli

>> No.22131474

I just deleted all my porn after reading this thread. Not because i buy the benefits of the nofap stuff, but i realized how pathetic it is to curate a big collection of videos that i only watch for 5 minutes.

>> No.22131511


>> No.22132657

You need meds because you're an ugly loser.

>> No.22133762

One of few in this thread that is gonna make it.

>> No.22133859

I'd say its not the amount you have, its how often you consume it, and if your consumption is a determent to yourself and others.

I wonder if there is an inverse correlation of the amount of porn consumed and the amount of sex someone has.

>> No.22133943
File: 1.66 MB, 399x250, C1720542-5B41-4080-B2FD-A244857D900A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell I don’t even have a 2TB SSD and this guy has 2TB OF PORN ALONE

>> No.22134411

if you're the type of fag that DOWNLOADS porn it was over for you before it began

>> No.22134549

It's fucking over for coomertards

>> No.22134599

Blows my mind that some people have such an addiction to porn that it ruins their lives. Banning porn (which is impossible btw) won't solve the problem, though.

>> No.22134600


>> No.22134605


>retards thinking porn is the problem

it's the just natural consequence of inceldom, and not the cause of it

>> No.22134609


it's just the natural*

>> No.22134616

No one is actually "addicted" to porn. That's just zoomer cope.

>> No.22134624

Like I said, kill yourself.

>> No.22134657

uhh my dick begs to differ

>> No.22134696
File: 421 KB, 1934x1176, christ_rich_young_ruler_hofmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to stop. You need to change your life.

This isn't making you happy.

>> No.22134930
File: 71 KB, 768x960, IMG_9728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually watch porn tonight get going, but near the end I use my imagination. I often do not cum to the videos. Maybe I should though. Or shouldn’t.

>> No.22134956

>Porn could vanish tomorrow and 90%+ of guys would still live lives as wasteful and meaningless as they do today.
This may very well be true, but that's beside the point. Quitting porn is about not being a hedonistic, dumbfuck retard, not some magic cure-all.

>> No.22134962


>> No.22134966

Many people discuss the consequences of excessive porn use, but nobody ever considers if your situation involves exclusively masturbating to Japanese cartoons (my problem).

>> No.22135009
File: 45 KB, 720x678, ezgif-1-a2a5205dd9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is what it fucking is bro.

>> No.22135081

years ago when i browsed /pol/ someone posted a video that was an author of a book like this who talked about how porn is about controlling the population and references the israeli's playing porn on palestinian television channels when they did some annexing. does anyone here know what video i am talking about or who the author may be? it may even be the author in the OP but i just don't know

>> No.22135095

I am at Clear Pill, especially since I believe free will doesn't exist.
It is what it is,

>> No.22135102

>since I believe free will doesn't exist.
Biological determinism then?

>> No.22135106

in short, yes. but at the end of the day, everything biological is just chemical and physical and follows the same rules of the universe as everything else

>> No.22135111

So moral nihilism as well then?

>> No.22135114
File: 1.63 MB, 3713x2133, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same except I have 5TB worth of porn games and I usually get my kicks from sorting my porn than actually fapping to my porn. At this rate I think my OCD is worse than my porn addiction.

>> No.22135121


>> No.22135123

the human condition keeps me from truly embracing and living on moral nihilism though i know it is the truth. this is why being a robot would be better. i know in the end the universe will have a heat death and anything anyone or anything ever did or happened would not matter yet i just continue to do things anyway as the human brain isn't wired to embrace this truly. this is all hard for me to articulate as i have never really tried to write this stuff out before but it makes sense in my head

>> No.22135294

hentai is different and has many pros:
>fictional, so no one is being exploited/trafficked
>jobs for artists, VAs, marketing, etc.
>sometimes has a good plot (very rare though)
I admit I enjoy both porn and hentai, but clearly they are not the same.

>> No.22135298

What the hell is BLACK PILLED even mean anymore? Is BLACKED PILLED same as depressing or what?

>> No.22135320

yes, black pilled = no hope, its over, kill me pete

>> No.22135472

porn games are worse than heroin, got hit once with a reccomendation from friend, spent half a year inside my room, got new fetishes once in a while, finishes lots of underground shit i'll never heard of that still influenced my writing (BS2, for example) found out about Touhou (eragame).
Thank fuck i'm financially secure.

>> No.22135531

Try out Succubus Academia for more psychedelic trips like BS2. Could help bring more inspiration to your writings.

>> No.22135532

E Michael Jones?

>> No.22135554
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I mean, porn games were my initial motivation for learning japanese, I've yet to hear about someone being driven to learn something by heroin. Actually, I'm not so sure now because I could see someone trying to acquire new skills in order to make money and feed their heroin addiction, so yeah maybe heroin has actually made people learn new things.

>> No.22135608

just filter

>> No.22135629

Always remember to practice social distancing when in the company of Dworkinites, reactionaries, ascetics and adjacent body-hating zealots. The disease can always spread further.

>> No.22135633

I deleted my porn , use blockers in my browsers still not much changed I still watch porn few times a week

>> No.22135642
File: 7 KB, 206x245, 1468307924453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just smoking weed and gooning to a sissy anal trainer hypnosis video and the girl in the video told me to drink a shit ton of water and hold it my bladder for more pleasure while I was fucking my prostate. When I had my sissygasm (anal orgasm) a mixture of cum and piss shot out all over my room with the fury of a thousand suns. I kid you fucking not my entire bed and floor is now covered in a mixture of piss, cum, and lube. I just laid there and felt instant regret that I've never felt from my porn addiction before. I fucking hate the jews for doing this me. I haven't even cleaned it up yet, i'm just sitting here in bed on the verge of crying too ashamed to look at the mess I created .

>> No.22135648

Do you prefer trannyshit?

>> No.22135651

It always starts with bad parents and that’s where the real issue lies

>> No.22135696

I had around 2 TBs as well, most of it doujins. Deleted it all one day in a vow to quit. That lasted for about a week and then I was right back at it. I tried to recover anything I could from various software but only scraps. Now I just get off from tube sites.

>> No.22135718

look up day in life of ----- (chad daily routine) and follow that as closely as possible in your current circumstances. that's my advice to u for now

>> No.22135728

why would you ask?

do REALLY see yourself having any special plans for these TBs of obscure porn? no?
are you trying to quit the habit of porn? yes?

delete them and forget about it

assuming you have no plans quitting porn honestly buying a new hard drive of 2TBs is a better idea, it's cheap anyway.

>> No.22135737

anon i don't recommend deleting it because porn is as accessible from the web as it is from your drives, and thus yours also holds an obscure value.

>> No.22135747

NoPorn is too shilled and too easily accessible to believe it works. All good things are hidden from normie public

>> No.22135761

i always fail nofap because my insomnia and fact that fapping takes the edge of and help me fall asleep faster when i am tossing and turning

>> No.22135791


>> No.22135801

nobodytm -you, i cant find full video tho

>> No.22135820

I think think there are some real criticism to make of porn and the porn industry (and really industrialized sexuality in general), but the nofap/noporn people seem to approach it in such a way that none of those issues can be addressed.

>> No.22135867

I don't know if this is compassion or obsession but everytime I see a post like this I feel like an arrow pierced my heart.

>> No.22136581

I’m in a similar position to you. Most humans can’t handle the truth and most that do know the truth can’t embrace it, compared to say a devout religious believer

>> No.22136598

this is extremely goonphobic

>> No.22136622

quitting the porn made me extremely lonely and sad over being a virgin. I guess that is working as intended and supposed to make me go out and meet women irl, but eh.

>> No.22136666

Hahahaha no it wasn't illegal war, poverty in the economy and anything else, it was a book about naked ladies bad that "black" "pilled" you.

Looks like OP wants to redefine it. Black pill is the word for when you're done with left and right, it's a normal human basically - those creatures who comprise 99% of the world outside of internet echo chambers and you never see on screens.

>no hope
Hope is wrong in the first place and the source of all evil, according to the romans. story of pandora.

i'm pretty sure that's medically impossible and is clearly propaganda designed for you, 5867.

>. Most humans can’t handle the truth and most that do know the truth can’t embrace it, compared to say a devout religious believer
who is drunk on a whole other cocktail of made-up hokum.. hm reliable..

If a hobo was attacking you with a broken bottle would you consider the bottle a superior weapon?

suppository pill?

>> No.22136679

You’re just taking hot shots and not adding to the discussion. What do you believe in?

>> No.22136682

sure is. o you feel happy or better that you've allowed some random men to have you train yourself to be dependent on a woman for sexual release? how many handbags will you buy her?

it takes a truly fucked species to 'desire' slavery... perhaps you're just a masochist anon, or perhaps the great secret of the last decade is that nofap created men who were eager to debase themselves and ultimately ended up as trannies..? i mean.. trannies do use chastity cages... #nofap

>> No.22136689

Being with a woman is not just about sexual release scrote

>> No.22136690

Nothing. Propaganda Fides is a product of human nonsense, whether it's religion or ideology. Belief is a shitty drag act for baseline egotism.

>> No.22136695

my point is that the ideology is fucking stupid.

>> No.22136712

>Hell most of you guys probably endlessly refreshing 4chan
this is true.

>> No.22136751

You know, friends, there is a very good case to be made for the proper use of porn and the wrong use of porn. Humans are more often controlled by inflicting guilty mechanisms on them for doing normal biological heterosexual things. It is not entirely the same but similar to using slaves or prostitutes to get a certain lust out of your system; to deny it is to kettle that lust and have it blow up in other areas of your life,if not coming (pun intended) to utterly subsume your life to the point that you come (haha) to actually identify your personality with a few fleeting moments of a sexual act.

In a lot of ways porn can be said to be far better than abusing a slave or a prostitute or bullying a colleague, since it is just screentime like watching a movie.

A thing may be invented by a idiot who doesn't know what he has invented, perhaps pornography is this. Who knows what porn is or why an image like this is consider attractive >>22131229 .. perhaps porn represents a natural cyclical fleeting thing, rather than an ideation of personality definition.

>> No.22136876
File: 126 KB, 1264x721, sa-alma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Succubus Academia
Found picrel online looks interesting, Alright you got me Anon, i'll be renting a place for two nights to finish this shit. hope you're happy

>> No.22137146

I can’t name a single benefit porn has bought to my life. I was introduced to it in 5th grade!, it’s clearly deeply embedded in my mind if nothing else.
I can see why some people have an addiction to it. At my worst I’d watch it every day sometimes twice sometimes three times. All that time adds up, and for me it was like I was artificially building up my libido to want more. Apparently something like over 85% of men watch it, which tells me most aren’t even using it other than to nut which is fine I guess but again once you get past that point where it’s a habit you’re just wasting time