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/lit/ - Literature

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22097476 No.22097476 [Reply] [Original]


Thread Theme:

>> No.22097492

>theme isn’t vaporwave like the OP

>> No.22097497

To lose weight, just eat more vegetables. That's it. It's not even eating less, it's just changing what you eat

I wish I realized that sooner

>> No.22097518

Technically it is eating less cause vegetables have so few calories, they're mostly water.

>> No.22097520

Feels like I have been "at my limit" for years.

>> No.22097521
File: 113 KB, 600x766, Despair_Edvard_Munch_1894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quit all my miserable, dead-end jobs and completely removed myself from university without having notified anyone, as all those things were contributing to my mental illness and alcoholism - so, at least for that ilk, I fell flat off the face of the Earth - and good riddance, soulless vultures feasting on cadavers and calling their cud "knowledge." As such, I have nothing to do tomorrow. But rent is also due and I can't pay it. I have time to generate some believable excuses; thankfully my landlord is patient and fickle to a fault, whereas I am manipulative and shameless, perhaps to a greater fault.

>> No.22097528

True. I wish I didn't diet like a retard to begin with. I really thought CICO was all you needed but I kept eating shitty processed foods and high calorie sugar snacks

Instead I'm just going to eat vegetables and water as much as I can

>> No.22097559

5/31/2023, women are still gay.

>> No.22097575
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and legumes, I add pinto beans and all kinds of beans to basically every dish. Just don't do things loaded with sugar like baked beans.
Also your veggies don't have to be boring, I fucking hate salads but if I make a soup and add tons of veggies and some chicken breast or something then it's delicious and still healthy.
For me personally, cabbage is my favorite. I only discovered how versatile and delicious it can be when prepared correctly a few weeks ago. It's been a game changer for keeping me full with minimal calories and boy howdy does it clean out your colon.

>> No.22097588

I’m having to reckon with the fact that my current station and dead end job probably make my long term ambitions an impossibility. I should’ve just stuck with graduate school.

>> No.22097595

You have to be extremely, willfully ignorant to think that the liberals who fear the anthropocene don't fully understand that Juneteenth and Pride Month are both pro-Global-Warming culture.

>> No.22097621

Can’t they just be ignorant? Why do they have to be extremely or willfully ignorant? Anyway, a big red pill is realizing that most people not only haven’t really thought it through but don’t have any values to think it through with. They simply respond to power. They’d be devout Catholics in 12th century France, goose-stepping Nazis in 20th century Germany, and good liberals in 21st century America.

>> No.22097631
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>> No.22097637

Literal cult minded thinking

>> No.22097649

The desire to have children. The desire to have big forearms. The desire to do something worth doing. The desire to get really good at making pastries. The desire to move to a deserted island in the south Pacific. The desire to travel to the wilderness in northern Canada and starve to death, alone. The desire to give myself to someone else. The desire to marry a girl with long, silky black hair. The desire to live and die alone as a hermit, renouncing the world. The desire to pluck my own eye out. The desire to never have been born. The desire to apologize. The desire to atone. The desire to fake my own death and leave behind cryptic clues hinting at a vast conspiracy. The desire to gain access to highly classified material out of curiosity. The desire to put pornographers in prison camps. The desire to die. The desire to write good poetry. The desire to visit the Holy Land. The desire to separate from my body and drift on the currents of time. The desire to practice calligraphy at a very high level. The desire to observe the beginning and end of all that exists. The desire to desire. The desire to find the limit of what I am capable of understanding. The desire to experience the Truth even if I cannot understand it. The desire to be crucified with Christ. The desire to understand.

>> No.22097686
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>Gamer is a gender

>> No.22097699

Well said. Ignorance can be quite mild and accidental.

>> No.22097708


>> No.22097774

I feel a lot smaller and lesser than I want to. I feel like I can have a more important life, but at the same time, the life I have prohibits me from having something like the most important life. I want my life to be more story worthy and romantic than it is, but even saying that implies that it’s already not and that can’t be undone.

>> No.22097785

holy shit are you a real life Dosto character?

>> No.22097827
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I heard a theory that evil comes in two forms. He used Germany in the 1920s and 1930s as an example.
First, you have what he called "the whore of Babylon", in this case being exemplified in the Weimar Republic. Everything is in chaos, there is no order or structure to society. Rampant homosexuality, feminism, destruction of traditions, absolute degeneracy, total lack of boundaries.
Then the second evil comes, which he called "the beast", in this case being the Nazis. This evil comes as a reaction against the first evil. Tyrannical oppression ruling everyone with an iron fist, mass killings, rigidly enforced order and structure to society, rules are ruthlessly enforced with absolutely no mercy. He referred to the Bible saying that the beast eats the whore.
Your thoughts?

>> No.22097844
File: 167 KB, 1920x1280, rebirth of sensuality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get off work an hour earlier. Yesterday this guy at church sat by my side and told me: "If you visit the church the next 3 days you'll have a special blessing from God. With this blessing you will obtain the job you deserve (or wish), that is either you or anyone you wish it upon.
Yeah sure I'll have my dream job but is it really necessary to go this 3 days in a row? Is not my intention enough? Wouldn't I be commuting to church out of obligation instead of praise to God?
On the third day I take my guitar classes, on the second (today) well sure I could make an exception but the day will be colder by the end of the session and I'll go back home riding my motorbike.
Is it really all that important or can't I just lay back and enjoy my life being the way I'm meant to be?
What is the difference between being tempted or following your heart? Can a person know the feeling of what is right and what is a distraction to one's path if the path is not really known at all?
It's already late to get off work an hour earlier.

>> No.22097915

If you don't reply to this post you will die in your sleep tonight.

>> No.22097918

>tfw the bottom is correct

>> No.22097936

I think we should hesitate to characterize an entire people and country as evil.

>> No.22097981

Nature is perfect and eternal, it will destroy the corruptor.

>> No.22098002

>muh holocaust is the great ebul
Not anti Semitic but consider non-Hebraic centered theories about evil.

>> No.22098010

Following his crimes, he wrote the name of the molested child in a blue notebook and prayed for them while pacing his room, fervently beating his chest while naked in a ritual-like fashion.

>> No.22098013
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Don't get carried away. I think you are missing the point. Even he acknowledged that the Jews were largely responsible for the degeneracies in the Weimar Republic. That doesn't mean the Nazis were good though.
And he was simply using Germany as an example, not saying that it was the ultimate evil.

>> No.22098040

If degeneracy gives way to the force that inevitably destroys it, as a product of it wouldn't still be a single entity and a single 'evil'?

>> No.22098044


>> No.22098052

In a way, yes, you are right. But he was highlighting the patterns in which it plays out.

>> No.22098081
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>> No.22098114

Poverty was what plagued post WWI Germany, you tards. There were poor jews as well.

>> No.22098139


>> No.22098203

Today I thought about penning a suicide letter. There’s not much I’d like to say on it. Mostly I would just make it clear that I’ve felt suicidal for more than a decade and that any explanation anyone offers for it should be disregarded. Maybe it’s pointless to worry about that, but it would be nice to at least have a measure of control over the narrative behind my death. Having people think that not being able to land a job after graduating college or breaking up with my narcissistic ex is what did me in would be just silly. Anyway, baring that my only concern is towards the wellbeing of my cats. For all that my family always bitched and moaned about how they would never let me take them with me if I moved out, I know they’ll neglect the poor things. To tell you the truth, the cats are pretty much the only reason I have to keep going. It wouldn’t be right to leave them alone.

>> No.22098216

Continue living to spite your parents, anon

>> No.22098225

Are you the guy who made a similar post while repeating the word “because” on the previous thread? I like this one better. It’s soulfull.
>The desire to move to a deserted island in the south Pacific
For me it’s a house on some small town in the olympic peninsula.

>> No.22098296

I wake up at 8. I prepare myself and I go to work at 30. I arrive at 9'30. The day starts. I am a very focused person so I basically don't think about anything except work until lunch time, which lasts about 30 minutes. I relapse and wake up at 5. Time to go home. I arrive at 6, sometimes a bit more if traffic us dense. From 6'10 to 6'50, I eat and catch up on my web serials. At 7, I am at home. At this point I finally have time for myself but I mostly use it to masturbate, take a shit, shower and browse 4chan/YouTube, and keep finding whatever shit I need to consume until it's time to sleep (00'35).

This has been my life on weekdays for the past three months. Everytime I go to sleep I can't help but think about all of those nice creative projects I need to do, but never do because I don't have additional time to fit into my 4-5 hours of real existence After work. I guess this is it, this is what adult life is like. At least I don't have any kids.

>> No.22098420

For two months now some faggot in my area has been using the mobile network to make the most absolute abhorrent posts on /his/ and getting banned over and over. I would like to know who thos faggot os and beat the shit out of him

>> No.22098470

I’ll try to keep on living out of hope. Hope that one day I’ll lead a fulfilling life. The notion that everything is fucked and hopeless just because of the past revolts me. I refuse to believe that any of us is fated to walk around dragging this fucking ball and chain for the rest of our lives.

>> No.22098480

It’s strange to think that some anons are only a couple blocks away.

>> No.22098488

When you really dig into the biographies of the great novelists all of them were interesting persons who led interesting lives before they ever successfully wrote novels.

I feel like I’m insanely boring and so has my life been. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with that but despair about it.

>> No.22098499

I think I've fallen in love with a vtuber and I'm going to kill myself.

>> No.22098568

How can someone have an interesting and adventurous life today? It seems like there’s very little to actually do and laws preventing you from living spontaneously.

>> No.22098578
File: 312 KB, 1000x1750, JoeRape336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Just witnessing the way commonplace people interact with each other, either genuinely enjoying it or at least forcing themselves to pretend to enjoy it, watching them voluntarily participate with apparent enthusiasm in such basal vapid shtik of human social interaction, something so farcically childish and debased of all sense of self-respect, of gawking at each other’s shameless lines of attention seeking devoid of any pragmatic or self-legitimizing purpose beyond the mutual insatiable desire of two or more fools desperately seeking analgesia from their defining existential suffering fueled by their own well-founded belief in their own palpable inadequacy, it’s sickening.

To understand this farce, you might imagine a situation where two derelict colored men are enthusiastically engaging in banter with one another, each of them complimenting the other on being so intelligent and civilized. This unchecked baseless mutual affirmation of the everyman has created legions of these derelicts which have no capacity to meaningfully understand their life beyond the incessant and completely baseless provisioning of approval doled out by the jury of their peers which has zero legitimate capacity to provide sound judgment or produce any coherently justified verdict of approval or disapproval, but only provides these verdicts, the sole sustenance of the egoist parasite, based upon a mutual desire to receive these same baseless affirming verdicts by those they are providing them to.

I’m at a loss. I’m truly at a loss. The democratic majority, this profound and endless authority of the everyman’s baseless verdicts has come to define nearly every humans perception of self-worth, and ultimately it is little more sensible than living in a world where every artist has a gun in their mouth and is ready to pull the trigger unless a blind art critic compliments their painting. It’s complete insanity, but truly, I see no solution beyond suffering quietly until my death, being powerless to resolve this issue, and try to look the other way to minimize the agony of witnessing such inanity.” - Joe Biden

>Damn, Joe hits the bones with his words

>> No.22098579

Wow he’s literally me

>> No.22098589

is that a real quote

>> No.22098595
File: 93 KB, 638x800, BackInMyDay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do whatever the fuck you want, don't get caught, and if you do, go to jail. I did that shit and now I'm a fucked in the head and everyone hates me. I just did a bunch of drugs because I love getting high. It's true that if you don't want to go to jail, you stop doing that shit. If you want to have meaningful interpersonal relationships, you stop doing that shit. If you're a piece of shit, you do that, and you suffer for it, but at least you get to live for yourself. At that point, it's a matter of how intelligent you are, how tactical you are, and how skilled you are at living that life and getting away with it. The consequences can be severe if you're into some fucked up shit, but if you are white and know how to keep your head down and look legit, and you just want to fuck around, then you can get away with some shit. It's also best if you can run fast and drive slow. Pic related.

Definitely nothing like an "epic of self-realization" just me being a piece of shit down and outer, a petty criminal, a mooch, and a subhuman. That's it really. Most all of that shit I did in school then straightened out as an adult.

Real adventurer types are like the homeless people riding trains and shit. I put that in the same category of "poser faggot" as people who read books, but I still give them credit for doing it. I'm sure there are some people legitimately drawn to the life, but just like with book readers, I'm sure there's plenty of those bastards just doing it to create some farcical imagined delusion of themselves and their "apparent legitimacy".

>> No.22098597

he posted it on his medium blog under an entry level tutorial on using python for data science.

>> No.22098604

I don't really believe you.

>> No.22098609
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I hope so, but if it says JoeRape in the file, that means I just made that shit up. I feel bad that fucking shemale children is so political these days, but as an absurdist/farcisist/nihilist/anti-humanist, that shit splashes into my realm, and I'm lazy, and I take the low hanging fruit

>> No.22098617
File: 225 KB, 1600x2400, BookCover3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, that's got a typo in it. I used to write shit for real, but the gestapo came and burned down my shitposting house and I've been sitting on the street harumphing with my arms crossed for almost a year now.

>> No.22098623
File: 164 KB, 976x1200, JoeRape313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the fixed one. It's funny, because I think I'm a great writer, but I'm a narcissistic schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur, so my opinions of myself don't tend to reflect the perception the general public has of me

>> No.22098637
File: 90 KB, 800x1200, JoeBars1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want another one, you can pick a number between one and 336, I also have a small number of other identical characters where the character is the same, but the picture and the quote attribution change

>> No.22098641

not sure if stand-up comedy is /lit/ I don't want to post on /tv/ honestly

on another note, I am with a new girl and maybe things might be looking up for me

>> No.22098642


>> No.22098643

stryptotonic leperism brixate

>> No.22098645

read that in his voice. oh hell nah.

>> No.22098659

Link the posts

>> No.22098663

Yeah. I'm trying to put myself into situations where stuff can happen. Saying yes to invitations from colleagues, stuff like passing by the new café that opened in the mall, even if I'm just gonna sip the coffee, comment on it, make a few jokes. Maybe something interesting will happen any of these days. Who knows. Tomorrow I'm going to take my colleague to the doctor. She has a boyfriend. He will be working while we're in the doctor so he can't take her. Maybe that's simping on my part, but it's better than just staying at home doing nothing. I could stay at home doing something, but I know that's not what's going to happen at all.

>> No.22098664
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>> No.22098666

I'm trying to do fiction writing, but all I can do is ideas and scenarios. Every time I try to expand on the ideas or write dialogue and story my mind goes blank. At this point I have lots of ideas written down on piles of papers and notes on word documents that I might actually never get around to. At this point, I just think I'm making excuses to feel like I'm doing something, but not really doing anything at all.

>> No.22098668

This is kind of pathetic honestly. Taking your colleague to the doctor? Seriously you have nothing else better to do?

Focus on your goals or writing

>> No.22098676

The thing is, I’m not convinced you can actually just do what you want. When Ezra Pound got fired from his Indiana College for smoking and having girls in his room, he just got on a boat to England, showed up, convinced someone to give him a room until he could pay rent, and he was able to scrounge together a living. Today, you can’t even get on the boat unless you have a passport, you certainly can’t stay in the country without a visa, and you can’t get a room without proof of income some multiple times rent. So this whole “do what you want” seems to me only to be applicable to people with a lot of money.

FYI - you’re not interesting nor did you have an interesting life just because you did drugs. How old are you anyway? 20?

>> No.22098679

Sometimes I feel like it’s hopeless dude. We are just people who don’t have the divine spark living in times that can’t make anything good.

Our destiny is to work at a computer until we die…

>> No.22098680

That's the thing. Reading would be better. Writing would be better. Even watching a movie would be better. I'll just go there with her and sit in a room waiting. Maybe I'll read a book while I'm waiting. Maybe someone will strike up a conversation with me, or maybe I'll strike a conversation with someone. The point is that if I'm there there's at least a chance that something interesting is going to happen.

>> No.22098689

Dude no offense, but stop wasting your fucking time simping for these girls, especially with boyfriends

Your time is limited, is it not? Imagine all that time you could've spent writing or doing something to further your progress on your goals. Tell her to go by herself next time ffs

>> No.22098704

Not the Bronte sisters

>> No.22098707

None taken. I'll go tomorrow. Next time I'll cook up an excuse.

>> No.22098714

>certainly can’t stay in the country without a visa, and you can’t get a room without proof of income some multiple times rent
If you want to go to England, just be brown anand some ngo boat will drop you off safely and the government will give you a free hotel room

>> No.22098720

> just be brown, bro

>> No.22098721

My job isn't working at computers, but a problem I do have is when trying to focus on a subject, my brain will want to look at another subject instead. First your trying to look into only one thing, then you got 87 tabs open on things that have nothing to do with the original subject. I have done this so many times it has become more of a hobby then actually attempting to write.

>> No.22098732

>Four elements
>When there's only one arche and it is apeiron

>> No.22098743

I was using poetic license. I could’ve said “we’re going to die wagies”.

>> No.22098763

>Rampant homosexuality, feminism, destruction of traditions, absolute degeneracy, total lack of boundaries.
>Then the second evil comes, which he called "the beast", in this case being the Nazis. This
Nazis and commies were annoying cunts during the Weimar. There were gay Nazis and traditionalist commies, and they both had nudist sun your balls outdoor yoga clubs with vicious rivalry for the best woodland clearings. They also got into bar fights. They're the shitty friend of the party who wants to sell you doTerra because your choice of beverage says a lot about your aura, the kind of political fancies that only come from people everyone hates at the BBQ.
The majority of society was just hoping to get drunk, fed sausages, and maybe feed their sausage to someone else if you know what I'm saying. Nazis and commies just showed up to the Weimar parties with some scumbag energy and willingness to steal the record off the deck.
>My thoughts
Rasta Babylon is better than whatever you're reading, even if Marcus Garvey is an absolute madman.

>> No.22098764

When I think about all the time I wasted reading Yukio Mishima novels when I could’ve been reading classic western literature, I could shit myself.

>> No.22098791

my bad, didn't interpret that way. My job is a boring joy killer, I just say hi at work and bye at the end, only sometimes asking about holiday. Ever since lockdown I have been working extra hours just to earn over 1000 pay, I don't want to go on about my miserable life, but at least trying to write or finish one thing would bring me some inner comfort. But I've typed to much now, how's your life going?

>> No.22098795

I am also from los angeles and i want to beat that faggots skull in. Also want to maim and torture the useless janny that keeps crying to the mods for useless 3 day bans against that cretin. The funniest shit is that i got blocked the first time i tried to post this because some /o/tard caught a sitewide ban.

>> No.22098805

Difficult to say. It probably looks like it’s going fairly well on paper, but I’m not happy with it, and I feel like I’ve blown my one and only shot at what I wanted from life sometimes. But I try to stay positive and relax which is something I can achieve sometimes.

My point was less about our lives and more about the potential of our lives to write anything really good though.

>> No.22098825

Copy someone else

>> No.22098828
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It hurts the most when people read it. I always think the reason nobody reads it is because everybody is a bot. I still presume most people are too illiterate, but knowing that I'm not getting any Pulitzers for making these memes is just a shot through the heart. I don't know man.

>> No.22098833


Taking the colleague to the doctor is called being a real person. That's what real life is about, just doing shit with people, looking out for them, building relationships, and those relationships turn into the meaningful parts of your life. Watching my father die, seeing all of the people who he knew pay respects, talking to the dude, bullshitting with the man like he meant something, that's life.

Clearly I can't live up to that dude's social dominance, and I have no interest in doing so. He was a dog's dog, but nothing more than a beast, in all honesty, and he died a dogs death, spat upon by God, broken, beaten, used, and thrown into the fucking dumpster. Maybe God willed death upon the man just so he could die to further medical science or something, like the selfless motherfucker he was. The type of dude to just cut himself open and let everybody drink away at him.

I knew him as a person, and he was almost an empty shell of a man, a man with nothing other than what people put inside of him, what society propped him up with, but they propped that motherfucker up and put him on a pedestal. In person, he was little more than a childish adult, an angsty teenager at his worst, and a small child on most days.

>> No.22098835

Whatever philosophical contemplation struck the man is beyond me, because he focused entirely on pleasing society, being successful, and doing the right thing. He didn't think for himself, he saw the mainstream acceptable opinion and would run and gun for that shit like it was Christ incarnate, and people loved him for it. He was as normal as fucking possible, and he was a fucking ace at that shit. That's what led to so much contempt for normalcy, watching his profound successes amount to nothing but the pettiest humanistic triumphs, of personal relationships, of small gains across the board for those who knew him, of submission to his irrelevance and thriving within that sphere, all to the benefit of people he was voluntarily oblivious to.

Just an all around good person, and whatever great benefits I received from that, good people skills, work ethic, intelligence, all of that fuels an intense iconoclastic hatred and antagonization of society due to my embitterment with everything that man stood for. The preservation of the status quo, of polishing the marble of the crumbling society, of turning a blind eye and giving benefits of the doubt.

Even if he was a tool, a human of limited development of self, a catalyst of an irreuptable (sic) and unknown someone else's society, if nothing else, he was very good at what he did. The fact that he did something appreciated by the general public and was successful puts that man miles beyond the derelicts and degenerates buying fake lotto tickets of basal childlike artistic hopes and dreams. Even if by nature of his philosophy and selfless service unto my enemies, he was and always will be an enemy of mine, he was a respectable enemy, one that you can enjoy a contest with, somebody with enough fight to make the bout entertaining. He would scrap like a dog with all the stubbornness of a small child for every bit of saccharine propaganda that's sold to the everyman, but if nothing else, he was a fighter, and he died fighting.

If you knew how to fight for something, you'd know what it takes to make it, and whether or not it's worth it, measuring how much you want it, what it's actually worth to you. Regardless, crying online, making words, shitposting, all of this irrelevant crying into the rape-pillow of the internet, none of that amounts to shit. It's petty babbling from wallowing subhumans, from the terrorists to the writers to the trannys, it's all the same shit every day. Just crying and hoping for Deus Ex Machina to deliver you from your own failures.

Clearly I'm just making a bunch of bold presumptions here, and I'm sure some of you are well-to-do or even halfway legitimate people, but associating with the cur of the internet dwellers is a surefire way to reduce your credibility and respectability when your words appear in the exact same font and the exact same style as the worthless degenerates and derelicts.

>> No.22098855

Pretty nice parallels. The anons who responded to you didn't understand what you're getting at. These are patterns in the world and the biblical whore the beast are great metaphors to illustrate them

>> No.22098857

I try to remain positive and relaxed as well, job ain't stressful, but ain't full time career choice. I bet your job is at least keeping you well payed and living, better than me at least. What was your shot that you think you missed?

I wanted to start writing cause entertainment just became predictable to me, my brother and me watched a shitty film and even before any dialogue was said I guessed 94% of everything that would happen. I know I will never be like the greats before, present or future. Or sell well by indie writer standards (I like to keep to myself, so branding is a no), It's more of a what makes me happy or time worth spent.

sorry for long wait and reply.

>> No.22098900

No disrespect to your father anon, clearly that's a much different scenario and I agree with you partly. That is what life is about generally

What I meant was more about anon simping for his colleague. That's a waste of time. Many people regret tagging along for time wasting nonsense and cases of girls stringing guys along. If anyone wants my advice, just ignore half of what everyone else is doing. They'll give you less respect for following along and you'll eventually earn more respect pursuing your own goals by yourself in your free time

>> No.22098903

Also just wanted to say, been watching a few booktubers, and from the reviews and dives into them, I like to think I can't be as bad as these writers right? So there's the confidence there at least

>> No.22098917

What like Jim Butcher, or Daniel Greene?
what about copyright or plagiarism?

>> No.22098985

I live well and my income is dead middle of middle class. In other words, broke more or less. But I’ll take it because I know what it’s like to be basically poor. The only reason I have some money is because I’ve lived with my mother for the last few years at an age that is way too old to be living with mother. Sometimes I feel like a failure for not having achieved more for my family and people I care about by now. But like I said, where I’m at doesn’t bother me as much as where I’ve been. You ever feel like that? I don’t know how old you are. Probably in your twenties. I wish mostly that I found my path earlier and that my life had been more interesting. I worry aged out of potential. Maybe that’s a normal worry. I don’t know.

Sure, but do you really want to measure yourself against “not good”? I don’t know about you, but I want to be great at things not just not terrible.

>> No.22099007

spent all day crying out of frustration

>> No.22099030

Heres one
I hate this faggot so much. Every post is literally retarded and he gets a new ban every day. He's one of those guys spends literally all day seething at the internet

>> No.22099062

Why are you so frustrated?

>> No.22099065

I dont know whats wrong with me. I honeslty feel terrible for thinking the things that im thinking but I dont know how to stop. I really do love my gf and ive been with her for a long time. Ive just recently met a fellow intern at work and I cant stop thinking about her. I dont even know why I think about her... shes just so nice to me and honestly really pretty. Its sad to think that how little control I have over this. I keep having thoughts of little things to say to her throughout the day and she comes to my desk pretty often to talk about off topic things with me. I dont know how to get rid of these thoughts or why I would even have them in the first place considering that I have such a loving gf already. Its sad to say but if she actually made any move on me I cant confidently say whether or not I would be accepting towards it. My mind has never felt so split.

>> No.22099084

>trying to get job
>not getting job

>> No.22099096
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Wu wei motherfucker. Most things in life come to you, not the other way around.

>> No.22099099

still better income then mine, but yeah, whatever it takes to not sleep in the cold outside,

I'm still living with my mother and at age 25, my brother is in his 30s and still living with us, he even has a girlfriend that stays with us sometimes and seems chill about everything.

I too feel like a failure, not motivated easily and not sure what job could be my purpose for life and stability.

It does hurt me that my cousins all seem to have such fulfilling life's, there dads were encouraging. Still trying to keep a positive view on life.

I wouldn't mind traveling, but my money as a whole is just over 50 000, and I'm trying to save as much as possible for a cheap land.

I do want to be great at things, I just don't see myself in any positive way, just negative. I doubt I'll amount to anything good really,

Feeling tired now, going to get some sleep, will keep thread open and read any responses afterwards. But do keep your spirits high and strong bro.

>> No.22099114
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>> No.22099121


>> No.22099210

Don’t be a phoneposting ESL

>> No.22099216

I let my seed go in a girl I shouldn’t have. A little nervous desu

>> No.22099281
File: 66 KB, 240x177, thimurs2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna be a daddy! Yayyy!

>> No.22099290


>> No.22099333

It's CICO, you can eat purely cake (theoretically) and still still lose weight as long as you are in a calorie defect

>> No.22099341

I've been struggling with discipline

>> No.22099350

Yeah but you'll be hungry the rest of the day and you wasted 800 calories on 2 oz of cake

>> No.22099352

Yeah and it'll also fuck up your insulin resistance

>> No.22099368

>The desire to practice calligraphy at a very high level
That wasn't even a thought that crossed my mind until I saw your post. For what it's worth, you've sparked a passion within a complete stranger. Thank you.

>> No.22099376

>2+ hour commute daily

Gee I fucking wonder why you feel lost and passionless. Unless you're making big money either quit or move closer to your work

>> No.22099384

>spending your days exploring the neighbouring woods, studying whatever strikes your fancy and developing your art along with your siblings while your gun toting luddite hating minister of a father takes care of the family’s needs isn’t interesting.

>> No.22099400

Hate everything. I want to kill myself.

>> No.22099403
File: 23 KB, 640x476, MV5BNTVhNzYwYzgtMGRkYi00ZDc5LTk5NjEtYTFhNTc2MjBlMDRlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQ4NzczNDE5._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone told me I look like this and I dont know how I feel about it

>> No.22099404

Who are the coolest lit/kino characters?

>> No.22099471

I want to cuddle with my neighbor.

>> No.22099519
File: 221 KB, 400x323, 1675894824722021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to think I'm introverted but I'm starting to think I'm just anti-social.

>> No.22099522

I'd be all of these too besides liberal because they're cringe

>> No.22099533

You’re stupid and weak.

>> No.22099545

I hate how hyperedited so much content is now. Everything is overbearing meme music, rapid cuts, slow mo, ultra closeups, comedic soundbites, etc, and it will just be for a funny baby animal video or something.

>> No.22099553

So last month at a party i got talking literature to a friend of friend who seemed like a normal sort of guy. We talked about publishing and i was impressed he knew who Erich Auerbach was, so when he invited me to a book club and said they were just done reading Hamsun's Hunger i was all in. I remember being all excited thinking maybe i will have new people to talk lit with,

Well I was there last knight and ... oh god ...
So i walk in and immediately i saw 3 older trannies. FINE! i may be a bit of schizo about these things but i try to treat everyone fair, everyone is a little odd these days. Whatever. Maybe they are nice.
The book picked this time around was Martin Amis's memoir(ish) thing Inside Story, which they eerily picked before the news broke.
We start and immoderately the head tranny starts developing their theory that Amiss was actually transgender, and talking about how in a different more caring world he and Christopher Hitchens would be trans lesbians together.

It's my first day, i try not make a scene, sure whatever, Hitchens was kinda gay in that way all englishman are. I bring up Philip Larkin, and the 5 o'clock shadow thing i the corner interrupts to say him and Kingsley probably also had the hots for each other, and the two start speculating about their imaginary sex lives.

I goes on in this vain, we are finishing up the discussion and the head tranny says they cant make it next week because of uni obligations. I ask what they are studying and the fucker tells me he is an English lecturer at a prestigious university and that 5 o'clock just got tenure.

I dont think i will be back.

>> No.22099583

If you’re a misanthrope, then you can claim antisocial.
If you just have a hard time connecting with people and making friends, that you know is a part of a healthy life, then you are just introverted

>> No.22099587


>> No.22099605

Trannies are just coombrained - one of the outcomes of a society of unmitigated lust. Many such cases!

>> No.22099648

I'm going to start being more nice and kind and generous towards people.

>> No.22099650

Anons, /r/ing good audio books or radio series, especially non fiction history. Can't read or look at screens too much for a couple days.

>> No.22099656

Got called in early for work today and I agrred, why do I do this to myself?

>> No.22099667

At least they didn't try to recruit you for their "radical anarchist sex collective" like the average D&D group does these days.

>> No.22099674

i'm 120 pages into the brothers karamazov. fuck me i love this book but it's gonna take me 4ever to read all this shit jesus

>> No.22099676

I don't really enjoy things. I like to spend time with my gf because when she's around I don't think about the shit I think about when I'm alone, but I don't know whether or not I even like her. She reminds me of that what one of Joseph Conrad's friends said about his wife, how she may not have been some great intellect or conversationalist but she provided a level of comfort and refuge from the outside.

Conrad makes me think of how even successful, well-liked people suffer from negative thinking. His philosophy was pretty bleak.

I'm afraid that some people are just like that. Every time I've really wanted something and then eventually achieved it, it feels nice for a bit and then it feels like nothing; there's no lasting satisfaction. Not in graduating, not in getting a job, not in having sex, not in finding a solid girl that's marriage material, not in getting a better job. "Maybe next time will be different."

Sorry for the blog post

>> No.22099691
File: 55 KB, 540x512, 1671532757943644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that God can grant any wish if you believe in Him but me ending up as a wizard raises two questions. Did I have so little faith or it never was supposed to happen according to his plan. It confuses me. One one hand I should believe more, on the other one - finally accept that Im just not worth the grace of humanly love and just move on with my life.

>> No.22099699

Your beliefs being dependent on your worldly and material circumstances only serves to prove that you had little faith to begin with. And where does it say that God is some wish granter akin to some Robin Williams voiced Genie, which makes it seem like you respect the creator of the universe very little.

>> No.22099705

I've never actually asked at that time to grant any wishes nor now. Im trying to put things into retrospective.

>> No.22099736

being subject to desire is not optional. it's a big part of the human condition. what is optional is whether to act on desire; this is where virtue comes in. if you're going to hate yourself, don't hate yourself for having desires; hate yourself because you are unable to resist those desire. that is where you are at fault.

>> No.22099741

Fair but still you’re making your beliefs dependent upon material circumstances I used to do the same thing but I now view it as an immature and frankly disrespectful way of thinking about the creator of the universe and the only thing that ever gave me all that I love in my life. We were created, so deal with it (I know it is easier said than done I struggle with this shit too but it is through man’s ideal speech that he can even come close to kissing the hem of the veil under which The Creator is shrouded)

>> No.22099858

What about your cousins’ lives is so great?

I can really sympathize with the bit about not seeing yourself in any positive way. The weird thing for me is that the people around me: work colleagues, family do see me in some positive way relative to that role. It’s just myself that is unsatisfied. I had bigger ambitions for myself and my life. I still do. This life feels too small and disappointing. I feel like I’m capable of great things but stuck in a life where I can’t really believe that. Can you relate to that at all?

>> No.22099867

I think my main question is that why God has given me this path which is very inferior looking than a typical persons one with normal humanly experiences. I know that God doesnt give more suffering than I cant take it but I struggle to see my role.

>> No.22099915

Idk bro that is the real mystery it’s not like I don’t relate and don’t know what you’re talking about, I very much do. I don’t know though, that really is how it be, and why does it be how it be, shit I just don’t know. I reckon answering that takes atleast some infinite knowledge

>> No.22100012

> great western writers have interesting, exciting, or difficult lives or else they’re successful writers at a young age
> made it my thirtieth birthday with none of those
> it’s over

>> No.22100061

My cousins are all older then me so they had a head start, but nearly all of them are either having families of their own or have jobs that make me feel embarrassed and actually live on there own, At gatherings they might be putting on faces for show, but when I reflect on myself and here about them it makes me feel empty inside.

At work I'm not hated or disliked, just tolerated. I do the job and be on my way, I don't like bantering during working hours cause of boss hating the not working and being paid thing.

Family and extended family do love me, but I feel insecure inside or always doubt they care, mom is my saint, my brother seems just fine with me existing but not doing much together.

I too feel unsatisfied, wished for a more ambitious personality, but stay contempt with now. Life is small and disappointing, it gets slower and harder as it goes on.

Do relate with the "I feel like I’m capable of great things but stuck in a life where I can’t really believe that", wasn't sure how to express it though.
Hope this helps with the relate question, wasn't sure how else to respond to that one.

Thanks for responding.

>> No.22100078

You should try to get closer with your brother. If you could do anything with your life, what would you do?

>> No.22100085

Blows my mind that people will have 50k saved and can still somehow believe they have it bad

>> No.22100093

$50k is enough to get by for a year at most in much of America.

>> No.22100095

I’ve never wanted to live in the city, but now that I’m in my 30s and single I’ve started feeling like I’m going to have to go there if I want to find someone. Living in a college town has turned out to be not the best for dating.

>> No.22100112

No shit what did you expect. College roasties dont want to be tied down and townis are just fucking sad.

>> No.22100116

Im texting this rly hot girl thats freshman in college studying math and a virgin( like me). The question is, can i turn her into a tradwife?

>> No.22100122

If it's in savings, in my view that's essentially "extra" money that you don't need to get by. If that anon wants to buy some land he could right now. There are plenty of properties that are like 30 acres with a shitty house where your downpayment would be way less than 50k

>> No.22100127

Maybe travel more, I prefer natural places over public spaces, I thought of joining my countries air force for perks, skills and pay, but they won't want me. Have tried talking to brother about doing something, but it always goes nowhere.
As for "If you could do anything with your life, what would you do?", that question has been with me for so long, my goal is have a land of my own, try to have a decent income and retire early to do fuck all. If I had to say what would you do, it be acting.

Sorry for taking up your time.

>> No.22100142

I also try being careful how much I spend so that's a problem for me too.
Can you explain the "people will have 50k saved and can still somehow believe they have it bad" thing, do I have it better than most people and anons.

>> No.22100148

I'm Brit so £50,000

>> No.22100150

That sounds awful
Degeneracy is even supported by the establishment

>> No.22100157

I really want a decent size land for space and gardening, my brother works in construction, I've been thinking of maybe building a small house on that land with him, maybe that might bring some bond back together.

>> No.22100167

There's a bar where I go to have tea and type a bit, and one waiter always greets me with a smile and it comes off like he's fucking with me. Today he said "hey how about we prank them [the other waitresses] order a bottle of wine!"
It was 4PM. Where's the joke? I said nah and I really started hating him. My perception of people is skewed and I always interpret everything as aggressive or condescending. I don't know if these people think I'm some retard or I'm just playing it up like this because of paranoia. It's so hard to live like this. There's a secretary at a place I go to who smiles a lot at me and I don't know if she's pitying me because she think I'm a weirdo or she's taken a liking to me.

>> No.22100174

I honestly think youre overthinking it
Young people just do young stuff to other young people

>> No.22100180

Lend me a cheeky tenner mate?

>> No.22100211

I am not that young though and I don't look like someone who likes jokes. If you wanna do a cute prank do it yourself.

>> No.22100263

What do you mean when you say it goes nowhere? I’m just curious like like if you had do do and be known for one thing in your life if you know what that would be. The reason I ask is not because we do have one thing but because more and more I realize that life is about what we do with it and not really about our money or living arrangement and im just curious if you’ve considered that viewpoint.

>> No.22100265

What is it about acting that appeals to you? Are you like trying to make that a reality or not really? Surely, there’s an acting scene in your country if not for film then for stage theatre.

>> No.22100303

I went on a sailing trip few years ago and have thought of asking him to come along on the next one, when I try to talk to him about it at first he will say sure but then we lose motivation when planning what days to do it, I think he asked if I would like to go fishing with him, but my mood wasn't there at the time. At the moment he and his girlfriend were planning a trip to Columbia, I thought of asking them if I can join cause touring Latin/Hispanic America is something I would love to do, but would like to have a list of stuff to be wary of when traveling around their.
Didn't consider that viewpoint, if I were to be remembered for anything, it would really only to be for making people smile or laugh in a inside warm feeling way.

>> No.22100304

>do I have it better than most people and anons
Financially speaking, yes absolutely. Also if you just want to garden and aren't trying to be a full on homesteader you won't need that much. Just a few acres should do. Though I also don't know what's available in the UK so maybe it really is still out of your budget

>> No.22100316

my standards exceed my abilities thus paralysis

>> No.22100327

I gave up acting after looking into and seeing how much of it seems like everyone is faking and selfish, I know there actors but a quote from Mel Gibson when asked about the industry was "survival", and we have seen recently how many actors are just somewhat more weirder than actors before.
Their most likely is near me, I'm just mostly made my self walled up and always nervous about being open about myself, even at work when someone new starts it takes me a while to become comfortable around them.
Would want to be more of a film actor, favorites are Bruce Campbell, Gary Oldman, Tim Curry, Steve Buschemi, Danny Devito and Vincent Price. I know I should try stage acting, wouldn't even care or mind starting off as background characters, but it's mostly shyness and enthusiasm on certain stuff.

>> No.22100343

you can try expressing your acting abilities while conversing with people on a daily basis a bit. That doesnt mean you should lie, you can just try to express yourself artistically.
But not too much obviously cause then it would look like you're making a drama

>> No.22100346

Being an actor has lost any appeal as a career. What do they ever do nowadays? Even AA winners only do capeshit and meme movies. There's no actual artistic cinema being made anymore.

>> No.22100350

Still out of my budget, I've been looking at lands to buy in Poland and other Eastern Europe countries, even tough I don't speak anything but English.

"Financially speaking, yes absolutely", that actually hurts me, that your telling me I'm doing alright when all I can feel is "It's not enough", do any other anons relate to this, please tell me your all doing somewhat decent or alright at least. Cause it sounds depressing that I'm actually doing alright and others are in worst places than me.

>> No.22100355

made me chuckle at "But not too much obviously cause then it would look like you're making a drama", do you have examples of this for better context?

>> No.22100365

dunno man, i thought you would know of this
you watch a movie and you see a man act. Hes doing a bit but its a bit different that in real life, how someone would express himself in a same situation. That difference is the key. You have to get into the emotion, find charisma and express yourself honestly. I think honesty is the key of acting, but i presume most would argue differently.
Overdoing it would be overdoing it

>> No.22100375

I'm not balding, I just have a matured hairline

>> No.22100381

Personally I feel that I'm doing alright. I've never had 50k in savings and it seems unlikely that I ever will, but I live quite comfortably and for the most part feel pretty good about what I've done so far

>> No.22100388

This summer will be the worst one yet for /lit/

>> No.22100389

Long rant post warning:
agree with you on this, something I believe is if actors keep themselves secret and private, they would have more of an aurora that appeals to people, instead they have to tell you everything about themselves and express themselves on anything on social media.
Never liked capeshit movies or tv, only some stand out for good reasons and are remembered, others I doubt anyone would remember if asked,
meme movies - something I noticed in entertainment nowadays is the trailers always show a clip that the internet will meme a scene for a week and then it dies and is forgotten, e.g. disney star wars has about one meme per movie, but prequel trilogy keeps getting memes found. As much as modern entertainment tries to be memed (like Wednesday dance) older movies and tv het memed more than modern entertainment. Not many memes of Tom Holland spiderman, but shitload of Tobey Maguire.
I think I would prefer being in b movies, I'm thinking of being in indie films to try out, but it seems mostly about peoples political views or some sexuality thing and I don't want to do that.
Can you recommend artistic cinema that you prefer or think of in recent times.
sorry for long post anons, if you read it all then a raised glass to you.

>> No.22100399

Than you anon.

>> No.22100403


>> No.22100413

I think an example would be "there will be blood", when Daniel rubs his success in Eli's face or when they talk throughout the film.
I agree about " get into the emotion, find charisma and express yourself honestly", people throughout history and life can make anything seem positive if they express it the way you did. Scenes in movies that stick with me or get me invested is when an actor does believe in what they are doing. I think Heath Ledger is the most famous example of this, if you can think of anyone else that would be good.

>> No.22100417

I don't get it?

>> No.22100426

I read it all and clinked your raised glass with my own glass.

>> No.22100446

most good actors do it so there are tons of examples
you have to believe the part you're playing otherwise its not captivating

>> No.22100467

oh, my bad bro, thanks *clink*

>> No.22100473


>> No.22100496

I have a very, very comfortable job with great benefits and a pension, but I’m still just so unhappy. I often think about quitting and spend a year to travel to holy and cultural sites, or else just doing something radical to change my life and change course of my life, which will never satisfy me if it never amounts to more than what it is now. I wish I had lived more radically when I was young so I could be over all that as well.

>> No.22100520

by not being an enormous pussy. I literally just met a Sikh dude at the weed shop just driving around the country traveling the states living day to day

>> No.22100532

*brought to you by Doordash™

>> No.22100544

And you really think that’s remotely interesting?

>> No.22100554

wtf kind of non sequitor goal post shift is that you spineless coward that's exactly what I'm talking about

>> No.22100575

Nah that anon was right how boring is your fucking life that meeting a sikh was the highlight of your day. i can go to any liquor store near me and have 1/4 of seeing one and never give it a single thought.

>> No.22100585

I am very smart

>> No.22100596

Dude, you went hunting for weed and met an immigrant. If we could capture the norm of 2023 in a single sentence it would be this.

>> No.22100604

This pedantic faggotry is exactly why you bugmen adopt a slave mentality and weepily lament that 'oh boo hoo it's just impossible to be spontaneous and live adventurously' and when I tell you it's not just step outside your door and you will see people doing just that what do you do, recoil into cynicism and change the topic of discussion.

>> No.22100617

lot of words to admit you are boring stoner academic cunt. i just posted to point that out. My job requires me to be outdoors and travel so thats why your anecdote was especially pathetic.
>i left my house to buy weed and met a brown cunt in a turban look at how le adventerous i am

>> No.22100626

> master morality is buying weed and talking to immigrants and calling it an exciting life
Insane cope btw

>> No.22100630

I didn't go. I told her that I had some things to do around the house and that today would be the best day.

>> No.22100677

You guys really can't read. It's not exciting or even interesting that he met the Sikh guy. The point is that the Sikh guy is traveling around and living hand to mouth, which is something "adventurous" that basically anyone in this thread is capable of. What's tying you down? The job you hate?

The people in this thread love complaining about their lot in life more than anything else. You won't get through to them and they should be left to enjoy their misery

>> No.22100686

Why are you trying to samefag. Your first post didnt mention anything about a sikh living hand to mouth. all you said is you went to a dispensary like a bitch and met a brown dude you fucking homo.

>> No.22100722


>> No.22100766

>Sikh dude at the weed shop just driving around the country traveling the states living day to day
Also I'm not samefagging

>> No.22100777

>le doomer thread

>> No.22100792

le triples

>> No.22100794

I don’t necessarily thinking driving around and living hand to mouth is an interesting life either. But for me, I’m already in my thirties so I think that window of opportunity is basically gone for me already. If things are going to happen, they’re going to happen when you’re young. It’s not a matter of being tied down.

>> No.22100815

That's just an excuse. 30 is not that old

>> No.22100887

More often the lesson that genuine enjoyment from something is more beneficial than liking something because your peers do is being thought to me. I acknowledge it's true, following that truth seems to be the issue.

>> No.22101004

I agree. It’s not old, but it is too old for some things and it is in my opinion too old for that interesting and adventurous story. I mean, look at your favorite authors. Which among them were totally unremarkable and boring until they were in their thirties? I bet none.

>> No.22101013

Kafka had a fairly boring life

>> No.22101039

Deborah's version of sos

>> No.22101145

I blocked all websites including 4chan from my computer

>> No.22101183

now block 4channel

>> No.22101186

I want to love back to my hometown, but I worry that I will never meet a wife if I do that and also that I’ll somehow stunt my life progress and career.

>> No.22101190

daily reminder that to women you are a subhuman pet:
your better off just moving back to your hometown.

>> No.22101200

>Women are now purposefully trying to ruin the men they are dating because of their own insecurity and abandonment issues.
Damn, quitting women seems to have been the right move.

>> No.22101209

Thats what you bitchniggers deaerve for not beating your bitches.

>> No.22101213

Why beat them when you can ignore them? Seems like a waste of energy if you ask me.

>> No.22101218

>Kingdom of God
>Beating a woman
Choose one. If your having trouble I'll give you a hint, if you have to enforce violence on them, you do not truly own them and they are not truly righteous and good women.

>> No.22101220

A 1000lb total is so close and yet so far.
I'm gonna try to reach it this weekend but who knows how close I can get?

>> No.22101228

Just goon while watching /fit/ influencers brah. I totally believe in you and youre totally not gay but do it for pride monrh brah. Do it for Zyzz and Chestbrah but not in a gay way.

>> No.22101229

>but not in a gay way.
this is how I know you've never been to /fit/

>> No.22101256

No thanks, I think I'll stick to making the sign of the Cross before each lift.

>> No.22101259

Should I do booktube but have my little sister read my scripts? She has one of those cute loli voices.

>> No.22101407

I don't even have normal dreams anymore, I just think while sleeping

>> No.22101410

We can’t just go through life like it’s just one giant black pill dude.

>> No.22101435

>assuming I'm black pilled
there is reality then there is cope

>> No.22101462

>Society isn't as degenerate and decayed as you think!
Degenerate detected. A life free of lust and hedonism is sweetest life of all because of the bitter struggle to achieve that kind of lifestyle.

>> No.22101491

The last days of Jordan Burling
by Anon

“A young man named Jordan Burling has been found dead in a soiled diaper, lying on an inflatable mattress in a squalid room strewn with trash and decomposing food, presenting with an emaciated state hauntingly reminiscent of the victims of concentration camps in the Second World War.” The young newsreader paused a little, her calculated expression of cultivated neutrality giving way to uncontrollable tremors of her lip betraying her horror at the scene she was describing. “In these harrowing images, we can see Jordan holding up his shirt revealing his protruding ribs and soiled diaper.” It was becoming difficult to focus on such an abject picture of squalor, which contrasted unpleasantly with the pristine interior of the studio, decked in blue and red. The young woman tried to pull herself together, readjusting her gaze straight ahead, trying not to let the bright lights daze her. “Jordan was under the sole supervision of his father, the convicted murderer and fugitive Raoul Moat, who had taken Jordan out of school at age 11 and was reportedly secretive regarding his son, frequently keeping him indoors and limiting his contact with the outside world. In addition to the spree of murders he committed, Raoul is now also suspected of grave child neglect, essentially leaving a powerless Jordan to slowly rot to death with no outside help. The public is advised to keep their distance and report any sightings immediately.” It was all too much now. But having finished her piece she could now retreat into her headspace, all while retaining the same outward demeanor. “Thank you for your powerful recounting of the events as they unfolded. And now on a lighter note, the question on everyone’s lips: is Britain a blueis nation or a greenis nation? Now for those not familiar with either of those terms, do stick around, because we’ll get stuck into an in-depth dive on our nation’s favourite coloris!”, her co-host chuckled his way through.

>> No.22101495

The girl’s name was Jenna Ortega, and she had just moved to the UK after spending the first eighteen years of her life in America. She had been a successful child actress up until then, but around a year ago she took the decision to transition towards a career in TV news, and accordingly spent some time interning in local news stations across California. Her fortunes turned for the better when self-avowed Stuck In The Middle fan Dan Wootton offered her a slot as co-anchor of his flagship evening show on GBNews – it was him who so playfully announced the great coloris debate through his whitened teeth, and his gay antipodean delivery won hundreds of thousands of new aficionados at every airing of his show, a performance leagues ahead of that of any other of his fellow GBNews presenters. That show, formerly named Tonight Live with Dan Wootton and subsequently graced with the appended name of Jenna Ortega, was reputed for its sensitive tackling of all manner of delicate and controversial issues in a manner unknown at the time to any other far-right news channels in the UK.

>> No.22101532

If things really are that bad the only sensible thing to do is to cope

>> No.22101542


>> No.22101548

Sometimes I feel like my life’s been one big series of failures. I think I’d feel better about myself if I had done well in school when I was younger, or ironically, if I had never gotten a half decent job.

>> No.22101572

Or just leave it, I don't know why you would want to stick around in a society that hates you and wishes you were dead. Get a small plot of land in the middle of nowhere or at least far outside of the city if you still want decent internet access and just do your own thing. You only need to cope if your actually within the society.

>> No.22101592

I still want a wife and have the impulse to be successful somehow, if not for myself then for my family and the next generation.

>> No.22101595

You ever feel like you’re just not cut from the right cloth to write anything good?

>> No.22101597

I feel you brother. Some people feel emotions, feel them to the core, a warm chest, a beating heart, etc. I just feel a smile a frown or a violent shaking to leave me guessing something must be up. I wish I could tell what I feel about things, it makes me doubt regularly if I'm not just coasting along and letting the whims of the world and lizard brain desire take me where it pleases. It's an odd sort of imposter syndrome about being human

>> No.22101603

That's pretty self-destructive if you ask me. Life is going to chew you up and spit you back out, but best of luck to you... You'll need it more than I will.

>> No.22101611

I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

>> No.22101621

i need to get some new selfies for my socials but i cant decide between shirtless mirror selfie facing the mirror (all abs) or shirtless mirror selfie not entirely facing the mirror (abs+serratus)

>> No.22101637

Stopped acting like I knew everything about a month ago. It's been great so far. I never realized how eager to teach you shit some people were, and how they will like you more for asking them about things. It got me off rails and now I wonder if people will like me more if I lied and asked about things I already know the answers of. I don't really care about what they think but I'm having fun.

>> No.22101674

You know you can always just tell them that you know the answer but ask for help anyway to see how they do it. A lot of people follow the same general steps but will do things differently enough that you will always pick something up. You can then take the new shit you learned to refine the way that you do it even better and such.

>> No.22101677

i think im slowly drifting to narcissism, every time i pass by someone on the street i am convinced they are miring my 6'3 stature and athletic figure and that women get wet just by looking at me
and it feels great. im only doing it more and more

>> No.22101678 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1280
Sleeping Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases
Anon's Modded Pre-Install: https://pastebin.com/42JS3q6E

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:.

>> No.22101693

I love A.I. because it will cause million of soft limp wristed faggots to starve to death and force million of women into prostitution for my own enjoyment

>> No.22101695

Yes, 1 step closer to having a friend to talk to that isn't an actual person!

>> No.22101700

that sboring we already have 4chan
maybe id get sexbot harem but thats too far away still. now i want societal collapse and many women forced into prostitution while white collar sois starve to death on the streets and i laugh

>> No.22101701

Wanting a wife is self-destructive?

>> No.22101706 [DELETED] 
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Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1280
Sleeping Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases
Anon's Modded Pre-Install: https://pastebin.com/42JS3q6E

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.22101711

In general, or in a specific situation?

>> No.22101721

>that sboring we already have 4chan
And I can't wait to leave
No, not wanting a wife but wanting a wife in this era. Your going to marry a woman who is going to pretend to like you, treat you like a subhuman after you have kids, and then divorce rape you. Its better to take that energy and direct it into something more beneficial for yourself and future generations than raising more broken children. Besides, if you live in America or the West they are much more interested in importing people than they are raising people.

>> No.22101780
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I wanna write about the different meme eras.

>> No.22101847
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>> No.22101852

you're forgetting the part where politics got infused and ruined everything

>> No.22101858

We’re all within a society. You can’t really escape it.

>> No.22101864

Do you think there’s that sense in absolute freedom?

>> No.22101867

Can I still unlock the Eagle Eyes perk if I only have $1800 worth of Funko Pops by age 40?

>> No.22101868

What exactly is so horrible about being a wizard? The church used to teach that it was preferable (but not required) for men to take one of two paths - the priestly one or the family one. Receive holy orders or be bonded in holy matrimony. If matrimony is not in your cards, maybe a spiritual vocation is.

>> No.22101875

Look, if we can be different in this era than it’s possible for women too.

>> No.22101913
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how can get a degree in philosophy if I'm poor, have to work fulltime+, do not have a work schedule compatible with classes, am well past high school, dropped out of college several times already, got kicked out of the Navy for being a pothead, have a clinically diagnosed schizoaffective wife who physically and verbally abuses me when I so much as glance at another woman whether she's around or not, and also have terrible social skills probably at schizoautist levels? Is it over? Please help.

>> No.22101922

>Receive holy orders or be bonded in holy matrimony.
Books on this topic? What happens when you choose one vocation and only later on realize (through absoluts failure in that vocation) that you were meant for the other?

>> No.22101935

If Jesus was incarnate today would he be a smoker? I'm inclined to believe he would.

>> No.22102058

I don't get "it."

>> No.22102068

I think whenever any of us leave a comment we initiate a process in our brains that excites us for a response. The more comments we leave the greater potential for responses. We want responses because every time we get one BAM! A dopamine hit. These people incessantly engaging in online debates are just hooked on the dopamine....like REALLY hooked.

The other thing I'd like to say is that whenever ANY of us leaves a comment on one of these social media sites, including this one, we are producing FREE content for the corporation that owns the site. Consider that for a minute. The corporation isn't paying employees to make something for us to consume....we the uses are doing all the work! While the corporation gets all the profit.....FROM OUR WORK!

It's madness

>> No.22102081

maybe users should form a union?

>> No.22102103
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I'm trying to write good fight scenes for a vigilante/detective novel I'm writing. Like, is it all prose?

>"Insurance will pay for it," he snorted.
>"So will this," said [the protagonist] as his fist connected with the goon's chin. This made a satisfying but painful-sounding popping noise shortly before the masked ruffian collapsed on the pavement.

>> No.22102119

Create a university in your mind and get your degree in philosophy there.

>> No.22102283

Me sitting on a property far away from society says other wise. Sure I still pay taxes, but I live a voluntary impoverished life, my biggest bill is internet and everything else I keep to a bare minimum. Despite being a landowner and sitting on a small horde of money, I'm a net drain on the economy and I'm am basically societally invisible. I haven't seen a real person for almost 10 years.

>> No.22102288

>if we can be different in this era than it’s possible for women too.
Nope, Women are biologically pre-disposed to follow whatever the cultural zeitgeist is because evolutionary women who formed strong social connections (being the weaker sex in a physical capacity) survived way better. Men only cooperate when they have something to gain from it, when you look at society of a whole men have far less invested into society than women do, I don't see the point in investing into something that hates you and will chew you up and spit you out when you are no longer useful.

>> No.22102325

We all benefit by cooperation

Those who stray from the pack die

>> No.22102365

>We all benefit by cooperation
Nope, this is why women manipulate and fight with each other. Sure they all follow the cultural norms of time, but they are all in direct competition with each other to get resources for their children. This is why their public face will be one of unity, but in private its far from the truth. Men are willing to work with others they hate because the stakes of them not cooperating is higher than that of a woman. Women just need and will work together when they stand to benefit and they won't when they stand to lose.

>> No.22102385

what do you mean?

>> No.22102387

What translation of The House of the Dead is the best?
I got the Garnett one

>> No.22102417

I think from now on irl I’m just gonna only interact with people if I want something from them. Nothing more nothing less

>> No.22102420

might have to just do this. thanks kind anon.

>> No.22102421
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awww shit 2023 pride mixes on apple music rn

>> No.22102431

>Veterans living or dead: 1 day
>LGBT+: A whole month
no justice is this rotting decadent shithole.

>> No.22102517

Isn't that how most people act by default?

>> No.22102597
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I did all that 5 years ago. GL brother, try to find a friend

>> No.22102607

You're not special

>> No.22102616

Your attention is whats being monetized, not your lame posts. Why do you think all media is designed to as comforting or inflammatory as possible, as long as peoples attention has value theyll be people baiting to get it

>> No.22102628

nah, fuck people, we live in a era where madness and retardation reigns supreme, strive to be as self-sufficient as possible, read, write, learn. Ignore everything else, its a waste of time. I've been interested in making ink since and paper since I found out I have the raw materials in my yard for it.

>> No.22102647

thank god we have you to guide us and keep the machine running

>our need to write is tantamount to love making

>> No.22102673

I wanted a life story

>> No.22102675

He did, but that doesn’t make me feel better. After all, I don’t want a boring life.

>> No.22102680

A long time ago, I was born.
I lived.
Then I died.
The End!

>> No.22102701

>The End!
(after credits)
or was it?

Afterlife: The Sequel of Life the Movie

>> No.22102754
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Google is much slower for me because the machine or whatever picked up what I say and now filters it to make it very hard for me to speak to you.

I was almost tempted to steal that phone to get awah from ALL of you but it had no charger so it would’ve been pointless anyway unless all iPhone chargers go together?

This situation is unfair because SHE has to see this and Philip made it so I had to btfo him AND discuss his wife’s mental problem in front of a crowd. She quoted fucking Bugs Bunny ona board dedicated to western canon writers. She is VERY touched in the head and it is so fucking unfair that he made it an issue with my father that I wanted to get away from babysitting her nearly every other week. Him having an issue with this is partly why I have been so rage filled these past years.

That should NEVER have been on a 25 yr olds shoulders to watch cartoons with your special wife all the time to keep her from having meltdowns. I curse Alyssa’s dad each day for putting us both in this situation.

>> No.22102768

Who is that guy?

>> No.22102772
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Some fag. What does it matter?

>> No.22102774

That is the guy that wishes he could have Alyssa and Alyssa is the garbage poo colored ugly friend of Haley’s that no one likes. That makes him the second tier of loser.

>> No.22102776

We need religion back into our society

>> No.22102777

I've seen that guy's face everywhere. Who is it?

>> No.22102782


>> No.22102785
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I can't duel anymore.

>> No.22102790


this but with 4chan

those who actually know a lot don't spend much time here because they're busy reading books and actually learning

those who come here often don't know much because they're mostly consuming garbage

>> No.22102803

if people are fighting then they're not cooperating

now stop it with your incel rhetoric and go touch grass

>> No.22102826

>now stop it with your incel rhetoric and go touch grass
i'll be waiting to hear about your first divorce buddy, we'll see if you have the same opinion then.

>> No.22102860

>spiritual vocation
I've never felt a higher calling to priesthood. It would be dishonest. Perhaps my suffering lies in never belonging anywhere.

>> No.22102966

Based, I try to say a prayer before every workout and ask Jesus that I acquire strength that will be used to serve Him

>> No.22102972

>stop it with your rhetoric
>go touch grass

>> No.22103084

I'm pretty optimistic that the whole pronoun thing will fizzle out and be forgotten in about 5-10 years. It really just isn't practical. It's annoying and despite what people say the first person 'they' IS genuinely confusing. It makes comprehension difficult. Plus it is one of those things I think everyone tacitly knows is incredibly stupid. None of that is a good mix for longevity.

>> No.22103116

Under globalism I can fund groups fighting for and against pronouns to undermine stability in burgerland. Do you sincerely and passionately believe something incredibly stupid? Take my money.

>> No.22103127

burgerland needs to be destabilized, its a shithole.

>> No.22103129

My ass is a swamp.

>> No.22103143

Does anyone else drink coffee at night before bed?

>> No.22103148

I had to give up caffeine because my medical grade meth and caffeine was putting so much pressure on my eyes that I was getting really bad floaters in my vision.

>> No.22103151
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I have a retarded friend who's been addicted to anime and manga his whole life. He's a degenerate coomer, but I want to help him out. For the last year he's been taking an interest in Christianity and Catholicism, but only on an autistic, superficial level. He only interacts with Christianity via manga and Gregorian chant YouTube videos because he thinks that what being based is.

Anyway, I'm trying to get him to read literary hagiography in the hopes that he'll see how shallow and degenerate anime is and how deep real Christianity goes. Forget the Bible, he won't read it because there's no hentai in it, but if he reads something genuine that sparks a real interest in Christianity and not just an obsession with the aesthetic, he might start reading the Bible one day.

Anyway, I need you fag's help finding that one greentext about the manga weeb who read Harry Potter and shat themselves realizing how even books for kids were 10x deeper than anime and manga. Picrel

>> No.22103212

I did that for a year straight.

>> No.22103223

>chronically online mentally unhealthy
Never took this seriously. Just sounds like a bunch of buzzwords honestly. Everything is online now, you can't escape the internet or technology

>> No.22103226

How did it make you feel? How was your sleep?

>> No.22103232
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>> No.22103235

>Forget the Bible, he won't read it because there's no hentai in it
Commission some hentai doujinshi of the Bible. Consider it a form of charity.

>> No.22103239

You were the one posting reddit links, impressionable moron

>> No.22103248

Not the guy you were replying to, faggot.

>> No.22103249

something I've noticed.

your average le heckin science and reason modern liberal deep down is no different than your average Nazi, in all seriousness. the former might talk a big game about being general in support of LGBTQ rights and feminism and generally being as anti-racist as possible. but show them a picture of down syndrome girl, to use an example, praying the rosary or something and deep down, they harbor the same sentiments as a belligerent SS officer. no real difference.

>> No.22103253

well i dont need anybody cause i learned to be alone
oh anywhere, oh anywhere i lay my head
i will call my home

>> No.22103255

I don't give a shit, you're an idiot and waste of time

>> No.22103257

Clean your room

>> No.22103259

Wash your penis

>> No.22103271
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Turn off your wifi for 24 hours and live in the real world

>> No.22103275

pretty much. that phrase might have had some sting to it about as recent as 6 or 7 years ago but times have changed.

>> No.22103322

I used to be mentally ill.

>> No.22103431

>or dead:
>What is Memorial Day?
So what's the just sentence for ignoring dead soldiers and how are you carrying it out on yourself?

>> No.22103465

You ever feel dissatisfied with the way things turned out in your life? You ever feel like it’s too late for some things?

>> No.22103473

How did you cured it?

>> No.22103591

anon's point is that gay people get a whole month of celebration while armed service men only get 2 days, Veteran's Day for the living and Memorial Day for the dead. To him this is an unjust treatment of the military.

>> No.22103667

I’ve regretted my education and career choice ever since I ended up in it. I had wanted to go to graduate school for a change but my grades weren’t good enough and I got stuck. In retrospect, it wasn’t the worst possible outcome but it wasn’t good either. A lot of writers seem to be journalists or professors. I wish I could’ve done that.

>> No.22103681

If you're in the military you get perks and discounts year round, quit bitching

>> No.22103694

To be fair, “pride month” is not a holiday. The gays don’t get a holiday. Only blacks get their made up fake holiday, which is even more egregious if you ask me.

>> No.22103715

When I was a sophomore in college, it was pretty clear to me that I shouldn’t be in university and I didn’t want to be in university. I was struggling so hard that it seemed like just dropping out was actually the sensible thing to do. But I had a younger brother that had already dropped out during his freshman year. He was just rotting away in our unstable home not really doing anything but being miserable and getting into fights with our mom and step-dad. He didn’t work. He didn’t really do much of anything. He was so miserable there and everyone else was so miserable having him there that I just didn’t want that to have to be me and I felt like I would be such a burden if I did that. The idea of dropping out to be miserable with my brother and just work some shitty dead-end job to pay bills in this fucking guy’s house while he and my mom scream at each other every night and my brother lashed out seemed worse than hell. So I didn’t. I just stuck with school, did the bare minimum, kept accruing debt and bad grades in a degree program I didn’t really give a shit about. In the end, I got to avoid going home and in some but not all senses I ended up better off than my brother, but I still really failed to make that time count for anything. In retrospect, what I should’ve done and what he should’ve done was either: 1) join the military or 2) leave school, leave home, and just have some sort of adventurous life for a while. I don’t exactly know what 2 would’ve been but I think that’s the value in it. It might’ve been backpacking across the country and working shit jobs to make end’s meet. It might’ve been couch surfing in the city trying to sell enough drawing commissions to make rent. It might’ve been camping on the beach or on the side of some hill and doing nothing in particular but surviving. It might’ve been an oilfield or a commercial fishing job, or entering a merchant marine academy, or literally anything that just gets us out of school out of him and out into the world. I don’t know what it would’ve been but it would’ve been something. I think what we ended up choosing was basically nothing and I think that’s what we both regret most about that time. The only other alternative this that I can imagine as being worthwhile is just eschewing all of it. Eschew school, home, the adventure, and just plant roots or something. Get a farm job, get your own place, and just eschew the striver life forever. That last one is probably more romantic fantasy than the others actually, but I think you get what I’m trying to say with all of this. I’m trying to say that when things weren’t working out for us, we each made one of two mistakes. One of us kept trudging along on that shitty path to nowhere and the other just stopped moving. The real solution, I think, was to get off the path and find a new one. That’s just my 2 cents.

>> No.22103724

I’m jealous of J.R.R. Tolkien.

>> No.22103775

There was a time when I enjoyed my own company.

>> No.22103788

I wonder if I’m too old to get a graduate degree and become a lecturer.

>> No.22103793

You are never too old to lie about your credentials and start a YouTube channel.

>> No.22103796

I look at the void and the void doesn't have the balls to look back at me

>> No.22103828

>A lot of writers seem to be journalists or professors. I wish I could’ve done that.

The better writers have actually lived their lives and not spent it all in the cloister of the university. If you want to be a writer go put yourself out of your comfort zone and live, don't go to graduate school and definitely don't spend your time regretting not having gone to graduate school.

>> No.22103847

True, but I have no idea what the content would be. I really like that Hermitix channel and that guy has no more than an MFA but I don’t read philosophy like he does. My ambition in life is not to become a minor YouTuber. That’s only appealing in so far as it affords some income and freedom.

>> No.22103901

head in the sand

make another whiny depressed post

i'm out

>> No.22103922
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>Never took this seriously
you should
>Just sounds like a bunch of buzzwords
it's not
>Everything is online now
so? you can limit the time you spend online
>you can't escape the internet or technology
yes, you can. turn off your monitor/phone and go for a walk.

and read some books to educate yourself


>> No.22103968

stockholm syndrome

>> No.22104036

>only get 2 days
Two and one are different numbers, anon.

>> No.22104056

It’s weird to think how many of us Americans would’ve been drafted and deployed if assisting Ukraine’s war effort wasn’t as simple as sending tech and money.

>> No.22104067

i feel like ive already experienced everything life has to offer despite not having left my room after dropping out in the 8th grade and only being 20 years old. i dont have anything good to say either, so i dont know why i feel like this. i feel like i just see the same shit over and over and over in different forms and now i feel like life has nothing to offer me. i just doomscroll and rot in bed all day, i cant even converse with others properly.

>> No.22104072

Take it from someone older than you, you haven’t experienced everything. Not even close.

>> No.22104082

whats left to experience? ive already fantasized about it and fantasizing about it is always better than actually doing it every time. the only thing i havent experienced is death and i can fantasize about that too.

>> No.22104148


>> No.22104152

Do writers’ and poets’ communities even exist anymore? If monks can get together and live in service of Christ, why can’t poets live together in service of poetry?

>> No.22104209

You can only be living or dead Anon, so even though there are 2 days, one requires you to be dead.

>> No.22104212

>If you're in the military you get perks and discounts year round
materialist/10 opinion discarded.