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22110593 No.22110593 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22110616


>> No.22110662
File: 43 KB, 500x500, 1o79ru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first comment is bark bark angry angry

>> No.22110663

Why are you so obsessed about Reddit?

>> No.22110733

>people obsess over retarded desert book
>build the greatest civilization in history
>people renounce retarded desert book
>civilization starts to collapse

>> No.22110758

>>people obsess over retarded desert book
>>build the greatest civilization in history
Really? Because the last time I checked, Rome pretty much fell because of the retarded desert book.

>> No.22110765

no sweaty i mean the civilization that replaced it. the retarded desert book *conquered* rome

>> No.22110773

Imagine what a real book could do

>> No.22110790

Atheists don't breed.
There's a reason why there's never been an atheist society or country.

>> No.22110912


>> No.22110935

Sweden, Czech republic, Vietnam, Norway , Japan, UK, Belgium, Estonia, Australia, Denmark to name a few.

>> No.22110938

>Rome pretty much fell because of the retarded desert book.
Rome fell the same way America is falling: allowing non-citizens to easily become citizens.

>> No.22110954

>Rome pretty much fell because of the retarded desert book.
No, it wasn't just Judeo-Christianity you fucking retard. The collapse of any society or civilisation tends to be more complex than just a fucking book about some guy who died and came back.

>> No.22110960
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>> No.22110979

Black and white thinking is a sign of autism.

>> No.22110982

Normies have autism?

>> No.22110995


>> No.22111020

Fuck those Germanics immigrants!

>> No.22111055

China's population is decreasing.
Years of the one-child policy didn't help.
Even though it's over, very few people want to have kids, because it's too expensive.
This is one of the side-effects of property bubbles, and China has a very big one.
(Not to mention that few people want to give birth to a hostage.)

>> No.22111063

Sure...they literally died over it.
The first part of the book explains that if you worship its God and follow his instructions, he'll guarantee you military victories, with many plundered cattle, slaves, and bushels of grains.
If you defy its God, you are smited, and have to wander the desert until the guilty generation dies off.

>> No.22111126


>> No.22111160

Isaiah prophesized the rise and fall of Babylon, who they’d conquer and who they’d be conquered by, as well as the life and death and legacy of Jesus, all hundreds of years before these events took place.

>> No.22111174

That's not even it for me. For me it's Jesus's story. I am in awe of Him just for what he went through. And, if he does happen to be the Son of God, I can take that leap of faith when I get there.

>> No.22111179

wait till you get to the koran and it's literally the autistic rantings of some desert nigger over petty domestic issues

>> No.22111218

You may want to check out the ongoing discussion of a book that tracked down the historical Jesus, and found copious evidence of who he really was... >>22108445

>> No.22111231
File: 43 KB, 922x207, Jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went through that thread and looked up the book. I wasn't impressed. By all accounts the historical Jesus was real and most if not all scholars are in unanimous agreement with that fact.

>> No.22111240
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>> No.22111260

>most if not all scholars are in unanimous agreement
That's a negotiation tactic called "referent authority".
It pales in comparison to actual historical evidence.
You should feel silly for attempting such an argument.

>> No.22111286

Phew big claim for a retard

>> No.22111293

I just looked it up. Did you just make up your own logical fallacy so you could dismiss my argument? You did, didn't you. Haha. That's grand, that's simply grand. You do realize that referring to universal assent by scholars is actually one of the strongest arguments you could make? We aren't talking about metaphysical arguments here. I am literally stating that most scholars concur that Jesus was real. I don't understand the point you're trying to make or what you're referring to by "actual historical evidence." The actual historical evidence points to the fact that the historical Jesus existed, with which most scholars agree. Does that make sense? Am I still silly, silly?

>> No.22111294
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>Did you just make up your own logical fallacy so you could dismiss my argument?

>> No.22111322

"Referent authority" isn't a logical fallacy, it's a negotiation tactic, and I clearly stated it as such.
My source is this book: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/73127
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authority_(management) touches on it, but only barely.
Cope more.

>> No.22111329

You're mad. We get it. You had to bring up an obscure negotiation tactic, frame it as a logical fallacy by implication, and employ it just to dismiss the glaring evidence right in front of your face. We get it. I have nothing in this game and there's no cope. Relax: it's Sunday.

>> No.22111352

Obscure? Roger Dawson is a venerated guru in the circles I run in. You live in a cloistered world.
Implication? That exists only in your mind.
Mad? My only goal is to help you overcome your ignorance.
And I'm having a pleasant Sunday morning too.

>> No.22111357

Rome may have fallen, but the Holy Roman Empire (founded on Christianity) lasted another millennium.

>> No.22111359

And now you pull back at the end and play the beneficent saintly hero. You called me "silly" (no one calls me that); you told me to "cope more" in a combative, almost an aggressive tone. If you were here to spread wisdom and help me "overcome [my] ignorance," you would've not employed those terms. Your tone you should've lowered when talking to me. Now you'll play the hero and say everything's square.

>> No.22111365

The hostility is all in your mind.
There's nothing I can do about that.
And all the "tone" in the world doesn't affect what the facts are.
You wish to continue being thin-skinned and wrong? Be my guest. But I predict it won't work out for you.

>> No.22111376

See, there you go again. The thinly veiled insults of my being "thin-skinned and wrong." Everyone else can see what you're doing. It isn't *just* in my mind. Anyone else with half a mind and eyes can see what kind of bold, saucy stance you're taking against me. You can certainly do something about it, i.e., not make your tone in just the way you're making it. I've given you the facts, which come down to this: the historical Jesus was real, and his historicity is not up for debate. If you want, we can go line-by-line through all the scholarship and literature, including the Gospels, to see where I'm going wrong here: we can call up scholars at a handful of universities who've studied the historicity of Jesus and ask them what they think about this. I don't know what else there is to add.

>> No.22111377
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>all of these retards talking about the fall of the us and western civilization when civilization will be completely unrecognizable in the coming decades
Seriously where have you been that you’re unaware it’s happening?

>> No.22111380

>line go up

>> No.22111386

what is this chart even showing? what?

>> No.22111390

>Everyone else can see
>Anyone else with half a mind
Strawman arguments. You can look that one up.
>his historicity is not up for debate
More referent authority, eh?

"A thousand experiments can't prove me right. One experiment can prove me wrong." -Albert Einstein
It's up to the other anons to decide which one of us is flailing.
I'm comfortable with whatever judgment they make individually.

>> No.22111397

Moores law is becoming increasingly irrelevant every passing month

>> No.22111400

>A thousand anons can't prove you right. One anon can prove you wrong.

>> No.22111401

wait your post implied that you're a line-go-up believer, are you not?

>> No.22111405

Er, what?
Moore's Law (related to the growth in the number of transistors in an integrated circuit) hit a plateau a long time ago, mostly due to heat issues.
Processor design is now about getting more out of the available silicon, which in practice, means more cores, and non-CPU designs like massively parallel GPUs. (Witness the game-changing nVidia A100, which isn't even a GPU...it's a TPU, a tensor processing unit.)
What does any of that have to do with the discussion here?

>> No.22111496


>> No.22111521

this. none of these countries have a religious past

>> No.22111545

wow this graph can see into the future. science is epic

>> No.22111549

Australia is not an atheist society lol

>> No.22111556
File: 236 KB, 495x801, Wajdenbaum Ph. - Argonauts of the Desert. Structural Analysis of the Hebrew Bible (2014) (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder, that the Bible is just pop-culture rehash of Greek lit for simple audience.

>> No.22111569

Half those countries have a Christian cross in their flag. None of them have anything to do with "atheism".

>> No.22111609

He named Japan as an example of a country that breeds. Beware, the fedora tippers are sending their best.

>> No.22111653

>Japan as an example of a country that breeds
The higher classes breed ok. The prole scum doesn't. It's pure eugenics, as it should be.

>> No.22111693
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>> No.22111738 [DELETED] 

"If this projection holds up...AYYYYYY!"

>> No.22111740
File: 42 KB, 740x555, simpsons-disco-sales-projection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"If this projection holds up...AYYYYYY!"

>> No.22112064
File: 112 KB, 1024x921, christ cuck false flagging pol pagans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the redditors in the room with us right now?

>> No.22112071
File: 89 KB, 1409x790, christcuck chuds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely delusional, both of you

>> No.22112094

>The higher classes breed ok
No they don't.

>> No.22112099

>gayspeech fallacy
>appeal to retard fallacy

>> No.22112173
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>> No.22112171

Soooo...the Holy Roman Empire didn't last until 1453, nearly a thousand years after the Roman Empire fell in 476?

>> No.22112183


>A country where less than half the population is christian is a christian country

Were you born that retarded or did something happen to you?

>> No.22112230
File: 550 KB, 1018x894, yhwh christ jews lose to aryans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marvel movie greek myths

>> No.22112238


>> No.22112252

>Desert book
>Introduce a cross that looks like a tree
>Trees provide food
>That's the salvation
>Read KJV
>Book 1:1 has a commandment from God that humans may eat plants with seeds in them
>The order
>The best is put at the beginning so all the non-readers can also get a hint
>Meat eating /lit/izens still do not comprehend it
>Collection of fabels
>Fabels are animal stories
>Jesus died for you sins
>By eating meat you are eating Jesus' body

>> No.22112257

first of all, the Holy Roman Empire started with Charlemagne and ended in the Napoleonic Wars, and had fuck all to do with the Roman Empire

You're talking about the Eastern Roman Empire, which was also not founded on Christianity, the capital seat was simply moved from Rome at the time but was still part of the Roman Empire

>> No.22112267

>The Nazis lost

>> No.22112273

>Rehashes what somebody else has written
>Does not form his own opinion

>> No.22112289

It's even funnier when you realise that the first known usage of the cross to refer to Christianity is the Alexamenos Graffito, made by roman kids bullying their Christian classmate

And also that the crucifixion and resurrection of a king meme actually comes from Sacaea, a mesopotamian Ishtar worship festival that eventually turned into Kronia > Saturnalia > Lord of Misrule festivals in Europe

>> No.22112309

so did the semites
several times

>> No.22112316
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>> No.22112337

>It's even funnier when you realise
Tips fedora.

>> No.22112358

tip your fedora all you want, I don't have one since I'm not an atheist

>> No.22113175

Not even close.

>> No.22113324

>no you
My only tip is that you stop writing fedora tips.

>> No.22113405
File: 99 KB, 800x1106, christkike golem 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22113413

>Cuck Status: ERROR
You'll never seed.

>> No.22113439

Rome fell because it was overstretched and the tetrarchy was a poor fix that devolved into fights for territory until all of the Western empire fell to outside invaders.

>> No.22113515

>the patient died because a hole appeared in his head, that's it, we've found the root cause