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22083959 No.22083959 [Reply] [Original]

What are some must reads?

>> No.22083965

Daoism is totally opposed to worthless intellectualizing and thus anti-Guenon.

>> No.22084357

I like his moustache

>> No.22084708

The Tao of Poo

>> No.22085670

Guenon was opposed to worthless intellectualized, none of his writings are "intellectualizing for the sake of intellectualizing", he was also personally initiated into a Vietnamese Taoist Traid

>> No.22085674

toshihiko izutsu's sufism and taoism

>> No.22085809
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Guenon, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Gue-----non: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Gue. Non. Pip pip pip. He was One, plain One, in the morning, standing four feet ten before his two foot face. He was Tao in robes. He was Parmenides at life. He was Zeno on the dotted line. But in my mind he was always Guenon. Did he have a precursor? He did, indeed he did. In point of fact, there might have been no Guenon at all had I not initiated, one summer, an initial retroactive initiation. In a doctrine by the sea. Oh when? About as many years before Guenon was born as my age was that summer. You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit number one is what the seraphs, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged seraphs, the Whiteheadians, envied. Look at this tangle of thorns.

>> No.22085815

He talked the talk but his sef-hatred of western culture reveals inability to reach true non-dual wherein sight reveals "puris omnia pura"

>> No.22085832

I don't think he had any self-hatred as a westerner, and having a non-dual metaphysical view doesn't prevent one from making observations about the state of society.

>> No.22085846

>God is love
>hates the world
Hmmm... sounds like some life-denying anti-cosmic gnostic nihilist heresy

>> No.22085902

Guenon interpreted Taoism from a non-dual perspective, which many Taoist works naturally lend themselves to and seem to intimate. If you want to take the same approach to Taoism then it helps to have some knowledge like non-dualism/Advaita Vedanta obviously. To obtain this you can read Adi Shankara's works, shorter texts like the Ashtavakra Gita or books that contrast Adi Shankara with other thinkers like Reza Shah-Kazemi's "Paths to Transcendence" that compares covers Shankara, Eckhart and Ibn Arabi.

Once you are equipped with this understanding, you can read Taoist works like Tao Te Ching (I like the translation by Jonathan Star), Zhuangzi & Liezi and you'll readily be able to discern how they are talking about non-dualism, Guenon also cites from Taoist works at length in his book "The Symbolism of the Cross". De Pouvourville has books published in French talking about non-dualism in Taoism but they aren't translated afaik. The disciple of the non-dual teacher Nisargadatta Maharaj known as Ramesh Balsekar has also published a book called "Advaita On Zen And Tao". This book >>22085674 while about Sufism vis-a-vis taoism is also relevant.

>> No.22085913
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>>hates the world
Guenon didn't teach that you should hate the world and he didnt do so himself.

From where does this strawman of "hating the world" come from? Are you being induced by your emotions to strawman that great Sufi Shaykh and teacher?

>> No.22085955

>Crisis of the Modern Word
>nonstop diatribe
>doesn't try to help world despite
>runs away from friends and family

>> No.22085978

Calling something "a diatribe" is just subjective rhetoric, it's not an actual example of Guenon hating the world. I see the book as being a calmly-written diagnosis of modern errors and not as being informed by hate in any way.

>>doesn't try to help world despite
>runs away from friends and family
That has nothing to do with Guenon "hating the world", but he moved to Egypt for reasons related to his spiritual quest (and after his first wife died), Cairo is just as much a part of "the world" as Paris is. It's also not Guenon's responsibility to be the personal savior of the world, and he views this world historical process as being driven by cosmic cycles that are beyond the power of any one individual to control anyway.

>> No.22086002

I suppose I speak against Guenonians and not Guenon. Haven't read him in years. But a formative influence regardless. Much like I speak against Jungians and not Jung.

>> No.22086048
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