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22103344 No.22103344 [Reply] [Original]

Is there even another fantasy series worth reading?

>> No.22103350

Is there any fantasy series worth reading?

>> No.22103493

Lord of the Rings

>> No.22103584
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>> No.22103635
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Edge Chronicles turbokino

>> No.22103644

Lord of the Rings

>> No.22103803
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Watership Down

>> No.22103947

Yes, the Gormenghast Trilogy.

>> No.22104250


>> No.22105612
File: 168 KB, 621x1021, Once and Future King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22105632

The pictures are good, that's about it.

>> No.22105636


>> No.22105645

I remember reading this in a day when I was 12 or 13. Absolutely captivating, until the Battle of the Five Armies. I was a little disappointed by that.

>> No.22105682

the hobbit is a series?

>> No.22105720
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Poor man's Wagner.

>> No.22105737

what was disappointing about it exactly ?

>> No.22105738

Warhammer fantasy is alright

>> No.22105934

>Writers like Tolkien take you to the edge of the Abyss and point out the excellent tea-garden at the bottom, showing you the steps carved into the cliff and reminding you to be a bit careful because the hand-rails are a trifle shaky as you go down; they haven’t got the approval yet to put a new one in.
>The great epics dignified death, but they did not ignore it, and it is one of the reasons why they are superior to the artificial romances, of which Lord of the Rings is merely one of the most recent.
>The sort of prose most often identified with “high” fantasy is the prose of the nursery-room. It is a lullaby; it is meant to soothe and console. It is mouth-music. It is frequently enjoyed not for its tensions but for its lack of tensions. It coddles; it makes friends with you; it tells you comforting lies. It is soft
>Moderation was the rule and it is moderation which ruins Tolkien’s fantasy and causes it to fail as a genuine romance. The little hills and woods of that Surrey of the mind, the Shire, are “safe”, but the wild landscapes everywhere beyond the Shire are “dangerous”. Experience of life itself is dangerous. The Lord of the Rings is a pernicious con- firmation of the values of a morally bankrupt middle class. Their cowardly, Home Counties habits are primarily responsible for the problems England now faces. The Lord of the Rings is much more deep-rooted in its infantilism than a good many of the more obviously juvenile books it influenced. It is Winnie-the-Pooh posing as an epic. If the Shire is a suburban garden, Sauron and his henchmen are that old bourgeois bugaboo, the Mob — mindless football supporters throwing their beer-bottles over the fence — the worst aspects of modern urban society represented as the whole by a fearful, backward-yearning class for whom “good taste” is synonymous with “re- straint” (pastel colours, murmured protest) and “civilized” behaviour means “conventional be- haviour in all circumstances”. This is not to deny that courageous characters are found in The Lord of the Rings, or a willingness to fight Evil — but somehow those courageous characters take on the aspect of retired colonels at last driven to write a letter to The Times and we are not sure — because Tolkien cannot really bring himself to get close to his proles and their satanic leaders — if Sauron and Co. are quite as evil as we’re told. After all, anyone who hates hobbits can’t be all bad.

>> No.22105963

What is the origin of this dyspeptic Marxist copypasta?

>> No.22105994

Based but it's not fantasy. It's the Iliad/Odyssey with bunnies.

>> No.22105997

It is fantasy. Rabbits can't speak.

>> No.22106001

I hope this is bait

>> No.22106026

If the Iliad were written today, it would categorized as fantasy. You didn't know?

>> No.22106085

Epic Pooh
It makes tolkiendrones seethe
Keep pretending that a book that's fantasy dumbed down and kiddified for normies with prissy catholic morality added is "based"

>> No.22106341

elves are so cool. how do i enter elf mode?

>> No.22106349

become gay

>> No.22106375


It had its moments, but overall I thought it was too long.

>> No.22106383

>I thought it was too long.
just like LOTR

>> No.22106391

CS Lewis>Tolkeen

>> No.22106395

Where should I start with Lewis?

>> No.22106399

Narnia then Space trilogy then Till We Have Faces.

>> No.22106404

idk I haven't read either of em

>> No.22106500

probably the wrong person to ask

>> No.22106911

>spends 2 days on /lit/

>> No.22106920

I didn’t care for Malazan.