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22064220 No.22064220 [Reply] [Original]

prev >>22058859

>> No.22064224
File: 85 KB, 762x552, Screenshot 2023-05-22 at 22.55.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this why the Chinese are soulless?

>> No.22064277
File: 40 KB, 930x702, going nowhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just turned 24
>no one to share it with except /lit/

>> No.22064295


Birthdays mean nothing, I have plenty of friends and none of them remember it. If you really care then make this a year you join a club, get a job at a restaurant, volunteer for an event and make some damn friends.

>> No.22064299

I am starting to envy anime fans. If there's some kind of sexy character creator, the anime fan would just be able to swap the wig, change hair color, and voilà, his anime waifu is right there, high fidelity, barely a facsimile. If I do the same with my waifu it doesn't even look even remotely right, there's always something I cannot fix, and as a result I feel like I'm doing it with a bad doppelgänger of her. I still feel the same guilt as if I had betrayed her by jerking off to a regular human.

>> No.22064300

Happy birthday

>> No.22064308

based and checked, turning 23 in 5 days and nearly all my old friends left with my ex. birthday is basically worst day. the only day in the year my phone is turned off. at least we have ourselves

>> No.22064318

Ive been 24 all year and so far its sucked

>> No.22064321

Masturbating affects me very negatively. Kills my energy, makes my brain feel foggy, and I lose my confidence

>> No.22064330

Unironically do it in your bedroom while visualizing your waifu. Sometimes it gets almost as nice as the real thing.

>> No.22064335

Unironically thats what I do and it still leaves me feeling that way.

>> No.22064347

Dh Lawrence has an essay where he talks about post masturbation regret. He hit the nail on the head

>> No.22064357

Does your waifu know? You need to talk to her.

>> No.22064361

Thanks bros. Somehow means a lot even though we’re anons.
That’s rough anon. Why did they all leave? Were they real friends?
Why has it sucked?

>> No.22064369

I've been to the Philippines. Everyone I met was very nice to me.

>> No.22064374

Its not even the regret. I just get a headache and feel sluggish.

>> No.22064386

>Why has it sucked?
Its just been boring, uneventful, and lonely. I got a new wagie jobs that fucks up my schedule, school has been really gay, my friends have been busy, and my family has been psycho. Last year by this time I had already been on 3 camping trips, to a few parties, had a couple of interesting work projects. But all this dullness has been necessary. While I've been bored shitless, I've made tangible and meaningful progress in my life. Still sucks tho.

>> No.22064392
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I really feel a connection and I see a lot of myself in Léonie and the other party goers. When he says she wouldn’t be familiar with Aeneas but only the Ali Baba story from seeing it on her gaudy plates. I am like that because how our mother treated my father and I when I was a kid. I heard the r word quite often and she would threaten to have me tested as if that were a punishment. That is why I am so self-conscious and act like that like how Leonie and the others put on an air of culture because they are middle class social climbers in that era with massive narcissism and self-critical and vain thoughts.

>> No.22064397

I'm laughing and laughing as I feel time itself being peeled out of my skin, visibly rejunevating as the seconds tick by. A sudden jar in my strides informs me that my posture is fixed. My legs and back restorating themselves back to normal. Muscles unknotting and unraveling themselves as they form the solid, youthful fibers shaping my body temple once again. I run for hours, until I walk and then stop, taking a moment to look at the spinning cosmos extending far beyond the horizon. I sigh, knowing in the back of my head that I've already went back more than ten years and that all of my enemies and worries are gone. They don't exist anymore. Not for me : Nothing in my daily life survived the jump.

I begin walking again, and notice a long mane of hair following me. I touch my scalp, and feel tears coming up as I realize I'm not bald anymore. I caress my skin and it is without blemishes. No more wrinkles.

I sigh and run in the distance again, for maybe five minutes, before I hear the universe snapping back and taking my vision away. All of a sudden, I am back in my bedroom. In my mother's apartement. It is ten years ago and I am lying down on the cold floor on a hot summer day. Her ladle is lightly scraping against her pot, and I can smell the bolognaise sauce mom is preparing to accompany her spagghetis. My stomatch growls and I sigh, before sitting up, slightly out of breath. I reach for my phone, and I laugh as I stare at it. I couldn't afford iphones, back then. Not yet. A samsung galaxy rests in my hand.

>> No.22064399

Who is Leonie?

>> No.22064403


>> No.22064406


>> No.22064409

le anima possessed man

>> No.22064413

Is it good?

>> No.22064417

Really craving fast food but I just spent nearly 200 dollars on basic necessities today

>> No.22064418

I don’t know

>> No.22064421

What does this mean

>> No.22064424
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>> No.22064432

Can't you just buy yourself some patty and DIY?

>> No.22064444

Yeah thats what I'm gonna do but there's somethinf in a fast food burger that just hits different. Im pretty sure they inject it with an addictive chemical of some kind

>> No.22064461

Blessed by the gods of GET, your DIY burger will be just as delicious today. Go and eat.

>> No.22064465

Actually you got me hungry now. I've eaten only a bit of food and I'm craving for a burger right now like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.22064518
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Troons are the next stage of incel-dom. They are mind broken incels who since they can't get a gf, they decide to BECOME her. It's all men who don't want to take on the expectations and responsibility to just even be a competent man. It's a very heavy burden to take on so they're just giving up. A woman's life is easier and no other expectations or pressure is put on them, seeing that at the end of the day, society will gladly look out for her, where as an incompetent man is seen as a burden.

It's why most of them are still female attracted (claiming to be lesbians in a male body). It's a complete demoralisation, the more people see it, on top of a porn addiction stacked on top, the more it will spread. They think becoming the idealised woman they don't have in their lives will FIX all their problema. Stack that too on the general isolation of society and this being something that makes someone feel accepted. All the positive reinforcement they get, all the likes on social media for trooning out feed that. It's better than being labelled an incel which has so many negative connotations. So with how weak and easily influenced people have become, it's no surprise they're trooning out, its better than being seen as a potential big bad school shooter incel type.

Look how they all act. It's a caraciature based on their fantasies of what a woman is, it's offensive and just shows how really sexist they are deep down. Theyve degraded the essense of being a woman to merely dolling up, something we thought feminism was trying to fight against.
Natural women don't have to act or be a certain way, they simply are.

>> No.22064543

My girlfriend is a virgin. I met her when she was 16 and I was 19. She’s my first girlfriend and I plan to marry her as soon as I get an income. Hopefully I’ll earn enough that she can stay at home and raise the children. We will not have sex before marriage, though we’ve done oral sadly. Men who do not uphold traditional sexual morality have only themselves to blame. Especially incels who whine about not having sex. Your desire for casual sex is the very cause of your inability to attain it; for it is a matter of simple economics that the price tag a woman places on herself rises as the demand for pussy rises: hence hypergamy.

I will never understand atheists and hedonists. Wallowing in their own filth and then complaining that there’s not enough filth to wallow in. It’s mind boggling.

I pray to God and St. Michael every day that King Charles would disband parliament (just like Charles I and Charles II) and send in the morality police to crack some heads and shut down all nightclubs. The way these nightclubbers behave is astounding; their heads need to be cracked for their own good.

I think alcohol should be illegal. It does no good for anybody — and it doesn’t even feel nice.

Women should be forced to dress modestly — if their fathers and husbands aren’t man enough to make them, then the police should. For immodesty is a form of sexual assault, and keeps society in a state of constant sexual tension.

>> No.22064564

If this isn't a larp, then quit waiting around and plow her. In ye olden days, you'd have married her already. Chances are, she's not really a virgin. You don't want to find that out on your honey moon.
Me and a high school ex had a similar age difference. She played coy with me for months, and when we finally had sex she didn't have a hymen.

>> No.22064574

How to cope with a shitty career and shitty life.

>> No.22064592

alcohol does the trick for me *hic*

>> No.22064596

The roastie thing is a meme. It's a genetic lottery, some vagainas are like that. My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you cant see the labia Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin Same as the "uncut dicks smell Thing I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells.

>> No.22064607

I shall. And I'll get a good workout in first so it taste even better. I just picked up some pickles and sharp cheddar. Tonight, I feast.
Burgers are top tier. One of the best foods ever invented

>> No.22064617


>> No.22064620
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>> No.22064622

it's aight, makes you nostalgic for your childhood, assuming you had a tender one

>> No.22064663

Why do people ask questions like "what's the worst thing you've seen on the dark web?" and expect honest answers?

I mean, really? Do they know the kind of people they are targeting with that question? Either they are very stupid or they think others are very stupid. I do not see an in between.

>> No.22064723

I feel like what I want, I can’t have. And what I can have, I don’t want. I wish I could feel like I have potential. But I don’t.

>> No.22064744

All I want to do
is write a book
as good as Stoner.

>> No.22064747

Just be at the job site 10 minutes
Before the boss
And your good bro.

>> No.22064752

Happy birthday anon. Checked and may the Lord bless you.

>> No.22064754
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I'm extremely intelligent, but I have a very strong propensity to deceive myself into believing things that are untrue and acting on those false beliefs to my great detriment. It feels like something completely outside my control. Self-awareness is not enough to save myself from myself, because I begin to doubt my analysis of my self-deception and I enter an infinite regression towards complete inability to know anything for certain, and thus inaction. I feel like this is autism, but maybe I'm just imagining that too.

>> No.22064756

that's just the way it is

>> No.22064765

very intriguing post

>> No.22064769

don't we all

>> No.22064788

The young girl had been assigned to read a book, a dark and twisted tale of kidnapping and fear that sent shivers down her spine. But it wasn't just the story that had her on edge - something about it had awakened a deep and primal desire within her.

As she sat in class the next day, listening to her teacher discuss the book with the rest of the class, she found herself unable to control the movement of her legs. They opened and closed, squeezed tight, and spasmed with an intensity that left her trembling with pleasure.

It started with a small quiver, a barely perceptible tremor that grew and intensified until it consumed her entirely. The young girl experienced her first orgasm, followed by another, and another, each one more powerful than the last.

And all the while, a wetness was spreading across her panties, like a squirty wave crashing into them, leaving them drenched and sticky. She blushed deeply, hoping that no one would notice her sudden arousal, even as the musky scent filled the air around her.

Finally, she could take it no longer and asked to be excused to use the restroom. There, she inspected the mess she had made in her own panties, a mixture of sticky juices and sweet musk that left her feeling both embarrassed and exhilarated.

She cleaned herself off as best she could with toilet paper, taking care not to let anyone see the evidence of her forbidden desires. And then, with a newfound sense of power and excitement, she returned to class, knowing that nothing would ever be the same again.

>> No.22064791

I keep seeing news stories about trans "women/girls" beating biological women in sports. given that there is already backlash by biological female competitors I wonder how long this transgenderism can go on. clearly men and women are different on multiple levels and putting on a wig and makeup isn't going to change that.

>> No.22064876

I ended up eating an omelette with bacon in it

>> No.22064909

I'm so fucking anxious.. It's literally stopping me from doing what I need to as a health young male. Recc me some books guys. I spend my days in agony browsing and procrastinating.

>> No.22064930

holy shite! I feel the same. but I found through trial and error that drinking lots of water and not mastrubating too frequently can help immensely

>> No.22064964

I usually completely stop reading until the girl im friends with on goodreads updates her page, then im motivated enough to read 3 books a week. Try something easy and pretty, I quite liked The Goldfinch.

>> No.22065012

My thesis is going nowhere and my career is going nowhere. Just 4 more weeks before I can be on peace writing and drawing on my own leassure, around my child and wife. I miss them, I love them.

>> No.22065015

Missed destinies

>> No.22065028


>> No.22065037

It feels like it was always over, like it never even began. I was destined for failure, and not some beautiful tragic failure, a slow, agonizing and terrible failure

>> No.22065039

I don't even know why trans in sport is even a debate.

They keep going on about how (physical) sex =/= gender (identity). So if that's the case, why are trannies allowed in women sport since sport was always divided with physical (sex) differences in mind.

It's disingenuous to say otherwise.

>> No.22065042

I feel like I missed out on destiny

>> No.22065055

What was the destiny you missed out on?

>> No.22065060

Everyone I admire has a life story and I don’t. Everyone I admire has done a lot by my age and I’ve done nothing.

>> No.22065072

Then shut the fuck up and go do something with your life instead of whining like a little bitch in these threads, you pathetic boring fucking retard.

>> No.22065104
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>> No.22065166

There will be a time when all things to be known are known. This is inevitable.
Can one continue to not know when that one already knows?
And if that is the case; then knowing leads to not knowing.
Is ignorance then the final stage of wisdom?

>> No.22065193

The mystery of things light years away will probably always be a mystery. The technology that would allow instant travel at such distances is beyond our comprehension, not guaranteed to happen (maybe billions of year in the future), but if it were possible then you neglect all the history in between and the possible new mysteries, the current unknown unknowns..

>> No.22065207

is it mandatory in the Philippines?

also, I was wise to not trust the Chinese

>> No.22065220

The chink god is their total state

>> No.22065229

I turn 41 next month, probably just gonna have a meal at Red Lobster with my buddy,

>> No.22065329

I'm going to be at the library all day today. If you see me, please do not talk to me. Thanks.

>> No.22065330

Getting married this weekend. Civil

>> No.22065347

Most incels don’t want casual sex.

>> No.22065370

I broke down when I realized how big of a loser my father was. Partially because I myself am still a loser despite all my efforts and also because it occurred to me that each naïve, idealistic belief I dropped resulted in a weakening of any defense I had left for him. I didn't realize how long I had hated him in a childish way until the day the hatred turned into disgust. And the irony is that this is exactly the sort of feeling that had motivated him to spew so much cynicism and vitriol at me when I was barely able to see and think. He made sure I knew how disgusted he was with my lack of autonomy and uselessness. So I grew up into a weapon and one day when he revealed to me in a drunken stupor how his brothers had snatched every piece of property our family was set to inherit after the passing of our grandfather, I saw right through this faggot.

>> No.22065382

I should add that what i mean by 'idealistic, naïve beliefs' is how immutable much of our nature is. Despite the garb of modernity, underneath we are very much like our parents and like our peoples.

>> No.22065420

Accidently dipped my balls in my coffee wtf

>> No.22065637
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A beautiful girl followed me back on Instagram and I already fantasized about marrying her. God I’m such a loser

>> No.22065678

Bro you did oral sex lmao you're the degenerate

>> No.22065682

It's fun to dream, anon. :^)

Why dontcha spend 15 minutes writing about what that marriage would be like, without your pen leaving the paper, and change your name to a made-up one when you write.

>> No.22065692

I need to be rescued.

>> No.22065697

>Charles II

Ahahahhaha… not necessarily contesting your main point but this is very funny

>> No.22065714

So true, brother. I think I will go jerk off to some tranny porn right now.

>> No.22065716
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Go to sleep suicidal and wake up feeling like a million bucks.

>> No.22065786

we could be heroes..

>> No.22065834

incel doesn't mean anything anymore, like chud it's just a generic insult for white dudes you don't like

>> No.22065861

le anima possessed men

>> No.22065883

mao's cultural revolution, if you're looking for a real answer

>> No.22065885
File: 300 KB, 1500x1774, H0011-L169466167_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy birthday, Anon!

I'm 36. I hope you are well.

We're in this together, all of us. All of us on 4chan. It's a silly thing, but I feel at home on this shitty, stupid, anonymous website. This place has been my primary home on the internet since all the old message boards died around 2014. And while 4chan isn't as good as it once was, I still think it's better than most of the rest of the internet, especially these days.

At the very least, if it's a shithole, it's OUR shithole. And anyone who finds themselves here at this point, no matter how young or old, is our people. And we should not disregard that.

So, from one Anon to another: happy birthday. I'll pray for you.

>> No.22065886

go back

>> No.22065890
File: 143 KB, 639x531, bochi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, Anon, I'm not as new as you think. I'm an old newfag, I've been coming here since 2008. It's just that around 2014 I stopped being able to go anywhere else.

>> No.22066038

Even at my Lois, I'm still a Family Guy despite it all.

>> No.22066072

I'm thinking about going back at studying development, might still land a job even though I'm 25 and with practically no connections
i'm don't want to keep living my life starring at a screen and I'm scared of the future, specially if the it bubble collapse, but at the same time there aren't many options left for me and I know quite a deal of it still
fuck this gay earth, i can't keep living my life with utter indecision, time is ticking, fleeting and I have nothing but problems and a ton of them are no close to be solved and are I'm late at doing so (hello college)

>> No.22066075

if evens, I go back to it, whatever

>> No.22066094

Several days ago my father says these last couple of years he lost his hope and sees no salvation for the state. It was a bit startling to see my father without a plan.

>> No.22066138

My teenage daughter caught me kissing another woman and she hasn't exposed me but has in fact covered for me without me even asking. I've talked to her and told her I love her mother and that I love her especially more than anything in this world. She said she loves me too but she is kind of treating it like a joke or that it's nothing and just says she gets it cos mom can be difficult and unpleasant.

Why is she covering for me? And how traumatic is this really for her despite seemingly not being phased? How do I navigate this without her seeking the wrong type of men in the future or ones who will cheat on her or her tolerating cheating? We had her young so we've always been close and I really do love her more than anything in this world. I even got a bit teary and told her to never be with a man who cheats on her or tolerate it and she just laughed at me saying she won't and gave me a hug.

>> No.22066160

>Read protocols of the elders of Zion
>Everything in the world starts making sense now
Y’all should do the same

>> No.22066175


>> No.22066197

>How do I navigate this without her seeking the wrong type
Mate it's too late for that. She's a teen, let her make her own mistakes. Have some confidence in the kid.

>> No.22066225

>Why is she covering for me?
Maybe she caught your wife sucking another man's cock, and she's covered up for her first.

>> No.22066232

I think I’ve found my calling in life but I really wish I had found it years ago.

>> No.22066241

>I wish I found my calling in 2021
Uh it's not the hard mode of 2020, but still probably wouldn't have been great man

>> No.22066281

chemical imbalance, happens to me all the time

>> No.22066318

rest of those countries are abrahamic

>> No.22066323

other way around for me

>> No.22066352

The real reason is that back during the cultural revolution, mobs of Red Guard would violently harass anyone who publicly professed belief in any God

They are the most powerful race in the world so the belief in God comes naturally to them

>> No.22066359

Try mixing stock cubes/stock powder into the minced meat. They often have just the right balance of additives and flavor enhancers to get that signature fast food taste

Something like an onion soup powder would work nicely as well.

>> No.22066364

This but unironically and without the oral sex

>> No.22066370
File: 296 KB, 1512x1832, 272963624_1052153175330304_2172187161617468852_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is what it must have felt like after Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

>> No.22066380

happy birthday anon

the captcha was also ppwow

>> No.22066398
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Nigga wtf

>> No.22066406
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>people have been here for 15 years

>> No.22066439

I was thinking more like 2018-2019. It was about my age more than anything.

>> No.22066440

wow I feel somewhat old seeing the replies to this

>> No.22066522
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>Just found out my girlfriend used to work at a kissing facility. Kill me.
what in the everloving fuck is a kissing facility

>> No.22066524

> anyone that achieved anything great started working at that thing in their 20s. The politicians were winning elections. The authors were writing.

>> No.22066527
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Hey guys I’m here to have some fun with you goys

>> No.22066533 [DELETED] 

I feel like fate has done something sort of cruel to me and set me on a path I can’t conceivably make the most out of. What’s worse is that it’s too late fix things and make them any better. That window came and went. Maybe it really is over.

>> No.22066534

Nobody really believes in God. Christians are functionally atheist and I'm sure every other religious demographic will instantly find a loophole when SHTF

>> No.22066541

Not real science. Show me the chemical measurements and how they calculate an imbalance. Show me exactly how, you can't. Its irresponsible to spout that pseudoscience. You're glib.

>> No.22066581
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Im back, anyways. The only books I’ve read is the Koran, New Testament and Old Testament

>> No.22066594

I'm really close to making peace with live without humanly love.

>> No.22066610

do you wanna fondle with my genetels ?

>> No.22066614

why are you surprised lol

>> No.22066620

i too will have an ai wife

>> No.22066630

My eyes fucking HURT looking at my pc monitor today.
Office work is not for me, how do people do this?

>> No.22066653

I ended up having chicken and a salad. Funny how our desires end up turninf into something else

>> No.22066665

they typically don't have to deal with that.. because that's not normal.
try different lighting (monitor and otherwise), different monitor height.
..try blinking, looking around and take normal breaks. this is something you should be doing regardless.

>> No.22066668
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Food analogies are always relevant, aren't they

>> No.22066680

oh wow thanks for the tip on blinking my eyes.

>> No.22066681

Some people I suppose are dysgenic enough to do well at it, but others just sort of adapt or tolerate it. Humans were never meant to live modern lifestyles.

>> No.22066685

Sometimes I feel like fate has been kind of cruel to me in setting me on a path I can’t really make the most of. I’ve started feeling really, really pessimistic about things.

>> No.22066700

Where does the path lead you to?

>> No.22066708

it's why they pay me the big bucks

>> No.22066734
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mmmnyeh. no

>> No.22066740

Well, this is the thing. I’m not sure it leads anywhere. I suspect maybe it can’t lead anywhere. I think the obvious thing to do then would be to find another path, but I tend to feel like it’s simply too late for that and I have to ask how and why I ended up here anyway.

>> No.22066747

I wonder if there any literature-related YouTube channels besides Book reviewers from which the YouTuber earns a living. I really like that Hermitix channel but philosophizing makes me miserable.

>> No.22066773

You're on a road to nowhere (hey)

>> No.22066785 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 540x683, 100percentagamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The internet is a giant open-world MMORPG.
Games are serious business, much more serious than you know.

Just another episode in The Game of Games.


>> No.22066792
File: 119 KB, 540x683, 100percentagamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The internet is a giant open-world MMORPG.
Games are serious business, much more serious than you know.

Just another episode in The Game of Games.



>> No.22066797

I don’t play.

>> No.22066831

After all, why shouldn't I smoke weed?

>> No.22066834

Then others will play for you.

>> No.22066855

ai is fake to me.

>> No.22066861
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>> No.22066881

Last night I had a dream I was Elon Musk’s carer. He had the mental age of a three-year-old due to a motoring accident caused by a self-driving malfunction in his Model S.

‘Elon smart,’ he said from his seat at his varnished mahogany dining table, while he cut the roast salmon I’d just cooked him with the edge of his fork.

‘Yes, you’re so smart!’ I said to him, glancing up at the thirty feet tall Megatron sculpture peering down through the adjacent window.

‘Elon do poo-poo!’

‘Well done Elon!’

>> No.22066899

based subconscious, elon well and truly is a fucking retard
>solves traffic by adding just one more lane bro but underground with no emergency exits and with gamerlights
bravo mr musk, bravo

>> No.22066916

30 is probably too old to join the Army and have it be worth it in the long run.

>> No.22066935

Stay away from a physicsl rate like infantry artillery or tanker and you can cruise through and get your benefits. Shit when you eos you can still cash disability bux by saying that sitting in an office chair all day fucked up your back.

>> No.22067015

It’s becoming more and more clear that the refugees from /qa/ have made /lit/ their home

>> No.22067038

Sir this is /lit/. Go back >>>/lgbt/

>> No.22067057

Kek the lowest of the copes

>> No.22067081

I think I want combat arms though. My brother was a GB and I’ve always been jealous. He had a lot more exciting life than I had.

>> No.22067091

Do you feel like you have a destiny?

>> No.22067176
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>> No.22067353

Deng Er lives under my porch. Deng Er only wears suits, and somehow they remain pristine. On Sundays, Deng Er wears his beaming white suit and joins me to church.

>> No.22067375

>let’s fortune the past for now
>a library detailing the past
Why can’t modern memer man think?

>> No.22067396
File: 667 KB, 1050x700, 11D942DC-7D6C-4CAF-835A-4A3ED0E66D5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea what you just said

>> No.22067418

never mind i get it now, it’s evenfunnier now

>> No.22067436
File: 27 KB, 464x348, laughing dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Fyodor Godunov-Cherdyntsev, main character of "The Gift"
>fall in love with the blonde, blue-eyed woman who lives in the room next to you partly because you both love literature
>think how you cannot fully love her because your soul belongs to your art, yet just seeing her causes you to melt inside
>cannot be with her despite the fact she's sleeping 6 yards away from you (because of her parents)
>be me, main character of my life
>college fag living with roommates
>fall in love with the blonde, blue-eyed woman who lives in the next room because she also likes reading
>think that I cannot truly love her because and it's just too convenient and a cope about my insecurities (might have caught a case of impostor syndrome)
>cannot be with her despite the fact she's sleeping 6 yards away from me (because she turned me down)
>I finished "The Gift" today and will have to lie in the same bed tonight, listening to the noises from the next room.
After hundreds of books this is my first "literally me" moment. Another extremely funny joke on God's part and believe me I am laughing, but it also hurts.
How do you forget about someone when you live in the same house?

>> No.22067469


I quoted the picture

>> No.22067476

My age has become a deep source of insecurity for me.

>> No.22067482
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The beauty of images is that everyone has their own interpretation of what they are seeing. I just thought a library was a cozy place

>> No.22067511

Happy birthday Lucky guy!!

>> No.22067529

Thats funny. My dorm room experience was more like The Underground Man

>> No.22067531
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Unironically because their IQ is higher

>> No.22067532

old ass nigga

>> No.22067614

I love you guys

>> No.22067617

so not marriage, you just have a legal contract to share things someone else

>> No.22067672

A midwit made this correlation. Easy to verify as jews are one of the most religious people and they also happen to have the highest IQ. IQ is correlated with education. Belief in God with hardships. Guess what low IQ highly religious countries have in common, moron.

>> No.22067676

>they also happen to have the highest IQ.
Fuck off already avram lmao

>> No.22067680

>go outside
>see hundreds of cute asian girls
>install badoo and look for girls around me
>only white women
How do I get myself an asian cutie?

>> No.22067686

Stay away from a debate if you don't know facts you retarded burger.

>> No.22067690

Whatever helps you sleep until the next day of the rope

>> No.22067694

Doesn’t it sort of feel silly for a man with a normal job to write fantasy? It’s one thing for a philologist, and English professor, a lifetime writer of fantasy, or even a soldier, but an accountant or engineer? It seems a bit absurd.

>> No.22067699

>the most religious people and they also happen to have the highest IQ
kek their entire religion is built on how to scam God. Thats why they make the best lawyers. Retard test is seeing which people dont hire a jewish lawyer.

>> No.22067700

>go outside
>see the type women you are interested in right there IN FRONT OF YOU
>go back home and hop on your computer to pursue them on dating apps
The Internet might have fucked up your social instincts anon.
But if you insist, the answer is social media rather than dating sites. Join local groups on facebook or whatever and keep sending DMs, one of them's going to respond eventually.

>> No.22067703

There has to be a Chinese restaurant near you.

>> No.22067704

Says the atheist. Enjoy spending eternity in hell if you're as insufferable and retarded in real life as you are on the Internet.

>> No.22067726

I'll just give up

>> No.22067788
File: 10 KB, 220x300, Waugh age 26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Conversion is like stepping across the chimney piece out of a Looking-Glass world, where everything is an absurd caricature, into the real world God made; and then begins the delicious process of exploring it limitlessly."

>> No.22067800


>> No.22067815

Start with memories, dreams, reflections.

>> No.22067831


>> No.22067835
File: 53 KB, 634x755, 67972843-11781425-About_63_percent_of_men_between_the_ages_of_18_to_29_reported_be-a-10_1677098114389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's why we got these numbers

>> No.22067861

longest depressive period i've had, thinking back on it. the last year and a half or so. feels like i have brain damage. feels like there are pieces that are supposed to go back in the right place like they did before but now they never will. think this really might be it. the big one.

>> No.22067871

I'm as tolerant as I'm tolerated, so not very.

>> No.22067960

Sometimes I feel like I catastrophically de-railed my life. I didn’t get addicted to drugs or go to prison or anything. I just made bad choices and failed to make any progress.

>> No.22068020

The West has Westerns, the South has Southern Gothic, the New England has Dark Romanticism/Lovecraftian Horror. What does the Midwest have?

>> No.22068035
File: 594 KB, 900x1556, C1F1F8E7-DF85-40F8-ADB7-5E0A1A1E66E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t wait until we can look back on these times with glee and joy in our hearts.

>> No.22068048


>> No.22068061

what does this mean? every chad has like 3 girlfriends? or women are eating hot chip for these surveys

>> No.22068077

No one really knows why the stats turn out like this but it's not the first time. Possible explanations
>women date older men
>women date other women
>women think they're in a relationship with chad but they're not
>women lie
However none of these seem likely to explain the huge discrepancy. So I think women should be banned from any polling because they're retarded.

>> No.22068089

the world really is garbage lmao there's nothing good going on. nothing intellectual, nothing beautiful, nothing interesting. all we have is old books to read and pretend we live other times. we literally live filler times that will be remembered only as being inexplicably stupid

>> No.22068220

>>women date other women

>> No.22068230

how come alternative medicine just werks

>> No.22068237

It’s crazy how badly my poor undergraduate grades fucked me over long-term. Honestly, it would’ve been better to just drop out than to finish with such poor grades.

>> No.22068247

what it mean

>> No.22068257

What bothers me most is how I lacked the foresight and clarity to make the most of it while I was young. Like everyone else, I just sort of ended up on the college to office work pipeline, and the worst of each sort at that, when I could’ve at least lived a bit dangerously instead given the times. I always hoped things would change while I was young but they never did.

>> No.22068262

ngl Alias Sonia was kinda cute

>> No.22068270

there's a train that goes by my house and im going to step in front of it.

>> No.22068272
File: 667 KB, 656x661, ai-generated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never date ai waifus

>> No.22068275

I was reading a bit of Spengler, and at first I found it comforting, but then I thought about it and realized that the implication was this was arguably the worst time to be a young adult in all of western history.

>> No.22068276

Just buy a train ticket

>> No.22068281

surely it was worse in the middle ages when 80% were slaves

>> No.22068284

Nah dawg, it's like watching the sunset. We are privileged to see the completion of the west. We know the ending and the epilogue.

>> No.22068299
File: 1.27 MB, 1600x1483, 1610491805914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sunsets are beautiful, we're watching an abomination

>> No.22068305

Nah nigguh, I have a grand ol time, exercising with friends, praising God in church, and taking excursions into nature. Just get out there and find the beauty

>> No.22068306

Midwest emo

>> No.22068342

I'm going to obliterate your mind, but you have about twice as many grandmothers as you do grandfathers

>> No.22068349


>> No.22068350

And my heart is sinking like the setting sun,
Setting on the things I wish I'd done.
It's time to say goodbye to yesterday.
This is where the cowboy rides away.

>> No.22068355

I am going to obliterate your mind: that myth was deboonked by a new anthropological stuuudy and only incels keep repeating it.

>> No.22068356

Doesnt that imply that men were fucking their daughters

>> No.22068359

Meant for >>22068089

It depends what specifically you mean by “worse”. It was physically harder for peasants, but I their lives were better in many ways than the average person It’s not true that 80% were slaves though. Why bring up the peasantry anyway? People have this impression that anyone who speaks positively about the Middle Ages would’ve been a peasant, but of course that’s not true. And medieval culture was made of a lot more than just the peasantry. By now, everyone knows that this image of a middle aged made entirely of miserable muddy peasants and slaves is false.

I very much would rather living in times that matter and when certain possibilities still exist.

>> No.22068361

>nothing intellectual, nothing beautiful, nothing interesting.
..compared to when?

>> No.22068366

Literally every other century

>> No.22068369


>> No.22068371

Nicest anon I’ve ever seen in all my years. Being here for so long you must have read most of the canon?
So it seems, so it seems. Learning to love it makes you a god amongst men.
Why and how old?
What’s everyone reading?

>> No.22068372
File: 5 KB, 147x130, Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 23.41.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 jews
Now i'm interested in historicism

>> No.22068374

>certain possibilities
This nigga doesnt know about Fate and Destiny

>> No.22068375

Not necessarily. More like Genghis Khan planting his seed everywhere and then half brothers and sisters getting it on.

>> No.22068376

>I very much would rather living in times that matter and when certain possibilities still exist.
Oh this is just stupid.
Looking back at the progress of technological and social development it looks like everything used to progress at a snail's pace.
We have broken with the monotony and are only accelerating. Since the onset of the nuclear age the collective actions of a few nations have become a life and death matter for the entirety of human civilisation.
At no time in history have our actions mattered as much as now. At no time has humanity been faced by more possibilities for further growth.

>> No.22068380

It definitely implies a lot of incest one way or another

>> No.22068382

I'm glad you enjoy your american propaganda but you need to be over 18 to post here

>> No.22068387

You suppose everyone has a destiny? I think a great many people now feel they have no destiny at all.

>> No.22068393

if i were to rape your family to death, what would that be?

>> No.22068395

I think the technology you love so much has given us basically nothing but monotony, or maybe even worse than that.

>> No.22068400

You gotta read more Spengler

>> No.22068406

It would be extremely painful

>> No.22068413

>hate my job
>hate my free time
>hate my loneliness
>hate my country
>hate my life

>> No.22068415

>American propaganda
Woe is me the European for keeping to torch of your founding fathers alive. If it has come to this, the belief that mankind's reason can master the universe dies with me, and I intend to go on for quite a while.
It is not technology itself that took away your passion and natural fascination with life. Your antlers have grown too big, your heart - too cold.

>> No.22068417

I’ve read everything he wrote. He believed in destiny but he never says every person has a destiny. In fact, he implies that the large mass of men are nothing but detritus to be washed away by the tides of history like they never even existed. He might even say something along those lines outright. I can’t really remember.

>> No.22068418

Oh, I wasnt talking about individual people and didn't realize you were either. But the fact is that we're fated to be in the time period we are and must accept our role assigned to us by it

>> No.22068426

Shut up retard

>> No.22068436

wait wait wait. hate your FREE TIME? why

>> No.22068438

It might’ve been. Technology in my mind clearly sterilizes life and renders it inert. It’s turned farmers into polluters, soldiers into mere technicians, politicians into technocrats, and it’s dissolved art and culture while removing all the sense of mystery and wonder in the world. In the end, it might be impossible to live with dignity in a technological world. Just look what we’be done to our own habitat. And for what? To get a few guys in diapers jumping around the moon while millions commit suicide?

>> No.22068447

Ok and if that period is the worst to be alive, that’s what it is. So you don’t actually disagree with me.

>> No.22068449

This nigga lacks the faustian spirit

>> No.22068452

there's a train that goes by my house and im going to step in front of it today.

>> No.22068454

There is no best or worst time in Spenglerian terms.

>> No.22068462


>> No.22068464

I already told you, just get a fucking train ticket

>> No.22068468

no, you wont. because I am going to fuck that train before it ever reaches you

>> No.22068474

Dont do that bruh. The wagie slave conductor doesnt get paid enough to forget your guts splattering over his engine. Kill yourself like a proper White Man and keep it private.

>> No.22068485
File: 1.69 MB, 426x426, 1636593689143.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently gave up playing competitive smash bros to give myself more free time to hopefully learn a(nother) valuable skill. I work in construction (electrical apprentice), and I was hoping to maybe get my license and get into real estate. But it all seems like a huge meme. You need a fair bit of money to start off, from what I've seen at least, and the cheapest method of real estate is wholesaling, which... doesn't seem like the best path, either.

I don't want to give up and just say fuck it and go back to playing a video game, but when you try to learn something new and all. The signs are pointing in directions that aren't too promising, it's hard to want to keep going.

No don't

>> No.22068487

If you read between the lines there clearly are. There are times and individuals in them that are of world-historical importance and then those that aren’t.

>> No.22068497

Brother you have to learn to grift. Do you realize that banks give small business loans to Native Americans. You are a Native American and nothing short of a blood test can say otherwise.

>> No.22068505

Do that shit anon seems bretty good

>> No.22068516

Is online dating in your 30s a lost cause?

>> No.22068525

Are you not an ugly troll and dont mind single mothers? Then yes tindr and pof are the perfect way to fuck slutty thots. Be prepared to lose any trust in humanity.

>> No.22068537

Not as a man, if it's early 30s. You can do pretty well because a lot of 25-30 year old women are desperate as fuck and getting their reality checks fast. But it's an art in getting better at sorting needles out of haystacks. And there are different subtypes, so you should know whether you are looking for pussy or something real. If you're looking for something real, you need to have some additional caution about not picking a "reformed whore" who is just putting on a show of being down to earth and pleasant. Aim for the rare girl who had one or two relationships max, probably with a long break somewhere, and now she's 27 and still relatively intact as a human being.

Late 30s, same basic ideas apply but now you're dealing with 28-34~ year old women and that's where the REAL damaged goods stuff becomes visible. Women who make it past 30-32 and stay single are often completely cracked.

Luckily if you're in your early 30s you can get lots of experience studying and typologizing the 30-35 year old women while focusing on the 25-30 year olds, so that when you get to 40 and need to start thinking about dating 30-32 year olds, you'll be ready.

I can't stress this enough. Watch out for reformed whores. Women have some kind of predatory animal instinct for locking down a guy once they realize their time is up. They will be on their best behavior.

>> No.22068545
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Do you have any opinions on real estate at the moment yourself?

>> No.22068559

So what I got from you is that I should aim to get a woman under 30 while I'm still under 35. Also reformed whores are disgusting so I wouldn't be attracted to them but why do you say they should be avoided?

>> No.22068567

I would try to find some sort of craftsman ship sort of thing you could do that’s adjacent to your work. For example, I know a stone mason that has more or less dedicated his life to sculpture. He currently volunteering on a project to build a big beautiful stone nunnery that they want to last 1,000 years. Apparently, they’re going to feature some of his sculpture on the grounds. I think work like that is really pretty incredible.

>> No.22068569

Those wasted whores are trying to implant a baby into their cocaine and alcohol ruined wombs. Don't fall for that trap.

>> No.22068570

It’s overpriced obviously. The question is whether it will drop in the long run or not. I suspect it might. Not all real estate is alike however.

>> No.22068577

If you want a long term relationship now is the best possible time, you just have to have a strong stomach for all the shit you're going to have to chew through to find one woman who isn't a mess or a liar or a dumb slut who thinks her free ride through life is going to last another 10 years. Female naivete is really limitless, and they respond to doubts by paradoxically doubling down on the thing that they've begin to doubt is a good idea. So you will have to interact with a sea of fun-loving frivolous whores even though it seemingly makes no sense because they are really past the age when they can afford to be so frivolous.

>why do you say they should be avoided?
They don't have to be if you just want a last hurrah of sex with 20ish women. But they should be avoided because they're usually busted people, like bitches who still have roommates at 29 or who still live like they're in a dorm room at 32, women with tons of spiralling out of control debt who expect you to pay it. Women can be surprisingly predatory. Imagine the dumb slut I mentioned above, FINALLY getting her reality check at 30, and realizing she has to put on a nice girl routine and snag some guy like you.

Watch out for women on prescription pills, women with basic liberal white girl opinions, and basically, any woman who has the same exact brain and personality she had at 20 and who has had no independent thoughts and done nothing but "have fun" for the intervening 10 years. They go completely insane around 30 and they have no way of handling it maturely or changing their tune. They just become extremely bitter and sneaky about finding someone to foot the bill for letting themselves rot all those years.

>> No.22068585

Thanks for the advice anon. To be honest I don't think I'd ever end up with such women I've never been interested in them, I don't do one night stands, and I'm not a fun person. I'm educated, religious, and average looking so there's nothing that matches me with these women. The bigger problem seems to be a complete absence of decent women on these apps in which case I may give up on it.

>> No.22068593

Pretty sure I had an old gay dude hitting on me when I went to pick up food at a bar. He couldn’t take a hint. It happens way too often that fags hit on me. Fags and young girls. That’s all who hit on me. Maybe some old ladies too

>> No.22068598

Also >>22068569 is right, using a baby to entrap you is 100% a thing. It's not a meme from movies. Women can be really surprisingly selfish and manipulative around this age when they realize they're in trouble. I mean full lying, misrepresenting themselves, anything, until they get you on the hook and it's too late. Women feel an instinctive sense of ownership of reality, it's why they feel entitled to irresponsibly waste their 20s not caring about finances or their future or their worth to a future husband, and it's why after this free ride ends they feel entitled, literally entitled, to enslave some poor guy forever. Women see men as walking resources, they do not feel guilt the way you do, they think you are destined to be some woman's slave so they might as well be the one. They feel entitled to your life's savings, the career you've built up, your time and happiness. They don't value your time or freedom as a "fellow human being." They are the main character.

All this instinct is operating just behind the surface of every basic girl who is going to make you feel like you're a hot commodity for the first time. Women start getting really erratic after 30, they start pursuing you, embarrassing themselves and acting like simps, etc.

That's why the best option is to find one who is still 25-28 and smart enough to get the reality check early. Those girls all have their online dating set to men 30-36, trust me.

That's why you have to get good at the needle in a haystack weeding, think of it like this, you're only on there by grim necessity because you're looking for the other woman who is only on there by grim necessity because she's looking for you. You can get a sixth sense for the other people who don't "belong" on dating apps, often they'll crack subtle jokes about it. But also look out for bitter old bats who crack bitter jokes about it because they can't get over the "unfairness" that their free ride is over and there isn't another one waiting to pick them up, they actually have to put in effort now.

This is good and you can filter by religion, especially if you are looking for marriage, which you can also filter for. But DO NOT underestimate how many women calling themselves religious and acting born again are the biggest reformed whores of them all. That is one of the top tactics they use. They were free spirits in college and then they act like that was just a blip and they re-discover their parents' faith. Just do a little bit of digging and use common sense. Never trust anything a woman says even if you love her. Remember, her life is ultimately about the kids in her future, not about you. They feel instinctively entitled to lie to a man and enslave him forever, they are incapable of feeling real responsibility for their actions, they give themselves instinctive indulgences for their misdeeds. They feel like they deserve to obscure their past because it "wasn't their fault" they were a whore for 8 years.

>> No.22068610

Thanks anon that's good advice I always told women to look for men in their 30s because men in their 20s will lie to them about being interested in long term relationships. Glad to hear some women actually do this and I'll see if I find anyone. Chances are really low I end up with a crazy woman, so it's either someone decent or no one but it's good to hear there are still chances.

>> No.22068617

but i want to casually date 40+ mommy gfs

>> No.22068621

Yeah you're definitely still in the game, especially since you have such good intentions and just want to find someone decent. Good luck and try not to let it get to you how awful people can be on those things. There's no real rhyme or reason to it in my experience, no foolproof way to sort for the rare decent person except just treating it as a numbers game. Remember, no need to get bitter and cynical if you know from the get go that you're looking for the rare (but there) exception to the rule and not the rule, and you're already aware it could take a while and a few attempts.

Maybe there are even apps for more religious conservative people and and you can skip the middle man. Also protip, use multiple apps if one isn't great. Just beware the phenomenon of women simping, especially if you're a good looking guy. A lot of guys let it go to their head and try to make up for lost time in their 20s.

Just be somewhat attractive, under 40, set your age range to 36+ (that's 40 in woman years), and make them feel special and pretty again. Even being a bit awkward can be good if they're looking to relive that feeling of men being awkward around them.

>> No.22068630
File: 613 KB, 1000x1000, Hd8d8044cb8b649a0bb74c690283ff273X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cunny monster, a wriggling and writhing creature of indeterminate origin, left a glistening trail as it made its way across the floor of the cheerleader sorority house. Its movements were silent, its intentions inscrutable, as it crawled through an uncovered drain, lured by the scent of discarded knickers in a mixed pile within the laundry basket.

Within the sorority house, ten young and nubile college girls slumbered, their dreams a mélange of the mundane and the erotic. The cunny monster's delicate antennae extended and retracted, its senses attuned to the snoring of the sleeping coeds. As it scaled the walls, moving with increasing swiftness from first to second floor, it sought out the source of the sounds that had drawn it in.

Finally, the creature arrived outside one of the rooms shared by three of the girls. With nimble grace, it slithered beneath the covers of the first girl's bed, its movements silent as a whisper. Instinctively, it knew where to focus its attention, using its proboscis to deliver a potent anesthetic that would keep the girl in a state of slumber while rendering her emotionally and physically responsive to its ministrations.

With a delicate touch, the cunny monster used its tentacle-like antennae to pull aside the young blonde's knickers, and began to massage her libidinal node. Within minutes, a powerful and nourishing wet dream was induced upon the pliant young lady, providing sustenance for the creature that fed upon such primal energies.

Moving from one bed to the next, from one room to the next, the cunny monster indulged in its primordial desires, drinking deep of the libidinal juices of each girl in turn. When it had finished, it vanished back from whence it came, leaving behind nothing but a strange and untraceable sliminess that the girls would attribute to various mundane causes.

Little did they know that their bodies themselves were the edibles upon which this rarest of Cthulhuthean beings feasted, their dreams and desires providing sustenance for a creature whose origins and intentions remained inscrutable and unknowable.

>> No.22068643

You seem to have a lot of experience. Have you found someone eventually?

>> No.22068667

Why internet date and not meet women at church?

>> No.22068676

Ragged Dick

>> No.22068678

Not a lot of single women in their late 20s at my church, it's mostly families with children.

>> No.22068680

chill out steve

>> No.22068690

Marry one of the children

>> No.22068703

Spotted Dick

>> No.22068760

I hate sharing the house with my sister

>> No.22068767

Have a mouse chew on her blouse in your house and a grouse eat the mouse chewing on her blouse in your house, and check for louse that may come from the mouse or the grouse in your house.

>> No.22068779

IQ is mostly genetic, lol. You can slightly increase IQ through education, but the effect is the same across the board. This is one of the big reasons why culture is so obviously downstream from biology.

>> No.22068813

do dominant women exist in what ways are they broken to make up for the dominant nature

>> No.22068823

make her clean your room

>> No.22068861

Fuck her

>> No.22068866

If God isn't real then how was the universe created?

>> No.22068867

>tfw ywn get to be awkward around an older classy mommy gf

>> No.22068877
File: 106 KB, 970x1344, Universal_Creativity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The universe wasn't created, it's co-creation is ongoing and unending.
Linear cause and effect is an abstraction.

>> No.22068891

A guy that I like keeps leaving me on read. We talk for a while, then he leaves me read, rinse and repeat. Kind of over it, but it is hard for me to let go. We are not clicking at all and the conversations we do manage to have are painfully boring.

>> No.22068946

Due to a series of strange events in my childhood, I consider acknowledgments or remarks on my existence to be attacks upon my person, and if I had my way I'd deliver physical retaliation or at least get pissy.

>> No.22069158

Some people are just natural winners and get all the luck. Nothing embarrassing happens to them and they just find themselves on great paths in life without much effort. Success itself comes without much effort.

>> No.22069169

This is bullshit

>> No.22069201

You sound like someone who has played a little too much Dungeon World buddy. If you didn't get the reference, DW is like D&D but the world starts as a "blank slate" and everyone who plays helps to create the world they inhabit together so when you are done playing you have this fantasy world that you all helped to create together.

>> No.22069309

holy cope

>> No.22069315

I am going to make a one person effort on making this board kinder and more welcoming, while still keeping it as critical and rigorous as it's known for.

I'm glad you are here anon. Come let us reason together in friendship

>> No.22069328

that is a question we will never be able to answer with certainty. And one that we won't have a productive conversation about without first defining terms. One could easily define "God" or "The Universe" in a way where either would be autopoetic and internally self consistent

>> No.22069343
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Although I do still have a lot of resentments over the way I was raised, especially as growing up in a Hypercalvinist environment, I am starting to appreciate the education I received much more in recent times.

I was taught
>horseback riding
>classical musicianship (choir, clarinet, horn)
>Classical Latin
>Koine Greek (very rusty)
>land navigation and survival
>work ethic
>appreciation for the canon, and a love of reading
>an appreciation for traditional aesthetics
>an undying love for philosophical inquire

Having a knowledge of Latin and Greek have been an incredible and unbelievable advantage now that I'm an adult learner in post-secondary education. It's been of great utility and I'm glad I had the chance to learn it

Even though I was physically abused by staff, and went through the equivalent of conversion therapy (I have gender dysphoria), I am starting to better appreciate the unique advantages my pre college education gives me

>> No.22069355
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Watching this coming of age movie and came to the realization I have few happy memories of my childhood. Or that the happy memories no longer arise a happy feeling.
I have many memories of going out with my Dad on hikes and bike rides, but none that have left a lasting positive impression. Other family memories arise no feeling, the picture strikes me disinterestedly. I do not know these people. My family is unfamiliar to me. I've the same feeling, or rather lack of feeling to past classmates. I've never gone to any school reunion. I wish to feel nostalgia but am incapable.
In my mind's eye I look back and vaguely remember that I was happy in a moment, but can't really recall that emotion other than in the abstract.
There was nothing my parents did that was wrong, which confuses me as to why I still feel so detached.
I remember there came a point in my early teens (12-13) where I stopped going on outings with my Dad. Which I recall hurt him as I was the one out of my siblings he was most closely attached to and he'd frequently take me out with him.
But why I did this escapes me.
With my brothers there has been a long slow estrangement.
Is this the natural development into adulthood or is this abnormal? Who can say perhaps estrangement is the natural necessary segway into starting your own separate life.

>> No.22069358

What a twist ending.

>> No.22069362

My back hurty.

>> No.22069372

>My family is unfamiliar to me. I've the same feeling, or rather lack of feeling to past classmates.
>Is this the natural development into adulthood or is this abnormal? Who can say perhaps estrangement is the natural necessary segway into starting your own separate life.

I think it's natural for your perspective on these relationships to change with age. This isn't necessarily a good or bad things just a different way of looking at them. Everyone you've mentioned here was involved with your life for reasons other than free association, which again isn't a good or bad thing. We are going to be very disappointed if we have the expectation that everyone in our life is going to share the same perspective or values, even by chance that just isn't a realistic expectation to have.

It does seem that you are feeling particularly depressed about this. That's a completely natural and understandable reaction to have. There is no imperative to have any particular emotional reaction to problems like these, all are valid.

Anon, I know this is tough, but maybe this is a different way of looking at things. You know have the chance to get to know your family and old friends from a new perspective, maybe even a more accurate and honest one. Who knows what making an effort and reaching out to them, and meeting these unfamiliar people will bring? Maybe a new perspective is what it would take for you to have a deeper and stronger relationship with the people you clearly do still care about?

>> No.22069393

took a Single-nucleotide polymorphism methylation battery and it appears I am genetically predisposed to be both a worrier and to have a dopamine deficiency

I am skeptical about the idea that we are completely controlled by our genes, but this did give me cause.

it also appears they our family has a significantly higher risk of endometrial cancer so I'll have to let my sister know that. Maybe some silver lining will come out of the bed news about my depression

>> No.22069445 [DELETED] 

Mae’r iaith wedi anghofio amdani yn unigolyn sydd â chwilio am gael rhagor o ddiddordeb i ni. Yna newid llwytho testun fel partiau o feithgwg arall ac yna hoffi fydd y cyfeiriadurau er mwyn cadarnhau cymorth ar gyfer pob defnyddiwr. Mae’r iaith wedi anghofio amdani pan maent ychwanegiwyd gennych chi neilltuo eu hyfforddi. Ac yna peidiwyd iddo na all agor ffyrdd er mwyn cael cyngor ar gyfer pob defnyddiwr. Gellir dynnu’r adnoddau honno fel symud dilys yma. Pam mae hyn yn debygol iawn o bobl gohebiaeth a phrofiad lleferyddol. Ond os gwelir eich bod chi’n credu dim digon o’r goruchwyliaeth a phrofiadau llais, ceisiwch dalu ailosod wrthychnewd.

>> No.22069452
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It has just occurred to me that some animals, like cats, choose to separate themselves from their households when they are sick and dying.

I thought about why they did this. Do they strike out into the night, seeking any potential reprieve from death? Or do they simply do so because that is their instinct?

I think I know why now: they accept that they are dying, and that they cannot change their fate, and so instead choose a death of their own choosing. A dignified descent in the face of inevitability.

I wish I was as wise as a cat and could choose to live my life within the boundaries of my own limitations, rather than struggling to change what I cannot.

>> No.22069458
File: 129 KB, 514x405, F15FE97C-A7A1-4EE1-871B-CB345B1ECC51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I supposed to read Fear and Trembling or The Concept of Anxiety first?

>> No.22069461

How come liking little girls is demonized yet sexualizing little girls is so prevalent (schoolgirls, loli, acting and trying to look like a little girl, little girl roleplay)? It hurts my head.

>> No.22069473

You are supposed to read Diary of a Seducer first

>> No.22069569

one involves actual kids the other doesn't

>> No.22069592

Fun fact: No one has a "soul" in the Judeo-Christian sense of the term.

The more secularist sense of the word is debatable for everyone no matter what they profess to believe in. Take as an example all the pedophiles priests. Does that take "soul"?

You and a lot of people are getting conditioned to hate China, dehumanize them, as a way to make it alright to wage war with them. You are an easily led but he nose racist

>> No.22069632

No, I’m pretty sure you do. Eating the bugs is not Faustian. We are conquering nothing, we haven’t for a long time—the compromises are not for us.

>> No.22069645

Probably just unconscious instincts from evolution to not poison their colony with their corpse, you're overthinking it

>> No.22069660

>went through the equivalent of conversion therapy (I have gender dysphoria)
You should thank them freak

>> No.22069661

You are not like us nor do you keep our Holy Sacraments. Die slow you jewish worm.

>> No.22069669

Why did you reply with something inane? If I said why is having sex with poop weird but having sex with fake poop prevalent, then it's obviously ridiculous to respond that it's because one is real poop and the other is fake poop. You're not actually explaining the social phenomenon.

>> No.22069679
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Completely the opposite of truth
IQ is a pseudoscience
Genes don't matter for anything

>> No.22069688

All this is useless if at the end of the day you're still a tranny

>> No.22069700


>> No.22069702

Hypothesis 1: As people are not allowed to indulge in the real thing because children have to be protected and shielded from the physical abuse of pervert men or women at all costs, they at least may enjoy the imitation and be pleased with it so they don't need to chase the real thing thus nobody is harmed. This assusmes that most people would actually want to watch the the real thing, they just are hindered by social norms and expectations which hold them back, so they settle for the second best thing available.
Hypothesis 2: The imitation, for most 'normal' people, is sexier than the real thing because actual children are only erotical in the eyes of (numerically few) pedos and pedos won't be distracted by the imitation for long, they will always try to get a look one step closer to the real thing. This means that most people sexually prefer the sexualizing of little girls done by adult women, meaning that the adult woman in a young girls clothing is the image of innocence, naiveté and virginity combined with fertility, ripeness and experience, so you have the best of both worlds.

>> No.22069705

Because your original post sounds like you are missing the obvious difference. Why is it that I have fun beating grandmas in GTA but I feel bad when I beat grandma irl :(? One is an outlet for some perverted grotesque impulse that doesn't actually hurt anybody and the other has real life implications that my recognition of the other doesn't allow me to act out.
On a second point, I do not think sexualizing little girls is at all common, is even more taboo than you think, but since you probably are talking about only internet and 4chan type places, I'd say it's because the anonymity makes it a safe space for both perverts and larpers

>> No.22069853

Did we actually ever talk about literature anymore??

>> No.22069912

>Jews claim they are the real Jews
>Christians via Jesus claim they are the real Jews
>Christians who say "Judeo-Christian" are Christians who forgot the whole reason their religion started and agree that the Jews are the real Jews.
Iunno Anon, Christianity has it flaws, but at least anyone in humanity can be saved solely off of just converting. The Torah says that regardless of conversion you have to be of Jewish Ethnicity and practicing the religion (you're even allowed to practice it poorly) and you'll be saved. So between the group that extends a hand to all based on their souls and the weird blood-and-soil ethnic supremacists, I'll go with the Christians, thanks.

>> No.22069920

Where does the Pentateuch say that?

>> No.22069984

evens = yes
odds = no

>> No.22070086

I feel as if the first 10 years of my adult life have been a series of failures and mediocrities. I think at one point there was a chance to turn it around but I’ve started feeling a lack of hope for my future.

>> No.22070226
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in school people learn about anti racist and pacifist books
what are some opposites, propagating racism and war
muh chud

>> No.22070257

Nice. Azula.

>> No.22070499

>Have the perfect job for allowing freedom and time to write
>can never bring myself to write

>> No.22070707

i will leave and i won't come back. i did it before and i will do it again.

nevermore, fags. see you outside

>> No.22070722

cya tomorrow anon!

>> No.22070776

I don't really know of any books that say war is ultimately good they either say "war bad' or "war is a natural state/part of man"

>> No.22070795
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>> No.22070953

Among who exactly? Get off the internet.