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/lit/ - Literature

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22064446 No.22064446 [Reply] [Original]

You just won the lottery! What is your first /lit/ related purchase?

>> No.22064455

renovating one of the rooms in my home to become a rustic library complete with a wheeled ladder. Which will then be filled with doujin and philosophy books

>> No.22064457

Nice bookcases. I need more badly

>> No.22064471
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>> No.22064474

I get some (possibly hot) teacher to teach me Russian.

>> No.22064481

A house with a real library and reading room. I want at least two floors, maybe three of space, books crawling up along the walls with a tiered walkway above. Dimmed lighting to protect the books from UV. A huge set of comfy seating available below as well as a robust study area.

>> No.22064488

I use my vast wealth to become the literary character

>> No.22064507
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A house to store more bookshelves. More bookshelves. Finally, I will sit down and fill in my gaps to create a complete library of Nintendo Power magazines.

>> No.22064516

/lit/‘s annotated Moby Dick
Better be at least be 50 million after taxes if I’m spending a cent on a book

>> No.22064519

One of those twenty volume Oxford English Dictionaries. Ever since I learned about this set from Penn "Trashman" Jillette (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJhQKw2xZIM @28:33) I've wanted one. I had access to the online OED for sometime, but I really want the set for my study

>> No.22064523

I would give every single poster on /lit/ a golden ticket inviting them to a competition in one year. At that competition they have the chance to win five million dollars. There can be multiple winners. The only thing they have to do to win five million dollars is pass an oral exam on classical society focused on primary sources, pass Latin and Greek reading and composition exams, perform several Euclidean constructions and pass a relatively easy problem from Apollonius' treatise on conics sections, give two one-hour presentations on two major philosophers of their choosing, give one presentation on the oeuvre of a pre-20th century literary author of their choosing, bench press 200lbs, have a conversation in a European language of their choosing which they did not learn as children, and swear an oath never to respect the opinions of unmarried women.

>> No.22064545

knowing me i'd look it up online anyway if it's got the same info

>> No.22064582

I would buy a country estate. At least a hundred acres of land.
I would farm it, but mostly to provide forage for pheasants, partridge and deer.
A small craftsman’s bungalow with swimming pool, grill and smoker
A good pedigree German Shorthair pointer for bird hunting
A Beretta Silver Pigeon 12 gauge shotgun
Maybe a AYA 20 gauge SXS for partridge
I might raise a small herd of sheep as well and need a couple of border collies.
A Toyota Tacoma pickup truck for work on the farm
A Porsche 911 for entertainment, picking up the young and impressionable farmers’ daughters.
A couple nice guitars as well
A sunburst Les Paul
A butterscotch Telecaster
A Gibson Hummingbird

A good wine cellar maybe a few choice Bordeauxs but mostly more middle of the road fare like Argentine Malbecs, California Zinfandels and Pinot Noirs and Italian Chiantis.
I would also take a few fishing trips to the Florida Keys and Belize. Maybe take up diving as well.

I probably won’t have much time for reading with all that keeping me busy though

>> No.22064612
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Get some land up in the mountains
Stock up on ammo
Read all the books that the feds don’t want me to read

>> No.22064624

I'd invite everyone interested to a remote research institution I'd set up but under false pretext since it turns out to be more of a sadistic concentration camp

>> No.22064673

One million mass market paperback copies of Catcher in the Rye

>> No.22064698
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I would buy the Strand in Manhattan
I would sell off the duplicate or multiple copies of books and all books by female authors
Get a mattress and a piss jug and move in

>> No.22064730

A hundred beautiful leatherbound copies of The Turner Diaries to hide in various libraries

>> No.22064748
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A nice tall back armchair. A set of cozy blankets. linen, cotton, and wool for different seasons. A massive stone hearth like the one from Christmas in Connecticut. Then a shitload of the finest whiskey money can buy so I can get drunk in my armchair in front of my fire while pretending to read.

>> No.22064794

A house to put books in

>> No.22064798

Call of the Crocodile

>> No.22064804

back up https://archive.org/details/thetempleofsolomontheking_202006 on IPFS

>> No.22064888

I'd hire a team of veteran hitmen to cleanse the world of all trannies, tripfaggots and spamniggers on 4channel.org but especially /lit/ and /tg/ (userbase would be back to the numbers of the early 2000s I imagine)

>> No.22064961

Anything by Alexius Meinong. Shits pricey.

>> No.22064987

>buy/build 2 story house in the middle of the mountains
>get a real piano and the other studio equipment I always wanted
>gtfo from society to focus on writing and music
I wouldn't mind some coke and/or opium now and then

>> No.22065057

This expensive commentary on the Daodejing I've had on my list for a while now I guess.

The Daode jing Commentary of Cheng Xuanying: Daoism, Buddhism, and the Laozi in the Tang Dynasty

>> No.22065061

Degenerate pig fucker

>> No.22065066

if you win the lottery buy 2 sets so you can scan one of them for us

>> No.22065085


>> No.22065131

Establishing a yearly endowment to my high school and college library.

And then maybe all the Loeb classics.


>> No.22065142

A bigger house to have a library full of Raildex books.

>> No.22065283
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complete works of picrel would be first. after that, the newest Norton and Bevington shakespeares, two shelves of the best shakespeare criticism, complete Freud, complete Proust, complete Faulkner, and then at least one eight foot tall shelf dedicated solely to contemporary literature in translation

>> No.22065295

>You just won the lottery! What is your first /lit/ related purchase?
I'm gonna buy some artists.

>> No.22065299
File: 193 KB, 1424x1392, Instagram Poet Rupi Kaur Seems Utterly Uninterested In Reading Books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably hiring an assassin to take out rupi kaur

>> No.22065302

>Establishing a yearly endowment to my high school and college library.
based but ONLY if you insist on them naming a grant or scholarship in your honour

>> No.22065306

commissioning hundreds of artists to depict many of Lolita's descriptions

>> No.22065332
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>instagram poet

>> No.22065344

The Commemorative Edition of Pihkal and Tihkal

>> No.22065791

My dream has always been to open a publishing house where anons can be published and also just obscure works in Latin and such. So first would be that. Then I fund the opening of an academy to give willing students a rigourous training in humanities (languages, history, literature, philosophy). Then retire to southern France or Greece with a modest house and an immodest personal library, while living a modest life so as to avoid wagecuckery.

>> No.22065866

it's like a caricature, incredible

>> No.22066018

a hundred thousand books

>> No.22066024

If I had a billion dollars I would still spend $0 to download books from libgen.

>> No.22066028

I didn't mean to write sage, it's the browser's fault

>> No.22066454

a book publisher

>> No.22066456

Video editor for my booktube channel

>> No.22066464

I’d get Gillian Anderson to make erotica audiobooks

>> No.22066510

I would stop reading books and start living my life

>> No.22066531

Probably something along the lines of Asset management and protection for dummies, or introduction to accounting so I don't get raped ultra hard by the tax man and end up paying 60+% in taxes and fees.
Or worse, end up in prison because I fucked up some paperwork and the government just takes 100+% of it.

I ain't looking to get my life ruined.

>> No.22066555

>You just won the lottery
i would get pussy
you think i would be reading if i was rich? i would be fucking bitches every day until im out of cash

>> No.22066596

/lit/ related purchase, anon

>> No.22067933


>> No.22067950

Dunno. How much did I win?

>> No.22068044

big house big library

>> No.22068059

I'd pay for my internet, that way I can keep downloading books and then read them in my kindle

>> No.22068060

I will put something like Eberleins Dornauszieher in my study and hang up postmodern "art" of white children being tortured to make Chuds seehte

>> No.22068065

What would you publish?

>> No.22068660

a bookshelf. currently my books are in a pile on the floor. otherwise i shoplift books from used bookstores run by boomers, which is free.

>> No.22068665

this guy wins. let's start a gofundme

>> No.22068687

I’d take it all to Santa Anita and try to make some real money

>> No.22068697

Holy based /thread

>> No.22068744
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no one here other than 3 people can bench 200 lbs you nigger

give me that lottery ticket

>> No.22068758
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>> No.22068774

Wtf I love Rupi now

>> No.22068808

Purchase /lit/ and ban whoever I feel like >:)

>> No.22068827

Translations of works that are not available in my language or have subpar translations - like NYRB editions
Good, archival paper and leatherbound editions of classics - kind of like la Pléiade, but without the Bible paper - and non-fiction
Complete works of some authors
I'd also publish contemporary literature that is not minorities' misery porn or intersectionality babble.

>> No.22068838
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fund it

>> No.22068842

More lottery tickets

>> No.22068852

she's a fucking demon.

>> No.22068875

is this AI generated, because it's far beyond what Rupi Kaur can do stylistically.

>> No.22069072

Student loan debt for my Bachelor's degree.

>> No.22069225

Entire work of David M. Gantz.

>> No.22069373

Christmas in Connecticut is a cozy movie.

>> No.22069382

Complete Salvador Dali Don Quixote and Divine Comedy signed prints

>> No.22069400

Kek, she grew up middle class in Canada.

>> No.22069439

The English translation of Zettels Traum

>> No.22069460

Massive occult tomes used by the OTO

>> No.22069804

Probably that book about the Sailor and his problems with having custody of his children

>> No.22069965

It’s 2023. There are no farmers’ daughters. There are no young people in these places, let alone young women.

>> No.22069977

this but weed & LSD

>> No.22070029

I buy 4chan from hiroshim00t, fire all the tranny jannies, doxx all mods, and ban every homosexual on this board. Starting with you, OP.

>> No.22070061


Invest in a good study maybe get Bottom's Dream and the complete works of William T Vollmann

>> No.22070091

Put together a team for an Oceans 11 style heist on the Vatican vault, then with the remaining money hiring top-level ai specialists and translators to translate all of it as quickly as possible. Then post them on here as they are completed.

>> No.22070113


>> No.22070374

At least I pass the 200lbs
Idiot 200lbs is attainable within 3 months of lifting that's when I got it [no juice]

>> No.22071120

I start collecting facsimile books which are replicas of old famous books. They cost anywhere between €1000 and €10.000

>> No.22071136
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>Buy very fancy, expensive pistol
>Buy ammo
>Buy premium booze
>Get drunk off my ass while I load pistol
>Finish booze
>Call lawyers and confirm details of estate and wealth management writen in recorded will
>At long last, my lights can go out.

>> No.22071433

Im going to buy Chekovs gun.

>> No.22071443

A brand new bookshelf and physical copies of all the japanese light novels I like, starting with Ascendance of a Bookworm.

After that nothing changes because I already have the best ereader (Kindle 3) and more than enough physical copies of books to keep me busy for years.

>> No.22071460

Going on a trip to newyork to get into a large bookstore and buy physical editions of all those books that are not translated in my thirdie cunt

>> No.22071533

>New York
Looking for new or used books? New just order off amazon. Used, don't go to New York. Go to Chicago or Portland or San Francisco.

>> No.22071540

The complete penguin collection

>> No.22071563

anon this made me audibly snort thank you

>> No.22071564

I'll lobby politicans that oppose the concepts of "copyright" and "intellectual property"

you're welcome for saving all of art

>> No.22071588

the entirety of 'Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture'. about 30 books iirc.

>> No.22071596

i just heard new york has the largest barnes and nobles. in the scenario i won a lottery i could just order amazon here, i'd like to go to an english bookstore once

>> No.22071663

>middle class in Canada
Brampton, Ontario is basically a third-world country because 'jeets have basically colonized it.