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2204838 No.2204838 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't the Fellowship just mass produce missile projectories for Gondor and Rohan, seeing as Gandalf had the technology to make rockets for Bilbos birthday?

>> No.2204846

Because Tolkien was a better writer than you are

>> No.2204847

Because the Ring is a metaphor for industrialization.

>> No.2204855

No the ring is a metaphor for whatever you want as in. Something you desire or other people desire.

The orcs are a metaphor for industrialization.

>> No.2204867

they wanted to avoid a prolonged war of attrition, so they didn't devote attention to preparation for war

>> No.2204868

Because they didn't have Bruce Campbell.

>> No.2204885

I don't understand

>> No.2204946

Tolkien was just afraid of poor people

>> No.2204958
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>> No.2204964

they didn't have the skill at metallurgy required for that

also this (or, more specifically, the fact that tolkien was totes anti-modern and hated modernization and lord of the rings can definitely be read as supremely reactionary and opposed to industrialism and the inhuman way it was carried ouot)

the ring isn't a metaphor for anything, it's a symbol. one of the things it symbolizes, though, is the rapacious greed and lack of human sympathy that is a certain part of certain elements of modernity for tolkien. actually that statement is a little stronger than it probs sohuld be but w/e

>> No.2204976

Why didn't Sauron post guards at Mt. Doom? It would have cost him little - like the royal guards any king has - and it would guard the only possible way he could be defeated.

>> No.2205013

Why did Gandalf wait until the last possible moment to take the ring and start the fellowship when he suspected it was the One Ring the whole time?

>> No.2205018

why were the eagles a deus ex machina?

>> No.2205020

Why didn't the elves west of middle earth come and pwn everything?

>> No.2205021

Why did the benevolent god Eru Illuvitar allow evil to exist in the first place? why couldnt all of the valar working together destroy or incapacitate the ONE enemy valar? If the one enemy was as strong as all of the good ones put together why didnt he pick them off and kill the good guys one by one until he could overpower the rest and take control in the name of evil? Why didnt all the maiar work together to destroy sauron, as the might of all the original wizards must have been enough to.

>> No.2205027


firstly, they were not, it wasnt random out of nowhere. Deus ex machina is when you have a character completely not mentioned or appearing in a story come out of nowhere to save the day. not JUST save the hero but save the day. It would be if frodo sam and gollum were killed, the ring fell into the hands of the orcs, then suddently Jacobin the warrior comes, slaughters half the orc army, and tosses the ring into the volcano.

>> No.2205030

If the ring-wraiths can be chased away by fire, why don't they carry some water with them to put out flames?

>> No.2205032

why didn't they use eagles in the first place to rape everything?

>> No.2205033


water has weight
the fact that they dont have to eat or rest allows them to traverse the world quickly which is a boon to them, but carrying water would tire their horses and slow their movement

>> No.2205039


Sauron had dragon things that the ring wraiths road on. Maybe before they died the eagles were afraid of going into mordor for fear of being eaten.

If you want, i will re-read The Hobbit, LOTR, and all supplementary LOTR material over the course of the next 4 months and write you a paper explaining, in pornographic detail, why the eagles flying the ring to the volcano would have been impossible

>> No.2205041

by an insignificant amount, though.

Also, why doesn't Tom Bombadil slap everyone's shit.

>> No.2205042


you sound really well informed on this, you should post more about lotr and less about postmodernism

>> No.2205048


Bombabil could wear the ring as a cockring, to be sure, but afaik he has no power outside of that forest of his, never mind the fact that he did not give two shits about the problems of the Third Age (almost wrote Third World there, lol).

>> No.2205056

But not all the fell-beasts had died at the Battle of Pellenor fields.