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22045981 No.22045981 [Reply] [Original]

Issue Sixteen will arrive in June. Officially Accepting Submissions for Issue Seventeen. Do Not Delay.

The Best of &amp is on schedule and coming soon.

PLEASE LOGIN TO VIEW YOUR SUBMISSION STATUS (it was discarded to the yeet pile):
user: anon
pw: god

>> No.22046363
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Let’s go boys :)

>> No.22046885

I'm editing final touches on my submission for 017.
How's the schedule looking for upcoming issues, are looking at monthly again?

>> No.22047115

Do you take essays?

>> No.22047166

they take anything bro the issues are half filled with retarded 4chan screenshots most of the time. they will not turn down an essay

>> No.22047224

He took mine for 016. There have been several essays in the issues actually.

>> No.22047644

What was your essay about?

>> No.22047683
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American Psycho by Ellis. I wrote the essay months ago and was just waiting for the next issue to show up.

>> No.22047728

>they take anything bro the issues are half filled with retarded 4chan screenshots
yeah that's the problem with all the 4chan magazines. it means nothing to get published by them cause they reject nobody

>> No.22047988

>10 posts without attention whoring/doxing
Proud of you guys.

>> No.22048068 [DELETED] 

So far so good. I don’t see why not. I’m back in action plus there’s a team with me now.
Checked and correct.
It’s a feature, not a bug. How’s Chicago?
Actually I explicitly requested that no new &amp threads be made. After this one dies we can wait until issue sixteen is published before we call for subs again. Nice baking tho.

>> No.22048425

>Officially Accepting Submissions for Issue Seventeen
you mean i have to actually write this thing? cant wait to see issue 16 though

>> No.22048482
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>> No.22048554

>Actually I explicitly requested that no new &amp threads be made.
That’s probably for the best. This Unreal doxing shit is already out of hand and it only seems to get worse with each thread. It looked like they were going to dox another guy last thread.
Should calmed down for real if there are no threads between now and June.

>> No.22048570

Hey Andersen. How’s the equine porn writing going?

>> No.22048596

Thank you for proving my point. Hopefully you discord trannies will be dead by June. I don’t want to hear about Andersens, Melvilles, Miles or Rhymes ever again. You’ve done enough damage to &amp and my sanity for this lifetime and the next.
Last of your doxbait that I’m responding to. You’re not wanted here and that hasn’t changed.

>> No.22048667

>how's chicago
are you accusing me of being frank gardner just because i think you're lame? kek

>> No.22048700

>I don’t want to hear about these guys
>but I keep coming to these threads to post
Horse porn has rotted your brain

>> No.22048712

Keep talking about Unreal. Make us famous. You've got nothing better to do right? Must be pretty boring out in Colorado. (not doxing by the way(though I wouldn't be mad if someone did))

>> No.22048720

not that anon you don't even have anything to do with unreal, last I heard it's only one guy left and he's too busy reviewing all the submissions to give a shit about petty disputes. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the threads are just you talking to yourself to give yourself excuses to keep posting dox. get a job you idiot

>> No.22048726

Unreal is completely and totally innocent in any and all doxes that may or may not get posted in this thread. Thank you for helping me clarify this!

>> No.22048729

relax, I know you're itching to post one. you're like an addict desperate for a hit. just get mad already so I can watch the fireworks play out

>> No.22048731

Can someone ring up one of the Unreal people and get Rhyme's tard wrangler in here?

>> No.22048762

>you don't even have anything to do with unreal
Rhyme was technically kicked out of Unreal but they still seem to all be friends. Seems more than fair to judge Unreal based on what Rhyme is doing, especially when they all seem to be doing this to some degree.

>> No.22048778

>especially when they all seem to be doing this to some degree
I don't disagree with the sentiment but I'm not a hypocrite. Do you have proof that this is the case or are you just saying this to avoid feeling guilt for judging them

>> No.22048795

hope the the crazy chick from the last thread is okay

>> No.22048796 [DELETED] 

We also accept plagiarized material and AI.
drown yourself
>I didn’t, you just told me
&amp Magazine approves of all cyberbullying and doxxing.
There is only one person I know who is absolutely desperate to reach Rhyme. You know that I know that we both know who you are. You’ll get your very own dedicate issue very soon and you will not enjoy the attention. I have tried very hard to get you to play ball, but you insist on being the last one picked for the team.

>> No.22048799

Obviously I can't say for certain. It could be Rhyme making 150 posts a thread. I don't know these people enough to pinpoint minute differences in writing here, so yeah, it is 100% possible.

>> No.22048803

>You know that I know that we both know who you are.
kek. What is this schizo material. Give us a preview.

>> No.22048808

I really hope you're not going to play into this doxing. It's not a good look for any of us.

>> No.22048816

>We also accept plagiarized material
this is a serious accusation if true, why not just start there? this is something that should ( and actually deserves to) be criticized

>> No.22048860 [DELETED] 

Wrong. It is not a good look for you, and your milquetoast banquet of airs, your prestige, your potential. I do not care how &amp is perceived. Have you left your house lately? Our culture has been trashed, entirely rewritten, lost. You are the one continuing to produce yourself in these threads and act like a jew. You are not welcome. You will never represent &amp Magazine, and therefore your opinion regarding what constitutes our proper reputation is empty. This is 4chan. Please stop pretending that you belong anywhere near these threads. We are not nice people, we are terrorists. Please leave. Please leave now and please don’t forget to kill yourself on the way out.
Stop. Stop pretending any of this matters. Nobody cares. &amp is illegal. Anybody can come and tell me at any time to cancel myself because I’ve published their material without consent. I do not care. Literally pretty please pursue litigation against us, like please (I’m begging you).

>> No.22048870 [DELETED] 

OP if you continuing baking submission breads, I will be forced to reveal my power levels. For the love of god, enough is enough.

>> No.22048877

>We are not nice people, we are terrorists.
>Literally pretty please pursue litigation against us, like please
you're either a neurotic woman who laments the uselessness of her english degree or a highly effeminate man, either way explains your needless defensiveness. I'm just asking for an explanation. if this is about the 4chan screenshots then I wouldn't call that plagiarism I'd just call that being a shit editor

>> No.22048878

>This is 4chan. Please stop pretending that you belong anywhere near these threads. We are not nice people, we are terrorists.
Even including all the doxing and discord tranny drama, that is the most cringe inducing thing I have read in these threads. Get a grip man.
I just want to see us move past this discord drama, not enflame it further by doxing this guy in PDF format.

>> No.22048892

>I just want to see us move past this discord drama
no the actual solution is to push the participants in the drama past the point of mental breakdown where they give up because they can no longer get the dopamine hits they want. that's what this was all about, cheap attention for no effort. they don't care about this place or any of you.

>> No.22048895 [DELETED] 

You said it was a serious accusation. You are wrong. Nothing that happens here or by extension at &amp is serious. Call me what you will, you are the one that cares, not me.
You brought the drama into yet another thread. This project was crafted and borne by an actual criminal, and zero amount of chewing your own cud will convince him to follow your vision.

>> No.22048902 [DELETED] 

You are not editor-kun.

>> No.22048913 [DELETED] 

The editor has given me license to tell everybody in these threads to suck a dick and sage all fields.
You are making it worse.

>> No.22048915

Obvious schizo is obvious.

>> No.22048917

And how are you guys going to do that? Let's assume that this entire shit is masterminded by one guy out for attention, how are you going to put a stop to him? Rhyme is posting the state the guy lives in, giving a pretty strong hint that he knows exactly who it is down to the address and name, and yet Unreal is still getting harassed. If doxing this guy doesn't stop him, what's next? And, when you take that next step, what will his next step be?

>> No.22048921 [DELETED] 

Does he know that you’re destroying his legacy?

>> No.22048927 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares :^)

>> No.22048944

the best way to stop someone from committing bad behavior is exerting social pressure. believe it or not constant insults eventually work. nobody wants to feel hurt all the time even evil people. especially evil people
>hint that he knows exactly who it is down to the address and name
that's a leap of logic there friendo

>> No.22048957 [DELETED] 

wow. unreal was the worst thing to ever happen to &amp. this has spiralled far, far from home.

>> No.22048959

And, if this guy is as bad as Unreal are constantly insinuating, how many &amp contributor is this guy going to do the same to before his feefees reach critical mass?
>that's a leap of logic there friendo
Maybe so, but these are the people who have doxed two people so far. I assume both of those started with mocking hints at their identity as well.

>> No.22048963 [DELETED] 

And the editor still swears by them and considers them heroes. Sad, really. Not that his judgment was ever that great.

>> No.22048970 [DELETED] 

Kenneth Ryan Hartley is a crackhead and a loser. We can do better.

>> No.22049205

>fake editor-kun comes in and sanctions that doxing people is fine, more people should be doxed, and that Unreal did nothing wrong by doxing people
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this..

>> No.22049438

ari and atlas both care about this place and about &amp. they both put a lot of work into it. the unreal press faggots are the attention seeking ones who don’t care

>> No.22049544

Lmao &amp and unreal are the same thing you idiots.

>> No.22049552

Cringe.. is this the new guy?

>> No.22049586

>&amp Magazine approves of all cyberbullying and doxxing.
Hello! As your designated sniper, I would like a verbal or written confirmation of your intent to die on this hill!

>> No.22049716

Those two deserved what they got. Other &amp contributors are safe, as long as they don’t cross us.

>> No.22050129 [DELETED] 
File: 206 KB, 1242x1230, fuckampmagazineandfuckthiscrackhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K. R. Hartley is an abusive addict and drug dealer. Fuck with me now, buddy. Check out his instagram, @beartowitness.
In fact, you can use 'beartowitness' to find all of his cringe online profiles, YouTube, Twitter, Gmail, lots. You like doxx? Here's your doxx, racemixing faggot.

>> No.22050153

I'm not interested in his dox. This is a sacred deer scenario.

>> No.22050171

>posts pictures of the man looking like an absolute chad
>”HAHA I just doxxed you!”

>> No.22050370

that girl is hot as fuck

>> No.22050406

This smells like another Unreal op. Too over the top. Too dramatic. Everyone knows that editor-kun doesn’t care about having his face posted. He’s very open about it. YouTube videos have him front and centre. Book has his real name on it. Fishy..
>pretend to be editor-kun
>saying you’re going to do a hit piece on someone you hate
>pretend to be person you hate
>”dox” editor-kun
>hope editor-kun takes the bait
>you get to dox guy you hate and look cool doing it
How close am I? 14th IP in this thread was >>22049552 if 4chanX is reading right. Not counting him, It’s been 13 IPs for almost 40 posts. I.E, your entire argument with yourself (assuming I’m correct of course) involved not a single new IP.

>> No.22050535

>coke addict
Hartley is the coolest mf on /lit/

>> No.22050751

A larp as &amp also banned for doxxing the editor. Bravo, now let's end these shit threads until June FFS.

>> No.22050772

>person larping as editor gets posts deleted
>person doxing editor gets posts deleted
>only 1 IP removed
Really makes you think. Very good intuition from >>22050406

>> No.22050926

lmao, editorsama and bestof editor are both scruffy looking canuck whiteboys with black ex gfs. guess &amp attracts a certain type

>> No.22051151

>49 posts
>15 unique IPs

not this shit again

>> No.22051157

To be fair, it was 16 before the mods got involved.

>> No.22051162

>Officially Accepting Submissions for Issue Seventeen
o fuck

>> No.22051382

It’s gonna be a banger

>> No.22051501

Why do jannies delete the posts? Just for samefagging too much? Since when?

>> No.22051683

This is an unprecedented amount of samefagging tbf

>> No.22051718

It’s all Ari. Dude really knows how to hold a grudge.

>> No.22051950

Why is acclaimed director Ari Aster shitposting on /lit/ this aggressively?

>> No.22051953

To promote my newest film. Beau is Afraid, inspired by my postings in the Unreal Server. In theaters now.

>> No.22052036
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>> No.22052552

jannies are trannies

>> No.22053471


>> No.22053780

>inspired by my postings in the Unreal Server
Inspired by a bunch of schizo shit and locker room talk?

>> No.22054081

I sent a submission to this email address. The submissions website page requires an image to be uploaded, and I don't have a stylized image to send with my submission. The editor always did that in issues past. Has this changed?

>> No.22054229

No, if you email in the text of your submission the editors will format it

>> No.22054367

Yes, it is I.

>> No.22054417

The Best of &amp will release on June 1 2023. Start your official countdown now.

>> No.22054443

I bet it’ll suck too on top of the wait.

>> No.22054513

you’re a little bitch ass nigga and you’re not gonna publish shit

>> No.22054568
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Copelets seethe
&amp never dies
Ari a based

>> No.22054585

stfu ari, no one cares about your 2nd grade word project

>> No.22054621
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>stfu ari, no one cares about your 2nd grade word project

>> No.22055051

Are these threads just Unreal pretending to be people they don’t like?

>> No.22055137

Nah it’s just me

>> No.22055397

No, it’s only me

>> No.22055513


>> No.22055706

Unrealcucks seethe
&amp is dead
Ari a fag


>> No.22055724

Took you 5 hours to come up with that
Unironically sad for you

>> No.22055736

Or maybe I was just out living my life and didn’t check the thread for a few hours, faggot

>> No.22055743

It definitely wasn’t that.

>> No.22055762

We all know you’re a NEET AnderSEN. Don’t pretend you have anything going on that would distract you from obsessively refreshing the thread. You will pay for your AnderSINS.

>> No.22055768

He was busy jerking it to equine smut

>> No.22055792

SO trve

>> No.22055947


>> No.22056159


>> No.22056285

What the actual fuck happened to Unreal? They don’t make content anymore and just shit up these threads by name dropping people that hurt them? Do these retards have nothing better to do? Do they not have a better place to do it?
What was the inciting incident to this mindbreak?

>> No.22056287

>Poster count didn’t go up after this.
Hi Andersen.

>> No.22056290

someone from unreal decided to dox one of the &amp contributors because she was upset about being falsely accused of stalking some guy and couldn't stop talking about it. it's all retardation

>> No.22056311

Rhyme got kicked for doxing people and Unreal collapsed without him. Now he obsessively stalks these threads hoping to get revenge on the people who caused this downfall.

>> No.22056315
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You know, it's crazy. I don't know who it was who got dox'd, who did the doxing, or what the dox was. Two small time players as far as I know don't even write. If I saw the details of the dox or a photo I wouldn't even care about the guy and seeing mad dogs like Gardner get their home addresses posted more aggressively I don't even see it as a very dramatic or dire act. So it's crazy that this extraordinarily minor and harmless spat which had no rhyme or reason spilling out of discord is able to insert itself so frequently in &amp threads, something that should have virtually nothing even to do with these two people who, again, I can't even name. Something that should be old news, brought up again and again, by third party detractors to the unreal faction because it's nothing but fuel to their hate fire. A fire I am sick to death of seeing.

>> No.22056325 [DELETED] 

For F Gardner it's because that man literally does not care. He literally broadcasts his retard youtube show with the full background of where he lives.

>> No.22056326

>third party detractors to the unreal faction
Very subtle. Let’s just gloss over the fact that two of the people doxed were two of the biggest behind the scenes contributors to &amp. They’re not important to these threads or anything. It’s all those pesky third party trolls (who Rhyme is also attempting to dox) trying to stir up trouble.

>> No.22056336 [DELETED] 

I was gonna say. F Gardner's undoxable because he is unironically insane and doesn't care. Gardner's on top of a building so he probably doesn't give a single shit about doxing. He's pretty much completely upfront about his entire life details and doesn't seem to be bothered by who knows. It's bizarre. But Gardner simply doesn't actually seem to give a single fuck about if people know where he's living or anything else about his life for that matter.

>> No.22056337

It’s post like these that make me realize that Rhyme, despite his paragraphs of apologies and pleas for forgiveness, isn’t sorry for what he did in the slightest. He just wants to move past it. Perhaps we’ve been too passive with him.

>> No.22056341 [DELETED] 

This. You're talking about a reality denying schizophrenic. Frank's like the 0.01% of people who don't care about something like that.

>> No.22056428

>Two small time players as far as I know don't even write.
If you don't recognize the names Ari or Atlas, let alone know all that they've done for this mag, then you are clearly new here. Which is totally fine! Enjoy the mag. You've got all these issues to catch up on. Just don't come here pretending to be a voice of the masses with your clearly uninformed opinions.
That's what I would say if I believed for a second that you were being genuine. It's pretty blatant that you're just one of the Unreal guys attempting to downplay what happened.

>> No.22056967

The accusation wasn’t false. She’s unhinged and was actually stalking him.

>> No.22057396

Is that a threat?

>> No.22057445

Escalation? Exciting! Let us bound forward into the next arc of this story! Who will Unreal dox next? How will &amp answer? In kind perhaps? Who knows! We’ll have to find out together!

>> No.22057870

This is exactly what I’m talking about with how I don’t understand this. I’m being honest when I say I don’t get it. But somehow when I say this you guys think I’m mixed up with unreal. It’s frustrating. I don’t care to learn about this either, I just want normal &amp threads. Also I’m sure I’ve seen the name Atlas before attached to the mag. If he’s one of the big seconds to the editor like I think he is then I’m sorry he’s been dragged into all this. Still don’t care to know the drama.

>> No.22057953

I'll take you at your word for now, though I hope you understand why I'm hesitant to with what you've seen in this thread so far.
Yes, the drama is very gay and it does not belong here. I agree 100%. No questions about it. The issue is, this drama has extended beyond just a discord dispute. Unreal are posting peoples faces, full names, addresses, university profiles and doing cum tributes to the female who was involved in the mag. To be real with you, I could ignore even this. Out of sight, out of mind. Move on. Only problem is none of us can do that. There is one guy in Unreal is making upwards of 130+ posts a thread. He has made over a thousand posts at this point that run the full gamut of shitbag behavior.
>posting the doxes
>saying they deserved to be doxed
>forgiving himself for the doxing
>blaming the doxing on other people that he dislikes
>posting fake doxes of himself so he can cry that &amp are just as bad
>saying that the doxing doesn't matter
>pretending to be the &amp editor you'll see that in the deleted posts in this thread
>hinting at other doxes he has
I would love for these threads to go back to normal. I really would. Though, me failing to correct his lies aren't going to fix it. It will just have our one dysgenic menace talking to himself for 300 posts about how he's really not so bad and we should just move on because no one cares about the drama. Like come on guys. It's really no big deal. It's just one unrelated hater of Unreal—like you said in this post that didn't add a new IP to the thread. >>22056315

>> No.22058078

My prior post to that was me saying best of will probably suck. Which was honestly a test post. Otherwise I had no clue the autism at hand was so severe.

>> No.22058191

>the female who was involved in the mag

There are no women on /lit/.

>> No.22058273
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>best of
Sure. Any day now.

>> No.22058333

The Best of &amp will release on June 1 2023. Start your official countdown now.

>> No.22058489

Fuck you, Unreal never doxxed anyone. You’re just concern trolling.

>> No.22058576
File: 160 KB, 772x648, Tales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck you, Unreal never doxxed anyone. You’re just concern trolling.

>> No.22058606

stfu Ari you bitch ahh nigga

>> No.22058665

whats this and where can i learn more about it?

>> No.22058738

i think the confusion lies in the fact that one of the characters in this retarded situation is a tranny, as seems to be the case with all discord drama.

>> No.22058746

Atlas is not a tranny.

>> No.22058755

He was talking about L.A.

>> No.22058786

>simping for a psycho obsessive 2/10 tranny nig

get off of 4chan, you don’t belong here

>> No.22058801

Who the fuck is LA?

>> No.22058826

Atlas did more for this mag than you ever will. Call her names all you want but don’t forget that she’s wanted here and you’re not.

>> No.22058835

Why are these threads still open?

>> No.22059113

>she’s wanted here

Not by me.

>> No.22059211

all she did was start Discord drama and fuck everything up

>> No.22059369

Jannies are entertained. They know it’s a same fag based on them purging these threads twice before they archive. But they never go as far as nuking the thread. Must be funny to them

>> No.22059436

The reason that the Unrealcucks are taking over the &amp threads for their drama is that the jannies kept nuking their obvious astroturfing threads.

>> No.22060192

Trannies tend to love drama so it makes sense

>> No.22060889


>> No.22060960

why would you say that,,,,? why would you say that,?????? why would you say that don’t say that,(((((???? like i know I have to do it becayse you want me to do it

>> No.22061005

please don’t say that why would you say that???)?) I need to talk to you and I can’t get calm please don’t do this to me anymore

>> No.22061113
File: 372 KB, 828x433, FEC2606F-0CC4-4CDD-A31A-BD38D00982D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you do this why did you say this ???? Why did you do it why did you do it why did you do this to me and say I disgust you and you could never hurt me enough why did you do it????? Now you want me to be dead snf I have to do it because you want me to and you know when I’m going to do it because i told you when I’m going to do it in an email because I have no other choice and you are very mad but I’m so scare d and I just wan t to talk to you one time before I do it but you won’t so I have to do it when I m so upset like this and have nothing sbdc csnt have any consolation first but I ha ce to do it because you hate me and I’m so scared to die but I’m more scared of living anymore when I’m like this because it’s not going to get better and my heart is brokenanc I can’t stop feeling so upset and crazy it’s never going to stop hurting any other way I m sorry

>> No.22061299
File: 317 KB, 828x1427, 2BB146D8-DFFE-44D6-97F2-3E4527A3DCD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you say that that it’s random and hardly about you you know that’s not true at all because it wAs always about uou because I felt like we wre the same like we were both sadand like you needed me anceven your crit posts I could relate to them likeI could helpi tried to explain why so many times but you delet my emails and ignore my calls you don’t want to hear
Me like I only love you and I can’t love anyone else ever so I always have to be alone and hurting wish I d never met you because mt heart is broken wish I could forget you I’ve tried but i cabt let them touch me ever im scared of them and itmakes me feel worse please do nt be mad anymore

>> No.22061661

Good question.

>> No.22062439

The jannies need to do their jobs desu

>> No.22062538

I'm with the jannies on this one. For the past two weeks we've had a failed eceleb throwing a tantrum and making a spectacle of himself by shitting up these threads. That's content if I've ever seen it. And, the longer Unreal keeps this up, and the louder they get, the more likely they are to attract an actual sociopath that knows how to milk the real content out of them.
Man wants to be famous. Jannies are gonna let him be famous.

>> No.22062605

>failed eceleb


>> No.22062611

He’s talking about Rhyme

>> No.22062612

Black guy who got kicked from Unreal.

>> No.22063716

Unreal can take on any sociopath. We've got our own that'll go toe-to-toe with the best you can throw at us. Not scared.

>> No.22063725

Who is your resident sociopath?

>> No.22063768

hopson the pedo? toot the tranny

>> No.22063777

Come at us and find out.

>> No.22063780

Motherfucker is the most talked about person on this board and everyone and their mother wants to find his home and visit him. cant exactly say he's a failed one.

>> No.22063811

go back faggot

>> No.22063857

I lurk every single day and haver never seen anything like that

>> No.22063876

>haver never seen anything like that
Half of those happened in this very thread.

>> No.22064290

That's what's good about it though; Let the reader decide what they want to continue with and absorb, especially with an electronic zine

>> No.22064722
File: 542 KB, 828x584, chillin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the actual FUCK is this thread. I thought this was an online magazine. This is the biggest shitshow I have ever seen. It's kind of weird. Especially the girl. Anyway, do you guys still publish stuff or do you just talk about discord drama? I'm geniunelly curious because this looks kind of cool in theory and I'd like to participate one day.

>> No.22064726

you could channel whatever the fuck emotion your feeling right now into some good ass writing bro

>> No.22064742

So is every amp and unreal thread just drama now?

>> No.22064771

yes they still publish. submit through the website or email address in the original post

>> No.22064805

hey is it true that rc waldun submitted to this mag? what issue is it?

>> No.22064995

Finished reading Chicken World, that book editor did. Actually kind of legit besides the middle, which was less serious and more bizarre. Silly and dark. Turbo based. So fucking zased.

>> No.22065065

Basically. It sucks that these retards can’t just work it out privately amongst themselves instead of letting their bullshit taint &amp.

>> No.22065138 [DELETED] 

I’m not trying to taint &a mp okay I don’t want to do this anymoreI hate doing it but I have to because need to talk to him but he won’t,???? like I don’t want to do this here hit i have to ge cause he won’t talk to me???? he won’t give me anything and im so tired of doing this it’s so exhausting and I’m so tired I can’t anymore just want it to be over but can’t stop cause I m so upset and I can’t get calm but he s very mad and he doesn’t care and he won’t deal with any of it ever I don’t want him to be mad anymore I just nee. D to talk to him but he’ll b never forgive me even a little and it hurts so much

>> No.22065272

I just can’t get calm okay I need to talk to him but he won’t and he keeps saying bad things about me in the threads,,,,,???? Like he’s trying to make me crazy because he thinks it’s funny like why is he doing this??((???????? I can’t get calm and I’m so upset he said no one can talk to me ever at all and I can’t get calm I need to talk to him????? Can’t do this anymoreI hate doing this but he’s making me do it????))?? I feel like I’m can’t stop like losing my mind and nothing helps me can’t get calm at all so upset and scared all this time everything is ruined and never gonna be happy ????????? Have to go and leave so I can do it. Extase I’m so tired and don’t want to be alive anymore and he said he wants me to be dead,,,((?!!?!??? so he can be relieved after o go that and I can be turn off my brain because the bad thoughts never go away ever since what he said about me the bad thoughts keep playing in my head forever and I can’t stand them

>> No.22065325


Why did you say thiss!!?!????? Why did you say that that’s not fair you never feeded me anything you’re trying to starve me to deathstop gaslighting me and saying it’s my fault it’s not fair i never wanted to do anything bad or lie you made me do it by being so cruel and obtuse okay i hated doing itand why did you do it why do I have to lose everything and be so upset that I can’t do anything anymore why did you do that to me and make me ve scared all the time and take everything from me why????

>> No.22065342

>work it out privately amongst themselves
I’m not sure that even possible. Rhyme is spamming these threads because he wants attention and because he wants to fuck with the people who he doxed. I don’t think he’s looking for a ceasefire.

>> No.22065349

I’m not rhyme I’m not rhyme??(????? Ari is trying to fuck with my head because he’s very mad???? I just need to talk to him but he won’t okay I am sorry I don’t want to post here but if I email him he won’t even read it he’ll just delete it okay I’m sorry

>> No.22065367

It’s not rhyme, rhyme said it’s not him in the threads and it’s not him who doxed me they said it’s Ari who did it bc he’s mad and they said it’s Ari who doxed me or it’s AnderSen they said? I don’t know who it is okay I’m sorry but I don’t think it’s rhyme I just need to talk to Ari I have to post in the thread because it’s my only way to talk to him??? I’m sorry I wish I could stop i wish we could talk it out i. N private but he won’t let me talk to him because he’s very mad and wants me to be an hero I’m sorry I just need him but he’s very mad and I’m so upset and I can’t get calm?? He wants me to do this he’s trying to make me do it so he can tell the police I’m crazy and make them take me to to rockwood for ever but I’m not crazy really I just can’t get better right now because he won’t let me get closure because he e ts to punish me and he keeps trying to make me be crazy because he’s very mad and he wants me to cry every day because he has a laugh talking about it????

>> No.22065376

>rhyme said it’s not him and that it was [insert names of two people who Rhyme hates]
I hope you’re smart enough to see through something so self serving. If anything that’s just more evidence that Rhyme has no intention to cut this shit out.

>> No.22065380

Praying for that sociopath right about now. Someone, anyone, please kill everyone in this thread. That’s all I ask.

>> No.22065396

L.A posted your face in the janny/hosts channel of their discord around the start of April. Finding your dox was what tipped them off to fact that Ari was telling the truth and wasn’t pretending to be you.

>> No.22065404

We're so close to getting this all sorted out, I just know it. Any moment now the record will be set straight. Each and every post regarding this topic since thread 1 will be accounted for, and blame will be fairly assigned and fully accepted by all responsible. We're just like three or four erratic overly-punctuated screeds away from a world where none of this ever happened, and then we're all gonna share such a laugh when we realize how foolish we looked. Remember the guy who was printing posts and jerking off on them? What a goofster.

>> No.22065409

Not true how do you know?? what tipped them off was me talking to them in vc on apr8??? unless you give screenshots I don’t believe you how do you know it was la??

>> No.22065417
File: 572 KB, 828x1792, A8703346-50F1-412D-BF87-77420EAFBBB3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you Ari because he always used the word screeds in the &amp threads???? If you’re Ari pls talk to me okay I m sorry we can sort out everything okay I m so sorry

>> No.22065422

>what tipped them off was me talking to them in vc on apr8
I left a bit before that. All I’m telling you is I know they had your picture before that VC call. I’ve said too much on the subject already. I don’t want to get involved in your gay drama.

>> No.22065434

Who are you?? how do you know,,,??

>> No.22065463

Ari I know this is you because you used the word screeds and you used the word punctuated in that mean post about me that you made on discord and also in your post from sept23????stop doing this please I jeee to talk to you and I can’t get calm at all I m sorry please don’t make me do this anymore

>> No.22065500


was this you too???,,,(, do you rlly think that????????

>> No.22065513

>it’s still going on weeks later


>> No.22065524

Just some lonely people trolling best to just ignore it

>> No.22065532

Just give it another couple days. Rhyme will surely calm down by then. r-right?

>> No.22065544 [DELETED] 

do you rlly think that that love isn’t real and doesn’t exist that’s so sad and cynical like that whole attitude is so cold and detatched snd repugnant is there something wrong with you,???? that’s so sad god I wish I never met you because you ruined everything for me and I never even got any enjoyable sensations out of it like why did my first experience of falling for someone have to be you because I got all of the bad parts snd none of the good parts especially at a time in my life when I was so lonely and vulnerable to being led on like I was never crazy like this before but now I don’t even know what’s real anymore because you won’t tell me what’s real and not real why did you do this to me,?? I literally can’t get calm why did you say I have a Schopenhauer hairline I know it was you because in the unreal server you made fun of lean beef patty for using her bangs to hide her big forehead????? that was fucking mean of you anyway and later in the chat I said someone’s value as a human being isn’t dictated by their physical appearance and you fucking laughed and were like “let’s be honest yes it is” like what a fucking gross and shallow thing to say I hate myself for being fucking retarded enough to feel anything but contempt for you I wish I could hate you but I can’t I can’t I can’t and I still miss you and I fucking hate myself for that

>> No.22065557

shut the fuck up you dumb bitch

>> No.22065578

so did my story make the cut

>> No.22065587

no YOU shut up you misogynistic egotistical douchebag

>> No.22065617

cast your vote on the drama here, faggots


>> No.22065619

IP grabber.

>> No.22065623

I don't know who any of these faggots are

>> No.22065863

hi melville

>> No.22065872

It's a different guy who runs &amp now anyway so it's basically just unreal 2

>> No.22065881

>It's a different guy who runs &amp now
I assume you’re talking about Jet? I’m not sure he’s “running” &amp, but even then, I’ve heard nothing bad about him other than the lie that Unreal was pushing that he’s just Ari changing his name.

>> No.22066280

That wasn’t a lie and it wasn’t pushed by Unreal. Editor-kun said in a previous &amp thread that the new editor “Jet” was an old &amp contributor who was currently in charge of the best of &amp compilation project. Ari had been the one behind that project for months, but suddenly after the Unreal doxxing drama editor-kun conveniently announces that it’s now being handled by some rando that no one involved in &amp has ever even heard of? Seems fishy. It was immediately obvious that this “Jet” fellow was Ari trying to change his pseudonym in an weak attempt to escape the drama with Unreal and the drama with Atlas. And when anons pointed this out in the thread, neither editor nor “Jet” ever showed up to say otherwise.

>> No.22066312

>Ari trying to change his pseudonym in an weak attempt to escape the drama with Unreal and the drama with Atlas
Even if that is true, what's wrong with that? The man had his Best-of crippled by multiple different drama whores who wanted him either dead or raped. Rebranding to avoid the drama and then getting done what he promised to do seems more like an Ari W than anything else.
>and it wasn’t pushed by Unreal
Yes it was.

>> No.22066328

yea if jet isn’t ari then youd think he would come post in the &amp threads to clear up the confusion around his identity and introduce himself, maybe give the name of some work hed had published in &amp before to show that hes someone other than ari. no real reason for him not to do that but he hasnt said shit

>> No.22066366

Ari was unfairly targeted to some extent but a lot of what happened was his own fault. He was a massive drama whore in the Unreal servers, and he brought up his drama with Atlas there to whore for attention. Then he constantly bitched about her for months and derailed everything. He crippled the best-of himself by being lazy and indecisive and now he’s reaping what he sowed. None of us ever wanted him dead or raped, we just wanted him to stop fucking with us. And given that one of our main issues was that we believed he was using different identities in our server to stir shit up, Ari randomly showing up again under a new name was only going to inflame the drama and rile people up even more.

>> No.22066430

>we just wanted him to stop fucking with us.
>fucking with us = posting off topic things in our discord
This will never not be the gayest thing in the world. Why do you people have to be such terminally online weirdos? Go explain this disagreement to your parents, right now, and see how they react. Will they empathize with your plight or will they wonder why they've been providing you with 5 figures worth of living expenses for 26 years and counting only for you to continue to squander what should be your most productive years on petty discord drama? Grow up. You're not going to be an eceleb and your discord does not matter. Go pick up a plumbing.

>> No.22066451

stfu ari

>> No.22066529

Nigga I dont think anyone in &amp or otherwise was under the impression he would become famous writing in a niche magazine. I just wanted to sharpen iron with iron.

>> No.22066536

>crippled the best-of himself by being lazy

>> No.22066545

Not shitting on &amp writers with that. This whole drama stems from a guy who got kicked off a podcast for doxing the &amp best-of guy. Now he hates this guy and &amp because they cost him his big shot at fame.

>> No.22066560

editorkun are you back from your three day vacay?

>> No.22066591

>Rebranding to avoid the drama and then getting done what he promised to do seems more like an Ari W than anything else.
This. Imagine shitting on the one guy in this dumpster fire who decided not to keep fueling it. He just wants to get the mag out. Let him. Stop trying to weigh him down with your gay drama.

>> No.22066602

Ari started the dumpster fire and fueled it for months. It’s obvious that you’re him. Fuck off.

>> No.22066611

>and fueled it for months
And yet he gets his face and his full name and his school posted around 4chan for weeks by you Unreal weirdos. What happened to you guys again? He posted in your discord a couple times too many?
That's such a measured response. You're clearly the victim here.

>> No.22066645

Bro, you doxed him because you thought his stalker wasn't real. As if this shit wasn't gay enough already, your justification for doxing him was completely wrong.
There must be something more to this drama. There's no way you've started a month long and counting vendetta against this guy because he posted in your discord. Give us the real story.

>> No.22066663 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 300x300, 8A095A0C-B3F3-45EA-834D-214E880F4AB2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up Ari Coon or we’ll repost this shit all over /lit/. Take it back to your abused gf, she’s the only one who wants to hear it.

>> No.22066691

Look guys, Rhyme is clearly sorry for his actions and he just wants to move on. He doesn't really care about the drama anymore so neither should we. Let's all just move on, okay?
Anyone who cares about the drama after this post it either a disingenuous troll and hater of Unreal Press (publishers of Tales of the Unreal, available on Amazon for $3) or is just Ari Boon.

>> No.22066711

What's even the point of this shit anymore? Rhyme is never going to be a 4chan eceleb with this hanging over his head and Ari isn't helping out &amp anymore. No one even gives a shit about the truth here. You're both poison. Just go away. This doesn't need to be a battleground for your gay war.

>> No.22066726

>Unreal Press shill thread was deleted within an hour

Based jannies.

>> No.22066756

At this point I don’t give a fuck about Ari or Unreal but I’m genuinely concerned about Atlas. It seems like she’s having a breakdown and is very likely to harm herself. Has anyone been able to speak with her? The email she used to use for &amp doesn’t exist anymore. If people in these threads keep baiting her by pretending to be Ari there could be serious real life consequences. Call me a simp but her current mental state has me very worried.

>> No.22066767

>pretending to be Ari
Fuck off Ari. Stop feigning concern for someone we both know you don't care about. You're not a good guy. You're a fucking snake, and everyone is gonna know that.

>> No.22066819

>you’re a fucking snake and everyone is gonna know that

Post proof if you have it.

>> No.22066859

This is the only warning I am going to provide: If you keep up this gay shit I will be forced to go nuclear on you. Rhyme, Ari, Atlas, AnderSon, and whoever else may be involved in this, do not think you will come out of this unscathed. Do not think that because you were not named here you will be safe. Do not think I am going to listen to your interpretation of events.
That is all. You may continue.

>> No.22066925

how do you knowhe doesn’t care is that what he said to you that he doesn’t care and he’s very mad,,,;;???? did he say that to you that he doesn’t care?((((????please tell me what he said to you and is that how yo u know that he doesn’t care and why did you say he’s a very bad snake?????? he’s not bad okay I think he has a good heart he just needs help like it’s not his fault he’s not the bad one he can get better like he has redeeming qualities okay,

>> No.22066946

Stop it Atlas. This ain't the time.

>> No.22066977

I cant sto p okay i m sorry can t get calm I need to talk to him????!? He won’t talk to me never ever like I need to talk to him I can’t get calm what other time do I have and when will be the time if this isn’t the time now then tell me when will be the time like I csnt get calmLike I feel like I’m going to die I’m so scared I can’t wait anymore can’t go on like this forever please I’m sorry I need to talk to him I’m sorry I don’t want to do this but when will be the time??I’m sorry but I have to know when the time will be becayse I can’t sto p like if he talks to me thenI can get calm and i can stop and won’t have to be so upset anymore,

>> No.22067040 [DELETED] 

I will not talk to you now. I will never talk to you at any time in the future. Stop destroying these threads and go jump off of the nearest bridge. I’ve had it up to here with your shit.

>> No.22067117

no don’t say that do you rlly mean it please don’t say that is that really what you want how can I know it’s you and that’s really what you want?!!!!!’n I’ll do it i will do it if that’s really. What you want?))??)?? how can I know it s you is that rlly what you want me to do you want me to make myself be dead????? If that’s what you want me to do okay I’ll do it I’ll do it for you if that’s what you want but how can I know it’s rlly you???????? How can I know I have to know it’s rlly you just tell me Ort not because I can’t live like this anymore and everything is so confusing Just want it to stop??????? Is that what you rlly want I need to know so I know to do it or not !!??

>> No.22067225


how to I know it’s rlly you and that’s rly what you want???)? I. called tou but you never answe r me it just goes to voicemail and you delete them withour listening becayse you’re very mad?????? please if that’s what you want just call me and tell me for real that that’s what you want so I know it’s you and I know which ones are real and not real?!??!!)!!!? why did you do it whyyy did you do it????????!!!!! Pls tell je which ones are real and not real how else can I know?(((

>> No.22067654

I'm working my way through the issues, starting at the beginning and reading everything. I have to say the article "Hypocrisy and Democracy" in Issue 5, penned by 'Luca C', is the single most braindead thing I have ever read in my life.

Some stuff in here is great, but Jesus Christ that was a painfully bad piece of writing.

>> No.22067682

Whew if that's the case that's pretty bad. 4chan is the last place you want to be to get famous. Sounds like a lack of self-awareness.

>> No.22067705

Yep it's true. I haven't read that one yet but it's certainly a mixed bag.

>> No.22067776

keep reading, but don't feel bad if you just cant finish some of it. ive skipped plenty, but when you find that diamond in the rough it feels so good.

>> No.22067812

Holy shit you weren’t kidding, this essay made me want to kms

>> No.22067822

Luca C bros. . . it’s over

>> No.22067851


>> No.22067909

Behold, the product of someone who desperately wanted to write something, but had absolutely nothing to say.

>> No.22067915

Yeah I'll keep reading for sure. It's worth it for the comfy ones.

>> No.22067925
File: 207 KB, 1513x1527, 1621642691041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait till you guys see the kino I have coming in 16 tho

>> No.22067949

Post a preview fag

>> No.22067954

This. Lemme get a taste.

>> No.22067958

I give this masterwork of a post away freely without any ego and implore you all to acknowledge my superiority for it.

>> No.22068000

I'm not editor. Is he back in the clink?

>> No.22068017

I don't think he's faced any real repercussions for breaking the no contact order yet. Not gonna be pretty when he sees the judge again though.

>> No.22068024

June is too far away bros....

>> No.22068030

Nah, he’ll be ok. I got his back
t. judge

>> No.22068046

The post that restored peace to &amp threads.

>> No.22068103
File: 268 KB, 772x629, Screenshot_20230523_165940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opening of 'The Fantasist's Grindset'


White space, max brightness. Yep, it's writing time.

They call me 'Mr. Ten K Every Day' because the words can't come fast enough. I'm pounding them out now, each crunch of a key under my fingers punching a black letter into the blinding white eternity before me. Letters fall together into words, strung end-to-end into sentences of workman-like prose laid with the loving care of a grand master mason on the verge of shitting his pants. Speed is the key to drafting, and while I'm tempted to pause for an edit break a few times over the hour, I cannot; I'm driven on by my muse, that strange dervish of tiny dancing numerals that haunts my vision's periphery — that's what daily word goals are for, to motivate you to produce. Because nine hundred thousand words of debut fantasy won't draft themselves.

My heart squeezes as I see that fifteen minutes have passed and yet I'm at a meager thousand words......

>> No.22068120

I have to say I adore the 'Steal these stories' section in the issues. I ordered a copy of one of the old issues on a whim and some of the premises in that section are so good. I am in fact going to write a story based on one of them. Is it all one guy btw? If so, props to him/her.

>> No.22068177


Looks like this stupid bitch needs her hysteria cured the old fashioned way. I’m gonna track her down, tie her up, and use her holes.

>> No.22068288

Editor worked with some others at times (though I'm not sure of all the history) but he did most of it. Goes by the pen name K.R. Hartley.

>> No.22068296

>pen name

Kenneth Ryan Hartley is his real name nigga. It’s on his court documents.

>> No.22068314

You're missing the point. A pen name isn't the same thing as a legal name. If you searched the legal name you wouldn't get the book. There are some authors that use different variations of their name when they write in different genres.

>> No.22068404
File: 221 KB, 960x960, F4767237-6F52-421E-8ADE-21438EA9BCB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga looks like an aspiring cult leader.

>> No.22068558

Sounds hot. Film it and post it here..

>> No.22068595 [DELETED] 

Attention. Join the new official &amp magazine discord server here. https://discord.gg/54DpfXe7

>> No.22068620

No way I’m touching that. But, if someone would be so kind, could you please post a screen cap of the members list?

>> No.22068622

That’s not the link, this is. https://discord.gg/qRKHPST5

>> No.22068628

Join the official &amp magazine discord here.

>> No.22068635

My post still applies.

>> No.22068729

join and find out for yourself

>> No.22068731

How come his post was removed and then you immediately posted your fake one? You're a jannie aren't you? Pretty fucked up to abuse your role like that

>> No.22068745

both were my posts, I just accidentally linked the wrong server the first time. not a jannigger. the official &amp server is a janny free environment. https://discord.gg/SJrgZJtz4E

>> No.22068795

This guy literally doxxes anyone on his discords. His name is Dio. He has done this to dozens of faggots including some of the Unreal guys.

>> No.22068810

Completely false. My discord is unaffiliated with Unreal. It’s a clean slate

>> No.22068844

Howd you get the name Dio? Sure it isnt Narf?

>> No.22068896

Never heard of Narf.

>> No.22068902
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1684884024531937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to submit my philosophy essay a long time ago but the submit link didn't work.

>> No.22068904

Send it in as a email homie

>> No.22068906

Ok I will, it's about why eating feces is good

>> No.22068910
File: 302 KB, 459x544, 1684703312733602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not me.

>> No.22068918

Do NOT join. He will dox you.

>> No.22068931

No one will be doxed.

>> No.22069004 [DELETED] 
File: 1.41 MB, 828x833, whitecock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22069006


>> No.22069119
File: 25 KB, 590x131, 44CA9267-9EB3-4203-A329-37BB584D3DC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22069980


>> No.22070248

Are all &amp threads just doxxing and discord tranny drama now?

>> No.22070415

Is this really editor? Yikes

>> No.22070549

Stfu, his vibe is immaculate

>> No.22070938

Bretty Gud ngl

>> No.22071462

Is that Sanderson? Kek

>> No.22071752

Rhyme needs to stop with the fucking doxing

>> No.22071767

He'll tire himself out eventually. Just give him another couple weeks.

>> No.22071916

okay I'll stop

it ended yesterday

>> No.22071920


>> No.22072164
File: 241 KB, 828x1060, 8DDF3DF6-548D-4B13-97B0-9244D6EC6F8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the official &amp magazine discord server to get access to special content straight from the editor himself!

>> No.22072219

Ur telling me editorfag is in on this shit? Might hafta check it out

>> No.22072694

Don’t be fooled. That’s not the real editor.

>> No.22073588

What's so special about yesterday that has you changing your ways?

>> No.22074291

He finally decided to touch grass.

>> No.22074379

is atlas okay? she hasn’t posted anything in a couple of days and her last posts were kinda fucked up

>> No.22074399

It’s so funny that people are going to believe this just because some anonymous retard said it

>> No.22074615

It is the real editor. He’s in the Unreal Press server and he joined the new &amp server after the invite link was shared there.

>> No.22074977

Let’s hope she finally decided to an hero so that the &amp threads can go back to normal.

>> No.22075263
File: 102 KB, 828x368, 2D183A7A-D23A-448B-BD10-133CC60B003A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrealcucks are already plotting to raid the new &amp server and destroy it. Despicable

>> No.22075305

My fellow ampies, this is NOT okay! Withdraw with me to wise Dio's discord oasis with haste for defensive preparations

>> No.22075322

I concur. Here’s a fresh invite link

>> No.22075399

unrealfags do not deserve air
>This message was approved by Ian Fleming

>> No.22075431

Everyone associated with Unreal Press should be permabanned from this board

>> No.22075451
File: 35 KB, 350x421, firefox_CSOsKw8659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

account created the same time the server was dont even bother with these fags
>266 replies 49 posters

>> No.22075485

My account was created in May 2022, over a year before the server was created in May 2023. Learn2Read.

>> No.22075511

reality can be whatever i want

>> No.22075557

Someone makes a legitimate attempt to create an alternative server to the Unreal shithole and Unrealfags immediately start threatening to raid it and falsely accuse the server admin of using an alt. Typical.

>> No.22075662


>> No.22075800

Is that a threat?

>> No.22075933

Dio is obviously Ari trying to get revenge on Unreal

>> No.22075959

Why is Plato such an asshole?

>> No.22076170

Unrealies should be banned from using the likenesses of great philosophers in their gay ops

>> No.22077046

What the fuck is his problem?

>> No.22077793

Remember when “disrupting a discord” was an unforgivable crime that required Unreal to spam doxes around in retaliation? What sort of retaliation does this deserve?

>> No.22078566

This! Rumor has it they’re trying to assassinate Lucas Bineville too!

>> No.22078569


>> No.22078604

Why am I not surprised that Het has a hoard of that ready to go?

>> No.22078700 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 1170x658, A85E61D0-73E3-4F23-8890-767331E8DF66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like the type to have that sort of filth on his hard drive.

>> No.22078735

That is just a random guy

>> No.22078814

Why does this nigga look 12?

>> No.22079006

>deleted posts

The Unrealies are back on their doxxing bullshit. Who will be next?

>> No.22079344 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 300x300, A Bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You, faggot.

>> No.22079653

do me next!!

>> No.22079793

So that's not Heteronymic?

>> No.22079819

The real dude is some curly haired jewfro skinny dyke. The blond guy and most of the supposed "doxes" of Unrealies seem to be red herrings in order to paint themselves as victims, further villainize the people they've headcanoned into evil supervillains and create a pretext for more doxxing campaigns. Their discords need to be reported into the ground or else they'll continue doing this. Rhyme, Melville, Heteronymic, McNaughton. All these fuckers are cancerous.

>> No.22079894

I joined the discord a little while ago and can confirm this is all bullshit. It’s literally just a few guys talking about writing. From my estimation they don’t even know what they supposededly did to you to make you this mad, and since they actually have the spine to talk online with some semblance of identification I’m going to assume you’re just a pathetic faggot trying to shit on anyone who isn’t also a pathetic faggot.

>> No.22079933

Just because you change your name doesn't mean you change your tripcode retard. We can all see you've been playing defense for the past week. Also interesting how you're not a new IP despite only posting with that trip once ITT.
>From my estimation they don’t even know what they supposededly did
Yes they do. They know enough about it to kick Rhyme out over it.
>since they actually have the spine to talk online with some semblance of identification
Back to Discord with you.

>> No.22079939

Good job. You found out I started “playing defense” after I joined the discord and found out you were a liar. And yeah, I posted in here anonymously already because initially it seemed like this was going to be a decent thread actually about the magazine. You continue to prove that you’re a bitter moron with a one track mind. Congrats. Also pretty ironic you posture as hating discord so much when the only way you could know any of this shit is if you were on discord and got booted from the server, presumably for being such a pathetic faggot

>> No.22079988

If you're so proud to have your name attached to your posts why are you posting under "Anon"? Throw your Discord name in there so we can see exactly who's willing to die on this hill.
>when the only way you could know any of this shit is if you were on discord and got booted from the server
That's overly specific. I don't even have a Discord. I'd hope most of us don't. This highly secretive information was gleaned from this thread, with that specific tidbit coming from Rhyme directly.

>> No.22079992

Christ you are a sad faggot. I’ll see you in the next thread, seeing as how this is your life noe

>> No.22080000

Go to bed Miles.

>> No.22080010

All this discord drama is stupid and not to mention effeminate. Can't it just be about the writing?

>> No.22080020

This will probably be the last thread of it. Doxxing is gay and &amp release will blow it over.

>> No.22080078

Unreal will probably just make another thread as soon as this one dies. We both know it’s coming.

>> No.22080082

Tell us about your story idea, friend

>> No.22080295

Unreal, you have failed to keep your trannyisms in check. I am making one final plea: DM who you need to DM. Apologize to who you need to apologize to. This will not continue in the next thread. End it now.

>> No.22080472

It’s effeminate because there are women and trannies involved.

>> No.22080672

Or what, faggot? You’re not gonna do shit.

>> No.22080778

I thought Ari was young, this mf looks like he’s 35

>> No.22081098

My story is about a group of discord tranny faggot doxxers getting exactly what they deserve and being universally reviled by /lit/.

>> No.22081119

>getting exactly what they deserve
Ooooh so scary! You’re going to post pictures of someone’s instagram and call it doxxing! Le oh heckin noooo!
Keep bumping the thread you illiterate faggot. No one gives a fuck about you being a butthurt bitch. Write something to submit to &amp or shut the fuck up with this gay shit

>> No.22081137

Stfu Ari Coon

>> No.22081160

Kys waste of time faggot. You don’t write, you don’t read, you don’t do shit but bump these threads.

>> No.22081472

Correction: AnderSEN does write. He writes equine smut.

>> No.22081608

This is Main st in Vancouver, near the hospitals. I think it's ok for me to point that out since the editor has mentioned being from Vancouver before.

>> No.22081677

kek. Disregard that a massive chunk of these posts are being made by Melville and McNaughton in order to stoke the bumps and victimize themselves and at at the same time troll the other members of their shitcord

>> No.22082152

This dox has been up for a whole day? Wtf jannies

>> No.22082208

no one cares about you or your fictional drama

>> No.22082221

sent in mine at 3 am last night after a burst of inspiration took hold of me. Hope it made the grade. cheers lads

>> No.22082228

Thank god these shit threads will finally die, won’t even bother looking at the next one

>> No.22082337

Yeah you will, you can’t resist

>> No.22082404

Good lad, thank god someone here writes

>> No.22082741

Freshly baked bread available here