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/lit/ - Literature

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22105277 No.22105277 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.22105279

also you're a retard which motivates me to finally get it done, WAGMI brother

>> No.22105280
File: 216 KB, 616x625, 1663499359717436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds kinda gay honestly, why would you want anyone to read what you write?

>> No.22105290

Congrats, don't shill on here or associate your actual name with here.

>> No.22105311


>> No.22105315

widen my sphincter.

>> No.22105317

Congrats fren. What kind of book is it?

>> No.22105318

Must be something about BLMGMBITCQ

>> No.22105320


>> No.22105322

>is paying a publishing company to publish his book

>> No.22105343

Scifi, sort of a cyberpunk sapphic aesthetic.

A bartender and her "favorite" regular are forced to become fugitives when the fascist government raids her bar. There's robot hippie communes, cute street doctors who prescribe LSD, and a sex scene that transforms into a high speed aircab chase and then back again :)

>> No.22105349
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>> No.22105353
File: 180 KB, 220x124, jeremy-clarkson-sometimes-my-genius-1403263748.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Must be something about BLMGMBITCQ
I knew it.

>> No.22105358

wow, doesn't sound like anything I'd be into but I'm happy you got published my man!

>> No.22105375 [DELETED] 

I'm 16 and want to also become a published writer, what steps did you take ?

>> No.22105402

Isn't it weird that before you got published the publishing industry was a conspiracy of blue haired Jewish frauds, and now it's a business like any other?

>> No.22105409

he bent the knee...

>> No.22105413

did you see his synopsis? he IS the blue haired jewish fraud

>> No.22105481

>sapphic aesthetic.
Damn this heelturned into a demotivational thread fast

>> No.22105495


I hope you die in a carpet fire

>> No.22105516


I'd rather have the pride of not writing retarded YA misery than being published at all

>> No.22105523

Are you jewish?

>> No.22105527

Of course I am.

>> No.22105531


>> No.22105533

>gay shit
I’m still proud of you, anon.

>> No.22105740

congrats faggot

>> No.22105743
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Good job anon.

>> No.22105792

Are you the guy who was crowing about getting publisher interest a few weeks ago, and it turned out to be a vanity press where you had to pay them to get published?
Because I'd rather just self-publish on Amazon.
Heck, I'd rather post it for free on RoyalRoad.

>> No.22105806
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>sort of a cyberpunk sapphic aesthetic

>> No.22105813

It's a vanity publisher that will ask you to pay them in order to print your book and make a shitty "book trailer" it will post to a social media account where the only subscribers are people they've previously conned and their family members. The trailer will never break 100 views and almost all the attention it does get will come from you showing it to people.

>> No.22106093
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>> No.22106143

whats a 'book trailer'?

>> No.22106147

Congratulations OP. Take that $2,000 advance and go party it up, maybe get a Parisian apartment and some whores or hang out at coffee shops every day while you write your next novel. It's gonna be crazy, having the dozens of people who read your book recognizing you on the street. Enjoy it. This is what literary stardom feels like.

>> No.22106166

A worthy addition to the Canon

>> No.22106222
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please be bait

>> No.22106260
File: 103 KB, 695x982, __jill_stingray_va_11_hall_a_drawn_by_azamatsu__0f5596a22dd11bdae28237c7dba0541e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's VA11-HALL-A?

>> No.22106272
File: 20 KB, 319x320, EjqcPyLWsAMvq07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's about rick and morty style steampunk novella about trannies fighting a thanos called blonald blumpf with the power of man-boy love
In THIS zeitgeist? There really is hope for all of us!

>> No.22106278

This is fake. OP is a bot.
The original thread was good and you should read it instead:

>> No.22106381

>all that seethe over a brief, well-written (ESPECIALLY compared to what you see on this board), though slightly pretentious excerpt

4channers can be so damn bitter

>> No.22106425
File: 80 KB, 212x320, cover shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the club anon, enjoy being part of the elite and better than nearly everyone else on this board, laugh at the crab anons and their bitter rants against you.

>> No.22106949

The more time I spend on here, the more time I realize that 90 percent of posts here are 1) bots 2) AI or 3) federal agents

>> No.22106960 [DELETED] 


>> No.22106961

Thanks for the reminder. I should quit.

>> No.22107018
File: 79 KB, 1284x1388, 8DA65C9C-A03A-42EC-9A91-C5E7649E07BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the virgin unfinished writer
>the chad poooblisher

>> No.22107033

Picked at random from a vanity press YouTube channel. For the £3000 you give them they include an audiobook (I'm going to check and see if they're read by real people or text-to-speech as they have excerpts posted--my guess is the latter).

>> No.22107039

Text-to-speech, kek.

>> No.22107302

So this guy's book should be out by now, right? Or at least have a placeholder on Amazon, etc. Does anyone know the title or the author's real name?

>> No.22107307

Money, bebeh

>> No.22107314

>it's a soijak kids' book

>> No.22107355

Good job anon

>> No.22107359
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Congratulations fren

>> No.22108212

how's life btw

>> No.22108508
File: 47 KB, 736x736, 1685820962989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers m8. really haply for you. get that money and recognition and be sure to tell chicks you're famous now.

>> No.22108555

>anons are still replying to the OP as if it's real
>after this has been posted
Shit board

>> No.22108737

Congratulations anon! Happy for you.

>> No.22109256

>6 months ago
Fuck me that is so demorsalizing. Truly art can only exist for arts sake