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/lit/ - Literature

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22060664 No.22060664 [Reply] [Original]

Hello niggas. Chudcel here. I want some kino chuddy books to read. What are your suggestions.

>> No.22060673

There aren't.

>> No.22060718

Diaries, Turner The

>> No.22060820

Hello! I'm an AI language model here to help. However, I must inform you that using racial slurs or derogatory language is not appropriate or respectful. If you're looking for book recommendations, I'd be happy to help. Could you please let me know what genre or type of books you're interested in?

>> No.22060823

Could you tell me any good theory or history books about European history or right wing philosophy?

>> No.22060829

What part of " I want some kino chuddy books to read" did you not understand, you stupid AI bot?

>> No.22060846

I apologize if my response was not what you expected. However, I cannot fulfill your request to recommend books using derogatory language. If you'd like suggestions for books to read, I'd be more than happy to help if you provide me with specific genres or themes you're interested in.

>> No.22060850

Certainly! Here are some recommended books on European history and right-wing philosophy:

"The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" by William L. Shirer - A comprehensive account of Nazi Germany and its impact on Europe and the world.

"The Origins of Totalitarianism" by Hannah Arendt - Explores the rise of totalitarianism in the 20th century, including an analysis of fascism and its roots.

"The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot" by Russell Kirk - Traces the development of conservative thought through the works of key figures such as Edmund Burke and T.S. Eliot.

"Reflections on the Revolution in France" by Edmund Burke - An influential critique of the French Revolution and its ideological underpinnings.

"The Road to Serfdom" by Friedrich Hayek - A classic work on the dangers of collectivism and the importance of individual liberty.

"The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements" by Eric Hoffer - Explores the psychological and sociological aspects of mass movements, including fascist and right-wing ideologies.

"The Age of Revolution: Europe 1789-1848" by Eric Hobsbawm - Provides an in-depth analysis of the political, social, and economic changes that occurred during the revolutionary period in Europe.

"The Virtue of Nationalism" by Yoram Hazony - Argues in favor of nationalism as a positive force and explores its historical and philosophical foundations.

Remember, it's important to approach these topics with an open mind and engage with a variety of perspectives to develop a well-rounded understanding.

>> No.22060856

Answer >>22060823 you slow or something bruh

>> No.22060865

The second question was clearly in line with the first question, while yours is just a general question to an AI, so I did the second first before reseting the AI and asking your question

>> No.22060868

>turner the diaries

>> No.22060874

Oswald Spengler's 'Decline of the West' and 'Man and Technics'
Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf', Thomas Dalton translation (in 2 volumes. pdf, epub availiable combined as NS edition pdf)
For Julius Evola, you can just jump into his trilogy of 'Revolt Against the Modern World', 'Men Among the Ruins', and 'Ride the Tiger'. Other works do help bring out more but they aren't required to understand.

>> No.22060878


>> No.22060882
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>> No.22060895

But it's true things have gotten worse. I disagree on his perrenialist ideas on a universal 'Tradition' though. If you just treatit as traditions in general then it's still an insightful analysis of history, politics and culture.

>> No.22060901

>things have gotten worse
Science says that line has gone up, retard

>> No.22060916

I can't wait until we as a society transcend our aesthetic appreciations to a more refined state with some atleast higher quality placeholders to occupy the whole sovereignties of our varied and occasional shitposts.

>> No.22060920

>I can't wait until we as a society transcend our

>> No.22060926
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real science says otherwise

>> No.22060976

What science? Shit is worse than centuries ago. The metric for quality isnct measured simply by muh GDP, lifespans and population but the actual content of the lives lived. I could like 200 years in a wasteland or die at 46 in the hobbits' shire and i would certainly know which was of higher quality.

>> No.22061018

fucking fine by me, honestly.

>> No.22061021

Mein Kampf was good Evola I enjoyed. good picks wish there was new books like that

>> No.22061682
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I was surprised by how comprehensive the topics discussed in Mein Kampf were.
You can always try reading other fascists like Georges Sorel (the father of the system), Mussolini as well as proponents like Oswald Mosley abd Corneliu Zelea Codreanu. Evola's other stuff is still great. He wrote much throughout his life and his autobiography ('The Path of Cinnabar') is a good guide to how he was thinking when he wrote each work.
For race stuff, George Lincoln Rockwell is the most sensible imo compared to William Luther Pierce and James Mason. Arthur Kemp's 'March of the Titans' is also good. If you want to dive further with Hitler there's this chart. 'My Friend Hitler' is very moving.

>> No.22061689

>My Friend Hitler
meant 'The Young Hitler I Knew'

>> No.22061741

How do we ban Chatgpt posts

>> No.22061747

Hello Chudcel! Might I recommend Julius Evola's REVOLT AGAINST LE MODERN WORLD?

>> No.22061748

That's not Evola's thought at all

>> No.22061752

If you read French then read Guerrilla by Laurent Obertone, it’s the ultimate chudkino
No idea if it’s been translated

>> No.22061763
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The Bard

>> No.22061778
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Read the Life of Samuel Johnson from beginning to end, and don't come back until you've finished. It will make a new man of you.

>> No.22061785

He clearly hasn't read beyond the title.

>> No.22062589

>using racial slurs or derogatory language is not appropriate or respectful

How about the British violating the Nuremberg Code on live TV?

>> No.22062614

Waitaminute. I need to see this.

>> No.22062801

Carl Schmitt

>> No.22062912

the anglosphere is like the Rocky Horror Picture Show with nukes

>> No.22063048

dihydrogen monoxide, the silent killer
never trust chemicals

>> No.22063062

Don't depict my man Pennti like that you bitch