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/lit/ - Literature

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22040950 No.22040950 [Reply] [Original]

Adhd addlepated zoomer looking to improve his ability to stick with and finish books here. I've been using collections of short stories as practice. Are there any good short story collections by famous authors you feel are good to recommend? Recently finished Nine Stories by J.D.Salinger and really enjoyed it

>> No.22040954


>> No.22040959


>> No.22040961


>> No.22041024
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Blind willow, sleeping woman by Murakami
Dubliners by Joyce
The streets of crocodiles by Shulz

>> No.22041055


>> No.22042821
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Scott Alexander is good

>> No.22042937

This board published two short story collections, but I can't remember their names

>> No.22042942

Seconding Borges. King of short stories and /gigacomf/

>> No.22043130

First one is Hypersphere

>> No.22043168

Guy de Maupassant. Many of his short stories are 3-4 pages, perfect for your TikTok attention span, and almost all of them are at least good, and some are phenomenal.

>> No.22043356

Short stories were the only good things Bradbury wrote and some are pretty good. I think they're best when you're young and the younger the better. Perfect for a zoomer just getting into books. Dandelion Wine and The Martian Chronicles are comfy as hell.

>> No.22043385

Unironically Stephen King

>> No.22044040

O. Henry has some great yet quite simple stories with a varied tone, but mostly humorous. A few of my favorites
>Gift of the Magi
>After 20 years
>The Green Door
>The Ransom of Red Chief
>The voice of the city
>A retrieved Reformation
>Makes the whole world kin
Following this anon >>22043356
I remember reading "There will come soft rains" by Bradbury and enjoyed it.

>> No.22044075
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Shit man, either red or orange. Orange would be the most useful but red would let me live out my fantasy of being Vergil.

>> No.22044282

Seconding Chekhov, Project Gutenberg has a full compilation of all of his short stories for easy access

>> No.22044320

Murakami if you are a pleb. Still good but more modern and easy to read compared to the likes of Chekhov and Borges.

>> No.22044370

Another zoomer anon here.
Are nabokov and hwmingway good as short story writers?
Im thinking of buying their complete short stories but im undecided yet

>> No.22044668
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W. Somerset Maugham is the GOAT short story writer. His range of emotions and settings, his insight into humanity and keen eye for our frailties make him eternally readable.
Do yourself a favour and read him.

>> No.22044988

How is it legal to keep gorillas in zoos again?