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22087708 No.22087708 [Reply] [Original]

>Teaches white people how to not be systemic oppressive racist bigots
Why haven't you read this whitey?

>> No.22087714

i'm a racist, an esoteric hitlerist in fact, and no, i have never had sex

>> No.22087716

Because I have no interest in scraping for art hoe pussy

>> No.22087717

Sometimes I think these people want me to be racist

>> No.22087721
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Yikes, sounds like you need some re-education. If you fixed your political views maybe you would get some beautiful leftist pussy like pic rel.

>> No.22087722

My pale, un-melinated skin is too fragile to handle a Black book without suffering dozens of life-threatening papercuts

>> No.22087726

all memes aside they just want you to die

>> No.22087734

I am a single agent who is white by coincidence of birth. I do not work in a position where I have any sway over the nature of large-scale societal systems. When I walk down the street and see a person, black or white, I try to be open-minded as to their qualities and judge them, as MLK says, by the content of their character. What more do you want from me???

>> No.22087736
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Your wallet

>> No.22087739

Alright fine! But there’s only a library card and a few dollar coins I keep for good luck.

>> No.22087740
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Now bend over

>> No.22087753

And you find this surprising? You've never heard of divide and conquer?

>> No.22087761


>> No.22087838

btfo by Alan Sokal


>> No.22087840

>instead of returning white people back to the numerous planets they've colonized throughout the galaxy let's publish passive-aggressive books

the anglosphere is unreal

>> No.22088452
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>> No.22088719

Why shouldn't I be systemic oppressive racist bigot?

>> No.22088752

Lmfao my 12-year-old sister owns this book and has it presented at the very front of her bookshelf

>> No.22088757

My condolences.

>> No.22088771

I just ask myself that if these people were motivated by anti-white animus, what would change?

>> No.22088785

they do. they're pushing your buttons

>> No.22088788

blacks aren't Anglo

>> No.22088811

Why should we stop being racist? To me it only seems to benefit blacks, if i'm racist I wouldn't care about that to change. Being antiracust iscagainst my best interests as ebil white debil.

>> No.22088824

The diet book is less sus. The whole thing about the anxiety is probably just trying to overwrite normie brainwashing about meds compared to just eating right and getting enough sunlight because they love having pride in how they suffer with 'anxiety'. It's secretly based

>> No.22088850

Anglo-ism is a state of mind

>> No.22089021

Sounds like she needs some correction

>> No.22089024 [DELETED] 

Eh, form what I've read of it, it seems that being at least a little-bit fragile is just having some self-respect.

>> No.22089067

Having any self-respect at all entails being at least a little fragile.

>> No.22089082

I read this as an asian and it so awful I couldn't even finish it. Yes I bought it with my own money.

>> No.22089085
File: 141 KB, 779x832, Screenshot from 2023-03-05 10-42-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's amazing how this first draft, high school essay about feelings got published. Zero citations. Zero evidence for any of the claims.

>> No.22089104

It's not actual academic writing it's pop-non-fiction

>> No.22089116
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Because I wanna systematically oppress black people.

>> No.22089120

The assumption here being that white people should only view themselves racially in a negative light. If racial politics are the future of America, then why shouldn't white people play the game on those terms too?

>> No.22089142

I was thrust from the bosom of the Earth to subjugate and oppress.

>> No.22089154
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And to civilise.

>> No.22089172

No it fucking isn’t, gypsy rape baby

>> No.22089342

All tribalisms and cultural artifact are states of mind, dipshit.

>> No.22089386
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It reminded me of this.

>> No.22089394
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>> No.22089396
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>> No.22089407
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>> No.22089447

He has a forehead intelligently designed for bullets

>> No.22089451

>claims he cares for workers
>almost certainly wants to flood White countries with rapefugees, further driving wages down
What did he mean by this?

>> No.22089458

What race is that little slut? She needs disciplinary beatings.

>> No.22089488
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I bet he also thinks workers who don't want the covid "vaccine" should be fired and arrested.

>> No.22089491
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If you are just sitting back and allowing your sister to be brainwashed by these evil books, you are as much at fault here as the writers.
What is wrong with you? How can you just sit there and let it happen?

>> No.22089495

>Teaches white people how to not be systemic oppressive racist bigots

I don't think it does. In fact it provides very little in way of solutions.
It just teaches you that you ARE racist

>> No.22089524

This desu. People like him make me sick. Just letting it happen and saying "lmfao". Absolute scum.

>> No.22089531

Don't say that about my sister
She's only 12 and I highly doubt she really understood or processed the book much

>> No.22089551

You should burn the book desu

>> No.22089583

No, you.

>> No.22089599
File: 195 KB, 723x1225, Queen_Teuta_of_Illyria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More importantly: where did they go? Even 18th Century Europeans look hideous compared to civilized antiquity. What they don't tell you when they talk about skull measuring is that the cephalic index of ancient statues was larger than the largest cephalic index of today. One must not be confused because of this; it is from there alone that the Greek and Assyrian statues look so much more handsome than the models of today.

>> No.22089637
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>> No.22089655
File: 116 KB, 500x750, AF130E69-8CBD-4941-8C90-9554ABC97D9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>statue as photorealistic representation
>not idealized deity or royal vanity piece

>> No.22089664

Of course those are photorealistic representations and what proofs this is the sheer number of those depictions.

>> No.22089676

Joking, right?

>> No.22089695

Why would the Ancient Greeks have made statues of people who look more handsome than them, and why has this culture of making images of ideally looking people been abandoned in the Middle Ages and the Modern Era?

>> No.22089699

This women is insecure about her own racism and instead of recognizing that it's wrong and growing and moving on she made a career out of projecting it onto all white people.

>> No.22089715
File: 201 KB, 1322x1730, C02F5FC5-E730-474A-8B0C-F82CC86C7362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look more handsome
Who said this? Royal vanity pieces may ask for that specifically, but I didn’t say the word. “Why would the Greeks lie to meeee?” Hit the books.

>> No.22089730

What? I'm not talking only about royalty.

>> No.22089742

Is there a bigger instance of a kafkatrap book than that?

>> No.22089744

Useless strawman. Even if royalty depicted themselves a little bit better than others I have yet to see a picture of a royal king that doesn't look at least partly like the portrayed person herself. Out of the hundreds of paintings of Napoleon and Hitler that have been made, the portrayed person, although glorified, is always recognizable as such. Why would the ancients have been any different?

>> No.22089753

You haven’t an artist’s eye.
Or are eager to stray from the subject because I’ve made my point clear enough.

>> No.22089761

You are mad that you can't counter argue. Yeah your point sucks, they just invented handsome people in their head, the only question, why do they look handsome and what inspired them to do that?

>> No.22089846

>thinks there’s something left to argue over.
>”no really! Sculpting is always always always photorealistic!”
Hahaha just shut up already

>> No.22089855

I read some of it and the book is truly just
>you should feel guilt for the collective actions of your race
>but not pride for the collective actions of your race
It’s just slave morality: the book.

>> No.22089862

> sculpting is never photorealistic

>> No.22089942

Actually being racist is a lot like original sin, it's just something we're born with and should feel shameful about

>> No.22089978
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Because I'm trying to become more racist.

>> No.22089980

adam and eve were white, the original sin is racemixing. this society is literally metaphysical evil

>> No.22089986

Americans have 400 million guns, yet you won't even use one of them on that prick.

>> No.22089987

>first paragraph mentions george floyd's "murder"

lmao nope

>> No.22089988

Maybe Jewish blood magic can heal the curse of racism

>> No.22090023

an actor pretending to be a wifebeating criminal felt sad one time, better burn all the books containing millions of years of hellenic history

>> No.22090498
File: 147 KB, 960x1200, dat bitchs mine now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An dat booty too.

>> No.22090522

>my jewish desert demon said so!
fuck off abrahamist

>> No.22090544


>> No.22090550

yeah this is how i have started to think about it. it helps me cope with modern society. just a new irrationality that you can't really discuss squarely with anyone who has been converted

>> No.22090594

You either capitulate and they got you or you defy and they got you. It's a shakedown. The only winning move is not to play. Still never relax where appropriate.

>> No.22091351

If murder was acceptable recourse for morons on the internet, our global population would be in dire straits.

>> No.22092038

>I love dark humour
>As long as it's totally sanitized and only applied against acceptable targets in an inoffensive way
What a spastic

>> No.22092072

you're evil for allowing her to be wokewashed.
If you think kids aren't vulnerable to this type of shit at age 12 I suggest you look up how many 10-12 year olds currently think they are trans, bi or non-gender conforming.
She will grow up to hate own race. Do somehting about it.

Not suggesting /pol/-tier schizo advice. But talk with her about the book and point out flaws in the reasoning.
Just fucking talk to her about the issues she brings up and if you calmly but surely explain these topics she'll be alright.

>> No.22092074

shit bait

>> No.22092087
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Because I want to be an oppressive racist bigot

>> No.22092403

The whole book is "anti-racist" in the worst way possible. Read The New Jim Crow if you want something that's at least competently put together, this is just shit.

>> No.22092670
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>> No.22093422

I'm surprised how many of you faggots actually read this. Is it's title not enough to tell you how garbage it is?