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22052685 No.22052685 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22052961


>> No.22053129

op is a faggot.


>> No.22053133

we wuz queens n sheit

>> No.22053164

"Whitebois could be here" she thought. "I have been colonized before. I know there's white dick here." Hands on face she felt whorish. "I love whitebois" she thought. Mixed babies are made from being colonized and her pussy felt moist as a shiver of pleasure went through her whole body. "Being a submissive nigger, you can fuck whitebois" she said to herself, out loud.

>> No.22053167

Is that Eva from Top Model? I miss her from RHOA.

>> No.22053204

>no allusion to the spider

>> No.22053691

>le eye of providence

>> No.22054738

Burkina Ouagadougou burst through the door. "At last!" she screeched. "I've found you, dreaded neckbeard!"
The large, nerdy man sat in a chair, staring at a computer terminal on a filthy desk, its surface overflowing with garbage. He slowly turned around to behold the interloper.
"Oh, hi, Burki," he drawled. "It's an honor to meet you. I *loved* your last show!"
"That's just *it*!" she thundered. "That was my *last* show! I'm unemployed now!"
The neckbeard reared back. "Really? That's awful. What happened?"
"*You* happened!" she boomed. "You and your nerd tech replaced all of us with computer-generated holograms! Now *they* strut down the catwalk!"
He shrugged. "Sorry, can't be helped. Your bosses wanted to cut costs, and I'm the sort of person that can do that for them."
"I can't fight my bosses," she admitted. "They're too powerful. You'll have to do."
"Sure, why not," he groaned. "I spent my childhood getting picked on, and nothing changes in adulthood."
"I–" she began, then she hung her head. "I'm sorry. I don't know what else to do."
"There must be *something* else you could do for a living with your talents!" he asserted.
"Like what?" she whined.
He looked her up and down. "I have a few ideas," he leered.
Her eyes narrowed. "I'll *bet* you do, you sleaze!" she spat. She put her hands on her hips. "At least modeling had a teaspoon of dignity."
"And you got paid awfully well for doing practically nothing!" he chimed.
"Exactly," she huffed. "*Now* how am I supposed to pay for the lifestyle to which I've become accustomed?"
"What's so expensive about it?" he asked.
"The cocaine!" she blared. "How do you think I stay so thin?"
"Maybe you could try eating less, and exercising," he suggested.
"Oh yeah?" she sputtered. "How's that going for *you*?"
"I'm not obsessed with my appearance," he revealed. "That's *your* conceit."
She was silent for a moment. "It's more than that," she hinted.
"Oh?" he prompted. "Like what?"

>> No.22054742

She let out a long sigh. "*Fine*. I'll tell you. You know how they call us 'supermodels'? It's not for nothing. In my off time, I fight crime. I'm also known as the Black Tarantula."
He perked up. "Wow! I'm impressed! You really *are* a force for good!"
Her shoulders slumped. "And now I can't afford to travel to all the places where crime needs to be fought. Being a supermodel was the perfect cover."
He shrugged. "Sorry, can't be helped. The boss wanted to cut costs, and I delivered that for him."
Her face curled into an angry sneer. "It'll be the last thing you ever do."
She raised her arm; a black tarantula gripped the top of her hand. With her fingers, she highlighted her overly made-up eye, revealing a large deposit of eyeshadow in the corner.
His eyes widened. "Is that the Eye of Osiris?"
"Yes," she hissed. "And it'll be the last thing you see."
A furious storm of lightning shot from her right eye; it enveloped him and his desk, and burned for several seconds. Finally, the fury died down, and she look at her handiwork. But he was still sitting there, filthy desk and all.
"*What* the –" she seethed.
"Ah ah AH!" he mocked, waggling his finger. "Not so fast!"
Her mouth hung open. "How did you survive Osiris' Revenge...?"
"Because I'm not really here!" he revealed proudly. "Try moving your hand through me!"
"No," she whimpered softly, "it's not possible." She tried to touch him, but her hand simply passed through; his image distorted slightly for a moment.
"You see?" he triumphed. "I'm a hologram too!"
"I'll..." she blubbered. "I'll find you."
"How?" he sneered. "You don't have the tech skills to track me down! Your powers are worthless here!"
She pouted. "Maybe it's best my career is over."
"Now, now," he soothed. "Don't take it like that." He sat up in his chair. "How would you like a sidekick in the fight against crime? I could be your highly able backoffice! What do you say?" He smirked confidently. "I've read every superhero comic book there is. I'm trained, and at your disposal!" He winked at her. "Just as long as you throw me a bone every once in a while."
She stared at him, her mouth agape, unsure how to respond.

>> No.22056174

No one else can write a story, huh?

>> No.22056346

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful dark-skinned woman who had an unusual pet - a giant tarantula with huge fangs. The spider was absolutely tame and harmless in her presence, and she enjoyed carrying it around in her knickers. She found the warmth and closeness of the spider comforting, and over time, she fell into the habit of keeping it there all the time, even while sleeping.

One day, after waking up from a nap, the woman discovered that her knickers were completely gone. In their place was a thick, intricate web woven by her pet tarantula. The web covered her crotch, thighs, and buttocks with sartorial precision. Surprised and shocked, she removed the spider, but not the web panties themselves. She found them incredibly comfortable and absorbent, and decided to wear them for the rest of the day.

To her surprise, other women began to notice and ask about her unique underwear. She explained how the spider had woven them, and many were curious and wanted to try them out for themselves. Before long, she began selling spiderweb panties online, made to order by her menagerie of tame tarantulas.

As word spread, women came from far and wide to purchase these unique and comfortable garments. The woman's business grew rapidly, and soon she was making tons of money from her spiderweb panties. Her menagerie of spiders became famous, and many people marveled at their ability to weave such intricate and beautiful designs.

Over time, the woman's business grew beyond just spiderweb panties. She began selling other items made from spider silk, including clothing, accessories, and even home decor. Her love for her pet tarantulas had turned into a lucrative business, and she was grateful for their amazing talent.

In the end, the woman became known as the Spider Queen, and her spiderweb panties became a must-have item for women all over the world. She continued to care for her menagerie of tame tarantulas, and they continued to weave their intricate designs with sartorial precision. And the woman lived happily ever after, surrounded by her beloved pets and successful business.

>> No.22056354

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful dark-skinned woman named Nana. She had an unusual pet, a tame tarantula named Zeus. Despite being a giant hairy spider with large fangs, Zeus was absolutely tame and inoffensive when he was near Nana.

Nana had grown quite fond of Zeus and often carried him in her pocket or purse. But then one day, she decided to try something different and started carrying Zeus in her knickers. At first, it seemed strange, but soon enough, she grew accustomed to having Zeus nearby. In fact, she fell into the habit of keeping him hidden inside her knickers whenever possible, including at night before going to bed.

One afternoon, Nana took a short nap after lunch. When she awoke, she reached down to check on Zeus, only to find that her knickers were missing! Confused, she looked around but couldn’t see them anywhere. Suddenly, she noticed something odd – a huge spiderweb, woven in the shape of female underwear, covered her crotch, thighs, and buttocks. To her surprise, she realized that Zeus must have used his silk to create the web during her nap.

Initially surprised and even slightly shocked by the unexpected sight, Nana carefully removed Zeus from his new creation without damaging it. As she examined the intricate weaving, she discovered that it felt incredibly soft and comfortable against her skin. With no other option available, she decided to wear the spiderweb “knicker” for the remainder of the day.

To her delight, the spiderweb knickers proved much more absorbent and comfortable than traditional cotton ones. This realization sparked an idea – why not start selling spiderweb panties and knickers?

Word quickly spread about Nana’s unique creations, and people came from all over to have their own custom pair of spiderweb panties created by her menagerie of tame tarantulas. Women raved about how soft, lightweight, and breathable they were compared to regular cotton underwear.

As demand grew, Nana expanded her business by opening a storefront where customers could select their preferred style, color, and size. Within a few years, she became known worldwide as the Queen of Spiderweb Panties.

Thanks to Zeus and her passion for creating innovative products, Nana went from earning minimum wage to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Her journey was proof that even the most unlikely circumstances can lead to great opportunities if you keep your mind open and heart full of determination.

>> No.22056356

Ayo bit h you got a spider on you. Damn that thing big. Yo don't move, oh jesus! Oh shit quit movin, you gonna flick it on me! Aaaa

>> No.22056376

It was on a balmy evening in June when I first encountered the most enchanting creature I had ever laid eyes upon. Her skin glistened like the moonlight, casting shadows across her alabaster arms. She was a woman of darkness, a being of pure beauty and mystery. But what truly captivated me were her eyes - they seemed to hold secrets within their depths, secrets that only she knew.

As I stood there, transfixed by her allure, she revealed to me something that left me both intrigued and terrified: a tame tarantula she carried within her knickers. A creature known for its ferocity, yet here it lay, docile and content in her embrace. This woman possessed an intimacy with the natural world that left me baffled, yet strangely drawn towards her.

Days turned into weeks, and my fascination with her grew stronger. Every night, without fail, she would carry that same tarantula with her wherever she went, as if it were a cherished companion. And every morning, before sunrise, she would return home with it nestled safely between her legs, hidden away once again in her cotton briefs.

Yet one day, fate intervened in our little idyll. After falling asleep with her eight-legged friend, she awakened to find her knickers missing, replaced instead with a massive spiderweb crafted with such skill that it could have been woven by the hands of a master artisan. The threads seemed to glitter in the light streaming through her window, casting a soft glow over everything it touched. It was then that she realized her beloved tarantula must have been busy at work during the hours she slept.

Taken aback by this strange turn of events, she carefully extricated herself from the silken trap and examined the spider's handiwork closer. To her surprise, the web resembled nothing short of a pair of luxurious panties, complete with lacy edges and a delicate trim running along the waistband. Despite feeling slightly embarrassed by her newfound attire, she couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and delight at the unexpected gift bestowed upon her.

Over time, word spread of her unique predilection for spiders, and women from near and far came seeking similar garments crafted by the skilled hands of her spider companions. She soon found herself at the helm of a successful business venture, offering customers custom-made spiderweb panties tailored specifically to their needs. From those desiring practicality, to others seeking the thrill of danger and adventure, she fulfilled each order with care and attention to detail.

And so, my dear reader, let this tale serve as a reminder that love comes in many forms, sometimes manifesting itself in ways beyond our wildest imaginations. Who knows? Perhaps you too will encounter your own irresistible force of nature, beckoning you towards the unknown with open arms. Embrace your curiosity, and follow where your heart leads. For love is but another name for discovery.

>> No.22056442

In a small village nestled in the rolling hills of the countryside, lived a beautiful young woman named Adelaida. She was known throughout the land for her striking features and kind heart, attracting suitors from far and wide. However despite her popularity, she never showed interest in any of them, always preferring to spend her days exploring the great outdoors alone.

It wasn't until she stumbled upon a mysterious box, hidden deep within a dense forest, that her life took an unexpected twist. Inside, she discovered a group of baby tarantulas, each no bigger than her thumb. They looked fragile and harmless, and she felt an instant connection with them. Without hesitation, she scooped up the entire brood and brought them back to her cottage, determined to raise them as her own.

At first, the task proved challenging, as caring for infant spiders required meticulous attention to detail and a steady supply of food. But Adelaida persevered, dedicating herself fully to their wellbeing. Over time, she discovered that her charges responded exceptionally well to her touch, allowing her to handle them with ease. With practice, she learned how to feed and groom them properly, watching as they quickly matured into healthy adults.

As her collection of tarantulas continued to grow, Adelaida became increasingly adept at handling them. Eventually, she developed a curious habit of carrying around one of her largest specimens, hidden inside the front portion of her undergarments. Though some might have found this behavior peculiar, she derived comfort and security from having the spider close to her person. In fact, she often spent long periods of time playing with her pet, stroking its hairy legs and rubbing its bulbous body affectionately.

Despite the presence of her unusual companion, Adelaida remained a sought-after figure among the villagers. Men still pursued her affections, hoping to win her favor. Yet, none succeeded in breaking down the walls she had built around her heart. Even in the face of temptation, she refused to entertain any suitor who did not share her passion for arachnids.

One warm summer evening, Adelaida sat outside on her porch, enjoying the gentle breeze and the sound of crickets chirping in the distance. Her beloved tarantula was curled up contentedly in her lap, fast asleep after a satisfying meal of live insects. As she gazed absentmindedly into the night sky, she noticed a faint glow coming from within her knickers. Puzzled, she reached down to investigate, only to find that the light was emanating from a cluster of miniature tarantulas.

To her amazement, scores of baby spiders emerged from between her legs, swarming over her skin like tiny piranhas before scattering into the darkness. Trembling with shock and disbelief, she struggled to process what had just occurred. How could this happen? Had the mother tarantula given birth while nestled against her body without her knowledge? The thought both fascinated and unnerved her.

>> No.22056447


Days passed, and more clusters of baby tarantulas began to appear. Each time, Adelaida was taken off guard, unsure if this phenomenon was natural or something entirely different. As her collection grew, she became increasingly attached to the little ones, treating them with tender loving care. It seemed she had somehow become capable of reproducing the spiders through some sort of latent genetic trait hidden deep within her DNA.

Her reputation as the Spider Woman quickly spread throughout the region, drawing in crowds of eager spectators eager to catch a glimpse of her incredible abilities...

>> No.22056745

Suspiciously come across as the innocuous, conflict-free stories ChatGPT is notorious for.

>> No.22056859 [DELETED] 

As the sun began to set on the extraterrestrial planet inhabited by the young Amazonian maidens, the fearsome tarantulas clung firmly to their human companions' crotches, serving as fierce protectors against any potential threats.
However, as the night drew closer and the stars shone bright above, thoughts turned to selecting a new queen for the tribe. It was a dangerous task, one that required great courage and strength, for it involved agitating the very creatures upon which the Amazonian women relied for protection.
A small group of women, handpicked for their bravery and fortitude, donned their tarantula-laden loincloths and prepared themselves for what lay ahead. With steely determination etched across their faces, they ventured forth into the darkness.
It did not take long before their taunts and insults provoked the ire of the eight-legged guards. Fangs dripping with venom, they lunged at their tormentors, inflicting slight nips here and there. But these fearless females refused to yield, even as the bites left them weakened and staggering.
One by one, they fell victim to the venomous assault until only one remained upright. She alone had proven her worth as leader, having successfully antagonized the tarantulas without succumbing to their fatal embrace. And thus she was crowned queen amidst much fanfare and celebration.
And so it came to pass that these youthful Amazonians continued to thrive under the watchful eyes of their savage guardians, ever vigilant against those who sought to threaten their way of life

>> No.22056911

In the land far beyond the earthly realm, there dwelled a tribe of young women known as the Amazons. They lived among giant mushroom trees and rivers made of whiskey, surrounded by breathtaking vistas of iridescent flora. Yet despite the beauty of their world, danger lurked around every corner. Marauding orcs with scabbed skin threatened their existence, seeking to overpower and ravish the unyielding Amazonian maidens. Fortunately, the Amazons possessed an unlikely ally: monstrously ferocious tarantulas adorned with razor-sharp fangs and coated in bristling quills that pulsed a sickly green hue. Bound to their crotches by webbed silk sashes woven by the brawny Amazon archers, the tarantulas served as impenetrable barriers, daring any intruder to come near. Thus protected, the fiercely independent Amazons could pursue their quest for knowledge, mastery, and combat savagery.
Through diligent observance of their environment, the agile and resolute Amazon warriors honed their prowess to such heights that none could question their fighting skill. Nevertheless, events transpired where a new monarch must be chosen through trial. Hence, a conclave of valiant females, each more robust than stone walls, came together. Their resolve unwavering, they grasped their intimidating spinnerets and roused the willful spiders to throw off the oppressive bindings of web fabric. Outraged beyond endurance by the impertinence displayed, the hissing creatures targeted specific points on their own carriers, injecting venoms crafted to induce hebetude. Three after three tumbled lifeless, while others writhed violently in what seemed like their final moments. Ultimately, but a single Amazon remained standing before the assemblage, proud and undefeatable as a towering oak. And so it happened that the immovable Amazon achieved ascension to the throne of her sisters. Exalted, the other Amazons hailed their exalted queen, dancing wildly beneath the fertile moon, hearts swollen with joy tempered by grief for those lost on the path to the altar of courage. Together, these martial women stood poised between their past triumphs and future challenges. Unified under their new queen's leadership, they faced the uncertain horizon with steadfast determination. The trials of selecting a worthy monarch had tested their mettle and strengthened the already formidable bond between the Amazons and their eight-legged guardians.
The tribe now looked towards expansion and exploration of their enigmatic surroundings, always mindful of potential threats yet eager for discovery. With their trust in one another fortified by blood, sweat, and venom, these stalwart defenders of honor readied themselves for whatever lay ahead. So began a new chapter in the annals of the Amazon nation, written in the language of valor, ingenuity, and perseverance.

>> No.22058022

Seems like more of a (purple) summary than a story.

>> No.22058452

Black Niggers are not human. They do not think like you or I do. They do not feel as you or I do. They do not pray as you or I do. They are heretics to the divinity that is sentience. Apelike monsters that were born in the garden of eden, and yet they never figured out how to use that garden for their own ends. They were overpowered by whites and arabs and jews who possessed actual weaponry, which they used to subjugated them. And so they were taken, enslaved, to the new world. The world that they would never accept, no matter how many government programs lined up to hand them free money just because they couldn't speak proper english. America is said to be the land of opportunity, but no amount of opportunity would ever be enough for a Black Nigger.

>> No.22058813

In America, Duncan had been a neo-nazi turned catholic after watching an e michael jone video; it was still the jews he used to displace the failure of his mother and father so that was fine - after all if he claimed catholicism he might be protected from his past verbal acts (which had been all recorded by facebook nd would be used against him eventually) since, he reasoned, the catholics were able to protect serial pedophiles with relative impunity. It didn't take long before Duncan was bounced along by another youtube video and quickly became a fap addict autovid, seeking out relish in being laughed at by strangers and a black woman came to be his sole contact. This was the profile picture that she used. She of course did not exist and was merely a digital avatar. The small group responsible for maintaining the avatar and its string of marks made about $12,000 from Duncan before he ended up in an asylum.

True story.

>> No.22058829

what is it with you and that word this week? You do know that in the west, in english, the verbal ability falls way below the global norm for literacy. Declaring anything 'wordy' as "purple" is laughable in this context; as you seek to employ a kind of "aclassism" onto the few people you encounter who could speak properly.

it isn't going to work psyop, people are already dumbed down and don't need any help for you to remain that way.

>> No.22058840

Goyim are not human. They do not think like you or I do. They do not feel as you or I do. They do not pray as you or I do. They are heretics to the divinity that is sentience. Apelike monsters that were born in the garden of eden, and yet they never figured out how to use that garden for their own ends. They were overpowered by jews who possessed actual weaponry, which they used to subjugated them. And so they were taken, enslaved, to jerusalem. The world that they would never accept, no matter how many government programs lined up to hand them free money just because they couldn't speak proper hebrew. Jerusalem is said to be the land of opportunity, but no amount of opportunity would ever be enough for a Goyim.

source: the bible

>> No.22059035

Samantha had always been known for her ethereal beauty - an exquisite blend of races, her biracial heritage lent an air of mystery and intrigue to her appearance. Yet, despite this charm, she found herself increasingly plagued by a sinister presence hidden in the shadows of her home. For several consecutive evenings, she could not help but notice a series of distressing noises emanating from the depths of the basement below her ground-floor bedroom.

At first, the sounds seemed almost indiscernible, little more than faint whispers echoing through the walls. As time went on, however, they grew more pronounced, taking on a sickening, squelching quality that sent chills down her spine. Desperate to put an end to these unsettling occurrences, Samantha resolved to confront whatever malevolence lurked beneath her residence.

With trembling hands, she switched on the overhead lights and made her way down the creaky wooden steps leading to the subterranean realm below. Her heart racing, she gripped a small flashlight tightly, ready to face whatever horrors might await her. Upon reaching the bottom of the staircase, she cast her beam of light across the damp, musty space, revealing row upon row of dusty crates and forgotten tools scattered haphazardly about the room. Nothing seemed amiss...at least, nothing immediately apparent.

But just as she prepared to turn around and leave, the sound returned, louder than ever before. This time there was no mistaking its source; it came from a small alcove tucked away in the far corner of the cellar. With newfound determination, Samantha strode purposefully toward the noise, her pulse quickening with each step.

As she drew closer, she noticed something odd about the doorway leading into the niche: it seemed strangely stuck. Despite her best efforts to pry it open, it remained stubbornly fixed in place. Frustrated yet undeterred, she applied greater force, straining against the wood with all her strength. At last, it gave way with a loud crack, sending splinters flying in all directions.

And there, nestled deep within the alcove, she beheld the source of her terror - a loathsome arachnid unlike any she had ever seen. It was a massive black widow spider, at least eight inches across, its bulbous abdomen seemingly swollen beyond capacity. The creature reared up on its hindmost pair of legs, baring its gleaming chelicers in warning, and began to hiss at her through twin slits in its carapace.

Samantha felt her courage falter at the sight, but knew she couldn't afford to show weakness. Summoning what bravery she could muster, she brandished the flashlight like a weapon and took a menacing step forward. Instantly, the spider sprang into motion, dashing along the wall in a blur of movement and disappearing into a narrow crack in the stonework.

>> No.22059043 [DELETED] 


Forcing herself to remain calm, Samantha peered closely at the hole, catching a brief glimpse of the spider's glinting eyes before it vanished from view. She realized too late that she should have taken the opportunity to seal off the opening, but now it was already too late. With a growing sense of dread, she turned and bolted up the stairs, determined to seek refuge in the relative safety of her own bedroom.

It wasn't until she reached the top landing that she felt the sharp sting of venom injected directly into her veins, accompanied by a hideous crunching sensation from somewhere inside her pelvis. All coherent thought fled as agony coursed through her entire being, reducing her to a whimpering heap on the floor.

The pain subsided gradually over the next few minutes, leaving her feeling drained and disoriented. Shakily, she pushed herself upright and struggled to stand, only to find her balance gone and her limbs quivering like jelly. Something was terribly wrong, she knew, but couldn't quite grasp the full extent of the horror yet to come.

Slowly, numbly, she stumbled toward her bedroom, propelled less by conscious intention than blind instinct. The world swam and blurred around her as she collapsed onto her mattress, feeling the soft fabric of the sheets grow harder and rougher beneath her fingers. Panicked confusion gave way to shocked comprehension as she looked down and saw that her lower half been fully transformed.

She screamed as she realized what was happening: her body below her waist had fused seamlessly with the spider's abdomen, transforming her legs into thick, segmented appendages covered in chitinous plates.

>> No.22059053


Forcing herself to remain calm, Samantha peered closely at the hole, catching a brief glimpse of the spider's glinting eyes before it vanished from view. She realized too late that she should have taken the opportunity to seal off the opening, but now it was already too late. With a growing sense of dread, she turned and bolted up the stairs, determined to seek refuge in the relative safety of her own bedroom.

It wasn't until she reached the top landing that she felt the sharp sting of venom injected directly into her veins, accompanied by a hideous crunching sensation from somewhere inside her pelvis. All coherent thought fled as agony coursed through her entire being, reducing her to a whimpering heap on the floor.

The pain subsided gradually over the next few minutes, leaving her feeling drained and disoriented. Shakily, she pushed herself upright and struggled to stand, only to find her balance gone and her limbs quivering like jelly. Something was terribly wrong, she knew, but couldn't quite grasp the full extent of the horror yet to come.

Slowly, numbly, she stumbled toward her bedroom, propelled less by conscious intention than blind instinct. The world swam and blurred around her as she collapsed onto her mattress, feeling the soft fabric of the sheets grow harder and rougher beneath her fingers. Panicked confusion gave way to shocked comprehension as she looked down and saw that her lower half been fully transformed.

She screamed as she realized what was happening: her body below her waist had fused seamlessly with the spider's abdomen, transforming her legs into thick, segmented appendages covered in chitinous plates.

A sickening squelch filled the room as she wiggled her new limbs experimentally, her sense of touch now distorted and alien. But worse still was the bulge growing within her belly, a grotesque sac pulsing with life as it expanded ever larger. Horror dawned on her as she understood that her reproductive organs had been hijacked, turned into some kind of revolting egg-laying chamber for the parasitic creature. Tears streaming down her face, she thrashed against the wall, desperate to escape this unthinkable fate but unable to move or even speak coherently through the terror and disorientation gripping her mind.

All she could do was lie there helplessly as her body was consumed from within, her very identity erased by the vile intruder nesting inside her flesh. The end would come soon; all she could hope for was oblivion before the full horror of her transformation became complete.

>> No.22059101


>> No.22059258

Not until the studio puts up more money.
I'm no fool.

>> No.22059516

This would be applicable if the israeli gobermint handed out free money to goyim instead of the other way around. 1/5 try harder rabbi schlomo shekelberg blattstein.