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22126440 No.22126440 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't philosophy tackle interpersonal relationships much?

>> No.22126447

because philosophy nerds dont have friends.

>> No.22126455
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Imagine the type of person who is too busy thinking about life to enjoy it, this is the philosopher — the irony lies within the fact that of all the conclusions they manufacture, they never once put it into practice, leaving the future generations to trip and stumble, missing the real fruit of an enjoyable life. They mock religion, but dedicate their lives to the musings of dead men. The philosopher has no interpersonal relationships, he has himself, and he dies with himself. He has no Christ, he has nothing to save him, his life has been wasted on vain ramblings.

>> No.22126755

>"the unexamined life is not worth living"
Imagine being such a husk of a human being that you feel the need to shit on philosophical people just because of muh living in the moment. You know you can be a deep thinker and also enjoy life too, right? Imagine the idea that it might actually be enjoyable to make enquiry into life, and that this can lead to insights that produce joy. Do you think Kafka didn't enjoy life at all? According to his friends he was very liked and funny at parties. He was of a depressive and anxious nature but he made the best of his life and produced the greatest /lit/ of the 20th century, while you're posting on a mongolian basket weaving forum about how philosophers are dumb, on the literature board of all places.

>The philosopher has no interpersonal relationships, he has himself, and he dies with himself
I know you're probably an edgy 21 year old who wants to make a statement but if you looked into the history of philosophy in the west, or even in the eastern tradition (confucious), you'll find that philosophy's origins are profoundly social (Socrates, all the greek schools generally). You should probably kill yourself

>> No.22126778

Um actually, Hume was very popular and invited to high society events all the time in both London and Paris.

>> No.22126781

Because philosophers aren't women, and vice versa.

>> No.22126973

Don't misrepresent what I am saying. I never said you shouldn't examine your life. That would be antithetical to the Christian viewpoint made later in my post. What I am saying is, a life solely dedicated to self-examination will lead to self ruination. The likes of Socrates, Plato and Neiztche spent so much of their life pontificating with barely any conclusion.
>History of Philosophy in the West
Vanity. It is all vanity. Just because they were huffing their own farts a dozen centuries ago, doesn't mean there was anything profound about it.

Colossians 2:8 KJV
“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”

What good is philosophy if it only lasts a droplet, when you could have the Truth for eternity. Why spend ruthless nights searching for meaning when the meaning is already laid before you. It is arrogance and dangerous to make a God out of your own mind, such as the likes of Jung, who has led millions to eternal torment.

>> No.22126978

Kill yourself zoomer trash

>> No.22127006

It's the virgin Mary that philosophers need. They all had crazy mothers.

>> No.22127019

It does, actually. Fichte, Hegel, (young) Marx, Buber, Sartre, Beauvoir, Levinas, Nishitani, just to give some examples, all discuss this topic.

>> No.22127048

lol seething

>> No.22127077
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I enjoy thinking about life, though. I think about life every day, because I like doing it. There's nothing more joyful and pleasant to me than that. Now what?

>> No.22127133

It took me until my mid twenties to construct a fake persona that works, I was so genuine for so long and all that happened is I got fucked over... why bros why

>> No.22127156

>all this brainlet cope in this thread

the only people that hate philosophy are those too dumb to understand it, every great man of history was an avid reader of philosophy

>> No.22127159

Because there are predators. A gazelle might as well complain about lions.

>> No.22127178

>I was so genuine
We all start as nothing. Character is built through experience.

>> No.22127179

Cool quote but I read The Metamorphosis and The Judgement and I'm never ever reading Kafka again.

>> No.22127188


>> No.22127192

my experieriences have made me schizoid

>> No.22127194

It's another episode of "but we know there is a sky daddy and so I don't have to think about the ouchy"

>> No.22127195
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Der Mensch ist ein Raubtier

>> No.22127228

Didn't like them much, The Metamorphosis was alright but The Judgement was incomprehensible, and I didn't really like the writing style of Kafka in both short stories.

>> No.22127394
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Thank god teenagers don't read anything more than YA romance otherwise they would be quoting Kafka all the time