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22042856 No.22042856 [Reply] [Original]

I was doing one of these paid marketing studies today. One of the other participants mentioned their main concern with the product is that the affects of it would absolutely discriminate against black people, migrants and poor people.

I asked her why she was specifically concerned about those groups of people and pointed out that in a marketplace of 1000s of other similar companies there was the opportunity for discrimination of any kind to be used depending on the values of the company in question. She responded by saying "because its institutional" I pressed her a little further and she again reverted to "because its institutional". I could tell she was pissed off but I'm not entirely sure why or what she meant by institutional?

I've never been in a research session where people seemed viscerally pissed that I simply asked a question. I'm genuinely kind of taken back by it researchers are meant to be impartial but even the people conducting the research cut me off.

>> No.22042901

It’s supposed to be a sort of platonic essence of everything in the western world. It’s an necessary part of western society. If you have western civilization you have racism. By necessity.

It’s a priori.

Its similar to original sin.

Its of course complete fantasy and clearly false but it’s spread with religious zeal and operates like original sin. We can never atone for racism and there is no christ to redeem us.

A total and complete political weapon created for the left.

It’s absurd. Really. Slavery exists today and existed for thousands of years. But we need to atone for slavery if a few hundred thousand from 1690-1863 or whatever.

Even if you aren’t American.

But it’s audience are clowns and don’t have a western concept of Justice and stands to make a great wealth from it.

>> No.22042919

what product are you talking about?

it's quite simple, basically institutionalized racism denotes the idea that social institutions such as law, law enforcement, housing, health care, education and so on developed in such a way that they disadvantage racial minorities.
Take employment, studies where they sent in the same job application, one with a black sound name like tyrone kasheera and one with a white sounding name like josh kevinkyle have found that you're less likely to be hired when you have a nignog name. The hr people may not exclude black from the jobs consciously out of malice but things like negative stereotypes about black work ethic and so on impact the way these job applications were perceived. In the real world that means blacks are less likely to be hired at better jobs over their white peers and are more likely to stay poor. Mind you this is a very simplified explanation and googling it will lead you to a bunch of stuff that do a better job at explaining it

>> No.22042922

The Steve Sailor/Charles Murray stuff is ruled out a priori. So how do we explain certain disparities?

>> No.22042925

I was earnestly baffled as the product in question was a free service who's companies would gain money from an increased amount of users. Racism and discrimination definitely exist but the ability to make money seems to trump the desire to discriminate against someone. I really just wish she had explained her position. I ended up feeling like a dick for even asking honestly.

>> No.22042927

So it means noticing things?

>> No.22042928

It has a technical definition, she was just angry that she wasn't academic and trying to cover her lack of learning.

>> No.22042944

IThe research is about public opinion of digital identity services (online passport, birth certificate, national insurance etc;) and the risks they pose. Our government wants to outsource this to private industry so there's a new market emerging of digital identity providers and the government wants to make sure it regulates them effectively. A lot of concerns of people are that it will discriminate against ethnic minorities and the queer community but in a country where this is strictly illegal to do it strikes me as an unfounded concern. Especially when the service itself is completely free and ha 1000s of companies providing similar services within the same market.

My point was that there are thousands of options to choose from. I wasn't trying to chastise her I just was unaware of her reasoning and felt somewhat of a cold shoulder from her and the researcher after asking the question.

>> No.22042948

What kind of "discrimination" are we talking here? For example, is it a facial recognition system that guesses how likely you are to be a criminal based on physiognomy?

>> No.22042958

>The hr people may not exclude black from the jobs consciously out of malice but things like negative stereotypes about black work ethic and so on impact the way these job applications were perceived. In the real world that means blacks are less likely to be hired at better jobs over their white peers and are more likely to stay poor. Mind you this is a very simplified explanation and googling it will lead you to a bunch of stuff that do a better job at explaining it

Perhaps the point she was trying to make is that digital identity providers will make it easier to discriminate against minorities. I just wish she had explained that. I didn't get this from her answer. She kind of defected to using buzzwords that I wasn't familiar with.

She seemed fairly intelligent and I would have to assume university educated.

>> No.22042966

Again I don't know what she meant by it which is why I pressed her about it. The tech itself is dependant on the provider but a basic example would be a single account you set up that contains all your necessary documentation and say if you need to provide your passport as a means of id at a job interview the digital id would verify you to the company without the need for you to share the actual document.

The idea to me seems kind of fucked. I would not trust any entity to hold all of my data and I really support people's concerns I just don't understand what all of them are exactly.

>> No.22042978

>digital identity providers will make it easier to discriminate against minorities
That's not a problem inherent with the product. If it gets abused, the abuser is the one at fault. In fact, this isn't even institutional racism, she was just looking for a way to complain on behalf of the brown ones and said something totally incorrect. However you should have been more clear in your response, you kind of phrased it like "who cares about racism as long as it fits the values of the company (money)"

>> No.22042988

You're not a dick for asking. She just assumed you would automatically be on the "right side of history" and just nod your head in recognition of the buzzword. The effects of discrimination over centuries, lack of generational wealth, and stereotypes are still upon us and continue to leave minorities in disadvantaged positions though, and all of these things and more combine to create what might be called "institutionalized racism", kind of like what >>22042919 mentioned. For the record, I'm not trying to be preachy or say it's your problem, just to contextualize the idea of "institutionalized racism" or something.

>> No.22042998

This is a literature forum

>> No.22043020

Yeah slavery had no impact on anybody and was just some antiquated practice with no lasting sociopolitical importance. I feel bad for reactionary losers like you whose worldview is so warped by your projection and/or lack of a Girlfriend and father figure

>> No.22043023

Racism is a dogmatic assumption and challenging that assumption will 100% evoke hostility.

>> No.22043030

The only " institutional racism", by definition, is affirmative action and its various spin-offs.

>> No.22043034

Is the slavery in the room with us now?

>> No.22043035

You will be saying the exact same thing in 10 years, in 20, in 100, 1000, etc. It never ends.

>> No.22043039

You're engaging with an imbecile who functions via external locus of control and absolutely gets energy from misery.

>> No.22043048

>discussion about alleged racism
>starts talking about gfs or father figures while having the audacity to accuse the other side of "projection"

>> No.22043051

if you listened to op's speaker, you'd ironically believe the first part of your sentence. black african families were better off and stronger immediately after the civil war than they were post civil rights movement. gov subsidized single black women and the inability to grow past southern poor redneck behavior is why the communities still to this day are poisoned and no amount of reparations will change that.

>> No.22043057

Yeah, but blacks truly have a poor work ethic. If I have to hire blacks, I should be able to pay them less because they have less output than another worker.
>If black people ceased to exist, what positive things would be lost?
Absolutely nothing.

>> No.22043061

Because enslaving people for hundreds of years and then violently preventing them from voting and maintaining economic sovereignty for another hundred has lasting consequences. Are you implying it doesn’t? It seems like your whole overdramatic handwringing stems from your fear that a liberal blue-hair boogeyman is gonna give you a boo-boo lmao.

>> No.22043063

Let's say there are two companies in town--the rich company and the poor company. Anybody can get a job at the poor company, but to get a job at the rich company, you have to know a certain set of jokes. The only way to know the right jokes is for someone to tell them to you. But the people at the rich company and the people at the poor company go to different parties and shop at different stores, and so it's very rare for someone who works for the poor company to ever learn the jokes. There are also two schools--the rich school and the poor school. The rich school is the place where most people learn the jokes. The only way to go to the rich school is if your parents work at the rich company. In the past, though, the rich school was just for whites and the rich company was just for whites too. So, even though the people who run these institutions are no longer racist, we can see that it's still basically impossible for black people to work for the rich company, because the only way to work for the rich company is to go to the rich school and the only way to go to the rich school is to work for the rich company, with only a few exceptions. So, even though the members of society are no longer intentionally racist, the racist intentions of people from several generations ago are still present, unintentionally, in the institutions.

>> No.22043071

It'll end once black people as a whole have a decent sized middle class, become self-sufficient again, and engage in honest self-criticism about nig-nog culture in order to move past it. At this point, what is needed is some kind of radical black nationalist movement that allows black people to voluntarily segregate into "black territories", then the progressives can shut the fuck about it and the racists can stop bitching about noggerism.

In other words, no it'll never end.

>> No.22043072

>OP asks what Institutional racism is
>that guy responds out of left field with his weepy ‘oh the horror’ bullshit
>everybody else is projecting


>> No.22043081

>We can never atone for racism and there is no christ to redeem us.
Couldn't we just crucify brownoids en masse until Jesus 2.0 pops up?

>> No.22043085

well for one thing if those services are paid then that's one way how the entry fee would be a sort of paywall that disadvantages those groups that are already economically fucked. Another possible way i can see is minorities getting bureaucratic chicanery, but that's already happening. Idk man, i'm not american and it's not obvious to me, i think she should have actually explained it to you, you seem like a fella that listens, but instead she just kept chastising you for not seeing it immediately. On another note i don't wanna live in a future where i have to watch 30 secs of mcdonald's ads before i can show the border guard my google passport app

>> No.22043090

>Yeah, but blacks truly have a poor work ethic.
They actually work really hard, but a lot of black people are very political in how they live their lives. They will work night and day on projects that they CARE about, something that's important to the cause, the culture. Of course, this radicalism often gets in the way of their material success, but you gotta have principles right?

>> No.22043096

I had a rebuttal typed up but on further consideration i have noticed that this is bait.

>> No.22043099

despite the reddit spacing, the content wasn't bullshit. he's absolutely right. every single race has been enslaved at some point in history. it still exists in parts of africa, hilariously enough, as well as the middle east and china. it's a dangled talking point from blue politicians that will never, ever follow through with anything other than more measures that incentivize out of wedlock kids and single mother house holds.

>> No.22043101

I'm a white, hard-line traditionalist and Monarchist, btw. I'm disappointment to vote for Trump or DeSantis, because they are too liberal. Still, you don't have to be liberal to understand how society works. You just have to grow out of the rugged individualism that only exists in spaghetti westerns.

>> No.22043105

Every post is bait.

>> No.22043109


>> No.22043116
File: 22 KB, 467x412, th_i.goncharov.oblomov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> “And here I work and worry night and day,” Oblomov went on in the injured voice of a man who is not rightly appreciated; “sometimes I lie awake at night with a burning head and sinking heart, turning over from side to side, thinking how I can arrange things for the best . . . for whom? Why, for the peasants, and that means for you too. I dare say when you see me pull the blanket over my head you think I lie there like a log and sleep; but no, I don’t sleep, I keep thinking hard what I can do that my peasants should not suffer any privations, should not envy other people, and complain against me to the Lord God on the Day of Judgment, but should pray for me and remember the good I have done them. Ungrateful men !” Oblomov concluded bitterly.
> “How could your tongue have uttered it?” [Oblomov] continued. “And in my plan I had already assigned you a house and a kitchen garden, so much flour per month, and a salary ! You were to be my steward and butler and agent! The peasants would bow low to you, everyone would call you Zahar Trofimitch; and here he is not content, and compares me to ‘other people’ ! That’s my reward ! A nice way of treating his master !”

>> No.22043118

What I said is based in elementary historial fact. You are crying and weeping like a fucking woman because of how hard the white man supposedly has it. Do you hear yourself?

>> No.22043119

Read "Race Matters" by Cornel West (but read it critically). You'll see that his ilk, though well intentioned, doesn't have a real vision for change and loaded terminology like "systemic racism" is a nebulous catchall that neoliberalism uses as a moral veneer to further it's economic and ideologically hegemonic interests.

Basically, it fucks over working class people (either by way of delegitimizing their criticism or appealing to the worst aspects of human nature--tribally rooted resentment) and symbolically legitimizes minorities while the established political class gives up nothing.

>> No.22043120
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>> No.22043125
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>> No.22043131
File: 949 KB, 900x640, kissclipart-french-revolution-political-cartoons-clipart-frenc-7d4d2ba6192df94d-2645319788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22043136

Let's take your assumption about hard work on "culture" to be correct. In most cases, culture does not pay the bills. However, blacks are too stupid to realise the importance of saving capital and hence live in poverty for generation to generation. It does not take a genius to realise that saving capital would lead to more cultural work since you wouldn't constantly be bugged by debt collectors, live in crime-ridden and disruptive areas with no infrastructure like public transport etc. Even with your assumption, blacks come across as stupid.
Additionally, blacks have not made any positive contributions to culture. The negrification of America and its exportation to the rest of the west has been a disaster. The only reason why black culture is promulgated so is because blacks exemplify the high-time preference consumerist attitude, which the capitalist loves.

>> No.22043138

>"Race Matters"
P.S. Note West's admission that "affirmative action" doesn't actually work and his purely emotional rationale as to why it shouldn't be given up (i.e. to maintain symbolic victory) despite this fact.

>> No.22043140

No one gives a shit about class struggle anymore. This century is apparently just about keeping pretty much every institution intact while replacing whites with blacks and minorities. THEN, they say, the revolution will come after all the institutions have changed hands

>> No.22043150

If you want to stop the tide of demographic change, have kids. oh wait lmao

>> No.22043161

Yessirree. My mother is an ethnic Jew and my girlfriend is black so you definitely don't want me having any kids kekeroo.

>> No.22043166
File: 373 KB, 905x1000, Jean-Jacques Rousseau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> “In a well governed state, there are few punishments, not because there are many pardons, but because criminals are rare; it is when a state is in decay that the multitude of crimes is a guarantee of impunity.”
Well, criminality bros?

>> No.22043186

>No one gives a shit about class struggle anymore.
Except the people responsible for electing a demagogue on the perception he was an anti-politician. The idea of class on the left has been sublimated into racial and sexual identitarianism. Neoliberalism took hold of that fringe and basically made the left their puppets.

Pretending class struggle is irrelevant is basically buying into neoliberal nonsense and going along with their excuse to give the underclass symbolic handouts and lipservice while actually furthering the interests of urban elites.

>> No.22043218

Other people — those whom you mean — are God-forsaken wretches, rough, uncultured people who live in some attic in dirt and poverty. They can sleep quite comfortably on a mat somewhere in a yard. All that is nothing to them. They guzzle herrings and potatoes. Poverty drives them from pillar to post and they keep on the run all day. They might be ready enough to move to new lodgings, I dare say. Lyagaev, for instance, would put the ruler under his arm, tie up two shirts in a handkerchief, and go off. . . . ‘Where are you going?’ ) am moving, he would say. This is what ‘other people are ! And you imagine I am like them?

>> No.22043349
File: 281 KB, 640x442, the manoforklift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pretending class struggle is irrelevant is basically buying into neoliberal nonsense
No, no I agree with you. What I meant by my post is that the discourse excludes any real conversation about class struggle or analysis, because like you said class has been sublimated by the rainbow prism of identity. When I said people don't give a shit about it, I didn't mean that they SHOULDN'T or that it's not relevant, but that, objectively, people just don't seem to want to hear about it now.
Also, when you say
>Except the people responsible for electing a demagogue on the perception he was an anti-politician
What do you mean by this? And do you think Trump's voter base would make good Marxists or good Communists? I swear I'm not baiting with these questions, I want to know what you think.

>> No.22043564

Except there are two original sins in the new religion. The other one being men existing as men.

>> No.22043757
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read pic related

>> No.22043849

There are many things that advantage people. Being tall, physically attractive, in good health, living past the age of 13, having legs, not being kidnapped as an adolescent, the list is literally endless. A common rejoinder is that "all things equal, those things are worse if you're black." But isn't that true of all these things? "All these equals, it's worse to be ugly, sick, not have legs, etc". We would have to do the accounting on which of these maladies is worse than the other, assign a ranking of sorts so that we know which ones to address. At this point, any sane person should be able to see why this entire pursuit is absolute lunacy.

>> No.22043867

>do you think Trump's voter base would make good Marxists or good Communists?
No, not at all. The GOP is just more open to direct populism and less closed off than the Democrats (e.g. look at the difference between the number of superdelegates each party has in their respective primary systems). Disenfranchised voters have more impact via throwing their lot in with the right than they do the left and that's how someone like Trump was able to move through the primary system of a major party and become president. One of the main reasons there was such, and continues to be, a strong elitist reaction against Trump is because he wasn't subject to the constraints imposed by traditional gatekeepers. It's palpably dangerous for elites, it's a signal of instability and systemic distrust. Liberals are channelling such through the language of identity politics which arguably creates a lot more division and raises pressure (just look how they feel fine attacking SCOTUS, one of the three pillars of US democracy, to the point of an assassination attempt on a justice that was barely even covered by the press). His election was pretty much a referendum on the level of faith people have in the political elite and liberals seem blind to the fact people have a sense of their bullshitting (e.g. Wasserman-Schultz getting caught actively rigging the primaries for Clinton only to resign, Obama had to personally call her and tell her she needed to, and get hired to a top position in that campaign the next day or Clinton/Obama taking in millions in "speaking fees" from Wall Street banks upon leaving office--Hilary was even dumb enough be recorded assuring one such group her outward economic policy was something she needed to say to get elected and not to worry). People are sick of the that flavor of corruption to the point Trump's shady practices means fuck all when he isn't directly associated with establishment cronyism.

>> No.22043930

Michael Moore (of all people) nailed Trump even before the 2016 election

He was pretty much a hand grenade working class/non-college educated America was throwing into a room full of politicians. Nobody cares about whatever the fuck policies he was proposing, they just wanted to elect him and witness the cope&seethe

>> No.22043944

That name study was bullshit iirc. Couldn’t be replicated, like ~70%+ of social “science” work

>> No.22043957

Do you hold that the primary mechanism of disadvantage for ADOS is slavery and associated repercussions? Or, counterfactually, do you believe that American blacks would have achieved economic and social parity with American whites absent slavery? Trying to figger out how mindfucked you are

>> No.22044061

Im sensing a trick question designed for you to drop some half-baked ‘truth bomb’ about how Great Society policies and the ‘inherent laziness of blacks’ simultaneously undid and outweighed the impact of hundreds of years of slavery and historically-documented systemic abuse that was designed to keep blacks as second-class citizens or less. Find some new material you demented fuck

>> No.22044082

>systemic racism isn’t real
>everybody in this thread is openly racist and advocating for violence against non-whites and discriminatory hiring practices
>also, everybody else is the bad guy

Meds and therapy

>> No.22044084

Like I said. You cannot win. You’re guilty of racism simply by being white. It’s metaphysical.

It’s best in real public situations to let them say their bit and move on without agreeing or disagreeing. They’re basically just evangelizing you don’t have to get baptized or solve racism to make them happy. They want their virtue to be known

>> No.22044098
File: 7 KB, 250x238, 6BB3CFD0-F9BC-46CE-9811-C29EA736CC7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn’t a trick question you moron, it was an attempt to discern whether you’re strictly against any sort of hereditarian explanation. I assume you are; even if you weren’t, at this point idc because you’re baiting or too retarded for me to give a shit. Enjoy the (You)

>> No.22044103

Half of Europe was enslaved by rome and Arabs for a lot longer than blacks were enslaved by a small minority in a small region of America.

They didn’t get freed either they got crucified if they acted up. And they weren’t picking cotton and singing the blues they were working the quarry and moving marble til they dropped dead and the next poor bastard got dropped in.

This. Nobody Alive in USA Today enslaved any blaxk person and all of them pay in to Medicaid every god dam pay period.

The whole woke thing is absurd and proof we need real religion because you atheist types will just film the void with the dumbest shit.

>> No.22044110

its a slave-moralistic interpretation of culture

>> No.22044112

You’ve confused yourself using big words you don’t understand. Goodbye!

>> No.22044120

bold of you to assume minorities are capable of this in the west. they love the same slop as whites and will use violence to make sure they still get dopamine hits

>> No.22044129

to be fair, why is this bad though? the educated have always seen themselves as being the betters of those who actually made efforts to build up the west but it took people like Pol Pot to see through the bullshit

>> No.22044136

the thing about racism and the idea about it being institutional, or that idea of institutions as existing has some fantasies about them. Racism existed as logic of thinking defined by the other of races that existed specifically in America(europeans had racism too differentiated from ethnic or national discrimination but didn't evolve until the inspiration of american rascism in the late 1900s, as many groups today considered white were also othered in the logic that existed in europe.) the idea of an instution is just faulty, an instution is a fantasy it is a construction, what is there is the logic of thinking of insitution, that logic informs the operation of that insitution, this critical error in the concept of institutions having power, simply they are logics of thinking, is why I am so critical of marx and his idea of superstructure, because things arent defined top down but instead by each individual logical path (this movement is toward this concept is the formation of society is done by zizeks critique of ideology.) Racism was a logic of thinking that runs its own course, you can very clearly see how liberalism (egalite frat etc.) logically ended the supposed scientific racism that the enlightment and liberalism it self brought about. but you are seeing it even now that conservatism (sort comes from the same logic) runs racism out its course due to belief largely being more important at determining your interests rather than the label of identity, with an example being andrew tate, who is the face of this new right movement who is lightskin. but what we are left is the consequence of the racist view, rather than a racism now(in most cases) things like suburbia cars etc that were used to get away from black people affect us today. like many people in the suburbs and in car dependent cities wonder "how did we let this happen we can't even do walking the simplest thing to anywhere" and the reason why we cannot see the reason is that has logically has written itself away. It was that they wanted to get as far away from black people as possible. So we are left with messes like this. racism is not institutional but it's logic still effects our world today, not even in a distant way but in your immediate surroundings.

>> No.22044154

Idiot. The nature of the slavery you think you’re describing was essentially mass Indentured servitude that doesn’t really compare with the brutal psychosexual chattel slavery of the south. You’re getting your information from movies and fantasy novels.

The south was not some ‘small part of the country’, it was a cultural and agricultural powerhouse with millions of people that nearly received backing from several world powers and squared up evenly against the states for 3 whole years. If the military commanders weren’t booger picking rednecks we’d be reading a very different story. Also, nice of you to forget that the TA slave trade involved 95% of the countries in north, central, and South America and had lasting impact since slavery preceded modern nation building, industrial development and constitutions, rather than existing formlessly within loosely defined nation states with no solid borders or transnational law.

TL;DR: you’re fucking stupid lol

>> No.22044164

Imagine actually typing this with no sense of irony lmao

>> No.22044302

Systemic racism isnt real. Racism is real. Simple as. So you think 4chan has systemic power? Kek.

>> No.22044358

That was part of it but some people mistook him for actually being someone who would "drain the swamp" instead of a false prophet. Watch Errol Morris's Steve Bannon movie, I think it's called American Dharma.

>> No.22044420

>the civilization that ended slavery as a global institution occuring in pretty much every human society regardless of cultural distance is SYSTEMICALLY RACIST
>the countries that are filling themselves with immigrants without cultural biases are SYSTEMICALLY RACIST
You seriously drink that Kool aid? Kek.

>> No.22044435

Yeah, it's just what follows if you rule out the truth.

Remember, if there were a system, it would be regular racism. Systemic racism is just...like...in the air...unobservable, unfalsifiable, and your fault.

>> No.22044476

>I’m sensing
>goes on some boomerdem rant involving LBJ
Kek check out this faggot

>> No.22044488

Sorry bro, disparate group performance exists because groups are different. Slavery, no slavery, yt or not, SSA are less intelligent and higher time preference, as a group, than Euros, Asians, and pretty much every other group.

>> No.22044517

It is shit too, because there are persuasive aspects of economic leftism.

This racial replacement is nothing but nonsensical and abhorrent if you are a straight white male, and we are going to be the new scapegoats for the next century.

I pray every day for the end of the western world. It is clear it will soon become a vessel for something truly evil, and the sooner it is stopped, the better.

>> No.22044564

Could it be that tyrone kaneesha had a worse resume? Or that josh kevinkyle interviewed better?

>> No.22044568

Black people will only have a decent middle class if they are isolated from white people or if they change their lazy, violent, and anti-math culture.

>> No.22044577

An excuse for blacks to get money and/or good jobs. A good chunk of whites agreed because they thought they would be the middle-men to manage all the gibs.

>> No.22044594

There have been studies set out to observe it ans study it
If the studies show no disparity between races then you can rule out there being racism in said system
>Your fault
It is systemic and therefore it is nobody's or everybody's fault.
But i guess you juat ruled out the truth to make up those claims

>> No.22044721

Wow, not one thing you wrote in that post is correct. If you're trying to bait, congrats.

>> No.22044726

Pretty much this

>> No.22044733

Irony is a normie thing. I transcend that. Also you’re a faggot and you mother deserves

>> No.22044737

The concept of systemic racism is based on post hoc nonsense and ideological bias. Simple as.

>> No.22044738

Irony is a normie thing, I transcend that. Also you’re faggot and your mother deserves to get raped.

>> No.22044744

Deserves rape. God I hate this fucking place having to literal peons

>> No.22044750

Can you even type?

>> No.22044810

they're just niggers dude. we are all descended from slaves just some of us aren't niggers.

>> No.22044824

Pattern recognition is a racist spook, didn't you hear?

>> No.22044842

Agreed. That was the point I was ultimately trying to make. Albeit super clumsily.

Yes I should have phrased it more clearly. We each get like 15 seconds to talk and it was difficult formulating a decent question in that time.

It's not that I don't think racism is a problem I just don't understand why it is so focused on as a prejudice. Almost all companies and individuals are biased in some way. Why am I supposed to care about this specific form of bias?

Did the pakistani landlord who wouldn't rent to me on account of my mental health problems care about discrimination? Or did he do what he felt was in his self interest? Was I able to find another landlord that was indifferent within a week? Yes. People suck and the world is unfair but you do have options. The main exception to this is when it's a service you are forced to use or you live in an area where you have zero options.

Thank you I appreciate the clarification. I assumed she meant that the businesses themselves would be racist which I couldnt wrap my head around. It makes sense that conceptually it's a much more overarching concept. It reminds me somewhat of class consciousness.

I didn't know where else to post this. This is the big brain board and you guys seem to have way more context than somewhere like /adv/.

Yeah you're completely right. I should never try and investigate or expand my knowledge and instead simply stew in my own ignorance so you can have an easy target to launch you're repressed homosexuality and victim complex at.

Yeah that makes complete sense. Yet at the same time I grew up in uk. My mother grew up on a council estate and my dad laid brick. I have been homeless etc;etcetc; (oppression olympics garbage). I'm not getting into that country club either. Why are my setbacks less of a disadvantage than an black person in the same position? What qualifies one as being more deserving than the other?

Ultimately my objection was not that this tool couldn't be used to discriminate I merely wanted to know why she and 7 other participants felt that was an inevitable consequence of the tech and was more likely than any other form of abuse? I share her concerns about the potential misuse of the technology to the letter. My question exactly was "Why is the abuse or discrimination of poor people, black people and the disadvantaged more of a concern to you than any other form of potential abuse and why do you feel this is likely?".

>> No.22044843

Whites have been enslaved, Asians, Arabs, Inuits, 'Native Americans', etc and yet they don't act like niggers. They got over this 'generational trauma' that niggers can't for some reason. Niggers will always talk about muh slavery, doesn't matter if two centuries from now pass, because without that excuse they have nothing to show for themselves being incapable if greater qualities and establishments. I did not enslave you or your ancestors, you aren't enslaved now. If you are to say Icm responsible for my ancestors actiobs then pay me for my enslaved and genocided ancestors and for them also ending slavery.

>> No.22044845

You subhuman piece of shit. My country was under the ottoman rule for over 500 years till we fought multiple extremely bloody wars to free ourselves. Not to mention various brutalities Christian communities who didn't convert underwent.
Niggers are not special in being slaves. In fact whites are the only ones special enough to somewhat abolish slavery-not completely as the current world order does enslave quite a bit of the Earth, but somehow that's not what's worth fighting against because it would take away your actual privileges. While fighting "systemic racism" is quite comfy.

>> No.22044898

I would have agreed wholeheartedly but the tech is universally free and the company would make their money by contracting their app to other private entities to use as ID verification.

Yeah the bureaucratic discrimination is something that only occurred to me after this discussion and is such a great point. Unfortunately it took me asking the "wrong" question and having the awkward moment to learn more about her position. I don't think I deserved to be belittled by the host if i'm honest. Especially when other participants have been abrupt with me if I have mistepped with a statement.

>On another note i don't wanna live in a future where i have to watch 30 secs of mcdonald's ads before i can show the border guard my google passport app

Thank you I will give it a read when I have more context. I have made a point to finish the classics before I move on to anything more modern.

Yeah I kind of regret engaging them at all. Part of it was the lack of understanding on my end and I think the other part was that I asked questions at all or possibly the tone I took when I asked. That being said it was kind of funny to see the one researcher lady stumble around her words at the end. "Can i just remind everyone that it isntokay to ask questions about people's opinions... No well it is okay to ask questions but it isnt okay to ask why... somebody thinks something. uh okay moving on". She really had nothing. People hate the nuero divergent.

Yes along with every single thought and idea ever conceived of and acted up since the beginning of time. Why are the effects of racism more noteworthy than that of christianity, pessimism, stoicism or gary that works at the hard wear store?

>> No.22044944

Trying my best not to straw man cultural Marxist I'll explain as best I understand.
A. White people are culturally dominant
B. White people therefore are culturally conditioned to be subconsciously racist
C. Any orginization made up of white people is functionally racist
D. This is the fault of everyone in the orginization
E. The orginization must pay reparation to the victims community, whether or not they were specifically victimised

But in practice it's just a Jewish way of vilifying people and subverting groups, where there's no evidence of wrongdoing or a identifiable victim.

The best response is to take it personally and act as if you've been personally accused of racism.
"How dare you accuse me of being racist" and you force the kike to backedal from that point until you've phisically forced them out of the door and if necessary your country

>> No.22045075

Pattern recognition is a cultural construct

>> No.22045079

>How dare you accuse me of being racist
Bad move. First you fall into the white fragility trap, they know how to respond to that.
Secondly, you are doubling down on the idea that racism is bad, and if you had in fact been racist you would have been in the wrong. They win again

>> No.22045105

Cultural discrimination is not inherently bad, and your neoliberal values like "diversity" are in no seperate class.

The claim of systematic racism is indeed unfalsifiable because attribution of a trend to a single cause is fallacious reasoning, and you cannot prove (not can it be disproven) that racism subconscious or otherwise is the driver behind discrimination against ethnic minorities.

Put simply: the majority have the right to cultural ownership, minorities do not have the right to discriminate against them

>> No.22045110

I'm saying that you feign outrage to end the discussion, then beat up the jew. There's no fragility.

These people make covert attacks against us then claim to be the victims when we attack them overly; the answer is to simply claim to be under overt attack from the outset to justify an overt response.

>> No.22045157

It is racism defined in a way you cant disprove.

>> No.22045246

Idk, the systemic racism meme doesn’t stand up to scrutiny very well at all.

They obviously don’t want to be challenged because it’s embarassinf

>> No.22045278

Of course it doesn't. Once you start splitting up the ethnicities it falls apart. This racism hurts Bangladeshis but not Indians? Jamaicans get hit differently to Nigerians?
It may explain some disparities, but its a square peg. Because we aren't allowed to talk about culture or genetics

>> No.22046561

>The best response is to become reactionary
No. That cedes the territory legitimizes the discussion. At work OP doesn't have a choice but to go along with what the client wants but in private life you state your reasons to reject their hypothesis and present an alternative.

>> No.22046942

They essentially cleared the air of actual racism. In turn, the idea of systemic racism keeps white people in a perpetual state of apologetics over their very existence. It's a great way of totally dismantling them. All of this could have been avoided if they had just shrugged their shoulders and said "yes we are racist, so what?" 150 years ago but they made a mistake and fell for the shit test so now they are completely fucked as a group and will voluntarily suicide themselves in a vain attempt at chasing a constantly receding mirage.
Black people for their part are keenly aware that this system allows them to continuously extract resources from white people so they will tacitly support it even when they know it is bullshit. Some of them really are true believers though.

>> No.22047746

>If the studies show no disparity between races then you can rule out there being racism in said system
Yes, the point is the “studies” can show disparities between groups but that those disparities are better explained by other theories, not racism in the ether