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File: 61 KB, 679x679, Courtesy-Byung-Chul-Han.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22077224 No.22077224 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on Byung-Chul Han?

>> No.22077228

His name sounds like onomatopoeia for eating ass.

>> No.22077229

Baudrillard for zoomers

>> No.22077256


>> No.22077317

Prominent left wing grifter, like most leftists after the cold war

>> No.22077324

He literally never writes on politics proper and he's Catholic.

>> No.22077563

One of the few popular leftist authors I actually like. Burnout society is worth the read. He doesn't get as much attention as other leftist theory wackos probably because his magnum opus was on Chinese philosophy, and we all know how irate leftists think anything traditional = bad

>> No.22078046

The fast-food of leftist literature

>> No.22078988

>Chinese philosophy
What does he say about it?

>> No.22078999

He's like the reverse Hannah Arendt.

>> No.22079013

Chinese knockoffs are le good actually

Yuk Hui is much better on subject on chinese philosophy

>> No.22079015

"Far Eastern thought begins with deconstruction."
They destroy the individual. They're communal parasites slave moralizers.

>> No.22079043

He thinks they're good because he hates individuality. Who's the exact opposite of this nigger? Is there a true individualist who actually helps people?

>> No.22079074

Have you heard of Jordan Peterson?

>> No.22079097
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>> No.22079104

Midwit, but has some lucid moments.

>> No.22079117

>Jordan Peterson
He neglects his emotions. If you want pop psychology read Tony Robbins.

What I meant is if there's a philosopher that loves individuality who it's a merchant lover?

>> No.22079130
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That is what Orthodox Christians say about the oriental religions as well. They say that the "liberation" in religions like Buddhism or Hinduism, where you dissolve your identity into "the one" - they say this quite literally satanic. It is the destruction of the person. God created you in His image. To erase this identity is demonic.
In Orthodox belief, you don't erase your identity in salvation. Quite the opposite. It is the identity that God meant for you to have.

>> No.22079134
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>He neglects his emotions.
No he doesn't. He is very emotional. He's always crying.

>> No.22079141

He cries because he neglects his emotions. Like a neglected child cries.

>> No.22079153

Both are wrong. There is no God and you're all alone. The only person you can rely on is yourself. All else is cope for this fact.

>> No.22079155
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The Orthodox Christian view is that emotions aren't necessarily bad, but you shouldn't get caught up in "emotional experiences", and you shouldn't confuse them for spirituality. The Orthodox tend to disregard feelings and emotions because they can be used by the demons to trick you. Something can "feel good" but actually be a lie from the devil.

>> No.22079166

Are you Roosh v?

>> No.22079168

I am sure they are giving you an honest and sincere reading of those religions they are denouncing. You really expect me to believe Russian Orthodoxy is about being a true individual in God's image, Ivan? Couldn't I just be an American Protestant if I cared that much about just being myself and not needing no transcendental/immanent mysticism while paying lip service to an affirming therapeutic God? Besides you're not even talking about "the person" in the same way(s) Hindus and Buddhists do. If persons are magical creations of an all powerful God obviously you cannot dissolve them. But if they are delusional projections of a mind that does not know itself then you very well could dispose of them as they are hindrances.

>> No.22079173

You might appreciate this

>> No.22079172
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Actually the Triune Christian God is objectively real and this has been proven philosophically through what is called the Transcendental Argument for God.

>> No.22079183

>objectively real and this has been proven philosophically
use your own words to demonstrate this Yevgenii

>> No.22079184

Look at the comments on this video >>22079173. Many Hindus are there recognizing the effort and accuracy of information in the lecture.

>> No.22079188

Christians are Jews in disguise.

>> No.22079189

yes I definitely come to /lit/ to watch YouTube videos

>> No.22079197

>in disguise
they quack like ducks and walk like ducks and even swim in the same pond as the ducks; they're not passing for frogs or otters

>> No.22079200
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Fr. Peter Heers did a whole lecture on the synagogue of satan.

>> No.22079203

Especially by tradfags who let jews live rent free in their head. Truly peak intellectual /lit/ culture

>> No.22079209

That's besides the point, everyone knows in any religion the heretic is hated more than the heathen. You view them as being in error interpreting their texts; they view you in error interpreting their texts. Notice the problem? I'll give you a hint, you rely on them for like 80% of your scriptural canon.

>> No.22079210
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>Besides you're not even talking about "the person" in the same way(s) Hindus and Buddhists do.
I understand what you mean, but you are precisely getting at the problem. Budddhists, Hindus, etc., don't have the correct understanding of what a person is. They think it's some kind of gnostic illusion.

>> No.22079220

>historically illiterate
>obsessed with da jooz

>> No.22079225

Why is it correct that "god did it"? Your protest is entirely naive. Even the Hindus who believe "god did it" have at least some interest in offering a psychological or phenomenal explanation as to why our share of godhood or sustenance from an outflow of god is all muddy and slimey. Yours is that God made everyone and then we disobeyed him and now he is punishing us but then the Romans killed him, but not really, and now we can live forever. Capeshit really

>> No.22079230

I'm not the one who thinks anti-semitism among the Russian Orthodox is a sign that Christianity isn't Jewish in origin. You are very obviously the stormfag if you feel the need to convert to Russian Orthodoxy instead of becoming who you are in the Pentacostal Church of Christ the Florida Man

>> No.22079248

I'm not an identitybrained zoomer like you and the people you are associating me with. Grow up, manchild

>> No.22079258
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It isn't a racial thing. There are ethnic jews in the Orthodox church and they aren't treated as inferior to gentile Orthodox.
But at the same time, that doesn't mean one must follow "political correctness" and refrain from saying unpleasant truths when it is necessary.

>> No.22079262
File: 112 KB, 900x646, 20230525_000102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you getting his from?

>> No.22079265

Then stop being a follower and grow some balls. Have your own ideas.

>> No.22079284

Christianity was created by followers of Judaism, even if you didn't know this you could simply read the Gospels and piece it together. That there are conflicts between followers of Christianity and Judaism isn't proof Christianity didn't originate from Judaism, it is even stronger evidence of their obvious relationship. Your need to aggressively dodge and deny this makes you the identitarian neophyte larper with convert zeal, not me. Russian Orthodoxy is no less conservative than your grandparents' Protestantism, which still exists and is becoming ever more aggressive politically. So why are you larping as a Russian? If you were sincere you'd be with your flock, not on an anime porn forum's literature board denouncing Asian religious traditions.

>> No.22079286

>actually, Christianity is the real Judaism
this isn't the gotcha you think it is Pavel

>> No.22079297

You're speaking to two different people. I (>>22079248) am Catholic as far back as I can trace my family tree and enjoy reading the writings of pagans and even jews. You seem the one who is a follower who groupthinks in terms of identity alone

>> No.22079300
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Like I said, it isn't about some sort of nazi racial obsession. If a racially Jewish person joins the Orthodox church, they welcome him just like anyone else.
The point is that the religion of Judaism is viewed as satanic by the Orthodox church.
Don't you see the distinction here? It's about your beliefs, not what race you are.

>> No.22079304

lazy noyou adhoms not going to work on me—i know the genealogy of your ideas and merely stating it sends the two of you up in arms with all sorts of slurs and misdirects... two rabbis three opinions and all that jazz

>> No.22079313

You are a moron. I am not talking about race. You are pointing to Russian Orthodox belief of a Jewish conspiracy to murder the royal house as evidence of how "based" Russian Orthodoxy is. (They are merely repeating what Russian emigres said a hundred years ago but you are too stupid to know that either). But that doesn't change the origins of Christianity or the fact that they wrote all your principal texts

>> No.22079337
File: 77 KB, 600x900, orthodox-chapel-east-inside-bulgarian-rhodopes-mountain-september-th-47684787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a black guy who is a priest in the Orthodox church. Orthodoxy doesn't really care about race.

>> No.22079338

The Christian rebelling against the Jews is the slave rebelling against its master.

The Protestants simply imitate the master.

>> No.22079352

Wow just like USSR's outreach to Africa and Latin America, so based and anti-racist

>> No.22079357
File: 1.34 MB, 864x1080, 1660453207797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again you are going from one extreme to the other. Orthodoxy doesn't believe in some sort of woke social justice ideology In fact, the black priest in that video has literally denounced the BLM movement. He called it satanic, which it is.

>> No.22079380
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Orthodoxy regards the ideology of "social justice" as an antichrist ideology

>> No.22079383

Well in either case Russian propaganda is Russian propaganda. Do you have any family or community you attend Orthodox services with or is this just an online larp? There are any number of Protestant denominations that could have provided you with right-wing culture war affirmation with you having to subscribe to an anti-social praxis

>> No.22079387

*without you having to subscribe..

>> No.22079417

It's Russian and therefore clung to by rebellious youths or by Roosh v types. It's not a larp but a troll.

>> No.22079432

Don't think it's trolling because "watch my favorite vlogger talk about this topic in order to know what my opinion is" is too dumb to be trolling... it's a sincere moron. A good troll has creative responses to his opponent designed to push buttons>>22079417

>> No.22079434

wow this thread got retarded

>> No.22079435
File: 70 KB, 675x900, view-orthodox-church-its-golden-silver-domes-against-background-blue-cloudy-sky-orthodox-church-kamenets-149531073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

However, I should add that there are some Orthodox priests who believe that inter-ethnic marriage is a sin. I am not sure if that is a strict doctrine, but I have seen this view expressed by some.
It's because of how it relates to the tower of Babel, globalism, one world government, etc.
Orthodoxy believes in national boundaries.

>> No.22079442

orthodox niggaz man...

>> No.22079451

If "inter-ethnic marriage" is a "sin" then your Russian empire should be dissolved immediately for continously promoting the admixture of its constituents. The princes of Kiev and Muscowy should have expelled those vile Greek and Bulgarian missionaries. Why are you giving bullshit q&a style responses as if from a crib sheet? Exactly how much of a moron are you?

>> No.22079499

Russian/Ukranian Orthodox Christians are the most pathetic. I can at least have a civilized conversation with a Catholic integralist without them whining like a bitch about politics happening in far away America.

>> No.22079533
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Pope Francis is a false prophet who supports covid "vaccines", feminism, homosexuality, and the New World Order. He also prays with other religions.

>> No.22079539
File: 663 KB, 1440x1460, also on covid .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22079560

>let no one fear death
thankfully, your sect was not numerous enough to overwhelm our hospitals and morgues during the Great Cough

>> No.22079593
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The "vaccine" is a forerunner for the mark of the beast.

>> No.22079638

>anti-egyptian/assyrian/roman gibberish from priests 2000 years ago is a prophecy about the pharmaceutical industry
ok ivan