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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 602 KB, 1200x797, IMG_3298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22048635 No.22048635 [Reply] [Original]

Write something about this painting

>> No.22048698

whoring myself out with my queens, ha ha! #SpreadThoseLegsQueen #GoGirl

>> No.22048738 [DELETED] 

"Gee, my dick sure is small" thought anon as he selected IMG_3298 and clicked the Post button. "And I'm fucking gay, too. What a life!" he said aloud.

>> No.22048820

Botticelli draws attention to the central figure in a few ways. Firstly he places the figure's head at the point of highest contrast, dead center in the painting. The dark silhouetted leaves clearly frame the central figure's head and make it pop. Botticelli placed every other figures head in between areas of both dark and light and so they do not garner as much attention as the central figure.
Next, he uses directional lines to guide the viewer's eye across the painting. The leaning tree and figures on the right hand side of the painting both pull the viewers eye towards the central figure. They guide us to the fruit and the fruit bring us to the central figure. From there our eye is drawn to cupid, tactically placed just above the area of highest interest. Cupid aims his bow and guides our eye further down to the left of the painting, to the group of three figures. From there our eye is drawn to the figure cloaked in red, a vibrant hue that is echoed three times in this painting. First by the central figure, then by cupid and then by this figure on the far left. These three points of saturation form a triangle and serve to draw the eye to the most important parts of the painting. Back to the figure in red on the far left, he is pointing up, as are the group of three beside him, and so they guide the eye up towards the fruit and the fruit bring us back to central figure and cupid. This is how Botticelli invites our eye to go around and around this area for as long as we please.
Finally, the figure in the floral dress serves to stabilize the composition by bringing some more heft to the right side. The painting already leans to the left due to the four figures placed on that side and the strong directional lines created by the tree and leaning figures. The figure in the floral dress stands straight and upright against the force of the leaning figure and so it can be seen that she is literally and figuratively stabilizing the composition. Her attire also stands out as the detailed floral pattern on her dress sets her apart from all the other figures and the lack of red hue separates her from the central figure, the far left figure and cupid. Her gaze is also directed straight at the viewer just like the central figure so this raises her standing in the painting. And she is the figure closest to the central figure and he silhouette gently overlaps the red drapery of the central figure, this connects these two figures and elevates them above everyone else in the painting. All of this, coupled with her placement on the more spacious side of the composition seem to indicate that this is a figure that Botticelli wanted to stand out and at attention. Every other figure seems to guide the eye somewhere else whereas the central figure and the figure in the floral dress call attention to themselves and serve as stopping points or areas of interest. Botticelli wants the viewer to spend the majority of their time gazing at these two figures.

>> No.22048904


>> No.22049028

botticelli is a g

>> No.22049059

Her dress hid her pregnancy from the others, but not the gaze of the painter. He leaned back from the scene and considered each dainty littering the cloth draped about her frame. "Why the hell do they all have the same faces?" he moaned, before strangling a desire to ruin the piece with a pair of scissors already in his grip.
"Next time I'll make one of them black, that will help, now if only I could figure out how to paint feet properly," he set off again with a mumble, creases returning to his forehead in self-disdain.

>> No.22049085

not enough black disabled trans women in it

>> No.22049844

Books on Botticelli please! Thank you!

>> No.22049855

Aby Warburg, or simply read Angelo Poliziano.

>> No.22049859

Thank you again. Did no expect such a fast answer.

>> No.22049891

It is unfortunate indeed that the distended belly and micro teat was in vogue in Italy in those days, giving an altogether unhealthy appearance to the females in this painting; even more unfortunate that the quim of each lady is concealed from view as if to suggest venereal disease. Telling, of this, that the only male in the scene; a youth at that, is more interested in the vegetables, and that the cherubim, its face a picture of nausea, has covered its eyes before taking the shot.

>> No.22049955

speak ye not of cuthberts glaciered cherry, for yon speaketh ill of thine own.

>> No.22049963
File: 531 KB, 1055x1600, 17.Benozzo Gozzoli, Corteo dei Magi – Sigismondo a cavallo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome

>> No.22050373

chatgpt was great for my art history class

>> No.22050409

You remained ignorant, congratulations.

>> No.22050493

I asked it questions and it gave me answers just like a professor and I LEARNED

>> No.22050511

>I asked it questions and it gave me answers just like a professor and I LEARNED

Why do brainlets love AI when it does nothing special?

>> No.22050521

I tried asking it basic questions about philosophy and it got tons of shit wrong, I wouldn't trust a single thing it says. It kept saying things like Descartes was influenced by people I know for a fact he wasn't influenced by, or confidently stating something that I know for a fact is very controversial in the literature. When I told it this, it would go "Oh I'm sorry, you're right" and correct itself, but only after I said something. And it wouldn't give any explanation for why it made egregiously factually wrong statements.

It wasn't an issue of being too vague or general, it was saying factually wrong things as if they were uncontroversially and obviously true. Also, they were things a newbie to the topic wouldn't know to suspect, and because of the neutral Wikipedia tone, would be most likely to expect are true.

>> No.22050522

Skill is determined first by ability. Knowing how much can be accomplished and how to accomplish it.
The next level is confidence. Utilizing subject knowledge to invent or optimize the task.
The final level is commitment. Motivation to continue on with and integrate new ideas and concepts beyond the original parameters. This is often colloquially called "passion" or "talent".
The proficiency in a skill outlined above is a broad generalization and the exact attributes of these cases remains contingent on the subject being studied.

>> No.22050539

A brainlet take is that AI does nothing special

>> No.22050545

Oh, really? Doing what other humans have done previously is special? Where did you leave your brain, moron?

>> No.22050939

That post isn't AI. I guess I write like a robot.

>> No.22051335

Skip Warburg

>> No.22051338
File: 1.72 MB, 498x498, soy-soyjak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22051528

Is it just me or do the the spaces to the right and left of the central woman look like lungs? was this intentional?

>> No.22051556

Appearing naked before God taking a literal form where the viewer can literally see through materials & fabric.

>> No.22052774

Camel Teddy Bear Anon is in the house!
"Does this gossamer gown make me look fat?" Adele asked.
"No, your fat makes you look fat," retorted Beth.
"Stop arguing, you two," scolded Claudia. "We're here to help each other land husbands. That won't help if we start fighting among ourselves."
"That's right," chimed Princess Daria. "I formed this group to help you find love and get married. I'd do anything for my ladies-in-waiting."
"Some of us have been waiting a long time," groused Eleanor. "I finally had to cover my aging form in this flowery dress."
"Well, I've decided to sell my soul to an evil forest spirit in order to find love," admitted Florence.
"I have heard your pleadings," thundered Gretel, appearing out of nowhere. "I will now drag you back to Hell, so you can marry a low-level minion, and give birth to many cambions."
"No!" shrieked Florence. "I...wait, is he rich?"
"*And* tall, *and* devilishly handsome," gushed Gretel. "Certainly much better than any man on Earth who would have you, what with your distended belly and chunky thighs." She put her hands on her hips and glared. "Seriously, do you even yoga?"
"I..." Florence began, then hung her head. "No. I gave up on myself years ago. I can admit that now. I just stare out the window, pining, and stuff myself with dried fruit."
Gretel smiled. "Well, the heat in Hell is like a constant sauna! You'll literally watch the pounds *melt* away!"
Florence's eyes grew wide. "OK...*sold*! Let's go!"
Gretel grinned. "*That's* the spirit!"
Florence's brow furrowed. "Wait...I thought *you* were the spirit?"
"No," Gretel explained, "what I meant was...never mind. You'll be perfect for Hell. You're halfway there already."
"Do you hear that, ladies?" Florence sneered. "I'm *perfect*! And I'm blowing this minstrel party! Don't let the door swat your ample derrieres on the way out!"
With a flash of cold fire, Florence and Gretel disappeared, Gretel's cackle seeming to echo from the depths of an unseen cavern.

>> No.22052780

The rest looked forlornly in her direction. "Well, Florence made it," Claudia cried. "That gives me hope that we'll all get ourselves married off!"
"Well, what about you?" Adele asked, turning to the only man in the group.
"Don't look at me," warned Aethelbald. "I'm so gay, I sneeze glitter."
He looked down, over his comely form. "Isn't it obvious? I have no body hair, and my toes stick out of my boots. They're not even practical! If they're not fashionable, they're nothing! Seriously, did an A.I. draw them?"
"You don't look so gay to me," purred Beth, grabbing his crotch with her hand. She shrieked and withdrew her hand. "*What* the–?!"
Aethelbald smiled. "Oh, yeah. I'm also a eunuch. Not really a surprise, is it." He glared at Beth. "Do you think I could stand to be near any of you if I was intact? I'd have puked ages ago!"
"Ladies! Ladies!" interrupted Princess Daria. "We need to stay focused! And simping for the gelding faggot isn't helping!"
"Well," muttered Claudia, "neither is standing in this dark forest, all by ourselves, with no men around."
"This dark forest is just step one," explained Daria. "You all undoubtedly look better in the dark. Now, we just have to find a dark place where there are men."
"How about a gladiator bar?" suggested Eleanor.
Beth wrinkled her nose. "Ew. They smell like the devil."
"So," Adele followed, "tall, rich, handsome devils?"
"Oh..." cooed Claudia. "Hadn't thought of it that way before."
"Then let's make it so!" cheered Daria. "Off to the gladiator bar with us!"
Daria suddenly winced as disgusting, slimy brown matter fell over her head and splattered all over her person. She looked up angrily. "What was I thinking, bringing along a flying baby with no diaper?" she growled. "I must be mad."
Eleanor held back gagging. "Gross!"
Daria flung the poop from her in chunks. "You ladies go on without me," she announced. "I have to go home and clean up."

>> No.22052891

Oooh! Another image? You're too kind, anon.
"OK, fess up," Claudius boomed. "Who farted?"
"Don't look at me," Grisielda sniffed. "I haven't had a proper bowel movement in years."
"Well," Claudius steamed, "*something* around here smells horrible."
"It could be me," suggested Morgan. "After all, I'm the only swarthy fellow here."
Claudius shook his head. "No, that would more of an oily/salty smell." He wrinkled his nose. "This is more of a pungent, night-earth odor."
"Well," pointed out Lablattius, resplendent in his dark vest, "we *are* surrounded by horses. They're notorious for pooping right where they stand, with neither hindrance nor restraint."
"This seems different," surmised Claudius. "Almost as if the worst elements of horse dung and human excretion were somehow mixed together, multiplying their stench instead of merely adding to it."
"Oh," a voice called out from the back. "Maybe it's us."
"But why would..." Claudius began, then his eyes opened wide and his mouth hung open for a moment. "Wait...what the devil is going on back there?"
"Why, whatever do you mean?" replied Eqquius, his innocence clearly feigned.
"Your positions relative to the horses make no sense!" Claudius sputtered. "Are your torsos only six inches high? It doth confound me like a twelve-tiered wedding dress worn by my blushing bride!"
"Isn't it obvious?" Philip hinted, a sly smile on his face.
Claudius stood up in his stirrups and looked down on Eqquius, Philip, and his cohorts, then screamed most unbecomingly.
"You're not people!" he blubbered. "You're not horses! You're not even centaurs! What the devil *are* you?"
"We," Eqquius laughed, "are Siamese centaurs."
"That doesn't even make sense!" thundered Claudius. "How would a single zygote split into a human and a horse?"
"Maybe it's an episode of Bojack Horseman," Lablattius suggested.
"Perhaps this is a bad A.I.-generated image?" offered Morgan.
"No," Claudius concluded, "this is supposed to be a classic 15th century fresco. Long before A.I. or morbidly depressing Netflix series."
"Then what is it?" asked Grisielda, her voice trembling.
"And why is 'series' the plural of 'series'?" added Lablattius, his temper rising. "Was the creator of this language out back taking a whiz?"
Claudius pondered for a moment. "I believe I see the pattern here," he declared. "Maybe it's just crap. Some kid with rich parents used his connections to get this commission, cranked out some badly-proportioned nonsense, and thanks to the emperor's-new-clothes effect, no one is willing to point out how bad it is."
"So...we're just part of a bad painting?" whimpered Grisielda.
Claudius let out a long sigh. "Sure looks like it."
"Well, then," Grisielda affirmed, "we should break it up immediately. Ride away from here and never come back."
"Agreed!" they all shouted, scattering immediately, leaving behind a patch of ground besmirched with unspeakable filth.

>> No.22053503

The shitty proportions and poor draftsmanship remind me of the famous Ingres quote.

>> No.22053575

>my feet hurt

>> No.22054039

Who is the twink on the left?

>> No.22054750

Really? An entire board full of /lit/ posers, and no one else can write a simple story about an image?
How laughingly pathetic.

>> No.22054883


>> No.22054935

Oh, FFS...I DID.
What's your excuse for your complete lack of reading comprehension?

>> No.22054987

He composedly thought to himself 'billions of bipoc must be killed' as he layeth his eyes on thy painting.

>> No.22055358

Just trying to fit in.

>> No.22055421

Instead of trying to conform to the failed-crab bucket, why not transcend this pseud forum and actually write something?

>> No.22055432

it's almost bedtime

>> No.22055467

Not really though.

>> No.22055477

Mars, but probably also a self-portrait of Messer Botticelli.

>> No.22055490
File: 1.84 MB, 2656x2304, thetriumphofbacchusandariadne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22055720


>> No.22056195

Those stories took me less than half an hour to write, each.
You had plenty of time.

>> No.22056203

Do you not know what sleepiness is, Mr. Better-than-everyone?

>> No.22056705

So you've been sleepy all day?

>> No.22057034

It’s pretty

>> No.22057343

You are stupid.

>> No.22058777

And you are not a writer, nor will you ever be one.
Writing excuses doesn't count, either.

>> No.22059413
File: 155 KB, 500x420, ebony nibba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22059419

woe is me


>> No.22059421

the second lady (from left to right) is watching over the young dude, why is cupid pointing an arrow onto her if she´s already interested in him?

>> No.22059518

Cupid is throwing the arrow exactly because he noticed there is a potential interest towards Mars in her.

>> No.22059532

why is she attracted to him?

>> No.22059680

I'm sorry anons, I'm the retard who mentioned Mars, but it was a slip. The twink on the left is Mercury/Hermes.

That's a good question.

>> No.22059721

I wonder if that guy made fuck with all those grils

>> No.22059727

Michael Douglas is that you

>> No.22059760

They probably fucked him, it's different