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/lit/ - Literature

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22120342 No.22120342 [Reply] [Original]

>Read book
>find it stimulating, enjoyable
>one year later
>much of it is forgotten
Why bother reading anons? Our lack of efficient memories means for most of us, in a matter of months much of what we’ve read will be forgotten.

>> No.22120351

Read Mein Kampf, there‘s a part about how to increase reading retention and synthesize it into a whole of personal knowledge.

>> No.22120353

Take notes, faggot.

>> No.22120368

This is why, in order to make it worth it, you write. Reading books is best suited to authors, be it literature authors or philosophers.

>> No.22120371

“I may not remember every book I have read, any more than every meal I have eaten. Even so, they have made me.”

>> No.22120374

>read book again
>enjoy it as if it was the first time I experienced it once again
Our ability to forget things ought to come in handy from time to time

>> No.22120416

you have to read topics in clusters to remember anything. you should have read other stoics immediately after or before

>> No.22120466

I did take notes sir, but I forget even taking them after enough time passed

>> No.22120467 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1282
Sad Jack Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases
Anon's Modded Pre-Install: https://pastebin.com/42JS3q6E

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

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>> No.22120581
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... "Our" lack of efficient memory?

>> No.22120620

>much of it is forgotten
This only means you're not applying what you read to your own life in any way.
This is why fiction books with thought-provoking yet relatable themes are alot more exempt from this.

>Our lack of efficient memories
The fact that your brain is throwing away information it thinks is irrelevant is evidence that your memories are very efficient.

>> No.22120621

If you truly connect with the ideas you read, so much so that you incorporate them into your life, the book (in a way) stays with you always, even if you can't recall every line.

>> No.22120728

Then read it again. Refresh your memory.

>> No.22120776

>think I forgot what the book entails
>start reading it again
>it all starts coming back
>I didn't forget, I just needed to be refreshed

>> No.22120861

Congratulations, sir autist. I kneel.

>> No.22120980
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Once again, the world has confirmed my natural superiority.

>> No.22121001

the purpose of reading is to improve your mind, learn things, and enjoy yourself, not to autistically recount every word that crosses your eyes
if you read a book in the past that you found stimulating and that you now find yourself wishing you remembered more of then read it again dumbass

>> No.22121018

You may not remember it consciously but it’s in that subconscious somewhere

>> No.22121106
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>Read book
>find it stimulating, enjoyable
>one year later
>can recite it word for word from memory

>> No.22121113

>1 year
more like two weeks for me lmao, but le soul of the books stays with you

>> No.22121116

People usually remember more than they think. You might not be able to immediately recall much of it, but you can probably recognize a lot more.

>> No.22121148
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Revisit the notes and jog your memory. Why do we have to spell this out for you?

>> No.22121389

>find it stimulating, enjoyable
you answered your own question. instead of bothering about recollection why not read another book that you find stimulating, enjoyable.

did your pseud notes ever amount to anything?

>> No.22121446

But Anon... When I look at a book on my shelf I easily recall all the things I learned from it...

>> No.22121472
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>Why bother reading anons?
For the joy of it.
Healthy psyche doesn't need to store gossip and useless information. Maybe this information wasn't as needed for you. No need to sweat it. It's not a technical manual that helps you with building something. It's just a notebook, literally his diary desu. I wouldn't expect others memorising and internalising things from my diary either.

>> No.22121509

Like other anons in this thread said, its not really a requisite to memorize literature in order to enjoy it and you could just adopt the posture that its fine to forget what you read. Personally, for certain books (like the one you posted) I think it's useful to remember their contents, and for that I like to use mnemonics, especially mind palaces. At first they seem kinda useless but they're the main technique used in most memory competitions for a reason.

>> No.22122134
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Write things down, read the book 3-4 times.
1 time to say
>i read it

>> No.22122144
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2nd time to
> understand it superficially

>> No.22122152
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3rd time
>to understand everything behind every word

>> No.22122154

4th time
>start applying to the real life

>> No.22122158
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Forgot the pic

>> No.22122164

Make notes, write an essay about it

>> No.22122188

i fucking hate iOS...
OP a lot of leaders nowadays read the book constantly. You should do it too.
Throw away your Bibles, Thoras, Qurans - read meditations. You dont need more or less. Everything is there.
>this is the most complete book out there, read it every day

>> No.22122211

@08:08 youll see who and how many times they read the book. Read the book again when you finish it

>> No.22122403

have a notebook to make notes of the book and use bookmarks for parts you like, it made me way better at memorizing stuff

>> No.22122447
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>> No.22122739

I started highlighting the most relevant paragraphs on my Kindle and it helps to memorise stuff as I reread chapters. It also has the option to export them to your email so you could theoretically summarise each chapter by rephrasing the highlighted paragraphs. This applies to non-fiction only as I find easy to remember fiction.

>> No.22122813

>>find it stimulating, enjoyable
And did you then apply what you learned to your life? I never forgot what I read in Richest Man in Babylon or Intelligent Investor, because I applied what I learned to my life. Conversely, I remember almost none of what I read in Beyond Good and Evil because I was 15 when I read it and applied none of it to my life. And yet that same year I read ABC of Reading and I remember parts of it, the parts I applied to my life, and forgot most of the rest because ain't nobody got time to read all that stuff at 15 anyway.

Do the work.

>> No.22123130
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>...an occasion is required. how much the occasion achieves in the case of memory can be shown by the fact that anyone who has read fifty anecdotes in a book of anecdotes, and then laid the book aside, is sometimes unable to recall even a single one immediately afterwards. but if the occasion comes, or an idea occurs to him which has any analogy with one of those anecdotes, it comes back to him at once; and so do all the fifty as opportunity offers.

>most of what the intellect has dropped it never takes up again, especially as the taking up again is bound to the principle of sufficient reason, and thus requires an occasion which the association of ideas and motivation have first to provide. ... the knowledge even of the scholarly head exist only VIRTUALITER as an acquired practice in producing certain representations. ACTUALITER, on the other hand, it is restricted to one particular representation, and for the moment is conscious of this one alone. hence there results a strange contrast between what a man knows potentia and what he knows actu, in other words, between his knowledge and his thinking at any moment. the former is an immense and always somewhat chaotic mass, the latter a single, distinct thought. the relation is like that between the unnumerable stars of the heavens and the telescope's narrow field of vision;
t. schopenhauer

>> No.22123138


>> No.22123140

I forgot about that. Its in the pre-war years chapters?