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/lit/ - Literature

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22042021 No.22042021 [Reply] [Original]

Okay anons suggest me 5 books to buy. I'm fairly new to reading so not very difficult books. I might choose the most common books from the thread.

>> No.22042029

The Catcher In The Rye

>> No.22042030

Ham on rye

>> No.22042034

Moby Dick

>> No.22042041
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An American lit starter pack:
Novella: The Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway
Short stories: The Complete Stories of Flannery O'Connor
Poetry: Leaves of Grass (Original 1855 edition), Whitman
Novel: The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck
Non-fiction: A Sand County Almanac, Aldo Leopold

>> No.22042060

I've read this, I didn't like it

>> No.22042074
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any 5 from pic rel will do

>> No.22042079

ofcourse you dont...its not so good. Try Crime and Punishment (slice of life and crime with hint of romance), Animal Farm by Orwell (Politics) or you want something more straightforward? Like Robinson Cruso (basically Bear Grills). Little prince is a childrens book but its still very nice read. If you like fantasy, Lord Of The Rings. Count of Monte Cristo is a good but fairly long adventure book.

>> No.22042083

One Hundred Years of Solitude
>Verification not required.

>> No.22042087

most of these are just meme recs. I do have GR and lolita though

>> No.22042091

I have this. I am reading it currently

>> No.22042095

Holy fuck that's a lot of good books

>> No.22042096

The problem with this book is that no actual adolescent acts like the protagonist of this book. Inahine a story about an adolescent but no romance, no friends, poor grades...monologes and talking with literature professor (almost no adolescent would fo this, especially if thry have poor grades).... its like the kid has a soul of some middle sged man...oh wait, that is the case...

>> No.22042317

Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson

>> No.22042330

Start with the Greeks
>Verification not required

>> No.22042351

Just pick the meme books everyone recommend here so you can outgrow this place, pick your own books, and leave forever

>> No.22042469

Any Hemmingway
Any HG Wells/Jules Verne
Any Shirley Jackson
Any Bradbury
Any Donna Tartt

>> No.22042510

>Try Crime and Punishment (slice of life
not sure if just retarded or intentionally trying to be funny

>> No.22042533

Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway anon, it's short and it will stay with you,
if they don't have it, then its a crap bookstore, well wishes /lit/ anon

>> No.22042583
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Shadow and Claw
Sword and Citadel
The Urth of the New Sun
Litany of the Long Sun
Epiphany of the Long Sun

>> No.22042595

I am using simple talk. Guy is a starter. Let him read it without high philosophical aspirations. It's better like that. I dont want to scare him with ethics, existentialism, and redemption dilemma. Stripped fown, C&P is a reverse crime mystery with a bit of romance and a touching ending. This is how a normal person gets started with these kinds of stories. Its only later that they analyze motives and themes. Let the nicer premise draw him in. In short, yeah, my earlier comment can be seen as satirical, but it isn't entirely inaccurate. it's just very surface level, which people dont expect from domeone who read this book.

>> No.22042602

I slso should have added "no pun intended," but I would be lying, for that "slice of life"...but Raskolnikov isn't Dmitry Karamazov.....

>> No.22042617

>Sketches from a Hunter's Album - Turgenev
>Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky
>Anna Karenina - Tolstoy
>Fathers and Sons - Turgenev
>a collection of Tolstoy's novellas

take the russianpill, it's comfy.
other names to look out for are Liermontov, Chekhov, Gogol (absolute kino, grab anything) and Puchkin (same, especially the poetry)

>> No.22042652

I second Robinson Crusoe and LOTR. Both great for any level and worth coming back to.

>> No.22042678

>The Woman in the Dunes (Kobo Abe)
>Candide (Voltaire)
>How to Read Poetry Like a Professor (Foster)
>Leaves of Grass (Whitman)
>Not Wanted on the Voyage (Findley)
All good intros to lit.

>> No.22042690


>> No.22042699

It's accessible and it's hilarious.

>> No.22042711

not really.
voltaire writes in a very posterior-pained sort of mockery

>> No.22042720

Demons is pretty good too

>> No.22042727

>Fools have a habit of believing that everything written by a famous author is admirable. For my part I read only to please myself and like only what suits my taste.
It's based.

>> No.22042733

i just refrained from posting it since half the book is build-up and i've seen /lit/posters whine about it.
it's my favorite book, btw.

>> No.22042754

Hey, I read up until the night before the duel and then lost my copy (i.e. I got through the buildup and missed out on the payoff). I still remember most of it but do you know of any decent summaries? I picked up another copy last year and want a refresh instead of reading through the 200-250 pages again.

>> No.22042766

you could skin through most of that. it's more or less showing you the characters and the relations between them.

anything explaining it will probably spoil you, and i don't even know of such an explanation.

>> No.22042792

The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon
Dubliners by James Joyce
Chess by Stefan Zweig
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
The Trial by Franz Kafka

The bookshop should have them all. All are brilliant and accessible but hopefully give you a spread of styles so you can work out what you most enjoy

>> No.22042876

I saw a summary on Reddit but it was mostly just analysis instead of straight forward set dressing. I'm not a plotfag so I don't care about spoilers--the first 200-250 pages were fun but honestly not worth going through a second time without finishing the book. I'll keep looking--probably going to pick it up again around fall.

>> No.22042949
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I own 19 copies of Decline, and 27 various bibles and 3 of Uncle. I like to read. I also own an arsenal to arm a small, but regulated tribe in Africa, who DONT eat children. And an arsenal to regulate an army of men in the foothills of Appalachia. What do I read? I'm thinking about starting Harry Potter series?

>> No.22042951

Forgot to mention, Christ is King lol haha.

>> No.22042953

it's lame
read Philosophical Dictionary instead

>> No.22043029

It's great.

>> No.22043036


>> No.22043058

It's Pushkin. And he hardly has any prose, mostly poems

>> No.22043153

JRR Tolkien

>> No.22043211

you probably won't find it bu PLEASE read švejk

>> No.22043216

these and some three more rye books

>> No.22043239

ham on rye is one of best choices for someone who is new to reading

>> No.22043282

Need to be more specific about genre/non-fiction interests.

>not very difficult ...

>Emerson & Orwell essays
>Leaves of Grass, Whitman
>Don Quixote
>Kafka or Borges short stories

You'll get good rereading mileage from these, and there's nothing especially challenging about the prose. Enjoy.

>> No.22043592

What bookstore is this?

>> No.22043594

Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.22043601
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sorry to ruin your dream anon but it's not a real thing

>> No.22043625

I just thought it was funny as shit, I'd laugh if I saw that in a local bookstore. Shame on me for not recognizing photoshop.

>> No.22043631

it fooled me at first too, I don't blame you

>> No.22043703
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a little life.

>> No.22043730
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amazing, mid May rolls around and the catalog is absolutely flooded with complete newfags

>> No.22043758

at least they don't pictures of black men saved in their computers, right?

>> No.22044054

it's Пyшкин if you want to be pedantic.
still great stuff.

>> No.22044060
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wassa matta wyt boi, you got a problem with the first employed black virtual model?
©Cameron-James Wilson

>> No.22044066


>F. Gardner

>> No.22044141

A tie sits at the base of your neck, not the top. Obviously 2.

>> No.22044190

what's the verdict on Ten Little Niggers?

>> No.22045663

See the thing is I've read C&P and I do enjoy tint of philosophical themes here and there. I don't mind the topic complex but the writing. I am not really familiar with unreliable narrative with tons of different perspectives.

>> No.22046285

C&P has one of more normal narratives. Its easy to follow. Still, if you want even easier, try Robinson Cruso, ots a book about survival on an uninhabited island in the enlightenment period. If you want a good revenge plot, then try Count of Monte Cristo.

>> No.22046473

somehow more offensive

>> No.22046562

Animal Farm, 1984, Brave New World, Brave
New World Revisited, Fahrenheit 451

>> No.22047040
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>> No.22047067

What's the book above Dunces with the wavy pattern? I thought it was one of the Deleuze/Guattari books but its not

>> No.22047092

/lit/ homegrown

>> No.22047099

colleen hoover-- it ends with us
ducks newburyport
anna todd -- after
milk and honey
song of achilles

>> No.22047423

my friend tried getting into reading this year and he read these books because of how theyre supposed to be good and he got sick of reading and gave up. he thought 1984 was overrated, animal farm was meh, and quit 451 cus there wasnt shorter chapters.

>> No.22047451

>cus there wasnt shorter chapters.
porridgebrains actually

>> No.22047577

Cat's Cradle
Long Sun is more accessible than New Sun, I think.

>> No.22047608

Sure, Long Sun -> Short Sun -> New Sun is an acceptable reading order as well. I wonder what would my retrospective would be like if I read them in that order. Someone who hasn't read anything in the Solar Cycle, please do it and send me the report, thank you!
I just love this series so much! Splendid!

>> No.22047614

Lolita. Finished it last week, its pretty fucking funny, nabokov was a fully fledged genius

>> No.22048508

I knew the bible didn't count as reading

>> No.22048512

Im in the wrong thread disregard my retardation

>> No.22048851

at least post what you got

>> No.22048996

OP never delivers, newfag. It was just a story to make a thread.

>> No.22049012

"How to win friends and influence people"

Classic, easy to read, useful, entertaining ...

An excellent starter all around

>> No.22049051

There was an anon with idea that Kafka and Hashek would of met each other IRL

>> No.22049052
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>Crime and Punishment (Slice of Life)
>read three hundred pages of kiddie fiddling as a new reader

Some great books here but absolutely awful recs for getting someone into reading lol

Only based response thus far

Dogshit book

Jesus Christ

Raymond Carver and Lucia Berlin have some great short stories, easier to read than Joyce's Dubliners as well. Berlin's a personal all-time favourite.

Consider reading something fun too – nothing wrong with reading thrillers or fantasy if you're trying to work that reading muscle.
Fatherland by Robert Harris and The Spy Who Came In From The Cold by Le Carre are super fun thrillers that aren't completely braindead.

>> No.22049083

oh boy can't wait to go meet my favorite beetle

>> No.22049100

poor Photoshop skills

>> No.22049107


>> No.22049251


>> No.22050039
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To me it looks like the type of bread medieval peasants mixed their pigeon shit with for sustanence, but to each his own.

>> No.22050537

>Jesus Christ
You are seriously really new and need to take his suggestion.
It will help you the rest of your life.

>> No.22050946

Go to the manga section, then post this same question in /a/

>> No.22051032
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>suggest me 5 books

>> No.22051037
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>> No.22051044
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These three count as one.

>> No.22051048
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There are two more books in this series, which also count as one.

>> No.22051067
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And there's a whole bunch of these.

>> No.22051239

>read thrillers or fantasy
dont ever try to recommend me a book again you braindead idiot

>> No.22051325
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