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22075863 No.22075863 [Reply] [Original]

I knew it was going off the rails with The Mule but holy fuck did this shit get real bad real fast with the little girl genius psychopath. Is the rest of the series worth finishing?

>> No.22075930

I don’t i imagine most of us read this as a kid, i remember being baffled by the mule twist

>> No.22075938

Arkady was pure sex fuel, I don't know what you're complaining about

>> No.22076216

I just feel like it turned the whole premise upside down, in a bad way. What I came for was psychohistory and then they fucked it all up by introducing psychic powers. It almost feels like Asimov didn't know what the hell to do for a thousand years of saving humanity and it was just an arbitrary number in the first place.

Bayta was sexy. Arkady was clearly some crazy feminist bullshit.

>> No.22076543 [DELETED] 
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Asimov was a Jew. On that basis alone you should've known the book would be terrible

>> No.22076547

>Is the rest of the series worth finishing?
It's not even worth starting.

>> No.22076670

The Mule serves an important role to the entire idea of psychohistory, but if you want Asimov to hold your hand and explain it then you will have to wait a bit longer and soldier on. As to if it is worth finishing, that is up to you, for me its only worth is nostalgia but I have not had any real interest in scifi since I was young.

>> No.22076731

>reading Isaac Asimov instead of L Ron Hubbard
lol. Lmao even.

>> No.22077612
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Strugatsky brothers
Alfred Bester
The list goes on. Asimov never could into fiction.

>> No.22078507

>The Mule serves an important role to the entire idea of psychohistory
BULLSHIT! They spend the whole first book talking up how individuals can't affect history and then comes along an individual who affects history. It's a fucking joke.

>> No.22078511

You’re an ass
Baffled? I read it all as a kid. Nothing baffling
Loved Arkady, but the man can’t write characters well enough.
Filtered by science fiction
Go back to your nu-scifi

>> No.22078515


>> No.22078530

Yes, it is worth finishing. Know, however, that you've already seen the best of it. This situation is common (albeit not in such extremes) in Asimov's longer works. I've read most of Asimov.

>> No.22078539

Not only was Asimov a jewish rat but his son was one of the biggest cheese pizza distributors in America.

>> No.22078543

The short stories are when he really shines.

>> No.22078557

This site is one of the most notorious cheese pizza sites on the clearnet.

>> No.22078567

Lol its not 2008 anymore. The only time cp gets posted on the chons is when you trannys get mad at offtopic threads.

>> No.22078573

Ukraine/NATO or Russia?

>> No.22078583

Bruh bruh, "cunny" fans are like most of /tv/'s regular users.

>> No.22078584

Neither. Total Slavshit Death.

>> No.22078588

Thanks for confirming my post. The cunny poster on /tv/ is a wannabe janny that spams little girls in offtopic threads. Fucking weird fuck.

>> No.22078594


>> No.22078598

Dont you have a Fishtank thread to spam you pedo fuck?

>> No.22078602

Yeah, they were kickass. I actually started reading because of the Apple show and I was like wtf what a giant piece of shit the show is in comparison. Fucking "outlier" bullshit. But then they came back to the same problem the show started with, with The Mule!

>> No.22078656

an individual with a psychic mutation, precisely why the second foundation was created. this baby's first sci fi being too dense for some people is hilarious.

>> No.22078677

But that's fucking wrong. They said they created it to introduce a ruling class based on mental rather than physical science, once the 1k years were up. In fact, they specifically say the Seldon Plan didn't account for a mutant that could control planetary populations with his mind. The Plan almost went to shit. As if Seldon himself showing up on the 4th time and being wrong in the Time Vault wasn't proof enough.

Fuck you, retard.

>> No.22078736

>Bayta was sexy.
>Arkady was clearly some crazy feminist bullshit.
It was written before all that 60s bullshit. Arkady was a tomboy back when tomboys were still very feminine, like Jo March.

>> No.22078739

the people of the first foundation, who didn't know about the second foundation, thought seldon plan didn't account for mutations, you mean. read the fucking books. seldon was wrong about the war being with traders, but about the mule, but the second foundation was his contingency plan for it all.

>> No.22078770

No, the Second Foundation people said they couldn't account for The Mule. Maybe you should pay attention to the books before acting like you know what the hell you're talking about. Seldon was wrong because Asimov fucked up the original theme to the whole fucking series. It was retarded.

And Seldon would have been right about the civil war if The Mule hadn't come along. That much was very obvious.

>> No.22078798

you're really over complicating things for some stupid fucking reason. probably to shit on beginner sci fi but whatever.
>They spend the whole first book talking up how individuals can't affect history and then comes along an individual who affects history. It's a fucking joke.
seldon establishes that psychohistory can only predict future for the masses but not individual deviations which is what the mule is. the second foundation is there to correct things. asimov didn't fuck up because he set the ground rules from the get go.

>> No.22078865

I am not overcomplicating things. Asimov went out of his way to overcomplicate things. He spends like two pages explaining how the SF people can communicate pretty much without words, and he does this like every time the First Speaker appears.
>seldon establishes that psychohistory can only predict future for the masses but not individual deviations
The point of this was not to allow for a superhuman empath to come along and mindfuck entire human populations. It was to point out the difference between statistical psychological analysis on macro- and micro- scales. To emphasize that individuals cannot affect psychohistory. Then it turned into a comic book, which is bullshit.

The Second Foundation wasn't even really supposed to be interacting with the rest of the galaxy that early. It wasn't a contingency. It was part of the plan's later stages. That's the logic Asimov himself lays out. You're an idiot who lapped up Asimov's complete 180 like it actually made any sense. The Mule was a shitty idea. I think he just ran out of ideas after the Empire was out of the way.

>> No.22079219

"lapped up"? lol i've been calling it beginner sci fi for young adults this entire time. you are persistent in pointing out possible inconsistencies in children's reading. "part of the plan's later stages" was exactly that, a back up plan to put back on the rails the new empire. you're a fucking pedant.

>> No.22079232

>The Mule ruining the short stories is a minor detail

>> No.22079345

>mule gets absolutely embarassed when he finally "finds" the second foundation
>b-b-b seldon didn't plan for this!
it's completely reasonable if you're not a hair splitting autistic retard.

>> No.22079362

It's unreasonable for a series to go from the concept of psychohistory saving the human race through predicative science to THIS GUY CAN MAKE PLANETS SAD.

>> No.22079411

that is story telling, young man. the conflict in the story. the unforeseeable mutant deviation seemingly throwing a wrench in the plan. the mythical second foundation there to catch the fall of the first. you'd do better not dwelling on this. it's fucking pathetic.

>> No.22079467

Nah, it was a shitty way to continue the series and took a giant dump on the original themes. And it's kinda pathetic you keep defending it just because admitting otherwise would ruin your favorite childhood books. In the short stories, you have Salvor Hardin and Hober Mallow pointing out that, even as individuals, they're only following psychohistory. It's creates this interesting niche of extraordinary men understanding that they are still merely instruments of a greater history.

Then The Mule comes along and shatters the concept which defined the short stories, in a way which undermines the story of the series. It spirals into a mess of convoluted plotlines from there. That's not good storytelling. That's creative revisionism. It went from being grounded in science to supervillain bullshit.

There shouldn't have been any psychic powers introduced in the first place. So fucking cringe.

>> No.22080177

based assimov