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/lit/ - Literature

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22110562 No.22110562 [Reply] [Original]

Is anon alive? What's the last time he posted here? Pretty harsh winter, wonder if he made it. His YT has been fairly quiet.

Also. You bug out and commit social suicide tomorrow. What are 5 books that will help you and 5 books again but I general you would choose to take?

>> No.22111013

He doesn’t post here anymore but not because he’s ill or whatever. He stopped posting due to harassment and mean comments

>> No.22111026

Not quite. He asked us to stop posting about him because of harassment and someone calling the feds on him. He already couldn't post here because his phone was rangeb& for years. Anon is just obsessed with him and making threads about him that devolve into shitstorms years after he left.
Tl;Dr This is why we can't have nice things

>> No.22111030

Why care? He's just a faggot in a forest. The problem with these "epic" return to nature schtick faggots is that there's no reason for them to be communicating their bullshit online.
If the forest is so cool - just sit in a tree and shut up. But of course this nigger just had to tell everyone online about it. The novelty wears off for everyone after a week
And a year later...nothing changes. Who cares? Really? WHO? I guess it's cool this retard had the feds on him, but even then he acted like some hippy faggot about it. All these nature-freaks have some sort of hippy quasi-religious complex where they think they discovered some secret truth in leaves or something and it just seems like some drugige bullshit. This guy calls himself "anon" too, but he reeks of cheap californian weed. A newfag poseur if you will.
Walden was 200 years ago. It's played out. Unless you're out there bombing corporations and killing politicians you're not impressing me with your exultations of natural beauty.

>> No.22111047

>it's cool this retard had the feds on him
Anon, you out here swatting hobos who once left /lit/?

>> No.22111051

Stop shilling yourself faggot.

>> No.22111064

ya the guy says he's going to live alone in the forest and then posts a bunch of narcissistic videos on youtube about it. also nothing he did was /lit/ related in any way.

>> No.22111077

Fuck off, glowie.

>> No.22111078

you can tell buy the fact he dressed up like a guy from the 1800s instead of bringing a goretex parka that would actually keep him dry and warm. if you're really out there by yourself, you can leave the costume at home, no one is going to see you.

>> No.22111091

>glowies planning to ruby ridge forestanon because he made friends with a mouse
Not to sound like a Floridian PTA member but I think we need to take Steinbeck off starter charts because the NSA got the wrong message out of it.

>> No.22111097

>This guy calls himself "anon" too, but he reeks of cheap californian weed. A newfag poseur if you will.
This faggot is weed bro normalfag degenerate. He is trying exploit a niche like Mike Ma or Card. None of them are 4chan fags. A faggot like Fantano has that autistic oldfag edge to him even when he is woke.

>> No.22111098

He probably does it for his viewers and his own sense of fashion. So what?

>> No.22111100

>weed is an entire personality trait
You must be 18 to post here

>> No.22111107

Anonymous on 4chan would never smoke weed. We're too cool for that. We're just waiting for our adrenochrome dealer to calls us. You wouldn't know him. He goes to a different school.

>> No.22111109

Watch your older videos you stupid faggot. You have typical weedbro weird normalfag physiognomy

>> No.22111117

>Watch your older videos you stupid faggot
m8 I don't have a tiktok or whatever and I don't need to photograph myself to know I exist unlike your generation

>> No.22111123

ohh ya didn't he do some cringe rap videos or something before he decided to try to be a nature influencer? lmao

>> No.22111134

>forestanon really got freehold on anon's brain
kek is it the rap or the weed or the clothes or what specifically that made you let him live rent free in your head like this? What percentage of his view count are you?

>> No.22111139

i forgot he exists until you made this thread.

>> No.22111147

I'm not OP but why are you this triggered?

>> No.22111150

i'm not triggered. i'm laughing at a failed influencer who beclowned himself on the internet. thanks for the laugh.

>> No.22111156

>why are you this triggered?
They were in 'Nam together back in '68

>> No.22111157

> failed influencer
He never tried to become an influencer lol

>> No.22111162

You sound mad triggered

>> No.22111181

kek does he have videos of him speaking vietnamese back to the trees or something? I don't know why this guy is finding and watching videos of some guy on the internet like it's a personal vendetta

>> No.22111191

then why are you promoting your shitty nature channel here on /lit/? also, this has nothing to do with /lit/ or literature. i think you may in fact be violating the rules of this site as you are both self-promoting and off-topic. have a nice day.

>> No.22111196

>Glowniggers out here trying to get threads banned because swatting a reading channel didn't work

>> No.22111202
File: 20 KB, 474x474, 1684095654911004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consoom and be happy about it

>> No.22111208

what no pussy does to a mfer

>> No.22111209

consoom youtube

>> No.22111212

Why do you assume I’m that guy? There are 8 posters here.

>> No.22111215

who else is going to post a youtube channel that has nothing to do with literature on /lit?

>> No.22111217

There is a middle ground in between being a return to monke hermit and consoom and be happy about it

>> No.22111253

obsessed and/or jealous

>> No.22111266

umm akshually he briefly panned across a bunch of waterdamaged dostoevsky paperbacks in one of his videos

>> No.22111275

I’m not OP, retard. Not everyone who posts in a thread is Op. 10 people now.

>> No.22111279

>anon says he's going to fuck off to the woods and read books
>he actually does it, the absolute madman
>post pics to demonstrate it did happen
>lurks forever because of cell ban
I don't think OP is forestanon because forestanon has ascended to a level of basedanon that makes him immune to being a faggot ever again.

>> No.22111282

I think wrapping yourself in plastic is retarded in this case

>> No.22111309

well i mean if he REALLY wants to retvrn then instead of wearing industrially produced clothes, he should kill animals and wear their skins.

>> No.22111318

t. forestanon