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22116650 No.22116650 [Reply] [Original]

Recently graduated college at 27, friends are drifting away, feel detached from people, can't relate to younger crowd anymore, lingering ptsd from being unvaxxed, experienced life in both the big city life and small towns, now reside in liminal dead end mid-sized city, scared to become a white collar professional and work for the rest of my life, competing seems futile and anxiety inducing, life seems duller than ever, feel like I'm waiting to die.

What should I read?

>> No.22116657
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>> No.22116686

The Great Gatsby

>> No.22116690

You shouldn't read anything, now's the time to get a girl pregnant and have your life decided by necessity rather than your personal desires.

>> No.22117384


>> No.22117401


>> No.22117406

That's what all of humanity has done up to this point and it hasn't fixed anything and just made everything worse.

>> No.22117509

Get a bicycle and go on a mythical quest

>> No.22117511


>> No.22117526

Try being 41 with no college degree to speak of, extremely vaxx hesitant, autistic, horrible with women, can’t drive, only able to work minimum wage jobs but have this treasure trove of knowledge and even creative impulses and talents but that doesn’t mean shit because you can’t get laid or reproduce. You don’t know how good you have it.

>> No.22117534

Things can change quickly, anon. You never know what tomorrow may bring.

>> No.22117535

you some pinkeys up mother fucker thinks he's better than the rest of us?

>> No.22117545

How do you even get to.this point anon? Ffs. Set some goals for yourself and work at them. Two years of grinding and you can at least have a career and be started on a career.

>> No.22117566

college isn't free here, and I have to pay into SSI which usually goes to rent, usually end up with not a lot of money to begin with. saving is almost impossible because I have to spend money on groceries. its a long story.

>> No.22117569

I'm tired of waiting. in nine years I will be 50 and unmarried.

>> No.22117643

>in nine years
Do you really believe nothing about you can change from now until more

>> No.22117651

not likely, besides, people with autism don't like change.

>> No.22117672

Where do you live?

There are programs that let you borrow, and also many countries have grants for specific trades.

Besides, it's not even like you need a college degree. You can get a Truck driving cert and be making an easy 60k within a year. Most certs can be done in under two years without much expense.

Fuck man, stop making excuses for yourself. That's what got you into this position in the first place.

>> No.22117679

South of the Border, West of the Sun - Murakami.

Trust me anon, I've been where you are now.

>> No.22117702

>no wife and kids
You fucked up your priorities completely and now you are alone. I'm sorry anon, at least you can find comfort in God still. I would reccomend you read the holy bible and start attending and volunteering at a church and perhaps you will meet someone who can help you

>> No.22117817

Lol I cannot drive or remember driving laws you are out of your mind, pal. I live in the states. This is hell.

>> No.22117934

Anon, there are braindead teenagers with a double digit IQ who gets their drivers license every day. Literally just buy a car and start cruising around in it till you get the feel.

>> No.22118068

idk man quality of life continues to improve throughout history

>> No.22118099

it's impossible to live in america without wanting to kill yourself as it is, not knowing how to drive is unthinkable. there is not a single pedestrian friendly city in this country. sidewalks sparse, homeless everywhere. i didn't drive for years because i had no papers and pretty severe anxiety. i can't count the number of times I've fainted from walking in the summer heat for just a few minutes or been nearly hit by a truck. you need to practice every day, master one route and then start venturing from there.

>> No.22118113


>> No.22118116

lmao you guys are so gay

>> No.22118123

First off - congratulations on having one of the most generic experiences in existence. You drift apart from you friends after school? WOW!
Second of all - if you made actual friends, this wouldn't have been an issue.

>> No.22118130

not gay, anemic woman

>> No.22118182

Le tough talking straight shooting internet man


>> No.22118209

Robert Walser.

>> No.22118213

I have the similar problem the guy in that Jarvis meme. tons of useless information in my head, can't be bothered to fit driving laws up there.

>> No.22118216

lol, and get arrested for not having license? no thanks. and buy a car? do I look rich to you? I live on social security, man. I am barred from working more than a minimum wage job due to autism.

>> No.22118228

Le faggot crying on the internet about his problems


>> No.22118233

Hey same but I'm 26.

Lol, just take it easy yo

>> No.22118252

ummm vulnerability sweetie?? Not a good look...

Never met a faggot like you who wasn't a fembrain

>> No.22118275

You can buy a car for $800 just find an Oldsmobile from the 80s or 90s simple as that. Buy a motorcycle or a moped.

>> No.22118286
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>post yfw you realise it's all kant, and always has been, always will be

>> No.22118304

>lingering ptsd from being unvaxxed
Sorry but this cracked me up. You're my junior which should feel bad on 4chan but with comments like this I know for sure I cannot relate to the younger crowd (of one)
But stay cool lil nigga I'm sure my elders feel the same about me too

>> No.22118312

Same but 29. I haven't had a friend for a decade now. I tried to reconnect with couple of my buddies from school but they were totally uninterested, kinda painful

>> No.22118339

white people have been utterly fucked by these grand notions of humanity, retards can't do a single thing without breaking down over whether it might ruin everything for everyone forever

>> No.22118838

>Lol i cannot drive
>Lmao I can drive
>heehee I’m literally describing riding a bike level mechanics as too difficult but pretending to be retarded
>guffaw at this retard who, I kid you not, thinks he is incapable of learning how to drive but also doesn’t understand he has an iq around 70
It was over for you before it started. You’re looking at a bike as a 7 year old, and saying “look, it’s quite literally impossible for me to learn this thing” except it’s not cute, because you’re approaching 30 years old.

>> No.22118854

Atomic habits, it seems you are not in decent shape mental-health-wise. Get some healthy basic habits going on, atomic habits ought to help.
I’ve never heard of unvaxxed ptsd, I’d say please elaborate but to be honest it sounds so foolishly contrived that I don’t actually think it’d be worth hearing about.

>> No.22118868

Fembrain? Are you one of those gay people? Vulnerability shmonrability, people can benefit from positive encouragement and from harsh reality checks, they both have their place and you’re dumb as a brick and evil if you wouldn’t hit your friend with a harsh reality when you thought they truly needed it.

>> No.22118899

Keep making excuses anon
>I'm autistic
You sure you're not 17?

>> No.22118964

White man's burden, innit.

>> No.22119497

>I've never heard of unvaxxed ptsd
Being ostracized for two years by friends, family, colleagues, being fired from my job, not being able to find work, nearly got beat up by a group of chads in a bar who I thought were cool after showing them my fake vax passport. Hard trust people, or want to want to integrate into society after such experiences.

t. Canadian

>> No.22119509

Good luck fixing anything.

>> No.22119657

Not true, a bunch of 18th century dysgenic decided it was a good idea to focus more on ripping apart nature to understand it and building industrial technology than reproducing. If they had only cared about reproducing like animals things would be better.

>> No.22120437

>haven't had a friend for a decade now.

You can make friends by hanging out in public places, joining groups or associations, becoming involved in something.

I can't even count how many people I made friends with jsut by being a regular at the local coffee shop

>> No.22120448

Explain nigga. Im 28 and though I do have close friends in other parts of the country Ive none in the city im currently living in. I often go to coffee shops or bars by myself but never am I approached by anyone (except occasionally girls as I am rather handsome but hate women too much to want anything to do with them) and I dont know how to find some kind of club or organization to join.

>> No.22120461

Trudeau fucked hard anyone who remained unvaxxed. Dont worry though anon, now that everyone has had the coof it doesnt matter any more. True story I got laid via a female med student at a party who refused to believe I didnt take the vax. I think she was so infuriated by my indifference that she became perplexed and inversely drawn to the mystery of why I didnt comply. She literally told me she couldnt fathom how I could have graduated college and still chosen not to get the vaccine.

>> No.22120573

Unbased (and obviously retarded) trans(whowouldhavethought)humanist

Based Uncle Ted enjoyer

>> No.22120579

There aren't really chads in Canada anymore. Not since the 50s.

>> No.22120634

Fpbp, Kant always wins

>> No.22120772

People with phds were morely likely to be vaxx skeptics

>> No.22120790

No intelligent people ever got the vaxx. Only the sheeple

>> No.22120885

If you’re 40 with nothing going on it’s already over

>> No.22120903

I forgot I had made this thread

>> No.22120920

I don't know how to ride a bike

>> No.22120943

Dont be sad riding a bike is harder than driving a car even a standard transmission.

>> No.22120950

Out of college at 27 you are not gonna make it faggot

>> No.22120958

Franny and Zooey