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22103336 No.22103336 [Reply] [Original]

>They eat and eat and eat and eat in various french cafes
>They arrive in Spain and eat and eat and eat
The alternative title for this is "Fiesta" So i guess is should at least read to the part where it starts but what the fuck

>> No.22103631

finest prose in the American canon

>> No.22103648
File: 245 KB, 1024x1024, simpsons_don_quixote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overrated trash

Brainlets like you conflate simple prose with good prose

>> No.22103656

nah blood meridian is way better
if you're pretentious then maybe faulkner

>> No.22103660

holy shit, another knowledgeable master on an imageboard. geniuses like you know far too much about literature, don't they? must be tough being so enlightened

>> No.22103663

no, hemingway walks all over every other american author. the only exceptions that even contends are melville or mark twain

>> No.22103666

I’m trans too, not sure if that matters

>> No.22103670

you have to be given you were born dickless

>> No.22103674
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Your taste = poopie

>> No.22103700

id wager you havent read any mark twain since high school as you seem to lack the ability to diverge from the herd you are in

>> No.22103705

The trip out to the running of the bulls and their week long fishing trip in the mountains was superb. Hemingway's best book.

>> No.22103716

Food, drink and the acts of eating and drinking are big items in Hemingway's work. Part of that comes from the influence Cezanne had on Hemingway.
Simple prose is good prose.

>> No.22103720

The older I get, the more I realize that Tolkien was the only 20th century writer that wasn’t totally overrated.

>> No.22103735

> Part of that comes from the influence Cezanne had on Hemingway.
Huh, never heard of it. Is this a good book on the topic?

I'm at that part now and there's way less eating lol

>> No.22103776

>Huh, never heard of it. Is this a good book on the topic?
I have no idea, I've never read that book. Hemingway talks about Cezanne in a Moveable Feast, and Hemingway's influence from painting is detailed well in Carlos Baker's biography. You can also find many short essays on jstor about the topic.

>> No.22103790

I was tight. My friend and I went to the bar to get tight. He was tight. I said "you're tight". Then that chick came over and got tight. We were all pretty tight.

>> No.22104491

Literally Heminggay

>> No.22104512

What about R.L Stine?

>> No.22105046

I read Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer in my early 20s and disliked both. Tom Sawyer was a bit better though, and I read it first, which give me the willpower to read Huck Finn. They both reek of Twain’s imperious attitude. It’s clear that he thought he was better than everyone and Tom Sawyer is a thinly veiled portrait of what Twain thinks to be his own virtues and vices. Twain is a desiccated Nietzsche and appeals to the bottom half of people that Nietzsche appeals to.

>> No.22105054
File: 132 KB, 512x526, SmartSelect_20230602_162728_Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't like huck Finn

>> No.22105059

He's underrated

>> No.22105597

Not an argument

>> No.22106262

Bros, I got filtered hard by this book. It starts off with a whiny jew and is mostly about a slut and all her simps. The worst part is that it's like 90% pretentious dialogue that goes absolutely no where but you have to read with a fine tooth comb to understand what each character is implying.

>> No.22106286


I read this about a year ago and basically thought the same as you. I didn't understand Hemingway and how we was so widely acclaimed.

Hemingway was supposed to be a serious writer, but this book was just about spoiled, boring americans partying in spain.

Then a friend of mine got testicular cancer before his wedding. He likely wont be able to have children. i didn't say anything but I wondered if his fiancee was resentful that she said she would marry a man who wouldnt give her children.

Then all of a sudden the book clicked. It all felt so meaningless, because they were trying to fill a void that a normal wholesome life, a natural life should provide. How painful would it be to go through life knowing that every relation is tainted by that type of injury

Thats why the jew is so pathetic. He has it all, a family, children, and he chooses to spend his time with these people who really dont have anything else.

Im certainly not articulating it as well as id like. But hemingway really fucking understood something about the human condition. Even if his dialogue is trash

>> No.22106300

Woah, how do I upvote your reddit spacing?

>> No.22106339

very robert cohn-tier post

>> No.22107119

neither is yr take, its just an expression of how you feel. and i hate to tell you but how you feel is gay asf. claiming that mark twain is just some moderate nietzche is some next level basement dweller shit though, ive not heard that before. you sound like a sad homo when you say things like that ngl

>> No.22107401
File: 37 KB, 558x614, peabrain_grayons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I explained why I don’t like Twain, and you have no retort because you’re unable to think critically. So you resort to reaction images and ad hominem. You just typed an entire paragraph and didn’t make a single point, in favor of Twain or otherwise.

>> No.22107404

Yeah but it’s not the infertility that is causing these idiots to live the life they do. Maybe for the protagonist, but not for the rest. Like you said, Cohn just does it. And Queen of the Simps just does it.

>> No.22107447

Sounds tight.

>> No.22107474

Brett doesn’t get to have the relationship she really wants so she is trying to fill that spiritual hole by filling her physical holes. She’s clearly mad for Barnes but either she couldn’t accept the lack of physical intimacy or Barnes rejected her out of shame (we see in the beginning that it has been some time since he really bothered interacting with women at all due to his injury). So Brett is very shallow on the surface but is fairly sympathetic when placed in the bigger picture.
Consider that when Barnes basically sets things up between her and the bullfighter, it’s almost like Barnes is fucking her by proxy. It’s all very weird and hedonistic for sure but there is a lot going on under the veneer of the constant partying.

>> No.22107506

Instead of reading it as a story about a slut and her simps, read it as a story of shattered post-war expats trying to keep meaning in their lives by indulging in excess. It became a very moving story for me that way.

>> No.22107538
File: 13 KB, 228x221, pepe_eyeroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally just the show Friends, but set in boomer Spain.

I'm sick of people pretending that Sun Also Rises is profound. If it is, then Friends is profound for the same reasons. If Friends is not profound, then neither is Sun Also Rises.

>> No.22107578

Cool false equivalency frogman. Got any more incredibly retarded takes for us?

>> No.22107585
File: 17 KB, 558x614, peabrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with brainlets on this board calling any analogy they don't like "false equivalence"

>> No.22108085

You never made a point against Mark Twain. You just called him a half assed Nietzsche. It's a simple assertion that can be dismissed as simply, it is drivel. My equivalent response would be that Nietzsche is merely a melodramatic, overly serious, self indulgent thinker that couldn't really produce anything of beauty and doesn't even come close to being as inspired as Mark Twain(or Hemingway for that matter). Also you are a faggot, and that is a valid point too.

>> No.22108756

>alternative title for this is "Fiesta"

well imagine how much food must be in his other novel Moveable Feast