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File: 74 KB, 620x478, jean-baudrillard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22070567 No.22070567 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you not talking about Baudrillard?

>> No.22071347

i know i'd get filtered, i'll stick to consooming secondhand podcasts about him

>> No.22071357
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why would you need to read baudrillard when you can watch the manga and get the idea

>> No.22071368

I exclusively talk about Baudrillard with ChatGPT.

>> No.22071379

can someone give me a qrd if this guy said anything of actionable value or if its just navel gazing by a french faggot whose praxis can be summed up into being mindful about capitalist hyperrealilty

>> No.22071383

Anon, I don't think anyone here have read a full book by him

>> No.22071386
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read... book?

>> No.22071407

>actionable value
What the fuck does this even mean?
Baudrillard was prophetic to the point of becoming banal today. He predicted literally our entire current cultural state so precisely in the 80's that you'll read him and go "huh, yeah, it do be like that".

>> No.22071656

>What the fuck does this even mean?
Something that is valuable in that it can be acted upon in a meaningful way
is deduction beyond you?

>> No.22071665

>"huh, yeah, it do be like that".
>the sum total of his work
okay i dont give a fuck
maybe if I read this back in the 80s it would've given me a good litmus test for tech companies to invest in

>> No.22071743

>dude disneyland lmao

>> No.22071806

Again I assert he missed his calling. His genius or nature is for satire, which sometimes shines through, and I find it a misfortune that he was diverted in the general direction of philosophy. This is probably why, of comparatively recent French writers famous in that cold vein, I find him the least hatable, even a little lovable at times.

>> No.22071817

*He's almost like the French Mencken.

>> No.22071842

He doesn't exist

>> No.22071929

Forget Baudrillard.

>> No.22072514

>huh, yeah, it do be like that
I'm reading fatal strategies and this is pretty much what I've been thinking. he articulates a lot of the thoughts that I can't put into words, and he's even better at that than contemporary theorists I've read. it's crazy to realize how much ahead he was thinking.

>> No.22072517

>capitalist hyperrealilty
why do people say pseud made up terms like this? lol

>> No.22072518

lol at Foucault getting so asshurt that he didn't write for years. you'd assume he would've been used to that, being a fag and all

>> No.22072901

>In order to grasp how globalization and global antagonism works, we should distinguish carefully between domination and hegemony. One could say that hegemony is the ultimate stage of domination and its terminal phase. Domination is characterized by the master/slave relation, which is still a dual relation with potential alienation, a relationship of force and conflicts. It has a violent history of oppression and liberation. There are
the dominators and the dominated, it remains a symbolic relationship. Everything changes with the emancipation of the slave and the internalization of the master by the emancipated slave.
Hegemony begins here in the disappearance of the dual, personal, agonistic domination for the sake of integral reality -the reality of networks, of the virtual and total exchange where there are no longer dominators or dominated.

I've only read the first chapter and it gets dense towards the end. Haven't we just passed a threshold regarding this. Tell me that AI isnt the ultimate tool for the hegemonic order, for the domination of networks. To analyse and condense information quickly from massive amounts of data.

>> No.22072919
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the map has exceeded the territory. its nothing new really. I dont see where he has said anything I didnt already know. Yeah, people lie and propaganda and advertising exist, it's been around since the Egyptians.

>> No.22072922

He is too blackpilled and post-68 for orthodox Marxists, he makes Leftist, Post-Leftists, Post-Marxists, embarrassed by revealing they have no clothes and are just meager liberals in denial serving hegemonic power, he is too blackpilled and post-68 for Fascists.

>> No.22072947

>"i dont know what it means so its pseud"
nobooks midwit

>> No.22072964

Baudrillard is essentially this + a more general skepticism typical of postmodern philosophers + schizo Bataillean gnosticism ("the fundamental rule is reversibility", the intelligence of evil, the battle between good and evil, desire to return to more virile social forms based on games and symbolic exchange) + random metaphysical hypotheses without any reasoning ("theory fiction")

>> No.22072967

People have been talking about him for over 30+ years, retard

>> No.22073021

I don't read him because he literally looks like a gorilla

>> No.22073024

>quotes terminology used by Baudrillard in a Baudrillard thread
>why do people say made up words
The state of lit

>> No.22073109
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>> No.22073114
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>> No.22073520

>Tell me that AI isnt the ultimate tool for the hegemonic order, for the domination of networks. To analyse and condense information quickly from massive amounts of data.
Every single tool for the hegemonic order is simultaneously a tool of emancipation. It's just a tool - it depends on it's users to what end it will be used, and in the end it will be the tools that will use and shape regimes and hegemonies, rather than hegemonies using the tools. Technology fundamentally cannot be maintained in service of a single man, society, regime or goal, because ideas fundamentally cannot be owned. It was this way for every ingle technological advancement since the dawn of time and it will be so in the future.

>> No.22073545

>Something that is valuable in that it can be acted upon in a meaningful way
But no, he does not have investment tips for you.

>> No.22073571

Aside from Simulacra and Simulation what should one read of his works?
What text is best to start with?

>> No.22073591

But the emancipation and equalization of everyone is what creates the hegemony? I feel like this term is still elusive to me

>> No.22073607

I mean, personally I do. For my most recent uni essay I was interpreting S&S in the context of social media devouring tangible reality.

>> No.22073608

Read the gulf war did not take place and you will realize he isnt really worth too much of your time. or just read white noise be delillo for the same concepts but expressed better.

>> No.22073632
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I'm interested in hyperreality as in picrel, has Baudrillard made any meaningful developments to this concept in his other works, also are there other thinkers who contributed to this concept

>> No.22073651

He's dead, being dead tends to make real physical beings less communicative and interesting, he'll probably never write again.

>> No.22073692

Anyone got a chart on where to start with him?

>> No.22073725

I am I retarded if this is just pure gibberish to me?
Like what's the point or appeal of this

>> No.22073739

i really have no idea what i am talking about you shouldn't listen to me.

>> No.22073786

I liked what I read and watched about him but tried reading simulacrum and didn't understand a word. any good secondary resources?

>> No.22073794

who the hell is steve jobs?

>> No.22073840
File: 139 KB, 1600x900, Cooper face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We Live Inside A Dream

>> No.22073869

you obviously did not listen to dark ambient while reading

>> No.22073905

foolish anti-nihilist

>> No.22073962

>is not american

>> No.22073964
File: 545 KB, 2856x1800, 1669846640233201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone read his 'America' travelogue under Reagan '86 ?

>> No.22074200

no should i?

>> No.22075132
File: 11 KB, 256x256, icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what hegemony looks like?