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22110559 No.22110559 [Reply] [Original]

JK Rowling became a billionaire by writing a children's story while on welfare.









>> No.22110566

Your point? A whole thread created to share a reddit factoid.

>> No.22110792

Yeah, and now she's working to make it difficult for minorities. Money really changes people.

I bet back when she was in tears trying to make the food budget stretch to feed her kids or get them childcare so she could work, she would have bitten the hand off any trans person who came to help.

>> No.22110930

Does this mean I should just keep writing garbage and hope I make it big? Or did she have connections.
No I think she would have taken their help but has probably changed since.

>> No.22110983

Yeah, I agree. Bitten the hand off is an idiom meaning to accept whatever is offered. Different to bit the hand that feeds.

I could have been clearer.

>> No.22111025

Oh, my bad. I didn't realise that was a different phrase.

>> No.22111554

Based, troons stay seething

>> No.22111605

Not really, cos white male here in relationship, and have a kid and a house. I'm in the top 2% of all human civilization.

I'm also in a position where empathy, and acting on it, doesn't cost me anything.

How much rent to tranny's pay to squat on your brain?

>> No.22111623

>I'm in the top 2% of all human civilization.
Lmao you are retarded

>> No.22112210

Truth hurts. Question is why you fill your void with hatred instead of love for your fellow man?

>> No.22112682

>Yeah, and now she's working to make it difficult for minorities. Money really changes people.

The same minorities than can afford thousands of dollars in surgeries and hormone pills?

>> No.22112911

like you're doing now?

>> No.22112969

How is empathy convincing someone to chop their cock off and creating a flesh wound that needs to be pried open through dilation daily because their body is desperately fighting to heal itself? Or pumping them full of the opposite hormones their sex should have? You are fucking psychotic.

>> No.22113842
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Based Joanne.

>> No.22113867

many of them can't afford it, anon.

>> No.22113881

having a mental illness does not make you a "minority". you might as well start calling incels "minorities"

>> No.22113942

Did you really just try to include mentally invalid trans people as minorities you disingenuous piece of shit? Imagine having such a fucking persecution complex that you feel the need to distort your worldview so much that you believe you’ve experienced the discrimination as people being lynched for the color of their skin.

>> No.22114072


>> No.22114078

Harry Potter is a great series. I’d rather complain about all the people undeserving of money that have it.

>> No.22114080

Guess we should be cancelling all cancer operations. After all it's only a natural part of the body.

>> No.22114083

Making fun of seething moronic snowflakes online is not the same as wanting to deprive anybody of their right to live a happy life, anon.

Maybe put the internet down for a bit?

>> No.22114086

>cancer is a natural part of the body
Tell me you have dysmorphia without telling me you have dysmorphia, kek.

>> No.22114087

>Doesn't know what minority means
Is it because you've been told that picking on minorities is wrong, so if you don't call them that you can convince yourself you're one of the good fascists?

Or do you not understand basic mathematics?

>> No.22114091

>mentally invalid trans
Oh so you do think something's wrong with them, but you think persecution is the way to help them.

Utter fucking psycho.

>> No.22114095
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>if you want a picture of the future, imagine her penis ejaculating on a clown's face - forever.

>> No.22114097

Reddit is over there, anon. Maybe they'd find your original quips funny?

>> No.22114101

Wow, nice one. Maybe next time try writing while you dilate--it might make you sound mean instead of just pathetic.

>> No.22114102

>Ignorance is Strength
Imagine posting a meme from a comic book on /lit/ and still being too stupid the author was talking about you.

>> No.22114109

>no you
Try harder.

>> No.22114112

Sorry, anon. Didn't mean to cause offence. I didn't know you were kicked in the head by a donkey. But you see when you talk nonsense, somebody's going to pick you up on it. This'll apply to friends, family, work, anybody you meet when you finally leave home.

>> No.22114116

It's ok. I'd recommend 1984 for the original intent of the meme. It's read in schools, so one day you'll be mentally ready to read more than a tweet's worth of text.

>> No.22114117

>t. her penis

>> No.22114120 [DELETED] 

>one day

>> No.22114132

Promoting cognitive dissonance, that a man can become a woman, and using the penalty of law to enforce linguistic absurdities, her penis, is Orwellian.

>> No.22114217

Wth I might actually read Harry Potter now

>> No.22114832
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>> No.22114868


>> No.22114935

Yes, you and the rest of lit will read schlock for children because of middling catfights on twitter.

>> No.22114953
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>Yeah, and now she's working to make it difficult for minorities.

>> No.22115384

>Promoting cognitive dissonance, that a man can become a woman
When do you become a man? Because snivelling craven snowflake with a penis isn't anybody's idea of one.

>> No.22115402

I respect straight honest bigots more than incels thinking of the children. It's downright creepy and probably a projection.

>> No.22115412

This. Don't be the guy who thinks trannyism is a mental illness and also thinks they should be punished. Big fucking red flag.

>> No.22115423

Why do trannies even come to 4chan?

>> No.22115639

These insults may sound good when used in your discord server, but they lack any kind of bite when used on a site where homophobic and racial slurs are a part of every day vocabulary.

>> No.22115714

>Is it because you've been told that picking on minorities is wrong, so if you don't call them that you can convince yourself you're one of the good fascists?
Excuse me sweetie, us true fascists don't mind our trans sisters fighting TERFs on social media. That task is a gift to humanity.

>> No.22115796

Point? Children are forced to read; adults are forced to work.

>> No.22115847

Fascists are minorities, anon. Maybe stop oppressing them and just let them live their lives.

>> No.22115857

White males are not minorites, sweaty.

>> No.22115872

>racial slurs are a part of every day vocabulary
If you didn't finish school, maybe. It's not you're fault, you don't know any better.

>> No.22115891

Correct. But it's sweetie. Not sweaty. One is something you call people, the other is what you are in social situations.

>> No.22115897

If 11 people sit down at a table with 1 fascist. There are 12 fascists at that table.

>> No.22115908

If you genuinely believe it's a mental illness, you should treat them with respect and kindness, sure. But you should also take steps to make sure that they're never in a position of power over anyone. You wouldn't want an unmedicated schizophrenic in your workplace or appointed to your state senate, would you?
>inb4 but transitioning is medication
No, it's not.

We both know that's not true.

>> No.22115910

Hey dipshit, did you know it’s impossible for trans people to be the victims of genocide according to the UN definition of the word? We can put every last one of you degenerates in a special little camp and put a bullet in your head and it still wouldn’t count as a genocide. Isn’t that nice?

>> No.22115929

>When do you become a man?
The moment you develop a Y chromosome you mouth breathing mongoloid

>> No.22116599

Really? That can't be true. I'm better than you in every way. I'll live longer, lift more, run faster, own more property, pass on better genes, learn more, love more, and speak more languages than you. If anything, you devalue the brand. I think we should distinguish the difference in the same way we name plant based milks. Basedboy's taken. Alt Man?

Don't mean to offend, but there are cats out there wiser than you. Male ones too. I would sooner call a male cat a man, before I would call you one.

>> No.22116606

>We both know that's not true.
One of us does. The other doesn't think his life choices will come back to haunt him.

>> No.22116645


>> No.22116658

Sounds more like you're projecting groomer logic.

>> No.22116663

>Alt Man
Tranny projection is unreal.

>> No.22117260

>he fell for the meme twitter SJWs made up because Rowling liked a post from a some woman they didn't like

>> No.22117270

how the fuck did this shit bait get one trillion yous

>> No.22117854

Oh, it's the disingenuous think of the children guy.

We all know this groomer stuff comes from the right. They used the same accusations against gays in the 70s. And who was actually abusing kids? Catholic priests, and their foster homes.

We all know this groomer talk is projection for stuff you've already done. Every time.

>> No.22117856

The voice we should all be listening to.

>> No.22117861

Why is she so sexy

>> No.22117868


How does it feel to be no smarter than Germans 90 years ago saying 'well he hasn't explicitly said he hates jews'?

Morons like you always need everything spelling out.

>> No.22117889

>hosted by prominent former Westboro Baptist Church member Megan Phelps-Roper, featured interviews with Rowling.
Jesus Christ Rowling bros. How far you gonna support her?

Then again, westboro would probably just give you a child bride if you became a member, so you'd probably sign right up.

>> No.22117919

The best part is how laughably hard you tranny lunatics try to make yourself victims. Your perpetual victimization demands you make nazi metaphors and make your persecution worse than the jews

>> No.22117924

You aren’t more intelligent than I am not do you speak more languages. The only thing you excel in is the fact that you have more personalities than I do you paranoid schizophrenic. You look like an abomination in a dress.

>> No.22119053

>"I have cancer in my leg!"
>OK, let's run some tests to check tha-
>"NO! I have cancer in my leg! CHOP IT OFF NOW!"
>Can you define cancer?
>"Cancer is whatever you want it to be..."
>Yes, but what is that??

>> No.22119397

Oh, anon. You're so close to getting it.

>> No.22119401

There are blaggards, and those that do. You chose poorly. I wouldn't even notice you passing.

>> No.22119411

She also told a tranny to "cope and seethe" a few months ago.

>> No.22119414

I think we're just using historical precedent. We know Nazis didn't start with killing Jews. They started by othering. They started by using right wing media to find an shut down an invisible enemy.

There were Jews back then telling others to calm down, that they were being hysterical. You seem as blind to history as they were when living it.

>> No.22119418

You are a loser man ew

>> No.22119419

>gays have been abusing children since the 70s
Goes back further than that.

>> No.22119428

He sees the evidence. He refuses to read. It could change his mind, so the coward dismisses it.

Honestly Anon, I wish you well, but none are so blind that will not see.

>> No.22119433

She was born into a cult and had the strength to leave it. If you want to judge people solely by a past they were literally born into, don't cry when people laugh at you for squaring the circle that is "her penis."

>> No.22119446

You tried to associate her with the Westburo Baptist cult. That's not "evidence," that's an attempt to deflect through a smear.

>> No.22119473

You realize that medical care is free or inexpensive in literally every developed nation on Earth except the U.S., right? Literally only in shitholes and the U.S. (read: a shithole) is medical care something that poor people don't have access to.

>> No.22119485

No such thing as being trans luv

>> No.22119505

>crazy taxes
>insane wait times
>bureaucratic process to see specialists
You act like socialized medicine is great when the reality is it sucks. Besides, every dime a socialized system spends so a mentally ill faggot can chop off his dick isnt spent on actual life saving and necessary procedures.

>> No.22121166

Don’t worry we’ll all notice when you kill yourself. You insufferable faggots are incapable of not making a scene.

>> No.22121174

I hope you get the help you need. We know projection is the last step before the end.

>> No.22121183

>responding to my reply that took 12 hours in less than 2 minutes
What were you saying about projection retard? Keep projecting how intelligent you are, it’s working.

>> No.22121246

I hate this place and its horde of nigger retards mass replying to obvious bait. Its like they enjoy being angry.

>> No.22121284

Did you mean braggart? Blaggard makes your statement incoherent and doesn’t work. You really aren’t as intelligent as you like to think you are tranny. But hey at least you got to feel intelligent momentarily, I doubt you get that very often.

>> No.22121293

I miss the time when you could write a book while on welfare

>> No.22121597


>> No.22121681

Why can't you?

>> No.22121881

Would you be happy with this as an author though? Sure, you’ve made what is probably the most commercially successful franchise ever and made enough money that will see you and your progeny rich for at least a few generations, but you’ll always been known for having written a sort of mass appeal children’s story. Nobody serious considers Harry Potter like they consider say, The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings, which besides from being commercial successes are commonly considered literary achievements.

>> No.22121938
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Such passion you have!

>> No.22121943

Holy fuck what a retard

>> No.22121957

Those Catholic priests were also gay. You will notice that the straight priests never abused altar boys.

>> No.22121961

Well, the incredible thing about Harry Potter is that been purchased and read by millions of adults as well. My coworker is 40 and childless, has 2 PhDs, and yet she cites Harry Potter as her favorite book series with complete sincerity.

>> No.22121988
File: 544 KB, 1855x2560, J.K.-Rowling-2021-Photography-Debra-Hurford-Brown-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's based and I'm sick of pretending otherwise

>> No.22122303

is it a children's story or is it a story about a mentally ill boy, stuck in a mental hospital, pretending to be a violent wizard?

>> No.22122312

You are not a minority. Inept, effeminate, ugly men who hate themselves are dime a dozen.

>> No.22122446

comparing trans people to cancer lmao

>> No.22122545


>> No.22122549

Yes they are. Glad you can admit that.

>> No.22122562

What do you mean doubt? If you’re doing gay shit with boys, you’re gay.

>> No.22122565

Every single priest that molested boys was gay.

>> No.22122568

Nope, I meant blaggard.

Learn to English.

>> No.22122577

Can't be gay and catholic.

So either Catholicism allows for homosexuality, or those priests were straight.

Also the irony of arguing what is gay with people who will never know the touch of the opposite sex. Consensually.

>> No.22122581

That's really cool, op. Positive discrimination at college has done wonders for the retarded.

>> No.22122590

You took 12 hours to compose a reply, but you're not the retard.

>> No.22122649

She was hot for a writer I’m gonna assume since Harry Potter is written like average shit she must’ve sucked off quite the important literary agent to make it big. Even as a kid I was confused why this very mid YA series was being shilled like it was the second coming.

>> No.22122654

Trust me if you are a successful straight white guy as you say you are you’re not defending trannies on a random 4chan thread. Nope try again

>> No.22122666

Probably because some incels become trannies and now want to make 4chan some glorious liberal stronghold but the rest of us have been telling them to fuck off but I guess we’ll have to wait till they cut off their dicks and kill themselves and hopefully that’ll sort em out instead.

>> No.22122702

People with Downs syndrome are a minority.

Not mentally ill loons with victim complexes.

Funnily enough the Trans Brigade have been picking on people with Downs for misgendering them, some fag in the states tried to sue his Downs colleage for refusing to share a bathroom with him because she was afraid of having a man in the women's bathroom

When a woman with the mental age of an 8 year old has more common sense than the average tr00n you know that you're all completely fucked in the head and deserve to be persecuted

>> No.22122710

It's why we have no culture anymore - artists are no longer allowed to bum around signing on every month while cranking out choons or Literature.

It's Universal Credit now, and you work yourself to death on it or starve.

>> No.22122715

Despite being on welfare at the time, she was a posh English woman in Edinburgh, which is to say part of an in-group which has disproportionate influence and access to patronage. Had she been an ordinary Scottish woman in Edinburgh she would never have got anywhere because she'd have the wrong cultural background, mannerisms and accent to appeal to upper middle/upper class English people in cultural institutions here. Unless you are the right sort of person to appeal to the comparable groups in your countries you're going nowhere either.

>> No.22122726

>fellow man?
They're women, chud

>> No.22122764

Many can't and are struggling to afford treatment.

>> No.22122770

It's often the only thing that actually works to alleviate their distress.

>> No.22122775

Why is the UN's definition relevant? If a thing is wrong, it's wrong, and if it's right, it's right, regardless of the UN's definitions.

>> No.22122781

Pedantically, they may have been bisexual.

>> No.22122789

*poofs out of existence in a puff of logic*

>> No.22122809
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>difficult for minorities
thinking penises can be feminine does not make you a minority

>> No.22122818
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>How much rent to tranny's pay to squat on your brain?
nigger don't imply this is not about child grooming.

>> No.22122874

Does it bother you there are privileged people like you, not held back by the world? Not making excuses for being a decent human?

It's easy to think everybody is an asshole like you, because it then means it's not a choice. But you are, and it is.

>> No.22122881

So grooming kids is living rent free in your head? Curious.

>> No.22122956

Yeah, I agree. As a kid I read a ton of garbage, 100s of pages in a week, but I could never finish the philosopher's stone (the first harry potter). Don't know what it was, even after seeing the movies I just couldn't get myself to read through it.
I'm so confused, how was this conversation about grooming?

>> No.22123040
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eat shit groomer. you unironically deserve death.

>> No.22123059

What is a homosexual pedophile that wears the clothing of a Catholic priest? Do you not understand how retarded this binary this is? Ever heard of a wolf in sheep’s clothing?

>> No.22123062

Why are you talking like this is an unknown. If you have gay relationships with a boy, you’re a gay pedophile. It’s really that simple. 100% of the priests that molested boys were gay. This is really just a fact.

>> No.22123071
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Kek she’s based

>> No.22123087

Suffering from the medical condition of gender dysphoria does.

>> No.22123097

'Homosexual' means 'exclusively attracted to the same sex'. Someone who is attracted to the same sex and also the opposite sex is bisexual. We know those priests were attracted to the same sex, but we don't know if they were exclusively attracted to the same sex (homosexual/gay) or to the opposite sex as well (bisexual).

>> No.22123112

>Does it bother you there are privileged people like you, not held back by the world?
I’m Black and Native American. I find it laughable how hard you mental invalids try to act like you have a history of oppression anywhere near the discrimination actual people of color have faced. But keep trying to win the victim Olympics, it’s sad.

>> No.22123120

>wahhhhhhhh why won’t you let us willfully change the definition of things to suit our narrative?
You’re a bit retarded aren’t you? Please tell me how trans people have faced anything remotely similar to a real genocide the way they claim there’s a “trans genocide”?

>> No.22123135

>”there are scoundrels and those that do”
>not “there are people who boast about their false achievements and those that do”
Yeah, you meant braggart and now you’re doubling down for cope. This whole pretending to be intelligent thing isn’t really working out the way you thought it would, is it sweetie?

>> No.22123137

Well, denial of medical treatment, attempts to criminalize their existence in public, taking trans kids from their parents... they were also killed by the Nazis.

>> No.22123401

>paul mooney dot jpeg
people not playing along to your sex fantasy doesn't putyou on the same level as people who used to be in chains. you pick up dicks not cotton.

>> No.22123422

Ah yes, those wolves spending years at seminary school and dedicated service to eventually actually come out and get close enough to abuse sheep.

You probably think the Nazis couldn't be Catholic either, do you?

>> No.22123427

Oh so you're just gate keeping oppression. That's fine. Nobody is more oppressed than black native Americans.

>> No.22123449

Did you just prove that both words work in the sentence but you insist I meant the other?

Did you just word of the day toilet paper? Because I'm better than you I get novel of the day paper. Get gud.

>> No.22123458


Daylight-shy incels here think the death camps were the first things to happen. Nuance is a country in France to these idiots. And the salami strategy some kind of deepthroat technique.

The funniest thing about the outrage is some states have passed laws saying you must use the bathroom of the sex you were born with. To protect women of course from having a trans man rape them. Well now they're getting upset that trans women who look like men now have to use their bathrooms.

Funniest fucking thing I read all day.

These people will never be happy because they cannot stop thinking about penises.

>> No.22123480
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God, I love her for it. Terf's are winning HUGE battles. And her writing is legit kino.

>> No.22123842

Sounds like they should speak to a doctor that cares then.

>> No.22124196

> Well, denial of medical treatment, attempts to criminalize their existence in public, taking trans kids from their parents... they were also killed by the Nazis.
Now compare that to let’s say an actual genocide, perhaps like the holocaust. Imagine having such a victimization that you think you’re being genocided on the scale of 6 million Jews. This is why you alienate people you want to feel sympathy for you, your willful need to be the victim discredits the people who’ve actually been victims of a genocide. At this point I don’t care what happens to you pieces of shit, with any luck they’ll put you in the camps you so desperately want to be in.

>> No.22124198

> Oh so you're just gate keeping oppression
Read this again, then read it again and again until you finally learn an ounce of humility for being a deranged faggot

>> No.22124236

Yeah, we get it. You're an oppressed minority and nobody else is, and despite all your experience you won't recognise it anybody else or have sympathy, because you need it all for yourself and your ancestors.

>> No.22124293

Imagine being so delusional and mentally ill you cannot exist in a reality where you aren’t oppressed, even better, you are oppressed for something completely of your own choice like your delusional need to wear a dress, though it makes you look like a monstrosity and a pig in lipstick. Now imagine you feel all of this somehow makes you more oppressed than people who didn’t actually have rights solely based on something like the color of their skin, something unlike you they couldn’t choose and had to live in a “separate but equal” reality until less than 60 years ago. You’re right. You aren’t oppressed and you never were. Seek help before you kill yourself you mentally I’ll tranny faggot

>> No.22124840
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>> No.22124845
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>Question is why you fill your void with hatred instead of love for your fellow man?
>your fellow man

>> No.22125382

I'm not just talking about people not gendering trans people correctly- I think that makes you an asshole, but being an asshole shouldn't be illegal. I'm talking about things like discrimination in housing and employment, violence, getting kicked out of their homes...

>> No.22125388

Just a side note, 'trans man' means someone who's transitioned from female to male, 'trans woman' means someone who's transitioned from male to female. I mention it only because I was initially slightly confused by your post until I realized how you were using the terms.

>> No.22125393

Trans people literally WERE one of the groups that were killed in the Holocaust, along with Jews, Roma, homosexuals, the disabled... Everyone has seen the famous pictures of the Nazi book burnings but no one mentions many of the early ones were of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft's research.

>> No.22125397

>something completely of your own choice
Having gender dysphoria is not a choice. I suppose transitioning is a choice, if you consider "transition or be miserable, possibly to the point of suicide" to be a choice.

>> No.22125414

That they’re homosexual predators is really a statement of fact, as evidenced by the fact that they had homosexual and predatory relationships with boys. 100% of the priests who molested boys were gay. This is indisputable.

>> No.22125419

Well, you’ll excuse me for assuming that someone who only has sexual encounters with males is gay.

>> No.22125422

What do you mean by that exactly? Do you mean that she wouldn’t have gotten picked up by a publisher if she wasn’t a posh Londoner? Why would it be different for a posh Scot?

>> No.22125431

They could be gay, they could be bisexual. We have no way of knowing.

>> No.22125650

They had sexual encounters with males, but are otherwise celibate. That’s called gay. They’re gay.

>> No.22125670

Terms like 'gay' and 'bisexual' are defined by attraction, not action. Or were you asexual until you lost your virginity?

>> No.22125671

>she's working to make it difficult for minorities
What minorities and how?

>> No.22125849

I never said I was oppressed. I'm a straight white male. Except for the obscene wealthy, I am at the top of the pyramid.

I just have empathy for others, whereas you, at the bottom of the pyramid do not. Curious. I wonder who's done more to advance the cause of equity?

>> No.22125860

Oh is it the other way round? Good to know, thanks!

>> No.22125871

>100% of the priests who molested boys were gay.
Probably not, though. Getting rained on doesn't make you wet for life. You still haven't had sex with a woman, so you're not straight?

>> No.22125962

Because the cultural background in which Harry Potter is heavily steeped, due to JK Rowling's background, appeals to the kind of people who dominate publishing organisations. A Scot in her position would only get published writing crime/noir type things.

>> No.22127148

>Curious. I wonder who's done more to advance the cause of equity?
Considering my grandfather was lynched for participating in the bus boycotts with Martin Luther king, I can safely say the answer is me. It’s hilarious how desperate you are to be virtuous

>> No.22127629

>who's done more to advance the cause of equity?
>Considering my grandfather was lynched

>> No.22127740

Replace "transition" with literally any other word and you'd sound like a delusional psycho. You are defending a group of retards who are taking themselves hostage until their demands are met.

>> No.22127751

>white people are fair game to be bastardized for the atrocities of their ancestors
>black people aren’t allowed to say they furthered equality because of the accomplishments of their ancestors
Just say you’re a racist faggot and be done with it, I’m tired of embarrassing you every time you say something stupid.

>> No.22128381

goddamn I wish I had Fuck You money and were famous, imagine the trolling you could do.......

>> No.22128387

>Having gender dysphoria is not a choice.
True. It's a mental illness. Troons need serious fucking therapy and people who understand that struggle. They don't need people to say their delusions of being a woman when they're a man are actually true.

>> No.22128418

I'm only here for you, baby.

I'm honestly not racist, but you're for segregation when it comes to trans rights. I do love how much time all you guys think about trans all the time.

I just wouldn't take my grandfather's accomplishments as my own, especially if my accomplishments involved meaningless internet arguments.

And the funny thing is, you'll never not respond. Because in your twisted sense of how to win an argument, you think the person who talks last wins.

>> No.22128429

You dont have to agree with someone to take their help. I dont see the contradiction here.

>> No.22128623

she thinks only women have periods. She's basically a fascist.

>> No.22128808

Trans people don’t really help others. They’re completely self-obsessed narcissists.