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File: 84 KB, 487x640, welles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22104143 No.22104143 [Reply] [Original]

Orson Welles Edition.

>> No.22104151 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22104153

He’s huge!

>> No.22104159

Kek, so people should have overthrown him? Hell of a self own. He was the worst thing that ever happened to Germany.

>> No.22104160
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Why does he look like Paul Kinsey?

>> No.22104167
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>> No.22104171

i used to not really care about the gays but lately ive become more concerned with the whole movement. to be fair i know some intelligent and respectable gay people so this may be contradictory but it seems like there are a number of problems with an increased percentage of homosexuals or homosexual behavior. it is like we are trying to rationalize something that is not normal, normal in the sense of healthy, since it more often encourages promiscuity and fetishism. also i read a post on here awhile ago where someone posted studies showing that homosexuality as we understand it does not actually occur in nature, that there have been no known cases of males preferring males when in the presence of females. i guess it makes sense since animals operate on a more pragmatic level. in general i don't believe that the rise in people identifying as LGBT is purely due to higher social freedom, i think there is a component which is environmental or learned. what this means for civilization i dont know

>> No.22104172
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>> No.22104188

I am shitting an unbelievable amount this morning. It's not unpleasant, the shits themselves are normal, but the volume is staggering

>> No.22104196

Give us some rough numbers here, estimate the volume

>> No.22104199

Hitler literally destroyed the German nation and its people. Ever heard of WW2?

>> No.22104207

Is the undress.app that's advertised here safe or will I get hacked? Can an anon confirm?

>> No.22104213

Go back.

>> No.22104214

That's like saying slaves heroically attempting to escape the plantation and failing was "destroying" the slaves' way of life. It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees. Look what Anglo-American hegemony got you, and this was always the plan from the beginning: slow genocide through immigration and steadily ramping up of degeneracy, until a nanny police state 100x worse than any Nazi authoritarianism is instated over a common flu because everyone has been turned into retarded cattle who want to be controlled by bureaucrats.

All Hitler did was try to reverse damage that was already underway and prevent any further damage. For that the Americans and English allied with Stalin, a mass-murdering psychopath, to stop him. Both the USSR and the Allies also developed chemical and biological weapons while Hitler specifically forbade their development because they were dishonorable.

The good guys literally lost. Everything you've heard about them is propaganda. They weren't perfect by any means but they were a hell of a lot better than what we got instead.

>> No.22104224

NTA, but
>It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
debatable, its one of those questions everyone has to ask themselves and no judgement should be placed on either because both are valid choices if you aren't an ideologue.

>> No.22104226

All the girls I hang out with keep telling me they're depressed. I wish I could them them "of course you retard, who wouldn't be depressed after spending 12 fucking hours on their phone every single day", but I guess that would be rude.

>> No.22104228

>Look what Anglo-American hegemony got you, and this was always the plan from the beginning: slow genocide through immigration and steadily ramping up of degeneracy
You can thrash about the cage all the time but basically there really isn't much anyone can do about it, the world is way more chaotic and incontrollable than you think.

>> No.22104230

iunno if ur a girl or a gay or something but girls like that i just cut out of my life 9/10 times its just "wahhh give me attention" or the current day version of "lol so random! XD" and they don't want ay practical solutions.

>> No.22104256

Has anyone read Eightball by Daniel Clowes? What do you think about it?

>> No.22104260

I don't mind a good shitting, but when it's a violent expulsion of feces, the whole toilet gets messed up, it's fucking annoying.

>> No.22104274

Seriously, why the fuck is it that people with low formal education are such assholes and always try to show off their 'intellectual' capacities? Is it all compensation? Is it because they never learned decent mannerism? Is it because they feel like they have to show that they are actually not stupid because they have no high graduation? Is it because they are actually dumb? It's incredibly annoying and I wish this boomer would just shut the fuck up. Literally nobody cares. This dude is so full of himself, he doesn't even notice that nobody cares about his random facts and niche or general knowledge. Are people with low education simply not capable of self reflection? Is it narcism?

>> No.22104291
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I became too depressed to even masturbate.

>> No.22104302

Born to multiply
Born to gaze into night skies
All you want's one more Saturday
Well, look here until then
They're gonna buy your life's time
So keep your wick in the air, and your feet in the fetters
'til the day

We come in doing cartwheels
We are caught up by ourselves
And your shape on the dance floor
Will have me thinking such filth I'd gouge my eyes

You'll be damned to be one of us, girl
Faced with the dodo's conundrum
I feel like I could just fly
But nothing happens every time I try

A duotone on the wall
Selfless fool who hoped he'd save us all
Never dreamt of such sterile hands
You keep 'em folded in your lap
And raise them up to beg for scraps
You know he's holding you down with the tips of his fingers
just the same

Will you be pulled from the ocean
But just a minute too late
Or changed by a potion
And find a handsome young mate for you to love

You'll be damned to pining through the windowpanes, you know
you'd trade your life for any ordinary Joe
Well, do it now or grow old
Cause your nightmares only need a year or two to unfold

Been alone since you were 21
You haven't laughed since January
You keep pretending that it's so much fun
But we know it to be quite contrary

Dare to be one of us, girl
Faced with the androids conundrum
I felt like I should just cry
But nothing happens every time I take one on the chin
You're Himmler in your coat, you don't know how long I have been
Watching the lantern dim
Starved of oxygen
So give me your hand, and let's jump out the window

>> No.22104331 [DELETED] 

lol i just watched that whole matt walsh movie. i was like let me just sample a few minutes to get a sense of the cringe, and it was very, but i also ended up watching to the end. i kinda feel bad for catholics like walsh tho because in vatican 3 or sooner its obvious the church is going to adopt a bunch of woke stuff including pro-trans. then i guess he'll have to convert to eastern orthodox like dreher, or just accept transrights. kinda funny too that the definition of a woman offered at the end could include transwomen.

>> No.22104346

Who are the aristocrats of American society? I think most people would suggest it’s the rich people, but I actually think it’s the class of people who fill university posts, journalism companies, and prestigious law firms.

>> No.22104351

I think the whole point of Paul Kinsey is that he desperately wanted to look like a man of letters.
Early Mad Men had such good writing, now you're going to make me watch it again.

>> No.22104356

Today at the park I met two bitter men who were talking about women. One was older and expressed how women are all whores, and all that jazz. By all means, they had laid out my current thoughts. Women are unreliable, they cheat, they grow "tired", they want to "experience new things" until tthey hit the wall, and only then they look out for some dummy to provide for them. Nevertheless as I chatted with them for a while about this topic I grew disgusted with them, and eventually I left. I agreed with them on most terms, but I didn't wanna hear it. This 45 year old man said "I live my life, what I earn I spend for me, I can drink it and play with it all I want," and he put it as a victorious statement, but I felt that bitterness. I don't want to become like this, but I know they're right. I know that this is how it is once you've hit a certain age. But I don't want to become a hollow, cynical man like that. And these were normal men, into normal women. I have always sought nonconformist, creative people and I know that they're an even more arid ground to build a relationship onto. I have no chances to find love but I cannot embrace its absence.

>> No.22104365

Especially in the presence of someone who is educated, a lot of those people feel inferior so they will try to brainmog you if you show even a hint of weakness. I once told a girl she was smart in her own ways despite not having gone to uni and she began to look down on me for not treating her like a retard.

>> No.22104395

Buy a woman from the Balkans or something.

>> No.22104409

LOL I wouldn't mind marrying an East European, but it seems like a cope. I don't want to be with someone just because I feel lonely. I'd like to find someone who shares something with me. After 30 all people seem to completely dry up while I still put a lot of emphasis on creativity. My only realistic choice is to embrace my escapism until I manage to live with it.

>> No.22104410

I wish I never found Japanese media in any form

>> No.22104412

John Gacy is not guilty of 33 counts of murder. He had accomplices at pdm at there was some glownigger shit going on there just like with Manson. The us always needs some internal monster to keep people in fear

>> No.22104425

Look into Marc Dutroux. People high up were 100% involved with it and many witnesses were suicided.
How is that escapism not also a cope?
At least with the Balkan women you'll have someone to fuck once in a while and she'll get you kids (if you want)

>> No.22104436

>How is that escapism not also a cope?
I actually work on it. It's my passion.
What do you even suggest lol, putting up an ad on some site that says "hey I am looking for a Bosnian woman to live with", it's ridiculous.

>> No.22104442

Limited thinker.

>> No.22104446

I am just internet impaired. How would you go about it?

>> No.22104452

How do Americans get dumber every single day? Every day I think these retards can't get dumber and every day they do.

>> No.22104455


>> No.22104458

Youre an americunt vassal. Its a miracle you can even post on 4chan.

>> No.22104461

Just watched Kane again. You get something new each time.

>> No.22104462

poetry is basically objects and situations through space (movement, travelling, distance, being) and time (aging, change, impermanence, becoming)

when you think about it

>> No.22104468
File: 646 KB, 576x512, you'll see it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ADHD (or at least what passes for ADHD nowadays) is made up. If i took a person from 50 years who was diagnosed with ADHD and compared it with a "modern" case of ADHD the difference would be like chalk and a car. You don't have ADHD, you spend hours on your fucking phone scrolling through the most brain melting drivel ever created. Your life is 30 second clips for 10 hrs daily. You don't have ADHD you have a shit attention span. Retard. Also, I'm speaking from personal experience but all the people i know with AHDH bar 1 have gotten their certificate of retardation from a private clinic. Not national health care, but some random cunt who wants to prescribe you a drug and then milk you of your money. And these idiots fall for this shit.

>> No.22104476

Look at yourselves retards. This is the level you operate on and you'll be even more fucked in the head tomorrow. How can you let yourselves be completely destroyed like this with not even a hint of resistance?

>> No.22104485

implying anyone can do anything about it when it's trillion dollars megacorps pulling the strings

>> No.22104490

>t. ESL

>> No.22104494

Seattle or Miami? I don’t know shit about either city but will need to live in one of them for a couple of years. All I want is nice looking place where everything isn’t expensive as fuck and no one will try to stab me.

>> No.22104502

The temerity of some fucking yuro dole scrounger telling an Amerigod how to live their lives. Shut the fuck up cunt shit always rolls downhill and youre at the bottom.

>> No.22104508

In Seattle they poo on the street

>> No.22104510

Then you chose the worst cities. Seattle is bleak and Miami is full of hood niggas. Only way you could fuck up worse is if you were considering cleveland or trenton.

>> No.22104519
File: 113 KB, 600x766, Despair_Edvard_Munch_1894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quit all my miserable, dead-end jobs and completely removed myself from university without having notified anyone, as all those things were contributing to my mental illness and alcoholism - so, at least for that ilk, I fell flat off the face of the Earth - and good riddance, soulless vultures feasting on cadavers and calling their cud "knowledge." As such, I have nothing to do tomorrow. But rent is also due and I can't pay it. I have time to generate some believable excuses; thankfully my landlord is patient and fickle to a fault, whereas I am manipulative and shameless, perhaps to a greater fault.

>> No.22104524

Each individual can work at not being a subhuman retard instead of feeding the process and justifying it like all you retards reliably always do.
>t. subhuman retards that will never do anything except mindlessly consume

>> No.22104527

In awe of people who live paycheck to paycheck.
Just astonishing

>> No.22104535

>Each individual
You're fighting against 99% of the population

>> No.22104536

Quit being a gay cunt. When I dropped out of uni I waited till my gibs came in and then told everyone I was leaving and had no intention of returning all the cameras and AV equipment I borrowed. No need for rent money when you are living in a squat house.

>> No.22104543

>calling anyone subhuman
Quel dommage

>> No.22104546

In Florida they poo in the swamp? Oh they move the homeless out of state

Cold rain or warm? Whichever you choose, train in knife-wielding

>> No.22104552

No. Everyone wants sovereignty and power over their lives and thoughts. Nobody wants to be annihilated. There's not a single human being on the planet I'm against. I'm against the abstract forces that are eating your minds.
How far gone are you retards when you perceive someone encouraging thought as a threat, fighting against the 99%?

>> No.22104557

Why would any thinking person post this retard shit? what's wrong with your brain? How can I help you to become a human being?

>> No.22104566

I wish I could take up wrestling as an adult. I think combat sports like wrestling and boxing are really good for teaching people how to calm their nerves and be confident.

On an unrelated and yet somehow related note, I hate that I have to work a job. Sometimes when I hear myself talk during meetings I realize how fake I sound and I want to shoot my self. I also have this feeling like becoming what I want in life isn’t achievable for someone reduced to such a level. Not imply I want to be him, but I have this image of Napoleon having to take orders at McDonald’s or something. He would’ve never become Napoleon.

>> No.22104567 [DELETED] 

Fuck off you nigger. Shouldnt you be working so your taxes can go to Ukraine.

>> No.22104588

You can start boxing later. There are leagues for older people and those who join speak positively about them.
I am doing 1 year at the gym but later on I plan on moving to boxe

>> No.22104589

So fucked in the head. Even the incoherent attempts at insults are about shooting yourself in the foot and declaring victory.

>> No.22104606

Paul desperately wanted to be a man of letters, Pete desperately wanted to be a man of... well just a man. And Don was both of that, and still was more miserable than both of them. Poetry.

>> No.22104626

Youre seething on Yuropoor working hours about Americans on an American website. Get a job take a shower and have sex. Tall order I know but at least try.

>> No.22104632

Do you really have to ask, coomer-san? A better question is whether you should go easy on the coomerism if it got you to the point where you’re considering downloading shady apps from basket-weaving forum ads.
>All the girls I hang out with keep telling me they're depressed.
That’s like a poison frog telling you it’s poisonous. Thank it for the warning and move on.
I gave up on these prestige graphic novels. There’s only so many Maus, Blankets and Comix shit I can tolerate. Will Eisner is cool though.
>I don't want to be with someone just because I feel lonely.
Based and wise.
>I'd like to find someone who shares something with me. After 30 all people seem to completely dry up while I still put a lot of emphasis on creativity.
Very observant too.
>My only realistic choice is to embrace my escapism until I manage to live with it.
Don’t do that.
Go watch some Koreeda movies.
Everyone is getting dumber and the burger is right by pointing out you’re his vassal.

>> No.22104645

>Don’t do that.
It's the only choice that makes sense to me. Had I been religious I would have locked myself in a monastery

>> No.22104646 [DELETED] 

Fuck. Is it really that bad? I can deal with bleakness if Seattle is free of the whole “getting stabbed” part. How to fuck can people live on big cities in america if they’re all like that?

>> No.22104676

Fuck. Is it really that bad? I can deal with Seattle if the only downside is bleakness and rain. Just don’t wanna get stabbed, that’s all. How is the olympic peninsula btw? It looks cool on pictures and seems like a nice place to visit during weekends.

>> No.22104701

But why do you feel like escapism is your only route? I’m on the same position as you but trying to live a fulfilling life despite being alone makes more sense to me.
>I would have locked myself in a monastery

>> No.22104706

>Youre seething on Yuropoor working hours about Americans on an American website
Does this make you less retarded? Are you suddenly capable of putting together a single thought on any subject because uh something about European customs? Can you get any more retarded?
>Everyone is getting dumber and the burger is right by pointing out you’re his vassal.
Yes your cloud of cancerous retardation is spreading globally. Doesn't this just mean the subject I'm raising is even more important? How does the diseased burger mind present this as a response to anything I said?

>> No.22104721

Theres nothing to respond to since you just dunked on yourself when you called americans retards. What does that make you my yuro ballwasher.

>> No.22104733


>> No.22104735

Balkanize your home

>> No.22104740

>why do you feel like escapism is your only route?
I am socially unfit, music in public places feels like torture, can't hold down a job, I have not had one meaningful success or achievement in life, and for the past 10 years I have unsuccessfully struggled with depression and suicidal ideation. I will never have a satisfactory life in this world because I hate every bit of it on such a deep level. The only thing that makes me feel better is drawing and daydreaming about the fantastic things in my head. It's more realistic that I'll find happiness in my made up imaginary world than this earth.

>> No.22104741

Someone capable of putting together basic thoughts. Why can't you?
Why would burgers being retards imply anything about eurofags? And if eurofags are even more retarded does that make the observation about the rapid decay of burgers less valid?
Why is your mind absolute mush? What caused this, how can we help you and prevent this from happening in the future to anyone, burger or not?

>> No.22104748

I know boxing I can pick up at any time but what I’m really interested in is wrestling. I’m also interested in HEMA but that’s a little too nerdy for me I think.

>> No.22104753

A Wasp

You should not have come near, little one. I was bred to know fear from the tickling of your frail body against mine.
Guard yourself from my sleeping face. Stretch your small wings against the doors of the night, and fly now, into the moon-soft air where hushed winds sing in dew-drooping leaves.
Dear one, Love would dearly bend to brush thy tender head, were we only in that Garden of my ancestors beyond; would that I could cradle you in my hand and bear you hence.
May you leave me as you have found. Little wandering star, wend your way on through the dark.

>> No.22104756

You wash my balls. When I travel to Yurop your sluts gag on my dick and abort my babies. What part of your opinion is a waste of neuron activation goes over your little brain?

>> No.22104773

I hope things get better for you anon. I do believe that you can have a meaningful life, even though I know exactly how it feels to not believe in that. If you can, try to let go of all that hatred. It only pushes you down.

>> No.22104777

It's a predictable, deranged burger fantasy that has nothing to do with anything I said.
My nation exploits US hegemony better than the US. When I travel to burgerland your whores worship me like a god. Now that I engaged on your deranged subhuman level are you suddenly capable of the simplest thought?

>> No.22104779

I'm curious, what made it so you couldn't hold down a job?

>> No.22104876

ignorance is bliss, join us

>> No.22104883
File: 240 KB, 511x382, Żądam współżycia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A ja mam w dupie perfekcyjne społeczeństwo

>> No.22104885

Yeah whatever go unplug my toilet.

>> No.22104886

Bober kurwa

>> No.22104910
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To know and not do is not yet to know.

I don't understand, i can rationalize somethnig in my head a thousand times and come to the conclusion that certain actions are needed and agree on them by my own principles and still i do nothing. I simply fall back to my daily habbits no matter what new idea or realization i come to. Nothing changes, i can't do anything, cry, get angry and storm about or just take it all with a solemn face, it does not matter i can't break through. Happiness and purpose seem impossible in this world and in this body. I have failed from not even trying.

>> No.22104935

maybe your own flaws presented poorly in his behavior are what tick you off, most normal people would just learn to smile when a fool opens their mouth to impress people, you on the other hand not only take the alleged fool seriously but also hide your insecurity behind a diploma
consider becoming more confident in your self and give yourself a smile when idiots speak of things they know nothing about
either that or go full diogenes and shit on them for sharing their drivel with the world if you can, if all else fail hangout with the prestigeous academics and chuckle about how smart you all are while politely never questioning anything anyone says

>> No.22104950

Can ay of you pseuds help me with not getting stabbed, please

>> No.22104977
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You are studying a gene (one locus) that is 100 bp in length. There are three alleles in the diploid population: A, B, and C. You are using the restriction enzyme called Ritzy1. There is no restriction site in allele A. Allele B has a restriction site 20 bp from one end, whereas allele C has a restriction 50 bp from one end. PCR is performed on members of the population, and products are digested with Ritzy1. Name the genotypes showing only one band? Two bands? Three bands? Four bands?

>> No.22105001

I wish I was 5 years younger but knew what I know now.

>> No.22105010

Your likelihood of getting stabbed in either is pretty low as long as you aren't a total dipshit. Both are pretty expensive though, especially Seattle.

>> No.22105015

Professors really don't make that much money or have that much influence

>> No.22105017

People just use this website to react to things. They want to work themselves up and fly off the handle. It's no different than people who watch the news except that it's more childish and depraved. Very strange sado-masochistic behavior.

>> No.22105027

What is your current city? or region? not fedposting just trying to give you some advice.

>> No.22105030

>people only come to a place with lax regulation of conversation to get worked up and debate
just as the ancients envisioned, get out if you don't like it

>> No.22105033

>another retard posting his retarded analysis of 4chan
No one cares dude get a life

>> No.22105044

Suspisciously low energy tranny take. Niggas just want to funpost and talk about books. You fags always try to derail this board with dumb political shit.

>> No.22105047

Evil is solipsism.

>> No.22105049
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It's over.

>> No.22105085

I can stop hating it but I will never start liking it.
I have waves of panic that make me want to jump out of a window. It's like I'm in jail for hours and hours.

>> No.22105101

>develop crush on singer 7 years ago
>fantasize about her constantly, fall asleep thinking about holding her, think about what it would be like to talk to her, to be with her, how I'd treat her like a goddess
>deep down I know it's irrational as she has no idea I exist and I'd have no chance with her regardless as I'm an ugly anxious loser with a small dick
>have had dreams where we're together and experience happiness beyond measure
>have spent thousands of dollars on literotica commissions where fictionalized versions of her and me have a loving sexual relationship
>seeing her with other men makes me feel like my heart is in a vice so I scrub it from my mind
>I love nfl and she's dating a star quarterback
>hearing the news made me feel like a horse kicked me in the chest
>want more than anything to see him fail and be humiliated
>seeing pictures of them together online makes me sweat with rage and I've cried like a fucking baby thinking about them
This is the closest I'll get to heartbreak and I get it now. It fucking sucks.

>> No.22105112
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Cheese with your pasta, sir?

>> No.22105113

Cuckolds arent human

>> No.22105153

I'm a feminist in the sense that I think women are beautiful and they should have superior rights to men such as not going to army, but I also think they're very dumb and should not be taken seriously nor given voting rights.

>> No.22105168

I hate it when women suffer, we need to stop women's suffrage

>> No.22105182
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same bro

>> No.22105183

The voting thing also applies to lower class people

>> No.22105190

Im for abortion because it promotes murder but im also against it since it gives women the right to choose. Kind of a conundrum, a real pair a ducks

>> No.22105200
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>Im for abortion because it promotes murder

>> No.22105213
File: 1.10 MB, 680x823, reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't detect the difference between unironic statements, ironic statements and post-ironic statements

>> No.22105219
File: 101 KB, 400x400, 400px-Reddit_moment-606746710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironic statements, ironic statements and post-ironic statements

>> No.22105226

I look like this.

>> No.22105227

I look like this and do this.

>> No.22105258

Have you forgotten what happened last time?
>maybe it's time to reconsider perspectives on WW2 that are pretty much based on allied propaganda
>yes, I agree that we should kill all jews
Exposing plebs to complex ideas is almost always a disaster and public platforms are subject to manipulation which is easier to do the more ambiguity there is.

>> No.22105264

---- Solaria ----
Noon Chandelier

I have never seen a text in which cottonwood
Is recommended as an ornamental

And this mistake
Reminds me of the preference

For paintings that recall ancien regimes
Without effects impossible thereby, towers

Glittering in response to the slightest wind, sound
Plateaux attenuated of almost all drama in grids mighty

As can be, assorted sublimes of peace,
Foreground oceanic as the sky.

With a certain reverse diaphonousness
They wave most softly occulting cumulus moons

Where nuance admits no poverty
Like a playing orca of land.


>> No.22105306

My mother was right. I shouldve never gotten on those meds. Normalized too many shit behaviors that im still suffering from. Also my memory shat the bed. Who misses out on the best years of their lives? Absolute fucking shit.

>> No.22105309

You're not special, cocksucker

>> No.22105378

Lost my virginity some time ago and everytime we see each other she would give me her panties. What am I supposed to do with them? Ive personally been low key smelling them or I keep them on my pillow next to my head in front of my face as I doze off to sleep.

Anyways she hasn't been giving them to me lately and I kind of feel anxious now like I did something wrong or that I'm fucking up. On top I've been finding it hard to sleep without her scent.

Would it be weird for me to ask for another pair? Or at least if I ask her if I can have her pillow case or something? Or is that too much seeing that we aren't exactly dating or anything, it's more of a FWB sort of situation but she's the only person I've been with. Normally I don't mind when we are busy but I've been missing her like crazy ever since she stopped handing me her panties

>> No.22105380

Starting from a simple basis, Allele B and C both give 2 bands. Only allele A gives one band.

Genotype A/A gives two band
B/B and C/C and B/C and C/B all give four bands
A/B gives 3 bands and so does A/C and B/A and C/A

Could be wrong but that's only my interpretation and I've been assuming linear PCR products.

>> No.22105384

I'm thinking about getting a CDL-A loisence an living the life of an OTR trucker with a literature habit, I'm going to bring muh typewriter. Have there been any writers who were truckers?

I get strange ideas when I stop smoking weed.

>> No.22105395

Pic is literally me lol

>> No.22105449

I started reading Euclid's elements. like a year ago I had a streak where I was studying linear algebra for multiple hours a day. now it's like my brain starts to panic and it's taken me three days to get through the first 20 something basic propositions

>> No.22105478

Quizlet says

>Homozygous A and C will have one band, Homozygous B will have 2 bands, Heterozygous A B, B C will have 3 bands, None will show 4 bands.

but ChatGPT says homozygous C is 2 bands..

>> No.22105512


>> No.22105520

I'm literally a femdomfag who fetishizes (nonexistent) intelligent independent women and wants to worship a woman and even I can't understand this shit, even I know that no single woman is significant enough to warrant simping. Once you've fucked a few you've fucked them all, beauty is both illusory and not that rare and youth is more important than it anyway. All women are the same lumpy bumpy low confidence having shaved ape when you get them naked. I literally want to worship women and even I couldn't worship a woman the way simps worship some random streamer or celebrity they've never seen.

Have these people never experienced meeting a girl who is supposedly really hot and realizing she's a 5'1" midget with weird hips and a face that only looks perfect from certain angles? The hottest girl I ever fucked, one time after sex she fell asleep and blew a gigantic shart, it sounded like the NERF THIS shart. I laughed like what the fuck just happened and she only woke up slightly and went "what, no, no, nevermind" and went back to sleep. There's your perfect waifu nigga, a literal nerf this sharter.

>> No.22105532

---- Solaria ----
One Sailor's Delight

I've arranged a dozen planters like stamps
In an album, all in an L-shaped row.

Most modern gardeners imitate Monet and Matisse
Without noticing they do so

But I prefer the effect of a slide-show
Of continents, islands,

Contrasts too jarring, planetary, for the kitsch
Of prior reference.

It looks a little heartless, thoughtless
Until you notice the scheme

And how involved it really is, its prolonged gestation
Or the luxury of time in the sun involved.


>> No.22105570

I've surveyed rather a lot of rabbit-holes, but still can't imagine living in one: In reality, even lemmings are more amazing creatures, fodder as they are to the world's most magnificent owls.

>> No.22105571
File: 172 KB, 900x900, sentireascoltare-grimes-visions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, unfortunately, went through a Grimes phase when she came out with Visions. I made a trip code on /mu/ and posted pictures of her in Grimes threads. Pretty embarrassing. I went to one of her shows where her bf was the opening act and he had a weird breakdown on stage while covering a Backstreet Boys song. I asked him about it on his Q&A blog and he gave some bullshit excuse about there being a ghost that caused it. I ended up saying some mean things to him afterward mostly because he was dating the woman I thought I loved. I feel bad about it sometimes. Anyways, still a pretty good album lol.

>> No.22105600

You're nearly a decade late my nigga.

>> No.22105631

Sounds dope. Get yourself a cb to talk to all the boomers and a solid gps and a gun. At least you will be paid to see all of the lower 48.

>> No.22105639

My nigga thank god you are wise to these hoes.

>> No.22105678

I like very energetic young women with a keen sense of silliness, and they generally like me. I like a lot of things, most particularly twunks, but there's something about their liking of me that's rather mystifying. Why would a beautiful, buxom, but rather short woman almost a third my age be so happy to see and speak with me? Is it because I truly don't give a shit, and that, in itself is sweet relief? Is it because I actually listen to what they say and reply intelligently?

>> No.22105709

Because you got money and good dick. Why else would a dumb hoe talk to you bro?

>> No.22105745

I wonder if you can really achieve anything great if you can’t even get through college with flying colors.

>> No.22105756

Money I've got only a little more now than she does. This not to mention that even very rich women, the kind of chicks who ride Rolls Wraiths in the North Loop, have been rather sweet to me. Something about my eyes, body language of the perpetual spectator. Sometimes I think they can sense by pure instinct how good I had it and for how long.

>> No.22105781
File: 69 KB, 1024x749, 1682780478205011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find myself standing at the gates of my cemetery of ideas. I push open the hulking doors but I feel uneasy knowing I am entering empty handed again. I am greeted by a cruel flurry of wind to which I am familiar. Since my last visit I notice the gravestones have proliferated. A crimson grim reaper made of marble stands tall guarding eternally. Every coffin here is empty and that of a suicide. Is this not hell itself? I think to myself. This place does not belong to me alone, it has a history which cannot be measured, yet I wonder the cobbled path alone. I move towards a timid point of light- No I must correct myself I am merely attempting to escape this path of dejection in the same manner that a comet is knocked out of its trajectory.

>> No.22105790

In the mystical Lady's Onsen, maidens from across Japan journeyed forth to immerse themselves in the restorative powers of sexual healing. Their afflictions: frigidity, a coldness that gripped their very souls. And yet it was here, amidst the shallows of the salty coastal lagoon, that they might find solace in the intimacies of the octopi - creatures whose suckered arms bestowed upon their female patients an unparalleled succulence, a tactile tenderness that promised to thaw even the stoniest of hearts.

As the waves lapped gently against the shore, the voices of these young maidens rose in crescendo, their cries of delight echoing like melodies throughout the tranquil basin. For it was here, amidst the watery depths, that the eight-armed therapists did attend, their tentacles coiling around the nether regions of those who sought release from the icy grasp of their affliction.

And so it came to pass that some amongst them fell prey to the ravages of excessive ecstasy; their moans and gasps growing evermore fervent until finally, they were at risk of being claimed forever by the siren call of these insatiable cephalopods. Yet 'twas not without purpose that the fairer sex guardians watched diligentlily over the bathergirls, rescuing those who showed signs of submersion or swooning beneath the weight of their own carnal surrender.

But alas, dear reader, know that not every maiden would be thus embraced by these aquatic aroused amorphous creatures. Few were those chosen to bear the fruit of these tentacular trysts. For the wombs of those who found themselves oviposited by the embraces of these eight-legged paramours often proved too frail to carry the seed of these sentient sea monsters to term.

In this realm where flesh met fin, whither then must we direct our gaze? Shall we follow the path of the lost lovelies, borne away upon the currents to destinations unknown? Or dare we venture deeper still, submerging ourselves within the very heart of this liquid sanctum, confronting the abyssal truths that lie beyond the veil we may come face to face with the enigmas that lurk within the murky depths of this oceanic spa. What mysteries might they hold? Might there dwell ancient gods or goddesses, the progenitors of all marine life, whose wisdom is measured in eons? Could it be that, in seeking healing for their chilled bodies, these young women have awakened slumbering forces that now seek to claim their very souls as tribute?

One can but wonder if perhaps the octopi are not mere physical agents in a divine plan orchestrated by beings beyond human comprehension, entities who deem it necessary to test the fortitude of mortals by subjecting them to trials both pleasurable and perilous. This shrouded lagoon, once thought to be solely a place of respite, may instead be revealed as a gateway into realms hitherto undreamt of, domains rife with cosmic secrets and celestial intrigue.

>> No.22105795


Such musings serve only to deepen the mystery, for there may yet remain unseen elements to this drama which unfold before us, actors that play their parts behind the scenes, manipulating events with puppet master precision. Perhaps the maidens who entered these waters were merely pawns in a game played out between celestial powers, pieces moved about a board crafted of living seawater and sand.

The true nature of this Lady's Onsen remains elusive, a phantom fleet dancing on the horizon, waiting patiently to reveal its treasures. But in order to gain entry into the world beyond the veil, one must first confront the abyssal truths that lie within the heart of this underwater sanctuary, braving the unknown and relinquishing control in favor of trust. It is only when we let go of the shores of certainty and drift freely into the open sea of possibility that we might discern the true faces behind the masks and behold the majesty concealed beneath the surface.

>> No.22105799

Most literary geniuses were anything but academic residents. Indeed, Montaigne, Goethe, and Shakespeare were academies all of themselves,

>> No.22105807

I've been thinking about that scene in Peach Blossom Fan when Big Chungus gets his ass kicked for saying "fart" in church.

>> No.22105855

Yeah. I do regret my life.

>> No.22105856

>person asks for technical advice
>give it to them
>"well, I'm not going to do any of this"
then fuck you? what's up with these faggots?
also last time this exact scenario happened
>'hey anon, can you give criticism on my CV?'
>'sure, if I were you I'd add a logo here and there and make sure everything is readable and aligned. also if you have online certifications you should put them in or at the very least in your LinkedIn profile so that algorithms can find you.'
>well I will not correct anything. Thanks you

>> No.22105863

Goethe did go to university and afaik did well there. There is a difference between simply not being an academic and being a college drop out or failure.

>> No.22105914

I used to visit a huge metropolitan cemetery in an old luxury car. My father is buried there, I no not where. I'd leave it there on one of its lanes with the key in, the engine running, the heat roaring, and walk around with a camera. I'm not prone to dejection, and toured the site with pleasure always in the lovely, expensive, groundskeeping of it. Someday I'll look up where he is. I've never loved anyone so much, and, if I'm honest, for suggesting even in death scenery so beautiful.

>> No.22105959

Strange how little difference it made in his autobiography. Nothing against academia, provided one knows, for instance, how much Princeton owes to Einstein, etc.

>> No.22105981

That sounds like a beautiful moment, I hope that you managed to capture even a fragment of it with your camera.

>> No.22106061

I took about 20,000 pictures there, over the course of two years. Just like him I still enjoy gardening, and even more nature preserves. As for that cemetery I suppose my favorite scenes are in early April of a stand of blooming apples in a sprawling yard around a big grey glossy granite private mausoleum, and a perspective under a huge burgundy maple, about 80 feet tall and 60 wide. This is hardly a start, to list, for it is on of the most beautiful and serene sites in the whole Midwest--little known as it remains mostly by discretion.

>> No.22106562

I'm almost done with Don Quixote. Bitter-sweet.

>> No.22106586

Every time a woman tells me she has read Quixote I tell her the Cardenio episode was my favorite part lmao. Those dumb bitches just say yeah that part was nice

>> No.22106659

Five young ruffians, all five of 'em,
were summoned by the local Don,
for a secret mission, oh ho ho,
and off to a hidden place they go.

They knew the deal, the plan, the score,
awaiting were five nurses fair,
with food and drinks, and oh so more,
to get those boys in working order.

Buxom nurses feeding them pizza,
an aphrodisiac to tickle fancy,
then off to the bedrooms they'd go,
where the lads would show what they know.

No seeds to release in the nurse, mind,
but to enjoy connubial bliss combined,
their youthful vigor brought to bear,
upon the willing women there.

After the deed was done, you see,
they cleaned up and played some video games,
while five forlorn college girls came too,
under a spell, to break old dames.

These doctors tried a new treatment plan,
yearlong regimen, no need to explain,
girls hypnotized, made to arouse,
and lead the boys into a state of house.

For an hour they stroked and teased,
until the boys reached peak increased,
ramrod hard under the skilled touch,
leading to a night of wild caress.

Off to bed, where the act commenced,
reproduction channels filled with seeds,
so much potential for renewal,
physical and mental, a wondrous appeal.

This went on for a whole damned year,
proving the power of sperm dear,
bringing the girls back from despair,
to joy and health beyond compare.

>> No.22106681

Rosebud, thanks but no.

The word kept circling around my days and nights, it was simple to understand, rosebud is childhood, and it’s also mother. Not much more, yes it, rosebud that is, is just the sled. There are, I’m sure other ways of looking, different meanings that people can get, but it depends on personal values and perspectives.

So why then, was it stuck on my head? I missed my exit, rush hour, was late for my meeting. Still, rosebud danced around my chicken noodle soup, as I blew on my spoon to cool it. My nightly ritual was broken, from coming home and hanging with my girl to being stuck in traffic and finding her asleep. From her going to sleep and me watching a movie, to me overheating my soup and sitting in silence. I had taken a few spoonfuls, and I thought it had cool down, when biting to a piece of carrot I burned my tongue. I drank some water, left the soup on the sink, and turn the light off.
Then I felt a rush of energy across my chest, and shivers from my face to my heels and toes. I walked quickly to my room, got under the sheets and closed my eyes.

>> No.22106683

My favourite episode it’s when they throw the books away

>> No.22106727

A: 100 bp
B: 70 bp and 30 bp
C: 50 bp and 50 bp
Just add up the different bands for each genotype, this is honestly a high school-level question.

>> No.22106735

there are people playing rap outside. why do people listen to this garbage. it's typical black hood rap

>> No.22106754

Amidst the grimy alleys and dilapidated tenements of the inner city, there lived a group of wayward youths. Five rugged boys, known among themselves as "The Ruffians", roamed the streets with reckless abandon, living life on their own terms and answering to no one.

One fateful evening, these brazen young men received an invitation from the local Mafioso, a man feared and revered amongst his peers. He proposed a daring scheme - a mission unlike any other, one that would test the limits of their courage and cunning.

And so, on the appointed night, they arrived at a secret address where five voluptuous nurses greeted them with open arms. The women fed them a special aphrodisiac pizza and potent elixirs, priming them for the task ahead. For these rambunctious lads were destined to breed, to impregnate these buxom beauties with their fierce virility.

Yet, there was a catch: they must resist the urge to release their pent-up seed within these wanton nymphs, instead harnessing their passion to amplify their fertile stores. It was a formidable challenge, to revel in carnal delight without spilling their precious essence. But these young stallions were undaunted; they welcomed the opportunity to prove their prowess.

After their congress, the exhausted yet exhilarated lads were cleansed and ushered into a room where they could unwind amidst the comforting glow of video games. And then, a peculiar sight unfolded before them - five fragile, disconsolate young women emerged from the shadows, brought forth to undergo a most unorthodox therapy.

These vulnerable souls were entranced, bound to obey the commands of their captors. Their purportedly afflicted minds required an experimental regimen - a year-long regimen of absorbing the essence of vigorous adolescent males. Thus began the arduous process of seducing these troubled women, guiding them towards an ecstatic union with the Ruffians.

As the hours passed and the moon climbed higher in the sky, the lads worked their magic upon these sorrowful creatures. With deft touches and gentle whispers, they coaxed them into a trancelike state, awakening their latent desires. Slowly yet surely, these enigmatic females succumbed to the irresistible charm of their male counterparts. As their restraints melted away and their hearts swelled with amorous fervor, the time had come for consummation.

With trembling fingers, the lads eased their partners' drenched garments aside, revealing the soft curves and supple flesh hidden beneath. They cradled these delicate women, whispering words of encouragement and promises of unfathomed pleasure. Gradually, their bodies intertwined in a symphony of sensual harmony, dancing to the beat of their racing hearts.

Through the haze of desire and the thrill of discovery, the young men infused their partners with every ounce of vitality stored within their loins. Each thrust ignited a spark of passion, kindling a flame that burned brighter with every passing moment.

>> No.22106757


Bound by the sacred vow of their quest, the Ruffians relished the sweet embrace of their companions, pouring their very souls into this intimate communion. Every stroke, every moan, every tender embrace served as a testament to their unwavering devotion.

In this sanctified chamber, time stood still as the lovers lost themselves to the eternal cycle of love and rebirth. The act of creation became their highest purpose, transcending mere biology to embody the essence of human connection.

As dawn approached, the Ruffians emerged from their trysts, triumphant and spent. Their faces bore witness to the magnitude of their achievement, their spirits suffused with a newfound sense of purpose.

For indeed, their selfless sacrifice had borne fruit. The once-fragile ladies emerged from their chambers, transformed by the loving ministrations of their devoted suitors. Gone were the shadows of despair, replaced by a radiant serenity that illuminated their countenances.

Word of this miraculous transformation spread like wildfire throughout the underworld, casting the Ruffians as unlikely heroes in this twisted tale. Yet they remained humble, recognizing that their true reward resided within the memories of those stolen moments of pure joy and unbridled affection.

A year henceforth, as their term of service drew to a close, the Ruffians bid farewell to their cherished companions. Emotional tears flowed freely as they recounted tales of laughter and camaraderie, binding their hearts forever.

In the end, perhaps the greatest lesson learned from this strange odyssey was that even in the darkest corners of existence, hope may arise from unexpected sources. Through their selfless acts of passion and devotion, the Ruffians proved that sometimes, the most unlikely heroes can become agents of change, inspiring others to pursue lives filled with purpose and meaning.

>> No.22106768 [DELETED] 


“So go,” Toph said easily. “They're so wrapped up in getting us outta here, I'll be they don't even notice you peeing.”

Katara;s blush deepened. “I need to do a little more than pee, Toph.”

“Oh,” the blind girl replied. “Can you hold it?”

Katara started to shake her head in response, but stopped herself. It was still a little awkward having a conversation with someone who couldn't pick up non-verbal messages. “I don't think so. And the urge won't pass.”

“Got the runs?”

Katara's face reddened further, if that were possible. “No! ... Or, it doesn't feel like it. And even if I did, I've never had trouble holding it.” It was the truth. On Kyoshi Island, the Islander's food had given her the runs. Bad. But not once did she ever have trouble holding it. “It must be my nerves getting to me.”

“Whatever it is, you should still just go.”

“But Aang and Sokka... they'll see me, hear me,” she hesitated and blushed deeper still, “...smell me.”

“Big deal,” Toph challenged. “Sokka's your brother. Even if he hasn't seen you takin' a dump, he's probably heard you and defiantly smelt you. And it's better that Aang learn girls poop by seeing you on the 'pot and not by seeing you have an accident. This isn't like last time, Katara. I won't be able to bend this away and neither will you. Besides, once we get outta this cell we're gonna need your mind focused on escaping. Not pooping.”

Katara hadn't thought of it that way, but it didn't make it any more comfortable doing what she had to do. “You're right, just try to block their view for me, okay?”

Katara stood up and the pressure on her anus instantly increased. She wasn't going to lose it, but a few minutes of standing and she probably would. Quietly, she padded over to the chamberpot and lowered her skin hugging breeches and cotton panties to her ankles. She glanced over at Aang and Sokka, who were sill absorbed by whatever they were doing, before hiking her skirt up and sitting on the warm seat.

Her hole yawned and a thick, solid log emerged. It flowed smoothly and easily from her colon, it's body stretching a full foot before breaking off up near her butt and thunking loudly into the empty container. Another mass followed it, but the second log was much wider. Her butthole was stretched to new limits as the brown monster eased it's way out.

>> No.22106817

I can't understand why people forsake the obvious. I mean, I can, but that is irrelevant.

It is like the middle class would pay, only pennies on the pound mind you, to cut the throats of the world, just to prove that their own banal mediocrity is some higher authority, and they have the debts and politicians to prove it.

>> No.22106823

Do you think all women are innately promiscuous?

>> No.22106826

That's arguably worse than being alone

>> No.22106854

That depends on sex drive levels

>> No.22106877

I'm going bowling. Don't make any GTA 4 reference.

>> No.22106928


>> No.22106929

Real spill

>> No.22106954

I cannot seem to enjoy reading fiction with my kindle. Maybe I'm too used to reading non-fics on it but man, it just feels like something is off if I try to read anything else.

>> No.22106958

How do you keep track of your posts on 4chan? Do you just remember what threads you posted them and check

>> No.22106973

Ah, the delightful young stars of Nickerlodeon Studios, how carefree they seemed on the outside - but little did they know the treacherous secrets hidden within their beloved workplace. You see, my dear friends, the famous green slime was more than just mere entertainment; it held a diabolical power that would forever change the lives of these innocent souls.

This vibrant goo, while seemingly harmless at first glance, carried a potent pheromone that when combined with the essence of youth and vitality emitted by these budding actresses created an irresistible scent. This aroma called forth ancient, eldritch beings from the depths of the earth - beings known as the Cthulhucephalopods. These shadowy creatures, with their many tentacles and cold, dead eyes sought only to utilize these unsuspecting starlets as vessels for their gruesome reproductive practices.

And yet, as the months passed and the girls continued to immerse themselves in the slippery green substance, a strange transformation began to take hold. Their once bright, sparkling personalities slowly dulled as they became increasingly enthralled by the hypnotic pull of the slime. They were gradually converted into mindless drones, blindly obeying the commands of their new overlords.

But wait, my friends, there's more still! It was rumored that each girl who remained at Nickerlodeon Studios for a full year bore a hideous, slithering appendage hidden deep within her own body. This serpentine tail, emerging intermittently from the darkness between her legs, was responsible for inseminating others, thus continuing the twisted cycle of reproduction for these abominable underground dwellers.

These hapless victims, once full of life and hope, now existed solely to further the goals of their slimy captors. Truly, a tragic end for such promising young talents. So, my dear ones, remember always to keep your wits about you, for one never knows when the forces of evil might seek to exploit your innocence for their own nefarious ends. That's all for today, friends. Until next time!

>> No.22107001

>poor people shouldn't have rights to make nations decisions
well you will be positively surprised to hear they already don't, democracy in west is a sham

>> No.22107015

Rent free, huh?

Sitting here drinking water and ginger ale, hitting my pipe listening to Spotify. Just started seeing a new girl. Things are looking up. And my birthday is just around the corner

>> No.22107017

I must be evil, then

>> No.22107044

Good cunt

Nice to be reminded of the reality.

I got sick of women who seemed intelligent and independent because conversations always turned to shit. Most of them were so anxious, or arrogant, of their intellectual superiority that if they weren't giving lectures (especially the PhD candidates) they could only condescendingly headpat me when I said something they found quaint. And most had rape fantasies or were into donimatrix nonsense. It is like they needed some sort of alternative lifestyle to cling onto as a liferaft against the reality of their banal estudious nature.

Maybe we should all go be gsy boys in the woods and forget this shit.

>> No.22107049

My oldest friend just told me he's 'discovered' he's trans. The digust and pity I feel.. what a cruel and sad world this is.

>> No.22107062

Is he autistic weirdo?

>> No.22107077

Columbus discovered America, and maybe your friend is discovering what it truly means to be American: the right for any man therein born to be a woman by choice, and not simply by nature or by the diktat of the capitalist medical industrial complex.

>> No.22107080

you sound like a great friend

>> No.22107113


>> No.22107128

>or by the diktat of the capitalist medical industrial complex.
Extremely ironic post.

>> No.22107144

He is a sensitive painter type, very funny, quiet, anxious. He spent too much time online I think.
Very funny anon, but this is serious.
Maybe not, but I try. It is hard when we live so far apart now.

>> No.22107151 [DELETED] 

There was this time when I had to take care of my 25-year-old sister. She was suffering from amnesia due to some cheerleading accident. They said it was temporary, but still.
Anyways, one day, I'm playing my video game and suddenly she comes waddling towards me with her daisy dukes and undies around her ankles. Tells me she needs help wiping her ass 'cause she's having trouble reaching every corner. I mean, what the fuck?
So, I take her to the bathroom and try to clean her up as best as I can. While I'm doing that, I notice her lady parts are all wet and slippery. It made me think about how women work. Fascinating, ain't it?
Later, she comes by again, shows me her underwear, and asks to see my dick. What the hell is wrong with her? I give her a spanking and tell her to knock it off.
But at bedtime, she starts crying and says she's afraid to sleep alone. Fine, I let her share my bed, but things don't improve. She starts asking to see my dick again, like there's no tomorrow. Jesus Christ!
I finally come up with a solution: I offer to let her feel it instead of seeing it. You know, as long as she doesn't see it, we can pretend it's just my hand or something. And since I don't trust her hands, I ask her to use her legs. How stupid is that?
We end up fooling around all night, and before I know it, I've accidentally poked her cherry with my little soldier. But you know what? She doesn't seem to mind. In fact, she looks damn happy. Guess you never really know what'll happen next. That's life, right? Just another day in the hood.

>> No.22107167

There was this time when I had to take care of my 25-year-old sister. She was suffering from amnesia due to some cheerleading accident. They said it was temporary, but still.
Anyways, one day, I'm playing my video game and suddenly she comes waddling towards me with her daisy dukes and undies around her ankles. Tells me she needs help wiping her ass 'cause she's having trouble reaching every corner. I mean, what the fuck?
So, I take her to the bathroom and try to clean her up as best as I can. While I'm doing that, I notice her lady parts are all wet and slippery. It made me think about how women work. Fascinating, ain't it?
Later, she comes by again, shows me her underwear, and asks to see my dick. What the hell is wrong with her? I give her a spanking and tell her to knock it off.
But at bedtime, she starts crying and says she's afraid to sleep alone. Fine, I let her share my bed, but things don't improve. She starts asking to see my dick again, like there's no tomorrow. Jesus Christ!
I finally come up with a solution: I offer to let her feel it instead of seeing it. You know, as long as she doesn't see it, we can pretend it's just my hand or something. And since I don't trust her hands, I ask her to use her legs. How stupid is that?
We end up fooling around all night, and before I know it, I've accidentally poked her cherry with my big ol' schlong. But you know what? She doesn't seem to mind. In fact, she looks damn happy. Guess you never really know what'll happen next. That's life, right? Just another day in the hood.

>> No.22107177

have you considered that your friend's anxiousness, quietness and sensitivity may be symptoms of a confusing internal struggle that can be hard to comprehend until you become aware of similarly struggling people?

>> No.22107181
File: 7 KB, 234x192, not to scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too am a huge Orson Welles

>> No.22107201

>Misread this
>My oldest friend just told me he's "discovered" trains
>Anon calls him autistic weirdo
I was going to defend my fellow ferroequinophiles, because just liking trains isn't autism on its own, but never mind I might have disproved my own point.

>> No.22107221

"Suddenly he fell asleep in the candlelight. After a while I got up to look at his face. He slept like everybody else. He looked quite ordinary. There ought to be some mark by which to distinguish good from the bad."

What a quote, especially coming from someone on the "good" side of WW2.

>> No.22107228

---- Solaria ----

One could make a fortune with a service
That prints them in magazine quality via a few clicks

But that would be illegal since the Court is intellectually retarded
As the average African warlord

Who considers images on screens unreal as vivid Rem dreams like the one
I just woke from, flung with impossible malls and

Just about every kind of face to which a transcribable voice
Can be instantly attached and understood as such.

Why not just write "there is nothing to be done about it"
Then publicize private collections

More or less as Montaigne recommends without regard to form,
At least among conscious readers.

>> No.22107271

A big regret of mine is not going to graduate school immediately after undergraduate to overwrite my shitty undergraduate grades.

>> No.22107282

X's on the back of your hands.
Wash them in the bathroom to drink like the bands
And your set list (set list)
You stole off the stage!
Had red and purple lipstick all over the page!
Be-be-be-bruises cover your arms...
Shaking in the fingers with the bottle in your palm,
And the best is (best is)
No one knows who you are.
Just another girl, alone at the bar!

She wants to touch me (woo-hoo!)
She wants to love me (woo-hoo!)
She'll never leave me (woo-hoo-woo-hoo-ooo-ooo)

Don't trust a ho!
Never trust a ho!
Won't trust a ho, won't trust me.

>> No.22107289

Graduate studies sucks desu

But they did, in some cases, increase your salary, so it may suck less

>> No.22107316

---- Solaria ----
Only Desultorily

The photosynthetic efficiency of Coleus
Reminds me a little of Amaranths and the way that

Birds of Paradise are, sometimes, tricked out in poison bloom.

Most men and women are some kind or other
Of nutjob, fine as the benign

Among them generally are, bearing lush compositions
Almost without regard to price.

They shine delightfully on the whole
To the point it's remarkable that any have a tragic life.

>> No.22107385

>three way train crash in india kills 250
this is the country they say is going to replace china?

>> No.22107400

---- Solaria ----
Engineering In Minute Detail

The iris bed didn't flower much this year
And yet it looks better than ever, outrageously green

And elegant in cleanliness of shape
Like grass in Alice's eye.

If daffodils enjoyed such power, they'd tower almost spooky,
Look amazing as giant gourds are in weight

If never extend to the ridiculous effect of luxury cars.

>> No.22107405

My goal in life is to find an uncharted cave, then get power and internet hooked up to my cave and life there forever. Maybe grow some mushrooms or something for food. Never leave the cave.

>> No.22107426
File: 317 KB, 1181x656, zajawki-buffalo-66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odd feeling reading a journal knowing that if we had ever met we would hate each other. Finishing it felt like I had lost a friend.

>> No.22107433

My goal in life is pretty much attained, except for the final touch of erotic playmates. Oh well, you can't have everything at my age, though once I did.

>> No.22107437

Popped one melatonin and had an awful vivid dream where I got publicly chewed out by a professor for not turning my assignment/grasping a concept whatever. Anyways it was humiliating and i could feel phantom cold sweat breaking from my dream forehead and the deep loathing i reserve only for myself when i underachieve, underperform

Jesus fuck. Some people go to war or get raped which might justify their trauma. MY trauma centers around not having been a perfect student. Why do j even care that much about it? How did i become this fucking stunted?

>> No.22107464
File: 304 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20210926_13_39_03_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long before you were born, my best friend moved a thousand miles away to Estes Park, and we continued to correspond for a few years, trading cassettes by mail, and indulging now and then in long phone conversations. At some point he asked me to ship him a gun, and that was it. I cut him off forever. My sense of humor goes rather far, but not so far as true crime.

>> No.22107511

50 killed, 300 wounded, horrible train culture of cramming people in tends to be a shit plan

>> No.22107523

Wattpad needs to stop showing me my rankings because I'm too competitive.

>> No.22107549

I only wish I did it because I had a very poor undergraduate grade point average.

>> No.22107558

How can your life’s goal be achieved already?

>> No.22107568

To be fair, India has a pretty good train record. It's about 1 death per 6.5 billion passenger-km. The US is like 1 per 3.3 billion. India's in the same ballpark as South Korea. I mean, it's not Japan, but it's not as dangerous as the US or EU for train safety.

>> No.22107590

drinking again

>> No.22107616

I believe that women follow social norms more closely and social norms today are "fuck strangers until you hit the wall"

>> No.22107620

Det gjorde mig bitter, men det är inte ditt fel. Man kan inte bli bitter om ens tro sitter där den ska i bröstet, i alla fall inte så som jag blev. Det är en möjlighet Gud har gett mig. Jag har kunnat vara ganska öppen med min mamma i alla fall, på sistone. Kunnat gråta mycket. Jag måste ha tålamod och minnas att det här livet är meningsfullt. Det är ju uppenbart att det är meningsfullt, det är inte slumpmässigt ordnat. Vi kom hit från ingenstans och nu är vi här, och vad vi gör spelar roll. Jag är tacksam för att jag har fått gråta med min mamma. Jag mindes efteråt hur arg jag var för.. vad är det- ett år sen? Jag minns att jag såg det som ett mindre mirakel att jag inte hade blivit typ Jokern från Batman. Det låter lite fånigt kanske, men jag kände verkligen så. Jag kände att du hade varit så orättvis. Det vet jag ju egentligen inte, och det är inte för mig att döma, men jag kände det. Du har rättigheter över mig för vad jag gjort mot dig. Jag antar att jag trodde att du hade berövat mig det allra sista jag hade i det här livet. Det var då min tro ruckades. Den gjorde verkligen det. Jag har egentligen varit troende ganska länge, men det chockade mig tydligen så djupt. Än en gång: inte ditt fel, bara en möjlighet. Jag är inte död än, och jag ska dömas (det är som sagt uppenbart att det här livet är meningsfullt), och ska det vara någon ordning i mina handlingar måste det vara ordning i mitt bröst, i min tro. Om den gick att rucka på är det bättre att veta det nu. Jag är fortfarande mycket omtumlad. Men jag har fått gråta med mamma. Jag har varit förkyld jätte, jättelänge och suttit instängd utan sysselsättning och småhostat själv i min etta. Det blir rätt miserabelt när det gått nån månad. (jag tror jag ådragit mig någonting från vattnet i viken nedanför där jag bor, efter att jag sköljt munnen där någon gång...) Är hos mamma nu. Jag har ingen aning om vad det ska bli av mig, men den viktigare frågan är om Gud kommer välsigna mig så att bitterheten lämnar mig. Jag är bitter och hatisk på många sätt, det passar inte heller en "troende" mänska det minsta... Nåja. Allahu Akbar. Inte död än.

>> No.22107818

AI can't replace artists fast enough, or at least render their labor so cheap as to humble them a little.

>> No.22107861

What’s a good book about getting over regret? I’m at a point in my life where I know exactly what I should’ve done when I was younger, and while I can still do them, I feel I’m too old for it really matter in the end.

>> No.22107868

An odd recommendation perhaps but I'd recommend the computergame "Pentiment". In a lot of ways the writing is pretty hacky, a bit forced and likely rushed, but what it does do well is portray a community over time. It kind of shows how various ends come together over time, how lives are molded over generations. It's 100% storydriven. I thought it was pretty bad until it had gone for a while and I realized I cared about these people. 7/10 if you're at all interested in Europe during the reformation.

>> No.22107871

Started watching the movie Vortex from by Gaspar Noé. The first few minutes is the signaure scene "Life's a dream within a dream," followed by the spot for the song Mon amie la rose by Françoise Hardy.

I paused the movie. It's beautiful, but I have to go for a walk. I'll come back once I'm fit.

>> No.22107873

It sounds interesting, but I don’t have a gaming PC. I have a really low end budget laptop, which I don’t think is even capable of playing games at all.

>> No.22107899

Racism is low IQ indicator

>> No.22107906

I’m sure that’s why the highest IQ places in the world and in every country of the world are almost exclusively white or Asian

>> No.22107932
File: 323 KB, 1618x1234, JvobOgoMI20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am tired of seeing and reading racist messages. There's actual exhaustion in my body.

>> No.22107960

Yeah I have nigger fatigue too.

>> No.22107962

Let's both start fighting and make a truce. Become friends for a like a month.

>> No.22107971

Youve never thrown a punch in your fucking life dude. You are not about that life. Im cold blooded but I dont pick on retards.

>> No.22107972

The whole point of the /pol/tardation of society is to create a perpetual exhaustion; it's class terrorism.

>> No.22107973

Sorry I meant to type "stop fighting" (as evidenced by the rest of the message being about a truce)
There is no point, there is a reaction

>> No.22107985

What do you do on weekends? The only things I really love doing are reading and relaxing outdoors, but I still have this terrible restless feeling when I do those things and where I’m at now isn’t really the best for the outdoors.

>> No.22107989

Hahahaha bro just get off your hormones and take your meds. Stop smoking meth too.

>> No.22107994

I’m unsure what exactly I should do with my life at this juncture. I have things I want to do with my life and then I have things I feel I can realistically do with my life. The only thing I know for certain is I don’t want to spend the rest of it working a job.

>> No.22107997

Ride my bike all over the city, get some reading in while Im on public transit, fuck my mistress and then take my wife out to dinner.

>> No.22108006

Do you ride the bike for exercise or do you just sort of sight see?

>> No.22108011

Are you actually good at or enjoy anything? Answer that and youll sort yourself out.

>> No.22108018

I'm 25 and I never had a gf nor ever had sex nor kissed anyone

>> No.22108019

Porn isn't art, mongrel
People like you are why I don't post my work anywhere anymore. Rot in AI shit.

>> No.22108030

Im a bmx rider so I just fuck around and try to do cool shit while taking in the sights of my weird ass city.

>> No.22108036

How my nigga.

>> No.22108045

I'm 25 also and I had sex with a girl once and kissed her, but I feel like I don't and barely remember anything. I'm still a virgin having sex doesn't fix anything, it's a completely pointless rudimentary act.
What really matters is having a stable lengthy committed relationship... with sex somewhere in it...

>> No.22108050

if it can run anything it can probably run Pentiment.

>> No.22108051

I feel like I haven't*
I'm so retarded today

>> No.22108068

Every month, I recreate the perfunctory realization that life is a mere exercise in tolerance. A dabble in various distractions, each more numbing than the next. And that even if I get the job, move cities, countries, get new friends, get into shooting like I'd always wanted, or even one day get a pilot's license. I will always find myself back in this place. This horrid, preposterous place, of boredom and assumption. Assumption that everything is the same, so trying in itself is futile. That that moment would last forever.

Be that as it may, and given my proclivity to wallowing in imaginary misery, my only hope is to cycle between highly lucrative, highly involved obsessions. My hope is to one day be a workaholic. Perhaps I won't be plagued with such bullshit non-problems like existing for the sake of existing.

Even when you're religious. This shit catches up to you.

>> No.22108075

I'm tired of you being an idiot.

>> No.22108091

How do you know I'm an idiot. I could be very smart and you wouldn't know.

>> No.22108092

I would also like to add that the poison does drip through. And that it makes sense that my mother ceased existing the moment she shat us out of her cunt, and made us her obsession. I sympathize, truly. I just wish she hadn't infected us with her neurosis, growing up. She'd always say that you shouldn't put yourself in danger. Thinking back on it, all her positions were sound, reasonable. Veritably. It's me who inflates these to the borderline. I cherish every injury I get, every brush with the unexpected, the spontaneous, the impulsive and frivolous. These are testaments to the sparse instances where my cowardice was thwarted, if only for a time. The physical evidence of it I can abide. But the actions in themselves, or the perception of which in my head. The person who behaved thus. That one is subject only to my shame and contempt. When I look back this shame taints everything and even that past joy torments me.

What a horrid non-existence.

>> No.22108095

from a benzo junkie to a fucking microdosing, herb-abusing hippietard. What the fuck.

>> No.22108101

Are you talking about Jordan Peterson, xi jinping of weed smoking, or yourself, or are you either one of those two

>> No.22108106

What an absolute waste of drugs. You are better off weaning from all your meds.

>> No.22108116

Life is just a game we play together. Nothing is more pathetic than a loser crying about being a loser.

>> No.22108120
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Don Quixote read along starts in few days yes?
that makes three read-alongs in addition to Dante, the Iliad. Quite the summer

>> No.22108135
File: 433 KB, 1600x1600, war is the king of all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War is the father of all and the king of all; some he has marked out to be gods and some to be men, some he has made slaves and some free.

>> No.22108202
File: 29 KB, 741x568, 1601587431972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do femcels hate incels? Shouldn't they be friends, bond over their issues, and perhaps even mate?

>> No.22108213

Incels view "Stacies" as the desirable (and only valuable) form of a woman. Femcels are as far from being Stacies as you can imagine, and therefore see Incels as rabid supporters of the value system that casts Femcels into the realm of the undesirable

>> No.22108234
File: 164 KB, 960x1531, h33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women hate everything that isn't making them feel special at the moment. They also have no empathy and are only kind to others in order to show off that they are good useful members of the tribe and to avoid criticism and thus loss of status relative to other women. They genuinely truly feel no universal compassion in the way men can, they have to be told or it has to be suggested to them to be compassionate toward "outsiders." If there are insider-outsiders whom the tribe has not designated as mandatory charity cases, they will be ruthlessly brutally cruel to them, half just because they're there and women are always vaguely irritable and feel like lashing out like petulant spoiled little girls, half because having a scapegoat they can spit and stomp on makes them feel like they have higher status than at least something (recall that having low status in the tribe and relative to other women is the only thing they actually care about).

Women have a positively reptilian capacity for cruelty in a way men rarely encounter but find eerie when they do encounter it. Men have compassion in the same universal way that they love and respect freedom, so that even when they are part of a society with regularized slavery they still feel instinctively pulled to respect rebellious slaves, and even when locked in life or death battle with a hated enemy they can still respect the enemy for valor etc. Women don't have any of this. They are more compassionate in a "cheap" way, they are saccharinely sentimental and nurturant in a way the men misidentify as genuine outpouring of care, when it's actually very selective.

Man's primary instinct at his absolute core is something like honor, virtù, but woman's core instinctive value is a constantly irritated and frustrated sense of superiority to all other beings in creation and an absolute certainty that her womb is the most valuable one. They live in constant tension with themselves and reality because they are basically one giant sublimated instinct of "why am I not being worshiped right now?" It's, again, why they are strangely reptilianly bitchy and cruel, to other women, to anyone who upsets them, to themselves, to their mother, to the world at large. They are a never-resting mixture of petulance ("daddy come here and dote on me"), barely suppressed misgivings at not being doted upon, and self-hatred at being incomplete and empty.

>> No.22108257
File: 2.44 MB, 1920x1080, 2106068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>war is father of all and the king of all
older than time and being, truer than any truth uttered, first and last, without a second, king of nothing, perfect without equal, magnum chaos the unformed, void eternal, one with countless names and none, all glory stems and ends in you, no god rules without you, no thing stands above you without your blessing, hallowed be the one and only, thy slumber gives life as well as takes, nothing exists without you, nothing exists outside you, all things are your subjects, silence is our prayer to you, stillness our sacrifice, even death is but your child, life but a fleeting gift from you, nothing matters but you, let none deny your ceaseless rule without end or beginning
magnum chaos, void eternal, king of kings, god of gods, ruler of all and none

>> No.22108260

my mom is so nice to me though

>> No.22108274
File: 138 KB, 629x609, 86ED53C7-7FE3-4ABA-8C10-6CEC7872B6AC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skimmed your incel rant.
Every time I try to explain to you retard how it works yet you keep ignoring me. Stop applying masculine logic to women and expecting it to work. It will never work. MEN AND WOMEN ARE DIFFERENT
If a woman did this to me, I would shrug it off and ignore it. Why? You may call me a simp all you want for this, but it's a simple wisdom: what women say don't matter. They don't communicate like we men do, with words and sentences which communicate meaning. They communicate their thoughts through context and subtext. She was in a very bad mood so she took it out in this way. This has always happened and will always happen, and it's fine. You'd have to be a dimwit to be insulted by this.
If a guy said these exact words in a similar situation, then yes, he's an asshole, and inconsiderate. But women don't think like this and I don't know what you're trying to achieve by thinking that they should. Being bitter forever, because you thought women were just men with long hair, and they aren't? I think you're just gay, or a liberal. You want women to be men in all but name.
>They genuinely truly feel no universal compassion in the way men can
They don't feel anything in the way men do. They have their own versions of every feeling and personality trait. Because they aren't men. Why is this such a scary revelation to you. Why don't you try to understand how things look from their perspective and adjust to it, so that we have harmony between sexes in our society, rather than strife. Why do you want women to be men? Men already exist, you don't need more men. If you want masculine compassion, masculine empathy, masculine honor and other masculine things, don't go to women seeking for them. You're a fool.

>> No.22108277

I think women show care in small ways that men can miss. Like if you tell your guy friend that you like a certain type of chips he won't care or will call you a fag or something, but a woman who has love for you will put those chips in front of you, and she will not even think she's doing anything special. She will not draw attention to it at all, she will think this is perfectly natural, she will likely even be honored that she has been given this opportunity to show you affection, or just be... simple about it. They're subtle. They really, really want to give affection.

>> No.22108279

>posted from my iphone
>twitter screenshot
>inane opinions
The retard trifecta. You have friends who will kill themselves soon over minor lifestyle inconveniences they brought upon themselves. Didn't read your gay post.

>> No.22108292
File: 61 KB, 720x960, 1658235141189053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me repeat: you don't understand how women think and you suffer for it the most. She was mad at Andrew, and Andrew alone. She has no means to communicate to Andrew, so she directed her emotion to this dude.
She doesn't actually find him grossly unattractive. If anything, 48 hours later when she cools off, she might've looked at that photo again and reconsider, or talk to him again and reconsider.
She doesn't actually think he's grossly unattractive.
She didn't intended or even consider insulting him with that statement.
That statement was directed at Andrew, not at him.

I'm not looking for excuses for her behaviour, either; her behaviour needs no excuses. I am simply explaining how this works. It's normal femininity at work. If this is confusing or enraging you, you should consider joining the next pride parade or something, because you clearly want women to be men. Maybe you should date a transvestite.

Once you understand this and/or figure out your homosexuality, you will find it much easier to get along with women, understand their thought processes, discover harmony with the other sex, and finally, at the end of the rainbow, get laid.
Now seethe at me all you want, I know I'm right.

>> No.22108300

I think one screencap of someone acting a cunt might be a bit short on the evidence there

>> No.22108307
File: 47 KB, 992x558, 1550581496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree it shows a difference between the sexes though, a guy would not do that I don't think, and I believe the difference exists in a way, it's just more complicated I guess.

>> No.22108315

You should go plant your dick in a man's asshole you coping faggot. You and your kind are erasing women from existence, substituting them with men.
Both left-wing and right-wing incels are the same, united with the same goal: deleting women from existence.
Leftards literally kill them and kill their babies and turn men into women with surgeries and turn women into men with feminism
Rightards simply hate on women for not being men already and isolate themselves
Obviously I don't know the whole story of her life. I am simply proposing you that the first interpretation of her text is misleading. If you parse what is written, it's insulting to the screenshot's protagonist, the unnamed pizza eater. But if you consider the context (message sender is female), it is no longer so.
The differences are staggering. Colossal. It's better to think of men and women as two separate species that must get along, than a group of people. Modern men and women do not understand this, and this is the result of strict and clear gender roles being destroyed.

>> No.22108325

>But if you consider the context (message sender is female), it is no longer so.
there's a fair point in what you're saying here, I agree. it's a sad state she's being such a cunt though.

>> No.22108327
File: 2.86 MB, 320x568, 1685666417852798.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true, but it's only a focusing of the narrow but intense (too intense) beam of their nurturant aspect, and it is given cheaply and taken away just as cheaply. Women will do this for any guy who triggers their "this is the guy I need to love me or I am not valid" instinct, and there's a whole male culture built up around noting how this instinct is triggered by everybody from drug dealing thugs to any authority figure who happens to be nearby.

Nietzsche has a good quote:
>Are you a slave? If so, you cannot be a friend. Are you a tyrant? If so, you cannot have friends. In woman, a slave and a tyrant have all too long been concealed. For that reason, woman is not yet capable of friendship: she knows only love. In a woman's love is injustice and blindness towards all that she does not love. And in the enlightened love of a woman, too, there is still the unexpected attack and lightning and night, along with the light. Woman is not yet capable of friendship: women are still cats and birds. Or, at best, cows.

When she leaves you, and replaces you with a new guy whose validation she craves or who makes her feel like a happy kept woman and slave, she'll be startlingly callous and cruel. Startling to most men because men think women are more sentimental, but women usually despise a man who has "failed" to keep them. Once you've been rejected by a woman you are ontologically lower than the dirt beneath her feet, to her.

The thing is, this would even be a fine instinct if it only activated when a man positively tries to attract a woman and fails. But women can't turn it off. Every entity around them only exists in various states of acceptance by them (which, as mentioned, takes the form of wanting to be the entity's slave in a downright gross and pathetic way), pre-rejection by them, and post-rejection by them.

Didn't read your whining. You are stupid.

>> No.22108333

>The differences are staggering. Colossal. It's better to think of men and women as two separate species that must get along, than a group of people. Modern men and women do not understand this, and this is the result of strict and clear gender roles being destroyed.
probably true, I agree.

>> No.22108337

Not even crying. Resigned. You would think that resignation is freedom. Freedom from dashed expectations. But it's not. It's very tedious.

>> No.22108338

I know you don't read. You're far beyond salvation. I'm only typing in the hopes of helping someone else.
>Once you've been rejected by a woman you are ontologically lower than the dirt beneath her feet
Thanks for sharing your backstory, this explains quite a great deal about your posts ITT.

>> No.22108339

>and it is given cheaply and taken away just as cheaply
I think it's more like it's a subtle language. "cheaply" probably just means that the symbolism of whatever you did to lose her favor isn't as staggering to you as it genuinely is to her. She wants to love you too.

>> No.22108343

I dunno is st.John's wort a herb? And Chamomile?

>> No.22108345

I guess

>> No.22108353

>can't turn it off
Anon, women are women. They aren't robots or animals.

>> No.22108368

I agree she wants to love, but it's not in the same way. Only men think love is this great romantic (in the original sense of the term) thing, something worth writing metaphysical poetry over. Romantic love is a male invention, it is platonic love (of truth, beauty, etc., tinged with male virtues like honor and devotion) and male friendship, both developed to a high level by the Greeks, being projected onto lust for women. Most great cultures viewed women as homemakers and broodmares who are basically irresponsible and selfish when left to their own devices. Another quote, Schopenhauer this time:
>It is only the man whose intellect is clouded by his sexual instinct that could give that stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race the name of the fair sex; for the entire beauty of the sex is based on this instinct.
>... Chamfort says very truly: Elles sont faites pour commercer avec nos faiblesses avec notre folie, mais non avec notre raison. Il existe entre elles et les hommes des sympathies d'épiderme et très-peu de sympathies d'esprit d'âme et de caractère. They are the sexus sequior, the second sex in every respect, therefore their weaknesses should be spared, but to treat women with extreme reverence is ridiculous, and lowers us in their own eyes. When nature divided the human race into two parts, she did not cut it exactly through the middle! The difference between the positive and negative poles, according to polarity, is not merely qualitative but also quantitative. And it was in this light that the ancients and people of the East regarded woman; they recognised her true position better than we, with our old French ideas of gallantry and absurd veneration, that highest product of Christian-Teutonic stupidity. These ideas have only served to make them arrogant and imperious, to such an extent as to remind one at times of the holy apes in Benares, who, in the consciousness of their holiness and inviolability, think they can do anything and everything they please.
>In the West, the woman, that is to say the "lady," finds herself in a fausse position; for woman, rightly named by the ancients sexus sequior, is by no means fit to be the object of our honour and veneration, or to hold her head higher than man and to have the same rights as he. The consequences of this fausse position are sufficiently clear. Accordingly, it would be a very desirable thing if this Number Two of the human race in Europe were assigned her natural position, and the lady-grievance got rid of, which is not only ridiculed by the whole of Asia, but would have been equally ridiculed by Greece and Rome.

Women are much closer to amoral nature than men, they are basically remnants of man's pre-moral animal consciousness, including both the mammalian and reptilian levels of brain function. Camille Paglia's Sexual Personae is a useful book on this.

>> No.22108423
File: 354 KB, 1000x1521, seraphimbear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22108440

Yeah. I might try it. That game looks really interesting. Games like this make me wish I got into game development so I’ll check it out.

>> No.22108447

You are aware that war today is launching a drone strike from a computer or driving over an IED right?

At various points over the course of European history, we’ve tried ascribe godliness to various things that aren’t God but we’re aristocratic nonetheless. War, Art, poetry, but one day we’re going to have accept that there is no substitute for God, the real creator God.

>> No.22108456

only one entity fits the bill

>> No.22108466

I'd say 7/10, if it seems interesting it's worth a shot.

>> No.22108477

I had some experiences at work recently that I mentally filed under the label "suicide fuel." After a group effort succeeded, a female coworker gave high-fives to the other members of the team, then as I made eye contact, a look of disgust flashed across her face and she walked away. The whole interaction lasted maybe ten seconds. It was fairly minor in the grand scheme of things, but it reminded me of many similar experiences, all where women expressed disgust or distaste at the prospects of physical contact of any kind with me, even very minor and benign contact like high-fives or handshakes.
I never ask why this happens and try my best to pretend that I don't notice, but this sort of thing has been happening for over a decade. I'm not ugly or overweight, have decent hygiene, and I'm fitter than the average guy my age and size, but apparently I'm repulsive in some way.
Over time this kind of stuff has pretty much sandpapered my self-esteem away. I wonder if there's more about me that others find repulsive that I don't notice, if people just don't say anything or act nice for some ulterior reason like not wanting to cause a scene, if anyone has ever found me attractive in any way, if I'll really live my whole life without any sort of intimacy whatsoever. Am I really so inferior to others, so different and unwanted, that it leads women to react this way to me? My self-image has become fairly distorted over the years as a result of this (among many other factors). I often think of myself as subhuman, or as some creature who crawled out of the slime at the bottom of a pond and put on a human-shaped suit. It's not healthy or rational but I can't help it.
My system of values and worldview are not rooted in whether I can get a girlfriend or not, and it's not the end of the world by any means if I spend my whole life alone. I have other things I am trying to accomplish during my time. It just stings a little to walk down the street or go to a restaurant or have a conversation with a coworker or something and get this reaction from people, whether I know them or not. It's probably pretty obvious but I have no friends or people to talk to, and I wonder about similar things in that area, like if my peers or coworkers find me to be a burden or if people who have been friendly to me have actually hated me, but it's not quite so visceral as this.
Anyway, there's nothing I can really do about any of what I just wrote about since I can't tell what causes it and talking about it with random internet strangers does nothing either, so this was pretty pointless aside from being a vent session. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.22108492

You just wrote a dissertation about a fleeting interaction you had with a roastie. She was right to look at you in disgust. The bitch doesnt even think about you.

>> No.22108493

I pretty often wish I had grown up European now.

>> No.22108513

People like to think this some specifically evil women shit but chances are your co-workers are just bullying you. Yes, like school kids. If anything, guys you work with will follow the “ick” of the hotter girls for simp points and multiply the effect you’re describing.

>> No.22108522


>> No.22108537

I wish I had grown up European. What is not clear?

>> No.22108549

Why? European is a very wide term. You could be Lithuanian, English, French, or Bosnian.

>> No.22108590

You act like an idiot and say idiotic things. Maybe it's part of a brilliant plan but that doesn't make it less annoying.

>> No.22108601

Western European.

>> No.22108606

You're either a cuck or a tranny.

>> No.22108607

You ever feel like it’s just too late in life for you? That you’ll sort of always be who you are right now?

Personally, I feel like I’ve made too many biographical mistakes to get where I want to go sometimes. But only sometimes n

>> No.22108629
File: 13 KB, 408x612, istockphoto-1363235475-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even if i would become a millionaire overnight with 0 effort, i would be adored by all and loved by plenty, even if i would get a family of my dreams that would love me and everything i used to want i would still not be happy or satisfied, all of those are ashes now and would bring close to zero satisfaction, i would just go on a vacation and drink myself to death, once you see past the veil of what is offered it all becomes boring and unsatisfying
i loathe this world and the carrot on a stick it tries to offer, i don't enjoy the things i was raised to yearn for, i no longer wish to have someone who could understand me on a deeper level, this place is a shit hole even on the brightest day filled with joy, i don't belong there anymore, this world is a disgusting chase after happiness surrounded by prisoner jailors who try to coax you to stay here because your passing would dent their perfect image of this life they hold so dear
i don't wish for death i wish to not exist

>> No.22108697

Dilate lowercase redditor

>> No.22108703

I feel like this sometimes but when I go for a country walk I can’t possibly think this way.

>> No.22108744

My shoes smell so bad I can smell them while seated

>> No.22108760

It feels good to find a direction for your life but it feels bad to not find it while you’re young. I guess it’s so exceedingly rare for young people to have a sense of this today. It’s exceedingly rare for not-so-young people too.

>> No.22108830

The left has gone insane

>> No.22108833

There is no left, poor and working class people are either depoliticized or religious conservatives. The "left" is rich homosexuals who read Kristeva and paint their nails.

>> No.22108847

in "the coming neo-feudalism", joel kotkin says the left has been gentrified.

>> No.22108849

im finna wil out

>> No.22108853 [DELETED] 

only just now? not during the killing fields of pol pot? not during the cultural revolution? not during the great leap forward? not during the holodomor? not during the terror by the committee for public safety? sorry, i don't have time to list every insane thing the left has done over the last two 250 years, but those are some of their hits.

>> No.22108947

i'm kinda glad /lit/ died t b h now i'm no longer tempted to waste hours on here anymore

>> No.22108971

been apart/engaged in internet activities for 15 years but now i'm starting to care less and less about seeing peoples opinions online

>> No.22109042

For my entire career, I never had a supervisor at my job. Now they’ve given me a female supervisor who tells me to do things without even asking politely and wants to constantly check in on the status of things. I’m just going to quit.

>> No.22109052

No. His mistake was to backstab Stalin. German-Russian alliance would bring the UK and the US to their knees.

>> No.22109059

Start fucking her. It doesnt matter if shes dumb and ugly. A bitch cant tell you shit once she has your semen on her face.

>> No.22109090

I think I might have some CPTSD
I normally don't believe in mental illness at all but I just read My Struggle vol 3, the section at the start where he thinks he broke his TV, he's anxious for hours and then his dad beats him which made me close the book and I immediately got drunk, I dont want to read this book anymore.

>> No.22109128

every day I thank God for making me a homosexual. Straight people culture is so toxic now that it's starting to tank the birth rate.

Imagine fucking up biological reproduction this badly lmao.

You are biologically evolved to be compatible but not even that can surpass your utter narcissism. truly bleak times

>> No.22109140

>Straight people culture is so toxic now that it's starting to tank the birth rate.
Birth rates have been taking around the world since the late 70s and early 80s. This is just one of the small reasons why its tanking. Interestingly enough, the perception of Economic Insecurity tanks birth rates, but they never go back up. Japan's notoriously low birth rate is due to a lot of economic insecrutiy that happened in the 80s or 90s. Its happening now in Europe and America too. Even African countries and Bangladesh are in track in the next 20 or 30 years to have less than replacement rate levels of reproduction.

>> No.22109260

what do you guys do now?

>> No.22109303

been getting into hormone blockers and it's quite fun actually

>> No.22109313

which is more impactful?

>my pee became poop; my cum shitted.
>my pee became poop; my balls full of shit.
>my pee became poop; I came shitfully.

>> No.22109455

We are remote workers and live in different areas.

>> No.22109459

My brother got a shitty job and he seems to think it will be good for him. I think it’s a little embarrassing to be honest. I think he can do a lot better. NEETing has more dignity than working big corpo retail in your 30s imo.

>> No.22109473

If I’m being honest, it does bother me a little. I feel like it also makes me look bad. I want us to make it together but he just can’t seem to pull his weight and doesn’t even have a sense of optics. It would ironically look better for us if he remained a NEET. Maybe I am a bad brother.

>> No.22109507

Trying to decide whether I should get The Netanyahus or Book of Numbers. Tell me.

>> No.22109548

2nd one imo.

>> No.22109657

I'm really tired of life

>> No.22109662

We too, lets get married.

>> No.22109667

Describe what you're wearing right now. I have on a fuzzy yellow sweater over a plain white tshirt, a navy blue skirt, white Hello Kitty panties, and black and white striped socks.

>> No.22109672

Now describe your cock

>> No.22109678

That's weird. You're being weird.

>> No.22109685

I wasn't aware that it was mandatory to have clothing on while being in this general.

>> No.22109687

Tell me

>> No.22109690


>> No.22109693

Fat and brown.

>> No.22109708

Oh fuck ambatakum

>> No.22109709

Gay people don't exist. You're just perverted and broken, even more so than the woman-hating incel.
>You are biologically evolved to be
Shuuut the fuck up... this goes deeper than biology, humans are not animals

>> No.22109769

>there is no such thing as gay
then why did that nice hunk prefer the guy with hair gel and lisp over your doll bod sug?

>> No.22109774

Humanity as a whole is probably going to disappear in a few decades and there is nothing we can do to fix this. I am absolutely convinced that everything will go to shit very quickly after technology reaches a certain threshold. Islam predicted signs for the end of Times with a bit T and we've almost checked every boxes. We're missing the Euphrates drying out (it's ongoing) and a few other events, but what scares the shit out of me right now is that talking animals will be happening very soon with the advent of IA. I think everyone should pray for their souls because things are going to become fucked up for a while.

>> No.22109780

you can tell the united states is incredibly wealthy by that fact that drag queens are the most pressing national issue

>> No.22109783

>my cult told me that things are bad, they told me to pray for my soul
you should pay them more to save your soul, don't forget to volunteer for the church and lick the floor of the holy site clean with your tongue to show how humble you are, then after your body is rotting in the ground your soul can rub their hands together in super cool heaven while you rejoice that all the people who weren't a part of your cult will be tortured forever by a god that created them

>> No.22109801

Pay who? What the fuck are you even talking about, homosexual?
>then after your body is rotting in the ground your soul can rub their hands together in super cool heaven while you rejoice that all the people who weren't a part of your cult will be tortured forever by a god that created them
Guess what, I struggled with the idea of faith myself. With this deaf train of thought you're having you are being retarded and you don't even know it. Do you think you can understand God? Your super duper cool science can't even keep you out of depression you redditor, good for you

>> No.22109813

>then after your body is rotting in the ground
To quote Marcus Aurelius:
>"As if you were dying right now, despite your flesh, a mess of blood, pieces of bone, a woven tangle of nerves, veins arteries."
There is more to us than what we physically are, worship it and when you lose your youth and ability it will destroy you. Materialists never seem to grasp that their own philosophy does not save them, instead it devours them.

>> No.22109832

bruh i just cooked some egg sandwiches and they tasted EXACTLY like egg mcmuffins. you know why? i was at 99 ranch buying some fresh fruit and obscure noodles and i remember i needed some english muffins, but the only kind they had was "rudi's organic whole wheat english muffins" or some shit. i didn't want to go to another store after this so i was like ok fine lets try em. dude, that shit is so fucking tasty. seriously, when u toast 'em they have the exact same texture as an egg mcmuffin. oh, but when you toast them, push the bagel button that makes it cook longer and hotter, i put it on by habit and was like oh shit, and then didn't hit the bagel button for the second one, and the bagel one tasted 100% egg mcmuffin, the non-bagel one tasted like 97% egg mcmuffin. i guess part of it is the slightly crispy texture, idk. still that was delicious af.

>> No.22109843

trying to write and create

>> No.22109852

Why do you assume that God will damn those who don't believe in him? If you knew anything about Christianity, you would know that at the Apocolypse, the dead come back to Earth and the Jesus then asks them to fight as the Vanguard of God against the Anti-Christ's forces on Earth. Those who agree to fight, living or rasied dead, are redeemed. Those who don't, go to hell. Getting to Heavan early means you have a privleged position in that War, whatever that will be, but everyone who was in hell, who did not know God, who rejected God, is given one last chance to embrace him and return to heavan. Those who do fight for God in the Apocolypse will be known as Michealonites, because like the Arch-Angel Micheal they were tainted by sin but still came back to God. They have scarred and mutilated souls because of their henious sins, but in their heart they still love God.

>> No.22109912

Get a new pair. Wash the old ones in a machine. Switch pairs every few days so they can dry and last longer and fresher. You are welcome

>> No.22109985

I wish I could just force him to stop

>> No.22110023
File: 1.39 MB, 2000x1500, meiw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on outrageous adventures with the cast of characters of your own choosing and experience the future of experimental storytelling.


>> No.22110098

How do I get my brother to stop settling for mediocrity? He was a NEET for years, went back to school, failed to progress enough in time, and now seems to be settling for a shitty mediocre job and life. He’s decided to do the sort of things which might’ve been fine when we were young but are downright embarrassing now at our age.

>> No.22110120

You ever spend years trying to help someone and offer them advice only to realize that they’re addicted to being a fuck up and refuse to accept help or advice and refuse to improve but instead invent elaborate copes and waste their lives on bullshit so you eventually just give up hope that they’ll ever improve and stop caring what they do, but still feel bad because you feel it somehow reflects on you and sabotages your potential and the feel guilty for thinking of yourself at all?

>> No.22110126

since you won't stop posting about this, I recommend you read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.
>"Do not waste time doing investigations an queries into other's thoughts or actions, do your own work, mind your own buisness, and have no time for slanderers."
There is nothing you can do, go your own way, if he ever decides to reach out for help, take it. Usually people have to hit rock bottom before they are willing to change and if he is happy doing his dead end retail job, be happy for him. Its better to take a job as a janitor if you enjoy it than a job as a CEO where you dread going to work daily.

>> No.22110165

Please don't talk about me on the internet, brother.

>> No.22110193

He’s not happy. That’s the thing. He builds up these elaborate mythologies in his head as a sort of coping with failing to do what he set out or I guess what he wants. The current is that this is somehow the life he was destined for or that this is getting him somewhere. He’ll come up with some new thing he’s “working toward” and then in 5 years when that’s failed to come to fruition there will be a mythology constructed for why that’s the case.

>> No.22110218

Get your shit together then.

>> No.22110244

If those mythologies are sincere, then he'll probably be fine. Not everyone can be more than a guy in retail who smokes weed and eats chips or whatever. Some people find contentment in just being.

>> No.22110257

They’re not sincere. In my view, they’re quite clearly just an excuse for not having done what was necessary.

>> No.22110276

He’s not one of those people either. We were supposed to be successful together. I want badly for him to be a sort of partner in crime and if he’s going do something worthwhile like just go to school until he’s finally got a PhD at 45 or dedicate his life to art or whatever or even just be a NEET out of principle, that’s all fine in my opinion and none of that bothers me because it has no effect on me. But I can’t do anything with someone who wants to settle for minimum wage labor at a big box retailer in a small town because facing the reality of owning up to your failures and putting in the work is too difficult, and unlike the others, I do feel that has some effect on me. It somehow says something about me I feel and somehow inhibits my potential. If he said “look, I don’t want to work at all” I think that would be a better choice because at least that demands some courage. There’s nothing wrong with people who work retail btw. It’s just not the thing for him, or for us.

>> No.22110352

circular logic please read >>22110126 again.

>> No.22110368


>> No.22110377

The more gay a culture becomes the worse its birthrates get though
Compare soi whites with macho hispanics and bravado nigs

>> No.22110387

Not really, most nations that are below the birthrate homosexuality is illegal. What is making birth rates worse is immigration and a bad economy. LIke >>22109140 said, once the birth rates fall due to percieved economic insecurity they for some reason never recover, and they have yet to find out why.

>> No.22110394

Do men not communicate through context and subtext

>> No.22110402

yes, but through a way lesser degree. Men tend to not change their mind or vasolate less than women do. Women weill say something of emotion one minute then say "Oh, I didn't really mean that.". Since what they say is much more dependant on emotion than a man's. Half the shit women say I just don't listen to or I pretend to because half the time its about shit that doesn't matter and isn't important its just the "dopamine of the week" problem to complain about to make them feel like their lives are more exciting and chaotic than it actually is.

>> No.22110749

There’s nothing circular about it. You said it’s it’s a job he enjoys, but it’s not a job he enjoys. There’s no reason to do it.