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22057680 No.22057680 [Reply] [Original]

>Donkey hoe tay
>Knee chi
>Hi digger

>> No.22057711
File: 87 KB, 576x534, The Anarchist's Jokebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jew-lee-us See-zur
Uh, excuse me, sweety, I think you mean "You-lee-us Kai-zer."

>> No.22057721

>I believe you'll find it's tahlSTOY

>> No.22057783
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>> No.22057785

Na bark of.

>> No.22057791

would it kill you anglos learning IPA

>> No.22057802

Someone post the high digger low digger pic

>> No.22057809
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>The Dolly Lama

>> No.22058124


>> No.22058135


>> No.22058156

I actually prefer Donkey Hoetay. That or Dawn Kihote.
kys nerd

>> No.22058162

Anglos quite literally cannot pronounce a german "o". There is not a single word in the english language that emulates the sound of the O in Schopenhauer.

>> No.22058173


>> No.22058196

>well-poisoning bait by an assblasted anglo
You will never learn to roll your Rs, island jew.

>> No.22058312
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>Dick ins
>Cam ooh
>Hey girl

>> No.22058339

And krauts can't say squirrel

>> No.22058374

>Key moos
>Circle Garden
>Huge Oui
>Hola beckle girl
>Bulge kaka ow
>Flour rent
>Joy see
>Fuck ow
>Boulder row

>> No.22058385


>> No.22059214
File: 62 KB, 800x698, rage-comic-internet-meme-trollface-laughter-faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cam ooh

>> No.22059233

> A rees total

>> No.22059288
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>Donkey hoe tay
I hate this pronunciation with a burning passion. It's Don "Quicks-Oat", you pretentious fool.
Funny thing is, it's not even the pronunciation Cervantes would have used since he spoke an older form of Castilian where the 'x' was read as a "sh" sound instead of an 'h' so the pretentious Modern Spanish accent is totally misplaced! lmao.

>> No.22059303
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>> No.22059342

Personally, I prefer Don "Quicksit". Never was a fan of "Quicks-Oat" but I agree, putting on an accent to sound foreign is cringe.

>> No.22059361

hoetay isn't putting on an accent
not a spanish one at any rate

>> No.22059397

Lmao, what? I know it isn't the way Cervantes pronounced it but you're telling me not even Spanish people pronounce it that way? lol.

>> No.22059403

it's an english approximation of the spanish pronunciation
it's not putting on an accent

>> No.22059404
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>pronouncing proper names, that are easily expressed in your own orthography, correctly is "putting on an accent" and pretentious

>> No.22059424

>quicks oat
Big brainlet move

>> No.22059711

>angloids can´t pronounce tocqueville

para colmo se dice DON QUI-JO-TE, pelotudo de mierda

>> No.22059978

how is that o german? most european languages have it
maybe ö could be the german o

>> No.22060123


>> No.22060129

i pronounced don quixote right around people a few times and they kept "correcting" me to donkey hoe tay so i gave up and now i pronounce it wrong on purpose
it's easier than autistically explaining it every time

>> No.22060138


>> No.22060145

Im assuming youre a white American. Speak like a White Man.

>> No.22060220

are you under the impression that spaniards are not white?

>> No.22060229

Not him but there's nothing worse than someone speaking a language properly but in the wrong context. I loathe that stuff when people pronounce Spanish words as accurately as possible or even overemphasizing the accent when they're in an English context. The same with other language but for some reason its become really prevalent for English people in some attempt to prove how cultured they are.
It's so fucking annoying. You're speaking English, just say it the English way.

>> No.22060230

Not in the slightest Jaume. You look like a typical andalusian aka mexican.

>> No.22060233

you mean like Don Key-Shot?

>> No.22060234

>the English way.
Which is?

>> No.22060240

donkey kong

>> No.22060241

donkay howt

>> No.22060245

Don Quick-Shot

>> No.22060271

>why yes I'm very fond Donk Why-joe-tee by My Gule Ser Vantees

>> No.22060388

How the fuck do you propounce Donkey Hoe Tay then?

>> No.22060405
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Carl jŭhNg

>> No.22060457

i don't see how this applies to proper nouns. you're either pronouncing it right or you aren't, it has nothing to do with linguistic differences