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/lit/ - Literature

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22105642 No.22105642 [Reply] [Original]

do any other aspiring writers here feel like creativity in itself is a mental illness?

my creative impulses have led me down a very lonely and unconventional path that other people think i am crazy and sometimes i wonder if i am mentally ill for being so autistically devoting my whole life to writing my stories to the expense of everything else, like having a respectable normie job and getting my dick wet

>> No.22105657 [DELETED] 
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>I am... le different!

Nah, you are just in high school.

>> No.22105666

im too old to be in high school

>> No.22105718

>someone over 18 posting that pic
Then your friends are probably right and you got some retard in you.

>> No.22105722

I think modern environments work against the development of creativity.
I will not elaborate.

>> No.22105725

Sorry, got you confused with another retard. Your suspicions are probably right, you got some retard in you.

>> No.22105744

People who hype up multiple race supremacists are the edgiest people alive. Thinking your race is superior is one thing, thinking every race should think their race is superior is just liking the aesthetic because you like the epic chad memes

>> No.22105751

Those three are clearly friends despite the ironic tattoos. The guy in the back is their boyfriend. They take turn smashing his ass and pounding it hard.

>> No.22105760

Imagine the smell

>> No.22105862
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>> No.22105920
File: 687 KB, 1100x1700, Assimilasian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no asian racejak

Azn racial weirdos need to step up their game

>> No.22105973

creativity is a gift
why else are you on this earth? would your soul not wither after years of sweeping floors?
God put ample dullards on this earth for to relish in such repetitive work. Why envy them for the cash they earn, them who must go back into work tomorrow?

>> No.22105993

the racist community doesnt care what race you are, just that you're racist

>> No.22106022

>thinking every race should think their race is superior is just liking the aesthetic because you like the epic chad memes
No. It's simply having an affinity for people who are your race. All affinities are arbitrary.

>> No.22106030

>I’m too le special to be normal
Literally everyone feels this way about themselves at some point, most just move past it.

>> No.22106048

why did you put a picture of me on the internet

>> No.22106140

most normal people know they are normal
types like you are basically muslim in temperament… dirt gazing brow beater. Its characteristic of a small soul to lash out at those who differentiate themselves from the huddled mob

>> No.22106156

you're embarrassing yourself kid

>> No.22106169

embarrassing myself? infront of who? the imaginary audience, the huddled mob, the sneering dullards who live rent free in your head?

>> No.22106224

You don’t see the irony in the fact you get all bitter and start throwing around insults the second I said that? Lol.

>> No.22106244

me on the top right

>> No.22106267


but i dont think i will never convincingly live a normal life either

>> No.22106279

I am nothing like you, who insult those who dare to be great, whereas I insult those who drag others down to mediocrity. therein lies the difference between us!
In suggesting such a thing it is clear you cannot even comprehend my posting… I pity you, who are tormented with posts beyond your level! I could not endure such mediocrity were I you, but in being mediocre yourself, I hope you are blessed with the faculties of delusion and ignorance, such that you will never know what it is you are enduring, thereby enduring it all the easier…

>> No.22106280

When I was isolated, alone, smoking, drinking, fat, and read nothing but read books and sulk, I was able to write poetry and speeches better than I ever could and likely, ever will.

After quitting smoking, getting a fiancé, working on my health mentally and physically I still appreciate brilliant thoughts others have but can not for the life of me create my own anymore.

> posting the controversial image in the OP derailed the thread

>> No.22106285

did nothing *

>> No.22106376

I’m sorry your “le special boy tormented with greatness” thread didn’t turn out the way you wanted, but the sooner you realize how common your mindset is the sooner you can get past it.
Why do you think Rick and Morty is so popular? Every fat redditor on the planet thinks like you. It’s just a way to self-soothe away your failures and angst

>> No.22106393

op here that anon isnt me lol

>> No.22106685


This can seem true though, because we're all competing for a very small consumer market, especially authors. There is more than enough art to satisfy anybody for multiple lifetimes, realistically there is no need for new work, except for the newness within itself. Nowhere is this more evident than in writing.

Music has been searching for cultural sounds and rhythms to keep itself present and novel. Painting, sculpture and the physical arts have been using new technologies. Literature, has nothing similar to hide behind to participate in the current contemporary movement.l, and anyone who reads will find just as much substance in a classic novel as they will by reading a contemporary author (I'd debate that there is more enlightenment in old novels because they offer enlightened surprise - insights a reader would assume are only contemporary thoughts)

So writing is a heavily politicised and aggressive art medium, and the writers suffer for it. So, no, you don't have to be mentally ill to be a writer, but the likelihood of becoming one because of the writing environment is very high

>> No.22107843
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Jesus fuck I hope this is sarcasm or irony or bait or something

>> No.22107848

>creativity in itself is a mental illness?
it isn't. but becoming obsessed with your own creativity or creative process is a mental illness. worse when you become addicted to it

>> No.22107909

OP is an idiot

>> No.22107911
File: 135 KB, 1000x1000, ligther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

creativity is like a cigarette lighter, the kind that goes in the car
it's of no use if you have no car or do not smoke

>> No.22107953 [DELETED] 


>> No.22108040
File: 305 KB, 1448x2048, erisnew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so autistically devoting my whole life to writing my stories
First, this shows awareness of what being creative is; it isn't some special snowflake ability you have, it's something you do and participate with. Creative people do creative things because they are driven by the urge to create. Creativity at its highest levels is devotion, worship, a romantic relationship.

Secondly considering that creativity in itself could be something like a mental illness shows a deep level of familiarity with it. I have always lived for creativity, having cultivated and followed numerous creative passions, and there is definitely an aspect of maniacal compulsion to it. My pursuit of creativity has driven me through literal madnesses, through delusional heavens and hells of absolute despair.

I would like to offer that creativity is the true "magic," it can be immensely destructive or nurturing, it is both savior and damnation. I would like to encourage you to follow this magic that has been cultivated in you, because the risk of losing your soul to it is worth the possibility of radical transformation it offers. But beyond its utility, it is worth loving for the sake of loving it, the problems and processes of creativity are the greatest mysteries in the universe.

A romance with creativity is the wildest ride one can possibly wish for, and isn't that what you really want, what led you on this path in the first place?

>> No.22108407

I think my creativity stems from a need to connect with others, but I don’t feel really connected with real people around me

>> No.22108471

It's natural to have ingroup bias, obviously if I am a football player I am going to like us more than guys who play basketball. I don't think we are superior but I have common understanding, attribute and personality traits. same thing with race.

>> No.22108484

I dont smoke but I use to to brand bitches after I make them choke on my dick
They love it

>> No.22109068

Bullshit, you’re on /lit/

>> No.22109071
File: 5 KB, 150x150, 2B701B7C-5C81-45E7-B46D-F292F0A95517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my bitch. I own her saggy Latina udders.

>> No.22109081

Brand mark or it didn’t happen

>> No.22109097
File: 208 KB, 600x394, grimice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im legit a diagnosed schizo and i have a hard time being creative, i have to do lots of research on the creative act and what other artists have said about it.

Recently i came across something keats said in a letter about being a chameleon poet, someone who embodies the things around you

>> No.22109750

I agree

>> No.22110053

you’re probably a retard but that’s pretty much fine in most cases (only most)

>> No.22110056

what’s it like being a real life schizo

>> No.22110067

I sometimes fight with myself. Like I disagree with my own posts. I'm gay too, which makes people disregard my opinions.

>> No.22110072

There is no normal life, just people striving for their ideal of a normal life. Sure we can play the game of averages and say "this is normal" but that does not take into account happiness. Are those people who are striving for average any happier than you? Probably not but happiness is a rather small part of life when you get down to it and when people say they are happy at best they are just saying the general trend of their life contains enough happiness for them to be able to go on and not kill themselves. So what will make you have enough happiness? Is it the art you have dedicated yourself to up to this point or is it something else? We all make sacrifices and the trick to life is largely learning to spot which sacrifices were just blind idealism before they destroy you.

>> No.22110093

creativity is a very important factor to achieving catharsis.
emotional problems and nothing works, so your mind gets pushed to the breaking point by confronting and not ignoring your mental illness .
once you push through to catharsis it is usually the creative force that brings you there.
or a destructive one.
but very much a narrative structure with deep personal meaning akin to the spanish term of deunde.

also consider the flow state of creative force.
many claiming to actually channel great works.
the compasion between an artists in a creavtive trance and mentally ill people when it comes to agency, both guided by 'passions'.

artists also seek to bring new perspective into the world.
pc name for mental illness is "abnormal psychology".
artists in this way seek out abnormal perspectives.

>> No.22110102

as in an artist and an insane person often are compelled to do something beyond their typical routines of personal agency.

>> No.22110393

Bet that isn't true. Post examples from your unhealthy period and healthy period to compare

>> No.22110445

>my creative impulses
>posts 'jaks

>> No.22110446

some bipolar fags will purposefully induce a mania becuase they appreciate and sometimes depend on the flood of ideas and racing thoughts.
some artists will subject themselves to sleep deprivation , some say therese certain antidepressants that will set it off if you do have a bipolar

its more likely that anon uses "wit" as a defensive/coping mechanism. which is why his writing suffers when hes not in a funk or on guard.

>> No.22111033

it do be like that.

>> No.22111244

Sounds like me

>> No.22111252

don't care about what you had to say but my dad's obsessed with prison and prison-related stories especially onces about racial cliques but can you guys recommend some stuff about that so i can show him

>> No.22111442

what if I have a car and creativity, but I don't smoke? is it over?

>> No.22111445

Opinion about having your opinions disregarded is disregarded. Consider yourself regarded.

>> No.22111481

It teaches valuable lessons to kids.

>> No.22111551

you're not special. you're not a genius.

>> No.22111553

you dont even know your yours lol

>> No.22111563

>t-thats e-edgy
no thats the real world. all prisons operate like this.

>> No.22111565

every other race rightly views asians as weak little rice calculators

>> No.22111570

sounds like modern fag shit. all the best classical writers were sober

>> No.22111584

everyone should smoke for a period of time at some point in their life. it teaches you some interesting life lessons.

>> No.22111585

>a gay retard

>> No.22111697

>You are suspicions are probably right.
your're'e right, that's probably what he meant

>> No.22111711

>cigarette lighters teach valuable lessons to kids
yeah it teaches them not to spill grapejuice in daddy's car because the seats are cloth and he just had this fucking thing cleaned two weeks ago and do you think money grows on trees and this is why our family can't have anything

>> No.22111858
File: 181 KB, 483x470, 1625395229570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't gay. Lair.

>> No.22112448

I wrote a lot about prisoners and male suffering

>> No.22113659

crab mentality

>> No.22113684

None of the affinities are arbitrary, they're cultural and evolutionary

>> No.22113689


>> No.22113865

true when it comes to culture but the modern white-black-asian-etc distinctions are absolutely arbitrary
if you traveled back in time to ancient rome and told them that they actually had more in common with some retarded fairskinned gaul barbarian than a cultured latin-educated nigga from the african province they'd laugh at you

>> No.22113876

I'm a painter,it's helped me actually in a lot of ways, but its incredibly lonely path, i think its so easy as an artist to become obsessed and bitter when you're going for greatness. I unironically think its a lonely awful path to walk but its at the same time so rewarding and valuable. TRUE artists are incredibly lucky people but there's no doubt that it's a great burden as well.

>> No.22113888

Why, I think when all groups of people collectively think their superior the world is going to be a better place

>> No.22113890

Couldn't have said it any better

>> No.22113894


>> No.22113925

>their superior
you are definitely inferior to me so you got that right

>> No.22114008

>not wanting people to be the best versions of themselves and their culture
Wtf, do people really think like this?

>> No.22114176

Yes, today you have to create in spite of the world, not because of it. In the nadir, it all feels insane.

>> No.22114477
File: 246 KB, 570x668, lmao faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Aalewis

>> No.22114504

>do any other aspiring writers here feel like creativity in itself is a mental illness?

If it isn't controlled and directed into a discipline, yes, it is just an urge that will rattle around in your body until you decide it is an mental illness.

>> No.22114507


>> No.22114705

I have an obsession with male pain and that is what drove most of my creativity and behavior in real life

>> No.22114939

How does that refute what I wrote, presuming that was your intention?

>> No.22115012

your are also not special and not a genius. do something notable then ill respect you

>> No.22115022

you financially support yourself of painting?

>> No.22115028


>> No.22115032

go punch yourself in the balls retard

>> No.22115842


>> No.22116651

your art isnt going to feed you or keep you company, or have sex with you

is it worth it?

>> No.22116957

Konichiwa, dude!

>> No.22116967

hello guys, what literature are we discussing in this thread?

>> No.22117525

my diary desu

>> No.22117542

I'll never understand why people come to anon boards then ask for personal credentials. That is some serious flat-earth nonsense right there

You can always go to redit or politics instead

>> No.22117549

>your art isnt going to feed you or keep you company, or have sex with you

mine does, and it is worth it. How goes the Mormon life?

>> No.22117556

mormon what

>> No.22117839

And what about a cultured fairskinned gaul? Skin color has always been a level of visible environmental and cultural distinction, the 'modern invention of race' mythos is just a contemporary justification of liberalism used to create some weird white exceptionalism in terms of racial distinctions which have always been there.

>> No.22117872

That's very narcissistic of you, maybe you should try some ket

>> No.22118490

Holy shit, zoomers are never properly dressed without a mental illness, are they?
Get back to us if you start wearing dresses or going to Scientology camp. In the meantime, try getting over yourself. You're not special.

>> No.22118551

>no thats the real world. all prisons operate like this.
Prisons don't operate in the real world. Read Foucault.

>> No.22118553

>I have an obsession with male pain and that is what drove most of my creativity and behavior
You aren't Mishima, though should still kill yourself.

>> No.22118615

>most normal people know they are normal
No you don't, you fucking stupid normie.

>> No.22118676


>> No.22118688

Why is the white guy the one advocating for violence in this picture?

>> No.22119598

thats just wypipo

>> No.22120285

The machine works tirelessly to eradicate the individual.

>> No.22120328


>> No.22120978
File: 87 KB, 1110x669, luna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he DOES NOT look like that

>> No.22121828

This is it OP

>> No.22121878

But it's like football! You like football, don't you?

Yeah! Football!

The irony is the joke here!

>> No.22121910

Gran-dee-oise disourse, from a gran-didly-oise thead; sir.

The lighter itself may be useless, but can't that port power a device? That requires creativity, however.