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/lit/ - Literature

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2209353 No.2209353 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/: Where are you from, what's your major and what do you do for a living?

>> No.2209374


Alberta, Canada.
No degree yet.
I work as a labourer in the oilfield for now.

>> No.2209392
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1.) Los Angeles, California.
2.) Dropped out of the 11th grade; never went to college.
3.) Executive director for a chamber of commerce, writer, journalist, music critic, voice-over artist, and freelance marketing consultant.

>> No.2209395
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Southern California
I have a B.A. in History
Working as a chef right now. Make decent money and own a home but I truly want to make a living as an author (>implying that will ever happen)

>> No.2209402

Nothing till next year
Data entry weenie. I think this job was meant for the mentally retarded, as all my co-workers seem to be challenged and I am two months ahead of schedule and use all my work time to write.

>> No.2209411

San Jose, California
BS in Computer Science
Freelance programmer and independent developer, occasionally do odd jobs to supplement income

>> No.2209415

Ontario, Canada
Grad student.

>> No.2209424

Indiana, USA
Undecided major
Part time job on campus

>> No.2209441
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1) South Carolina
2) Mathematics & Linguistics
3) Freelance web developer, extremely low-tier teacher at local community college, seasonal farm-hand

>> No.2209445
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1.) Los Angeles, California.
2.) Still in High-School
3.) Experience a privileged existence

>> No.2209452
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1. Long Beach, California
2. CSULB, Creative Writing/Cultural Anthropology. Dropped out after first semester.
3. Server. Currently trying to get a writing job inside the game industry.

>> No.2209456

Tetouan, Morocco
English Lit
I stay with my parents for a living.

>> No.2209462

I don't do college
small business owner

>> No.2209476
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1. Chicago, Illinois, USA.
2. Major: Journalism.
3. Clerk at my school's records office; editor-in-chief of my school's newspaper (unpaid :( ).

>> No.2209486

1) Denmark
2) Filosofy
3) State pays me to study

>> No.2209488

Louvain, Belgium

Linguistics and Literature, module: English and Spanish

Being a parasite of society

>> No.2209492

i wish i knew how you did that
i fucking hate school and it makes me want to blow my brains out every day
incredibly jealous

>> No.2209494

Catalonia, Spain.
Last year of computer science degree.
Living off my parents, no worries, 24 years old.

>> No.2209498

Engineering/Science(Uni); Creative/Professional Writing (TAFE)
Box mover

>> No.2209499

Melbourne, Australia.
Robotic and Mechatronic engineering.
Computer repair and plumbers labourer.

>> No.2209511

1) Poland.
2) Master's in Computer Science.
3) Temporary work in Norway, learning the language to later get a job in my field rather than unqualified physical labour.

>> No.2209518


After a recent restructure to my chosen Major Path (Which makes it so that I start doing the work I WANT to do the second year of my Master's degree) I'm switching to trade school; Pursuing Audio Engineering

Big Box retail is my day job, I take up the occasional DJing gig here and there (Easy Money)

>> No.2209520
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1. Hungary
2. Scriptwriting. Dropped out after two years.
3. Unemployed and broke.

>> No.2209521

In a roundabout way I currently study for my living. Unemployed.

>> No.2209522


I like the way the person claims to break the racial mold, but it clearly white.

>> No.2209525

Economics + Business Administration double
Full-time student which consists of trolling lolbertarians and self proclaimed anarchists on /pol/

>> No.2209526


I like the way OP's image doesn't actually show a 99%-er.

>> No.2209528

U. S.
Social work.

>> No.2209535

English Literature

>> No.2209553

I like how most students, regardless of their degree, are in work that doens't particularly suit their degree.

B.A., Creative Writing, Engineering, B.Sc - we're all fucked regardless.

>> No.2209554

im a plumber

>> No.2209560

Abnormal Psychology
TA at a Uni

>> No.2209736

I'm from the US.
Studying to become an unemployed architect.
I work as a waitress.

>> No.2209745

yup, this is the lie the media tells "oh the unemployed youths of today just have lame degrees so it's their fault", it's like, no. i went to a tech school, when they had a job fair it wrapped around the whole fucking campus i'm like oh fuck all these dudes have engineering and computer science degrees and they're still looking for work? there just aren't enough jobs to go around, capitalism is in a crisis, don't let them blame the victim.

>> No.2209746

Majored in Sociology, in college now doing a criminolgy/psychology course.
I'm a male prostitute and a guy who occassionally gets published, but not a writer as I can't make rent from it.

>> No.2209758

From the US, computer science, currently working as a research scientist.

>> No.2209759
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from scotland
studying medicine in prague

>> No.2209775


come now, capitalism IS crises

>> No.2209779

> glorified lab tech

well i guess it sounds important on a CV

>> No.2209793

Midwest, USA
Communication & Culture (basically rhetoric and film theory) and Philosophy
Plasma Donation

>> No.2209814
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Studying to be a high school teacher for English, French and philosophy.

On a national scholarship right now. Going to work either as a teacher in an international German school somewhere, doing slave teaching in Japan, doing a PhD in literature or trying to get into diplomatic service.

>> No.2209817

Studying for an IT diploma.
Part time jobs at either the university or an IT company.

>> No.2209822
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from new jersey
studying medicine
i work at kmart and leech off my parents

>> No.2209829

they still have kmarts? thought those fuckers went brankrupt

>> No.2209836

Youngstown, Ohio.
Dish Washer

>> No.2209838

Materials Science
Materials Scientist

>> No.2209862

1) Bulgaria
2) Cultural Studies
3) Unemployed... meh.

>> No.2209868

I wouldn't recommend it for everybody. Some of us need the official approval of an educational system to assure ourselves of our self worth and general competency. I, however, have always maintained a strong disdain for the American educational system, in particular its colleges and universities, and have never sought nor needed their official approbation. Their ability to produce a never ending stream of intellectual mediocrities from so-called "prestigious" or "august" schools is an eternal disappointment and makes one question the need or worth of a college degree.

In my experience, most college graduates I've met tend to be just as shallow and stupid as anyone else. Furthermore, the idea of needing a college degree for most jobs is pretty ridiculous. For example, though most of my colleagues from the chamber of commerce and marketing worlds have college degrees, I can honestly say that this line of work requires nothing else except a hard work ethic, willingness to learn and try new things, and the ability to be sociable. All things that no institution of learning can teach.

In fact, most jobs really only require the above. I have often felt that this need to oblige people to possess college degrees for even the most menial of jobs is merely a method the education industry uses to make itself relevant and remain profitable.

I can understand a need for a degree if one goes into science, mathematics, etc. But for literature? Marketing? Business? General edification of one's mind? I don't think so.

Let's be frank: higher education is at heart a money making operation for those who run it. It may have had nobler ideals in the past, but its pretty easy to see it for what it is now. Just look at the morass of unemployed with pretty degrees.

>> No.2209873

maybe you should read the steve jobs bio that just came out

>> No.2209879

well i think college is awesome if you don't fool yourself into thinking it's the key to the middle class. it's a chance to take four years off and go very deep into studying something. No more, no less. If you're just going to college because you think "wam, bam, middle class here i come!" well, you're going to be disappointed and miss the point. On the other hand if you really bust your ass and graduate with honors and then do some grad school in something like law, medicine, engineering, computer science, chances are you will have an economically successful life. so it's kind of both. college is what you make it. if you're just going there because "that's just what people do" then you're wasting time and money.

>> No.2209942

Studying full time

And LOL @ people saying higher education is worthless. It isn't, provided you're in a decent program. People like Jobs and Gates dropped out because they already had successful pursuits elsewhere. If you're making millions, why bother finishing school? But you don't generally speaking become successful *because* of dropping out.

>> No.2209948

Tom Cruise dropped out and he became one of the most successful models to memorise lines.

>> No.2209953

It pretty much is for most things. Though you are fortunate that you live in Finland, where the government seems to actually care about producing a vibrant citizenry. Finland's music schools are arguably the finest in the world. Any country where music is part of the general curriculum in public school must be doing something right.

>> No.2209976

From Canada, but living in the US
Ph.D. in philosophy
Assistant professor in a mid-tier undergraduate oriented institution

i should really stop posting on 4chan. it's creepy thinking that some of you could be my students.

>> No.2209985


Many things are shitty in Finland. Public education isn't one of them. They're phasing in tuition fees though. We'll see where that leads to. Nowhere good I suspect.

Anyway, most people are not particularily special, in creativity or cognitive capabilities. Most don't have good connections. For these people, the only realistic way to improve their lot in life is to go to school, study hard, find something you like with reasonable prospects and go study it in university.

But if you're the son of a billionaire, great looking with insane charisma and 150+ iq, yeah I'd say formal education may be a waste of time.

>> No.2209991

I don't think it's creepy. Just sad. Also, for a guy who claims to have a Ph.D., you sure do write like some kind of preteen.

PROTIP: Learn to capitalize, for fuck's sake. They must be giving those Ph.Ds away!

>> No.2209998


How old are you?

It's pretty crazy to think a guy who calls you a faggot on 4chan might be a 40+ y old PhD.

>> No.2209999


why would you assume that i write like this when not posting on 4chan? i could show you plenty of emails from well-known, established philosophers and academics who don't bother with capitalization in personal communications. but whatever, it's probably best if you don't believe me

>> No.2210000

I've done rather well in life. But I was by no means the son of a billionaire. My parents were illegal immigrants who had to make do with shitty jobs to get by in life. Nor am I devastatingly handsome (but not ugly either). Charisma I do have, however.

For me it's all about living life on my own terms. I despise having to follow others' rules. I need to seize destiny by the throat for myself.

>> No.2210001


i'm 27 (4 years undergrad plus 5 year ph. d. program)

>> No.2210002

Plymouth england
scaffold labourer

>> No.2210005

Because I've met enough Ph.Ds in my day with lazy, mediocre intellects that would compel me to believe otherwise. A college degree is pretty meaningless in my eyes. I've often found such things only augment people's feeling that they have a right to their ignorance and narrow world-view.

>> No.2210013


Well it's clearly working out well for you. Still I'd say for every raging high school success story there are dozen tragic ones. For me there are no alternatives to university education. To become a doctor you need certain qualifications. I'll grab my destiny by the throat, but it happens in med school.

>> No.2210020

>Still I'd say for every raging high school [dropout] success story there are dozen tragic ones.

Agreed. Clearly dropping out as such isn't the answer. You have to be self driven; crave intellectual nourishment. It's not about hating education. I love learning and my giant home library is testament to this. I've taught myself several languages including Armenian, Japanese, and Classical Latin. I'm also a voracious reader, reading at least 4 or 5 books a week.

Simply put, one needs to have that drive to work and succeed. In the end, if one is a lazy fuck, no matter where you go, you'll fail--unless you have a very privileged background.

>> No.2210024

I live in Recife, Brazil.
I'm studying Law.
Nothing, I just get 500 bucks from my parents and follow on

>> No.2210026


You strike me as someone who missed out on his chance to further his education and is bitter and resentful towards those better educated than him.

>> No.2210033

it's weird in america there's a lot of this going both ways, like people who don't have degree who are insecure and always want to lash out at educated people as having "worthless degrees" etc. but also educated failures who still like to lord it over people like "well when i was at Brown blah blah" like always reminding you they went to a good school so they're important. a lot of fuckery from both sides.

>> No.2210036
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Yes, I'm bitter over my financially secure lifestyle, wise investments, fulfilling career, and my non obligation to repay any student loans. Pray for me.

Even with your Ph.D you still sound like any butthurt 12-year-old. Well done.

>> No.2210038

and the funny thing is many of them flock together on 4chan to share their resentment, bitterness, troll each other, etc.

>> No.2210042

3)I sell cannabis to my fellow students.

>> No.2210043


i don't mean to interrupt your spree of self-aggrandizing posts filled with baseless assumptions about about other people's characters and intelligence, but i'm the guy with the ph. d. and i didn't make that post you're responding to.

>> No.2210044

I don't have a PhD. I also went to a state school so I have minimal student debt.

>> No.2210047

I'm from the ghetto
Major in Schmoooove.
I pimp out dat fine ass poontang.

>> No.2210048

Bucharest, Romania.
Second year law student.
Internet poker&parents.

>> No.2210052
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>> No.2210056

You're right; my bad. That other guy actually knows how to write. Perhaps we have several Ph.Ds in our midst?

>> No.2210127

I live in Ontario, Canada and am thinking about going to university for Journalism.
Well, it's between that, Film Studies and English.
Can /lit/ dissuade me from getting an English degree?

>> No.2210133

I work at a research library

>> No.2210134

Denver, Co (Now in Hawaii)
Plan on getting Info & Library Science degree during/after I get out.
Us Navy Submariner

>> No.2210143

Glasgow, Scotland.
In 2nd year of a maths degree.
I do some retail stuff part time.

>> No.2210145


>>2210133 here

Go for it dude!

>> No.2210166
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new york city
fox news

all the journalism and communication majors mad

>> No.2210169


>> No.2210172

How great is it?
That fields of research did you actually study in school.
What was job-finding like?

>> No.2210176

Filthy west coastian.

>> No.2210180

Montreal, Canada
Linguistics with undetermined minor (Sociology or Psychology)
Right now figuring out a career path with that... any tips can help, God knows a job in Linguistics is like a unicorn...

>> No.2210181

Ontario, Canada
History Major looking into library science for grad school
I work at an ice cream store. Anything career related = unpaid internships and volunteering.

>> No.2210183

I'm in Linguistics too! What are you guys planning on doing with your degrees? What is there to do besides speech pathology?

>> No.2210969

This thread makes me sad.Please be most of it are trolling.
As for me. Somewhere in Asia
Medical Technologist
working part time at a standalone laboratory

>> No.2210984

Toronto Canada.

third-year undergraduate in urban planning & geography.
on the side, I take English courses out of interest.

looking into planning programs for grad school.
I may seek employment in international real estate developmt.
for now I chill out and day-trade on the stock market.

>> No.2210985

professional interpreter? get in w the foreign service or something.

>> No.2210987

From the Isle of Islay in Scotland.
Doing a masters in Biomedical science.
I work in a bar..

>> No.2210992

oh please you "medical technology" people don't impress me, i know what's a in a "biomedical engineering" degree and it's pretty light-weight. they don't even do the full calculus sequence. get tha fuck outta here with your fake engineering bullshit.

>> No.2210996

>"here is what I do for a living"
calm the fuck down or go back to /b/

>> No.2210997

> being a pompus faggot by saying:
> This thread makes me sad.Please be most of it are trolling.
> crying when somebody points out how lame "medical technology" actually is

can dish it out but can't take it, eh? cry more, fag.

>> No.2210999

um the original post wasn't even me. I'm up here :

now how about you calm your shit like I politely asked

>> No.2211001

what're you going to do, ban me? fuck off bitch.

>> No.2211003

this is what happens when we let the /b/ kids out of their cage.

resume discussion kids. apologies for that guy.

>> No.2211004

From Germany, majoring in, well, art theory or something. It's basically art history with lots of optional stuff in music, archeology and philosophy.
No employment because I collect 600 Euros from the gouvernment each month.

>> No.2211005

well don't make condescending comments about other peoples lifestyle choices and no one will get insulted. now fuck off.