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/lit/ - Literature

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22101648 No.22101648 [Reply] [Original]

We all know that most readers are upper middle class women. But barring that:

What settings, subjects, or genres are woefully underutilized and would actually sell well?
Which ones could see a successful resurgence?
Which demographics remain largely untapped by publication (and are still capable of reading)?
If you’re a published author, what ways have you found to be successful when marketing a book to your audience?

>> No.22101667

Jewish question

>> No.22101749

Uohh... feets...

>> No.22101779
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>Dude Harry Potter but with coloured girls

>> No.22101791

"Cozy fantasy" is a new genre women are going crazy for on tiktok. Low-stakes, slow paced, comfortable stories in idyllic settings. Sounds great but all the books that are being written in this genre are about gays and I hate sodomy.

>> No.22101879
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So then all we need to do is write the same thing, but well written and without faggots? Sounds like a golden opportunity…

>> No.22101887

Sorry about the word choice, monsieur. Would “topics” better suit your tastes?

>> No.22101902

I meant ideas that are actually good, Anon, not what is already being made.

>> No.22101944

My agent and publisher take care of most of this for me. These sorts of threads make me very glad I never went down the self publishing hole, would much rather spend my time writing. But best of luck.

>> No.22101977
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You must be one of the old guard. Must be nice… but still, thx anon.

>> No.22102034

I am older than most here but self publishing was very much a thing when I started out and had been around for a good while. I looked into self publishing but realized I would spend more time trying to stand out in a sea of shit than writing, so I spent a few years submitting short stories to journals until someone took notice of me. I got a huge number of rejections and few successes in those years but I kept at it and kept rewriting and reworking those stories and writing new ones and eventually it paid off. Learned a great deal about writing in those years and I doubt I would have grown as much as a writer if I had self published, I certainly would not have put anywhere near as much time into rewriting and revising the same dozen stories.

>> No.22102044 [DELETED] 
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Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1280
Sleeping Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases
Anon's Modded Pre-Install: https://pastebin.com/42JS3q6E

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.22102052
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When was this? A lot can be said about the corruption of the current traditional publishing industry, and people tend to make a case for self publishing as a result. Do you believe that your experience is still possible for burgeoning writers - even if they’re not inclined to write according to the zeitgeist?

>> No.22102059
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I think you’re on the wrong board, pal.

>> No.22102173

Started out about 2010, so lulu was well established and Amazon had been in the market for a few years by the time I was looking into publishing options. I do not see why it would not be possible for young writers and with the boom in self publishing I expect the competition for journals and contests is less than it was when I started out. You don't have to write for any zeitgeist, you just need to be more nuanced than a thinly veiled rant, if you can not make your point within the confines of your market are you much of a writer?

>> No.22102481

Would you say that trad publishing houses dislike submissions that have already been self-published? Would they even consider it?

>> No.22102910

Publishers do not accept already published works and that includes online, on your blog, etc and you should avoid submitting things you even posted excerpts from. Publisher wants to be certain they actually have publishing rights and that you did not click agree on the TOS of some site which will fuck them down the road. Lying about this will be a breach of contract if they find out, which may or may not fuck you. Play it safe here and make it could not even be mistaken for a previous work.

If you want to play both sides than keep submitting to journals and contests and probably avoid exploiting the indie angle since most readers gotten by those means are the sort who will not follow to traditional publishing and will likely shit up online discussion about you with talk about your being a sellout, etc. Keep an eye on the various best seller lists which apply to you, as in the industry ones, not the self publishing ones, when you see self published authors start croping up on a list find out who that list gets their sales figures from and make sure your sales figures are getting registered even if you have no chance of making a best sellar list, these are verifiable numbers to the publishers.

And keep an eye on the industry itself, it will eventually enter the self publishing market and you want to be ready for that. Right now they are content learning from. Amazon's mistakes. Maybe I will go into more detail on this in a bit.

>> No.22102939

How old were you when you started? What's your advice (craft, not getting published) to people trying to get into writing?

>> No.22102943

Go on...

>> No.22103570

31 or 32, might as well say 32, it was winter so around my birthday, don't recall if it was before or after.

For just starting out I would say exploit /lit/, if you are on /lit/ than you should be developing your writing, not bullshiting. Every time you respond to someone is a chance to work on your characters, so respond in character; every post is a prompt, respond with little stories even if your story has nothing to do with the thread or the post because who cares, exploit being anonymous. This used to be common on /lit/ back in the day and it was a great way to get practice, just don't worry about the (You)s. Write until it is second nature and a part of your day as much as eating and going a few days without writing will have just as much of a negative effect as going a few days without eating, make it a part of your life.

Put in the time to really pull apart and analyze a few books, go over and over them until you understand the purpose (or lack of purpose) of every single line and what they mean to the paragraph, the chapter, the whole. Outlines for everything, character, plot, theme, structure, scene, anything that plays a role to the novel in question. Outline paragraphs and chapters, diagram sentences, explore every nook and cranny. Try and figure out how they wrote it. This will make you a much better reader and help you develop a writing process.

Always take the time to identify exactly why you dislike or like anything you read or write, it is never just that you liked it or did not like it. Read anything you can find that is authors writing on reading/writing/literature, they will almost always provide you with something new.
I was just going to conjecture on how the industry would enter self publishing but the industry is big and they will not all go about it in the same way so it seemed pointless to conjecture. Most will probably offer something along the lines of publishing as a service, one stop shopping for editing, layout, distrobution etc, a low bar for entry but a bar so it will not be the shitshow like Amazon, people like Gardner would be filtered out. The fee will largely cover the cost of proofreaders/editors and bring back something akin too open submissions which the industry would love to do but technology has made it too easy to submit.

Possible they stay out and leave it up to the agents to sift through it all but I think things have gone too far for that to be viable.

>> No.22103905

Great posts. Thank you anon.

>> No.22103941

Thank you!

>> No.22103966

>Read anything you can find that is authors writing on reading/writing/literature, they will almost always provide you with something new.
By this I meant essays, not those how to books some authors write, those are a mixed bag and best avoided. Don't bother commuting to long works for this stuff unless you have already read a fair number of essays by the author and reasonably certain it will be worth the time. Most importantly, they are just another perspective, the will provide you with another way to look at your work and nothing more, they don't offer rules or laws even if they say they do.

>> No.22103982
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There are two male demographics that are underutilized and not catered for that i can think of that exist but are woefully ignored because crapitlism decided pmc white women are the number one market

1. the left wing failed PMC, the type of guy who starts a podcast or works at starbucks, got told he would be part of the elite if he went to colllge, that didnt work out and now he is mad and wants to vote for bernie sanders, live in cities

2. the right wing NEET lumpenproles who shitpost on 4chan. Usually have never had a job, never had a gf, might be an incel, cant drive a car, live in rural middle america, if they have a job its dead end.

>> No.22104015

Would you say literary criticism is better than craft guides? I’ve been meaning to read Pound’s ABC.

>> No.22104310

it's hard to predict because it moves in arbitrary trends. one thing goes viral and then all agents want for the next 2-3 years is more of the same. recently it's been greek mythology retellings from a feminist perspective (i want to die). dark academia is dying off right now, we're seeing the last gasping breaths of it, because of that donna tart shit and tumblr moodboards. during the twilight craze it was vampires. after harry potter ended they were pushing more magic shit, which is how that tripe lev grossman wrote got published.

do readers like being force fed 20 nearly identical books in a row? from what i hear even normies recognize this marketing strategy and get sick of it and find it off-putting. but agents are deaf to this plea. by the time the forced trend is over people are cringing and dying.

if you want a 100% chance of getting published, write basically jane austen but with a black girl and zoomer speak, set in brooklyn, and the black girl wants to work in editing. 100% they will snap it up. or write about faggots. they cannot get enough stories to flick their straight girl bean to about faggots. women complain that men think lesbians are hot. meanwhile women obsess over turning every character into a faggot. they even go into history and find characters to turn into faggots for straight women to masturbate to. the latest published book of this ilk turned richard the lion heart and king philip into faggot lovers.

i pray daily for a nuclear holocaust.

>> No.22104321

Harry Potter but it's also 50 shades of Grey

>> No.22104497
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I think I’d rather give such agents a wide birth. I am not even remotely interested in writing that sort of garbage, and even if I was forced at gunpoint, I doubt that anything I willed myself to produce would even satisfy their warped standards. I think I’ll settle for writing what I want and convincing a more cool-tempered agent that my work is marketable to a different kind of demographic. Money is not so motivating to me that I would prostitute myself for a steady living; I’d be satisfied with having a day job while telling stories to people who haven’t lost their sanity yet - via a smaller or more specialized publishing house if need be.

>> No.22105121

All agents are like that. All of them.

>> No.22105136

Except the old white men over 50, but they're closed to submissions, because they already have full lists.

>> No.22105189

Well the. I’ll just have to get lucky and find one of these>>22105136

>> No.22105337

Criticism and theory are fun but they are pure autism and is autists writing for autists from inside their nearly impenetrable (by human standards at least) autism bubble. If you really wanted to go this way to learn to write than you would be best off going to college just because you will get through it all much faster and with better understanding.

ABC of Reading is not really criticism, it is kind of a weird book and manifesto seems a better word for it but also not quite right, very much about poetry and only marginally applicable to prose. Gertrude Stein's How to Write could be considered the prose equivalent and is more about writing as the title suggests but neither will really teach writing anymore than those craft guides will. Both are writing about their artistic ideals and Pound is kind of a cult leader when it comes to that so make sure you have a good grasp on your ideals before reading them but mostly for Pound, he has derailed many.

The books which influenced you to write are the best guides you can find, pull them apart and figure out how to write them, the process required to take it from idea through to completion.

>> No.22105347

Anything actually Internet based. I think of new ideas about that daily. I think most actually publishable authors are not terminally online degenerates, though.

>> No.22105359

>women are going crazy for on tiktok
By removing those elements you completely alternate the character of the orginal framework and i am afraid this new product of yours will have no audience.
Just write a casual story between a heterosexual couple and during the intro throw a few lines mentioning that Caroline is actually a black man.

>> No.22106769
