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/lit/ - Literature

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22071179 No.22071179 [Reply] [Original]

What are some biggest literature related copes?

>> No.22071183

my diary desu

>> No.22071186

>People who don't read are not subhumans.

>> No.22071210

That people will look up to you if you read enough, and charmed by your wit.
Literally nobody cares what you do in your own time, everyone is obsessed with themselves

>> No.22071221

The Bible.

>> No.22071231

Death of the author.

>> No.22071240

That framing in critique has any value at all.
Or really, that critique has any value at all.

>> No.22071243

Writing without punctuation is at all acceptable in a novel

>> No.22071252

>if I read a few more books, I will become a more competent writer

>> No.22071258

people who say shit YA books are a good thing because they will eventually stumble onto good books on accident
i kid you not i heard a girl say that it doesn't matter if rupi kaur has no literary value, because a person may go buy a rupi kaur book and stumble onto keats and buy it too.
this is like saying going every day to eat at Mcdonalds is healthy because i may just stumble into buying their salads

>> No.22071259

>I will complete my novel one day

>> No.22071264
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City of God.

>> No.22071266

I've never heard anybody say this, but if they did I'd think they were absolutely deranged

>> No.22071273

>having completed my novel, I will then publish it

>> No.22071309

here, have some gems
47:20 here is the part im talking about
43;40 "impact and reach, emotional resonance and popularity. These are the things that Kirsty mentioned. she didn't mention literary merit"
10:00 This segment is quite funny, they post an article completely tearing into this girl's poetry and then her response to it.

i am not a chud but this is just ridiculous, perhaps even insulting to the intellect of women, implying that you must dismiss literary value for women poets to be recognized is just misogyny. i love that the critic compared that girl to Donald trump, that must have stung her lol, and in some ways the argument is true, if a little hyperbolic

>> No.22071310

Even as a high school student I remember learning about the death of the author concept and thinking it was retarded.

>> No.22071498

one can be a genius and not enjoy reading; one can be a retard and love reading

>> No.22071750

Thinking you have to identify with the character because fiction to people is wish fulfilment.

>> No.22071756
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>i just read for the prose

>> No.22071768


>> No.22071772

That women are incapable of producing good literature

>> No.22071807

>10:00 This segment is quite funny, they post an article completely tearing into this girl's poetry and then her response to it.
god the level of strawmanning by the girl is ridiculous, she just uses irrelevant historical comparisons about "media sharing"
>43;40 "impact and reach, emotional resonance and popularity. These are the things that Kirsty mentioned. she didn't mention literary merit"
god what a soundbite

thanks for the keks

>> No.22071816

how do I start

>> No.22071823

holy white girl syndrome, this is awful

>> No.22071830

i read for both faggot

>> No.22071831

Contrarianism is the biggest cope followed by using vague comments about prose as a stand in for having a thoughtful opinion.

>> No.22072456


>> No.22072479

This. Contrarianism is the akshully of opinions. Appealing against the masses is the same things as appealing to the masses. Both use the masses to build their opinions. Not saying you have to run 100% with the crowd but it is cringe when your personality is built going against the crowd. Someone saying a book has good prose means absolutely nothing. Most people can’t elaborate beyond a cliche. The odds are if there is a literary writer still being published by someone like Penguin, they are a good writer, hence they’ll have good prose. The styles and tastes differ but most readers can’t explain why

>> No.22073269

Audio "books".