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/lit/ - Literature

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22042874 No.22042874 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22042885

damn, this thread checks so many shitpost boxes it's almost impressive

>> No.22042908

Thanks. But Off topic

I think it’s because millenials want to be smart without doing the work and being an atheist at one point was like telling everyone you were a scientist and they believed in the sky fairy.

Pure vanity in other words

>> No.22043228

angsty kids, vaguely religious parents and authority figures. That's it really. Once kids started growing up with professed non-believers for parents it stopped being trendy.

>> No.22043231

I never did

>> No.22043251

I went to high school with a guy who loved Dawkins and his family was secular/atheist. He carried around the God Delusion with him and loved South Park. Not even a pseud, this shit somehow comes up short of pseudo intellectualism, it's more like pop culture contrarianism that thinks it's smart. You know none of those fuckers even read anything else. That guy was like a non-ugly Amazing Atheist.

>> No.22043266

Sounds like a Bible thumper in reverse.

>> No.22043273
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Because America Christians with their 50,000 denominations of idiocy are bereft of all sense, rationality and reason.

Atheism is stupid, sure, but so is protestantism.

Protestants for the most part barely even understand the bible - even though they love to memorize parts of it and recite them at every conversation.

They are completely obnoxious, ignorant and ungraceful in their attempts to show others how pious they are.

>> No.22043287

This. I have no idea about christianism, but it is a sure thing americans the great satans are terrible people.

>> No.22043312

I just like watching videos of people getting BTFOd and early 00s christians were easy targets. I'll watch anything IDGAF post links of verbal BTFOs RIGHT NOW!

>> No.22043344


There is a reason America is the country MOST full of religious cults and also spewing the MOST evil across the world...

It's not a coincidence.

>> No.22043365

I guess its because we grew up in a world that still assumed the existence of God as an undisputable fact of life. Yet, we were the first generation to notice that collective delusion fall apart. To many of us, the idea that there is no God was truly radical yet true. Nowadays things are different. Atheism is more mainstream.

>> No.22043421

New atheists were just Iraq war propaganda.

>> No.22043435

>religious cults
like scientism, progressivism

>> No.22043438

Because it aligns with their chosen lifestyles. hedonism, rejection of tradition, solipsism, narcissism selfishness etc.
kali yuga tings

>> No.22043445

>no u

>> No.22043453

Millenials drank less alc than their parents howthoughever

>> No.22043457

Timothy 3:1-5

>> No.22043486

The internet did it for me. Atheism made you feel cool and special.

>> No.22043497
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Why do christcucks not understand common sense?
Is that a lit topic? I can make a thread asking this now, right?

>> No.22043539

Nice bait

>> No.22043543

The god of the Bible doesn't exist with any significant likelihood though.

>> No.22043599

I feel Protestantism is too broad. We’re talking about mainline evangelicals. Is such heresy at this point idk what to think of it

>> No.22043605

Almost evryone here is obsessed with philosophy and has a higher education level with logic.

Atheism is not logical is the problem. It’s really weak.

>> No.22043613


I hate nu-atheists so much. Hitchins is the ultimate archetype.
Total jew brain, shilling Jewish political aims without even being aware.

But his accent and vocabulary cover up a very weak understanding of the world and the topic he’s discussing. He typically deals in snark and moral outrage all with rhetorical ability.

In reality a chain smoking walking vanity obsessed moron.

>> No.22043620

you sure are mad

>> No.22043627

Harris is a trust fund hack.

>> No.22043635

It's pretty logical. Not weak at all. At best you can just say you're agnostic, but it's usually theists making these idiot threads.

It's still not lit related. And the Bible should be banned from here

>> No.22043639
File: 16 KB, 324x500, B0C2SD1JZM.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_SX500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote a book about the problem of evil. If you are Christian and familiar with the Bible you should buy it. All of the money used will help support my local ministry of preaching the gospel and teaching the bible

>> No.22043640

Might want to address The Problem of Getting Some Pussy first.

>> No.22043651

Can you show that atheism is not logical by providing an argument?

>> No.22043653

Read Plato then kill your self

>> No.22043661

>dude your table has a perfect table blueprint in heaven
yeah nah

>> No.22043667

I was surprised he wasn't gay.

>> No.22043804
File: 45 KB, 474x628, IMG_2899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Scientific naturalism is the only source of truth
2. 1 is not a scientific claim

Conclusion: scientific naturalism is self refuting

>> No.22043841

You’re not special

>> No.22043853

Thanks for critiquing a singular variant of atheistic thought, that is also a specific version of naturalism.

>> No.22043900

You just "refuted" religion though.

>> No.22043907


And which version of atheism were you claiming to be apart of?
I do appreciate you recognizing the Knock down blow against scientific naturalism that this is though.
How so?

>> No.22043910

>How so?
Scientific naturalism is only to be discarded if you agree with the idea that it must be a scientific claim to be true. And you don't, because you base your life around values other than science.

Basically, you don't get to call something self refuting unless the quality of the refutation satisfies YOUR standards.

>> No.22043933
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Combine this sentiment with George Bush, the Iraq war, and the dying gasps of the utterly bankrupt “religious” right fusionist Ronald Reagan boomer conservatism and you understand why new atheism caught on. There is a strain of American Evangelical Christianity that is so retarded and disgusting that I totally get why so many millennials went the other extreme and became Söy faggatron 9000s. None Americans will never understand what it was like to live in the literal idiocracy of the early 2000’s.
A country where people seriously argued that we should teach in schools that the Earth is 6,000 years old and evolution is fake because monkeys exist. American Evangelicals are just as insufferably stupid, moralistic and closed minded as the woke blue hairs the only difference is they are basically powerless now thank God.

>> No.22043969
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because the defense department implemented atheism as part of counter-revolutionary strategy

>> No.22043996

I don’t follow. I’m not a scientific naturalist or a naturalist. I don’t believe science is the only source of truth. I’m willing to accept revelation and believe the world is rational and believe we can know much more a priori than we currently know. I think materialism is false.

I don’t think scientific naturalism is the only source of truth.

But a large group of nu-atheists do believe this (or think they do when challenged). And once you accept that there are other sources of truth outside of science you’ve let a lot more in the door than just numbers

>> No.22044021

>I don’t follow.
Yeah you do.

>> No.22044038
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The bourgiouse will bourgiouse. Yesterday it was American Christianity. A disgusting bizarre religion in which Christ is asked for favors, the Bible is nor understood, weekly meetings are held, but little of the ethics or values matter.

Catholicism in its universal days had its sad moments too. The pope framed the Templar’s of praying to Satan and tortured the upper brass until they confessed and then stole their land and possessions. Simony. Etc etc.

But yesterday the bourgious were dressing up as Christians. Now they dress up as lgbtqps.

On the one hand there is hole the current madness will go away like the 90s Christian moms, like the Hippys, etc etc.

The baby boomers just came, sucked up wealth, and destroyed culture. It’s wild.

Also, side note. The earth could be 4 days old Cartesian demon created. I don’t get why everyone was so up in arms about it. Augustine in 300 ad said genesis wasn’t literal. Bourgeoisie just doing it’s thing.

Does make one appreciate the low tolerance of heresy of the Middle Ages though. Require people to think right. Let the academics argue for change in policy via councils.

Luther got that wrong. The laypeople are Retarded and shoudlnt get an equal voice on some things

>> No.22044046

My argument shows claim 1 is false. And that means there are other sources of knowledge.

But a scientific naturalist *does* believe science is the only source of truth. Which is a fallacious idea that refutes itself.

>> No.22044053

Refutes it for them (going along with your logic here), doesn't refute it for you. You'd have to find another way to discard it.

>> No.22044081

Not that anon but scientific naturalism is not consistent meanwhile revelation is.

>> No.22044086


>> No.22044408

I thought we went to the same school until I read "non-ugly"

>> No.22044453

Why do zoomers love christlarping so much?

>> No.22044460

>But a scientific naturalist *does* believe science is the only source of truth. Which is a fallacious idea that refutes itself.

Which is also a mirror version of how religious people view the world. I guess you two aren't so different after all

>> No.22044463

Atheism got too mainstream, so the new edgy thing is retvvvvrning to tradition.
Tale as old as time.

>> No.22044506

Also nta, but are you retarded?

>> No.22044509

not an argument

>> No.22044631

because they were teenagers at some point and back then it was edgy

>> No.22044700

Is this board exclusively clueless zoomers now?

I scanned the thread and only one guy had any inkling of the simple facts of the matter.

You know how the Left Wing has the reputation of no fun allowed and everything is forbidden because it's politically incorrect?

That's what the (Christian) Right Wing was 20+ years ago. They called Pokemon and Yugioh and Dungeons and Dragons Satanic and many of them forbid their children from engaging with it. They used the Bible as the foundation of secular law and policy-making, at least when it came to social issues, while also being two-faced about it when it came to matters that inconvenienced those in authority: e.g., gay marriage bad war good.

New Atheism was a reaction against then contemporary excesses of conservative religiousity. It was necessary to plumb the depths of anti-religious arguments in order to kill the imminent threats toward freedom (and life, extending this further to arguments against islam and by extension jihadism).

You all who are confused simply have little idea what it was like to grow up in a world like that. You take for granted what was won by these very battles and focus on what was supposedly loss: some ethical values and standards of conduct, which already were being ignored behind closed doors. Pointing out "Christian" hypocrisy is over 400 years old. There is hardly any point in laymen's history to be pinpointed where Christianity was practiced purely; and going back to the very source, there are plenty of doubts to be cast upon the foundation's legitimacy.

In summary, new atheism arose for the same reasons neo-fascism arose later.

>> No.22044723

Terrible post, not only are you completely retarded but you act as if you're smart too.

>> No.22044748

You are most probably an underage retard. Stop lying here and to yourself. You did not grow up in that world.

>> No.22044753

Yes, that and protestantism.

>> No.22044777


This reads like an insecure Christian wrote it.

>> No.22044780
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If this aired today there'd be vaporwave edits with gay captions like "resist evil".

>> No.22044782
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A better question is why are Christians so offended and threatened by disbelief

>> No.22044806

Is this one of those threads where anxious, frustrated Christians look for any explanation for the decline in believers, except for "they found out it wasn't true"?

>> No.22044835

Not him but I'm old enough to remember. I was a liberal and all that. Realized it's bullshit and was always bullshit.
Another thing, to understand religion you need to have had religious experiences. Without it you can't make sense of it, it all just sounds like abstractions or sentiment. So you see there is an unbridgeable gap between the two worldviews because the one simply cannot understand the other.
Final thing I'll say is liberals underestimate the prevalence of psyops. No "movement" is organic, especially not those whose figureheads are journalist warhawks and Ivy Leaguers/Oxbridge alumni.

>> No.22044859

>So you see there is an unbridgeable gap between the two worldviews because the one simply cannot understand the other.


>> No.22044938
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>A better question is why are Christians so offended and threatened by disbelief
Because it's a universal religion instead of a particular tribal religion so it has to be universal and perfect with no flaws otherwise God would just be a tribal god, a Super Saiyan, or a made-up thing by humans.

>> No.22045178

A better question is why do atheists only talk about Christianity, like it's the only religion in the world.
This thread proves yet again that atheism is just hatred of Christianity and nothing more.

>> No.22045258

Can you share about your religious experience please?

>> No.22045333

Most analytic philosophers aren't theists.

>> No.22045349

Because it has been the dominant religion in the west for a long long time and it has dictated a lot

>> No.22045352

You are retarded. You don't even have to read, just go to YouTube and search something like Hitchens on Islam. Hitchens told a rabbi to his face that circumcision was evil too.

>> No.22045995

1. Atheism is intellectually bankrupt and indefensible;
2. Agnosticism is not an intellectual position so there's nothing to discuss;
3. Christianity is the most solid, coherent, and flexible intellectual position that exists.

If you disagree with any of these points you haven't read enough, haven't thought hard enough, and you have no business talking serious topics.

>> No.22046003

well I'm convinced

(Convinced that you being a Christian and not a Muslim or whatever is entirely based on where you randomly happened to be born, that is).

>> No.22046015

They grew up in a period where American Evangelicals were an actual political force despite peddling some legit trans-tier retarded shit, coupled with 9/11 and Muslim terror attacks happening in the West. Add in a healthy dose of fuck you dad, internet memes and a need to affect intellectual superiority and you've got a cheap and easy answer to the world's problems, blaming religion.

>> No.22046021

>and you've got a cheap and easy answer to the world's problems
This is religion thoughever.

>> No.22046026

>Almost evryone here is obsessed with philosophy and has a higher education level with logic.
You are an idiot if you think this. 90% of the visitors here just care about bending philosophy and literature to their /pol/tarded ideology.

>> No.22046029


>> No.22046101
File: 343 KB, 702x392, 1657558215875552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's mid May, board is flooded with wet behind the ears summerfags that self-selected this board for many of the same reasons this thread is about

myb a summer general would be prudent

and yeah fedoras were cringe but Utah is still a state and I still see tourism ads on TV to visit the creationist Ark museum so

>> No.22046148

The only thing that you truly "believe" in is your own self-assured arrogance. You use your religion as a tool to elevate yourself over others, as you have demonstrated.

>> No.22046150

hitchens supported the iraq war and now he's being tortured in hell for his sins

>> No.22046208

>randomly born

Kek, brother that statement has more voodoo and magical baggage with it than anything any Christian has ever said.
Stupid faggot

>> No.22046213

History is /pol/ and most philosophy was written 60 years ago. You think Plato was a neo liberal who wanted mass migration to Athens?

Or do you think you’re a fucking retard ?

>> No.22046266

Of course you're one of the postmodern neofascists.
I'm not a Greek worshiper, or a Roman worshiper, or a worshiper of any other group of men.

>> No.22046284

It was a time where we all had freedom to speak our minds without judgement. Or reprisals. From government, religion, or private citizens. That no longer exists. Looking back, we millennials had it really good when it comes to free speech. Zoomers and those that come after will never know what it's like to be free of social media, cancel culture, government monitoring the internet, etc. Although I'll hand it to the religious, they haven't changed too much and still mostly tolerate dissent. Well, they do so far. But new atheism was just another way to explore another view of our place in the world. Arguments may have been right, may have been wrong, but the point was that we COULD have the arguments and so we did.

>> No.22046329

This is historical revisionism. Your kind has always been banned over and over again all over the internet for your hateful and disruptive behavior.

>> No.22046414

Tf where you get this?

>> No.22046442

>3. Christianity is the most solid, coherent, and flexible intellectual position that exists.
>1 is actually 3, also if you don't accept that some dude died on a cross to pay a debt because a ribwoman was convinced by a talking snake to eat an apple, your ghost will fry forever

People actually died over this shit

>> No.22046450


>> No.22046459

How so? The chain of events that led to your creation were not (in my contention) likely "written" by any sort of creator (Now that I think about it, wouldn't we be random chance even with God? After all, if humans have free will, he isn't directly creating you and me, this far down the free will chain of events that is the human race).

>> No.22046612

Yep. It's an intelligence LARP.

>> No.22046618

>no you're the larper
This is really all christcucks have isn't it. SAD!

>> No.22046627

You are the product of your genetics directly so you can’t have been born in Africa or in 1339 AD. Your soul wasn’t inserted into a body at random by the great soul machine in the sky.
You aren’t equal to any man biologically and you woidont be you if you weren’t you.

>> No.22046632

OP said it near the top of the thread so literally no you, retard.

>> No.22046638

I don’t think i did, though I occaisonly shit post that at someone If they ad hom

>> No.22046643

>pretending not to know the tradlarp meme
Concession status: accepted.

>> No.22046646

>3. Christianity is the most solid, coherent, and flexible intellectual position that exists.

It is a very obvious matured end times cult. This is like someone in Amway declaring it the wisest investment and most sustainable business model. Of course they think that. They were conditioned to, by Amway.

>> No.22046648

Not a refutation frfr.

>> No.22046650
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>atheists are titans of intellect
>[but expect you to be impressed they don't believe in Santa]
>atheists stand for free-thinking
>[but demand you adhere to Scientism]
>atheists are champions of reason
>[but have strong opinions about things of which they're uneducated]
>atheists are anti-dogmatic
>[but insist you interpret scripture only according to their ideas of it]
Atheism is an intellectual LARP that retards indoctrinate themselves into. Being an atheist is ridiculously easy; their main weakpoint is their unearned pride and if you poke at their (entirely self-perceived) intelligence they become reactive and break down. Reminder that the legacy of New Atheism is pic-related: homosexual rape/cuck furry fetish cartoons. Kek.

>> No.22046653

didn't read

kek, based

>> No.22046662

What he said (but less cringy so without the fedora tip): >>22046643

>> No.22046663


I'm sorry you were humiliated when you learned the religion you were raised in is false. Taking it out on the people who helped you reach that conclusion is not a healthy means of coping with deconstruction however.

>> No.22046668

I already accepted your concession though.

>> No.22046672
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Why do atheists lack any sense of self-awareness? It's almost admirable.

>> No.22046678


Ironically, projection is what you're doing. You just keep proving me right. You felt dumb about your prior beliefs. Invert that, and you get "atheists are arrogant/pretentious". Which still is unrelated to the credibility of Christianity's foundational claims.

>> No.22046679
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>> No.22046684

Holy shit you're pathetic. I wasn't raised religious hence you're projecting, retard. Simple as.

>> No.22046692
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Sure you weren't.


le ebic hatjoke

>> No.22046700

Stop being so cringe.

>> No.22046704
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Shhh, have a nice soothing potato

>> No.22046706
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An enemy that numbers time in millennia with a cultural basis that goes back to preliterate man and symbolism rooted in primordial homonids appears!
>[(You)--Choose your fighter]!
a) Richard Dawkins: rat-faced evolutionary biologist who popularized the word meme (secret weapon: Scientism; weakness: Kafka)
b) Sam Harris: midwit who solved the problem of induction (secret weapon: meditiation; weakness: complex thought)
c) Christopher Hitchens: reformed commie/former fag with great talent for rhetoric (secret weapon: alcoholic snark (aka Hitchslap); weakness: Neoconservatism)
d) Daniel Dennett: bargin bin philosopher whose focus is rooted in topics prevalent to Saturday morning philosophy (secret weapon: broad and topical (aka Reddit appeal); weakness: phenomenology)
[Counter attack: nuance. Enemy isn't 4. Attack is ineffective.]
[Counter attack: nuance. Myth is meaningful and some narratives are more meaningful than others. Attack is ineffective.]
>(You) choose: SCIENCE THOUGH!
[Counter attack: nuance. Enemy knows history of science and its complex relationship and continuing interplay with religion. Attack is ineffective.]
>(You) choose: FEDORA TIP!
[Counter attack: enemy is laughing.]
>(You) choose: NO YOU!
[Counter attack: enemy is laughing.]
>[(You) have fainted.]

>> No.22046714

>can't stop being cringe
Maybe if you developed a personality instead of relying on defensive snark or read a book instead of taking the short-cut LARP that is internet atheism you could think of something to say.

>> No.22046715


That's a long way to tell us you have autism, friend

>> No.22046718

>taking joke literally
No you.

>> No.22046719
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Haha oh no, a nobody and a nothing has a negative view of me

>> No.22046721
File: 310 KB, 535x432, dawek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>atheists are titans of intellect
>[but expect you to be impressed they don't believe in Santa]
>atheists stand for free-thinking
>[but demand you adhere to Scientism]
>atheists are champions of reason
>[but have strong opinions about things of which they're uneducated]
>atheists are anti-dogmatic
>[but insist you interpret scripture only according to their ideas of it]
Yeah, I know it hurts you anon.

>> No.22046726
File: 460 KB, 521x680, christcuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is it important to you to hurt atheists, because atheists have hurt you? There are more mature ways to deal with that, you know.

>> No.22046737

All this back and forth argumentation on this thread but still not a single dent on the fact that God doesn't exist and atheism is right.

>> No.22046739
File: 218 KB, 656x2536, pg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more projection
Let's check in and see what the New Atheism movment is up to...

>> No.22046740
File: 53 KB, 524x655, christcuck2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Christcucks seething in public, but also privately to their Jesus tulpa

>> No.22046745
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>> No.22046746

Why do you think millenials love nu-atheism

>> No.22046752

I think they believe your immortal soul will be punished with eternal torment and don’t want to see it happen

>> No.22046755
File: 90 KB, 1695x428, rd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Richard Dawkins
Kek. Want me to post the tweet where he's filtered by Kafka next?

>> No.22046756


>russell fags aren’t theist

I prefer it stays that way desu. Hate Reddit types and they’d ruin christianity

>> No.22046761
File: 846 KB, 710x769, maindifference2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't really care what you do, you're unimportant to me, and probably most of the people in your life.

>> No.22046763

astroturfed Jewish twofer

antiChristian = probuttsex

antiMuslim = proZionist

and I say this as an atheist

>> No.22046764

>and I say this as an atheist

Lol no you don't. Christians pretend to be atheists on the internet to lend free apparent credibility to anti atheist argumentation. They have been at this since the Usenet days.

>> No.22046766
File: 168 KB, 1172x829, nnk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't really care what you do, you're unimportant to me, and probably most of the people in your life.
Kek, imagine projecting and telling on yourself this much. Next time do the work before you form strong opinions about something LARPer.

>> No.22046769

blindingly based

>> No.22046771

Memers btfo

>> No.22046783
File: 329 KB, 1248x1266, nnk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to win a meme war when you're ideology is a meme.

>> No.22046801
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>> No.22046806

This was considered counter culture for millennials because they grew up during the Bush years because Bush's FCC were constantly censoring popular media for indecency. Howard Stern used to get fined so often he made a bit out of it on his show. Now we've gone full circle and the FBI considers the Latin Mass to be white supremacist domestic terrorism.

>> No.22046809
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>> No.22046814


>> No.22046866
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Based God Squad

>> No.22046972
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>> No.22047030

Atheist movement never recovered

>> No.22047035



>> No.22047072
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>many of the nones believe in god and pray

Nones are a sad lot of confused small brains who belive in god, Jesus, karma, ghosts, systemic racism, gay rights.

They’re mostly Reddit types who don’t want to ruin their image by being associated with the what the news calls the boogie man (Christians! They rape kids and enslave Africans!)

>> No.22047075

>no you
Every time, kek.

>> No.22047094

Most English speaking philosophers are analytic.

>> No.22047134
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wait,we're still taking atheist 'intellectuals' seriously?
i thought we all agreed that they were grifters when we saw how they show their fangs to the religious but run and hide when the ' biology isn't real' and ' men and women are the same' crowd is in town.

>> No.22047580

>Almost evryone here is obsessed with philosophy and has a higher education level with logic.
No they aren't lmao. You can count on your hands the people here who actually know anything about philosophy.

>> No.22047597 [DELETED] 

Holy blatant attempt to manufacture concensus, Batman!
By that same logic, the Catholic church is discredited for covering up pedophilia.

>> No.22047601

Holy blatant attempt to manufacture consensus, Batman!
By that same logic, the Catholic church is discredited for covering up pedophilia

>> No.22047612
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Actually we've moved on to post-rationalist/post-new atheism



>> No.22047616


>> No.22047623

As long as you're not a tradlarper, that's good enough for me.

>> No.22047723

who cares?
cock in my mouth

>> No.22048180

You can’t form an ethical framework (or meaning) while presupposing that nothing metaphysical may exist (meaning is metaphysical). It’s a tool to understand physical processes, it is not a coherent and non-contradicting epistemology.

Revelation meanwhile is an epistemological basis predicated upon a metaphysical truth that (from presuppositional argument) God exists. If revelation is from God, then we have a internally consistent framework that we can derive ethics and meaning from.

Of course you have to agree that God exists and parse through revelations and see which is true from what standpoint, etc, but between the two, the strongest position to me is revelation.

>> No.22048199

Now this is getting meta.

>> No.22048207

>he hasn't read Air Is Tottle

>> No.22048269

If Christian ethics is so perfect, why have Christians spent thousands of years shitting on the world? Why are the most devoted Christians in the present so immoral, corrupt, and hateful?
You motherfuckers rebuilt Rome and say your shit doesn't stink.

>> No.22048304

>If Christian ethics is so perfect, why have Christians spent thousands of years shitting on the world?
Christianity is responsible for the cultural paradigm that ended slavery as a global institution. You're welcome.
>Why are the most devoted Christians in the present so immoral, corrupt, and hateful?
They're not but why did so many prominent New Atheists turn out to be perverts? Also, why did an ideological schism about the sexualization of women completely destroy the New Atheist movement if they're so rationale and the morals (they pretend to) are so easily sorted? Kek.

>> No.22048412

was this typed out by a 14 year old kid sitting in detention?

>> No.22048420
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>> No.22048433

not an argument albeit

>> No.22048438

>turn out to be perverts
catholic church albeit

>> No.22048525

Because they saw South Park make fun of bible belt christians a couple times so they thought whatever is the polar opposite of that is the right take to have.

>> No.22048704

People love hating others and will look for groups where hating a group of people is considered good and righteous.

>> No.22048755

>Holy blatant attempt to manufacture consensus, Batman!
Did your fedora fall right off your head with that one? Tipped it pretty hard there...

>> No.22048773
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>it's real

>> No.22048845

Yep, and you saw anti-SJWs make fun of fat feminists and did the very same thing, and starting larping as the first traditionalist thing you could find, usually a very virtue signalling version of Catholicism, even though most of you hate everything it stands for

>> No.22048862

Not a christian, but the point is to have a point itself. Having no revealed basis created more horror than misguided Christians extrapolating rulings and decisions from scriptures that are not actually there. At least there are core teachings that can never be denied no matter how rotten the heart is. Statistically, secular societies committed more genocide and eugenics in a couple decades than any religious civilisation in centuries. I don’t know anything more horrifying than that.

>> No.22048865
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>> No.22048898

It was the thing when they were university age kind of like claiming men can get pregnant and convincing zoomers to cut their dicks off en masse. Better times.

>> No.22049015

Based and /thread