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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 255 KB, 1024x1326, Dieinyoursleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22094187 No.22094187 [Reply] [Original]

Or infantilism general.

>> No.22094195

the bible

>> No.22094197

you absolute retard
I bet you don't like the Iliad, too

>> No.22094207

The Iliad is art.
LOTR is the book version of marvel.

>> No.22094262

Never read it, never will. Same goes for the movies.

>> No.22094263
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>> No.22094268
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>> No.22094269
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I have seen the movies on multiple occasions and couldn't tell you a thing about them outside a very basic outline of the plot (it's about guys taking a ring to throw into a volcano) and that it is a loose metaphor for Plato's ring of Gyges.

>> No.22094284

What is the backstory of your picrel?

>> No.22094289


>> No.22094294
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>Never read it, never will. Same goes for the movies

>> No.22094299
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It's an esoteric meme. A shoppe she ran fir countenance/ she swivved fir her sustenance


That was not me but the meme revolves around one Sydney who before her real eastate job had turned her a new leaf, she had worked at an eatery serving clients of a different kind out both ends (lick her in the front and poker in the rear) doubling as both Perkin's shopkeeping friend and an Odette in need of a "blue."

>> No.22094310

Yes, because the first recorded epic poem in the Western canon is the same as a hodgepodge of Anglo-Norse mythology used as a channel to display constructed languages and banal moral lessons as imagined by an autistic snaggle-toothed, tweed jacket Oxford lad.

>> No.22094313


>> No.22094410

It does have a thing for attracting manchildren to it, but LOTR it is not inherently a 'manchild' thing.

>> No.22094414

what's up with all the tolkien seethe lately? /tv/ tourists?

>> No.22094419

I find it a bit discomforting actually

>> No.22094463

It is, and that's being nice.

>> No.22094487

Like attracts like

>> No.22094496

LoTR is just a mediocre book focused too much on corruption which undermines its fantasy setting. There are better books that make points about corruption and social critique including writings of ancient philosophers. The Art of War can easily be a man child book depending on how it is interpreted, as glorifying war and surreptitiousness or by understanding the ugly political and potshot nature of war.

>> No.22094556

philosophy books are for midwit manchildren that are unfamiliar with introspection and easily impressed by word games

>> No.22094566

True to an extent. Plato is fun for the games he plays on sophists who engage in circular reasoning (Euthyphro immediately comes to mind) but there isn't freat truth to be found in his dogmatic theories of forms or his quais-Fascist imperial state.

>> No.22094598
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ITT: manchildren
OTB: manchildren

Though to be fair "manchildren" are less annoying than meathead yuppie social ladder climbers.

>> No.22094622

Both are horrible to be around.

>> No.22094679

>meathead yuppie social ladder climbers
why did you have to call me out like that?

>> No.22094761
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As much as I bitch and moan about the internet, about social media online, and trust me I've bitched and moaned a hell of a lot over the years...
a HELL of a lot...
I've recently found out that I'm completely and totally spoiled by the selectivity of online forums and have, or rather had, become massively naive about just how fucking RIFE with normie-ism average society is.

Now I'm just sort of trapped (*) and unpleasantly bored with people here, online, and completely "out of my element" trying to find common ground with strangers IRL.

(*) Remenicent of that line from (otherwise sort of overrated and forgettable) "Steppenwolf", but that line, that "treaty" is worth quiting at length, imo, and I often refer back to it:
"It happened to him as it does to all; what he strove for with the deepest and most stubborn instinct of his being fell to his lot, but more than is good for men. In the beginning his dream and his happiness, in the end it was his bitter fate. The man of power is ruined by power, the man of money by money, the submissive man by subservience, the pleasure seeker by pleasure. He achieved his aim. He was ever more independent. He took orders from no man and ordered his ways to suit no man. Independently and alone, he decided what to do and to leave undone. For every strong man attains to that which a genuine impulse bids him seek. But in the midst of the freedom he had attained Harry suddenly became aware that his freedom was a death and that he stood alone. The world in an uncanny fashion left him in peace. Other men concerned him no longer. He was not even concerned about himself. He began to suffocate slowly in the more and more rarefied atmosphere of remoteness and solitude. For now it was his wish no longer, nor his aim, to be alone and independent, but rather his lot and his sentence. The magic wish had been fulfilled and could not be cancelled, and it was no good now to open his arms with longing and goodwill to welcome the bonds of society. People left him alone now...
...No one came near to him. There was no link left, and no one could have had any part in his life even had anyone wished it. For the air of lonely men surrounded him now, a still atmosphere in which the world around him slipped away, leaving him incapable of relationship, an atmosphere against which neither will nor longing availed. This was one of the significant earmarks of his life."


>> No.22095492

Lol, my long ass effort post killed the thread.

>> No.22095501

non-Anglos discovering they do not possess the bio-spirit required to understand LotR

>> No.22095533

pretty much any book written by a female focuses on childhood trauma of some sort or the other, so I'm inclined to include every single work by a female author into your category

>> No.22095581

If that is the result of effort then you have my sympathies.

>> No.22095616

For me LotR focuses a lot on corruption, but it really never happens. Sauron never corrupts anyone. He tries but fails. The ring temporarily corrupts two people in very brief instances, and the only real victim of a corruptive effect is Gollum.

The story mainly suffers from having poor antagonists that don't ever pose a threat to the protags, therefore negating any drama. If Legolas and Gimli can kill nearly 100 super-orcs so easily to the point they make a game out of it, and if all of Sauron's minions flee from the sight of Glorfindel, why ever be concerned with the protags' safety?

>> No.22095646

In the original story before anglos mangled it the dragon is Rome. The cursed ring bound the people into the form of a greedy dragon.

>> No.22095656

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life

>> No.22095703

>I am the king of effort posting.
Okay you win.

>> No.22095744

no u

>> No.22095925

ITT. Americans seething because their subhuman culture couldn't produce someone like Tolkien in the first place. There is not a single book in the Americ*n canon that can match the lord of the rings.

>> No.22095979
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all mangas

>> No.22096024

Time-travelling 19th-Century Chad here. ALL of you 21st Century faggots are manchildren. Zero exceptions.

>> No.22096029

He's got us there, boys. But nah theres some real men left in some very specific places and vocations.

>> No.22096220

Why is LOTR considered for manchildren?

>> No.22096295

>same short, seething writing style

>> No.22096310

Americans love LOTR

>> No.22096313
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easily the worst offender

>> No.22096417


stroy has huge eagles, what's not to love?

>> No.22096426

I know right? It's like hating Iron Man movies when they have iron suits. What's not to love?

>> No.22096429

Only a pseud or a non-reader could find LOTR to be a manchild book. Either you’re trying too hard or you don’t actually know the contents of the books at all.

>> No.22096438

>n-no y-you!

>> No.22096440

You didn’t though. You in fact did not read the books. And you know you didn’t.

>> No.22096450

>I'm a manchild? N-no you a-are!

>> No.22096452

You could just say that you did read it, but you won’t because you didn’t. You don’t actually know what is in those books lol.

>> No.22096458

Ad infinitum.

>> No.22096664

The books began to go downhill after Frodo left the shire.

>> No.22096862

Lit hates stories with happy endings because they can't larp about it...

>> No.22096875
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>> No.22097213

God I hate lotr

>> No.22097232

das kapital by karl marx

>> No.22097331

Good novel. Tolkien stands apart from comic book and schlock writers due to his autistic commitment to creating a living, breathing world. He is probably unpalatable to some here because he is also equally dedicated to avoiding allegory or any other quality that makes his world less than its own world, discrediting any allegation that transposes his creative energy from fantasy to reality. Its fantasy, its exciting, its immersive, and its worth the read if you like to enjoy things, especially if you've done a little hiking. And I think it literature primarily because it stands out in its authentic qualities, craftsmanship, and influence.

>> No.22097975


>> No.22098147

You will still never touch a woman.

>> No.22098323
File: 80 KB, 520x588, Thereisgoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOTR fans that default to feminine methods of argumentation? Color me surprised.

>> No.22098712

Could you be huffing your own farts any harder?

>> No.22098769

BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP haha thats you talking about lord of the rings SNIIFF SNIIIFFF pungent my dear exquisite
Grow up.

>> No.22098943

The inner child of a Tolkien fan rears its head.

>> No.22098950

What’s the point of this thread?

>> No.22099009

To solidfy the literary caste system.

>> No.22099060

no i only read big kid books

>> No.22099140
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>> No.22100398

You have to not be a hylic to understand "Lord of the Rings"
>It's just a jumble of Norse mythology
Criticism based on the surrounding details of the book, not of Lord of the Rings itself
>Tolkien was an autist!
Criticism of the author, not of the book

>> No.22100401

moby dick

>> No.22100406

Funnily enough most non-anglos have their own epics including the shitskins. And better than a made-up epic.

>> No.22100500

If LoTR didn’t happen then why was the church angry about elves in the anglo-saxon to medieval period? Checkmate atheists

>> No.22100592

I love LOTR but with the magic card release thing this week makes me inclined to agree. Before man children it was hippies as well.

>> No.22100656

>t. non-Anglo seether

>> No.22100894

Trying too hard.

>> No.22100962

some philosophy is about introspection, what are you talking about
it sometimes talk about true nature about yourself

>> No.22100996
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he's right

>> No.22101360

Do you have it in tapestry?

>> No.22101377

your diary desu

>> No.22101390

stone slabs only, sorry pal

>> No.22102056

Isn't LOTR a book for children children?

>> No.22102064

every time i try to read this book i always get so bored within the first few chapters. the start of this book sucks. maybe it gets better but i havent been able to get through it yet

>> No.22103297
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All books are for women and manchildren. Real men memorize all the necessary knowledge they need. Only women (and manchildren) care about fluff filled prose, because they need it to kill time since they have nothing better to do.

>> No.22103561

Meep Meep

>> No.22104743

who cares?

>> No.22105246

Manchild detected.

>> No.22105711

I really can't take a medieval fantasy series seriously unless it details pee pee in vagina.

>> No.22107267


>> No.22108258

LOTR is great, so is the Silmarillion.
t. best read person on 4channel.org

>> No.22108286
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I haven't read the movies either

>> No.22108395
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>> No.22108415

>hasn't read the book
very lit