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22122450 No.22122450 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ You’re cenar edition

Previous thread >>22116380

>> No.22122456

i fantasise about choking on my own diarrhea

>> No.22122462
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Why do chuds always talk about BBC and trannies?

>> No.22122465
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Daily reminder that if you're curious about a right wing author or philosopher but don't know where to start, you should see if Counter Currents has a "Remembering" article for them







>> No.22122475

Live your dream

>> No.22122480

>right wing

>> No.22122488

(transcript: https://counter-currents.com/2017/06/heidegger-and-ethnic-nationalism-part-1/ )

>> No.22122492

They're categorical border intrusions. The extreme conservative wants extremely rigid categories and the liberal wants to dissolve them all. The interaction of both means the categories evolve.

>> No.22122501

Time is greater than space.

>> No.22122506

Why the fuck it took me so long to realize that despite being very attractive, smart, smooth talker and charming I always approached girls extremely drunk hence my poor results.

I was always deeply frustrated with objectively knowing my positive attributes, being told about them by everyone around me constantly, having a few rare good random experiences but in general when I tried to take some action and initiative I always did very poorly.

Yes I was always drunk when approaching, I guess I overestimated my skills when drunk and underestimate them when sober and now it's time for a change.

>> No.22122536

How old is too old to sleep in until noon all summer?

>> No.22122593

I'm letting everyone in this thread know that this anon >>22122506 is a registered sex offender. Please proceed with caution.

>> No.22122612

tbt i went on a date and the bartender asked if i wanted it all on my card and i stared at him with a look of resignation until the girl said we should split it.

>> No.22122620

how did it went after?

>> No.22122627

fuck you, pervert

>> No.22122635
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I find most girls to be attractive but to be rather boring personality wise and not worth the effort of approaching. Still looking for a single woman who is intelligent, kind, feminine and able to understand others and be there to hang out and just to talk. I've found several in my undergrad days but I was too immature to appreciate them. I know I won't do that again. Might hit up some school clubs to look for some 18-22 year olds that at least approach this ideal of mine.

>> No.22122636
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My overseas lover is no longer overseas. Today I heard a voice saying "OK then!" and I recognised it; it's like a birdsong, divine simplicity.

>> No.22122642

I've come to the conclusion that I am fundamentally unsuited for real life. If I'm obsessed with something else, a topic or a story, another world of limerence. Then and only then am I functional. My one recourse to coping with life is constant escapism into imaginary realms.
My life isn't even bad. Objectively. It's not bad at all. I'm secure somewhat. Yet I keep retreating inside my mind.

>> No.22122644

had an argument with mom

>> No.22122647

I did one of those digital interviews where it just shows you a question prompt and you have to film yourself answering it for some far-off dickwad to watch and laugh at your cringe, which is saved on their servers forever.
The sheer indignity of it kind of steam-rolled me.
It's like Only Fans except instead of getting money for showing bobs and vagene, you are maybe granted the possibility of making money through future labor.

>> No.22122653

good. there really wasn't anyway of messing it up since the girl really liked me. the encounter is just so funny in retrospect because it must have been atleast a 10 second stare before she said something. there was this tension between what i think is my duty and what my personal incentives actually are in that moment.

>> No.22122658

Try to fix it, in time you will realize how much silly wasted time there was with loved ones

reminder to everybody ITT to call their mom/grandma and just say hey I was thinking about you how about a chat, you will make their day

>> No.22122669

Like 5 years ago I heard about a novel where the mc escapes from a mental asylum to look for "little people" who live inside wells and sinks. I don't remember who told me about this novel. Neither chatgpt nor google gave me any results. I am starting to believe that I just dreamed this whole story and my mind keeps referencing this "fake memory"

>> No.22122691

you sure like talking about yourself on social media

>> No.22122711

Couldn't be The Vodi by John Braine?

>> No.22122718
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Honorary Roosh and Roissy edition
Man I miss Roissy so fucking much ever since he went MIA in 2009

>> No.22122728

saw a video of some body builder in a gym saying vehemently and,( according to the comments and title of the video) charismatically, he say with an angry face "follow your dreams, be who you really want to be" and he look at his muscles and then pointed to the gym machines.
life is grotesque.

>> No.22122732

so what's for you after this?

>> No.22122734
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actually Roissy dump, Roosh is a fag now and he might delete his files

>> No.22122742
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>> No.22122748
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not confirmed if this is roissy on the left or not, the nose does seem jewish so it might be him
I don't know if there are other pics of him around besides the other two of him walking and him in front of a wall

>> No.22122751

What's the issue with this? Besides the roids

>> No.22122756

Holy fucking cope lmao
When did /lit/ become reddit?
Was normal just a few months ago

>> No.22122758

I can't help but see "people" shorter than me as inferior
I can't help but see "people" fatter than me as inferior
They simply are inferior. I am better and enjoy life more than they do simply by looking at a mirror, which they avoid

>> No.22122762

And btw I meant I was extremely drunk not the girls I approached I assume they were normal.

>> No.22122767

yeah using alcohol as a crutch is self-sabotaging, plus you emanate desperation because of it
get into daygame
they're trolling you retard, what you wrote was extremely mild. you could've said that you remain mostly sober but approach drunk sluts for easy lays and it'd still be mild
weasel game would rattle a few beta feathers but it still is mild

>> No.22122768

Realizing my life has been non stop chaos and tumult since my birth. But then there's these weird years that feel like total resets. I go through a major traumatic event and then suddenly I'm a completely different person on the other end. Then the person I was before and all the associated memories become hazy and foggy and shady. This has happened so many times that most of my life feels like the memory of a long gone dream, and my sense of self is so shattered that I have no idea who I am, what I like, or what I want

>> No.22122772

it was a video with millions of views.
#1 dreams colluded with ambitions (i know its common but is sad still)
#2 people who the entire "be what you want to be" is be strong as conan.
#3 the lack of imagination and real illusion that all that conclude.
#4 that is perfectly normal and even admirable

>> No.22122776

hm very similar but not that. Thanks nevertheless!

>> No.22122780

>people who the entire "be what you want to be" is be strong as conan.
>the lack of imagination and real illusion that all that conclude.
>that is perfectly normal and even admirable
it has been throughout the history of the human species

>> No.22122782

I think it works. He wanted to be a strong man and he put a ton of effort into it. Thats a good metaphor for life. Discipline, dedication, sacrifice

>> No.22122816

I tried to fix it. The situation was about my mom trying to guilt-trip me without giving an option to choose first. I got very angry on why didnt she start it without the statement about me being able to choose.

>> No.22122823

>doesn't mention wealth, status or competence

seethe comes for us all.

>> No.22122824

I want to feel happy, at least for a few moments

>> No.22122828

i love making a slight duckface a la zyzz and miring my jawline on the mirror
i can do this for 15 minutes straight

>> No.22122835

I'm a landlord
in what? I have less status than a doctor but he's still a fat dysgenic midget and I mog him to death. You have to be more specific
again, in what? i'm good at several sports

>> No.22122836

not him but why do those things matter? they only matter to the degree you value them. do you know there are poor people who enjoy life and feel better than successful people? what you actually value is what is essential, otherwise you are doing things because they are “right” and not actually what you want.

>> No.22122837

#1 when you say your absurd ambition is a "dream" you are just camouflaging the ambition.
#2 dreams are about imagination if you lack imagination there is no point in be evocative about dreams.
#3 its just manipulation.
#4 i suggest you see coca cola and apple commercials and see how everything is about mega corporations making dreams.
#5 i highly doubt somebody who really is preoccupied with who he really want to be decide, finally, to be a body builder.
#6 a preacher is always a preacher
he dont say be a strong man
he say be what you want to be and look at his muscles. hence the grotesquity.

>> No.22122851


>> No.22122857

>more specific
This doesn't require specificity. You will encounter people who mog you across these dimensions and if you approach life without humility you will seethe. Maybe you hang around losers and it hasn't struck you yet but eventually it will and you will see why the cause of all sin is Pride.

>> No.22122875

It's very easy to enjoy life as a poor person IF you make sure you have very little contact with people richer and more powerful than you. Otherwise you will seethe tremendously.

>> No.22122879

Thats not grotesque. Why do people get so weird about weightlifters?

>> No.22122887

massive cope. i have encountered several lawyers who make more money than me and are more respected than i am. people still notice me more because i'm taller, younger, and better looking. i have fucked more and hotter pussy than they ever have, i have had more fun in my life than they will ever have and i will keep doing it for the next 50 years while they'll be dead in 20 tops after lifelong struggle of being shutin nerds

>> No.22122895

>the cause of all sin is Pride
oh my bad i missed that you're literally retarded. keep coping incel

>> No.22122912

What’s worse? Graduating late or graduating with deplorable grades?

>> No.22122916

You're like fatso over here. people are going to share your video and laugh at your cringe answers.

>> No.22122917

>Thats not grotesque. Why do people get so weird about weightlifters?
i personally dont see discipline, dedication and sacrifice, that all are prerequisite in various extents to all types of ambitions. what means something is the result, and to me colluding dreams, ambition, sacrifice etc etc with a conan body is grotesque. like when you see this normies saying to a deformed guy how beautiful the are. is corny, is false, your final end is ridiculous.

>> No.22122927

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm so miserable aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I hate my life aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm so dead inside aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.22122937

I'm so happy, bros. Life is good.

>> No.22122938

Post physique

>> No.22122939

Kek. Wait till you meet politicians, entrepreneurs, musicians and they treat you like a nigger. The more you keep this up the more you will seethe when the time finally comes.

>> No.22122942

People choose to be born and they forget the reason why through the humiliation of birth and being a baby. This is the only logical way to think about it. Survival of the species and all that other stuff makes a person retarded and permanently mentally disabled

>> No.22122944
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I wish I had read this while drunk
reading it as I was sober was just stressful but now that I'm drunk and reminiscing the book it's the funniest shit ever, everything that got me stressed out, worried, stopping as I was reading now I'm repeating to myself drunk and it's hilarious, like the part where he and his buddy climbed up on a tree and took shits pretending to be birds

>> No.22122947
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>> No.22122954

I very much dislike getting drunk.
It's fun for maybe the first few drinks, after that it's headaches.
Then the next morning it's sickness.
I could get being addicted to weed or coke but alcohol? No thanks

>> No.22122959

the my struggle thing was ironic isnt it?. like le jitler?.

>> No.22122981

Abstract time led men to eat, not when they were hungry, but when it was "time to eat."

>> No.22122984

It’s depressing to read the biographies of world leaders. Their young lives are so active and interesting. They’re going so many places and doing so much. I am ambitious, but I feel as if I’ve not really done much of anything in my life. I graduated and for a series of sort of mediocre office jobs. If I were still twenty-five I’d be unfazed because I’d sense there’s still time, but I’m in my thirties now. Where did time go? Why was there never anything to do? Was I not born in the right family? Did I not go to the right schools? Is it because I didn’t join the military? What have I done wrong?

>> No.22122990

I think i fell in love with a chinese crossdresser who uploads videos of him masturbating and exposing himself in public. It must have been easy to overcome your passions in the past when all of your experience was based on a tiny portion of where you live, but when it is expanded over the entire globe it becomes a herculean task.

>> No.22122992

Five days until my 41st birthday

>> No.22122996

I’m a musician. Tell him to come at me.

>> No.22123015

---- Solaria ----
The Fine Art Of Doing Nothing Important

There's nothing to be done about my preference for Athenian dish
To Spartan discipline, amiable felines to war dogs

Who aim to please masters that would eat them for an unfelt crown.

The sublime silliness of ravens with a talent
For oddly intimate assorted prattle to strange benefactors

Or the inexplicable perfection views of lowland park facing south in midsummer
Summon as much to feeling as to mind:

Effortless memory of things not rote, unlimited impressions,
Something like a planetary sense of curb appeal

That ever in discoursive flight, feels at rest
From any height that reason goes.

>> No.22123033

Graduating late imo.

>> No.22123036

I never ended up in a profession or a career, not one I feel good about anyway.

>> No.22123041

Why? That was my first reaction too, but then I realized that there’s nothing better to allocate that lost time on anyway.

>> No.22123044

Barrel maker

>> No.22123054

Why wouldn’t I just become a ferrier anon? Perhaps I could drive a stage coach, or be a leather cobbler!

>> No.22123060

I'm really happy I can focus on reading for longer and I generally want to do it more frequently. My reading stats have been getting progressively better all year long, it's what makes me the happiest.

There's a woman (adult) at my work that sounds like a child and I find it very hot, she speaks in broken english that just adds to sexappeal

what are you talking about buddy?

>> No.22123090

Stop posting this whiney crap

>> No.22123129
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I went to the mall with my mother today and saw a very attractive child wearing a blue sundress

>> No.22123136
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>> No.22123153

I never ended up in anything that qualifies as a profession or a career. Nothing wrong with going that route if the subject of it is already a kind of passion: For instance my father enjoyed organic chemistry and corporate office politics so much that he never worked all that hard for a living, and was most entertaining in conversation about both. On the other hand, two of my siblings are financial advisors who hate what they do for a living, and are crashing bores when talking about the subject and the people who work in the field. About the only thing I enjoyed was working in luxury retail. About all you need is a certain charm, decent looks, know how to dress, and don't party too much for your own good.

>> No.22123158

I'm addicted to reading. Are there any books on reading addiction?

>> No.22123194

Once upon a time there were five lovely lasses who attended a prestigious institution of higher learning. These fair maidens were known throughout the land for their beauty, intelligence, and charm - but little did anyone suspect the sinister forces at work within them.

For these innocent young women had been chosen by some unknown power to serve as hosts for a most peculiar parasite: enormous, slithering creatures known as Venusian Swamp Leeches. These beasts possessed the strange ability to control the minds of those they infested, turning even the kindest soul into a monstrous puppet bent on spreading their squirming brood far and wide.

And thus it was that our hapless heroines found themselves bound and helpless, subjected to the twisted whims of their alien masters. Their skirts were hiked up and their delicate undergarments torn away, leaving them exposed and vulnerable before their unseen tormentors. With cruel precision, the leeches were implanted within the girls' tender posteriors, filling them with a hunger impossible to satisfy.

As the days passed, the once-lively ladies fell under the thrall of their otherworldly invaders. They moved like automatons, driven by the relentless urge to seek out fresh hosts for their unholy offspring. And yet, despite their enslavement, traces of their former selves still shone through - glimpses of grace and wit that hinted at the bright futures they might have had, if only fate had not dealt them such a deadly hand.

In time, the college term drew to a close, freeing the parasitized students to roam the earth and spread the seeds of the Swamp Leeches far and wide. And though they walked among us, their eyes glazed over and their bodies writhing with unseen horrors, we could not help but feel a trace of pity for these lost souls - trapped forever within the cold embrace of their slimy conquerors.

>> No.22123263
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you talk funny and got bad opinions

>> No.22123265


>> No.22123287

---- Solaria ----
Land Reef

Suppose a hermit crab accompanied by clocks
Intricately trickling watched the world go by in timelapse

From a web quite beyond the scale of possible mind
And saw it, more of less, as the rest of Nature--

Doing what it does while I do what I do.

>> No.22123381

---- Solaria ----

A basketball size model of the sun would last less than a month
Given the ratio of its surface area to volume.

Already intuition there is kind of lame,
Compared to calculation,

Whatever apologies one makes to retrospect.


>> No.22123424

Hath a janny dreams?
Doeth the chud cry?
We speaketh softly under screams
Us faggots that hard try

>> No.22123482


---- Solaria ----

These blessed mosquito destroyers best come in loose swarm.
Better still in fields before gleaming towers while one almost sleeps to sweet music.


>> No.22123483

Do you feel there’s something shameful or embarrassing about working retail as an adult? I’m not sure what luxury retain is but I think most people would look down on a 33 yo that works at Wal-Mart.

>> No.22123496

If I had true freedom what would I be doing instead?

>> No.22123510

Not sure offhand if Marshall Field still exists. It was better than that, but no longer exists. It was almost 30 years ago.

>> No.22123537

Got out of bed at 7 pm, haven't eaten anything all day. Don't want to go downstairs and see the people I hate (my family). Just want to be alone. But I have fucking nothing. I understand workaholics now. Having a job that I can fill my head and time with so as not to have to spend time with anyone. I think it's truly a miracle that I'm alive, I should have killed myself years ago but I didn't. Somehow I've been living my life as if I had. I must be in some sort of sordid purgatory right now.

>> No.22123542
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>that especially encourage the use of gymnasia. And whether one makes the observation in earnest or in jest, one certainly should not fail to observe that when male unites with female for procreation the pleasure experienced is held to be due to nature, but contrary to nature when male mates with male or female with female, and that those first guilty of such enormities were impelled by their slavery to pleasure. And we all accuse the Cretans of concocting the story about Ganymede.
>Umm.. this part of our religion is too gay so it must be a forgery!
Plato chuds I KNEEL

>> No.22123546

when someone tells me i should not alienate myself from humanity or that current people are not so bad i hear the crescendo of threnody for the victims of hiroshima while this audio plays

with peaking shitty audio

and i think of how he's overreacting and overacting for his audience who expects and wants repetitive peaking audio screaming that i literally can't imagine any normal human being listening to without it being torture

and i think of how it isn't even pretending anymore, he has simply become this

and i don't like it

>> No.22123556

>writes books like What Makes Life Worth Living
>kills himself
What did Bernard Stiegler mean by this?

>> No.22123575

What it is to be being is to be what is

>> No.22123596

>Nature and history seem to have agreed to designate us in Canada for a corporate, artistic role. As the U.S.A. becomes a world environment through its resources, technology, and enterprises, Canada takes on the function of making that world environment perceptible to those who occupy it. Any environment tends to be imperceptible to its users and occupants except to the degree that counter-environments are created by the artist.
– McLuhan, M. (1967). Canada, The Borderline Case, Marfleet Lectures, available in McLuhan, S., & Staines, D. (2003). Understanding Me: Lectures and Interviews. Toronto: McClellend & Stewart Ltd., pp. 103 – 138.
>The U.S.A. is socially and informationally the environment of Canada. Canada is, by way of being anti-environment, a prepared situation that permits perception of the environment … Canada as anti-environment to the U.S.A. is able to perceive many of the ground rules and operational effects of the American environment that are quite imperceptible to the U.S.A. If the U.S.A. has built its distant-early-warning system in Canada for military use, let us observe that we can be of far greater use to the U.S.A. as an early warning system in the social and political spheres generally.
– Letters of Marshall McLuhan, (1987), p. 319.

>> No.22123626

These quotes are weirdly prophetic, but the worst of it comes in the form of what's happening to the forests of British Columbia at the hands of the DRAX corporation. Please God shut those bastards down.

>> No.22123666

I think its really possible - if not inevitable - to romanticise any habit or set of circumstances if they are long enough ago in the past. Lately I find myself reminiscing about working Friday evenings, knocking off to have a single beer at the shitty, mostly deserted pub by my workplace. Even though it was a shit, lonely time of my life I look back on it with fondness - not because it was any good, but because it was a part of MY life and is an irremovable part of my story.

I think my main takeaway is that you should always be putting yourself in situations to be creating new memories. Maybe the worst thing is stagnation, because even if youre not in a good place in your life currently so long as you are doing something then you will be able to look back upon it with tenderness one day.

>> No.22123683

Currently finishing Nostromo, enjoying it so far but I’ve found Conrad’s prose to be very dense desu. I haven’t reached the point where reading becomes totally effortless and I can blitz through 60+ pages in one sitting, as often happens with other novels. What should I read next from this stack of recent buys:
>The Overcoat and other stories by Gogol
>Brave New World by Huxley
>Three Musketeers by Dumas
>Confessions by Augustine

>> No.22123711

Walking, running, the erection bobs more vigorously. Tonight, I rape.

>> No.22123740

Dude you need to get over me. I literally nothing you. Bro they were so gay. They didn’t want my friendship. They just wanted my ass. I write so much and everyone keeps saying it’s shit. I shit out so much content I literally stop myself from writing.

>> No.22123742

Outragedy of poetscalds! Acomedy of letters!

>> No.22123743

I've no trouble with Hawthore or James, or even Goethe who somehow makes it all too easy. about as easy as Shakespeare does despite the time separation. But Shelley gives me more trouble than anyone else. I find even Dickinson easily approachable compared to him. Except for The Triumph Of Life: As reading goes, it's the truest horror I've known. I seldom feel like it or seen like that, but it's like nothing else I've ever known.

>> No.22123744

>bruh i know you think of me, just staph it~
>the guy is probably so done with life that they're already thinking of the best ways to end it all instead of worrying about some skanky ex at this point
it's not your fault, you're a product of the times and boomers made these times
if you want to be mad at someone for this blame the jews

>> No.22123747
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Happy hunting!

>> No.22123757
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>during winter
>"it's so fucking cold, i need a log of wood to warm myself up with"
>fast forward to summer heat
>"hey bro, i got just what you need"
>offers you a pile of ashes
gee thanks, this is exactly what i wanted 5 years ago

>> No.22123765

happy is what happy do and you, dude? As happy as can be. Rejoice!

>> No.22123767

>person is depressed and yearning to feel happy at least once before the pass
>"bro like, stop being miserable and be happy, you know what? you are happy"
i fucking hate civilization, norms and retarded platitudes, i hate people

>> No.22123769

He was Pagliacci

>> No.22123774

just leave philosophy in the hands of norm tards and eventually they'll either stop making it shit or will kill themselves

>> No.22123777

*Huxley is fun. He's predominantly a comic spirit, though most critics have been to stupid to sense that.

>> No.22123787

Same thing happened to me. I thought I would be the same person all my life but several things got in the way and changed me beyond recognition. I'm not so sure about what I want anymore, and thinking about 'me' all the time made it harder to live. I just embrace being a good friend now and watch the world. It feels good to step back and put other people under the spotlight sometimes. Laughing with someone, listening to tidbits about their lives and being a shoulder to cry on is enough. Not everyone has to be a main character, and you don't have to be important to have an influence in someone's life.

>> No.22123798

realizing my life has been cup cakes and easy street since my birth, but then there's these weird years that feel like total inconvenience, i go through a minor inconvenience and then suddenly i'm a completely different person on the other end, then the person i was and all the associated values remain the same and norm and stagnant, this has happened one time so it hasn't really affected my life at all in the end, and my sense of self is the same as it was since childhood because i am incapable of growth due to my sheltered life, no amount of effort will change me, what i like, or what i am

>> No.22123801

You don't have nothing. You have a healthy body and you're living in a rich country, which means you're better off than 90% of humanity. I'm aware you just wanted to vent and this argument means nothing to you but you should reflect on your potential sometimes. I'm sure you'll get better after meeting some people (not family : actual, genuine people who will get to know you as you are) and getting an apartment. Live alone for a time, meet some people, have a drink, change your life for the better.

>> No.22123807

>you think you have it bad? you could be starving and a cripple bruh you can't have any problems in life, now waste your life working for the property owners and eat plastic cheese while literal untouched tribes can feel the touch of a woman, raise a family, drink clean water and hunt for fresh meat everyday while you eat noodles and gaslight yourself to believe the system is fair while you contemplate suicide everyday
oy vey

>> No.22123810

You are practically brimming with joy! I can feel it, yep happiness has blessed another victim

>> No.22123814

>i am the king of humor
you should write for a boomer magazine and write down your opinions flatly and doodle funny faces on the responses to your opinions you don't like, that's funny to a generation of people

>> No.22123821

the three c's of boomer recipe for success
try the new c3+n to ensure nepotism will seal the deal

>> No.22123850

Should i get a job as a cashier at a nearby bookstore? I'm unemployed, freelancing, but unemployed officially. I made a comfortable amount of money for me to spend on my own by writing web app, java softwares, web scraping, data analysis, and other odd jobs online. But as i have said only comfortable for my self to spend (250$ per month on average). I wonder if i should just apply for an actual job (200$ per month) and do my side jobs on idle time so that the combined capita would be enough for me and my siblings..

>> No.22123852

fuck, i accidentally anchored, i'm really sorry.

>> No.22123864

If you truly wanted to change your life you'd work for it.
>while literal untouched tribes can feel the touch of a woman, raise a family, drink clean water and hunt for fresh meat everyday
Literal untouched tribes have horrendous mortality rates, have weird cultures that involve being cucked by someone having a higher rank than you do and being helpless to do anything plus they have to risk their lives everyday. Never heard of
tribal wars with cannibals shrinking the heads of their enemies and raping their wives? Why is it that cityfags think a world outside of their scope is necessarily better? I hate you faggots so goddamn much. Maybe you'd have a chance to get wife, a family and a house in your lifetime if you weren't so fucking stupid.

>> No.22123865
File: 141 KB, 1224x368, A7D1ED58-F5DA-4C33-AC59-2A758B11D47C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of pic related
>Change your life for the better.
I will start tomorrow!

>> No.22123871

All in all I prefer by far even Updike writing about the view from a jet, circa July 4 1976.

>> No.22123889

I might buy some farm land and my brother to take care of it for me.

>> No.22123893

It is better. Just because life can be harder doesn’t mean it’s worse. In many ways, harder life can be objectively better because a harder life often implies a meaningful life. People were not designed to sit in air conditioning hooked up to an IV with anti-depressants in their system for their whole lives. It may be comfortable, but it’s literally a waste of life.

>> No.22123896
File: 121 KB, 1000x1000, JoeRape345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“You think I’m a pedophile? The truth is, you either support child sexual abuse or you’re a liar.

I may be a pedophile, but at least I’m not a pedophile AND a liar.” - Joe Biden

Tired of the bullshit. Walking around this world full of lying pedophiles. Fucking insanity.

>> No.22123914

> like where I work
> hate my job

>> No.22123921

>People were not designed to sit in air conditioning hooked up to an IV with anti-depressants in their system for their whole lives
You don't have to live like this though

>> No.22123933

It is pervasive and the default in every Western country (I realize Europeans don’t have air conditioning but the greater point stands).

>> No.22123935

how come libgen doesn't come up in brave search anymore? i thought brave search was supposed to be good

>> No.22123941

You are a huge bitch. Go live your life and stop with the constant complaining

>> No.22123952

Weirder still I liked working in the Glen Park area of Gary Indiana, but hated my job. At night the place was weirdly serene, despite the occasional echo of gunshots from the Motorcycle Gang club across the street. There was a taco joint next door to it, which I went to in carpet slippers in my old Buick. Those pricks had some ridiculously polished bikes, but never knew what to make of smartass compliments about them, while their chicks looked in anticipation of sudden bloodshed. It all seemed to me a little like horror comedy. Kill me, and see who notices.

>> No.22123970

Is the book store a local store or a big box retail store?

>> No.22123973

Are you stupid?

>> No.22123974

Actually I can sympathize with that. I used to have to spend time in Camden, NJ when I worked in Philadelphia. The place was such a ghost town that I actually got good vibes when I was there.

>> No.22123980

Went on a trip, didn't poop the whole time, came back and pooped immediately. Can't poop in weird toilets. Home-poop sickness.

>> No.22123985

Learning to poo wherever has liberated me. My favorite poos were out in the wilderness where I dug a hole and squatted right over it

>> No.22124015

I dont get it

>> No.22124022

What the fuck is up with women being able to see right through you? No matter how many walls and barriers and pretenses I put up they can tell exactly who and what I am.

>> No.22124027

Someone just told me the best joke ever.
>be me, 23
>dad went out to fetch milk when 9 years old, came back at 16
>mom never interacted with m'y brothers and I aside from the bare minimum starting her divorce
>basically self raised myself
>meet girlfriend at 16
>together for five years, first time in whole life someone was wholly trusted with personal secrets and insecurities
>if family is trusted with secrets, everyone, even the fucking NEIGHBOR will know. Gf is the only pillar in life
>girlfriend breaks up
>girlfriend friend stays around
>"talk to me if you want"
>fastforwarding 2 years
>learning girlfriend friend has been babbling about EVERYTHING I told her to ex gf
>girlfriend friend never told me a single thing about ex gf
>due to an extreme feeling of betrayal, decided girlfriend friend had to go and get blocked
>receive a message from girlfriend friend
>"why did you do this????"
>never responded


>sending messages to old friends I had in common with ex gf
>everyone is ignoring whatever I sent them, no explanation
>"why the fuck are you ignoring me?"
>"well why the fuck are you ghosting [girlfriend friend]?"
>"nigger she pretended to be my friend and fucked me over"
>"well now you need to find someone else"
>decided not to respond

how fucking GREAT it is to have no family, no friends, no girlfriend you dare ask? well very fucking GREAT indeed. it's so fucking GREAT to know NO ONE fucking cares about you, truly. not even mom, not even dad, no one. it's easy peasy as FUCK to keep secrets now because if I open my fucking mouth everyone I'm not speaking to will know about it because I and my personal stuff don't count for anyone. I can only keep everything to myself. I'm worth nothing. I'm literally fucking garbage for these people. I will graduate in a year. Five years from now I will either leave the country and leave everything behind or kill myself. I'm laughing, I can only laugh at how stupid life is. I can only laugh at how crazy life is getting and how wrong I was to think friends could be family. Awkward fucks like me are only meant to be used by others.

>> No.22124051

Glad someone here knows what I mean. Broadway in Gary is often completely free of traffic far as the eye can see around there, around 3AM. WGCI on the radio, tons of video to pass the time. That business closed around 2020, no surprise to me, 6 years after I left it. I live better than ever, but sometimes miss the place and the people there.


>> No.22124061

You need to transcend this and not let it define you. Get a community, any community, and goals, any goals, that are beyond this small world you have been trapped in by no fault of your own. When you are 90 and surrounded by grandkids and great grandkids, all of whom are healthy and happy people who can trust and love without fear, because you stopped the cycle of shittiness in your family and cultivated goodness in your life in a way that rippled through multiple generations of your family, you will look back on these struggles as the manure that you planted the seeds of something better in.

>> No.22124075

I totally understand. Its an important lesson to learn about people. But there's two points: gossip isnt necessarily bad. It isnt healthy to find one person to be your secret keeper. The second being that you should have directly confronted her and told her she betrayed your trust. If you want a group or a community you'll need to be more open and vulnerable and ready for the group to act as a single body.

>> No.22124094

its a big box retail store, wdyt?

>> No.22124237


>> No.22124286

That's it, I'm going over to /x/

>> No.22124297
File: 306 KB, 403x610, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do americans really?

>> No.22124376

Bros, I have a case of the sads

>> No.22124385

I hate niggers

>> No.22124426

What happened? Did she make fun of you?

>> No.22124485

>Brave New World by Huxley
Better than 1984 by a long shot

>> No.22124569

Is McLuhan right?

>> No.22124613

Honestly life is just running down the clock. I've blown it, it was over 20 years ago. There is nothing to do, nothing to hope for. Whole planet is a retarded joke at this point. Nothing brings joy. Tried 'spirituality' and have to admit its all absurd. I don't want a fucking job, I don't want to mix with the average person, I don't want to be lonely forever, I don't want to wake up on groundhog day, its just a complete fucking joke this whole thing. What is the point in carrying on? I'll never kill myself, I know that, there is just no fucking point though. If there is a God I honestly hope his wrath is unleashed soon and we are all washed down the toilet where we belong. What a way to fuck up a planet, just think of all the suffering and pain at any one moment. Its insane. Snowflake talk as it may be, some people are genuinely not made for this world, be it genetics or something else, the temperament and thought patterns and nervous/endocrine system are not built to handle this stupid fucking society.

>> No.22124676

I don’t want to be happy. If I really wanted to be happy, I could achieve it easily. I would go to church and try my best to believe in God, and if that failed I would still attempt to be part of some community. Go back to school and study something to which I am disposed, like philosophy or literature. And make friends while I’m at school, and hang out with them regularly and do fun things with them on occasion like go on trips and whatnot. Then, eventually, by virtue of having increased my social circle and having made my life an enriching adventure, meet more women and try my luck at dating. And hopefully, having made the necessary adjustments to my emotional/mental health and mitigated the extent to which I am controlled by insecurities, as well as having cultivated a better physique, fashion sense, and body language, end up in at least a few fulfilling long term relationships. And eventually find someone with whom I feel a really strong connection, to the point where I feel I can be with this person for the rest of my life. And then get married and have a family. And raise a child. Hopefully coming along these milestones while pursuing a decently remunerative career (like law or academia) that is at least somewhat fulfilling. Watching the child come into the world and grow into a fully fledged human being. Making him or her the center of my world. Get wrinkles and watch her get wrinkles too. Then die. But I won’t do this. It is far too mundane. Being happy is the most pedestrian thing one can do.

>> No.22124685 [DELETED] 

Amidst the land of excess and gold,
A tale unfolds of power and hold,
In the realms of Hollywood's grandeur,
A story steeped in passion's flavor.

A starlet, young and fair of face,
With curves that leave men in disgrace,
Brimming with hope and dreams unknown,
She ventured forth to make her mark upon.

Accompanied by a nurse wise,
Who saw beyond the surface spies,
They journeyed to a mansion grand,
Where fortune awaited, or so they planned.

Upon arrival, words were spoken bold,
Of ailments strange and needs unfold,
The nurse divulged the secrets hidden deep,
As the starlet's cheeks turned rosy-hued, and sleep.

And thus begins a tale entwined,
With passions fierce and bodies intertwined,
A dance macabre of flesh and fire,
That burns within each lover's desire.

The young starlet was led into the light,
By a master of the senses' might,
Whose eyes beheld her ripe derrière,
And found within it something to acquire.

He spoke of arts both rare and fine,
Of objects crafted from the feminine divine,
Stools perfectly preserved, encased in clear,
Each one unique, a work of art to wear.

The starlet listened in amazement,
As her body trembled in hesitation,
Yet, when the time came for her to give,
Her gift of scent, a perfume to live,

She rose to meet the challenge, bold,
Unveiling a treasure long behold,
A stool of size and shape sublime,
A sculpture of sorts, created by a feminine design.

The act complete, she felt released,
No longer bound by shame or guilt deceived,
For she had given freely of herself,
And in return, received a wealth of self.

The night wore on as they explored,
The depths of pleasure, pain, and roar,
Bound together by desires wild,
Forging memories etched 'neath the hollowed child.

And as the dawn broke through the dark,
The starlet left, transformed, afresh, stark,
With visions of a world remade,
Inspired by the passions conveyed, beneath the shades.

So ends our tale of love and scent,
Where beauty meets decay and makes perfect sense, perplexing,
For sometimes, that which seems obscene,
Can reveal the truth and cleanse our hearts, serene.

>> No.22124686

Yes, Paco. That’s what we’re like. You can go back to gardening now

>> No.22124700

I wish I was gardening

>> No.22124737
File: 125 KB, 512x457, 1675962298682506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the average age of anon from /sffg/?

>> No.22124781

Well that joke wasn't THAT funny

>> No.22124787

>be german
>have russian gf since before war began
>the media is dominated by hatred against Russia, antirussian propaganda, no space for discussion except total war of extermination against russia (german love the total war: Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg? Ja den wollen wir!)
>it gets worse ever since the war started
>gf is scared and worried, we fear that some anti-russian extremist will try to kill her
>if not kill then we fear facing hard repercussion against her

What to do?

>> No.22124800

Man, who cares lmao. Start a diary and talk with yourself if you need to express yourself, you're probably more interesting to talk to than some woman.

>> No.22124818

oh shit four day weekend thanks to toxic canadian smoke, err, i mean two days of "remote work" and two days of weekend, yeah, remote work...to be honest though i feel mad queasy, maybe breathing air rated "hazardous" by the weather app on my phone isn't that healthy.

>> No.22124864

How do I stop being so fucking envious and can't actually feel truly happy for success of another close friend?

>> No.22124949
File: 81 KB, 612x491, 8211b98f2fdea3f1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are women obsessed with other women who did things? If they find out a woman did some basement backup calculations for a space shuttle launch they nag men to make a 600 foot tall statue of her

What does it matter that she possessed a cunt while performing a semi-notable task?

>> No.22124951

The biggest cause of the decline of literature is the collapse and subsequent disappearance of writers’ communities. Online forums just cannot substitute for real living communities and for the first time in history, all artists not only need to work for a living but have no artist communities to access.

>> No.22124958
File: 317 KB, 1080x1481, 533589962226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, you really would like that, wouldn’t you? Your little big with a fat cock, fucking your mouth? That’s hilarious.
Well, that’s not all I’d do if I somehow magically had a cock. You want to know what else I’d do?
Imagine this: what if I woke up one morning and looked down? If suddenly I looked down, and stretching my little
cotton panties was a great bulge. Growing, slowly my panties would stretch and stretch until they couldn’t contain
it anymore. My very own girthy dick, escaping from some cute flowery pink panties. It would look even bigger in
my small hands.
I’d stroke it curiously, making it harder, loving the feeling of having a throbbing pink sensitive tip, too. I’d reach a
hand down into my panties, surprised to find that I likewise have a smooth pair of weighty balls. Wow, rolling my
own balls around in my hand, I could finally get a sense of why you like it so much.
I’d soak up this moment. Stroking my new cock, making it harder and harder. Pulling on my own balls, seeing
exactly how it all works. Fuck, that’d be amazing, right? If I could grip my very own cock and jerk off. My hand
sliding up and down on my shaft, holding tight each time I reached the sensitive head.
Really reeling in this moment, now picturing in my own head what it’d look like if I brought myself to orgasm.
Would it feel similar to when my pussy orgasms? Would I shoot multiple loads of cum, squirting it everywhere? I
could do so much if I mysteriously giant fully functioning cock of my own.
What an imagination! You’re just loving this, aren’t you? Laying on top of me, my legs wrapped around you,
rhythmically fucking my pussy. So hard inside me, stretching my insides. It feels so good. And I can see your eyes
are closed, just picturing me with a pulsating hard cock.
You know what else I’d do if I had a huge cock? Let me tell you.

>> No.22124986

I really regret not getting better grades and going for a PhD while I was younger.

>> No.22125019

>writers’ communities
What do you mean by this exactly? If it's just writers who know each other irl and support each other's work, that still exists.

>> No.22125053

Writers who hang out and influence each others’ work. Sometimes they even live together. They largely do not exist. Writers exist basically alone. They aren’t influenced by anyone let alone other living writers. That’s a huge detriment. They should exist in communities of thinkers or creators. Cormac McCarthy is noted for hanging out with scientists for example. But the typical aspiring writer today is basically alone. He works a shitty job where he connects with no one, maybe he even works remote and has no social contact, and he writes alone off the clock. He might not even have any friends, let alone creative friends.

>> No.22125099

I’m so down on everything, man. I hate my job. I hate my life. My family can’t seem to get their shit together. I’ve lost confidence in my skills and my ability to do what I want to do. I’ve started feeling basically black pilled about the future as well as the present and I just feel like I’ve run out of road.

>> No.22125179

It seems that you are possibly taking your own experience as some sort of universal. At least where I live, writers and other artists tend to know each other. There are lots of "scenes" with a decent amount of cross-pollination between them, there are certain neighborhoods where artistic types are more likely to live. The act of writing itself is often solitary, but if you want to read your work or have it critiqued it's easy to find a venue to do so

>> No.22125193

You know how they say to people with anxiety, "try exposure therapy, just do things and you'll get habituated?" Well, it doesn't work for me. In general, I do not get habituated. If I expose myself to something stressful or annoying I simply grow increasingly stressed or annoyed until I cannot function any longer.

>> No.22125194

There might be time for her to forgive me if life were 300 years long. But since life is so short, I wish she would only let me end myself, since that way there would be justice done.

>> No.22125198

That is simplistic. There is no magic bullet to solve your anxiety.

>> No.22125210

I have trouble with shit like driving. I drive little and I'm gonna need to do it regularly soon, so I've been driving around. I don't get more relaxed as I drive more often. It only gets worse and worse.
It doesn't help that every single time I try to put myself in new situations, something completely outside of my control happens to punish me. I really feel like I get punished. I try to do something to fix my life and it's like God is there to kick me back into the muck and laugh at me.

>> No.22125212

If you don't know whether or not you're a rapist, it means you're a rapist, right?

>> No.22125216

> it seems like you’re taking your own experience as a general trend
> now, here’s the real general trend which I’m basing entirely on my own experience

>> No.22125222

I think anxiety is eased by building confidence. Exposure therapy is just one of the ways someone might be able to do that.

But low-level anxiety in modernity is probably the default and actually a natural reaction

>> No.22125223

I'm a baby waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh

>> No.22125235

To be utterly frank, and since I don't know you, you sound like everyone I've ever met with this issue. It's common for people with severe anxiety to view things in fundamentally unsound proportion and to build these narratives of divine punishment or whatever around things that would otherwise seem inconsequential.
You should not trust your first instinct on these things. You should notice your fear, acknowledge it, and make an active point of not believing it. You should keep a diary or some other log recording these reactions from a detached perspective. And you must not go at this alone: you will get too bottled up in your own horrorshow version of reality that you invent.

>> No.22125240

>building confidence
hahaha, life has beaten that out of me long ago

>> No.22125252

>You should keep a diary or some other log recording these reactions from a detached perspective. And you must not go at this alone: you will get too bottled up in your own horrorshow version of reality that you invent.
I've kept a diary since 2015 and I've done therapy. It doesn't work. As I said, things stay the same. I really wish I could find a tiny sliver of success somewhere, a tiny bit of positive feedback that could push me forward. Instead I get the equivalent of a boulder dropping on my head outta nowhere, every single time. I used to be normal but I've just eroded to this point.

>> No.22125254

What with Oscar Wilde? I read his The soul of man under Socialism, it is nicely written.

>> No.22125255

Then you have to rack up some small wins. If you find yourself on a path up a mountain and every time you look up you’ve not made progress, you have to either change your approach or find another path. So change what you’re doing or aim for something else. If you make progress, maybe you’ll feel better about yourself and the anxiety will start to dissipate.

>> No.22125261


>> No.22125271

You sound like you are indulging yourself and building an overwhelmingly negative narrative, and I am sure that whatever part of it that is true isn't the full story. It's easy to self-sabotage this way because it gives a feeling of control, or maybe you enjoy the feeling of victimization. I want you not to reply to this post. There is hope for you, but the initiative needs to come from you.

>> No.22125275

Correct. I want to kill myself.

>> No.22125279

That's my problem, I've attempted different venues and every time I can't earn successes. Most of it has been bad luck. I had my plans thwarted by illness, global changes I couldn't foresee, heartbreaks in a moment where I needed stability the most, family problems, sudden money problems. All I missed was some kind of environmental disaster. I had this "I'll do it, I will make it" mindset, then it became "Let's try again, maybe I still can", then I had to spend time fighting burnout, now I've grown old and I'm struggling to function at a time when I'm expected to have a life of my own. And all of this while my health gets worse and I'm fighting chronic pain. I feel so beaten up and I just wanna sleep and rest.
I didn't get to this point all of a sudden. I came to this point gradually over time. Yes I am probably stuck in a toxic mindset, but I cannot find a way to snap back to how I was before. It was a gradual descent further and further down. I feel like I am not fit to continue any longer.

>> No.22125283

Killing yourself over a woman is extremely gay and pathetic.
Good luck!

>> No.22125287

I don't know whether or not I'm a rapist. That just means I'm a rapist, right?

>> No.22125291

On psychological level, I'm still not separated from my mother and I'm 30 years old.

>> No.22125293

Why care?
If you're a scumbag then accept it and move on.
If not then you did nothing wrong and should not whine on the net.

>> No.22125297

I care because I am religious and have either committed a mortal sin or not.

>> No.22125301

Obviously there are writers with no community now, as there have always been. I'm just pointing out that this stuff exists and is really not that hard to find if you live in a city or a college town

>> No.22125311

How do you not know if you raped someone or not?

>> No.22125314

>now I've grown old
Lemme guess, you're around 27

>> No.22125316

That's up to the woman to decide, decades later, when her career is waning and she needs something to get her in the news again.

>> No.22125320


>> No.22125321

I was hallucinating and though I have a good idea what happened I can't ever trust it 100%. Moreover, even what I believe to have happened isn't necessarily not rape. She only told me "it's all fine," obviously disingenuously, before blocking me everywhere and turning everyone so against me that nobody will even talk to me to say what happened. I have been alone in this way for nearly a year.

>> No.22125329

Ah you're a druggy.
Be glad if that's all that happened after you RAPED her.
Go on with your life and hope she doesn't fuck you by reporting it to the police.

>> No.22125334

No, I'm a schizo. No drugs involved.
I told her I'd understand and cooperate if she reported me. I later begged her to report me out of guilt and told her she could do it anonymously, with one word, one sentence even, and I would just handle the rest. Silence.

>> No.22125340

For the love of God man, stop feeling sorry for yourself. You cannot even reasonably call yourself middle-aged, let alone old. I am 31, the stretch of years from 25 until now is where I was finally able to find fulfillment and begin to live the kind of life I wanted to. But you will effectively be cutting off that option if you choose to think of your life as already over

>> No.22125343

>I later begged her to report me out of guilt
So strange.
Let the poor woman alone instead of burdening her more with your schizo ideas.
Move on and try to be less of a weirdo. Seek help

>> No.22125344

She didn't block you for being a rapist, she blocked you for being annoying and melodramatic lol

>> No.22125354

It was not just her, it was everyone I knew. I had a very active life and suddenly I was entirely isolated, all at once. This makes me think that I am a rapist. I already spent time in the psych ward when I tried to turn myself in once. But I am still convinced. I want it to be over.

>> No.22125358

It is over.
They are not going to accept you back when they think you're a schizo rapist.
This was your punishment. Accept it like a man.

>> No.22125361

It's not enough punishment. I do not want to be accepted back. I want to die.

>> No.22125365

Melodramatic fag.
Do you want to give her and all the people who rightfully cut you out a sense of guilt or something?
Cause you seem to be the type to do it for that reason. Whether you realize or not.

>> No.22125375

I want to complete the process.

>> No.22125377

Go do it and spend the rest of time in Hell, i don't care.

>> No.22125427

But it exists as the exception and not the rule. Unless you’re in an academic program, the norm is that you’re totally isolated as a writer and it’s especially the norm among writers who you know don’t fall into the sort of book club book tok r/books stereotypes.

>> No.22125443

Honestly man this just sounds like a bunch of whining from someone who hasn't even tried to find his "community." If those insufferable and volatile hacks in Dimes Square can tolerate each other well enough to form literary salons, then you can too.

>> No.22125461

Do you think a young man should be like working hard at something like making it in business or politics or art or something while they’re young?

I just turned 30 and I feel like I’ve ended up somewhere I don’t really want to be in life and I’m thinking a lot about what I should do.

>> No.22125521

>Lemme guess, you're around 27
I'm 35. The other guy wasn't me.

>> No.22125617

It's over.

>> No.22125622
File: 16 KB, 900x900, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arrive at work today
>all of the sudden feel a deep sadness, like as if somebody had told me one of my close relatives died
>5 minutes later co-worker comes in with tears in his eyes and tells everybody his grandfather died earlier this morning
>leaves later in the day (without me knowing, only found out later) and at the same time the feeling of deep sadness goes away
Lads, I think I'm developing psychic abilities.

>> No.22125630

dubs confirm your post

>> No.22125656

He was the one sending off sadness signals. You just felt them.

The real trick is to recall this from a deja vu from a previous night and avoid doing it.

>> No.22125675

No, she tried to be sympathetic

>> No.22125685

That's called illusory correlation.

>> No.22125696

Did they teach you that at Reddit University?

>> No.22125697

And what have you done?

>> No.22125702

I turn 30 in 14 months so ask me then

>> No.22125706

No, I've never been there.

>> No.22125715

Would you date college girls in your 30s?

>> No.22125719

What would you think of someone that comes from an upper crust family but chooses to work at places like McDonald’s and Wal-Mart?

>> No.22125724


>> No.22125727

Only if they would.

>> No.22125728

Do you like doing the wagie dance or something?

>> No.22125735

I agree, but someone I know is doing this. I think working fast food and big box retail is a little embarrassing in that case. You know? If you come from middle class or above, you could do a lot better with just a bit of effort.

>> No.22125742

I can understand if it's just for a few months to check out how it is.
But if he does it for years he's out of his mind.

>> No.22125744

College? Lowest age for me is ~11-12.

>> No.22125746

You can’t maintain “upper-crust” on those wages.
There are some well read gentlemanly working class, but they don’t live anything like an opulent upper crust lifestyle.

>> No.22125755

Oh, I didn’t see this follow up post.
Well he’s from a wealthy family and he’s planning on dropping by a big notch, or he’s just accepting a low wage because he has a big house to fall back on. He could get that office job later. Not available to his coworkers. So he’s either slumming, a socialist or both.

>> No.22125771

I think he’s a student also but he’s in his 30s.

>> No.22125778

At work the bathroom is overlooked by the secretary.
So every time I go there she knows. I can't take 10 minute shits like I did at previous jobs.
I remember this situation from a Curb your Enthusiasm episode but now I'm living it.

>> No.22125784

comunism is le bad
humans are shit
comunism keep humans for free albitral
comunism is not so bad

>> No.22125794

I’d imagine it’s only for a few months. He’s a full-time graduate student I believe. I still think it’s strange. Maybe I’m shallow but I would be a little embarassed no matter what family I came from. It’s not very hard in my experience to do better than like fast food and big corporate retail. He might have some health problems too actually now that I think about it. But it’s just strange.

>> No.22125799
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>comunism is le bad
>humans are shit
>comunism keep humans for free albitral
>comunism is not so bad

>> No.22125842

yes, but I don't think it could turn into a serious relationship because of the likely vast difference in life experience

>> No.22125865

everyone is so used to people talking and making a display about themselves, I imagine because to social media as reactionary and "kids these days" that may sound, that people nowadays seem to think if you don't often make a display of how much you know, how much you achieved, how much you make in a year, where you went on vacation, you must be a wholly uninteresting person
even if you ask about them, like if they play an instrument after they often hum a song while tapping on their desk during lunch, they'll be splendidly glad to tell you all about how they just started playing piano and they want to eventually play jazz because they feel it will give them a lot more room for improvisation and playing around with music compared to rock, but they won't show even an inkling that they might ask something in return or ever, even if just for courtesy

am I getting old inside?
are people just that bad at holding a conversation?

>> No.22125909

Was this in reply to the Reddit University comment or did you accidentally quote me?

>> No.22125925

I asked ChatGPT the following question: "A man is overcome with sadness after he discovers that has wife has been cheating on him. A friend who believes in reincarnation and ancient chivalric codes tells him: "Don't fret it. If she is real then she is true, and if she is not true then she is not real." What could the friend have possibly meant by that?"

This was it's response: "That’s a fascinating question. It seems that the friend is trying to console the man by appealing to some hybrid ideas about truth and reality that combine reincarnation and chivalry. One possible interpretation is that the friend is using a karmic view of truth, which says that truth is a matter of cause and effect, not of coincidence or chance. According to this view, reincarnation and chivalry are both ways of understanding the consequences of one’s actions and choices in this life and in previous lives. So, when the friend says “if she is real then she is true”, he might mean that if the man’s wife is a genuine soul mate or a karmic partner for the man, then the man’s belief that his wife is cheating on him is false. Conversely, when the friend says “if she is not true then she is not real”, he might mean that if the man’s belief that his wife is cheating on him is true, then his wife is not a genuine soul mate or a karmic partner for the man.

Another possible interpretation is that the friend is using a heroic view of truth, which says that truth is what inspires courage and honor, not what causes fear or shame. According to this view, reincarnation and chivalry are both ways of cultivating the virtues and values of a noble warrior or a knight. So, when the friend says “if she is real then she is true”, he might mean that if the man’s wife respects and supports the man’s heroic quest or his chivalric code, then the man’s belief that his wife is cheating on him is false. Conversely, when the friend says “if she is not true then she is not real”, he might mean that if the man’s belief that his wife is cheating on him is true, then his wife does not respect or support the man’s heroic quest or his chivalric code."

>> No.22125927

What episode? I thought I watched them all and I don’t remember that situation. Also that sucks bro and I kinda know the feel just cause I work at a warehouse and our productivity is timed in a way where I can only go to shit if I really need to. Hell even taking a piss you have to put a delay request in and hope your first assistant approves or you get docked a percentage (on your productivity not pay but still, gotta keep numbers up. Kill me).

>> No.22125947

I've met more methhead degenerates that embrace Nietzsche than bodybuilding 'BAP'ers. Philosophy in general is more widely read by degenerates than disciplined, well adjusted normans I've noticed.

>> No.22125948

Thinking about how people react so viscerally to any normative claim. You can't talk about behavior or morality, or even something like art and design without people acting like you murdered someone. People always fall into this weird subjective shades of gray where excuses and justifications abound. There are no standards anymore because people act like standards are an existential evil.

>> No.22125955

Damn, chatgpt is retarded

>> No.22125956

What age would they have to be to be? I’m inclined to agree with you but my experience with 22-30 year old girls is that they’re more or less the same. I know a girl who is a Physician’s Assistant in her 30s. She is basically the same as she was in college. All the girls I know are like this.

>> No.22125957

There are plenty of standards you fucking retard

>> No.22125961

Man 30 is really hitting you guys hard

>> No.22125964

People spazz out when someone floats a normative claim. That is my experience. Nigger.

>> No.22125970

One of my favourite scenes.
>I have bowel concern for you!

>> No.22125982

Women after 25 are more used up thasn a rental car. You're likely the one lacking in experience.

>> No.22125989

Ahh yeah this one lol, Larry’s a genius, gonna feel a little blue when he goes

>> No.22125991
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>> No.22125993

I accidentally quoted you, I hope you won't take it personally and call me names for it

>> No.22126005

I don't think the """cutoff""" is related to age, more to experience, so in your case I'd say out of college and with at lease one year of work experience
sex and life experience are vastly different things
you would know this if you had either

>> No.22126007

what the hell

>> No.22126042
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>> No.22126086

conversation that happened between me and a girl while we were in a group
>I don't think I'll make it on wednesday, but on thursday there's this (classical music) concert I'm attending, would you like to come with me?
>uuh, is that after [something we have to do with a group of friends]? then yeah, sure, seems like good idea!
>it's also a good occasion to show off any cool outfit you want
>nah I'm not going to wear anything different from what I'm wearing now
>yeah only because you're plenty cool already
but I lied for the sake of the joke, she was dressed averagely at best and I'm going to wear a tuxedo just to make her feel like she's underdressed

>> No.22126123

You're gonna be the only person there dressed like that, you're gonna look like a waiter. Even old society types just wear khakis and a nice shirt to the orchestra these days.

>> No.22126153

>you're going to look like a waiter
I couldn't look like a waiter if I tried
though I see your point I'm positive that the most important factor in looking overdressed is feeling overdressed, and I'm dressing in a way that I feel is perfectly appropriate for the occasion, so anybody who's sure about their look will think nothing of it, and anybody who's unsure will feel underdressed
moreover this is a free admission event, so I expect most people will be in awe of me as it will be their first time seeing a tuxedo in real life
then again, this is all my conjecture
tune in next friday to know how it went

>> No.22126206

>most people will be in awe of me as it will be their first time seeing a tuxedo in real life
Lol you cannot be serious right now. Anyway it's quite low of you to invite an acquaintance to something, and when she responds with interest you immediately devise a plan to put her down. Is it not enough to just enjoy the music and the company?

>> No.22126216

Not having a work space has absolutely killed my writing output.

>> No.22126222

It’s probably hit you hard too. Our parents had careers and the semblance of a normal dating life at least. Everyone under 35 has basically nothing but internet points and nothing ever happened.

>> No.22126253

Where did Marxism go wrong? I don't mean to defend it as an ideology, it's wrong in many ways, but how did Marxists go from militant revolutionaries and labor activists to a bunch of angsty college kids whining about their sex lives? A century ago, Marxists wouldn't shut up about theories of economic value, alternatives to the market mechanism etc. but today we have family abolitionists, gender abolitionists and sexual accelerationists. What the fuck happened?

>> No.22126258

>got b&'d for a week for participating in some shitpost thread on /teevee/ that hurt the jannies feelings
>realize at the same time just how abhorrently and extraordinarily shit the quality of posts has become (summer)
>rediscover my love of hiking
>do 20-30 kilometers a day
>bring a book and rest frequently, reading 20-30 pages
>spend 12+ hours outside every day
>read 150+ pages a day
>leave phone at home
>quality of life and joy goes up by 100.000%
God I love life so fucking much, and I get to do this every day until August when I start teaching classes again, please don't let me get sucked back into this black hole of insipid hatred bros.

>> No.22126261

I'm married with a kid on the way, and am self-employed in an old timey trade which leaves me plenty of time to pursue my artistic interests. My parents were definitely better off at my age but I really can't complain, and after the nightmare that was my early 20s I am incredibly grateful to be where I am now.

>> No.22126267

>add -enko to her last name
>wala, she's ukrainian now

>> No.22126273

McCarthyism made working people afraid to be commies, and the "new left" in the 60s basically made every form of leftism entwined with bourgeois collegiate boho lifestyle shit. Though family abolition (it doesn't mean what you think it means) and feminism have a long history in leftism.

>> No.22126283

>it doesn't mean what you think it means
What does family abolition mean? And is bourgeois college bullshit why Adorno hated the 60s student movement?

>> No.22126284

>this fucking retard doesn't realize that Heidegger's phenomenology is also transcendental and that the entire point of doing an ontological rather than ontic investigation is to champion the same universalism as the enlightenment and Heidegger's thought hence lends itself much better to our contemporary liberalism than whatever 80 IQ abomination of american pseudonationalism that the speaker is going to shit out
Le mayo.

>> No.22126298

Ok and come back when you’re 30 and say the same.

>> No.22126301

I really wish I had done things different. There’s something really painful about being kind of aimless when you’re young, only to find some direction eventually, but too late to really maximize that vision.

>> No.22126302

>What does family abolition mean?
Basically that the idea of the "nuclear family" is a recent invention, and one which actually runs counter to the majority of human history

>> No.22126306

I'm 32 lol

>> No.22126329

You guys act like 30 is a death sentence. It's the kind of thing that a vain woman in a 90s sitcom would do. I have friends who are 40, 50, and 60 years old who are still living vibrant, constantly changing lives. There was some philosopher who said you aren't even a man until you're 40. He was Roman, I think. When you believe that your life is "over" while you're still alive, just because you haven't met some arbitrary benchmarks by the appropriate time, you're just harming yourself. You're setting yourself up for continued failure, by believing that's what you're destined for. It's not cold, hard realism, it's pathetic resignation.

>> No.22126358

It’s by no means a death sentence. I just think 30 is very commonly a wake up call for guys with any sort of ambitions. Whether you’re a student of history or simply notice that the best in your chosen pursuits very often have a achieved a lot in the field by that age, it can be quite depressing to reach the age and have those ambitions but not have that sense of having accomplishment or even a good foundation for future accomplishment. 30 serves as a sort of book mark because while you’re not by any means old at 30 you’re not really young anymore. The clock has started ticking.

>> No.22126381

Literally every single one of Ruben Östlund's movies is 30 minutes too long. This may seem like a minor thing, but it invariably robs his movies of their status as somewhat enjoyable black comedy satires and turn them into insufferably self-congratulatory above-it-all smug-fests, which is no doubt why he is a darling at Cannes.

>> No.22126396

What do you think Eckhart Tolle would do if he was gang raped by a group of large black men? The answer could save us all

>> No.22126421

>parents destroyed my teeth when I was a minor
>now live in pain every single day despite the dentist fixing me up the best they could do (at exorbitant cost, that i had to pay out of pocket)
>can barely eat
>only late 20s, going to be toothless by 40 or need a full set of implants
>parents villainize me for hating their guts
>meanwhile i'm in such anxiety i think about suicide every day
they're lucky i don't kill them. i want to remove all their teeth and eyeballs with a crowbar so they can have a taste of what i am forced to suffer because of them.

>> No.22126432

the "in awe of me" was added for comedic effect, though I honestly believe many people there will be seeing a man wearing a tuxedo for the first time in their life
>devise a plan to put her down
this is banter, the description of which is exaggerated for comedic effect
I would have worn a tuxedo regardless because that's what I feel comfortable wearing at such an occasion, she has no reason to feel put down if she's comfortable in her clothes, and the reason I exaggerated the banter in my description is I thought it would be a nice occasion for her to show off but she shot that idea down
>inb4 she doesn't have to show off just because you like doing it and assume everyone would just the same
I agree, which is why I described exaggerated banter rather than outline how I planned to lead her on by telling her how much I look forward to the event both because of the music AND the company, compliment her on things that are actually worth complimenting her on, then tell her I'm already inside and to reach me there only to stand her up and let her find a letter in my seat, containing an impeccably handwritten message reading something to the effect of, "I'd rather renounce the music than be seen with a low class woman such as yourself", which will cause her to be deeply offended, possibly frustrated, maybe to cry, and likely avoid me, though I will slap her in the off chance she should bring it up to me
it's banter anon
>is it not just to enjoy the music and the company
I'm afraid not, it's been a long while since I invited a girl out because I truly found her interesting rather than a combination of finding her moderately interesting and wanting to get inside her pants

>> No.22126479

That sucks, try to vitamin k2 maxx

>> No.22126482

Do you have the feeling that there’s no great destiny waiting for you? If so, how do you cope with that?

>> No.22126512

I use the best of my abilities to move towards my goal from the point I'm at now
it might be that I find this quote so powerful because I've read it in my formative years, but whatever the reason I do find it powerful
"you take what is offered, and that must sometimes be enough"

>> No.22126520

>parents destroyed my teeth when I was a minor

>> No.22126525
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Usually when people realize this they just find a partner and anchor themselves to a relationship to give their life meaning. Suicide also worjs

“Glory, as anyone knows, is bitter stuff.”

>> No.22126530

Is this how normies in college live?

>> No.22126570

>write what's on your mind
>what is on the mind of 99% of /lit/izens is chronic woe-is-me and/or crying about not getting pussy
>/lit/ is almost indistinguishable from /pol9k/
It's strange how some boards, like /tv/ and /sp/ have an inherent and very strong resistance to this specific kind of faggotry, whereas others, such as /lit/, have become almost exclusively a giant self-pity-party.

>> No.22126594

Here I said what would ole' Tolle would do if he was raped by a pack of niggers and you had the audacity to complain about /lit/ whose patheticness is profound but not answer my fucking question.
So let me ask you when was the last time you were cucked and fucked by a bunch of negro bulls, mistah?
Fucking retard thinking thus place is a hive mind which thinks and does collectively instead of motherfucking independently.
Goodnight you fucking whiney niggershit

>> No.22126602

Do you think Eckhart Tolle would kiss the black tip being in the moment and shit?

>> No.22126622

I’m not sure I like that. I’m one of these people that never feels as if what I have is enough and is never 100% sure what I want, or at least I never feel like I can 100% have what I want, only 100% of what I don’t want. This has been a big struggle for me lately.

>> No.22126633

I got really depressed when I read Andrew Marvell’s mower poems and realized what they’re about.

>> No.22126645

I asked ChatGPT the following question:

'How would interpret the following paragraph?: "It strikes me Eyes Wide Shut has as thesis that woman qua object of beauty is a creation of man civilizationally speaking, just as man is a phys. creation of woman. Harems of ancient times were factories for the breeding of enduring beauty–man is ultimately in thrall to his own creation."'

It's response was: "That’s an interesting paragraph. In this context, a human might say something like this:

"The paragraph seems to suggest that Eyes Wide ShutAd1 is a film that explores the theme of sexual objectification23, especially of women by men. The author uses the Latin phrase woman qua object of beauty to imply that woman is considered as an object of beauty in relation to man, not as a subject in her own right. The author also claims that this objectification is a result of man’s civilizational creation, meaning that it is not natural or inevitable, but rather a product of historical and cultural factors. The author contrasts this with the idea that man is a physical creation of woman, meaning that woman is the source of biological life and reproduction. The author then argues that harems were places where men cultivated and controlled female beauty, and that man is ultimately in thrall to his own creation, meaning that he is enslaved by his own desire for the objectified woman. The author implies that this is a paradoxical and problematic situation for both men and women."

>> No.22126649

Fly, red arrow, fly beyond Seville fly beyond the Tagus o'er the hills o'er Lisbon port o'er the galleys and carracks high mast'd where burns St Elmo's fire
fly over gypsy waves and glittering foam beyond the fog cutting through trade wind, heart-tipped red arrow seeking the farthest horizon where shaking sea meets the star that yet stays firm
fly red arrow, fletchings thine I have crafted out of feathers I have fetched, tied snug with linen string. As I strechted my back for thee and set loose bowstring my body the fiddle abdomen, arm and sinew I struck a chord and with a kiss I whispered thee words of comfort - I lied killer fleche to thee have I lied, thy tip I did NOT make out of the fallen star I found in Lowland dale as I did tell thee - thou have I cut and hammered of deeper things yet - of hell-iron that the mountain doeth reject, of night-black iron that the firepeak spewed in rage against heaven and for purpose
for I did not hammer'd thy sharp point with elbow pulp glued, aye the glue of the seventh mare born of the seventh mare on the seventh day, to thy shaft of ash hath affix'd this tip which I did tell thee was heart-shaped but it was spades, swords for the killer wasp, thee, I have made thee for piercing not the heart of my true love, but beyond the eastern shore if thou flyest straight as I command thee, and beyond the wide country and over the mountain thou shalt fly and further than the open fields of golden corn of this now precious summer and thou shalt pierce the ground, killing caldera, the mountain death hitherto in slumber thou shalt pierce and unleash YELLOW STONE to burn away Babylon, evil Babylon which I have forsaken

>> No.22126656

Stop posting this shit. It isnt intetesting

>> No.22126682 [DELETED] 

Nothing here is interesting.

>> No.22126694

Here's what's on my mind: Pussy

>> No.22126697


>> No.22126703

Big pussy?

>> No.22126718

Boy pussy UwU

>> No.22126733
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>> No.22126756

Now this is interesting. Wheres the other webms of them doing this?

>> No.22126831

Living in a semi-big city reminded me that humans are retarded animals and I can't wait to GTFO and let all the faggots here stew in their misery. I'm an ultranationalist but at the same time don't give the slightest fuck about any compatriot of mine who lives in such shitholes. Not my problem.

>> No.22126835

>i hold inconsistent beliefs, but who cares

most intelligent nationalist

>> No.22126840

>he conflates nation with people
I could give a smug reply but I've noticed that non-nationalistic countries simply get replaced by nationalist immigrants. Nature doing its thing.

>> No.22126859

I’ve spent most of my life in small rural communities and I never regretted it. If I ever made a lot of money, I’d invest in a farm and give back to this community.

>> No.22126864

What should someone do when they feel an all-time low about their life and the future? Should they get a change of scenery? Isolation?

I can hardly feel the creative juices anymore and I’m crazy depressed about it, but I also have no real space to retreat to for that. I also feel stagnant and bored so maybe I need a change of scenery.

>> No.22126867

Cities have always been a necessary evil and have always turned the people who live in them into niggers.

>> No.22126891

Trannies are based. They kill trannies all the time

>> No.22126922


>> No.22126924

What should I read tonight?
>Crying of Lot 49
>Lucretius' Nature of Things
>Notes from Underground

>> No.22127076

Is it "best phone to date" or : best phone too date"