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2204869 No.2204869 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about retarded arguments and points people make sometimes, and how to prove them wrong with words.

I'll start. The "Calm down they're just pixels / words / objects when trying to settle a problem. It's what the object represents and its details that make it important, it's not the same as its simplified description. Use the way money is "just paper" as an example against them.

Requesting one for "If you don't like it, don't use it but let everyone else" (best example being cheat codes in video games). Something about remorse, lack of satisfaction and unfairness, but I've never managed to explain it in a short argument.

>> No.2204874
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Money isnt paper, it's cloth.

>> No.2204876

>Calm down they're just pixels / words / objects["] when trying to settle a problem.
never heard this before; example?

>If you don't like it, don't use it but let everyone else
if we're just talking about video games, then you're just being a bitter cunt. yeah, so they got to the ending more easily, go cry into your pillow, baby. not sure what else would qualify as an example.

>> No.2204880

> calm down it's just pixels

Not OP, but my guess would be buying gold in WoW.... "Calm down, it's just pixels, who cares if he buys gold / gear / etc"

>> No.2204881

>if you don't like it, don't read/watch it
often stated as a 'rebuttal' to criticism of really anything.

>> No.2204882


>never heard this before; example?

To use video games again as an example, when people fight or get annoyed over loot in a game like WoW, and one guy says "hurr they're just pixels".

>if we're just talking about video games, then you're just being a bitter cunt.

Not necessarily cheats, that was just the most accessible example to use.

Fast travel is a better one, if you know what I'm talking about. Someone that really wanted to get into an adventure/RPG would want no fast travel in a game. If there was, he could still just avoid it, but he'd feel like he wasn't playing the game the way it was supposed to be played, and he wouldn't get as much satisfaction from travelling for himself, as he could just skip it.

Another example is the "Skip level" button in some simple games. There isn't much motivation or potential satisfaction from completing a level when you could have just skipped it, more like remorse. People say you can just ignore it, but it's not as easy as that.

>> No.2204886

yeah man, you just need to get over yourself

>> No.2204888


>make thread to get help trying to explain something
>end up explaining it because people don't get me


Imagine you're looking forward to reading a mystery novel, and the author announces that he's recently decided to inform the reader of the culprit in the opening chapter. And you know this isn't going to work very well.

If you complained or criticized him, someone might just say "skip the opening chapter then", and while you could do that, you'd feel like you weren't reading the book the way it was supposed to be read.

>> No.2204891
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How about this one:

>You can't judge it until you've tried it.

I'm not in total disagreement about this one, I just hate how people apply it to anything.

>> No.2204892

>You think it's a shit book? Well it's not like you've written one yourself!

>> No.2204896

If a spoiler ruins a book, then it was a bad book in the first place.

>> No.2204899

Yeah, I hate that one.

I usually say something about how being human means we can make reasonable judgments about things that we haven't done or even seen through the magic of cognition. Like the fact that I don't have to put my hand on a burning stove to imagine that it would hurt and even to empathize with someone who was burned.

I'll throw out the one that bugs me:

>You shouldn't complain about X, because person/group Y was it worse.

Someone else will always have it worse. That doesn't mean you don't have it bad. I don't begrudge the guy that got his legs chopped off complaining, just because some other guy got his legs AND an arm chopped off.

>> No.2205171

>It doesn't seem as if you hate it, because you took the time to talk about it and talk about how you hate it :) ;P

>> No.2205230
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>Have you tried HIV?
Used this one couple times, felt good enough.

>> No.2205295

>>2204876 here

>Fast travel is a better one, if you know what I'm talking about. Someone that really wanted to get into an adventure/RPG would want no fast travel in a game. If there was, he could still just avoid it, but he'd feel like he wasn't playing the game the way it was supposed to be played, and he wouldn't get as much satisfaction from travelling for himself, as he could just skip it.

now i'm seeing a little better what you're saying, since i've played some RPGs but no MMOs. i understand the frustruation here. fast travel in oblivion, e.g., is basically the difference between beating the game in 40 hours, and beating it in 140 hours. i had a friend who, i noticed, was checking off quests and moving pretty quickly through the game, and his progress baffled me; it turned out, obviously, that he was using fast-travel. to me it seems like turning down the difficulty clicker for a particularly difficult boss battle. that said, i don't think there's a good argument against using these methods. the game is really a different experience depending on whether or not you fast-travel. you either spend the game shifting from one dialogue/plot sequence to another, without very much time in-between, save for mandatory dungeon crawls needed to unlock the next plot event; or you spend most of the game outdoors, traversing the landscape, with NPC interactions occurring only occasionally. what's more, travelling takes a long time in contemporary western RPGs, and if you care about your time, you have to plan differently. it's more akin to going on errands irl: when you have to visit two or three places, you need to plan an efficient path, to minimize backtracking and minimize travel time.

>> No.2205308

'There is no such thing as truth'
>Is that true?

'You don't like the book I wrote? Can you write better?'
>No, but then again, I also dont know how to construct a car engine. However, when one is up in flames, I can safely say something is wrong with it.

>Requesting one for "If you don't like it, don't use it but let everyone else" (best example being cheat codes in video games). Something about remorse, lack of satisfaction and unfairness, but I've never managed to explain it in a short argument.

Seriously, if you don't like it dont use it OP.

>> No.2205330


people who don't write and have no artistic vision can't properly add something useful to the discussion. the critic may be able to "point out" flaws or formulate himself in a memorable way but they're not as useful as someone who actually knows the craft

>> No.2205355

Just go really extreme. I think Quentin used the example
>Have you ever tried genocide? Well if you haven't tried it you can't judge.

>> No.2205371


I'm sorry but that just smacks of autism.

>> No.2205373

>We (your friends) are going to be there as well, so it will be fun!

After a while I started replying with
>Are you going to that shit eating party, everyone will eat shit there! We (your friends) are going to be there as well, so it will be fun!

>> No.2205411

Oh man, I have so many examples to put in here, but I can't remember them right now.

But yes, there are certain really dumb arguments that somehow gain currency in the population. Likewise, there are also common rebuttals that run their course in the population and thus become stale. The most worrying part is that people begin to expect these arguments, so they have responses drafted in their heads to counter them, whether or not the argument was actually valid. A common outcome of this scenario is, of course, a vitriolic mess of a debate.

The only way I know to defuse these arguments is to be sterile and non-combative in reply. Declare subjective aspects as subjective, and isolate known facts. Point out assumed premises in the assertions brought forth, address possible counter-arguments. Most of all, be gracious to the other side, for nothing makes a person more defensive than an attack on their convictions. And definitely keep ad hominem, swearing, and insult out of speech, for the aforementioned reason. If you do that, they'll become more reasonable by mimicry. No one wants to be the aggressor in the argument if they don't have to. That way, they'll be more receptive by what you have to say.

>> No.2205526

A lot of people who've written a book have no artistic vision can't properly add something useful to the discussion.
liek u