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File: 483 KB, 593x742, birley-polly-lady-grimthorpe-2311nedi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22110457 No.22110457 [Reply] [Original]

Had to listen to some retard at work tell me how he was trying to get his girlfriend to do onlyfans so he can quit his job.

>> No.22110459

You wanna convince him or yourself?

>> No.22110488

Does it matter?

I feel bad for her and repulsed by him. I want a more well thought out argument against his viewpoint.

>> No.22110490

Qur'an and Hadith

>> No.22110496
File: 83 KB, 681x900, this is a male feminist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know this thread is gonna be filled with male feminists so i just wanted to let everyone know that pic related is the person calling you "incel" online

>> No.22110498

this is fake..

>> No.22110500

>I want a more well thought out argument against his viewpoint.
You think you can convince them?
Look around.

>> No.22110503

Go back to Arabia

>> No.22110504
File: 155 KB, 1242x1527, FkT7pYAWYAAYJM7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are fake

>> No.22110505

I dont think i can convinve him but id at least like more silid rubuttals when i get dogpiled by people because i think theyre sullying human intimacy by reducing sex a form of indulgent consumption.
I dont want to be treated like a product. I dont want to treat men or women like products.

>> No.22110512

>i know this thread is gonna be filled with male feminists
You don't know where you are. It would be more likely the opposite.
Such an infinite and all-encompassing seething is not even funny anymore.

>> No.22110513

Diciptakan alam pria dan wanita
Dua makhluk dalam asuhan dewata
Ditakdirkan bahwa pria berkuasa
Adapun wanita lemah lembut manja

Wanita dijajah pria sejak dulu
Dijadikan perhiasan sangkar madu
Namun ada kala pria tak berdaya
Tekuk lutut di sudut kerling wanita

By Ismail Marzuki

>> No.22110522

> Had to listen to some retard at work tell me how he was trying to get his girlfriend to do onlyfans so he can quit his job.
People like these are lost causes.Once you loose your instinct for provision and not being a worthless cuck it's literally over.

>> No.22110525

This site is full of degenerates, you're in the wrong place.

>> No.22110526
File: 2.44 MB, 530x742, nodding feminist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22110541

>I dont want to be treated like a product. I dont want to treat men or women like products.
Unfortunatelly you were born in the wrong time then.

And excuse me for my "world-weariness". It's so late that is already too soon.

>> No.22110556
File: 207 KB, 800x1009, 800px-Pietro_Aretino,_por_Tiziano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexual liberation is good, but it hasn't existed in the West since at least the early 19th century...

>> No.22110567

You're really a good person, OP. You wanna put them in the straight path, while I, honestly, just wanna completelly and irrevocably abandon them.
You're so much more compassionate than I.

>> No.22110569
File: 175 KB, 721x1024, wh freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why sexual liberation is wrong
Because this way you disarm the unconscious repressive mechanism, that makes you desire to fuck your own mother and kill your father.

>> No.22110599

What is the problem with this screenshoted chat?

Honestly? What's the problem?

She calls him her best friend. Fine. He wanted to get into her pants, eh? Basically, he communicated in his chat that he would willingly be her cuck, help her get hot guys because he characterizes himself as a creature without sexual desire. I don't see the problem. If he were interested in her, he communicated that in a joking but flirtatious manner?

>> No.22110607

>Honestly? What's the problem?
He acts unbefitting for a male. He has no honor.

>> No.22110618

what did he mean by this? i hope the tweet is not actually him petting himself on the back for making such a good joke

>> No.22110632

The guy is a joke. If you did something embarrassing and stupid, you don't post a screenshot of it on Twitter. What's the fucking point? To show every other woman you interact with online what a ridiculous loser cuck you are? This is not being vulnerable - which would be attractive. This is being goofy incel cuck extreme.

>> No.22110645

he's the sort of guy who would call others "incel" for female validation

>> No.22110648

Mary Harrington, Feminism Against Progress
Lousie Perry, The Case Against Sexual Revolution
Clara Zetkin: Lenin on the Women's Question
I've been told that Dworkin said that rightwing men see women as private property and left wing men as communal property, so she might be of interest.

>> No.22110654

Focault's History of Sexuality Vol 1. basically argues the idea of sexual revolution/liberation is a liberal psyop, but he goes on to promote unrestrainted hedonism anyway.. Still the first volume is pretty good. Philip Rieff's Triumph of the Therapeautic doesn't deal with sexuality directly, but it's relevant nonetheless. You can see how all this retarded sex positive culture is really about dispelling feelings of discomfort and inconveniance while rejecting any coherent system of sexual morality and ethics.

>> No.22110710
File: 178 KB, 1439x1482, toilet_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife and I were both virgins up through the fours years of dating before marriage, yet almost everyone I talk to seemed to think such chastity is outdated and "lame", for lack of a better word. I rarely bring it up anymore because I know the inevitable response, but even then whenever I go out with any unmarried guy friends they all talk about who they're fucking and how many girls they manipulate at the same time. THEN they have the nerve to say all females are whores now who sleep around, despite doing the exact same thing themselves.
I don't know, it saddens me. There's something beautiful about repressing your urges and saving your body for the one you love, especially when the feeling is reciprocated.
Not to say it's just sex, though; I see the same thing with drug use, alcohol abuse, and even junk food addiction. People are losing their basic moral values, and society is suffering as a result.

>> No.22111687

>I dont think i can convinve him
then shut up, and repeat after me:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

>> No.22111705

>trying to get his girlfriend to do onlyfans so he can quit his job
this doesn't sound like sexual liberation to me

>> No.22111714

What is sexuality? What is sexual desire, when you get down to it?

It is a momentary frenzy that usurps the mind and makes one act in ways that one would never even dream of doing in a sober state.
The entire purpose of this frenzy is to incite you to ejaculation. When the sticky, sludgy, gross white stuff comes out of your cock, the entire frenzy disappears, and one is left feeling nothing but shame and regret.

Seen in this light, without the biases foisted upon us by culture and biology, it is clear that sex is meaningless. It is not "love", as people like to euphemistically call it. It is literally a state in which you lose control of yourself for a while until white stuff comes out of your cock.

The one and only purpose of this desire -- which gives it meaning -- is that it allows you to reproduce. That is literally the only thing it should be used for.

>> No.22111757
File: 223 KB, 1600x1085, grass2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The one and only purpose of this desire -- which gives it meaning -- is that it allows you to reproduce.
Absolutely arbitrary metaphysics divorced from experience and practice and anything that would give someone a reason to care about it.

The 'purpose' of the mouth is eating, and perhaps howls to warn of approaching predators. Yet people put it to the use of poetry. Cities are 'only' the hypertrophied burrows and nests of vulnerable mammals with an instinct to group together. Yet they've become whole universes in their own right.

Sexuality came about *because* (not *for*) reproduction, but it's transformed into one of the most intense and complex ways in which you experience your limits and entanglements with the world and with other people; it exists in a space between instinct and social sign-systems that only art can really equal.

You're going to call that pseudish nonsense and maybe my wording is vague and pseudish -- but it's hard to talk about sexuality. Which is why people who only care about the comforting security of essential rigid meanings revert to the cliches you used.

>> No.22111779

No. Your dick gets hard, your heart starts beating fast, your pupils dilate, and you look to do shameful things you would never think of doing without this purely bodily instigation.

There is nothing spiritual or artistic about it. You ejaculate, the fever ends, and that's it. You just sit there thinking "wtf did I just do? what was the point of that?" and then you go back to your day.

It is a completely worthless part of the human experience. It is not love. If it were love, then hookers would be the most loving people in the world.

Lust is no different than drunkenness, or being high on drugs. It's exactly the same thing. A frenzy which usurps the mind and deposes Reason as the rightful king of the mind and body.

It is not freedom, it is not self-expression, it is not spiritual, it is not artistic, it is not even peculiarly human since all animals do it. It's just there so we will reproduce and the race will not die out.

If you engage in sex for any reason other than reproduction, you are a degenerate. Plain and simple.

>> No.22111896
File: 122 KB, 1178x729, the_rainbow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being intoxicated and transformed and drawn out of yourself by an alien unknowable force describes not only the experience of sexuality (and, in passing, of art) but also the experience of being a living conscious creature in the world.

I'm certainly not against reason, but reason is only the cunning cultivation of the instinct for self-preservation, and the basis of preserving ourselves is that it allows us to continue adventuring into what is beyond us -- the adventure into the beyond that sexuality is a particularly intense instance of.

If reason really were to take full unswayable sway, to reign as monomaniacal tyrant, it would reduce your organism to a little insensate sessile shell-being sunk on the ocean floor, unmoving, unfeeling, untouchable. Its algorithms would consider that fate a job well done.

Full self-preservation is nothing but death; reason becomes your sarcophagus. The truth of sex is the truth of the hazardous self-transcending that is life itself.

>> No.22111915

Your boyfriend is trying to quit his job to become a WFH pimp meanwhile you want to keep wageslaving.

>> No.22111919

You need a dick in your ass , and another one in your mouth.

>> No.22112082

If he can keep in control and ownership then hes a badass if he can pimp
Her out and rake in the profits. Then he could sit back and find a real
Housewife while his hoe works for him.

It seems really hard to help people see that "sexual freedoms" actually lead
To a less free life. They are the same people that say "BLM" . Ted would say its the "oversocialiZed" people that are retarded like this. Its interesting to poke them and see what makes them tick but it seems they are too braindead to do anything that is against the mainstream degeneracy and "rights"

>> No.22112109

This is like saying that we should put prisoners who attempt escape into solitary confinement, to show them that the notion of 'breaking free from prison' actually leads to a less free life. You're the one putting them in solitary... you're the one pimping them out... it's hardly inevitable.

>> No.22112498

Thank you this sounds fascinating.

I always rhought dworkin was batshit but if you can suggest a specific book id love to give her a read.

Its more about my own piece of mind and discovering how i really feel about the issue.

It sounds like commodifying his gfs body for profit.

>> No.22113371

Cute metaphor but its still a poor argument againt my dull point

>> No.22113403

>Sexual lineration
>Using the body of a woman to give money to a man
That's not sexual liberation, thats just exploitation, youre better off not associating with people with mirals as bad as those

>> No.22114168

>THEN they have the nerve to say all females are whores now who sleep around, despite doing the exact same thing themselves.
This stuff cracks me up and saddens me at the same time. If you look on /r9k/ or /fit/ or any other board obsessed with "making it" you'll see one group of guys bemoaning their inability to get pussy and another group of guys bragging about how much casual sex they have, yet both groups will complain about how women are whores without a trace of irony. It wouldn't be that way if men everywhere didn't enable their behavior.

>> No.22114458

This image gave me second-hand embarrassment
Madame Bovary, duh

>> No.22114703

Humanae Vitae