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22101823 No.22101823 [Reply] [Original]

>thousands of possible denominations
>many translations and editions of the bible that are different, sometimes significantly so
>odd modern day reinterpretations like LBGTQ+ trans affirming fagpastors or the Pope suggesting hell isn't real
>guaranteed catholic and protestant arguments until the end of time, killing one another in the name of Christ
>no doubt both cath and prost posters showing up in this thread to convince me their side is better

Where does an uneducated guy like me even start? I genuinely despise Islam but at least they have a fairly simple onboarding process. Where do I begin getting close to Christ?

>> No.22101830

why do you think you need a religion? trust me, it won't change anything, and you probably will never really believe. I don't get why people not only lie to themselves, but actually wish that they could lie to themselves.

>> No.22101834

I figure this has been around for thousands of years and grants people peace for a reason. I'm not looking to convert though despite my last question, I just want to learn

>> No.22101838

it doesn't give people peace.
> I just want to learn
browse /his/

>> No.22101841

>Where does an uneducated guy like me even start? I genuinely despise Islam but at least they have a fairly simple onboarding process. Where do I begin getting close to Christ?
the NT, with help from google

>> No.22101844
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>> No.22101848
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Simple: "Mere Christianity" by CS Lewis

Hard: "The Resurrection of the Son of God" by NT Wright (it is vol 3 in a series, but doesn't matter, will get you where you want to go)

>> No.22101849

>it doesn't give peace, just spend your time on internet forums to learn

fuck this is unironically, unjokingly one of the most brainlet posts I have ever read on this site.

>> No.22101855

>I don't get why people not only lie to themselves, but actually wish that they could lie to themselves.
Did it not occur to you that people could have good reasons for believing?

>> No.22101856

Just pray and be open to God showing you the next step.

>> No.22101865

Unironically the Bible, KJV. Start with the New Testament. Don't read with any presuppositions. Just try to see how everything comes together and read it holistically. Also, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in your reading. If you understand the good news, you're golden.

Also, if you're looking for sources on interpretation nignore the Calvinists and avoid them like the bubonic plague.

>> No.22101871

>good reasons for believing
this is your opportunity to win hearts and minds christlarper, have at it

>> No.22101876

Church history. The first millenia is the gold standard.

>> No.22101878

Jesus rose from the dead, and any argument you have against will either be blatant ignorance of the historical method, blatant ignorance of textual criticism, or a blatant biased projection of your own worldview


>> No.22101919

literally the only evidence for it is a few verses at the end of some books that were written, even at the very best, 20 years after the event, by people who were openly proselytizing and had interest in the story being true. Given later Christian historian's track record for lying, that doesn't look very good.

>> No.22101923

>literally the only evidence for it is a few verses at the end of some books

>> No.22101928

what do you mean what? the only evidence for it is the account at the end of the gospels.

>> No.22101931

>guy got up and unkilled himself
>FACTS that even SKEPTICS accept dot coom
the state of christlarp apologetics in the year of our lord 2023 is worse than freshly dropped horseshit

>> No.22101942

1 Corinthians 15:6

don't make statements "the only evidence" unless you're familiar with the topic, otherwise just ask.

>> No.22101947

oh no! you got me!

>> No.22101956

I feel like a dude just getting up and leaving his grave would be bigger news than a few lies in one book.

>> No.22101958
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that's still literature produced by cult members

>> No.22101963

unfortunately this assertion has no merit on whether its true or not

>> No.22101978
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It does, because I have conflicting cult literature about other magical founders who also claim to be the truth the way the messenger the law the heavens, and I doubt you are a relativist when it comes to those

>> No.22101986

I provided a link briefly explaining what separates my "cult literature" from the others, but you don't actually care about knowledge or wisdom

>> No.22101991

Not reading your blog. Explain in your own words why Jesus rising from the dead is historical and Mohammad ascending to heaven or Buddha getting up off his funeral bier to lecture his mother is fable

>> No.22102000

the NT cites eye witness testimony, and the authors suffered for their statements. You can't assert a historical document is lying without reason

Muhammad cites information regarding Jesus that contradicts the NT, the NT is favorable because it is closer to the events. Muslims make up false claims about the NT being corrupted to avoid this issue

Don't know much about that Buddha story, but I assume it was written much later after Buddhas death, I mean hundreds of years later. It also lacks the aforementioned evidence I mentioned in the top portion of this post. Feel free to correct me.

>> No.22102006

The "authors suffered for their statements" because they, like their fathers before them, refused to worship Gentile gods. It is literally nothing new and does not prove their beliefs were true. The 9/11 hijackers died for Islam—why are they wrong?

>> No.22102007

the point about skeptics admitting that the followers actually did experience something is stupid because I don't see why it would matter if anyone admitted that, the point about it being "very soon" after is stupid because Paul's letters were written 20 years after and he never saw Jesus himself, and the gospels were written even later. the point about them being greatly affected by it is stupid because as we see all the time people are irrational and hysteric, like modern cultists, and like people who still believe in a god whose promise hasn't come true for 2000 years and in a religion that has zero consistency throughout time as to its doctrines and institutions, even since its founding.

>> No.22102025

Am ex-christian. Hell not being real is the only way I'd be Christian again. It's stupid you need a threat to convert people, when God's love should be enough. Also eternal torture is a disproportionate punishment for even Hitler. Christians who casually believe in the idea that their non-religious friends/family will burn in eternal torture, and are fine with that because "well I'll be fine cuz *im* going to heaven" are sociopaths. I would never be happy if my son was in hell. In order for me to be happy in heaven with my son in hell I'd have to be effectively brainwashed and I wouldn't be me anymore. The concept of heaven and hell is a joke.

>> No.22102029

anon, you are selectively gleaming over what I wrote, and reading unsaid information into it
>It is literally nothing new and does not prove their beliefs were true
it isn't supposed to prove it's true, it indicates the sincerity of the writers
the religion of the 9/11 hijackers do not come close to fulfilling the other criteria I mentioned.
Both Paul and Luke cite eye witnesses

>> No.22102041

they said that people saw it, that doesn't mean anything. it's called delusion.

>> No.22102045

so now we are projecting assumptions based on our own worldview into the historical method

you've just made it impossible to conduct history because now I can say any source that I don't like is delusional or lying

>> No.22102055

Believing in the resurrection of Christ is quite simply infinitely more rewarding and ontologically interesting than not believing in it. Belief in Jesus among the prophets opens up a pathway to the endless enigma of faith and divine love, and down the line one acquires an intuitive and personal understanding of God and the sacred.

In short, faith imbues life with a transcendent spiritual quality that no other physical or intellectual endeavor of man could ever hope to achieve. It is the essential substrate upon which one finds the sense to carry on for one day more, and one ends up inevitably lost without this salutary surrender to the infinite mystery of the Creation.

The peerless adoration that comes with the crafting of this intimate relationship towards the Absolute is life's most hallowed quest, the blessing of all blessings ; yet some will cling to materialism and cold rationality hoping to extract warmth where there is none. This delusion is eroding the very fabric of western society as we speak, yet few realize the urgency of returning from this soulless exile we have collectively embarked on. It is not yet too late to step once again into the Lord's light.

God bless you all.

>> No.22102057

it's pretty easy to empirically garner that people are least trustworthy and reasonable when it comes to religious mania. the reason that they are less trustworthy is because they have an emotional reason to lie. I don't see why that is so hard for you to grasp, if you can't see how someone writing a mundane letter to an acquaintance might be more trustworthy than someone writing a book specially designed to convert other people to their religion, then I think you should probably stop talking about the historical method.

>> No.22102061

>All this crap
Why do people even pretend? It's obvious to anyone Orthodoxy is the only choice. People just like to pretend it's a difficult choice.

>> No.22102062

>it's pretty easy to empirically garner that people are least trustworthy and reasonable when it comes to religious mania
for *you* because you're inserting your worldview

this is just as silly as you presenting evidence to me, and I say "It's pretty easy you're just resisting Christianity because then you'd have to stop being a degenerate"
it isn't fair if we start with our own worldview and then work backwards.

>> No.22102063 [DELETED] 
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Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1280
Sleeping Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases
Anon's Modded Pre-Install: https://pastebin.com/42JS3q6E

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Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

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>> No.22102071

>for *you* because you're inserting your worldview
no, it's from fucking evidence, it's obvious that religious people lie because there are tons of modern cults that are obviously fake, and because both Christianity and Islam can't be true, so one of them has to be lies. Again, there are so many historical instances of supposed "miracles" yet they ceased to happen precisely when it would be easy to falsify them. There are all the mundane cases of people faking shit like stigmata. It isn't just my "worldview" there is empirical evidence that religious people often lie, either by deluding themselves or others. and for the record, I wasn't any less of a degenerate when I was a Christian.

>> No.22102074

>fedora tipper is disingenuous and only capable of regurgitating shallow takes
Are you honestly surprised by that?

>> No.22102082

so is Muhammad delusional? what about Joseph Smith or L. Ron Hubbard? please explain why you can accept Christian literature based on the "historical method" but not these other instances.

>> No.22102083

your problem here is you lumping all religions into the same categories instead of examining them separately

We can reason out why Mormonism, Islam, Christianity etc are true or false based off their own merit (or lack of) but you're taking a lazier route. You simply assume malice of all parties and move on.
Stigmata being faked has no bearing on the information I presented.

>> No.22102087

>it isn't supposed to prove it's true, it indicates the sincerity of the writers
I have no doubt people sincerely believe lots of things. But again, since I know you are NOT a relativist, why are we privileging this group of sincere cultists and sidestepping the others? And if it isn't proof why should I consider it as a reason to change my opinion?

>> No.22102090

Ok but replace that with Islam and you've got the world's fastest growing religion. Why are they wrong?

>> No.22102094

the question is whether the sources are trustworthy. people lying about stigmata is absolutely relevant when we want to determine the trustworthiness of christians. if you examine religions separately, then you will find Islam and Mormonism have just as much evidence as Christianity, and in fact, muslims have already ad nauseum argued extensively as to why Islam is better. its book has no interpolations, it isn't a translation of a translation of a translation, they apparently had dozens of people memorizing verbatim facts about Muhammad's life to pass them down. So why do we believe that they are lying, but Christians are not?

>> No.22102096

first lets establish that "proof" mostly does no exist in the field of ancient history

what we can do is examine the evidence and try to decide what the most likely events that took place were

Now if we compare the same event being referenced by both Muhammad and Paul, we favor Paul because hes closer to the event. He also cites eye witnesses. Now if there's some other religious document that you think its as viable as Paul and Luke's writings, then feel free to present them and we can example them. If you have an evidential reason for why Paul and Luke shouldn't be trusted, that don't basically amount to gut feelings, then feel free to share that too.

>> No.22102099

>We can reason out why Mormonism, Islam, Christianity etc are true or false based off their own merit (or lack of) but you're taking a lazier route.
You still haven't done this yourself unless you count "eyewitnesses saw it the bible says so" as superior to "eyewitnesses saw it the Koran says so" because "I like Christianity better" as brilliant historiography

>> No.22102101

How does your inability to decide such things for yourself prove that others are incapable of doing so?

Aside, that shallow conundrum reflective of shallow logic is what Joseph Smith used to guide people into his cult. Does it bother you that you're using the same simplistic arguments as a cult leader?

>> No.22102109

>evidential reason for why Paul and Luke shouldn't be trusted
Because they are resentful subalterns recently yoked by a militarily superior enemy

>> No.22102113

I can decide them, I believe they are all false. the problem is YOU can't decide them, or you wouldn't be able to if you actually applied your logic indiscriminately.
>Does it bother you that you're using the same simplistic arguments as a cult leader?
I'm applying YOUR arguments. Joseph Smith said he found the tablets right after he found them, his followers were greatly affected by his preaching, it changed their lives! So many people witnessed Muhammad's life and it was recorded sincerely that he was illiterate, so he must have gotten it transmitted to him by God! They were so greatly affected!

>> No.22102115

>when we want to determine the trustworthiness of christians
nooooo no no, anon
we don't determine the trusthworthiness of "Christians", we examine each source separately on a case by case basis. To disregard Christianity because some other Christians elsewhere lied at some point is lazy thinking, and worst, it's dishonest.

I already explained why Christianity is favorable to Islam. The historical statements made by Muhammad about Jesus contradict the more reliable documents of the NT. Putting aside all of that other bullshit you just said.... I heavily suggest you fire up google for most of what you just typed, its honestly absurd

I haven't attempted to do so, my point in that post was to say we SHOULD move on to that, as opposed to generalizing all of them lazily

>> No.22102125

Religious reformers of a defeated people, whose leader was executed by the conquerors. In a few more decades war would break out. These were angry people.

>> No.22102129

> The historical statements made by Muhammad about Jesus contradict the more reliable documents of the NT
cope. people who were contemporaneous with muhammad memorized facts about his life and religiously passed them down. the sources about muhammad's life are just as close as the new testament was to jesus if not closer.

>> No.22102130

You are a prisoner of reason.

>> No.22102134

what defeated people? I'm confused, I need you to start from the beginning please
That is not what I meant
I'm referring specifically to Muhammad's historical claims about Jesus. I don't care if Muslims meticulously documented the position Muhammad shat in.

>> No.22102138

if muhammad's sources are more reliable, then according to your "worldview" we should trust that he was divinely inspired. that the new testament was wrong and therefore it's meaningless that he contradicts the new testament follows as a corollary, it's irrelevant to whether muhammad was actually divinely inspired.

>> No.22102146

Muhammad's sources are more reliable when they document things he did, yes. I don't know of any claims they made about him that would verify their religion though. They are not more reliable when they reference Jesus.

>> No.22102147

>I can decide them, I believe they are all false
But we both know you haven't thought deeply into the subject and researched the various histories and theologies of the religious systems. You have strong opinions about something and yet have very little knowledge of it. You're a dogmatist.
>I'm applying YOUR arguments
No you aren't. You're positing the idea that because there are multiple religious systems, and you cannot choose between them, they're all false. This is ironically the exact manipulation tactic Smith used to draw people into Mormonism. Basically, he uses a really shallow truism and uses it to assert an idea that isn't necessarily connected to it.

You're not aware that you're infected by an ideologically loaded argument because you've placed it at the centre of your belief system.

>> No.22102148 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1280
Sleeping Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases
Anon's Modded Pre-Install: https://pastebin.com/42JS3q6E

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

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>> No.22102151
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there is history before Christ and religion before Christ and war before Christ, in fact, most things that have ever happened happened before Christ and I am not going to teach you what you ought to know anyway

>> No.22102166

Not everyone is a dead inside SSRI babby

Soren Kierkegaard

>> No.22102188

No one can tell if Christianity or Islam is right about this or that. Again you are arguing from the standpoint of reason, and faith has nothing to do with reason. People will adhere to the religion closest with their cultural heritage because their heart tells them it's the right thing to do. Besides there are fragments of truth in all traditions and religions, but no one is intelligent or insightful enough to piece everything together. History is one giant puzzle with pieces scattered across time and space.

>> No.22102201

why not just suspend judgement? why insist on having a belief when it has little to no practical effect on your real life?

>> No.22102208

Because it brings color where there is none. It breathes life where there is decay. It gives a direction to the directionless.

Then again, you do you honey. You do you.

>> No.22102213

bland truth brings color as well, but it's an acquired taste

>> No.22102256

What is the non-believer/skeptics explanation for the spiritual experience in humans? For instance, we know "love" is our biology telling us to reproduce. What is the evolutionary impetus for spirituality? As a religious person, I would say God is forever pressing on us and drawing us to Him, and the more we embrace his love the more capable we are of feeling joy, warmth and spiritual exuberance. This feeling is not far off from the feeling of love between man and woman, that feeling of contentment and clear-headedness and safety you experience after making love and holding someone dear to you close. I think it's all one and the same, because what God wants for us (to love and reproduce) is what brings us the most fulfillment.

>> No.22102265

there is no evolutionary reason, spirituality is a socio-semiotic outgrowth from biology, biology didn't create it, it was created by the new realm that came with the advent of language. we gained the ability to become delusive and to be emotionally affected by things that only exist in the mind.

>> No.22102266

So you've completely given up on defending Christianity as intrinsically and exclusively true? Fair enough but you're a heretic to any believing Christian who ever lived.

>> No.22102297

Rest assured that whatever cartoonish caricature of religious fundamentalism you download from online shitposts, you will never have believed in anything other than the brief dopamine rushes of participating in a fruitless culture war. Spiritually you're closer to a slot machine addict than a genuine believer in God.

>> No.22102320

spirituality as we know it was present in humans as early as 30,000 years ago and there's evidence of rituals and burial rites that go back hundreds of thousands of years. it seems far fetched to me to assume spirituality arose from the advent of language and not vice versa.

>> No.22102323


>> No.22102333

I agree, but it's not exactly hard to go to church and take part in the real thing. In fact, belonging to a church of practicing Christians in your own community goes a long way towards developing real belief.

>> No.22102341

Based but satanic pride is hilarious when it comes from fedora tipping internet atheists blissfully unaware of their ignorance.

>> No.22102342

1. semiotic advancement doesn't necessarily imply spoken language
2. we've had language hundreds of thousands of years

>> No.22102344

"Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision."

>> No.22102427

>mixed metaphor
You almost had him.

>> No.22102487

Read a bit more. There are a lot of sources. Hell isn't what you think.

>> No.22102496

This. Early medieval writers are the best place to start, starting with the source material might just cause more confusion.

>> No.22102660

Personally I think God just has a little chuckle at how everyone thinks their little interpretation of an infinite unknowable being has to be the right one. If such a being even chuckles.

>> No.22102688

Spoonfeed me
I heard hell is simply the absence of God, and that sounds more fair. But if it's still a simulation of eternal torture, I still think it's unethical. Also doesn't address the seperation of parents from their (adult) children. I will not accept a heaven that seperates me from my son

>> No.22102720

>Spoonfeed me
Those who live a life geared towards the transcendent never perish, and those who orient themselves purely toward matter fall into the second death. This isn't just a Christian belief, any religion worthy of being called one will tell you the same thing in a perhaps slightly different way. Both paths offer a taste of eternity, but there is no time in eternity; time is only found in the finite.

Now offer yourself completely to God and never ask anyone to spoonfeed you again. If you have faith, everything you want to know will be revealed to you.

>> No.22103545

Read the New Testament then start to read about the differences in denominations. Also, find out what churches near you are thriving - there's no point being a denomination which doesn't exist in your area.

>> No.22103706

That doesn't answer anything about my dead son. Will I reunite with him? I don't want to bother if that's not the case. He was atheist btw

>> No.22103754

Read the fucking Bible retard.

>> No.22104246

Ignore these retards asking, "Why do you think you need religion?" If your conscience is pushing you towards Christ but you don't know where to start, that's an instinct you should follow. Ignore the clarity and simplicity of your conscience at your own peril.

That being said, while Catholic myself, I still reccomend starting with a regular Bible to become familiar with the major works, and then later on you can study the apocrypha to see if you connect with it.

The King James Bible is, surprisingly, even by today's standards, one of the most accurate translations. The monks who worked on it did an amazing job. It's also the most poetic version; however, it's not perfect, as there are a few minor mistranslations. The biggest one is the commandment "Do not murder" (the original Hebrew text said murder) being translated more vaguely as "Do not kill," which has confused many weak men into thinking that Christianity is a pacifist religion when it's not.

I reccomend the New King James Version to most people because it's exactly the same as the KJV except the "thous" have been changed to "you," the "wherefores" changed to "why," and the minor mistranslations have been fixed. Other than that it's basically a word-for-word copy of the KJV.

The NASB and Webster Bible are also extremely accurate. The ESV is merely okay, and the NIV is not, as it has some egregious mistranslations. Don't even bother with any other Bible versions not listed here, unless you're going to read in a different language.

I'd start with Genesis and Exodus, followed by Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes to get a basic foundation of the OT, then read the entire NT in order. From there I'd read the histories and minor prophets (Daniel, Hosea, Judges, Samuel, etc.) and then whatever is left after that.

Godspeed anon.

>> No.22104270

This is an incredibly childish take. You should study the writings of Saint Catherine, she dismantled this entire notion of Hell being a bad thing in the 14th century.

To summarize, there are three steps to becoming wholly united with God, and it's the same process that a son goes through with loving his father--the disciplinary figure of the household.

Fear is the first stumbling step towards loving God. This is not a genuine love, but fear of punishment, just as a child obeys their father for fear of punishment.

The second step towards Godly love isn't fear of punishment, but incentive for rewards, i.e., "I want to obey God because I want to be rewarded in Heaven."

The third and final step is realizing that God's love is perfect, and loving Him not out of fear of punishment or out of want for rewards, but loving Him unconditionally as a son would love His good father.

A good father will discipline their son, and reward him from time to time when he does good, but when a child matures, he doesn't love his father out of fear or for promises of rewards, but rather because he loves and admires his father as a respectable human being.

And (You) think you know better than your Father in heaven? Repent.

>> No.22104309
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>Christians who casually believe in the idea that their non-religious friends/family will burn in eternal torture, and are fine with that because "well I'll be fine cuz *im* going to heaven" are sociopaths.
Wtf now I want to be Christian.

>> No.22104362

>just be a retard, follow your emotions!
>why? because it's the only way anyone can get converted to Christianity!

>> No.22104369

Paradise shouldn't be thought of as a physical place like Earth or Mars, it's more of a state of being in absence of anything material. No one can tell you exactly what that's like because it's fundamentally immaterial, but if your son is what fulfils you, I imagine you'll have him in the Beatific Vision.

>> No.22104390

DRC1752 is the somewhat official Bible for Catholics, KJV is for Protestants.

>> No.22104392

Typical gaytheist doesn't know what a conscience is, or is pretending not to. Your conscience is not your emotion. It usually is the voice of reason instructing you against your emotional impulses.

If you've ever been pissed enough at a loved one to want to beat them, but heard that little voice in the back of your head discouraging you from caving into your emotion, that's your conscience.

Do you have an internal monologue? Can you rotate a photo realistic apple in your head?

How would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning, anon?

>> No.22104398

>fundamentally immaterial
That's not how Christianity works or there'd be no interest in claiming bodily resurrection. You are introducing the sort of speculative pseudo-Greek philosophy that the church went to great lengths to abolish

>> No.22104408

If you trust in Jesus to forgive you and believe he was raised from the dead, you will be saved and are a Christian. Just read the New Testament and find a church near you, Catholics and Protestants are both Christian, don't worry about it so much since it's fine to change churches later.

>> No.22104614

But is that the real him or an illusion? Is he suffering? I don't want to be tricked and believe he's not suffering when he really is. I love my son. I miss him.

>> No.22104629

This entirely ignores the fact that my son will be suffering while I am in heaven. And I cannot be happy unless I am brainwashed to be okay with my son experiencing eternal torture. That is not free will. I love my son. I cannot accept a faith that seperates my son from me.

>> No.22104651

Orthodoxy is the truest form of Christianity. So many of the misconceptions people itt have would be corrected if they went to Divine Liturgy and spoke to a priest or better yet a monk.

>> No.22104698

Just be catholic, it's the OG church. Go to mass and forget about other denominations

>> No.22104715

>mine's the best because I said so
really solving OP's conundrum aren't we

>> No.22104717

I don't see how that's incompatible, there can be bodily resurrection outside of the material, but the physical substance that composes the material elements of the body is not being rearranged.

>> No.22104730

>bodily resurrection outside of the material
that sounds like even worse nonsense than bodily resurrection by itself

>> No.22104838

Read John, then Genesis, then Luke, then Acts. Read Mere Christianity. Watch some Bishop Robert Barron lectures.

>> No.22104881

>hell isn't real
Damn...who could've imagined...
>jewish book favours LBGTQ+ trans pedophile priests

>> No.22104891

>in the accounts written decades after Jesus’s death, some say that Jesus rose from the dead, and this is somehow undeniable evidence that that occurred

>> No.22105254

decades is not a long time

>> No.22105266

start with the dogmas of the early (pre-1054 schism) catholic church because all denominations proceed from that. read about and understand three prayers: the apostle's creed, the our father, and the hail mary. these will convey the essence of historical christianity.

>> No.22105293

Maybe not everyone is a blackpilled antidepressant husk like you.

>> No.22105356

why not start with the bible, cucktholic scum?

>> No.22105379

Dante's Inferno isn't canon.

>Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest. - Ecclesiastes 9:10

Separation from God didn't change between the old testament and the new testament. When you die you either go to heaven or you rot in the dirt.

>> No.22105416

also Protestants
>remove several books of the Bible
>censor other parts of the remaining books
>only use the translation commissioned by active homosexual King James

>> No.22105429

>also Protestants
>>remove several books of the Bible
>>censor other parts of the remaining books
>>only use the translation commissioned by active homosexual
how is that different from catholics?

>> No.22105436

the books we removed aren't quoted by Jesus as scripture
>thus says the Lord

>> No.22105441

This is all evil inflicting the church. Just read the Bible by itself and maybe some catcheisms. The current church is sick and you’re best keeping faith a personal endeavor

>> No.22105448

>The current church is sick
you're probably the one who says shit like "yeah, I know, that wasn't real socialism"

>> No.22105455

NTA but
OP needs a familiarity with the bible and Christian principles before he can make that sort of judgement himself

which is why any answer other than "the bible" is just fags projecting their flavor of Christianity onto him

for some reason, inquirers of new faiths always seem far more willing to read anything other than the texts of that faith. I guess they find them too long or boring, but its dumb.

>> No.22105461

what the fuck is this antidepressant meme? are all you faggots schizo /sci/posters? i'm not on antidepressants.

>> No.22105465
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>Where does an uneducated guy like me even start?
I got you, senpai

>> No.22105470
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Faith check, fuck this post timer

>> No.22105475

fucking lmao, nothing distances me more from religion than christcuck larpers like these from ITT

>> No.22105476
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>also Protestants
>pic related
If you don't create a faith that serves as a means to you're desired end,s then you're a pawn being used as a means to someone else's desired ends

>> No.22105480
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Lol, how many synagogues have you attacked, faggot? Keep the Christ's name out of your godforsaken mouth.

>> No.22105486
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Basically, the story of the Bible is that the cult of Yahweh is a dissenting cult form the mainstream Canaanite faith at the time that did ritual sodomy, child sacrifice, and shit like that. The Canaanites worshiped ritual mixing while Yahweh (eventually) demanded ritual purity.

That's the basic choice of Abrahamic religion. Either ritual purity, a true believer, or you're just a corrupted slave of the Canaanites pushing ritual mixing and ritual mixing Canaanite faith into the Abrahamic faith as evidence of the conquest of Yahweh by the Canaanite pantheon

>> No.22105489
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The relevance of religion has nothing to do with "magic god and souls", but it has to do with the customs being prescribed and forced upon the people. That's what religion is, basically an additional set of laws that people are largely obligated to follow due to immense social pressure.

You stand behind the faith which has the social orchestration mechanisms that you stand behind. The issue with modern Abrahamic faiths is that 99% of them are corrupted and no longer adhere to the ritual purity that literally defines the Abrahamic faith, and this makes the religion little more than a vassal cancer of the Canaanites.

The relevance of faith and God has way more to do with geopolitics than anything like magical souls or divine blessings. Those are always just baseless promises used to convince peasants to adhere to some form of social code.

>> No.22105490

Cool, schizo. Now take your meds and go sleep

>> No.22105496
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Currently the dominance of the Canaanite faith is a massive problem in the world because Western nations are being sacrificed by the Canaanite degenerates who don't even adhere to the faith they claim to practice. The West is being sacrificed in a completely botched ritual and this will do nothing but anger the gods of the Canaanites, should any of this supernatural rhetoric prove to be relevant.

>> No.22105501
File: 625 KB, 1550x2800, 7ThesesOnAbortion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comes to thread about people having a relationship with an invisible talking ghost in the sky with life altering and fate influencing magical powers
>claims schizo

Lol, boss. Good effort. According to the DSM, "religious beliefs" don't qualify as a symptom of schiozphrenia.


Those two are entirely secular histories, so go tell me that history professors are now schizophrenics for believing in history.

Pic related is

> the Canaanite degenerates who don't even adhere to the faith they claim to practice.

Objectively, the actions of a religious group are not a matter of faith. To say that "Heaven's Gate members committed mass suicide" is just a secular fact. It's not a faith based argument.

>> No.22105504

>Martin Luther
>Asserts that the Word of Man is superior to the Word of God
Literally never happened

>> No.22105510
File: 666 KB, 1550x3500, BiologyOfJews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, this one is literally just biology. Is an argument rooted in biology now "schizophrenic"? Are you just afraid of words? I don't understand the anger directed towards me on a board of alleged literates.

If nothing else, I'm a massive faggot, and you, yourself, being a massive faggot, should find yourself irresistibly and insatiable attracted to me and my rhetoric, since I promise copious amounts of FREE AIDS.

>> No.22105513
File: 1.50 MB, 2950x4000, QuarterbackStory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of whether you believe his theses did this directly, this was the indirect result and is evidenced by the Divorce of Henry VIII. Man merely asserts that his whims overrule the dictates of God, and he does this upon the theses.

>If nothing else, I'm a massive faggot, and you, yourself, being a massive faggot, should find yourself irresistibly and insatiable attracted to me and my rhetoric, since I promise copious amounts of FREE AIDS.
pic related

>> No.22105529
File: 1.68 MB, 2200x4000, HandicapStall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being such a massive faggot
>imagine thirsting for disabled cock this hard
>imagine projecting this hard
Trying to taunt random disabled strangers into topping that sweet ass in an anonymous shit-house? I can see you crave some rock hard cock from disabled fellas in public bathrooms.(pic related). I got you.

>> No.22105551

>insult Christianity
>God sends his strongest schizo to harass you
divine punishment

>> No.22105556

> is evidenced by the Divorce of Henry VIII
Anglicanism has zero to do with Lutheranism
>Man merely asserts that his whims overrule the dictates of God
Ever heard about literal Popes?

>> No.22105576

>Hell not being real is the only way I'd be Christian again
If you take free will into account you should be able to see it's perfectly reasonable that someone could seperate themselves from what's Holy and become damned. You can also loop in the idea that time perception isn't simplistic in the sense we perceive it (just think of deep time for 30 seconds and realize your faculties for such are restricted) and realize the metaphorical nature of eternal damnation being a form of active torture is pretty silly.

Aside, Jehovah's Witnesses use the low level and literal characterization of hell, an active eternal torture in linear time, as a strawman in order to refute mainstream Christianity and attract people into their group (i.e. they claim you simply stop existing and enter oblivion if you're a bad person).

>> No.22105588

I hear what you're saying, but that's like saying prison doesn't exist because you can't fathom a world where someone you love might commit a crime and go to prison--or suggesting that prison shouldn't exist for that reason.

That being said, you don't seem very Biblically literate and I don't think you were ever really a Christian to begin with. I don't mean that in an insulting way, it's just obvious. No Christian with even an ounce of faith would lose someone that was an atheist and immediately renounce their Christianity. They would take their questions to God in prayer.

Can you even claim to be an "ex-Christian" if your faith was so weak that you immediately discarded it the first time you encountered a moral dilemma?

Anyway, if you care at all, there are several verses in the Gospels saying that God will bless the entire household of a Godly man, implying that God might, in fact, save the family members of righteous people.

Remember the destruction of Sodom and Gamorrah? God said He would spare the entire cities from destruction if even one person there was found to have a clean heart, but not one of them did.

Have you prayed for you son?

Is your heart clean, anon?

>> No.22105616

>No Christian with even an ounce of faith would lose someone that was an atheist and immediately renounce their Christianity
Implying that anon's son is an atheist
or that being a theist saves you from hell

>> No.22105624 [DELETED] 
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Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1280
Sleeping Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases
Anon's Modded Pre-Install: https://pastebin.com/42JS3q6E

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.22105625

Just start by reading the synoptic Gospels, either Matthew, Mark, or Luke.

>> No.22105638

Early pre schism church fathers. Ambrose and Augustine are my favorites.

>> No.22105690

Orthodox teachings are teachings passed down from Jesus to Apostles, to their students, and so on to our age. Orthodox teachings didnt change in 2000 years. There are no free interpretations. The Bible is clear. Read the Orthodox Bible, find Orthodox commentaries made by the Church fathers, or ask priests.

>> No.22105700

actually it caused a wide spread panic

>> No.22105757

>The NASB and Webster Bible are also extremely accurate.
The Webster Bible is literally a repackaged KJV as it was in 1833, with a few random word changes for things he didn't like. For instance, "went a whoring" is changed to "went astray" in the Webster Bible, and some other similar changes, but otherwise it's the same translation.

The NASB is a revision of a translation that was made in the late 19th century (Revised Version, also the ASV of 1901) of a completely different set of texts that is missing about 7% of the New Testament compared to the KJV. For instance, the NASB doesn't have Acts 8:37 and is also missing a number of other verses.

>> No.22105775

NTA, but I am going to challenge your intellectual honesty:
why is the NASB "missing" that portion of the NT? Try your best to phrase their reasoning as strongly as possible without resorting to a strongman.

>> No.22105818

Nothing in that post makes any sense, sorry anon.

>> No.22105834

You said
> that is missing about 7% of the New Testament compared to the KJV
I am asking if you're familiar with the NASB translators explicit reasons for excluding this 7%.

>> No.22105927

>I am asking if you're familiar with the NASB translators explicit reasons
I'm not a mind reader or a psychoanalyzer, so I don't claim to know the reason why they do it. I do know that the translators of these versions are mostly following the Nestle-Aland editors, while sprinkling in some of their own changes. For instance, the NASB removes the words "of God" from Romans 15:19, while most other translations and the NA itself still say "Spirit of God." Also in 1 Corinthians 10:9, the NASB changes the word "Christ" to "the Lord," even though it is practically alone in doing so, as the Nestle-Aland and other versions based on it say "Christ" here. The NASB 2020 edition also removes the words "and the rooster crowed" from Mark 14:68, although earlier editions of the NASB (1977, 1995 editions) included it. The only other translation that removes these words in Mark 14:68 is the NIV.

The reason why these translations remove the 7% of the New Testament at large is probably the same reason why Eberhard Nestle, Erwin Nestle, Kurt Aland and Metzger approve of removing them. The reason they remove them is because of the work of Westcott and Hort, which they tweaked slightly to be able to say it is eclectic, which is somehow "better" than openly following the disproven theories of Hort, even though they are copying his work 99% of the time, just tweaking it slightly here and there.

The reason why Hort came up with his theories was because he has an animus against the received text according to his own words. Like other practitioners of "higher criticism" (Johann Semler, Andreas Birch, Lachmann, Tischendorf, etc.), he wanted to put forward a theory grounded on philosophical materialism, and that is the working principle of that entire school of thought. This is regardless of the individual motivations though.

>> No.22105945

Thank you friend, I actually learned from you. I apologize for being arrogant

>> No.22105951

Glad it helped you out, anon

>> No.22106408

Start here:
Do you believe that Jesus was literally, physical, materially resurrected after he died? I mean that as a historical fact, not a mythological or symbolic idea, I mean do you believe he LITERALLY bodily came back to life. As in his corpse literally rose up and teleported to heaven. Like if you were there with a video camera you could have taken footage of it and gotten it developed and showed it at a nickelodeon.

If yes, congratulations, you're a Christian, just do whatever. It doesn't actually matter. You'll find a supporting argument or text for anything you like, just go nuts, who cares?

If not, congratulations, you're not a Christian and never will be. If you don't believe it now nothing is going to convince you so save yourself the time and just skip it.

>> No.22106447
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>Where does an uneducated guy like me even start?
Tim Keller (RIP, recently died), Gospel in life, available in podcast. He preached to a New York audience, and had a good deal of respect to his audience's intelligence.
You're right that the different denominations make things troubling, but that's because we are humans.
The answer is the bible, just read and pray https://biblehub.com/niv/john/14.htm

Being surrounded by other believers makes a world of a difference, but again I just suggest that podcast, or another teach you find and like.

>> No.22106466

imo, hell is willful separation from God. What's important is right here, right now, your life, and how you perceive it. You can live in hell no connection to god, living in/waiting for death. Or you can choose to live fully and wholly.

>> No.22106474

Christianity is superior and more ethically & historically defensible, despite what Nietzsche says https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27840555-no-god-but-one

>> No.22106495

You obviously havent lurked more if you havent learned anything from your little time you have been on here newfag

>> No.22106519

Believe what you want to believe, follow your heart and spirituality, not some denomination’s guidelines. Pick and choose what you want. You are doing this for yourself after all. Don’t worry about if your faith fits in a nice neat box. The masses are barbaric, mindless hordes anyway

>> No.22106543

This is poor rhetoric. You should have appealed to the functional gains of faith. I.e. Decreased depression and hopelessness thanks to faith leading to more output in your life and therefore better material circumstances. Social benefits of having an in-group preference with other Christians. Know your audience.