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22057222 No.22057222 [Reply] [Original]

Why was this one dudes book written fifty years after WW2 ended somehow what everyone defines fascism by now?

Did nobody have a definition before 1995? Why is his definition so vague?

>> No.22057223

So how do you?
Nice trips btw OP

>> No.22057229

Because most people with milquetoast views like Eco himself basically just boil it down to “big mean guy from a pulpit is telling me to stop engaging in decadent behavior” without any of the finesse of scholars like A. James Gregor

>> No.22057234

Here’s his definitions copy pasted from Wikipedia

Notice how many apply to literally every political movement really. The ones that aren’t are pretty much just generic right wing things

"The cult of tradition", characterized by cultural syncretism, even at the risk of internal contradiction. When all truth has already been revealed by tradition, no new learning can occur, only further interpretation and refinement.

"The rejection of modernism", which views the rationalistic development of Western culture since the Enlightenment as a descent into depravity. Eco distinguishes this from a rejection of superficial technological advancement, as many fascist regimes cite their industrial potency as proof of the vitality of their system.

"The cult of action for action's sake", which dictates that action is of value in itself and should be taken without intellectual reflection. This, says Eco, is connected with anti-intellectualism and irrationalism, and often manifests in attacks on modern culture and science.

"Disagreement is treason" – fascism devalues intellectual discourse and critical reasoning as barriers to action, as well as out of fear that such analysis will expose the contradictions embodied in a syncretistic faith.

"Fear of difference", which fascism seeks to exploit and exacerbate, often in the form of racism or an appeal against foreigners and immigrants.

"Appeal to a frustrated middle class", fearing economic pressure from the demands and aspirations of lower social groups.

"Obsession with a plot" and the hyping-up of an enemy threat. This often combines an appeal to xenophobia with a fear of disloyalty and sabotage from marginalized groups living within the society (such as the German elite's "fear" of the 1930s Jewish populace's businesses and well-doings; see also antisemitism). Eco also cites Pat Robertson's book The New World Order as a prominent example of a plot obsession.

Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak". On the one hand, fascists play up the power of certain disfavored elites to encourage in their followers a sense of grievance and humiliation. On the other hand, fascist leaders point to the decadence of those elites as proof of their ultimate feebleness in the face of an overwhelming popular will.

>> No.22057235

"Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy" because "life is permanent warfare" – there must always be an enemy to fight. Both fascist Germany under Hitler and Italy under Mussolini worked first to organize and clean up their respective countries and then build the war machines that they later intended to and did use, despite Germany being under restrictions of the Versailles treaty to not build a military force. This principle leads to a fundamental contradiction within fascism: the incompatibility of ultimate triumph with perpetual war.

"Contempt for the weak", which is uncomfortably married to a chauvinistic popular elitism, in which every member of society is superior to outsiders by virtue of belonging to the in-group. Eco sees in these attitudes the root of a deep tension in the fundamentally hierarchical structure of fascist polities, as they encourage leaders to despise their underlings, up to the ultimate leader, who holds the whole country in contempt for having allowed him to overtake it by force.

"Everybody is educated to become a hero", which leads to the embrace of a cult of death. As Eco observes, "[t]he Ur-Fascist hero is impatient to die. In his impatience, he more frequently sends other people to death."

"Machismo", which sublimates the difficult work of permanent war and heroism into the sexual sphere. Fascists thus hold "both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality".
"Selective populism" – the people, conceived monolithically, have a common will, distinct from and superior to the viewpoint of any individual. As no mass of people can ever be truly unanimous, the leader holds himself out as the interpreter of the popular will (though truly he dictates it). Fascists use this concept to delegitimize democratic institutions they accuse of "no longer represent[ing] the voice of the people".

"Newspeak" – fascism employs and promotes an impoverished vocabulary in order to limit critical reasoning.

>> No.22057240

Checked. Eco, the eternal epigone - thinking that imbibing and regurgitating the dust of a thousand tomes about monks, roses, and pendulums makes him clever. Read him between the ages of 10-15, but no longer. His politics are a non-entity.

>> No.22057243

It's good in the way that when someone namedrops the 14 points of fascism you instantly know you aren't talking to a serious person

>> No.22057244

So why couldn't the intellectual left draw parallels with the covid vaccine craze? Fits a lot if you ask me tbqh

>> No.22057247

>"The rejection of modernism", which views the rationalistic development of Western culture since the Enlightenment

>Modernism also rejected the certainty of Enlightenment thinking, and many modernists also rejected religious belief.

What? Fascism is a kind of modernism.

>> No.22057250

Just to cover a few examples of how these are so generic they cover left wing movements and popular modern movements

>The cult of action for action's sake", which dictates that action is of value in itself and should be taken without intellectual reflection. This, says Eco, is connected with anti-intellectualism and irrationalism, and often manifests in attacks on modern culture and science.

Like kneeling to stop racism? That’s totally not an action for actions sake. Think of all the lives it saved

If you can say it’s to “show solidarity” or some shit then how is that any different from the actions for actions sake the fascists did? They did it for the same reasons. To show solidarity etc

>"Disagreement is treason" – fascism devalues intellectual discourse and critical reasoning as barriers to action, as well as out of fear that such analysis will expose the contradictions embodied in a syncretistic faith.

This is fairly standard on the left. As time moves on. “Progressives” start becoming not progressive enough and are then attacked as a result. Anybody who doesn’t stay updated on what the correct opinion is, or even the correct words. Is to be torn down. JK Rowling for example. Feminist icon, to evil TERF

>"Appeal to a frustrated middle class", fearing economic pressure from the demands and aspirations of lower social groups

This is just an odd one considering this is just who every political movement tends to consist of on a politician basis stats wise.

>”Obsession with a plot" and the hyping-up of an enemy threat

We have seen this countless times in recent years and it’s fairly evenly split between left and right. Neither are particularly fascist IMO. Yet I suspect the people who wrongly claimed trump colluded with russia to rig the election are not called fascists nearly as much as the ones who claim biden stole the election.

>Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak"

This is just standard propaganda for politics and war. Trump is super dangerous, we have to keep him away from the nuclear codes. But he’s also a retard and he’s definitely going to jail. X country we are fighting are dangerous and threaten our rights, but we are easily wiping the floor with them.

>”Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy" because "life is permanent warfare"

“Silence is violence” “punch a Nazi” (a Nazi is literally anyone we say is btw)

>"Newspeak" – fascism employs and promotes an impoverished vocabulary in order to limit critical reasoning.

Probably the most obvious one. Language we are supposed to adhere to for moral and politician reasons is changing faster than ever in human history. Those who fail the speech check are cancelled

>> No.22057254

>what everyone defines fascism by now?
Only if you are a retarded commie. His definition is vague, doesn't actually mention anything about the beliefs and in some cases just plain wrong. It is really up there with fascism is capitalism in decay for being one of the worst definitions there is and shows only a complete lack of understanding.

>> No.22057283

>Why is his definition so vague?

You think that's a bug, but it's actually a feature. It needs to be vague to be applicable to practically anything and anyone libs don't like regardless of what they actually are. That is all fascist means nowadays, really, that libs don't like you for one reason or another.

>> No.22057290

Eco only happened to write a few good novels, period.
Nobody takes him seriously for the rest.

>> No.22057295

I found his fiction pretty masturbatory. His best works are his non-political non-fiction, like the History of Beauty and that book about lists, or the one about imaginary lands.

>> No.22057305

Imagine caring about the political opinions of a guy called fucking Umberto.

>> No.22057307

This. All the good Italian politicians died like a seven hundred years ago.

>> No.22057309

Imagine reading someone whose name is Guillaume Shaking the Spears.

>> No.22057320

Seeing hipster fascists stumbling over each other to "akshually" this guy will never stop being funny.

>> No.22057322

Redpill me on hipster fascists, Master.

>> No.22057330

>Fascism is a kind of modernism.
Fascists tent to talk about the good old days, or making things great, again.

>> No.22057334

Uhhh have you heard about italian futurism?

>> No.22057335

I just look into the mirror

>> No.22057337

So what? When a civilization is dying, it is natural to try to shape the future "new" by recovering pieces of past. You can not create a better future if your use the rotting corpse of the present as the basis for a new building.

>> No.22057339
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>Uhhh have you heard about italian futurism?

>> No.22057341

Have you heard about this obscure poet called Ezra Pound and his role in modernist poetry?

>> No.22057345

You seem to have difficulty seeing in shades of gray, so I've provided a few examples to help you.

>If you can say it’s to “show solidarity” or some shit then how is that any different from the actions for actions sake the fascists did?
Leftists kneeling Vs building a useless wall is a big difference.

>Feminist icon, to evil TERF
People calling someone a terf is not the same as national newspapers labeling judges (who followed the rule of law) 'enemies of the people'

>Yet I suspect the people who wrongly claimed trump colluded with russia to rig the election
Oh, anon.

>Trump is super dangerous, we have to keep him away from the nuclear codes.
Having informed opinion of someone demonstrably moronic, cowardly, and dangerous running the country is different to Trans are coming for your children.

>Those who fail the speech check are cancelled
Yet most newspapers are owned by right wing millionaires. Fox news is still going strong. Most people cancelled some how get amplified by these entities.

>> No.22057353

Absolute hilarious post. Dunno who is arguing with this guy rn, but you are as retarded as him if you continue to take him seriously.

>> No.22057356

retard, re-tard

>> No.22057360

Right wing: foreigners should stay in their home country and fix it rather than leave and burden us.

Also the right wing: We need to go back to how great everything was by limiting the freedom of everyone I don't like.

>> No.22057362

So this means the left wingers who celebrated the bombing and attempted assassination of thatcher were fascists?

>> No.22057363

>Also the right wing: We need to go back to how great everything was by limiting the freedom of everyone I don't like.

Pretty sure it isn’t the right wingers pushing hate speech laws

Left wingers need to own the fact they’re as bad as fascists

>> No.22057393

Romanticism is clearly a modernistic idea; to say otherwise is to say that all the romanticist authors actually belonged to the medieval period; it would be absurd for them to long for what they already had, so the yearning for the past necessarily must be a modern sentiment.

These are not mutually opposed.

>> No.22057430

Not mutually opposed. Also, if you hate the right so much, what will you say when the current left will enslave you out of pure hatred for humankind? At least the right hates the deranged, degenerate, inferior; the left hates humans tout-court.

>> No.22057446

>Are you a fascist if you cheer the death of a fascist?
Ah, the intellectuals of lit are awake.

>> No.22057454

>Left wingers need to own the fact they’re as bad as fascists
Probably a few million deaths more on one side.

It's amazing how children grow up in a free society and think 'maybe those fascists weren't so bad?'.

>> No.22057460

>what will you say when the current left will enslave you out of pure hatred for humankind?
I think Eco missed on...

The use of wild spastic hyperbole.

>> No.22057467

Are you trying to deny that the current left hates humans?

>> No.22057468

>"Fear of difference", which fascism seeks to exploit and exacerbate, often in the form of racism or an appeal against foreigners and immigrants.
Wrong. the Italian fascists were encouraged to have sex with Ethiopian girls (saying that in this way they brought civilization to them) and sang faccetta nera (little blackface) which is a song encouraging racial mixing with africans. fascism loves - in a non-platonic way - difference.

>> No.22057477

>Hermes: He's not worried about being sold, because he thinks he's free.

>> No.22057481

>"Fear of difference", which fascism seeks to exploit and exacerbate, often in the form of racism or an appeal against foreigners and immigrants
This is in general what the Italian left-wing intelligentzja has been repeating for decades, there is nothing original in the contribute given by Eco to the topic. He literally spits out the same shit everyone else had already said before him. Funny that this mediocre book became so famous among americans and anglos.

>> No.22057484

>still globohomo... but le based!

>> No.22057488

>Probably a few million deaths more on one side.

Way more deaths on the left wing side thanks to the Soviet Union and Mao

>> No.22057491

>"Contempt for the weak", which is uncomfortably married to a chauvinistic popular elitism, in which every member of society is superior to outsiders by virtue of belonging to the in-group. Eco sees in these attitudes the root of a deep tension in the fundamentally hierarchical structure of fascist polities, as they encourage leaders to despise their underlings, up to the ultimate leader, who holds the whole country in contempt for having allowed him to overtake it by force.
Fascism helps the weak. Fascism introduced public housing, disability insurance, infant care, maternity assistance, unemployment benefits, the pensions and many others welfarist policies in italy

>> No.22057492

>Margaret thatcher is a fascist

Damn, fascists win democratic elections, defend invasions from fascist juntas, try to make human rights guarantees for territories taken by communists, and peacefully give up power?

So scary

>> No.22057497

It is. Neoliberal Judaic globohomo wants to flatten humanity in order to abolish all differences; Fascism wanted to make one specific group stronger and greater.

>> No.22057511

As the other anon mentioned, there's a difference between admiring aspects of the past and actually trying to revive it.

>> No.22057513

>one specific group stronger and greater
By race-mixing with niggers?

>> No.22057519

>Y-you see, fascism is the real communism that has never been tried!
Good way of ending up with white niggers, but hey, at the end of the day cattle is cattle and useful for pushing around.

>> No.22057562

Fascists can win democratic elections which is why you shouldn't vote for them.

>> No.22057573
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>Fascists thus hold "both disdain for women
Fascism was in favor of women's rights. Many women participated in the march on Rome in 1922, many women were members of the National Fascist Party. The National Fascist Party had a female organization with a female fascist newspaper "La Donna Fascista"

>> No.22057579
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>> No.22057580


sorry i misquoted you these >>22057573 >>22057579 were for: >>22057235

>> No.22057591

Ignore /pol/ posts. Hide /pol/ posts. Report /pol/ posts. Do not reply to /pol/ posts.

>> No.22057652

>Fascists tent to talk about the good old days, or making things great, again.
is Trump a fascist?

>> No.22057657

Fascism has never been racist. If you care that much about the colour of skin (instead of national culture and blood nobility) ask help to Adolf.

Some of the greatest men of Roman history were not white or Italic.

>> No.22057897

Name 3 great roman niggers. No irony
once you fail to do so, name 10 great roman arabs
once you fail to do so, try to prove how blonde haired blue eyed scythians are not white

>> No.22057921
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>the intellectual left

>> No.22057937

>If you care that much about the colour of skin (instead of national culture and blood nobility)
Either supreme bait or sheer retardation. Though quite possibly just subconscious cope from a muttoid creature. Very similar to the Western Orthodox eternal catechumens.

>ask help to Adolf
You've already proved Fascism to be just another socialist, progressive, feminist, worker-empowering movement, you'll just tell me how Hitler actually liked blacks and rubbed shoulders with Jesse Owens. Neoliberal demoKKKrats are the real homophobe racists, remember?

>> No.22057951

>Either supreme bait or sheer retardation. Though quite possibly just subconscious cope from a muttoid creature. Very similar to the Western Orthodox eternal catechumens.
It's not bait. I refuse materialism in all its forms. I believe in Evola's concept of spiritual aristocracy. There are superior beings, but their superiority has nothing to do with the skin colour, but with the family's blood and with the context in which they received education. The fact that all these people might have white skin is only accidental.

>> No.22057952

>Very similar to the Western Orthodox eternal catechumens.

>> No.22057974

Why is it the ardent anti-Fascists I always see post about can never even pin down what they mean by Fascism? It always ends up in some vaguery that could even apply to people they like.

The word really needs to be retired if it's become completely amorphous; ironically, a result of the idiots shouting "Fascism!" after every minor thing happens in their life.

>> No.22057976

>their superiority has nothing to do with the skin colour, but with the family's blood
If only there was some sort of connection between the two...

>the context in which they received education
If only we'd put more niggers through top schools, lowering the admission process even...

>The fact that all these people might have white skin is only accidental.
If only we could accept that it's also only accidental that 13 do 50...

>Evola's concept of spiritual aristocracy
Yes, he said that Whites can have Jew soul, too. Which is a very compelling argument against Socialism in general because without the inherent struggle, natural selection and rise to the top, you end up breeding White niggers. But going from this to advocate some lightweight global homogenization variant is a long way and quite frankly nothing short of muh hybrid vigor delusions.

>> No.22057984

The average neofascist would probably appraise it as degenerate art

>> No.22057996
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It's that quintessential desperation to cling to some sort of substitute for ethnicity, community, belonging to something greater. Almost always accompanied by a sort of aggressive defensiveness and mental gymnastics justifications. Before moving unto the next "based" thing the others have flocked to.

>> No.22058025

Why are they eternal catechumens? Do you mean they don't become true Orthodox Christians? Isn't Orthodoxy supposed to be universal and accessible to everyone? Sounds like far-right counter-initation what you're saying.

>> No.22058141

Yo are mixing modernism(early 20th century) in literature with modernism in the context of larger history of western civilization from the age of enlightement (17th centruy) to the 20th century

>> No.22058164

>Leftists kneeling Vs building a useless wall is a big difference.
Are you seriously arguing everything needs a utility to not be fascist? Is art inherently fascist? Also, illegal immigration into Israel stopped entirely when the wall was built there, but regardless leftists waste more money on social causes and worshipping blacks than the wall would cost many times over.
>People calling someone a terf is not the same as national newspapers labeling judges (who followed the rule of law) 'enemies of the people'
Like when Supreme Court justices not obeying leftist dogma led to their being harassed by leftists in their fucking homes? And DNC politicians like AOC supported it?
>Yet I suspect the people who wrongly claimed trump colluded with russia to rig the election
>Oh, anon.
Cope. Hillary made up a story about collusion with the “other” (xenophobia, gasp!) and retards like you ate it up.
>Having informed opinion of someone demonstrably moronic, cowardly, and dangerous running the country is different to Trans are coming for your children.
Yeah because the latter is actually true. How could you say any of this when Biden is the president?
>Yet most newspapers are owned by right wing millionaires. Fox news is still going strong. Most people cancelled some how get amplified by these entities.
Irrelevant who owns them by shareholder majority when they support leftist causes at every turn.
>some how get amplified
Only the rich celebrities. The poor folk who go viral for not praising Saint Floyd get fired and that’s that. See: Bodega bro, the girl recently who was attacked by four blacks trying to steal her bike, and Daniel Penny, who was given up immediately by the military he served.

>> No.22058175

Know what?
The guy just wrote a book so he can call people facists he doesn't like.
To quote Orwell, "The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies ‘something not desirable."
Facism is a fairly counter-intuitive ideology, and attempting to call people like the orange man facists on an absolute level is laughable.
To be a facist, is to be a totalitarian. End of story.
Love or hate trump, the man did not round up the media and force them to construct a state-enforced propaganda machine on pain of death.
Neither did he dissolve all democratic institutions, or even make any attempt to do so.
If someone's definiton of facist includes trump, seemingly designed to do so, you can ignore them, since Trump was. not. a. facist.
Facism is a hell of a lot more complicated than simply being right wing, in fact it doesn't have all that much in common with conservatism or libertarianism.
Facism used to pose itself as the "third option", between communism/socialism and market capitalism. This is because it takes what it wants between these two seemingly opposite ends of the spectrum, and applies it in an absolutist way.
Never forget either, that before Mussolini created Facism, he was a marxist. Same for Hitler as far as I can tell, although he in particular wasn't very open about that fact.
Facism was described by someone or other recently as honest communism.
This isn't necessarily true, but it does correctly deduce that Facism is directly descended from Marx's writings. And that might be why the radical left want to redefine it in their favour, in order that they might get people to forget how close the two are.

>> No.22058189
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Yes. It's not about Orthodoxy in particular, it's about adopting the new based(TM) identity and revolving your entire persona around it. Change your nickname to something like BasedBeardedBeliever, put an Orthodox cross emoji next to it and let that insufferable personality (or lack thereof) let loose.

Rinse and repeat with just about anything, from homosexuality, transgenderism to fascism and simping for shitholes you know nothing about like North Korea.

>> No.22058194

>Love or hate trump, the man did not round up the media and force them to construct a state-enforced propaganda machine on pain of death.
>Neither did he dissolve all democratic institutions, or even make any attempt to do so.
neither did fascists

>> No.22058209

Hitler literally passed emergency powers to make himself a dictator, and Mussolini forced the king of Italy to make him prime minister en perpetuo or have an actual battalion of paramilitary thugs vandalize rome.
Trump did not form a group of armed thugs to kill politial opponents.

>> No.22058210

>Same for Hitler as far as I can tell
first off, Hitler didn't create National Socialism. He simply joined the German branch of a party that had been around some 15 years in Austria at that point and had most of it's ideology already made before WWI and before fascism. Secondly the entire ''evidence'' he was a commie is basically him being a soldier when the bavarian commune took over and being chosen as a representative of his unit. So there's a far higher chance he was just going along with things because that's what soldiers do with there being no real evidence in writing or anecdotal he ever advocated or really believed in it.
>but it does correctly deduce that Facism is directly descended from Marx's writings
Fascism yes, National Socialism really doesn't. The economic side of it stems mostly from Friedrich List and partially by the way he was interpreted by duhring, a socialist vehemently opposed to Marx and Engels. This is also why National Socialism is in general not counted as being corporatist. In a lot of cases the ideology should really be placed somewhere between Fascist Italy and Stalinist USSR with it being sometimes closer to one and other times the other if you insist to put it on some spectrum.

>> No.22058236

Tristram Shandy is my favorite early 20th century novel.

>> No.22058241

>Hitler didn't create National Socialism. He simply joined the German branch of a party that had been around some 15 years in Austria at that point and had most of it's ideology already made before WWI and before fascism.

He sure as hell made it popular, and obliterated anyone internally that had other ideas.
As for that party in Austria, I recall it was mostly formed around anti-semitism and pretty much nothing else. Anti-semitism was very common in most of non-western europe back then, which is why the jews were used as a convenient scapegoat, since it was already fairly acceptable in Germany to have some level of that idea, but Hitler did in fact take it the utmost extreme, and also conflated it all with Germanic racial superiority.

I did say that he wasn't very open about it, but I did read Ian Kershaw's biography on him, and I do remember it being brought up that he was an SDP man or something, only for him to brush it off and say that every young man voted for the SDP at some point.
Not very compelling on my part i know, but I don't actually have a copy on me to look up, since I read it in a library some years ago.

>NatSoc really doesn't.
National Socialism is a nationalistic branch of socialism, in fact even closer to Marx than Italian facism was.
It's obviously not a 1:1 thing, but for the Germans race was above all else, even equality.
Compare this to Italian facism, which would accept you as an italian that was eligeable to benefit from the state if you spoke italian and had italian customs, even if you were ethnically Slovien, for example.
They do very much have lots in common, especially the requirement for an all-powerful state. Facism just rejects anything going beyond that, including the abolition of private property (Unless it's in the state's better intrest), which is why it's a lot more tolerable for most people who already own stuff and aren't idiots.
Communism only really takes hold in places that have next to nothing to lose, like the peasants in Russia, the peasants in China, and a few others that either have similar situations, or just use it as an excuse to be a facist whithout looking so bad.

>> No.22058306

>As for that party in Austria, I recall it was mostly formed around anti-semitism and pretty much nothing else
No, far from it. It was formed in 1904 largely by members of Ethnonationalist trade unions who were opposed to cheap Czech labour coming into the Sudetenland. Far a variety of reasons this very quickly got involved with existing Pan-German parties and volkists. Anti-semitism was a part of it, as was pretty common in a lot of pan-German parties, but because of it's origins it was initially more concerned with anti-Slavism and protecting the intrest of German workers in the empire. Even things like opposition to intrest which Feder is often lauded for already played a pretty significant role. The only really new things added by the German branch was that it went from pure volkism to volkism + nordicism and it introduced the more autarkic ideas since those really got popular in the early 30s after the great depression.
>National Socialism is a nationalistic branch of socialism
yes but like I said from Duhring who was still a pre-Marxist socialist. He was very opposed to Marxist socialism while Fascism directly stems from it. Duhring used the Nationalist economics from List and merged this with his pre-Marxist socialism to create a, suprise, suprise, national socialism (also sometimes simply reffered to the national system, once again in reference to List.) Basically from its very earliest influences National Socialism already rejected Marxism.

>> No.22058346

>He was very opposed to Marxist socialism while Fascism directly stems from it.
The Italians also rejected marxim, that's why they were different.
Just because you reject some fundamental tenants of an ideology, if you accept some others that are developments of it, it's still building upon that ideology.
The whole point I'm trying to get across here is that Marxism and Facism are very much two sides of the same authoritarian coin.
NatSoc is a very racial-focused branch of Italian Facism, but in the general direction of Marx rather than any other, since if you only look at what it promised the german people, it had much more socialist undertones.
Admittedly, that changed with the purge of the SA/The night of the long knives, but that doesn't change the fact that it still drew heavily from Marx's general theories on sociology.
Theories that are, I might add, complete horseshit.

>> No.22058400

>Just because you reject some fundamental tenants of an ideology, if you accept some others that are developments of it, it's still building upon that ideology.
What I'm trying to get across here is that National Socialism didn't build on Marxism at all. They rejected basically all their solutions and resoning behind them and came up with their own.
>NatSoc is a very racial-focused branch of Italian Facism
Yeah, it just simply isn't. Untill now we've mostly talked about economy but they basically had different views on everything from war, role of the state, the nation itself and etc. Let alone it being older than fascism. National Socialism and fascism had completely different goals and things they found important. You don't seem to know much about this though since you apparently aren't even aware the people/volk (not race which had further distintion and ideas added to it) was the most important expression of their actual main concept of their ideolgy. Struggle itself.
>but in the general direction of Marx rather than any other
No, more in the general direction of socialism. Not Marxist socialism. You really don't seem to understand that Marx had a lot more than the general and very broad concept of socialism, the National Socialists fell under this general concept which wasn't unique to Marx and had been around for a while. Everything Marx then came up with was rejected.
>Admittedly, that changed with the purge of the SA/The night of the long knives
lmao no. The night of long knives didn't get rid of some ''left wing'' of the party, Hitler basically agreed with all of the economics of this supposed left wing. It mostly had to do with it's approach to attacking capitalism or communism first, second revolution or evolution and getting rid of some potential disloyal people.
>but that doesn't change the fact that it still drew heavily from Marx's general theories on sociology
That's is just complete bs. National Socialism, never, ever, in it's entire history, including in it's influences, agreed with Marx's theories on sociology.

>> No.22058417

>Left Wing
>Soviet Union and China
Oh brother.

You think Nazis were socialist because it was in the name don't you?

And why don't you like communism, is that's all about small government, in fact giving the people a fair share in all aspects of life? Sounds pretty right wing to me.

>> No.22058438

>fascists win democratic elections,
Control is very rarely taken by fascists, it is given.

Also she starved her own people and cracked down on protest with violent police thugs, feeding the rich elite the profits of cutting state funding.

Pretty fascist, bro.

And fascists can fight other fascists. It's not a side. You just need to get a bit smarter and stop thinking politics in terms of football teams.

>> No.22058451

Communism literally demands a massive overarching government.
What do you think the "dictatorship of the proletariat" meant? A fucking ice cream?

>giving the people a fair share in all aspects of life?
No, it's forcibly taking stuff from people who have more, regardless of whether or not they earned it, and giving it to those who have less.
If I came to your house, pointed a machine gun at you and demanded you give me $2,000 to give to kids in Africa as part of wealth redistribution, I think you'd be understandibly pissed. Capitalism provides all the things that old man Karl promised, provided you actually offset the value of what you want by your own labor. And instead of promising it, it delivers, since that's how fucking money works retard.

>> No.22058463

>illegal immigration into Israel stopped entirely when the wall was built there

>Like when Supreme Court justices
Yeah, exactly the opposite. One is by the state, the other by peaceful protestors.

>Hillary made up a story about collusion
Except for all the documents are mar a Lago. Bye bye daddy trump. Hope Eric's up for running the empire. Yeesh.

>Yeah because the latter is actually true.
Except only on your Facebook groups.

>when they support leftist causes at every turn.
>Fox news
>Daily Mail
>Leftist views.
My sides... Stop! We're not meant to laugh at the retarded any more.

>Bodega bro, the girl recently who was attacked by four blacks trying to steal her bike, and Daniel Penny, who was given up immediately by the military he served.
You're trying to conflate mob injustice that should be corrected, with your very suspect political views. You should probably not do that.

If there's a problem it's social media and it's ability to confuse simple people like you, and make you see every disagreement as a personal attack.

>> No.22058474

Robert Paxton’s Anatomy of Fascism is the absolute best book on the subject and everyone else is merely writing ‘le scary spooky signs of le bad man meanie’ screeds fuck Eco im ride or die for Paxton bitch

>> No.22058484

>starved her own people
>Violent police thugs

I'm going to assume you are talking about the miner's strikes.

1. They could have gone back to work.
If the unions had not been so bloody stubbourn, no one would have gone hungry. Yes, people had to have been laid off. That sucks. But there's no point the state propping up mines that don't produce enough coal to justify the labour put in to mine it. If you go on a hunger strike, is the government starving you if it doesn't ram a burger in your mouth every day? And what do you even think a strike is? You *don't work* to show your bosses that your labour is more importand to them than their profits. In this case, the mines were operating at a massive loss. By not working *And therefore voiding their pay voluntarily*, they actually GAVE the government money, since they were being paid to NOT DO USEFUL LABOUR.

2. Violent thugs
The police using force against a riot is justified, despite what you might think. If you do think that, go and watch demolition man. Tell me how nonviolence works against people who are willing to be violent goes for them.
Additionally, I recall the miners threw bricks at the police. That's not a peaceful protest that wouldn't justify the use of force.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

>> No.22058547

>The police using force against a riot is justified
Even agent provocateurs?

>They could have gone back to work.
You've let your parents, have you?

>> No.22058553
File: 84 KB, 405x512, d-doublement-spatial-d-une-forme-humaine-1957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this, even if you're a left-winger with any kind of Hegelian tendency in you, you're going to draw from the past too. There are good ideas from the past that were abandoned on the way between then and now. There are also bad ones. You have to pick and choose. This is part of the reason that reading books from multiple eras is so important. The idea that "drawing from the past" or even trying to make certain things like the past is somehow "right wing" shows a great deal of immaturity and naivete.
in other words,
>>22057330 stay away from politics

>> No.22058555

Anyone who isn’t left wing is fascist so fuck off

>> No.22058556

yeah he's right though, coward

>> No.22058559

>I dindu nuffin man
Among all the crazed muzzies, idiot niggers and malevolent leftists the unionised pleb is the greatest dreg of society

>> No.22058566

Italy owed a lot to Marx in constructing Fascism compared to Germany.

For Jung, as for later National Socialist legal theorists, the old Roman law that echoes the Italian view of the state actually disrupts the German tradition of natural law emanating from the people that the NSDAP believed in, which was from blood, from the volk, and instead set it as deriving from the State – hence distancing the law from ordinary Germans. People didn't exit the state, the folk gave life to the German 'state'.

>> No.22058574

>People didn't exit because of the state

>> No.22058587

this is so dumb i'm not even sure if this is bait or not.

Thank you. This retard read a book by a union rep, and thinks he's an expert on britain in the 1980's.

>> No.22058600

Eco is based. Ofc it applies to us all. We all have an inner fascist as Deleuze says. Reich's little man with a napoleonic complex deep down that we must overcome.

>> No.22058666

Another reason why Marxists don’t agree with National Socialism is because they are deterministically internationalist to the point of denying free will. Jung wrote about Czech labor displacing German workers in Austria and how that wa a bad for Germans, he romanticized the Volkish philosophy of the pre-industrial era of labour being more communal and meaningful, and not subjected to or replaced by finance or cosmopolitan materialism that hung overhead the peasant and the city worker. Marx or Marxists supported these things as good, while the National Socialists does not, which is why a lot of their policies is directed as defending the folk comarades to want to dismantle the nation, and thus them as observed. and it is socialist it because represents the needs of all honest labor. It is a freedom-loving and strictly völkischparty and hence opposes all reactionary efforts of clerical, noble, and capitalist privilege and every foreign influence, above all of the Jewish-commercial spirit, in all areas of public life. The supremacy of work and skill in state and society is their goal; the unity of the German working population in economic and political action is the means to this end.

>> No.22058667

>to advocate some lightweight global homogenization variant is a long way and quite frankly nothing short of muh hybrid vigor delusions
I absolutely do not advocate that.

>> No.22058697

No, he's a lefty fucktard who uses such a generic definition of facist that it could apply to basically everyone.

>> No.22058701

So you think Eco's work on fascism is as coherent and rigorous as a scholar such as Roger Griffin? Griffin was just as biased against the subject as Eco, yet somehow doesn't come across as a frothing retarded homo.

>> No.22058708

Thatcher opened the gates of England to infinity niggers, just as a true fascist would.

>> No.22058711

Eco was technically a talented writer, but he made the mistake to believe he was entitled to write about every existing topic.

>> No.22058732

>Leftists kneeling Vs building a useless wall is a big difference
The wall had a clearly defined use retard. 'Action for actions sake' is meant as constant fascist demonstrations and the idea of war as good just because it's war. Trump was literally not mentioned in this point until now, you deranged retard.
>People calling someone a terf is not the same as national newspapers labeling judges (who followed the rule of law) 'enemies of the people'
So only newspapers can treat disagreement as betrayal? You really believe that?
>Oh, anon
Since you're clearly either a troll or a retard who refuses to accept facts, you could deservedly be laughed out of the room for this take. But fine; lets say Trump did, despite somehow leaving now evidence, collude with russia. Premise 1: trump colluded with russia. Premise 2: people who accused trump of colluding with russia genuinely, earnestly believed it, and they are not fascists. Why are they not fascists? Because of genuine belief? Well, I'm confident those who accused Biden of stealing the election because of weird vote math (not very strong evidence either, might I add) also genuinely, earnestly believed it. So what makes one more fascist than the other?
>Having informed opinion of someone demonstrably moronic, cowardly, and dangerous running the country
How did he demonstrate this? What did he actually do with the nuclear codes? You can't just throw words around. Did Trump actually make america notably worse than any of our other horrible presidents of the past decades? He did not. This doesn't change the fact that 'trump is gonna become a fascist dictator, but is also a stupid idiot with a small penis' was something genuinely repeated, and lines up with 'simultaneously weak and dangerous' perfectly.
>Yet most newspapers are owned by right wing millionaires
Once again, is the only way people engage in society with the fucking news? This is explicitly talking about places not controlled by 'right wing millionaires' (which, by the way, are the same as 'left wing millionaires;' you're a retard who genuinely fell for the left/right dichotomy)

Overall, anon's point was clearly that none of Eco's traits are particular unique, and can easily be with everyone. Your response was 'well they can also be found with FASCISTS.' Yes, retard, 'fascists' are a part of 'everyone.' You've completely failed to discredit his point because you've said nothing that falls outside his point, because you're, again, either a troll (if so, good job, high-quality b8 there) or a genuine high-school intellect level retard.

>> No.22058757

>volkish discourse vs nazi industrialism
>ideological propaganda vs material actuality

>> No.22058791
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>he thinks modernism means after WWII
back to middle school, kids

>> No.22058798
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i am reading chapter 3 of this, on alfredo rocco, and fascism seems pretty much self-evident from an economic standpoint. not only is it the logical successor to marxism after marx's predictions all failed and marxists had no way of accounting for this, it also carries over marxism's critiques of liberal economics and completes them

also gregor shows how friedrich list already basically said everything marx said before marx did, and marx may have even been influenced by him

if you combine this with corradini's concept of proletarian nations and mosca's and pareto's elite theory, it's basically self-evident that fascism was the way to go in italy, and marxism was only good if you wanted to destroy the nation and make it easy prey for foreign capital (from countries that also aren't undergoing any communist revolution)

i highly recommend pirating this and reading pages 38-60 (alfredo rocco) and also 25-37 (on corradini), to anyone interested in rightwing or fascist economics.

>> No.22058811

Fascism is the politicization of a collective yearning for greatness.

>> No.22058816

>that we must overcome

>> No.22058817

TIL utopian anarchism is fascism

>> No.22058820

Well, I've never heard of this book outside of 4chan, so I don't think it's so famous.

>> No.22058822

If you 80 IQ /pol/faggots actually read a book for once you'd realize none of these are definitions, Eco relies on Wittgenstein's concept of family resemblances, suggesting none of these are sufficient or necessary conditions
God I hate you /pol/niggers so much, RIP 4channel formerly known as 4chan

>> No.22058831

Fuck, another poster smarter than the rest of the board.

>> No.22058834

What some random pinheaded nigger has or hasn't heard of is not the criterion for a book's notability.

>> No.22058837

>The rejection of modernism", which views the rationalistic development of Western culture since the Enlightenment as a descent into depravity.
Spoiler alert.
They were right and all the snall dick energy intellectuals that attacked them were wrong.

>> No.22058841

That’s literally what I’ve been arguing this entire time you speedreading pinhead. I’m not even a fascist I just hate intellectually dishonest nerds like you. Fall face first on a railway spike you bitch.

>> No.22058848

Honestly, I just wanted to say pinheaded nigger.

>> No.22058849

this reads like an advertisement FOR fascism

>> No.22058855

>Eco relies on Wittgenstein's concept of
That's exactly why I will never read that pseud shit.

>> No.22058861

Based. I just wanted to say fall face first on a railway spike.
You should, he ended philosophy

>> No.22058872

zitto sporco animale

>> No.22058929


>> No.22059013

TIL anarchists don’t actually think anarchy is great

>> No.22059024

Yes, I agree he wrote very good popular fiction. His work on fascism is just as cringe as other great pop fiction writer Milan Kundera's work against communism.

>> No.22059064

How do anarchists propose collectively achieving great feats of human ingenuity without leadership or coordination? I always assumed their goals were more with living simply and in accord with nature rather than innovation and building wonders, which for all of history has required hierarchy and exploitation to accomplish.

>> No.22059095

Yes. I think this is best represented by the 1970 film The Conformist, about a confused bisexual man who turns to fascism to escape his childhood sexual trauma.

It's supposed to be a criticism of fascism, but what exactly is being criticized? As a fascist, he's a suave, mysterious guy who's regularly fucking a hot middle class slut, her buxom brown maid, and a communist whore who enjoys cuckolding her antifascist limp dick liberal husband. The pinko whore tries to turn his wife into a party loving hoebag, but before she can, he hunts down the limpdick cuckold and whore wife in the woods and murders them for sport. Everyone is well dressed, and the interior decorating is sublime.

As soon as Mussolini falls, the protagonist becomes sniveling rat who betrays his best friend, a blind man, and then catches aids from a male prostitute. The closing scene is him in tattered rags huddling in front of a fire. Yet this is supposed to be the desirable non fascist future globohomo.

There's nothing wrong with sex or internationalism, as long as it's cloaked in the elegant styles and power dynamics of a cool fascist state. It's meek and permissive liberalism which gives all of these sweet pleasures a bitter taste. Like fucking a black girl. What could be an exciting and exotic exploration of The Other, with all it's libinal Freudian implications, becomes a sterile exercise in listening to some chubby HR representative bitch about "privilage" and "micro-agressions" for several hours finishing with thirty minutes of boring dead fish sex and a half assed "we should do this again sometime" before going back to your gay atomized and undifferentiated life as a corporate drone in the machine.

>> No.22059112


>> No.22059124

>Capitalism provides all the things that old man Karl promised, provided you actually offset the value of what you want by your own labor.
Caveat caveat caveat Capitalism is perfect caveat.

I believe the point of communism is that the people doing the work (creating the value) should reap the benefits. Successive generations of middle managers and rich people have told you they make the money, and that the worker is coming to steal your money.

Once theft and machine guns are involved I think we can put that down to totalitarianism. They can call it communism. It only fools morons.

It's incredible you think the same way as boomers, with the world of information at your fingertips. We've had 2 generations of unchecked capitalism and the rich are getting richer, and you aren't.

>> No.22059128
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for the love of fate, please read Panagiotis Kondylis, fascism was just another manifestation of the mass democratic age, you dumb philistines

>> No.22059175

Wealth has increased for everyone, just not as fast as it has for the rich. You have to give a good argument for why it would increase more under socialism and not just fall apart making everyone equally poor.

>> No.22059183

I once met an ultrawealthy child of the American elite. He bragged about how his parents bought him a BMW for his 16th birthday. Did three years at a b-tier ivy school studying finance and smoking pot, then mommy and daddy bought him his first house. He rents it out, uses the equity to buy another house, and now travels the world in a state of semi-retirement, sucking up money from actually productive members of society simply because being born into wealth has enabled a life of parasitic luxury.

People like this deserve to be mowed down with machine gun and piled into unmarked graves. I don't care if it's communism or fascism, I'll support whichever extreme guarantees to exterminate the parasites first with the maximum of brutality and suffering.

>> No.22059190

Based left-fascist effortposter. Please never stop.

>> No.22059197

>"We invented happiness" says the last man, and he blinks

>> No.22059209

What's an Italian name that you guys like?

>> No.22059224

The main difference between fascism and communism is that in fascism mostly everyone is willingly participating in it while in communism people must be forced by a ruling class to do so.

>> No.22059256

Valentino is cool. It makes me think of a 19 year old sexhaver who combs his hair back, rides a motorcycle, carries a switchblade, and has knocked up multiple 14 year olds and doesn't plan to stop

>> No.22059262

Valentino Ferrari Vinccento. That's what I would like to name my son.

>> No.22059268

Kek. I agree that Valentino is nice. 'Vinccento' is not an Italian word though.

>> No.22059275

That's the title they used in english?
Holy fuck
Death to america

>> No.22059281

>Notice how many apply to literally every political movement really.
Yeah...I wonder why...

>> No.22059286

Isn't it peak irony that the font they used is a Fascist font?

>> No.22059289

>This is fairly standard on the left. As time moves on. “Progressives” start becoming not progressive enough and are then attacked as a result. Anybody who doesn’t stay updated on what the correct opinion is, or even the correct words. Is to be torn down. JK Rowling for example. Feminist icon, to evil TERF
The "zero understanding of politics" - the post

>> No.22059292

It kind of sound like there's a 50% chance he's all that, 50% chance he's a gay bottom twink who works in a whorehouse.

>> No.22059304

That wasn't encouraged at all, it was just popular (which made it embarrassing for the fascist government in Italy, dumbass).

>> No.22059305

>rides a motorcycle
Because of Valentino Rossi?

>> No.22059308
File: 62 KB, 850x487, fascismo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, no? That's actually the only thing that makes sense

>> No.22059311

lib status: owned epic style

>> No.22059312

Hating generational wealth is a sure sign of petty resentment. I'm sure you would like your children to be well off: it's only the fact that others can facilitate this while you cannot that you hate. Grow up.

>> No.22059317

Wrong. They should pay tribute and respect to Fascism for that font.

>> No.22059325

This post is a sure sign you don't have to wake to work your ass of to survive

NTA btw

>> No.22059331
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>> No.22059338


>> No.22059343

Shame, it made you bitter
NTA too btw

>> No.22059346

Wasn’t Gregor a UC Berkeley professor? I didn’t expect him to have such a hot take

>> No.22059364

Its beloved because its vague and be applied liberally to everyone you don't like

>> No.22059376


>> No.22059378

What I hate is having to work for scraps without hope of social mobility because all economic activity has to go through multiple levels of rentier parasites and gatekeepers.
>Have to rent living space, squatting or homesteading will land you in prison
>Can only access markets through storefronts which take a 50% (minimum) comission
>What little money you do manage to make is devalued through government handouts to big bankers and financiers and other useless eaters
>On top of this you have to pay taxes to keep the system chugging along
I'll stop being resentful when society stops sucking up 70-90% of the value I create through various schemes. An inefficient slave state that only exists to funnel money from the poor to the rich is not one that deserves to survive. It's not like this kid has inherited his family trade and business, and can just coast along comfortably with the tools, techniques, and networks built by his ancestors. He's actively sucking money from an actual working person simply because he was born into a certain wealth bracket. If I was king all such people would have their arms broken, and their legs broken, then be publicly crucified as an example of what should happen to economic parasites.

>> No.22059379

>Wealth has increased for everyone,
Is this meant to be a joke? Most people cant even afford a house

>> No.22059382

Who is your favorite fascist, bros? For me, it's Codreanu, but Mosley is a good pick too.

>> No.22059388

There’s a lot of diversity in anarcho communism. But there are genuine utopian anarchists who believe anarchism can provide a post-scarcity techno utopia like Star Trek or Iain Banks’ Culture.

>> No.22059389

>it's basically self-evident that fascism was the way to go in italy
Yeah, why did they fail then? (:

>> No.22059391

t. retarded american who doesn't even begin to understand what poverty is

I don't like capitalist jews, but you people are so tiring.

>> No.22059396

Michaelangelo, Leonardo, Donatello, and Raphael.

>> No.22059405


>> No.22059414

I mean, it's a simple mathematical fact that social mobility is impossible under a regime where more than fifty percent of all value created is absorbed through rents. If you're creating $100 worth of value, and someone else, through no effort of their own, is absorbing $70 of that value, you're never going to be able to catch up with them.

The issue isn't hating success, it's that neofeudalism is inherently opposed to success, because it's replaced meritocracy and competition with a complicated series of rules and mechanisms to ensure that nobody ever leaves the class they're born into regardless of personal qualities, work ethic, or intelligence

>> No.22059416

NTA but I've actually lived in the third world and refugee camps and you're a retard. Crying about "not real poverty" doesn't make you smart or worldly, it just makes you a house nigger.

>> No.22059432

>refugee camps
Kek you're literally a subhuman

>> No.22059433

>i can't afford a house in atherton
>capitalism has failed!
dude get a grip. maybe if you didn't block every new housing development with your useful idiot nimbyism we would have a greater supply of housing?

>> No.22059448

You know every economist in the world agrees that immigration is good for the economy, right? They literally say that open borders would be a good thing. If you love capitalism so much then why you hate immigrants? Could it be because you don't actually care about the economy and you're just xenophobic?

>> No.22059452

I like a lot of Italian names of Germanic origin. Henrico, Carlo, Lodovico, Roberto. But I also like the Latin classics like Constantino and Guilio (even if Julio is a far better spelling).
Is it cool if I did this but was too gay to start until I was 20/21

>> No.22059461

It's never not cool anon.

>> No.22059468
File: 95 KB, 800x640, graphic-unitedway-vacanthousingvshomelessness-v2_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just build new stuff bro its literally that easy dude

>> No.22059475

>Julio is a far better spelling

>> No.22059480

that was my only post in thread. i didn't say anything about immigration. take your meds.

>> No.22059481

Republican cities really are shitholes lmao, but hey, what's new? I guess that happens when people decide to vote against their own best interests.

>> No.22059490

Land redistribution when?

I mean, can you imagine if the president just signed an executive order saying that these hundreds of vacant homes are now property of the state to be redistributed to non-drug addicted working poor? They would be branded the next Hitler but also immediately get millions of people willing to die for them.

>> No.22059491

You obviously were implying there isn't enough housing because there are too many immigrants. You really think we won't recognize your dog whistles? /pol/ is not sending their best, but what else can you expect.

>> No.22059494

>Can't let people develop class consciousness, better throw in some half assed race bating bullshit
You also go in the mass grave faggot.

>> No.22059496

the empty houses in those cities are probably affordable, but no one wants to live there which returns to my point. you're not entitled to a house in atherton.

>> No.22059498

In what way is that hitleresque? He hardly stripped IG Farben of their property

>> No.22059503

>Julio is a far better spelling
"Julio" is not an Italian word, because the sound "J" is given by the G (followed by an i, if the next vowel is A, O, or U).

>> No.22059525

>you're not entitled to a house in atherton.
I'm not even americ*n and I have no idea where the fuck atherton is

>> No.22059531

so why are you posting communists infographics about something you know nothing about?

>> No.22059551

>The homeless people just don't want to live in one of these hundreds of empty homes. They're CHOSING to starve to death on the street
Kill yourself

>> No.22059563

>so why are you posting communists infographics about something you know nothing about?
Don't worry, it's the same in my country
I know perfectly well what I'm talking about
>if there are lots of vacant homes, it means nobody wants to live there
Behold the expertise

>> No.22059569

>You're not entitled to just live in a house in Detroit you entitled avocado toast eating millennial, those are investment properties that will balloon in price once you poor people are dead

>> No.22059577

Mosley is overrated imho. Largely known because he just wrote so many books and they don't need to be translated. I think Antonescu is really underrated. Took over Romania and basically did a knight of long knives on people like Sima. Got rid of those Legionaires mindlessly running around killing people and made the nation ready for war. Hitler even thought it was likely Antonescu was capable enough to retake the areas given to Hungary later. Plus his night of long knives has some pretty cool Hitler/Himmler infighting going on in the background.

>> No.22059590

>Mosley is overrated imho
He was an amazing orator. Has some of the best speeches I've ever heard.

>> No.22059591

you can buy those houses for like $5000 dollars. they even used to be sold on ebay sometimes after 2008. then when you buy it you find out the city won't give you a habitation permit to actually live in it because it's so fucked up, it had tens of thousands of dollars of back taxes which you now owe, and all the copper pipes were stripped out long ago, so you can't even get utilities turned on without shelling out another ten grand. but you already knew this because you are a bad communist troll.

>> No.22059603

Italo Balbo. Watch any video of him available and he's just got such a great energy.
^Is a rare crossover video of him at the shooting range with Goering. Just two total Chads enjoying life and living in the moment.

>> No.22059624

Meh, I don't think he has the seemingly endless energy Hitler put into them or the just comical overperformance and arrogance of Mussolini. Plus speeches only get you so far and don't necessarily equate to preformance. If you only judge simply by the speeches it just becomes the question of who your favourite TV personality is.

>> No.22059626

This reminds me, who is that spanish guy that talks about the jews trying to invade your island by promoting atheism, feminism, homosexuality, drugs, and so on? I've been wanting to see that video again but can't find it. Anyone knows who am I talking about?

>> No.22059633

>who your favourite TV personality is
I liked Norm. Does he count as a TV personality?

>> No.22059647
File: 191 KB, 560x740, guido de giorgio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guido De Giorgio.

>> No.22059659

Unironically proof that the feudal system of technological hegemony was superior
In feudalism the ruling class ruled because only they, owning lands, could afford to train the men in the circles to fight in wars. The exclusivity of weapons of war made the elite force their children to work hard at what put them on top, because if war came around and you didn’t know how to handle yourself, you died.
The advent of the gun changed all this. Now that any retard could shoot and kill any other retard, commoners became able to fight in wars. This pushed egalitarian movements in any country developed enough to be producing firearms. This is why americas gun culture is tied to its egalitarian one.
This led to money handling (a middle class position in the Middle Ages) becoming the dominant political force, because now those middle classes were part of the states war apparatus. The issue with modern finance capitalism is that money can basically handle itself, and thus you get these rich retards doing nothing all day while their trust fund pays for everything.
I’m not gonna be a ‘billions must die’ sperg, but a new method of warfare is what it’s gonna take to end this. Otherwise, any communist or fascist regime will liberalize and die in a few generations when the children of the children of the revolutionaries realize they don’t care

>> No.22059672

I know it’s not. I’m an English native speaker, I’ll always prefer Julio/Julius, which is its English spelling. I know Guilio is the proper spelling
Oh, I also like Amerigo/Americo. I think Amery is the best name descended from Haimrich, much better than Henry, but sadly it’s not just associated with the continent

>> No.22059685

It’s not cool to do anything with a 14 year old if you’re older than 18 you retarded incels

>> No.22059689
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>> No.22059694

>Guilio is the proper spelling
It's "Giulio".
And by the way, Julius "in Italian" (really, in Latin), like in Evola's nom de plume, is read as if the J was Y.

>> No.22059700

How do you find a good nom de plume? What's the process?

>> No.22059702

Shit you’re right. Sorry I’m phoneposting. And it’s not about Evola, it’s the emperor. I didn’t say any August derivatives because I only know of French Augustes, Idek the Italian version. Augusto?

>> No.22059706


I remember being greatly amused when me and some of my fascist friends found it in a bookshop.

>> No.22059709

Yes, Augusto but also Agostino. Do you like it?

>> No.22059717

Not much? Is Agostino Augustine? I prefer the Spanish Agustín/o

>> No.22059732

What we need is massively expensive spaceships, requiring a tightly run technological aristocracy, and capable of destroying entire planets with a single burst from it's death canon.

The earth might be destroyed, but at least humanity will survive. This is why the capitalist classes have shut down the space race ever since the Soviet Union fell.

>> No.22059735

Evola simply took his first name (his actual name was Giulio Cesare Andrea) and turned it into the Latin equivalent.
He also wrote some works under the pseudonym of "Carlo d'Altavilla", but I don't know the reasoning. The Hauteville were Norman nobility, so I guess it fits his interests in aristocracy, but I don't know why them in particular: maybe because of their famous rule in Sicily, his parents' birthplace? Maybe he simply admired them.
Yes, Augusto: it isn't super common, but it still gets used (unlike Amerigo and its variants).
Agostino is Augustine, like the saint and philosopher.

>> No.22059738

Augusto is the equivalent of Augustus (only the ending changes), Agostino is the patronymic, it means "of the family of Augusto". However it's a first name in itself.

>> No.22059744

Why are you guys feeding this guy? It's so obvious he is either trolling, or so deluded as to no longer recognize truth, much like the modern left. Just ignore him.

>> No.22059746

Don't be such a Georgio anon.

>> No.22059755

Do you think it was ridiculous or childishly pretentious for Evola to use an aristocratic pseudonym just for the flavour of it?

>> No.22059757

wtf Giorgio is a great name

>> No.22059766

Almost every one of those cities is controlled by Democrats. They're shitholes because they are majority black.

>> No.22059782

Who's in charge? Where does the incentive to cooperate and innovate come from? Who has the authority to prevent dissent and competition? Anarchists are truly retarded.

>> No.22059791

Probably meant to say Vincenzo.

>> No.22059796

We don’t even need them that big. Just enough to sustain hegemony over the solar system and eventually more. Space-based free energy maintained by a devoted elite could provide the foundation, and that could be set up in mere decades. Of course, Elon Musk thinks that’s a stupid idea, but of course he does. If wars thus take place in space, we’ll see a new feudal class of warriors training to fight not as mounted knights, but as astronauts.
Hmm. Interesting idea, isn’t it? Because then feudal fiefdoms would be constantly moving regions of space in and around orbital paths. Horseshoes, quasi-orbits, et cetera. But recourse dependence on earth- for now- would make it hard to get off the metaphorical ground.
As for your point about capitalists stopping space shit, it was before even that; in 1967, a supermajority of countries both capitalist and communist approve the outer space treaty, which said nobody could claim any part of space as their own. Honestly a good way to prevent a paradigm shift.
Currently, the biggest obstacle is the capitalist structure of the world. The elites are finance capitalists; Blue Origin, Space X, etc are all in it to maintain their owners and investors place in the owning class. Without a Revolution, this class will not be displaced even if we colonize mars and all that shit.

>> No.22059807

I mean he was from an old Sicilian Baronial family. The only reason he never used the titles iirc was because most Sicilian nobility was stripped by the Piedmontese (see: Jews) during the Risorgimento

>> No.22059811
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The "revolution" (horrific word, I hope you realize it) can only be spiritual today.

>> No.22059815

Or you could just do what your parents did and get a job, sir.

>> No.22059836

It only takes one breakaway death star to hold the earth hostage. Probably entire planets would become fiefdoms, with slave driven strip mining on smaller moons and astroids, while intergalactic aristocrats rule from massive chariots in the sky. Let's not forget that colonialism was mostly empowered by those same financier classes. Spain, Portugal, Britain were all third rate powers until the discovery of the new world. There are astroids of solid gold which contain more wealth than the entire Americas had, it just takes the right person to reach out and grab them.

In my mind the biggest obstacle will be sentimentality. Until we get a Khan like figure who's willing to crash an extinction level astroid into the earth just to flex things will continue as they are.

>> No.22059840

The vast majority of Italian surnames can boast of some noble predecessors, given how many rich and influential families there were throughout the Renaissance. Then, why did he make such a big deal about his own nobility?

>> No.22059859

Pointless if the lions share of the wealth you produce is automatically distributed to a capitalist class through rents. At the end of the day, if you're paying 51% of your income to a capitalist renter who then will bid against you on any future capital, you're running in a race you have no hope of ever winning.

>t. Spiritual coward who probably wouldn't even have the guts to vaporize the earth's atmosphere through low orbital thermonuclear detonations
The Venutian salt mines will be full of cowards like you

>> No.22059873

I don't think much of it because: 1-He used it for a brief period. 2-He mostly used it for works he just edited, not to write his big books. 3-He seems to have used it only when it came to printing: he wouldn't actually get referred to as "Carlo d'Altavilla" in talk.
I've never been able to find a good source about Evola's actual nobility title (I even found a blog in Italian that is specifically about nobility titles where they discuss this puzzling origin lol). Everyone refers to him as a Baron, but sources are quite vague when it comes to his background. He famously joked that "it's better to be an aristocrat than a degree holder" (he decided not to discuss his Engineering thesis at university, despite having passed all the exams), so he clearly considered himself one.
I don't think he lied, but perhaps the specific usage of the title "Barone" was more out of courtesy and respect for his person or something like that. I don't have a definitive answer.

>> No.22059888

Many Italian surnames descend from the lower class, who didn’t get them until the 1800s when Napoleon forced everyone to. He also was named Julius Caesar. Granted, a minor Baronial title is basically just upper-middle class, but if he wanted to Larp about being a Norman King or whatever that wouldn’t make too much difference.

>> No.22059902
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>Spain, Portugal, Britain were all third rate powers until the discovery of the new world
The replacement of Italy as the major European power with other nations was the beginning of the entire world's decline. From that moment on, all the worst things begun to happen (colonialism, eternal wars, religious schisms, industrial revolution, materialism, etc.)

>> No.22059914

>(he decided not to discuss his Engineering thesis at university, despite having passed all the exams)
What's the logic connection to the rest of the reasoning?

>> No.22059930

Of course Revolution is a loaded word, but it’s the best one for a deliberate and expulsive paradigm shift. Maybe ‘conquest’ works, but not as well. But yes, spirituality will be part of it. Fascism is closer to being correct than communism. The pre-feudal model of the Empire is what’s needed, though not entirely as fascists saw it.
Idk if you’re being serious. Obviously death stars are fantasy, but near-lightspeed chunks of matter with the mass of a car are enough to vaporize a city. Get that mass up to a large building and you’re leveling small counties. I don’t know what such a thing will mean for the paradigm of power though. We’ve never had nukes outside a modernist structure of oligarchy. But I’d like to hope that, if it is possible to accelerate mass at near light speed, the pioneer spirit would win out and we’d colonize elsewhere in the universe. I may sound like a larper but I do dislike war and destruction as much as most normal people

>> No.22059940

>Fascism is closer to being correct than communism. The pre-feudal model of the Empire is what’s needed, though not entirely as fascists saw it.
Agreed. But who has to be the leading group? This is the crucial question.

>> No.22059964

>cult of tradition
>rejection of modernism
>disagreement is treason
>fear of difference
how do these apply to communism or socialism anon?

>> No.22059972

it's a short book on a hot topic written by a famous author who is generally very smart and well-read. People had definitions before, of course, but Eco's book is both short and on point.

>> No.22059981

>mostly everyone is willingly participating
Not true. Italy always had dissidents and there was two years of civil war

>> No.22059996

>Everything is fascism.
>t. Eco

>> No.22060010

Eco was one of those guys who would say "Fuck you" to a nigger vendor on a public square, but then write a book against muh fascism and racism

>> No.22060017

This is a great point. It's interesting to notice that Italy is still about 10 years ahead of the rest of Europe culturally speaking (and by extension, 20 years ahead of the world). Hopefully China's belt and Road will return the torch of civilization to the hands of a truly civilized people.

>> No.22060039

Small explosive charges directing meteorites into different planets would be enough to cause incredible damage. I can easily see a future space battle between great powers being fought by launching chunks of rocks at each other, with as much devastation as would be expected.

The only thing preventing this is multiple planets being colonized. If an astroid hits earth, all potential victors suffer as a result. In a war between a hypothetical Mars colony and Earth, it's easier to imagine novel new techniques of war being developed, with significant social and economic implications

>> No.22060055

Dumbero Icky is one of the most retarded “intellectuals” I have ever deigned to read. I was honestly shocked by how much retardation this guy could pack into a book. How anyone takes this goose seriously is beyond me.
>le fascism is when… le normal human behavior!

>> No.22060071

Being right wing is about being mean to the people and being left wing is about being nice to the people.

>> No.22060092


>> No.22060093

Typical norf italian.

>> No.22060097

>Communism vs Capitalism
>Etymology of Italian names
>Julius Evola's status as an aristocrat
>Aristocratic space warfare
Idk whats going on in this thread but I'm loving it.

>> No.22060128

The leading group will be the clique of whoever does it first. That’s just the way things go. This clique is gonna be made up of social-political activists, intellectuals, and military enforcers, with whoever overlaps all three and is a charismatic enough leader being ultimately in charge. If they’re genuine enough, it’ll go well. If they prove to ultimately be self-serving, unprincipled people, you’ll just see a generic, structureless dictatorship, neither materialist, feudal, or imperial, and it will soon collapse. In my ideal Larp, this is a Catholic or spiritualist reaction, rejecting capitalism ala Dorothy Day before its intellectual transformation completing the paradigm shift. The closest I think anyone has ever come to this is Napoleon (is this the first time he’s mentioned on this thread? Shocked it took so long). He was an anti-bourgeois revolutionary who also admired the ancient regime which he partook in overthrowing, neither resentful of it, nor desperately tradlarpy (no better term). Of course, he existed in a time where technology was not at the point where a new Empire could be maintained as if it was natural. Napoleon III was a self described socialist, but even if Bonapartism succeeded in this ‘Socialist/Revolutionary Empire,’ it was at a point in history where the structure would have made it last at most a few generations. But again, I’m a little larpy. I’d like to think this change will come this century, but it could be much longer before this materialist paradigm is overthrown.
Meteor’s main damage is kicking dust into the atmosphere and blocking out the sun, making plant life die and ecosystems collapse. Not a traditional single use weapon.

>> No.22060136

Ma'am, this is a Wendy's

>> No.22060141

>thread full of reddit commies trying to justify totalitarianism and political violence being a good thing because it’s their bread and butter in a communist state
>ackchully it’s different than fascism because when we murder dissenters it’s a good thing
>communism dindu nuffin everyone murdered was a fascist ipso facto they deserved it
The funniest part is when they think they won’t face the wall themselves. They’ll have an important cushy job in the communist party headquarters don’t you know.

>> No.22060153

My dude. Overthrow the Jews and you have achieved the new spiritual empire. Simple as.

>> No.22060169

>But again, I’m a little larpy. I’d like to think this change will come this century, but it could be much longer before this materialist paradigm is overthrown.
It certainly seems like portions of the American right are laying the groundwork for such a thing though, doesn't it? On one hand you've got sus ex nazis like George Soros funding colour revolution style riots in suburban America, on the other hand you've got the entire intellectual network that Peter Thiel is developing around himself. Then guy like Elon Musk turning twitter into a 'free speech' machine. It all seems very much to indicate that somewhere behind the scenes powerful groups of people are working very hard to create the need and the desire for Bonapartism in the USA.

Where this all ends up is anybody's guess, but I'd be surprised if things stay like they are for another twenty years.

>> No.22060216
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>> No.22060222

What's the ideology where you make it illegal to be normal but you leave all the successful people alone?

>> No.22060258

Drink your corn syrup and go to sleep anon. Capitalism is fine, you poors just deserve to live like disgusting swamp people while we take all your money and fuck your women and laugh in your face about it. If you don't like it you should have pulled yourself up by the bootstraps and been born with a rich mommy and daddy.

>> No.22060261


>> No.22060268

That doesn't answer my question

>> No.22060286


>> No.22060290

they are the dupes of Foucault's Pendulum

>> No.22060299


>> No.22060308
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You've gotta be familiar with the twitter thread about leftist's ideal jobs in commietopia, where everyone had some useless artsy pleasure job, and the one guy who said he didn't have a vision like anyone else and would just be happy doing manual labor until he felt mature enough to look into serious education was seen as weird. I don't think communism as a whole is general retardation like some neocon, but the vast majority of modern leftists have to have something wrong with their heads.
Oh, to be a simple /pol/yp again.
I actually couldn't disagree more. Communism and capitalism are both materialist ideologies and fundamentally see a utopia as the same, economically dictated thing. Critical theory and all the anti-white race shit in America is also part of that ('cultural marxism' is an oxymoron, but not fundamentally the wrong idea). I actually like Thiel's sincerity, and I'll only say I hate Musk because he's a mild flavor of reddit cringe. But, despite them having higher ideals than your typical fat cat, they're just capitalists, and thus materialists. If anything, I think Musk's cringiness discourages that pioneer/colonial spirit into space, but Thiel's desire of an intellectual and providing market is the best capitalism has to offer. Neither will directly result in an actual paradigm shift. If anything, I think the revolution needs to happen before the shift, because the revolutionary spirit is what opens people up to other forms of paradigm. That's how Napoleon got away with being crowned a robed monarch by the pope; he took the desire for change and fulfilled it, just not the change it wanted. Would an american anti-white revolution possibly be co-opted the same way? I have no idea, but I don't think anyone sane would want to live through the liberal white woman's blm fantasy land.
Late stage materialism/lastmanism
Interesting thought. Are you saying we'll see more Melonis? Also, France was the center of power along with Italy during that time too. Macron is probably the strongest French president we've had in a while, and certainly hasn't been the centrist neoliberal he ran as. Very interesting.
I love it too. A thread like this is rare. The Thiel vs Kaczynski one a few weeks ago came close, but these only happen once every few months. Sadly we're nearing the bump limit, but if anyone's got a discord or telegram, I'd love to get however many of us are actually posting all this together and continue. Networking is the only way any change can begin.

>> No.22060313

This song gets more and more relevant by the year since 2019

>> No.22060318

Dude made a decent post and you replied proving you're an absolute retard

>> No.22060329

Dont use any zoomer social media, but if you drop an email I'll hit you up about space communism sometime. It's been a pleasure.

>> No.22060330

You tell me, honey. I’m going to guess your question begs an answer in the same vein of Marxist materialism you asked it. Viewing everything through the lens of class conflict rots the mind to no end. I’d like to know what you’d define as normal, because i don’t think it’s the same as what everyone else means.

>> No.22060355
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>t. useless eater, growing increasingly more nervous
Hard times, soft men, and all that. Tick-tock.

>> No.22060377

All countries run by capitalism are affected by house prices. But thanks for playing.

>> No.22060378

senatoradel5@gmail.com is my sock. See you there, wish the bump limit was higher.

>> No.22060402

>same vein of Marxist materialism
Don't know where you're getting that but I was interpreting it personally in the way I figured the twitter poster was using it meaning that prejudice can be used as ground

>> No.22060407

Dumping on a former refugee who's now at the same social status as you that he's able to waste time on 4chan is not the win you think it is.

To paraphrase Doug Stanhope, maybe it's you your country doesn't need?

>> No.22060647

Yeah baist

>> No.22060658

That's not hatred of generational wealth, that's hatred of spoiled children and lazy, feckless parents. Let them have their wealth, but make them be responsible and mature.

>> No.22061000


>> No.22061125

how tf has no one said neoliberalism yet?
>at harvard we aren't racist but we are classist!
it's all just brahmin-dalit alliance against the middle, Sam Francis was right (he was on this long before moldbuggy was). Elites are already global, globalized, globalizing and living outside of history and beyond the political. They probably correctly view what is variously called nationalism, populism, anti-elitism, fascism as the most serious threat to their security.
They're frustrated because the machinery of actual democracy (voting) is still "trapped" in national states even though they are the real defenders of Democratic Values. Democratic Values basically means having a rentier economy, having sub-replacement fertility levels, and following Holocaustianity. Dalits are of course hurt by much of this program along with the "national middle" but Dalits are too stupid and/or dependent to put forward any kind of revolutionary will=they are natural allies to Brahmins because Brahmins can justify expanding their power to save the Dalits from the Chudras. Okay that one is made up but you know what I mean

>> No.22061554

Mosley was a kosher fascist, friend of the Roosevelts and most probably a glowie

>> No.22061641

Codreanu was not a fascist, he was an iron guardist/legionary/nationalist mystic, a completely different movement from Mazzinian fascism. If the Iron Guard is considered fascist, then the anticommunist antisemetic monarchist Orthodox White Russian movement should also be labeled as fascist, which most historians do not.

>> No.22061644

>most historians do not
Most historians don't know shit. Those deranged leftists who call anything good, noble, strong and pure fascist are unironically right.

>> No.22061652

Valid bump

>> No.22061688

Soft kek

>> No.22061736

yep but they ignore mussolini's words:
“Fascism is not a product for export.” – Benito Mussolini, 1925
The word fascism outside of italy has no meaning.

>> No.22061753
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This is true. Try to apply Fascism to the USA and you obtain la creatura.

>> No.22061792

He deliberately didn't get his degree in Engineering.
He simply enrolled, passed all the exams throughout the years and, at the very end, decided not to write and discuss the thesis "out of disdain for academic titles".

>> No.22061804

How did he earn money to live?

>> No.22061822

Inheritance+his books and translations.

>> No.22061835

Don't you think that aristocrats who devote their life to literature are somehow betraying their social status...?

Just curious about your opinion, I'm not addressing Evola in particular

>> No.22061845

>ctrl+f semiotic
>phrase not found

>> No.22061869

>look at how those descriptors of fascism are becoming more and more relevant to Burgerland politics
>that clearly means that they're not accurate descriptors of fascism, not that Burgerland democracy is in trouble
Your brain on a 50/50 fats/proteins diet.

>> No.22061878

Who cares about that shit

>> No.22061950

Plenty of them did throughout the ages and, in his case, it was literature of a certain seriousness.
It's not like Evola had temporal power he had to exercise and attend to, anyway.
If anything, getting the university degree would have been more "un-aristocratic", so I can understand his behavior that otherwise would just be outlandish. kek

>> No.22061958


"It's an academic version of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle: the more closely you study the subject, the less clearly defined it becomes. The historian R. A. H. Robinson wrote twenty years ago, "Although enormous amounts of research time and mental energy have been put into the study of it...fascism has remained the great conundrum for students of the twentieth century." Meanwhile, the authors of the Dictionnaire historique des fascismes et du nazisme flatly assert, "No universally accepted definition of the fascist phenomenon exists, no consensus, however slight, as to its range, its ideological origins, or the modalities of action which characterize it." Stanley G. Payne, considered by many to be the leading living scholar of fascism, wrote in 1995, "At the end of the twentieth century fascism remains probably the vaguest of the major political terms." There are even serious scholars who argue that Nazism wasn't fascist, that fascism doesn't exist at all, or that it is primarily a secular religion. "[P]ut simply," writes Gilbert Allardyce, "we have agreed to use the word without agreeing on how to define it." "

>> No.22061960

>Plenty of them did throughout the ages
but much less than the majority....

Anyway, I see your point

>> No.22062052

If I want to become a far left fascist what I should read?

>> No.22062083

You think we live in a free society?

>> No.22062095
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>> No.22062105

No translation?
What's the deal?

>> No.22062239

the reason is liberals can't define fascism without ending up with Marxist conclusions and seeing fascism as a method for the bourgeois state to defend itself against an independent proletariat. but liberals don't want to end up there, for obvious reasons, hence their hopeless confusion about what fascism is.

>> No.22062280

America using its entire industrial output for half a decade to kill them and their allies is not really the same thing as "failure".

>> No.22062284

>The fact that all these people might have white skin is only accidental
How do people this stupid actually exist?

>> No.22062289

It's a pretty unique essay about a forgotten chapter of Italian history concerning the project to create a left-wing current of Fascism within the Fascist parliament. The plotters — if we can call them this way... otherwise just call them militant thinkers — wanted to combine some of the most traditional Fascist elements (nationalism, discipline, etc.) with left-wing traits such as Sorelian syndicalism, revolutionary forces and the will to overcome burgeois capitalism. It's a riot of based ingredients from both sides. A very original contribute, largely built upon a reinterpretation of Gentile. Needless to say that they failed and no party was ever formed. You should learn Italian, there are countless interesting books on these topics.

>> No.22062306

If you think that white skin determines the high quality of education and morals, you are beyond cosmic retardation, I'm sorry for you.
The identification (and continuation in time) of white skin with high quality culture and morals is secondary to the formation of that culture and morals within a certain group.
I remind you that during the same millennium in which the whitest populations of the world lived in mud huts and could barely speak, the highest form of civilization ever seen on Earth was in the hands of tanned Greeks.
Cope, seethe and dilate, subhuman.

>> No.22062441


>> No.22062446

you should

there's probably a reason why which begins with N

>> No.22062450

well the thing is, Eco is an outsider, which means his perception will always be colored by outsider bias much like Tocqueville's conception of America.

>> No.22062485

Cannot have order without some fascism. Should politics be piecemeal instead of dogma?

>> No.22062502

What bothers me is how these "what is fascism" texts never actually bother with references to actual self-described fascists.

>> No.22062542


>> No.22062654

Ugo Spirito

>> No.22062664

Universities had such a hate boner for fascism (I wonder why?) They despised holding primary sources with authority in study because they were written by fascists and "fascists are le evil liars!" So most of 'Fascist' research gave authority to secondary sources such as (((approved))) commentaries of the facsist thinkers to define what fascism was.

The system doesn't want you to actually understand fascism because the fascists had a point.

>> No.22062861

Very much the opposite. The need to do something "economically productive" is a very middle class tendency. Aristocrats are more aligned with the lower class on their attitudes towards capital, and the nobless obligee of aristocrats is often opposed to the money maximizing aspects of modern capitalism.

>> No.22062865

>simply because being born into wealth has enabled a life of parasitic luxury.
Every time that dude is buying some luxury product he is contributing to the economy and helping somebody somehwere to leave the rat race.
In general bourgeois retards tend to give more money to REAL people than to faceless corporations.
He has more chances of buying some "hand crafted luxury product" and help some artisan make money, for example.
Poor people only buy cheap crap from faceless corporations.
So is not as linear as you say.
He is contributing more to the redistribution of wealth than you.

>> No.22062873

You should read the Leopard. The patriarch devoted himself whole heatedly to science, and his favourite nephew to revolutionary politics, but both are contemptuous towards the wealthy and upwardly mobile captain of industry, even as he attempts to legitimize himself by marrying into their family. Aristocracy is opposed to regimes of finance.

>> No.22062879

Very cool, NTA but I'm going to check this out. Thanks anon

>> No.22062880

It's because they're not about actually coming up with a comprehensive understanding of fascism but rather trying to develop a set of political positions which leftists can justifiably use violence against those who hold them in non-revolutionary settings.

>> No.22063037

I really love Eco but this book is really terrible, the ones who consider it a good definition of fascism are the ones who didn't read it or are individuals that in general have a poor grasp of history and politics.

>> No.22063072

>White Russian movement

>> No.22063213

Why do retards always put their dumb ideas into the mouths of the ones who simply ask questions without expressing any particular point or implying any particular position? I never thought about productive economy or finance, but simply that the excercise and cultivation of literature to a high degree (not the case of the noble guy who writes a local history or a treatise on falconry and then he's done) implies involvement in rather philistine outcomes, such as losing your mind or health to finish a book and caring about what your detractors scream about your book on the public square, activity which was on Evola's daily agenda, just so you know.

>> No.22063448

>Tolstoy, Nabokov, Tocqueville, Montesquieu, etcetera. weren't real aristocrats because... Literature is gay or something lmao
Again, read The Leopard. Warrior Conquerors haven't been a thing since the Crusades, the main way that Aristocrats differentiated themselves was through intellectual cultivation and surrounding themselves with impressively intellectual social climbers. If you seriously think that devoting your entire being and soul to some obscure subsection of the occult isn't something that aristocrats would normally do... Then you've clearly never met any actual aristocrats or nobles. Even today people like the Rockefellers and Rothchilds are neck deep in the New Age movement. Idk what kind of Twitter misconceptions you have about the upper classes, but most of them couldn't care less about warfare or industry.

>> No.22063460

Reading comprehension: not detected.

Mi raccomando, leggi un manuale scolastico.

>> No.22063464

>(I wonder why?)
because liberalism uses the threat of fascism to get the workers to defend liberal democracy instead of revolting against it. hence they make an effort to associate fascism with the worst evil

>> No.22063490

also read this for an explanation of that phenomenon https://www.marxists.org/subject/jewish/bordiga/auschwitz.htm
ignore the intro though -- it's just liberal damage control

>> No.22063523

>intelectual left
I laughed

>> No.22063539

you can't even spell your own insult. jesus, chuds are so fucking stupid lmao

>> No.22063612

Nowadays they do. It's mostly with charlatans like Roger Griffen though who so prides himself on using primary sources. However when you read his actual works it's filled with cherry picking and misinterpretations of those primary sources. The main issue is that all these people look for a general fascism which includes National Socialism. Then when this basically becomes impossible because of the vast differences in actual ideology itself they just reduce it to either some basic concepts seen in a lot of ideologies, like palangenetic ultranationalism, or to descriptive vactors like militaristic dicatorship etc.

>> No.22063906

>Ctrl-F Berlusconi
>0 results
Umberto Eco invented that definition of Fascism because he wanted to call Berlusconi fascist, it's vague because it was a huge reach.
That's it. At the time he was writing a weekly editorial for a newspaper and not every essay he wrote was good. This is one of the worst one, second only to the one about quiz shows.