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22100625 No.22100625 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't the gods revived? Much superior to all other barbarian belief systems.

>> No.22100632

Heidegger tried to do it but Spengler was probably right about Grecophilia

>> No.22100645

Jews hate everything Greek except Plato.

>> No.22100647

Haha because that's ridiculous, what moron would believe such fairy tales??? Now... Christianity really makes sense.

>> No.22100652

Compare Heidegger and Arendt and you'll understand what Abrahamic religions are all about.

>> No.22100663

They never died. People are nostalgic for the past and thousands of years later that nostalgia is our only source for that past.

>> No.22100667
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jesus spoke greek, tyrone

>> No.22100690

No, he didn't.

>> No.22100694

Meanwhile Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?”

“You have said so,” Jesus replied.

When he was accused by the chief priests and the elders, he gave no answer. Then Pilate asked him, “Don’t you hear the testimony they are bringing against you?” But Jesus made no reply, not even to a single charge—to the great amazement of the governor.

Here’s how we know Pilate was speaking in Greek. His first language was Latin. We know this because he was a Roman official. However, the people mentioned in this verse—the chief priests, the elders, and the crowd listening in—would not have spoken Latin. If Pilate was speaking with them, he obviously wasn’t speaking Latin.

Of the languages they might have known—Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek—Pilate wouldn’t have been able to speak Hebrew, and he likely would have known Greek far better than Aramaic. Greek, then, is the most likely candidate for the language he spoke in this speech to the non-Roman audience.

>> No.22100711

Dumbass. Everybody in the Middle East spoke Greek after Alexander rolled through there.

>> No.22100716

They never went away. Jews and Christians worship Saturn, but are too ignorant and/or blinkered to realise it.

>> No.22100723

no they didn't
in mesopotamia, for example, it was just a greek ruling class with aramaic speakers in the lower stratas

>> No.22100745

Not at all, the closest is Hades.

>> No.22100756

don't you mean caelus?

>> No.22100762

No, I mean Your Anus

>> No.22100771

It's clearly Hades. Christians and Jews hate themselves and hate the world. They slander life. What Roman god does that?

>> No.22101482

Saturn. He also eats his children. Top that, Pluto.

>> No.22101503

It's impossible. You'll just create superficial asatru shit if you try.

>> No.22101508

Caelus is a good fit for the Christian god, as he's an aspect of the "Heavenly Father" archetype. Not so much for the god of the Jews though. The god of the Old Testament is clearly different to that of the New.

>> No.22101604

Revived? If the gods are real they’re always there. And we as Christians actually accept that this is the case. We just don’t worship them anymore.

>> No.22101612

Im retarded; can you write down a comparison between them?

>> No.22101622

True. In Palestina (Greek name not Arabic btw) the natives to Judea used to speak Aramaic , except for the ruling class that could speak Hebrew.

>> No.22101635

The Christian god is the god of human sacrifice.

>> No.22101640

All gods are constructs. It's what the construct cam give you that's valuable. The Christian construction gives you nothing -- it takes from you -- makes you sick. The most pious priests are the horniest for little boys.

>> No.22101651

Has anyone ever written about how to live in the modern world as a pious Greek would?

From what I understand, much of the traditional religion was tied to agriculture, your ancestral land and household gods, and animal sacrifice, that it wouldn't make much sense for a modern person.

>> No.22101670

Heidegger unleashes, Arendt represses.

>> No.22101798

Cause the greco gods promote a hedonistic society that would be much worse now than back then

>> No.22101803

They... are though? Hellenistic "church" here in Greece can carry out marriages, give names etc. Its a recognized religion
Not sure about Italy

>> No.22101810

Cool story shame it never happened
No, only in Anatolia and only partially

>> No.22101918
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Religion is a communal thing. No non-east yuropoor neopagans live within ten minutes of each other. The least autistic thing to do would be some sort of "western rite" Hinduism (or Buddhism) and piggyback off the success of new age/wicca/yoga stuff. Be warned that attempting to do any sort of stale reconstructionist larp is a thoroughly protestantized approach because it assumes some arbitrary period exists in the history of faith where everything was correct and only needs to be discovered and repeated as closely as possible. You'd have to argue in other words that maybe a couple hundred years of your favorite theology and praxis was "correct" even if there's a thousand years of stuff you don't like. You can study any form of "paganism" and learn that stasis is not the case, e.g. Hellenistic, Roman, Egyptian, Indian, Japanese. Gods are always mobile and repurposed. The most mature systems arrive at a kind of pragmatic henotheism where any god is a gate to godhead.

>> No.22101927

Yeah, there's plenty of Hellenists in Greece. YSEE is a large organization that does this. In Greece. In Greek. They don't write in English. If you want this sort of stuff in English you need to look into Asatru.

>> No.22101940

>only in Anatolia
Look up the Seleucid, Ptolemaic, and Byzantine empires and do not post again for 5 years

>> No.22101949

You could put a statue of Zeus or Hades or Poseidon on top of your boiler or water heater

>> No.22101967

Asatruar are really big on muh homesteading muh nature.

>your ancestral land
It's an ethnoreligion.

>household gods
It's an ethnoreligion plus there's landwights.

>animal sacrifice
In the ancient world most sacrificing was not done with live animals but with various agricultural products, and even then the animal only has to die to get the meat. In Indo-European religions there's very specific rules about how you can't actually hurt the animal up until it is slaughtered for this reason. So, yes, modern Asatruar are big on this, but they typically aren't the ones to kill the animal.

>> No.22101981

Says the literal fuckwit who hasn't read a scrap of Greek mythology.

>> No.22102273
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>Hades is... le Greek Satan

>> No.22102327
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My schizo headcanon is that as the Christian faith grew God and his angels destroyed the gods one by one through might and magic. Or maybe the gods were instruments of the big G all along

If you want to talk real world tho? They’re too needy. The Christian god (not the Jewish version, he’s needy too) doesn’t ask you to sacrifice food or animals or slaves or any of your valuable resources. He’s not literally walking around the physical earth like they supposedly did either, so supplications can be transient and at the worshipper’s leisure.

>> No.22102658
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Anyone interested in a liberal Christian seething screed about paganism should check this out. Okay it's not just a screed though some of it comes off as unhinged. Some pretty novel interpretations in here. Tries to delve into the roots of German Grecophilia (seething about neetch and egghider) claiming that it was a precursor to Nazism, goes into the possible origin of the modern obsession with victims etc. Essentially argues that Judeo-Christianity developed as a kind of human rights technology and that a form of human sacrifice that we would recognize as "lynching" is the source of Satan's power on earth. This last point has actually haunted me a bit because he argued for it so well despite not having much evidence for the assertion that all pagan religions were satanic in this way

>> No.22102681

>Christian argues that all pagan religions were satanic in this way
>but with some hip, cool, modernist jargon this time! Not your grand-grand-grandfather's polemics baby.

>> No.22102685

I am a modern, urban, white collar worker living in a suburb. Christianity seems absurd but atheism is unfulfilling. What does hellenism or asatru have to offer me? How can I incorporate those teachings into my life?

>> No.22102963

if they're so great why did they let their religion die out? no one wants to worship losers

>> No.22102983

Christianity has been losing for centuries so badly in Europe that your churches straight up gave up trying to reconvert the original white Christians and will become the brown and black man's religion as it happens. Is that winning?

>> No.22103055

They are doing that right now. There's currently a hugh push on the right to revive the cult of Apollo (probably because of the connection with Sparta), and it's not unlikely that the left will respond to this with their own push for some cult, probably Athena

>> No.22103066

>jesus spoke greek, tyrone

>> No.22104376

It'll make you quit your shitty job and start living.

>> No.22104532

Not trying to make a vulgar attack on Christianity here but worshipping a “loser” (the crucified) is the founding principle of Christianity. He is Risen? That allowed them to turn the tables on the whole world. Same imagery as many of the martyrs throughout history. To be a loser is to be a winner. So the last shall be first, and the first last. I think this Christian crusader machismo is insanely misguided, it comes from a conflation of Christianity with European Imperial identity

>> No.22104681

Christianity is in the blood so deep there needn't be a referent to Christ anymore. The losing is just assumed because you're here to suffer and slander life. Everything higher is bad and everything lower is good. Hence why you have vulgarity and commonness in every strata.

>> No.22104802

Christ won (verification not required)

>> No.22104845

Has anyone went on an insane LARP? Yeah probably.

>> No.22104848

All religions are closely related to agriculture by the way.

>> No.22104873

Ah, yes, can’t wait to kill and skin some goats for Apollo or whatever. Go back to trad twitter and spread your poison there. /lit/ is a proudly Christian board.

>> No.22104874

/Lit/ doesn't believe in anything.

>> No.22104877

I believe OP is a faggot.

>> No.22105205

>to agriculture
And thus to slavery.

>> No.22105211

/lit/ believes in dialectical materialism

>> No.22105288

Christianity worsens mental illness. Maybe 4chan is indeed Christian.

>> No.22105393

> greco gods promote a hedonistic society
Are you retarded mate?

>> No.22106940

Does anyone have a home alter to pagan gods?

>> No.22107048

I have a home alter to your mom lol.

>> No.22107051

4chan worships trickster Gods

>> No.22107055

Glad you're focused on praising fertility

>> No.22107143


>> No.22107231
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Jews are weird offshoot of henotheist worshippers of Set (identified with Typhon of Greco-Roman religion). Christians worship a man who is an agent of No-thing Apep.

>> No.22108278

The next sun warrior will slay the serpent again. Just as has happened before.

>> No.22108706

Now you're just quoting scripture.

>> No.22108713


>> No.22108911

Why not ask the Gods and see what happens? At worst you find a local group and hang out with like minded individuals every couple of weeks, make some friends, and join a community. What have you got to lose?

>> No.22108974

Unironically take psychedelic drugs. Try magic mushrooms, if you can get them.

>> No.22110287

Egypt is the true cornerstone.
Every major religion stems from some corruption or adaptation of Egyptian thought, even Buddhism.

>> No.22110308

Gods are illusion
only brahman is real

>> No.22110771
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Brahman bros....... not like this....

>> No.22110775

nevermind I got Brahma and Brahman confused

>> No.22110843

very cringe

Greco-Roman religion was based on ancestor worship. It's not something you can just revive. It requires a chain of tradition. It is dead, gone and impossible to restore or even really larp.

>> No.22111185

As a point of technicality, its adherents argue that it never died. You can go practice it right now if you want. It's not like this is Eastern Orthodoxy or some other bizarre abstract theoretical, this is a living religion.

>> No.22111249

Modern reconstructionist groups have no continuity with actual pre-christian European religion.

>> No.22111325

you are a faggot and it is not for you. try psychadelics like the other anon suggested

>> No.22111341

Christ defeated death itself, unlike the imperial cult hero Julius Caesar who was also killed and worshipped, but go ahead and call Christ “a loser” because you read some Nietzsche after your shift at Applebee’s you retard.

>> No.22111347

I did when I was young and retarded but then I discovered I was gambling my immortal soul for a LARP and repented.

>> No.22111471

The tradition is still there within Plato’s dialogues. You need to understand who is speaking, who they are that is speaking, and what they are speaking. Plato put the seed of tradition in his works, but it will take time an effort to sprout and grow, namely that you read with attention.

>> No.22111528
File: 91 KB, 736x685, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christ defeated death itself
>but go ahead and call Christ “a loser” because you read some Nietzsche
"When the emphasis of life is put on the 'beyond' rather than on life itself - when it is put on nothingness -, then the emphasis has been completely removed from life. The enormous lie of personal immortality destroys all reason, everything natural in the instincts, - everything beneficial and life-enhancing in the instincts, everything that guarantees the future, now arouses mistrust. To live in this way, so that there is no point to life any more, this now becomes the 'meaning' of life ... What is the point of public spirit, of being grateful for your lineage or for your ancestors, what is the point of working together, of confidence, of working towards any sort of common goal or even keeping one in mind? ... These are all so many 'temptations', so many diversions from the 'proper path' - 'one thing is necessary' ... That as immortal souls, everyone is on the same level as everyone else, that in the commonality of all beings, the 'salvation' of each individual lays claim to an eternal significance, that the small-minded and the half-mad can think well of themselves, that the laws of nature are constantly broken for their sake - you cannot heap enough contempt on this, every type of selfishness increasing shamelessly to the point of infinity."

>> No.22111536
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>defeated death itself
That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die

>> No.22111546

That's what I was saying with how he turned the tables. He was a loser because he was killed by the pharisees + romans but became the ultimate winner according to the rules of the new game/my kingdom is not of this world. That's a central myth in Christianity.
It's the image behind the idea that temporal losers are not losers (and what's more, being a loser in Satan's world means you might be a winner?). The point of the loser accusation is that he was a loser of his enemy's game. Tortured, humiliated, repudiated, betrayed, murdered: a loser (but risen, a winner)

>> No.22111552

The people working in Applebee's, or in the kitchens of any American food service joint, are highly likely to be Christian. You on the other hand are larping due to your hatred of some political group or other and your impotence to actually defeat them.

>> No.22111558

I just really like the moon stars and sun and the nature I'm gifted to walk on; that's enough

>> No.22111645

i deliver this sacrifice of sunflower-fried potato slices to you, Zeus Walmartus, and pray for low low prices and ample deals *lights single use aluminum charcoal grill*

>> No.22111666
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This but unironically

>> No.22111884
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who said the germanics and celts are the only looking back to their traditions
just because they aren't as loud here, doesn't mean they don't exist

>> No.22112127

>As a point of technicality, its adherents argue that it never died
What is their argument? Because pagan worship was based on the hearth, where their ancestors lived, which had an unbroken chain of continuity. It's not something you can just manufacture or randomly revive.

>> No.22112248

Or they would just have had a translator

>> No.22112428

>Christ defeated death itself
Big, if true.

>> No.22112630

>Read Greek and Roman myths
>The gods are relatable; beautiful; strong
>Elegant explanations for natural phenomenon
>Patron deities for different art forms; trades
>Read Hebrew/Christian myths
>It’s people in the desert scamming each other

>> No.22112698

>pagan worship was based on the hearth, where their ancestors lived, which had an unbroken chain of continuity
no, it was not
that is a ahistorical position base on later romanticist and 20th century perennialism though

>> No.22113739

>that is a ahistorical position base on later romanticist and 20th century perennialism though
I am basing it on Foustel de Coulanges' 19th century book. On what are you basing your position?