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File: 44 KB, 300x400, playboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22086008 No.22086008 [Reply] [Original]

>i didn't care about the girls on playboy but the articles and stories were so good
How true is this really? If I was to buy a pile of Playboys from 70s would they be good bathroom reading?

>> No.22086019

Capote: Well, it has brought about the rise of what I call the Jewish Mafia in American letters. This is a clique of New York-oriented writers and critics who control much of the literary scene through the influence of the quarterlies and intellectual magazines. All these publications are Jewish-dominated and this particular coterie employs them to make or break writers by advancing or withholding attention. I don’t think there’s any conscious, sinister conspiracy on their part—just a determination to see that members of their particular clique rise to the top. Bernard Malamud and Saul Bellow and Philip Roth and Isaac Bashevis Singer and Norman Mailer are all fine writers, but they’re not the only writers in the country, as the Jewish literary Mafia would have us believe. I could give you a list of excellent writers, such as John Knowles and Vance Bourjaily and James Purdy and Donald Windham and Reynolds Price and James Leo Herlihy and Calder Willingham and John Hawkes and William Goyen; the odds are you haven’t heard of most of them, for the simple reason that the Jewish Mafia has systematically frozen them out of the literary scene. Now, mind you, I’m not against any particular group adhering to its own literary values and advancing its own favored authors; such cliques have always existed in American letters. I only object when any one particular group—and it could just as well be Southern, or Roman Catholic, or Marxist, or vegetarian—gets a strangle hold on American criticism and squeezes out anybody who doesn’t conform to its own standards. It’s fine to write about specifically Jewish problems, and it often makes valid and exciting literature—but the people who have other messages to convey, other styles and other backgrounds should also be given a chance. Today, because of the predominance of the Jewish Mafia, they’re not being given that opportunity. This is something everyone in the literary world knows but never writes about.

Playboy: Aren’t you opening yourself up to a charge of anti-Semitism?

Capote: No.

>> No.22086042

Many great writers wrote for it but if you want reading material of that ilk you would be better off buying a stack of old literary journals instead. In my experience old Playboys generally are around 10% interesting to read and the rest is eh, don't care to read 50 year old product reviews or dating advice and 50 year old journalism is often banal these days, common knowledge.

>> No.22086046

posting an actual writer on the cover, i'm impressed


>> No.22086050

No one took Capote serious, he was always being purposefully edgy and provocative.

>> No.22086053


>> No.22086095

He was largely a joke by the time he died and the only reason he was not completely forgotten by that time is because everyone loves to watch a train wreck. He had early success than spent the rest of his life milking his celebrity, drinking, doing drugs and gossiping.
>Gore Vidal responded to news of Capote's death by calling it "a wise career move"

>> No.22086102

Cry more, jew boy

>> No.22086122

Have you ever actually looked into Capote's life? He does not lend credence to your shaky cause no matter what you believe.

>> No.22086130

Your kvetching has no merit in critiquing Sissy Capote’s prescient claim of the Jewish Literary Mafia that is still alive and well today. Please go read your Torah for spiritual guidance, jew boy

>> No.22086175

Are her books good? I know who she is but I've never read anything by her.

>> No.22086245
File: 67 KB, 680x433, playboy jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22086257

Why do I (a Jew) need to cope about this? Pretty based from my perspective.

>> No.22086262


>> No.22086273

Samefag jew boy. Post wrist

>> No.22086298
File: 167 KB, 1000x750, IMG_20230529_032219_(1000_x_750_pixel).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have these two anthologies, they are pretty good.

>> No.22086313

I cared about the girls but the articles were good too. A lot of short story kinos to be had and the interviews with all kinds of people were usually interesting.

>> No.22086322
File: 63 KB, 770x600, 1638032369106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it at least a bit interesting how the most intriguing and in-depth interviews from Capote, John Wayne, Vince McMahon and probably many others were in Playboy.

How did they do it, was it just the idea of Playboy or the subversion of the all-jew staff?

>> No.22086352

On the one hand he's right and on the other hand the authors he shilled for were all literally gay. I guess they're a tribe, too.

>> No.22086475

>it isn't true, besides capote is untrustworthy/degenerate
>ok, it's true but still based

>> No.22086507

I think Trump was interviewed in March of 1990, I read the interview and it was good because he reveals he is really beyond the mainstream reality and people didn't understand that.
>Trump, "It's the greatest show on earth"
>PB: "What show is that?"
>Trump: "It's the Donald Trump Show"

>> No.22086587

Only two were, doofus

>> No.22086654

I know Harlan Ellison wrote for it. So if you like his fiction, it's there to be found.

>> No.22087771

Haven't read any either but one was made into a movie and based on that, I doubt that they'd be good.


>> No.22087776

idk about good reading but having playboy mags in your bathroom would be kino

>> No.22087837
File: 595 KB, 1200x802, gl-rockwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's an issue where the nigger from Roots interviews Commander Rockwell

>> No.22087845


>> No.22087927

>Jewish Literary Mafia that is still alive and well today.
today it's more the Female Literary Mafia

>> No.22087960

Jewish women are still jews

>> No.22088072

but they're willing to publish all sorts of women

>> No.22088087

What happened to tasteful erotica in the mainstream? I'm not saying playboy was tasteful but the Op pic certainly is. And the validity of the articles only adds to it.

Why isn't there an equivalent today?

>> No.22088097

I want to try and make one.

>> No.22088098

>Why isn't there an equivalent today?
The camel already got his nose under the tent wall.

>> No.22088110

post your hook nose, jewy jewington

>> No.22088126

based. never stop stomping hook nosed rats

>> No.22088478

i don't think this was the sentiment capote was going for

>> No.22088702

Based. Today they are behind esg and grooming children. If you pull a degenerate thread it always leads to a larry fink or george soros

>> No.22088818

wasn't Gore Vidal a queer?

>> No.22088822

yes the gay mafia is very real

>> No.22090014

She cute.