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22108868 No.22108868 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book on taking the right decisions in life?

>> No.22108869


>> No.22108870


Unfortunately, no

>> No.22108871

right for whom?

>> No.22108892

probably the moralists

>> No.22108921

The rightness of a decision is merely a function of time.
You will often come to regret doing the "right" thing, and learn to appreciate the benefits of acting "wrongly."

>> No.22108937

an alternative phrasing in that case:
"what's a book that'll tell me the thought process when taking a decision if I have multiple choices in front of me?"
like I genuinely want to know. How do I decide when each option has its own strength?

>> No.22108941

great that you added quran

>> No.22108984

I don't think so but here is a haiku

No moral compass
Tell them men can be women
STEM degree, success

>> No.22108989

Quran is fake, Bible isn't

>> No.22108991

Swann’s Way/ Guermantes Way

>> No.22108995

>my religious book more real than your religious book!!!

>> No.22109001

A wise rabbi once said that we are all predestinate but in one thing: the choice to believe in God or not

>> No.22109005

It’s an amateurish mess compared to the dumb poetry book of the koran

>> No.22109014

>This is the Book! There is no doubt about it—a guide for those mindful of God, who believe in the unseen [2-2,3]
Retroactively refuted

>> No.22109016
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>all life is descended from the Ark

>> No.22109023

okay but how the fuck would i decide

>> No.22109031

So, if thou art in doubt regarding what We have sent down to thee, ask those who recite the Book before thee. The truth has come to thee from thy Lord; so be not of the doubters,

>> No.22109038

Bro u decide with a mixture of induction, deduction, intuition, experience, fear of God (witch translate to not have fear of anything)

>> No.22109045

>fear of God (witch translate to not have fear of anything)
That doesn't translate to not having fear of anything, that would make you a psychopath. Fear of God means just that, only having fear of God, and nothing else. The distinction between the two is like day and night.

>> No.22109808


>> No.22109869

there was this guy who said whether you do this or that doesnt matter, youd feel regret either way. soren kierkegaard, either or.
as for my personal opinion, follow your heart. there's this trick where you flip a coin to decide and before it lands you will know which side you want it to land on. the trick is to really follow through with whatever the coin tells you, otherwise it wont have any weight

>> No.22109882

The Stranger

>> No.22109938

what do you have against success and stem degrees man
jealous much?

>> No.22109967

Fpbp. Only those books will help you tread a path you will be satisfied with.

>> No.22110021

The I Ching and some coins.

>> No.22110146

redpill me

>> No.22110550

Antifragile by Taleb. But you might as well read the entire series.

>> No.22110881

You just need Plato, Aristotle, Stoics, Epicureans and not much else.

They were written by people belonging to inferior cultures. You will learn nothing from them unless you just need one massive cope

>> No.22110949
