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/lit/ - Literature

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22084297 No.22084297 [Reply] [Original]

>ask guy his favorite book
>Fight Club
>American Psycho
>Crime and Punishment
>Notes from Underground
>Journey to the End of the Night
>War & Peace
>Moby Dick
>Blood Meridian
>Infinite Jest
>Storm of Steel
>The Tunnel
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Starship Troopers
>The Iliad
>The Recognitions

>> No.22084299

tranny thread
>Verification not required.

>> No.22084304

You are a man

>> No.22084305

>ask OP its favorite meme

>> No.22084318

>ask a woman her favorite car
>uhh... the red one

>> No.22084323

>ask a jew his favorite food
>uhh... white baby foreskins

>> No.22084325

>ask a nigger his favorite color
>uhh... i don't understand the question

>> No.22084326

>ask a tranny xer favorite pastime
>uhh... ACK!

>> No.22084345

thanks for the reading list

>> No.22084366
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stfu stupid roastie kek

>> No.22084387

I'm curious if this is actually true outside of you losers. Is this true to the average male reader's list?

>> No.22084392

I agree, what kind of person has that many books as their favorite? Too indecisive for me.

my favorite book is the one thats unwritten in my head.

>> No.22084394

What is wrong with Notes from the Underground? And journey to the end of the night?

These two probably are among my favourite of all time.

>> No.22084396

No, it’s too good to be true. The average anglo male reader reads shit like Stephen King and Brando Sando, not Céline and Bolaño.

>> No.22084398
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>I'm curious if this is ACK

>> No.22084400
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>he doesn't know

>> No.22084446
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Since my favorite is the 120 days of sodom will we be having sex? M'lady?

>> No.22084613

The average Anglo male doesn't read literature lol

>> No.22084696

holy kek

>> No.22084698

who's gonna tell him

>> No.22084699


>> No.22084709

More like Lee Child and Tom Clancy

>> No.22084719

Seriously guys, what's wrong?

>> No.22084840

I would fuck pink-haired femjak like you wouldn't believe

>> No.22084885

Thanks for the recs I'll read it

>> No.22084891

you're not special, we all would.

>> No.22084899

I would fill her juicy pussy better than you all.

>> No.22084902

ok sure buddy.

>> No.22084906

>can't take a joke

>> No.22084907

>ask a girl her favorite book
>Milk & Honey
>flavor of the month YA novel
The guys win this time.

>> No.22084913

yeah, haha just a joke totally man. You would definitely be better at having sex than me yeah okay. I have a 7 incher and a beautiful face crafted with years of self-care and moisturization.

>> No.22084915

The average male reader is gonna either name a scifi book or a fantasy book

>> No.22084917

While Rupi Kaur seems very passionate and while I agree with her politics, content, and message, that doesn't make this writing very good. Some of the poems are excellent and will draw you in, but mainly, they are very overrated in terms of pure quality. I see why her poems are popular, but not why she's considered a 'great' or 'brilliant' writer. She's addressing universal themes, but she doesn't do so in an especially artful/skilled way. I'd say if you aren't a big fan of poetry, this book could get you interested in it, but if you're expecting just plain good old-fashioned literary talent, you won't find it here.

>> No.22084922

I'm glad for you, anon! Maybe we can have a threesome?

>> No.22084926

I am an Indian guy, can i have a decent face too with constant self-care?

>> No.22084928
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>ask girl her favorite book
>Sylvia Plath

>> No.22084937

Do Indian women like Indian men?

>> No.22084939

I'm and Indian too good sir. It'll all be alright if you take care of your face, body and eat good food. I am of the paler kind so people can't really tell but not like it matters anyway.

>> No.22084944

Stop feeding that retarded toy.

>> No.22084947

Yeah, Indians and Whites have the highest rates of women that condemn interracial impregnation. So don't worry abuout us.

>> No.22084948

let's hold out hands and shit together, watching the sunset

>> No.22084952

sure brother

>> No.22084976

Perfect, then stop seeking white women, you have yours

>> No.22084984

>Notes from Underground
That is never a favourite book

>> No.22085013

Bolaño is adolescent literature here in Latam. Just like Hopscotch, Pizarnik or Bukowski.

>> No.22085019

>no The Sound and the Fury

Ha! Miss me with that shit discord trannies

>> No.22085027


>> No.22085032
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Did you just assume their gender?

>> No.22085109

It's not their fault that pornography is a white dominated field. Commenting under a whore's content is not seeking them or asking for their hand in marriage, you retard.

>> No.22085110


>> No.22085115

>Pale Fire
Haha nice

>> No.22085156
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Every time.

>> No.22085192

Reddit-tier like Dune or anything by Brandon Sanderson

>> No.22085231


finding a guy that read that many books (let alone ANY of the ones you listed, sans AP) is nigh impossible.

>> No.22085232


>> No.22085239

this is a good thing and it makes me hate women less

>> No.22085252

While you were busy with your skincare routine, I was busy talking to pink-haired femjak and now we're dating

>> No.22085263

I've never read these books. I would like to know too

>> No.22085319

>lust-provoking image
>time-wasting incel rage bait

>> No.22085366

Indian womans are built for BWC

>> No.22085387

Gaddisbros... We aren't safe.

>> No.22085412

>Fight Club
pseud shit
>American Psycho
>Crime and Punishment
good to read when you’re 18-20
>Notes from Underground
>Journey to the End of the Night
>War & Peace
very good, but I prefer Anna Karenina
>Moby Dick
>Blood Meridian
Nabokov has written many better novels
>Infinite Jest
worth rereading once every ten years or so
>Storm of Steel
Junger has written many better novels
>The Tunnel
crock of shit
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Starship Troopers
good to read when you’re 15
>The Iliad
essential for anyone’s understanding of the Western canon
i too remember being 16
>The Recognitions
Gaddis got better as he went on

>> No.22085415

i doubt adolescents actually read the book, then, and if they do then i doubt they are anywhere near capable of understanding what Cortazar does with it

>> No.22085416
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I told my friend GR is my favorite novel and now I'm lending her my copy to read. Do you guys encounter people that actually read the stuff we talk about here?

>> No.22085419

when I told my friend I was reading Infinite Jest he said "oh, I always see people talking about that on tiktok"
most of my friends are STEMfags so they don't read much fiction

>> No.22085503
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How ironic

>> No.22085568

>Do you guys encounter people that actually read the stuff we talk about here?
No, most of the people I encounter regularly are well-read, so they aren't at all into overwrought American pomo memegarbage that is shilled by tasteless flyover undergrads here 24/7.

>> No.22085576

>most of the people I encounter regularly are well-read
Christ I can't imagine how annoying you must be

>> No.22085596

>ask a girl her ideal boyfriend
>says has to be black
why do white girls love black guys so much bros?

>> No.22085646

Seethe, dollar store intellectual.

>> No.22085690

I'm more of a yard sale type

>> No.22085708

Nothing is wrong with liking those books this thread is just some dork trying to bait people.

>> No.22085710

I doubt you leave the house more than once a week

>> No.22085802

What does it mean if my favorite book is Notes of a Dirty old man?

>> No.22085816
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A girl i dated wanted to know my favorite author and i went in depth explaining yukio mishima and his novels

>> No.22085829

lol no

Your average reading type is going to say LOTR because it's read like three books. And that goes for both men and women.

>> No.22085837
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>talking with date about salo
>mention that i've also read the book
>"oh, i didn't even know they made a book out of it"

>> No.22085857


W-what's wrong with this?

>> No.22085863

your average male doesnt read at all

>> No.22085874
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People I encounter consider Murakami almost inaccesible high literature and I'm talking about highly educated writers and teachers.

>> No.22085880

What will happen to me if I read all these books?

>> No.22086380

Yeah this is annoying, though I've been guilty of it as well. Many video essays about movies hardly mention whether they're based on books.

>> No.22086410

I don't know of anyone IRL who's read a book like Infinite Jest. I am friends with the kind of people who read books like Moby Dick and Blood Meridian though.

>> No.22086419

Education doesn't translation to intelligence. The purpose of the education system is to provide our overlords with interchangeable cogs.

>> No.22086433
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I don't think I've ever heard anyone even mention Infinite Jest or David Foster Wallace in real life. Despite knowing several people who studied literature or worked in bookstores.

Then again it might just be me because some people I've hanged out with have been surprised that I've read Stephen King because they only know me as the drunk moron who tells racist jokes.

>> No.22086952

Happens the same, I usually say I read to be more based (kinda true for some books)

>> No.22086960

Very arbitrary. Thanks for your valuable insight.

>> No.22086998

I want to suck that femjak's juicy pussy until she squirts in my throat

>> No.22087254

>ar·bi·trar·y /ˈärbəˌtrerē/ adjective
>based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system
>or personal whim
i didn’t intend for my post to be anything more than lozenges of what i consider those books to be
if you aren’t satisfied with that go read harold bloom or something and get the fuck out of my (You)s

>> No.22087267

Probably Faust closely followed by Mein Kampf. Starship troopers and Storm of steel are up there though.

>> No.22087328

erryone knows the two best books ever are the Anthony Kiedes Autobiography by Anthony Kiedes's ghostwriter, and the novelization for Ghostbusters by Joe Murray

>> No.22088919

Men read magazines, not books, if they even read

>> No.22088924

>ask a nigger how he'd feel if he didn't have breakfast
>uhh... but i did have breakfast

>> No.22088926

They literally have to be forced to marry them, so no

>> No.22088929

You will never be a woman

>> No.22088931

Globoprogressism is that way, tard >>>/reddit/

>> No.22088934

You will be better read than you are now.

>> No.22088936
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This is my list of favorite books

>> No.22088938

In English?

>> No.22088946

Globoprogressism is that way, tard >>>/reddit/

>> No.22088974

>>>/r9k/ is that way, go practise writing original messagess. Maybe you'll pass the turing test one day

>> No.22089036

You call us losers but clearly judging by your question you don’t interact with people at all (or you’re trolling)

>> No.22089043

Female that read wish they find these guys and not some Jordan Peterson or self-help reading IT guy.

>> No.22089051

They are top-tier books, but if you say they are your favs you are admiting to liking the MCs way too much and that you idolize them. Now that is a very bad look.

>> No.22089052

And what happened next?

>> No.22089056

So is Dosto in slav countries. But those books are there to teach you culture and not to understand the themes, since its obvious most teens will not have the depth to fully understand the beauty of the characters at that age.

>> No.22089096

Dilate, subhuman nigger

>> No.22089251

im 12/20 on that list, what are you at

>> No.22089291

It's absolutely the average male literature fan's list, yes. It's not the average male's list, no.
It's like Tarantino/There Will Be Blood/Das Boot for films, or Pink Floyd/Radiohead/King Crimson for music.

>> No.22089298

the gass and gaddis books are a bit more atypical than the others though. i would love to meet someone irl who has read their work

>> No.22089304

She seemed interested in the sound of waves and spring snow due to romance in them

>> No.22089307


>> No.22089450
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Whenever I tell a girl that my favorite book is harrassment architecture she visibly floods her pants

>> No.22090006

Most non-retards should have cleared those out by high school.

>> No.22090153

The Fall of Reach was alright, but Ghosts of Onyx is peak Halo /lit/