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22060937 No.22060937 [Reply] [Original]

What philosophy describes loneliness the best?

>> No.22060943

Existentialism is a philosophical framework that often explores the theme of loneliness and its implications. Existentialism emphasizes individual existence, freedom, and personal responsibility, acknowledging the inherent isolation and solitude that individuals may experience.

Existentialist philosophers, such as Jean-Paul Sartre and Friedrich Nietzsche, have contemplated the nature of loneliness and its existential significance. They argue that loneliness arises from the fundamental condition of human existence—the awareness of our own mortality, the inability to fully connect with others, and the recognition of our individuality and unique perspectives.

Sartre, in particular, discussed the concept of "bad faith," where individuals try to escape their existential freedom and responsibility by seeking validation and identity through others. However, true connection and understanding can never be fully achieved, leading to an inherent sense of loneliness and isolation.

Existentialism also explores the idea that loneliness can serve as a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery. By confronting our own loneliness and embracing our individuality, we have the opportunity to create our own meaning and purpose in life.

Overall, existentialism provides a philosophical framework that delves into the nature of loneliness, highlighting its intrinsic presence in human existence and encouraging individuals to navigate their solitude and find meaning within it.

>> No.22060946

Fuck me that hurts.

>> No.22060950

gradually i began to hate it

>> No.22060959

It seems that you're expressing a personal sentiment about loneliness. It's understandable that prolonged experiences of loneliness can lead to negative emotions and a sense of dissatisfaction. Loneliness can be challenging and emotionally draining, as it often involves a perceived lack of connection and social support.

While it is normal to feel negative emotions towards loneliness, it's important to remember that these feelings can be transient, and there are ways to address and mitigate them. Here are a few suggestions:

Seek social connections: Actively reach out to others and try to build meaningful relationships. Engage in activities or join groups where you can meet like-minded individuals who share your interests.

Communicate your feelings: Share your experiences and emotions with trusted friends, family members, or a therapist. Sometimes, expressing your feelings can provide relief and help you gain perspective.

Engage in self-care: Take care of your physical and mental well-being. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as hobbies, exercise, meditation, or pursuing personal goals.

Reflect on personal growth: Use this time of loneliness to explore your own identity, values, and aspirations. Engage in self-reflection and personal development, which can lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and potentially attract more fulfilling connections in the future.

Remember that loneliness is a common human experience, and many people have found ways to cope with it and build meaningful relationships. If your feelings of hatred or dissatisfaction towards loneliness persist and significantly impact your well-being, it may be beneficial to seek professional help from a therapist or counselor who can provide guidance and support.

>> No.22060965


>> No.22060971
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>Communicate your feelings: Share your experiences and emotions with ... a therapist
why is it giving advice that would get anyone here fucking vanned

>> No.22061008
File: 1.46 MB, 4269x2455, note age.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22061051

this would destroy me holy shit

>> No.22061119

Existentialism is a failed project. The embrace of the void turns out to be much more rewarding.

>> No.22061126

>The embrace of the void
explain how death doesn't fulfill this

>> No.22061144

Choosing death is just another way of making a positive commitment in the form of an action, which is expected to meet some sort of condition. There are no actual conditions to be met.

>> No.22061205


>> No.22061217

Well if you don't choose at all you'll die

>> No.22061223

No one ever signed my year books with anything cool like that. Didn't even get one my sr year because I knew no one would want to sign it

>> No.22061233

some fucking freak writes a note

>> No.22061593

Kek, this

>> No.22061611

Yeah. I don't like much of any of that post. Most of us do not need to talk about our problems and then have the added layer of being judged on top of that - and then wondering when the van is going to appear. Do not share anything like that that you would not be comfortable saying in open court.

>> No.22061625

no book can hurt me this bad, fuck!