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2210450 No.2210450 [Reply] [Original]

Is it weird to be an avid liberal and enjoy the works of Ayn Rand?

I would consider myself a moderate democrat and have voted democrat both elections since my 18th birthday. My opening question is somewhat rhetorical because I know it's not weird to enjoy the works of any author but whenever you claim that you like any of Ayn Rand's works you are immediatly scoffed at by many democrats.

I think the tea party movement is ridiculous and I don't see why so many in the movement have taken to novels like The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. Yes, Atlas Shrugged, especially, promotes an egocentric viewpoint but there are so many more messages portrayed in her works that contradict many right wing values.

Are there any other left wingers here that enjoy Ayn Rand?

>> No.2210458

saging for Ayn Rand

>> No.2210468

bumping for actual input

>> No.2210499
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>> No.2210506

You should give it a try, alot of people say it's boring but people will say that about any book over 400 pages

>> No.2210519


Ayn Rand is against the rules.

>> No.2210521

It's not only boring, it's badly written, hamfisted and poorly thought out.

also, reported.

>> No.2210522

why do ayn rand novels always have to have that fucking gay ass cover art? the fact that her shit has that kind of heavy branding should make it clear that it's shit.

>> No.2210535
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Ralph Nader wrote this in door-stopper length just to poke fun at AS.
I can't speak to its being any good, but its probably out there for a free read. If anyone's interested.

OP, you sound like a conservative Democrat (Or just moderate democrat) That's like 80% of Democrats in office now. Common enough. I hope to look back when I'm in my 90s and see these types as the new right-wing

>> No.2210542
File: 82 KB, 362x354, 1321861927564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's art deco, and probably the best part of the book.

>> No.2210560

>there are so many more messages portrayed in her works that contradict many right wing values.

And what are those, exactly?

>> No.2210564
File: 40 KB, 340x472, 1318977181404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat feel when I use madcharlie.jpeg on /lit/ and someone else starts to use it so I cannot post it on /lit/ anymore to accompany my own angry corrections

>> No.2210565

that's the point fag

>> No.2210569

You make no sense.

>> No.2210599

I am apolitical and I enjoyed parts of The Fountainhead. I tried to read Atlas Shrugged, but it was too boring -- I read the first chapter three times before giving up. Rand's 'individualistic' themes are interesting for a while, but I think she takes them too far.

>> No.2210611

Given that you consider yourself a "moderate democrat" I don't find it altogether surprising that you enjoy Ayn Rand, as these are both things that a moron would do.

>> No.2210939

her books are poorely written, her philosophy is full of holes, and she didn't even stick to it herself (hipocrisy much)
The only good thing about Rand is her atheism

>> No.2210942
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OP deep down you know that your democrat ideals are retarded and you know that capitalism is the only way.....this is why you read Ayn Rand and enjoy it.
One day you'll shed your childish socialism and join us in the winners club

>> No.2210961

an author can be morally wrong, but he can still be right in what he saw.
kinda like a racist poet.
that said i hate rand and the armies of annoying geek followers.

>> No.2210976

ayn rand is like some kind of shitty walmart version of nietzsche for bible thumpers.

>> No.2210977

if you read and enjoy ayn rand you're no winner, that's for sure.

>> No.2210982

Except she has none of the learning or insights or complex excellence and subtle brilliance of Nietzsche or indeed anything of his.
So that's she's just a shitty walmart of a retard version for bible thumpers.

>> No.2210998
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is it possible to look at these statistics and not feel a little racist?

>> No.2211000

>Is it weird to enjoy the works of Ayn Rand?


>> No.2211006



and nice dub dub trips