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22092635 No.22092635 [Reply] [Original]

Why did he abandon the Truth? How did he not see that he perpetuated the same errors as Freemasonry?

>> No.22092650

What the fuck do you even mean. He achieved gnosis within several religious traditions and everything he wrote is correct. Get a grip you baboon

>> No.22092656

perrenialism is the most moronic stance ever, and of course it's the atheist ream of universalism applied to spirituality, out of their despair to hide that atheism and freemasonry is just nihilistic hedonism.

>> No.22092667
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Say it to my face anon. What exactly are you claiming that I did?

>> No.22092683

>atheism and freemasonry is just nihilistic hedonism
Freemasonry is merely the product of a gradually secularized mystical christian tradition. It's the last fragments of esoteric initiation hierarchy akin to the Eleusis Mysteries, but degenerated through the centuries of humanism of the Renaissance. So on paper they have the right background and symbolic foundations to perpetuate the western european sophia perennis, but in practice as we know they are little more than a LARPing club for well-connected individuals interested in little more than material advancement and silly mindgames. Their activities are in no way comparable to the still extant initiatic orders of sufism, vedism or taoism whose ultimate goal 3000 years down the line is still to reach gnosis and the perpetuation of metaphysical principles.

Guénon obviously recognized this and joined the Sufi order in Cairo near the end of his life, after having attained a vast degree of knowledge in the advaita vedanta and christian esoteric traditions. He saw these things for what they really were and acted in consequence. Him and Schuon, Nasr and Coomaraswamy were of the same intellectual and spiritual caliber : men of right mind and right action. Your criticisms are bound to miss the mark. Read more.

>> No.22092775

> How did he not see that he perpetuated the same errors as Freemasonry?
don't you know that guenon was a member of freemasonry?

>Following his desire to join a regular Masonic obedience, he became a member of the Thebah Lodge of the Grande Loge de France following the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite

>> No.22092779

>Why did he abandon the Truth?
because Mr. Levy bought him a house in Cairo

>> No.22092783

Once a mason always a mason. Plus, they have links to shadow government always. And are known to false flag.

>> No.22092793

you VILL arrive to ze Kairo houz

>> No.22092797
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Fr. Seraphim Rose was somewhat of a fan of Geunon before he became Orthodox. This was in his beatnik days. Although Geunon was certainly not Orthodox, Rose said that he was helpful to him on his path to Orthodoxy by showing him the meaning of tradition and waking him up out of his nihilistic phase.
Also, Orthodoxy condemns Freemasonry as Satanic gnosticism.

>> No.22092828
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>Freemasonry is merely the product of a gradually secularized mystical christian tradition.
Orthodox Church condemns Freemasonry as Satanic gnosticism. >>22092797

>> No.22092839
File: 416 KB, 400x494, 1646317384624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Their activities are in no way comparable to the still extant initiatic orders of sufism, vedism or taoism
Also you might find this interesting.
Now don't misunderstand, this video is not advocating for syncretism or perrennialism by any means. Orthodoxy is totally against such ideas.
The point he is making is that the Dao was the attempt of philosophers in the time before Christ to to explain the Logos (who is Christ) as much as they could with the knowledge that they had at the time. It's a concept called Logos Spermatikos.

>> No.22092861

This nose is a bit crocked. It makes him look ugly. He looks like a sad mexican, and not noble and with fine traits like in the original picture

>> No.22092893

Look, I'm orthodox and orthodox I know are very grateful to GUénon, some even became orthodox thanks to him. Because he faught gnosticism, spiritism, progressivism of all sorts,... and called for a return to tradition, even aknowledging orthodoxy at the depends of papism...
He didn't deny the divinity of Jesus Christ. He was obviously a great man longing for and loving the supreme principle. If you like he was like Origen, borderline in certain aspects, but still read by everyone, and reverred for his good impact,...

>> No.22093015
File: 83 KB, 562x600, guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22093099

see >>22092635 pic

>> No.22093141
File: 25 KB, 300x217, Frithjof_Schuon_with_René_Guénon_in_Cairo,_1938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22093216
File: 338 KB, 321x577, Screenshot 2023-05-30 at 18-18-35 5d9324_d8e1660499a94a4895a43a63edc971a7~mv2.jpg (Image WEBP 320 × 578 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22093238
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> same intellectual and spiritual caliber : men of right mind and right action
nice cult
typical brahmarākṣasa


>> No.22093858

>posting anti-schuon material in response to a pro-Guenon post
What is even the point? Schuon being a whacko has nothing to do Guenon

>> No.22094725

He's a heratic who fell into the same gnostic, luciferian apostasy that Freemasonry promotes.
No. Freemasonry is from demons, by demons, and leads to demons. Listen to yourself:
>secularized mystical christian tradition.
A) there is nothing secular about our Lord's work. It is wholey Divine as He is. B) there is nothing mystical about it. He didn't put His light under a basket, He charged the Apostles to be cities on hill tops, He taught openly and free gave the interpretation to the Apostles.
>western european sophia perennis
Christ is the Father's Word. There is no wisdom higher than Him.
>interested in little more than material advancement and silly mindgames
Your probably a Mason yourself to speak so naively. They clearly seek the establishment of one world religion (gnostic (luciferian) indifferentism, ie perennialism as an example) which is why they have infected the Church from within- to attack the Truth at its core-, one world government, one world law, a global rent economy etc.

As to Taoism, Sufism, Vedism, to hold to those traditions after the full revelation of the Truth in Christ is manifestly demonic. I read most of Guenon and this is what I've realised. Pray more.
Yes. Didn't he repudiate it in favour of traditionalism though.
This seems like it. Tempted by Mammon.
Same for me. It's interesting stuff, ultimately though it's hubrisitic intellectual gnostic heresy though. It serves naught for actual salvation imo.
He was a perennialist, Muslim apostate. Perennialism and any traditional are actually incompatible when you think about it. If you really believe any tradition is true then you can't believe the others are also. This is typical of the way heretics contradict themselves. Even if he did believe in the Divinity of Christ, he's still a heretics for either perennialism or Islam.

>> No.22094754

>but in practice as we know they are little more than a LARPing club
>no way comparable to the still extant initiatic orders of sufism, vedism or taoism
>men of right mind and right action
right but he also says that Freemasonry has potential to reach the level of other initiatic orders if men of right mind and action become Freemasons.

it's time we restore Freemasonry brother

>> No.22094806

imagine writing so many things in one post that were already refuted by Guenon (pbuh)

>> No.22095017
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Christ bless this thread and have mercy on the sinners within it.

>> No.22095065
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Traditionalism is just a preliminary for Orthodox Christianity.
IIRC there's a book in which Evola seems to have intuited the existence of the invisible monks on Mount Athos.

>> No.22095162

>visible monks on Mount Athos.

>> No.22095166
File: 171 KB, 800x483, 800px-Entrega_de_las_llaves_a_San_Pedro_(Perugino).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. But remember pic rel?

>> No.22095271

I really can't for the life of me remember the book or essay but he says that there are ascetics on Mount Athos and in the Himalayas who sustain the human race spiritually with their advanced spirituality. I do remember an essay on magic in which he mentioned invisible shepherds in the mountains. Here's a link to an excerpt of a book on the invisible monks

>> No.22095409

When did guenon threads become orthocuck general?

>> No.22095413

you should see the guenon discord servers

>> No.22095422

Post links

>> No.22095690

The Talmud says that:
>at least 36 Tzadikim Nistarim (anonymous tzadikim) are living among us in all times; they are anonymous, and it is for their sake alone that the world is not destroyed.
Sanhedrin 97b; Sukkah 45b

Christ killers on the resurgence. Antichrists in the Papal chair. Not long now folks.